Chatham: (519) 352-1601 Wallaceburg: (519) 627-7224 Thank You Once Again For Voting Us The Best Of Audiology / Hearing Specialist Clinic In Chatham-Kent Call and Experience the Difference Our Independent and Locally Owned Hearing Care Clinic Can Make For Your Better Hearing Health! 352-4955 LAWN GARDEN&Al’s HIRINGNOW Apply in person with resume. FREE!THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022Vol. 9 Edition 33 YOUR Independent Community Newspaper Head Office: 670 Irwin St., Chatham Tel: 519.351.9501 Toll free: 1.844.93TITAN (1.844.938.4826) Quality Forklifts At Affordable Prices KEY REPLACEMENTFOBBATTERIES JUST $3.00 plus tax INSTALLATION INCLUDEDAVAILABLE FOR MOST VEHICLE MODELSCost per battery. Certain key fobs require multiple batteries. 131 Park Ave. E., 519-354-4127Chatham Family owned for over 28 years! batter y b Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm • Sat. 9am - 12pm • Sun. Closed By Pam Wright Local Journalism pamwrightlji@gmail.comInitiative Imagine Chatham-Kent has taken a cautious step forward.AtitsAug. 8 meeting, municipal council vot ed to allocate $2-million towards the “due dili gence” aspect of an am bitious plan to repurpose the Downtown Chatham Centre into an expansive civic centre complex, and more. Continued on page 3 Pam Wright/The Chatham Voice Motorists passing by a field of sunflowers on Eberts Line recently might have done a double take when they saw a very realistic scarecrow guarding the field atop a rusty vintage tractor. However, it turned out to be local photographers Dawn Mudford, clad in a straw hat and overhauls, and Mary Lou Bradley. The pair was doing a fun photo shoot. Blonde Seed planted the “field of sunshine” in memory of Barbara Tetzlaff who passed away in 2019. All are welcome to come to the field and make memories as part of the tribute. Donations are welcome with all proceeds going to Chatham-Kent Hospice. They can be made via e-transfer at Out standing in her field C-K to explore DCC proposal
To vote for Kaitlyn Frances go to her Instagram account @kaitlyn francess or access
She’s in it to win it
Kaitlyn Frances Pam Wright/The Chatham Voice Glasstown Brewing showcased its Peerless as part of WAMBO’s many, many displays on the weekend in Wallaceburg.
Fun times at WAMBO
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 News 71 Sass Rd Unit #4, N7M 5J4 519-397-2020 Bruce Corcoran General Managerbruce@chathamvoice.comExt.227 Michelle Owchar Graphicsmichelle@chathamvoice.comExt.226 Jeanine Foulon Salesjeanine@chathamvoice.comExt.228 Peter Zubyk Sales - Ext. peter@chathamvoice.com225 Pam pamwrightlji@gmail.comReporterWright-Ext.232 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:15am - 3:30pm Deadlines for booking ads: Friday prior to publicationGive12:00pmdateusacall at our local office today! 459 St. Clair St., Chatham - 519-351-2040 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown - 519-674-3141 141 Park St., Blenheimwww.mckinlayfuneralhome.com519-676-3451TrusttheProfessionals.Thank you for voting us Best forChatham-Kentofthe7thyear • Funerals ••CelebrationsImmediate Cremations EnjoyEveryWalkingStepYouTake! chatham@bioped.com519-355-1142#7-455GrandAveE.Chatham Open: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm • Friday 8am-4pm In Person Fittings summerSandalsComfyforyour By Pam Wright Contributing Writer Kaitlyn Frances is sing ing a happy tune. The young ingtakingtion“weekTheone,”ingherisandthevotinglevelsthroughfall.woodperformingingsinger/songwriterChathamisedgclosertohergoalofattheHollyBowlthisShe’sgoneseveralofonlinesofarincompetitionasofAug.12numberoneincategory.“I’mstillholdontonumberFrancestoldVoice,addingit’sabyweek”eliminaprocess.AccordingtoFrances,partintheOpenActcontesthasraised her profile. Her songs are getting more views on her YouTube channel and the many Tik Tok videos she’s andperstarswillWeAudacy’sOpeningsummer.artist“Beingbehind,”Canadiancontest“ThisShe’screated.atitconstantly.isanAmericanandIthinkalotofcontentgetsleftFrancesadded.anindependentrepresentingSouthwesternOntarioissomethingI’mproudof.“Butit’salotofwork.”BasedonasubmittedvideoofoneofherperformancestotheOpeningActcontest,FranceswaschosentocompeteearlierthisBasedinLosAngeles,ActispartofeighthannualCanSurviveevent.Thecontest’stopwinneropenformusicsusuchasDojaCattheBlackEyedPeas.
Singer vying to perform in Hollywood Bowl
The Chatham Voice As you fill your shopping cart Aug. 20 while grocery shopping, Cha tham-Kent charities hope you’ll help Fill the Bus as well. Groups such as Helping Hands, Chatham Goodfellows, FreeHelpCK and others are again running the Fill the Bus campaign on Saturday. The event will see school buses parked outside five Chatham lo cations – Sobey’s, No Frills, Food Basics, Giant Tiger and the Real Ca nadian Superstore – from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to accept donations of non-per ishable food and school supplies. Fill the Bus
“If I win and get to perform in front of 19,000 people and some body I’ve idolized, I’ll die,” Frances exclaimed.However, who this year’s su perstars are is under wraps for now with the list of stars to be an nounced in September. And even though Frances has stayed in the top spot for the past month, a voting reset will take place Aug. 22. Then she’ll be starting all over as she will go back to zero votes. That segment of the voting runs until Sept. 1 and it’s when Frances will need community support. For now, Frances said she will keep “plugging away” as she advo cates for herself in the online world. She’s also babying her voice fol lowing a bout of laryngitis, brought on by the extra strain of constant recording.“I’mtaking better care of myself,” Frances added. “It’s a balance I need to learn.”
Check us out!
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 PAGE 3 News 108 Keil Dr. South, Chatham • • 519-351-3881 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat & Sun 9am-5pm CLEAN & WEDDINGYOURBOXDRESSHERE!! Proudly Supporting Chatham-Kent Your InsuranceCommunity CallBrokerorWalk-InLet's ConnectTel: 519-352-1550 311 St. Clair Street, Chatham ON Home & Auto Commercial Life Disability Employee Benefits 40 Grand Ave. East, Chatham • 519-352-2120 Sleeve Style Apartment Air Conditioners DENOMY’S AUDIOVIDEO While They Last! Specials one size 22 1/2” wide available Standard 24” wide are: 12,000 BTU Now $749 10,000 BTU Now $699 Yours!Get Family owned for 70+ years Air ConditionersInStockNow Continued from page 1 The “more” includes a 4,000-seat arena/en tertainment centre, a renewed King Street streetscape, and future investment that could in clude housing or possibly aCouncilhotel. also moved to designate Imagine C-K as a priority project for the municipality in alignment with its strategic goals. All told the estimate for the entire project is be tween $115 million and $125 million. Phase 1 is estimated at $53-million, Phase II is ballparked at between $60-million to $70-million, with the third phase having no cost to taxpayers.Theplan, conceived by a group of established com munity partners, would see construction undertak en by the investors with ownership of the build ings to be turned over to the electedplaneverynicipalityproject,spokeWhilemunicipality.mostcouncillorsinsupportofthemanysaidthemumustexamineangle.Somewantedtoseethereferredtothenextcouncil,asthenew council will be making the final decision. However, a motion by East Kent Coun. Steve Pinsonneault to defer was defeated.Pinsonneault told council the municipality simply can’t afford Imagine C-K. He said he was afraid that once the municipality committed $2-million to due diligence, “the train’s going to leave the station with no Pinsonneaultreturn.”said there’s “no possible way” the community can afford a $125-million project, even though it would revitalize downtown Chatham. “Unless somebody else tells me there’s money coming from somewhere else, it’s not possible – not even in stages,” Pinson neault said, adding infla tion and a possible reces sion will increase costs. But other councillors view Imagine C-K as a once-in-a-lifetime oppor tunity.Chatham Coun. Michael Bondy said undertaking due diligence ensures the municipality doesn’t jump intoBondyanything.went on to praise each of the “proven” com munity developers indi vidually, noting they’ve been successful in many commercial endeavours. “The opportunity is star ing us in the face,” Bon dy told council. “If they succeed, we succeed as a community.”“Notmany communi ties have an opportuni ty where you have local community partners that are willing to do this,” he added, noting the DCC is “blockading” progress in the“Wedowntown.should embrace this,” Bondy said. Chatham Coun. Marjorie Crew said she supported the proposal, noting it’s a great project for “all of Chatham-Kent,” not just Chatham. She also quot ed a local business owner who told her it’s time to look at the “glass half full instead of half empty.”
