Pam Wright/The Chatham Voice Liz and
Joe Kominek were busy last week putting up signs to promote the 42nd edition of the community’s iconic run taking place Sept. 18 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Runs are set for across C-K and participants who want to support Terry Fox’s mission to raise money to fight cancer can register at Almost Terry Time!
Work on this state-of-theart production environ ment is already underway.
Tilbury will soon be home to a new industry, and that could mean as many as 100 new jobs.
44 Years of the Best Selection, Savings and Satisfaction! Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9AM - 5PM, Saturday 9AM-3PM & Closed Sunday 701 St. Clair St., Chatham | 519.354.6121 | LoveFloors!Your We want you to love your floors, you can start by falling in love with ours! 1 2PRICE*SaleCARPET • HARDWOOD • LAMINATE • VINYL • CERAMIC TILE Thousands of square feet in stock • Cash & Carry or Delivery Available Do-it-yourself or we install for you! "If you youchangedon'tit,chooseit" FREE!THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022Vol. 9 Edition 37 YOUR Independent Community Newspaper Head Office: 670 Irwin St., Chatham Tel: 519.351.9501 Toll free: 1.844.93TITAN (1.844.938.4826) 131 Park Ave. E.,519-354-4127Chatham Family owned for over 28 years! batter y b Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm • Sat. 9am - 12pm • Sun. Closed KEY FOB WORKING?NOTREPLACEMENTBATTERIES JUST $3.00*! PLUS TAX,INSTALLATION INCLUDED AVAILABLE FORMOST VEHICLE MODELS*Cost per battery.Certain key fobs require multiple batteries.
former Woodbridge Foam building on Queen Street North.According to municipal officials, United is a world leader in precision-engi neered stainless steel tub ing.The Tilbury location will be the first of its kind in Canada.
Jobs for Tilbury
It’s that time of year again and Chatham-Kent is gearing up for the Terry Fox Run. In Dresden, volunteers
By Bruce Corcoran
Continued on page 2
Chatham-Kent ultimate ly didn’t land Magna In ternational earlier this summer, but municipal economic development officials announced that United Industries Inc. will start setting up shop in Tilbury this month in the
United Industries, Inc. is a subsidiary of the multi-generational, fami ly-owned business United Stars Inc.
“They first reached out to me in early May. They had pretty much found their location after having done an exhaustive search,” he said. “As their first foray into Canada, they were looking for information on a variety of fronts. Our job was to be the first point of contact and to make sure they got all the resources
United Industries of ficials have also shown an interest in sourcing third-party labour, such as tool-and-die, machining, and trade work from local employers, which would increase the economic im pact of this investment.
New industry chooses Tilbury
Deadlines for booking ads: Friday prior to
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 71 Sass Rd Unit #4, N7M 5J4 519-397-2020 Bruce Corcoran General Managerbruce@chathamvoice.comExt.227 Michelle Owchar Graphicsmichelle@chathamvoice.comExt.226 Jeanine Foulon Salesjeanine@chathamvoice.comExt.228 Peter Zubyk Sales - Ext. peter@chathamvoice.com225 Pam pamwrightlji@gmail.comReporterWright-Ext.232
The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice
Continued from page 1
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:15am - 3:30pm
Chatham Voice advertising policy
The contents of
Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.
ameter category, munici pal officials said.
or penalty to either party.
Manufacturing will be gin once the factory instal lation is complete.
A member of:
publicationGive12:00pmdateusacall at our local office today! 71 Sass Rd., Unit #4, Chatham, ON, N7M 5J4 Tel: 519-397-2020
preciative of all the sup port we have received from Mayor Canniff and the entire region,” he said. “We chose the Cha tham-Kent area for this key expansion due to its outstanding local work force along with your civic leaders’ willingness to cre ate a strong business part nership.”JamieRainbird, manager of C-K economic develop ment, told The Chatham Voice the company had certainly done its home work in site selection.
Greg Sturicz, president of United Industries, Inc., said in a media release he’s looking forward to establishing operations in Tilbury.“We are extremely pleased to be joining the Chatham-Kent business community and very ap
they needed put in front of them.”Some applications of company product for the food and beverage, phar maceutical, and biotech nology industries and re quire the highest level of purity.Rainbird said the con tacts at United were great to work with throughout the process.