As described in an ad ministrative report, the development is broken down into three phases. The first phase includes the redevelopment of the old Sears building into a facility able to house the Civic Centre, the Chatham Public Library, as well as the Cultural Centre’s Mu seum and Art Gallery. Phase II includes the construction of the enter tainment complex on the DCC footprint as well as the commercial redevel opment of the King Street streetscape.PhaseIIIwill be retained for private development.
The report states that the municipality would be responsible for all costs associated with the de velopment, acquisitions and ongoing operation of all facilities and structures that will fall under munic ipal cluding:wereregardingOtherownership.recommendationsImagineC-Kalsoapprovedin
• a certified appraisal and engineering report be carried out where rele vant for the portions of the DCC property that is to be transferred to municipal ownership;
The architectural concept of a redesigned and repurposed Downtown Chatham Centre.
• the retention of a qual ified and independent firm through a Request for Proposal to lead further public consultation, feasi bility, financial review and report on the final scope with recommended next steps to go to council; • the retention of external legal counsel to map put the development agree ment between the com munity partners who own the mall for approval by council; and • authorization of the CAO to execute any oper ational agreement related to the due diligence pro cess that is approved by the municipality’s legal department.Whenquestioned by South Kent Coun. Clare Latimer about a timeline for the due diligence pro cess, project lead Bruce McAllister said an RFP would go out immediate ly with possible hires to come back to council by October.McAllister, general manager of community development for Cha tham-Kent, told council the independent firm will oversee Phase 1 and Phase II concurrently, “when appropriate,” reporting back to council on the first phase in February of 2023 and the second phase in March or April. Funding for the due dil igence process will come from the Building Lifecy cle Reserves fund.
A total of 108 submissions about Imagine C-K have been received thus far in the public engagement ef fort, however, McAllister said further consultation will be carried out as well. Ultimately, the due dili gence process will benefit the municipality, McAllis ter said, as it will help in form what direction coun cil needs to take. Contributed image
By Pam Wright Local Journalism pamwrightlji@gmail.comInitiative
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 News Don’t miss your opportunity to live in Chatham’s premier luxury rental apartments. At over 80% rented, limited suites are remaining and renting fast! Take advantage of easy-living with all-inclusive rental prices, and no home maintenance. Call us at 1.888.292.2010 to book your today! 570 Park Ave West, Chatham ON • • 1-888-292-2010 Love Where You Live!PARK PL ACE II Jan Park Place Tenant “ Living [here] has impacted my life in a very positive way! ” To watch Jan’s FULL TESTIMONIAL visit:
The community devel opers behind the Imagine Chatham-Kent project are pleased the municipality is moving ahead with the due diligence process. Rob Myers, spokesper son for the group, said he was impressed by how council handled the issue at the Aug. 8 council meet ing.“I thought it was good that council stood up,” Myers said. “Councillors asked a lot of good ques tions and provided good comments. I think all councillors are doing their due diligence. Our group is happy with the results.” Myers, Ron Nydam, Don Tetrault, Jim Bullock, and Jessica and Pete Tsirimib is comprise the develop ment team that purchased the DCC more than a year ago and put forward the Imagine CK proposal. Myers said he looks for ward to what lies ahead. “I think all of our work over the past 14 months is paying off. I think it will bode well for the munici pality,” he said. Myers said municipal ad ministration certainly did its homework on the pro posal.“Bruce McAllister and all the folks at city hall have been working hard at it and digging into the num bers,” he said. Myers said he believes the project would have many, many eyes on ex penses for the project. “We, as well as council, and the taxpayers of Cha tham-Kent, will watch this and make sure the costs don’t get out of control,” heAccordingsaid. to a 12-page report released to council, initial estimates for Imag ine C-K run between $115 million to $125 million. However, the value of the municipal infrastructure, including the Civic Cen tre, the Chatham Public Library and the Cultural Centre that will be affect ed have been appraised at close to Council$10-million.alsoneeds to consider expensive up grades to aging infrastruc ture.The civic centre alone needs $25-million in re pairs, while the Cha tham-Kent Public Library expansion estimate is $5.5-million.Thecostof new seats at the Kiwanis Theatre cur rently sits at $450,000. Building a business case for Imagine C-K will be part of the due diligence process. Chief financial officer Gord Quinton there is no specific funding available for such a project, noting government grant pro grams tend to come up quickly and it’s important to be prepared. “I think it’s our job to start knocking on doors and get the conversation going as quickly as possi ble,” Quinton said. Mayor Darrin Canniff, said he’s been in “exten sive discussions” with Chatham-Kent’s federal and provincial represen tatives and senior govern ment officials advocating for Imagine C-K. “Yes, we’re not going to leave any rock unturned,” Canniff told council, stressing the municipality will explore “all options” to obtain funding. Interim CAO Tony Hadd ad said continuing with the due diligence process will better position C-K to respond to funding opportunities, reflecting the private sector partner ship, something he said is “highly regarded” with these types of projects.
Developers applaud council’s DCC decision
Pam Wright/The Chatham Voice Chatham-Kent Police Service civilian employee Kristine Jarvis was recently recognized for her tireless volunteer ing in the community. For the second year in a row, Jarvis was selected as one of two Community Role Model finalists in the Police Association of Ontario’s Hero of the Year awards. Presenting the certificate to Jarvis is Mark Baxter, president of the provincial association.
year running, Communitysencommunity.dedicationOntarioAssociationbybeenemployeePoliceChatham-KenttheServicehasrecognizedthePoliceofforhertotheJarviswaschoasoneoftwoRole Model
“You give your time and en ergy as if it’s endless and you do so with no expectations in return, other than you know you’ve helped people in the community,” Baxter said. “If we had more people like you, this world would really be a better place.”Ontop of her busy job work ing in the CKPS CIPC (Canada Police Informa tion Centre) unit and records man agement, Jarvis volunteers with a host of organiza tions.She is an orig inal member of the Shop With A Cop (now Holiday with a Hero) steering committee; chairperson of the Salvation Army Toy Drive; a volunteer with the MAKE A WISH Foundation; the bursary and donor co-ordinator of the Paul Herfst Memorial Bursary and a participant in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. When shyly accepting the award, Jarvis said she was both “honoured and hum bled” and she thanked the police service for “always giving me op portunity and room to grow.”Jarvis also received in person congratulations from Epp,LeamingtonChatham-Kent–MPDaveChatham-Kent Mayor Darrin Canniff, Acting Police Chief Kirk Earley and Victoria La badie, vice-president of the CKPS Police Associ ation.
When it comes to helping others through volunteering, Kristine Jarvis continues to hit it out of the park. For the second finalists in the seventh annual Police Ser vices Hero of the Year Awards. She was selected from among 300Markentries.Baxter, president of the provincial association, trav elled to Chatham to personally present Jarvis with the award at police headquarters. Baxter called Jarvis’ efforts the “epitome of a community role model.
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 PAGE 5 News YOUTH BOWLING CANADA ADVANCE REGISTRATION 5 & 10 Sept.Leagues5PINPinstart9/10/112022Saturday, August 27, 2022 • 9:00am - 1:30pm Tuesday, August 31, 2022 • 5:30pm - 7:30pm Smurfs - 3 & 4 yrs old Born in 2018 & 2019 Supervisor: Dan Devolder PeeWees not 8yrs at Dec.31/22 Supervisor: Dan Devolder Bantams not 11 yrs at Dec. 31/22 Friday Nights: 6:15pm Supervisor: Garry Pask Saturdays: 11:00am Supervisor: Bill Mifflin Juniors not 15yrs at Dec.31/22 Friday Nights: 6:15pm Supervisor: Ken Calvert Sunday Nights: 6:15pm Supervisor: John Montgomery Seniors not 20yrs at Dec.31/22 Sunday Nights: 6:15pm Supervisor: Roger Martin 5-Pin Program Director Jim Maynard 10 Pin Age Groups PeeWees - Ages 8 & under Bantams - Ages 11 & under Juniors - Ages12 - 14 Seniors - Ages 15-20 Supervisor: Ian Formosa *All 10 Pin is on 10:00am.Saturdays FREE bag of chips and small drink at 1st and registration2nddatesonly 5 Pin Registration Fee - $35.00 10 Pin Registration Fee - $35.00 5-PIN YBC program will pay registration for 3rd & subsequent children in a family Bowlerama Chatham 100 Keil Dr. S. • 519-354-4460 5 Pin Age Groups
By Pam Wright Local Journalism pamwrightlji@gmail.comInitiative
Jarvis recognized fordedicationcommunity
“You give your time and energy as if it’s endless and you do so with no expectations in return, other than you know you’ve helped people in the community. If we had more people like you, this world would really be a better place.” - PAO’s Mark Baxter
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Chatham-Kent council opted to allocate $2 million to further investigate the very ambitious plan from the developers to repurpose the Downtown Chatham Centre into a major community hub. The first phase of the proposal would shift operations of the Civic Centre, the Chatham Library and elements of the Cultural Centre (specifically the museum and art gallery) into the former Sears building. The second phase would see the construction of an entertainment/ recreation complex with an arena/ performance space capable of holding 3,500 to 4,000 people. There would be revitalized outdoor spaces involved in this phase and a revamped King Street streetscape as well. Costing is estimated at about $53 million for the first phase, a figure the developers firmly believe they can easily beat. The recreation/arena complex phase could cost upwards of $70 million. At the same time, the municipality would have to decide what to do with its vacated buildings. Selling off the excess properties is essential to limit costs in this phase. In the second phase, obtaining funding from the provincial and/or federal government would be key to making this segment a reality. What the municipality is doing is getting vital information for any such opportunity ready. What it is also doing is getting a very good handle on what the existing municipal infrastructure – the Civic Centre, library, Cultural Centre and Memorial Arena – need to remain operational. Because just saying “thanks, but no thanks” to the development team is not an option. You’d be left with a Civic Centre in dire need of massive renovations, an ancient arena and other operations that have outgrown their spaces. Money needs to be spent regardless. The questions are how much and for what? work needed decided Chatham, 5J4 Tel: of this newspaper CK Chatham Voice welcomes preferred e-mail to bruce@ “Letter” at Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4.The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit to the editor brevity clarity. All need to signed. Voice
letters to the editor. Our
Continued on page 8 THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 6 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Opinion
It’s just one step, albeit a big one.Council moved the municipality closer to making a deal with a local development team to shift some of Chatham-Kent’s operations into the former Sears part of the Downtown Chatham Centre. But it also moved to make itself more aware of the municipal assets on hand and what to do with them.
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Why I
to not run for council 71 Sass Rd., Unit #4,
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Editor: Many people consider me to be an extravert. And perhaps; then, this should or must be a prerequisite, if one wants to run for any pub lic office, so I was told. However, just because I love talking to people and socializing at parties, relating stories of my many wonderful exploits both here in Chatham and abroad, does that make me a possible candidate? And I do have a bit of a flair for the gift of the gab using creative and slightly embellished pre sentations. I am an avid reader and want to educate and en lighten myself constantly to know and be familiar with what is going on both locally, domestically and internationally. And having traveled to over 45 countries, living abroad and teaching manage ment theories for over 18 years and having experienced many different cultures, I have enough ma terial to enhance many conversa tions. I must admit, I was tempted. The reason I was considering running for office was mostly influenced by my fervent interest in our Chatham community and to see how I could, in my own creative way, contribute to its growing success. I, like many Chatamites, am very vocal abohut what is right and what is wrong, and what we should do, or could do, or must do. One good thing, I suppose, about Chatham is that we are a vocal community. Just sit awhile in any Tim Hortons and the resolutions for all of our troubles/challenges/ concerns will be related, exploited,criticizedextolled,andchal lenged.Infact, I chal lenge our local leaders to just sit and have a coffee at one of these places and really listen to the people. You will soon learn what the people in this community really want and are con cerned about. And herein too is the rub. Sitting in these coffee shops, or on the porch of some neighbour’s house, or just sharing ideas and opinions at my sailing club is wonderful, en lightening, fun, amusing and even entertaining. But after the wine is gone and the sun sets, we head home and turn on our favorite TV program and think no more that day about all the worldly top ics we covered/discussed and analyzed.