The company is to take over a currently unoccu pied manufacturing space thisUnitedmonth.Industries, Inc. is the only North American manufacturer of high-pu rity stainless steel tubing in the 1-inch to 8-inch di
The hiring process will take place in phases. But once the facility is up and running, it is anticipated it will generate as many as
this newspaper are protected by copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc.
100 local jobs.
“From the day we first met them, they have al ways stressed that they strive to be an employer of choice. I can tell from the many months of dealing with them that I can un derstand why,” he said.
“They are absolutely fan tastic people to deal with. It’s been a pleasure every step of the way.
First and foremost, I’m someone who cares deep ly about Chatham-Kent. I really just want to make a difference in this commu nity and grow with Cha tham-Kent.
76 Main St. E., Ridgetown - 519-674-3141
we are unified as a com munity to help grow our municipality for the next generation.
Over the years I feel I have been an effective council lor, doing my best to help our citizens and promote the success of our com munity. I am known for asking tough questions and challenging our ad ministration when I be lieve it is necessary. This does not always make me a popular guy at city hall, but that is my job.
Why are you running?
Marjorie Crew
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
Why are you running?
Public engagement with the public is something I believe always has to be worked on and improved. The city and its operations should not be something people don’t understand.
Conor Allin
This week, we are featuring candidates vying for the six council seats in Chatham, Ward 6.
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Too often we lose our young adults to bigger centres. We must explore options and ways to be at
I have completed 12 years at the council table which has provided me with experience about municipal affairs. Com mittee work on the Police Service Board, Public Util ities Commission, Board of Health, Chatham BIA, Age Friendly, to name a few, has broadened my knowledge in municipal areas that are important work as councillors. On a different level, my grass roots work in our neigh bourhood for over 20 years gives me insight into social issues facing our cit izens.
Affordable homes are a glaring need, and the last two years have really amplified it locally. As a result, homelessness has become more prevalent. Making affordable hous ing will assist in creating a better quality of life.
Conor Allin
459 St. Clair St., Chatham - 519-351-2040
Addressing housing and homelessness in Cha tham-Kent has become a growing priority. Our cit izens – taxpayers or not – deserve affordable and safe housing. I will sup port existing and new ini tiatives to increase housing in Chatham-Kent as well as supportive housing for individuals who struggle to live independently.
Marjorie Crew
C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham
I hope that we all will work toward re building economic and so cial wellness for our com munity.
What are the key issues?
The Chatham Voice
Michael Bondy
What are the key issues?
Why are you running?
What are the key issues?
Amy Finn, due to technical reasons, did not submit her answers by press time. In order for us to get all this information
This past term of council has been the most chal lenging I have experienced to say the least. Shoreline issues, the Wheatley ex plosion, COVID-19, our environment, and grow ing issues surrounding housing and homeless ness are some of the top issues we face as a council and a community.
Simply put, I love Cha tham. I’m raising two beautiful daughters here with my wife Erin, and we couldn’t be more ex cited about the potential for our Comingmunicipality.froma large family with deep roots in this community, I feel it is my time to give back to Chatham-Kent.
I am seeking re-election in Ward 6 to continue to actively represent the cit izens of Chatham-Kent.
C-K and Ontario’s southwest will see more jobs coming to the area. We need to be prepared with careful and strate gic planning to make our area prosperous. There are many moving parts and council is important to this process.
and finding efficient ways of providing services will certainly be a priority.
Continued on page 4
The Chatham Voice
The Chatham Voice
141 Park St., Blenheimwww.mckinlayfuneralhome.com519-676-3451
for the ward into one newspaper, we decided to remove our opinion page this week. It will return in the Sept. 22 edition.
Community involvement is something I have always valued deeply and it’s im portant to me to continue to have a positive and re sponsible role in strength ening and moving Cha tham-Kent forward.
There are many import ant issues facing our com munity in the next term of
What skills and experience do you bring?
Editor’s note: The Chatham Voice is proud to bring you candidate profiles in the coming weeks for the Oct. 24 municipal election.
Dealing with our hous ing problem is, and will continue to be a concern.