519-397-2020 The contents
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 PAGE 7 Our Family Taking Care of Your Family MortgagesCommercialResidential,andFarm 519-351-SAVE 5-year fixed rates 1.89%from CHATHAM OFFICE 34 Raleigh St. 519-354-5470 BLENHEIM OFFICE 59 Talbot St. W. 519-676-5444 *Sales Representative **Broker CHECK OUT ALL OUR LISTINGS AT WWW.ROYALLEPAGECHATHAMKENT.COM Marco Kelly-AnneDane519-784-4348Acampora*Appleton*519-436-7195Appleton*519-365-7155MichaelBondy*519-352-4284StephenCarroll*519-355-9774 Anna-Marie MichaelEric519-401-8464519-354-7890Clark*RonCollins*Fitzgerald*519-436-4865Gibbons*519-365-5634JeffGodreau*519-365-4852 Darren Michelle226-627-8580Hart*Hetherington519-401-2635*CynthiaHiatt*519-354-1836BrianKeenan*519-365-6090GwenLiberty*519-784-3646 Wayne George519-365-7462519-436-4810Liddy*KristaMall*McDougall*519-360-7334JuneMcDougall*519-358-5199SylviaMoffat**519-355-8189 Ghassan Heather519-355-8668Najjar**Najjar**519-355-8666CassOpiela*519-355-7804ChrisPapple*519-350-1402BrianPeifer**519-436-2669 Elizabeth Patrick519-436-8959Peifer*Pinsonneault**519-360-0141ChrisPolley*905-903-0505KatherineRankin*226-542-2964DeborahRhodes*519-401-5470 Brandice Michael519-360-7729519-350-1615226-626-4838Smith*DavidSmith*RonSmith*Smyth*519-784-5470ChrisSpafford*519-917-2635KateStenton*519-436-8377 CarsonCindy519-809-2856Warrener*Weaver**519-360-0628AshleyWilton*519-437-7564ElliotWilton*519-358-8755PennyWilton**519-360-0315LisaZimmer*519-365-7325 PinsonneaultAmber Broker of Record Cell 519-784-5310 Kristen Nead Broker Manager Cell@ROYALLEPAGEPEIFER519-784-7653 BROKERAGE - INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED BE YOUR OWN $159,900BOSS!! 6310 GRAND RIVER LINE $749,000 3715 RUSSELL,$499,990WINDSOR 5+ acres on river front! 6 beds, 2 baths. Call Kristen 519-784-7653. 2700 sq.ft. industrial building on 1/2 acre. Call Marco 519-784-4348. 31 PRINCE ST. • $369,000 Mint! Lots of curb appeal. 3 beds, 1 bath. Call 226-627-8580.519-360-0141PatrickorDarren 18992 CHARING CROSS, BLENHEIM • $678,900 29 BETH • $398,000 Beautiful 3 storey on a half acre of land. 4 beds, 2 full 2 half baths. 519-354-7890.Anna-MarieCall Comfortable and convenient back split. 3 beds, 1 1/2 baths. Call Michael Gibbons 519-365-5634. 573 ST. CLAIR • $349,900 925 GRAND AVE #201 • $238,000 Cute 3 bed, 1 bath home with open concept. Call Anna-Marie 519-354-7890. RETIRING! This franchise has thrived for the past 30 years. Call Kristen 519-784-7653. Charming condo on the North side. 2 beds, 1 bath. Call Michelle 519-401-2635. 654 ST. CHARLES, BELLE RIVER $449,900 519-350-1615.Immaculatetownhouse,closetodowntown.2beds,2baths.CallDavid 100 PAMELA • $689,900 Open concept, with separate living space for rental or family. 3 beds, 3 baths. Call Eric 519-436-4865 or Chris Papple 519-350-1402. 6 ANN, RIDGETOWN • $549,000 Spacious brick rancher. 3 beds, 2 baths. Call Steve 519-355-9774. 941 WILSON,$489,000DRESDEN Bungalow with no backyard neighbours. 3 beds, 3 baths. Call Krista 519-365-7462.
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Opinion SO HAPPY TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR NEW HOME!! 59 Blossom Place, Chatham • NOW $629,900 All brick rancher with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Master with ensuite. 2 car attached garage. Fenced rear yard. 6423 Riverview Line 5 bedroom + den. Main floor master bedroom with ensuite. Lower level granny suite with kitchen. 3.5 baths. Many, many updates. Plan now to view! PHILLIPSBARB Real Brokerage.comEstate 519-359-8588 phillba@mnsi.netemail: RealEstateBrokerage COUNTRYLIVINGDESCRIBESTHISQUIET ANDSERENEPROPERTYSURROUNDED BY FARMLAND,FEATURESAONEFLOOR RANCHERWITH3BEDROOMS,2BATHS, LARGEUPDATEDKITCHENDININGAREA, FAMILYROOMOVERLOOKINGLARGE DECKANDBACK YARD,MUDROOM, ATTACHEDGARAGEPLUSA40X64FT HEATEDSHOPWITHCOMPRESSORAND HOIST14FTDOORS,IDEAL FAMILYOR RETIREMENTHOME. 7544LewisLineW VACANTLAND Riverview Line W. Raleigh $239,900Township130’x429.70’Seedetailsonwebsite! Featured On The Thames 3 bedroom, well maintained home. Many updates. Large living room / dining room combo. Main floor laundry. Detached garage. Fenced in backyard. 144 Edgar,$319,900ChathamMOVEbuyers1stREADY!INtimeorretirees! PRICENEW!! Elliot Wilton Sales Rep 519-358-8755 Penny Wilton Broker 519-360-0315 Ashley Wilton Sales Rep Peifer519-437-7564Realty Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 59 Talbot St. W., Blenheim • 519-676-5444 Big requirement to seek election? Thick skin Continued from page 6 And in all of these discussions and pontifi cations there really isn’t any accountability. Words are just words. Opinions are just opinions with no recourse for admonish ments or media scruti ny. One simply enjoys the pleasure of sharing thoughts and ideas. There is a sense of freedom in being able to express one’s thoughts and ideas freely without being coerced to justify, apologize or defend these moments.Irecently asked Mayor Darrin Canniff what was/ is, his opinion about the one quality he thinks is important to have to be a council member. He sim ply replied, “very thick skin.”Now the implications of this comment are not surprising, but scary. Free dom of speech is what gives us the empower ment to happiness, I feel. And the will to help the community and express what one feels that will make a difference, to mak ing this a better communi ty, is almost utopian. But creative minds, with a strong willingness to move mountains to do positive things are squished by naysayers and political commenta tors, or the wings of cre ativity and motivation to action are clipped by bu reaucratic protocols. And then, what is perceived as political correctness vaporizes the motivation, simply because to take action involves risk. And from my experience, inac tion is political action. The risk posed to every political person is that if he or she has some idea/suggestion to make some kind of change, to enhance the community; change is then challenged from all sides. And why? Because of accountability. Creative thinkers chal lenge the status quo. It’s inherent and part of their DNA.Being human means we are prone to making mistakes. But only when we tread lightly into the night; and many times, do we know what lies ahead. Those who want to improve and grow know that they must tread into this unknown. Great progress has only been achieved because of this focus.Having one life to live on this planet; what will be my legacy? Forging? Building? Improving? Or simply complying? Will I contribute more by creating, focusing more on my screenwriting, my painting, my volunteer ing, and doing something meaningful for society in my own way? Or by being entrenched inside the hallowed halls of a bureaucratic-laden insti tution where every move is met with opposition, dismissal, criticism, proto col and copious amounts of accountability? How thick must my skin be? Regina M. Stockus Chatham
By Pam Wright Local Journalism pamwrightlji@gmail.comInitiative
A special thank you to Jamie Smith for bringing his “Bones” bike once owned by Evil Knievel! Also a special thank you to our commentator, Ray Trahan, who did an outstanding job throughout the day, promoting our sponsors, and the activities during the show. TO OUR VENDORS: Thank you for your participation and we hope to see you again in 2023. The success of any event comes from the generosity and hard work of the volunteers. Thanks to all of you for your time and support. We look forward to seeing everyone at next years 10th Annual Mitchell’s Bay Antique Car Show on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Please visit us at
July 16th. Thank you to all the participants for making our show a success. A special thank you to all of the sponsors for your contribution to our show, sponsoring the various classes: THANK YOU 1st Place Car - 1965 PlymouthKendallValiantTurner 1st Place Truck - 1954 FordPeterPickupDick 1st Place Motorcycle2002 Knievel CustomJamieChopperSmith1st Place Tractor - 1972 IH 1456 Jerome Brown
SPONSORS The 9th Annual Antique Car, Truck, Tractor and Bike Show was held
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent will be holding a PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Regarding the upcoming planned work related to the PARRY BRIDGE 2016 REHABILITATION PROJECT Keil Drive over the Thames River (Community of Chatham)
August 5, 2022 Use and Care By-Law Amendment
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is proposing to amend ByLaw Number 145-2020 (Regulate Use and Care of Municipal Highways) to clearly define the property owner’s responsibility for maintenance and care of the property in terms of boulevards and the driveway apron. Proposed changes were recommended prior to the release of a new 5-year contract for the Corporate Grass Cutting Contract for municipal-owned properties. At the March 7, 2022 council meeting, the administration identified the following items as opportunities for cost efficiencies with the future of the Municipal Grass Cutting Contract:
• Engage the taxpayers through public engagement sessions on the proposed new Bylaw.
A one-time funding ask by the Scottish Borderers Foundation has been an swered.OnAug. 8, Cha tham-Kent council ap proved a $100,000 dona tion to be dispersed over a four-year period. The boost from the mu nicipality means the orga nization has hit the half way mark in its $600,000 fundraising goal. Starting this year, the foundation will receive $25,000 per year from $100,000tyWindsorincludingChatham-Kent.Othermunicipalities,theCityofandEssexCounhaveeachcommittedtothecampaign.
The purpose of this Public Information Centre is to inform stakeholders of the scope of work traffic detour plan and timing of construction activities associated with the above mentioned project in the Community of TheChatham.meeting will be held on: DATE: Thursday, April 21, 2016 TIME: 5:00pm 8:00pm LOCATION: Chatham-Kent Civic Centre Atrium 315 King Street West, Chatham As this Public Information Centre will be an “open house” format, no formal presentation will be made. Representatives from the Municipality of Chatham Kent, along with the Engineering Consultant, will be available to review the display boards and respond to any questions posed by stakeholders. Area residents, property owners, business operators and those who may have a general interest in this project are encouraged to attend this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact either: Adam Sullo, P.Eng Brad Walt C.E.T. Director, Engineering and Transportation Project Contact Engineering and Transportation Division GM BluePlan Engineering Ltd. Municipality of Chatham-Kent 145 Thames Road West, Unit 4 315 King Street West, Chatham ON N7M 5K8 Exeter, Ontario N0M 1S3 T 519 360-1998 Ext. 3307 T 519 235-2539 E E
David Charron Engineering Technologist Engineering and Transportation Division Municipality of Chatham-Kent 315 King Street West, Chatham ON N7M 5K8 T 519 360-1998 Ext. 3331 E
Essex County is spread ing their donation out over a two-year period. The Scottish Borderers Foundation is a civilian organization that official ly represents and sup ports the storied Essex and Kent Scottish Regi ment, helping with all as pects of non-operational funding. This includes financial support of the Pipes and Drums; building and maintaining monuments, preserving records and artifacts, including digiti zation, and funding travel to special events and cer emonies.Aspart of a presentation to council on behalf of the foundation, retired Cha tham-Kent Police Service Chief Dennis Poole said the money from the cam paign will be used to fund initiatives into “perpetu ity” with only the inter est from the money to be spent.Inthe past 200 years, the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment has always an swered the call. From the War of 1812 to the ill-fated raid at Dieppe, to the war in Afghanistan, mem bers of the regiment have served with distinction. The funding request sparked discussion around the virtual council table as to how donations should be approached. Some members of coun cil thought granting the request would start the municipality down a slip pery slope. East Kent Coun. Steve Pinsonneault said that while he’s sure the ask from the foundation is worthy, he’s worried it will lead to many other groups taking a similar approach.
CRUISER Saturday,
• Education and correspondence with property owners that could be in violation of the new proposed By-law. The above actions are required to find efficiencies and savings to base budget costs associated with the grass cutting. A draft by-law amendment to 145-2020 is now available on our Let’s Talk Chatham-Kent page for review and feedback. The page will be open for public feedback beginning August 5, 2022, and will remain open until August 26, 2022. Please visit–RegulateandUseCareofMunicipalHighways.yourequirefurtherinformationontheproposedchanges,contact:Thibert Director, Engineering
• Review and propose a new By-law with clarity as to what each property owner is responsible for in terms of grass maintenance on the municipal right of way.
Boarderers get $100K from C-K
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 10 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 News QUALITY RELIABILITY STRENGTH All Titan Products meet and exceed ASME B56 1 and CSA B35 Standards670 Irwin St., Chatham, ON. N7M 5J5 Tel: 1.844.93TITAN DEALERSWANTED PUT THE MORTGAGE HUNTER TO WORK FOR YOU! Call www.themortgagehunter.ca519-351-5303 Ian Hunter juncturaconstruction.ca226-312-222215MapleLeafDriveChatham,ONN7M6H2property@junctura.cajuncturagroupConstruction Frozen homemade meals. We do all the shopping and prep for you . . . Just add Heat! Individual and family sized meals, soups and desserts. Come fill yourfreezertoday!!6519-351-7905LoweSt.,Chatham(JustoffSt.Clair) • Removal & Pruning • RemovalStump • Crane Service www.customtreeservice.caAJobforProfessionalsDiscountSeniors ExperienceYears30+519-359-9876 4-6oz Pickerel Fillets 11 lbs. for $120/box Jumbo IQF Pickerel 11 lbs. for $95/box Fish S peciaL Please visit us at 10417 Front jennford@aamarinefoods.com519-676-2030BlenheimLine, 735 Richmond St., Chatham www.chathamnissan.com519-352-9000 C HATHAM NISSAN We are open for SALES AND SERVICE Monday - Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday Closed cathyreastman@gmail.com519-365-8199 FIRSTK9AID Could You HELP Your DOG In An EMERGENCY? LEARN 10 Indian Creek Rd. East Chatham (Just E. of 519-351-3636Queen) New & Used Tires Top Notch ServiceThat’s Just How We Roll! Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat 8-4 Support the local businesses who help support our community! Advertise here for only $30/week! Call today! 519-397-202 By Pam Wright Local Journalism pamwrightlji@gmail.comInitiative An honourTilburypublicas-yet-to-be-chosenwalkingtrailinwillbenamedinofBryonFluker.Thewell-knownpoli tician and former teach er who dedicated more than 40 years of his life to serving his community passed away Aug. 3. The motion to honour Fluker, made by West Kent Coun. Melissa Har rigan at the Aug 8. coun cil meeting, received unanimous approval fromHarrigancouncil.said the com memoration was a way to acknowledge the “deep, deep appreciation” the community held for Fluker for his dedication to public life and for the “zest” he brought to the political process. Fluker was elected to Tilbury town council in 1972 and served there as a councillor and later mayor.Amalgamation in 1998 saw him earn a seat on Chatham-Kent council where he served until 2018.Council has directed administration to review Tilbury area trails and recommend an appropri ate one for the commem oration.Currently, the munici pality has no formal pro cess to recognize elected municipal officers for service to the community through naming or com memoration.
Trail to be named in Fluker’s honour
CKAR numbers indicate there were 271 new resi dential listings added in July. That was the largest number of new listings for a July in history for C-K.Pinsonneault said in the past with the brisk sales, people may have want ed to sell, but were wor ried about finding a new home.“The big question from last year was, ‘If I’m sell ing, where am I going?’ Now, there is an oppor tunity to find another home,” she said. Overall, Pinsonneault said the market pendu lum has reached neutral rather than tipping in favour of the buyer, and that’s good for everyone. “It’s not a buyer’s mar ket. It’s a balanced mar ket. It’s just giving peo ple a chance to get in and look at a few houses,” she said. And while the influx of out-of-town cash has re lented to some extent, it has not dried “Chatham-Kentup. remains an affordable place to purchase. I don’t see that changing any time soon,” Pinsonneault said. “People love what Cha tham-Kent can offer.”
The Chatham Voice A special Christmas performance set for Dec. 2 at the Mary Webb Centre won’t be happening. Organizers announced the Quar tette Christmas concert has been cancelled due to an issue with the band.TheCentre will provide a refund, less costs related to online services. Contact the Box Office directly at to ar range a refund or to obtain credit for another show.
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 PAGE 11 Business 519-351-4444 Chatham-Kent’s Most Progressive Funeral Service Provider 427 St. Clair St., Chatham • 226-799-9314www.thewestore.comALL DAY. EVERY DAY. IN-STORE SHOPPING ONLY SOME RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY.Chatham Location: Open 9am-11pm Sundays 10am-10pm Chatham-Kent’s ONLY Not-For-Profit Retirement Home. Experience the Difference. 519.351.MEAL, Nutritious, Home-Style Meals, Delivered Right to Your Door. Sign Up Today! 99 Park St. Chatham, ON N7M 3R5 | | 519.354.8103 | Book Your Tour Today! By Bruce Corcoran
Home sales rebound ed somewhat in July in Chatham-Kent, but they remain down significant ly from the same period a year ago. A total of 116 units changed hands in July, down more than 32 per cent from July of 2021. However, just 101 units sold in June, which was down nearly 46 per cent from the same month a yearAmberago. Pinsonneault, president of the Cha tham-Kent Association of Realtors (CKAR), said the market is “rebalancing” itself, and higher interest rates and market uncer tainty have had their im pact. She added buyers no longer have to operate at a frenetic pace, which was the case for the past several years, as a house came on the market and was scooped up in a mat ter of days, often with a bidding war, and often at over asking price. That’s changed. “It really is providing more opportunities for home buyers, first-time buyers in particular,” Pin sonneault said. “And sell ers are still getting great value for their homes. They’re not getting the astronomical prices they were seeing earlier, how ever.” She said the high point was back in February and things have been tailing off or at least flat-lining in terms of pricing ever since.“InJuly, we were back up to just under $500,000 for our average (home price). That’s a 20-percent increase from last July,” she said. More importantly, the local market isn’t expe riencing a large price shrink that has hit much of the rest of the province. “Chatham-Kent is not seeing these crazy de creases in prices like some places are,” she said. “To come down un der $500,000 here really gives more people an op portunity to get into the market.” Plus, they’re able to get in on their terms. With bidding wars, people of ten took the first house that came into their price range. “We’re seeing offers with conditions on them. I think that allows for confidence for the pur chaser,” Pinsonneault said. “You want someone to love the house they are purchasing. This (mar ket) allows people to firm up their financing, get a home inspection and be happy with what they are purchasing.”Whileprices and the number of homes sold may be down, what is on the rise is inventory. Slower sales and more market confidence have led to added homes on the market. And they may remain on the mar ket for a longer period of time now that the buying frenzy has subsided.
Event cancelled
‘Balanced’ real estate market in C-K
New comingbreweryto’Burg
Downsizing Dames Downsizing one’s home after decades of living there and col lecting items and memories can beEnterdaunting.theDownsizing Dames. Lauren and Heather are here to take the stress out of down sizing.“Your life is changing and you deserve to feel good about it,” they say in a media release. “We will work with you to prioritize items you wish to keep, gift to others and donate.” The duo said no details are too small.Reach out at 519-350-3691
Craft beer has caught on in Chatham-Kent. It began with Bayside in Erieau, was aug mented next with Sons of Kent in Chatham, then Red Barn Brewing south of Charing Cross and now Glasstown. Each offers its own unique ex periences.Asforwhen Glasstown Brew ing joins the others in opening its doors, Burgess is optimistic beer will be flowing by mid-Oc tober.
Contributed image
Augie of Augie’s Barber Shop in Chatham, smiles as he receives a birth day cake Aug. 12 from patrons Richard Leah and Sam Vincent.
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 12 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Business 156 William St., Chatham | | 519.352.5120 Serving Chatham and area since 1904 Family Serving Familes andFuneralsCremations Our Funeral Planning guide is a helpful source of information for those who want to plan ahead for the sake of their loved ones and ensure their final wishes are honoured. Decide if advance planning is the right choice for you. Your Guide to Planning Ahead Please call ahead and we will set one aside for you. FREE 11521 Wildwood Line, Rondeau • 519-674-0006 (Just outside the park gate) 2,500 sq.ft. BeautifulOverlookingPatioRondeauBay Patio Open 7 days a week - 11:30am - 9:00pm 20+ tables RONDEAU JOE’S PUB Drop by . . . Relax . . . Enjoy the food By Bruce Corcoran There is yet another made-inChatham-Kent craft brewery coming, this time to Wallace burg.Construction is well underway for the cupybreweryWallaceburg.nyBrewingGlasstownCompaindowntownThewillocasolidportion of James Street, slated to occupy build ings near the library that have been vacant for some time. Allie Burgess will manage the operation. The Chatham Voice caught up to her recently to talk about the new venture. The Glasstown Brewing Com pany is owned by the Shepley fami ly, Todd in partic ular, she said. It will have numer ous facets when completed.Wehave the brewery as the main event, if you will,” she said. “A bistro will go into the unit next to it and a cafe in the unit closest to the library. All the buildings are connected.” That’s the main floor. Burgess said there will be five suites on the second floor. “It will almost be like a mini-hotel. That’s our second phase,” she said. With original construction in that block going back in the 1800s, Burgess said the goal is to showcase as much of the original brick as possible. But there will also be a salute to the rich blue-collar history of Wal laceburg as well. “It is going to be an ele vated kind of rustic look with some industrial elements – a nod to not only the (Libbey) glass factory, but to Wallace burg’s rich industrial history.Libbey Canada em ployed about 500 peo ple for decades at their Wallaceburg operation. It closed down at the turn of the century as its parent company shifted jobs south of the border. In terms of the brick work, Burgess said they are restoring what they can.“We’re using the brick as the mainstay in our language on James Street,” she said. Burgess thinks the brewery will be a hit in Walla ceburg.“Wesee a need in the market for it. It’s a community space where people can go, and we can serve different parts of the population,” she said. “We’re really hoping to turn this into a destination in Ontario.”
• Business Voice is a bi-monthly column in The Chatham Voice that highlights some of the achievements made and efforts underway in Chatham-Kent’s business community. Send your information to
Take Notice, that on August 8, 2022, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent passed municipal-wide development charges By-law No. 1492002 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 C. 27, as amended; AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent on or before the 19th day of September, 2022 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection.
Life Planning Services Community Development 1998 | F 519 436 3237
is available on the municipal website at: and is also available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Municipality of Chatham-Kent at 315 King Street West, Chatham and through the phone number and email address noted above. Dated at the Municipality of Chatham-Kent this 9th Day of August, 2022. Planning Services Community Development P 519-360-1998 | F 519-436-3237 351 Richmond St., Chatham • 519-352-4937 • • 519-354-8000 • LoyalChathamBuyer Returns for 8th Vehicle Mike Kastoff is seen with Luce Cools picking up his brand new 2022 Ram Crew Cab SLT. This is Mike’s 8th vehicle he has purchased from Luce. Enjoy your new truck as you drive around Chatham-Kent these summer and fall seasons! Andrew Tompsett/Special to The Chatham Voice This Boeing-Stearman Model 75 was one of dozens of aircraft on display at CK Flight Fest Aug. 6. Thousands of people flocked to the Chatham-Kent Municipal Airport for the day’s showcase of aircraft, followed by an evening of music.
No key map has been provided as the by-law applies to lands located the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. complete by-law
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by law, by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Chatham Kent on or before the 19th day of September, 2022 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by law and the reasons supporting the objection. The schedule of development charges imposed by the by law, which came into effect on August 8, 2022, is as follows:SCHEDULE “B” TO BY LAW 149 2022 SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES
The schedule of development charges imposed by the by-law, which came into effect on August 8, 2022, is as follows: “B” TO BY-LAW 149-2-22
Wide Development Charges By -law , Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of development charges By law No. 149 2022 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c. 27, as amended;
Notice of Passing of Municipal-Wide Development Charges By-law
No key map has been provided as the by law applies to all lands located within the Municipality of Chatham Kent. A copy of the complete by law is available on the municipal website at: www.chatham and is also available for public inspection during regular office Planning Services Community Development P 519 360 1998 | F 519 436 3237 CKplanning@chatham
Notice of Passing of Municipal Wide Development Charges By law Take Notice, that on August 8, 2022, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham Kent passed municipal wide development charges By law No. 149 2022 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c. 27, as amended; AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by law, by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Chatham Kent on or before the 19th day of September, 2022 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by law and the reasons supporting the objection.
The schedule of development charges imposed by the by law, which came into effect on August 8, 2022, is as follows:SCHEDULE “B” TO BY LAW 149 2022 SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES No key map has been provided as the by law applies to all lands located within the Municipality of Chatham Kent. A copy of the complete by law is available on the municipal website at: www.chatham and is also available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Municipality of Chatham Kent at 315 King Street West, Chatham and through the phone number and email address noted above. Dated at the Municipality of Chatham Kent this 9th Day of August, 2022.
A copy of the
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:30am–1:30pm. Everyone is •welcome.Panzerotti Night at the Merlin Legion, 2 Stanley St. $11.05 + tax = $12.50 + Menu. Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? Al-anon can help! Callleave message - 519-350-3462 Jubilee Chorus, is an interde nominational choir that has been blessing this community for over 60 years! Rehearsals for the fall season begin on Sept. 6, 2022, in preparation for our Christmas Con cert scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 11. We meet in the Worship Center at Chatham Christian School on Tues days at 6:52 pm. New members welcome! Ages 14 and up! Please call Cynthia at 226-229-1533 if interested in joining us. Submit your coming events to or
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:30am–1:30pm. Today’s special is spaghetti with meat sauce. Eu chre at 1:00. Shuffleboard starting at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
• ATTENTION: 1977 RDHS GRADU ATES. A reunion will take place on from 1-7pm at Ridgetown Legion, 75 Main St., Ridgetown, Ontario. For more information, contact Kev in Kerr at
Revera: Canadian owned for Kind of Revera, offer a warm and comfortable residence is designed to give you the that fit preferred lifestyle. Call to book tour, today! Village on the Ridge 9 Myrtle St., Ridgetown 519-674-5427 ext. 239 Blenheim Community Village 10 Mary Ave., Blenheim 519-676-8119
• Thursday Party in the Park: Join CK Rec and our Community Partners at Victoria Park, Bothwell from 5:00-8:00pm for crafts, activ ities, giveaways, and Play Rangers. Don’t forget the free swim from 7:00–8:00pm to end the night!
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am-9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:30am–1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Everyone is •welcome.Panzerotti Night at the Merlin Legion, 2 Stanley St. $11.05 + tax = $12.50 + Menu.
• Chatham Kent Animal Rescue is having a Yardsale\BBQ with guitar entertainment from 8am til 2pm. 270 Inshes Ave Chatham. No set prices just give a donation. Some thing for everyone.
Revera: Canadian owned for
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am-9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:30am-1:30pm. Supper No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials are cabbage rolls or fish & chips. Take out is also available by calling 519-351-8733 or 519-3515639. Fun Darts start at 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome.
Retirement Living At
Sunday, August 21, 2022: • Dresden Christian ConcertNEW! Latin Music Night (West Park church London, Spanish) with mes sage from Pastor Luis Rivas. Drivein concert features 50 minutues of live music and a 10 minute message from an area pastor. The concerts are free but an offering will be taken. Starts at 6:30pm at Total Grain Systems / Sydenham Electric (1233 North St. in Dresden - former Mid-County Ford).
range of services, amenities and choices
• The Chatham-Kent Quilters’ Guild is back to meeting IN PERSON on the third Thursday of every month at St. Paul’s Congre gational Church, 450 Park Ave E, Chatham. Everyone is welcome to join us, including non-members. Non-members will pay a $5 fee per meeting and can enjoy our presentations, guest speakers and all of the other fun at our meeting. Our membership fee is $50 per year and this entitles you to our newsletter and all of our regular meetings free of charge. You are welcome to contact us through our Facebook page or our website at to get more information. Friday, August 19, 2022: • Friday Movie in the Park: Set up your lawn chairs, blankets and kick back to watch a movie under the stars. Movies start at dusk at Memorial Park, Tilbury.
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am–9:30pm. There will be a meat draw at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 3:00pm–5:30pm. Entertainment by Eight Second Ride from 4:30-9:30. Every one Welcome.
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 14 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Fun Stuff CLUES ACROSS 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan 6. Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S. American rodent 13. Like coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lying down 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Dynamite’sNapoleon uncle 19. Renovated 21. Chadic language 22. 18-year period 23. Beverage container 24. Natural logarithm 25. The “mecca” of basketball 28. A way to darken 29. Mackerels 31. Actor Pitt 33. Places to buy seafood 36. True firs 38. Neither 39. Fencing sword 41. Italian pastas 44. Island nation close t to the U.S. 45. Begets 46. Resembles a pouch 48. __ student, learns healing 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The world has one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew the fat 61. Culture of the British Iron Age 62. Weaverbird 63. Advice or counsel 64. Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67. Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed bug genus CLUES DOWN 1. Mark left behind 2. Cry weakly 3. Ancient region in modern Syria 4. Farewell 5. Blue grass state 6. Genus of mosquitoes 7. S. Israeli city 8. You can get stuck in one 9. One mistrustswho 26. Missile with about 600-mile range 27. Goddesses 29. A day kids love 30. Oily secretion 32. One-tenth of a meter 34. A father’s male child 35. One point east of southeast 37. Silk garments 40. Cool! 42. The color of anger 43. Trade profession 47. It can get you around 49. Mother-of-pearl 50. Hurt 52. Legendary slugger Hank 53. Polio developervaccine 55. Incline from vertical 56. Sea creature 57. Actress Kate 58. Affirmative votes 59. Nothing 61. Pie _ __ mode 65. Expresses surprise Community Events Thursday, August 18, 2022: • TD Summer Reading Programs at the Wallaceburg branch of the CKPL. Mystic Drumz Show “The Legend of Marshmallow Island”. Featuring high tech screen projec tions, incredible sound effects and unique instruments from around the world. Bring the whole family to laugh and learn together as we track down ‘The Legend of Marsh mallow Island’.
50 years with over 250 locations.
• Merlin Legion kitchen opens at 1:00pm. 2 Stanley St., Merlin.
50 years with over 250 locations. Retirement Suites Available! Your
• Perch & Merlickin Chicken at Merlin Legion, 2 Stanley St. 5 pc Perch or 3 pc Perch + 2 pc Chicken = $15.49+tax=$17.50 & Merlickin chicken 3pc = $11.05+tax=$12.50. Meals include fresh cut fries or baked, coleslaw, bun & dessert.
Thursday, August 25, 2022: • Chatham-Kent Metal Detecting Club. Meetings held the last Thursday of each month at Erick son Arena, side door. 7:00pm. All •Welcome.Thursday Party in the Park: Join CK Rec and our Community Part ners at Kingston Park, Chatham from 5:00-8:00pm for crafts, activ ities, giveaways, and Play Rangers. Don’t forget the free swim from 7:00–8:00pm to end the night!
Saturday, August 20, 2022: • Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious break fast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:30am. Take out only.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022:
Wednesday, August 24, 2022: • The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham open from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:30am–1:30pm. Our daily spe cial is meat loaf dinner. Fun Darts at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
lifestyle for active, independent seniors. Our retirement
Classifieds Obituary In MemoriamRentals
This month recalls memories of two loves ones gone to rest, And those who think of them today, are those who loved them best.
The flowers we lay upon their grave may wither and decay, but the love for them that lies beneath will never fade away.
Ruth Lillian Howe, beloved wife of Thomas Beverly Howe past away at Copper Terrace Nursing Home on Monday August 8th, 2022 at the age of 82. Loving mother of Christopher Howe of Parry Sound, predeceased by her son Todd Gordon Howe. Dear sister of Tom Dixon, predeceased by her brother David Dixon and her sister Bonnie Stewart. Ruth and Tom owned and operated the Lakeside Motel in Parry Sound for 36 years. On their 50th anniversary they decided to return to Chatham where they had met and married. Ruth was active in the Parry Sound Community. She and Tom were able to spend 18 winters in Florida. These past 12 years have been full of sickness for her and she spent the last 4 years in Copper Terrace Nursing Home. Thank you to all the staff of Copper Terrace for the loving care you have given Ruth. Cremation has taken place. A graveside service will be held in Listowel at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to Alexander & Houle Funeral Home, 245 Wellington St. W. Chatham, Ontario 519–352–2710. On-line condolences may be left at
StudioAPARTMENTSSENIORS519-627-9292ator1BedroomIncludes: • housekeeping • laundry • meals • cable TV • phone • access to on-site pool Ministry Loans Healing Love Ministry is an all night prayer line with councilors available from ministry,Asexualstrugglinggroupa7:00pm.12:00am-Also,malesupportforthosewithaddiction.homebasedprivate and confidential. 519-354-3532. For LookingSaleFor Obituaries Silk rangements.SaddleCemeteryAr519-354-3411available.ManyReady-to-go.Holidays.Everyday/colours$35. Looking to hire someone to cut grass on Harwich St. near Park Ave. Must have 519-352-4367.lawnmower.own Wanted to Buy: Antiques, costume jewelery, gold, 727-8894.PaidWefurniture,coins,silver,military,tools.BuyAll-Cash.519Wanted Asphalt ROBERT OUELLETTE ASPHALT SEALING INC. • Hot Asphalt • Pot hole repairs • Catch basin repairs • Hot rubber crack repairs • Newparkingdriveways,lots,etc. • 24 MillinginchMachine We carry premium oil based sealer! TRUCKINGMINIBACKHOE,EXCAVATOR,&BOBCATSWEEPERSERVICE 519-354-9157 MORTGAGES / LOANS CONSOLIDATE DEBTS LOWER YOUR PAYMENTS Difficult Situations Accepted WE ALSO paymentswithUNSECUREDARRANGELINESOFCREDIT/LOANSINTERESTONLYat5.95%(P+1.25%)Borrow $50,000 for $283.50/mth $100,000 for $567.00/mth $150,000 for $850.50/mth $200,000 for $1134.00/mth $250,000 for $1417.50/mth Call John at 519-252-6953 - 24 hours or emailUNIMORjohn@unimorcapital.comCAPITALCORPORATION Brokerage Lic.#10675 For qualified borrowers. First mortgage based on 4.74%/yr fixed rate, 5 yr term, 25 yr amortization. On approved credit, & subject to borrower qualification. Rates & terms subject to change without notice. Sample of payments if qualifyyou Borrow $5,000 for $24.79/mth $10,000 for $49.58/mth $25,000 for $123.96/mth Gordon Young Saturday, August 6, 2022 Life Transitions Devra Sullivan 91, Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Life Transitions Elaine McMullin 67, Tuesday, August 8, 2022 Life Transitions Fern Simpson 105, Friday, August 5, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Lothar Olfert 93, Friday, August 5, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Ron Forrest 84, Saturday, August 6, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Frank Zoldy 58, Tuesday, August 9, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Lorraine Woods Saturday, August 6, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Judy Twigg 74, Sunday, August 7, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Joseph Szucs 90, Sunday, August 7, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Rose Slavik 96, Monday, August 8, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Thomas Campbell 91, Thursday, August 4, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Barry Kluey 80, Thursday, August 11, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home Ruth Lillian Howe 82, Monday, August 8, 2022 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home Lorraine Moran 86, Tuesday, August 9, 2022 Nicholls Funeral Home Patricia O’Brien 66, Friday, August 5, 2022 Blenheim Community Funeral Home Rick Friesen 42, Thursday, August 4, 2022 Kendrick Funeral Home Kevin Jordan 64, Friday, August 5, 2022 Kendrick Funeral Home Sr. Angela Theresa Hoffman Wednesday, August 10, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home See full obituaries 459 St.Clair St., Chatham • 519-351-2040 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown • 519-674-3141 141 Park St., Blenheim • 519-676-3451 156 William St., Chatham | | 519.352.5120 Generations of PlaceContinueFamiliesToTheirTrustWithUs andFuneralsCremations 245 Wellington St. W., 519-352-2710Chatham ericnichollsfuneralhome.com519.627.2861APartofWallaceburgsince1943. 60 Stanley Street, Blenheim (519) 676 –blenheimcommunityfuneralhome.com9200 OBITUARIES • 519-351-4444 4 Victoria (519)ChathamAve,352-2390ServingKingsville,Wheatley&Chatham kendrickfuneralhome.comSell your unwanted items in the classifieds for only $6.00 +tax! Phone 519-397-2020! ThisPuzzleanswers.puzzlesweeksonpage14 CHATHAMVOICE.COM Check us out!
Forever loved and always remembered by your children, great-grandchildren,grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. RIPLEY In loving memory of a dear father (AugustKarl9, 1996) and a dear mother Mary Jane (August 28, 2017) 80 McNaughton Ave. Wallaceburg, ON For a tour, call us