Michael Bondy
we will create a larger tax base, which will decrease the burden property owners current ly face.
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Chatham-Kent is a grow ing community. I want to be part of that growth with forward and them.thamtheIthinking/ideas.progressiveIfelected,willcontinuetolistentoconstituentsofChaandbethevoiceforItisimportantthat
I am a past-president of the Chatham-Kent Asso ciation of Realtors. I am also a member of our PAC Committee, communicat ing directly with MPPs and MPs on a number of housing-related issues over the years. I feel my next logical step is into the political forum, to sell ideas.Myexperiences with my children have taught me patience, how to share a concept so everyone un derstands, and that lis tening, a little compassion and a sense of humour can get us through our hardest challenges. I see a good councillor as one that can communicate.
Andrew Elliott
What are the key issues?
The Chatham Voice
C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham
I was raised to think globally and act locally. I believe we can better the community; by enacting small changes, we can make big differences.
Why are you running?
bring a new perspective to the table; where we look at the problem, consider the op tions, and act.
working with community partners and public stakeholders to streamline services.
The Chatham Voice
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
Councilhomes.own should take ag gressive steps to help low er house prices. I would work to fast track any affordable housing devel opments, and to ban cor porations from purchas ing single unit dwellings.
What are the key issues?
Continued on page 5
I feel like there are issues that affect the working class that can be dealt with on a local level.
I have worked in all three sectors of the com munity, owned my own business, served on mu nicipal councils in two communities and provid ed strong leadership for a local charitable organi zation for 36 years. My organizational and time management skills are highly developed and I am committed to open, honest and transparent communication. And … I have the necessary time to devote to municipal gov ernment responsibilities.
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
mayGen-ZandnialsmillenManytripled. never
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
I want to continue to work on the challeng es facing our communi ty – now and in the fu ture. This current term of council was significantly impacted by the COVID pandemic. This prevent ed me from interacting, and meeting face to face, with local constituents who have a right to be heard. Civic engagement is key.
From a physical infra structure perspective, we are facing issues related to maintenance and/or replacement of munici pal assets – including fa cilities, equipment, roads and bridges – with only half the funds needed to do so. We also need to prepare for the impacts of climate change as we experience weather that is predicted to be wetter and warmer. And … from a social infrastructure perspective, we are facing issues related to poverty – namely homelessness, mental health and addic tions and intimate partner violence – each intensified by the pandemic. What do you hope to achieve if elected?
I would like to see our council thinking for itself, rather than being heavily influenced or passive-ag gressively stonewalled by administration.
Michael Gibbons
Why are you running?
I think I can offer a unique voice on council. I have a working class background, I’ve done ev ery job from Burger King, to greenhouse worker, to being self-employed, to an office job. As someone who has lived in Cha tham for over 10 years, I feel like I have an under standing of the communi ty’s needs.
I bring years of council experience and a business
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Likewise, with gas spik ing to over $2 a litre this summer, I would work to build out an electric-carcharging infrastructure at no cost to the taxpayer.
In light of recent acci dents in Chatham, I think a dedicated underpass for
Clearcutting – A bylaw regarding clearcutting should not be that hard to put together. A redesign of the stewardship panel the municipality had is definitely in Homelessnessorder.– It’s something every com munity deals with; a multi-faceted gem of a problem.
The Chatham Voice
background to the table. I am an approachable person with a pragmat ic outlook. Raising five children in Chatham has taught me patience and an ability to listen and solve problems, both big and small.
cillors, munici pal staff interestedand community partners, I hope to see the small home develop ment on Taylor Avenue ( AND the Indwell project at the for mer St. Agnes Elementary School come to fruition. These two projects alone will provide affordable and attainable housing for a minimum of 120 in dividuals and families of low to modest income. What skills and experi ence do you bring?
Why are you running?
Affordable Housing –We need to look at work ing with other levels of government to improve the design of assistance programs that benefit our communities and get peo ple safely off the streets.
This would be the first council devoid of pre-amalgamation coun cilors, which in itself, is pretty historic. Council really needs to work to wards regaining people’s trust, and show that we are capable as a group to work for all of Cha tham-Kent.Iwantto
Andrew Elliott
Michael Gibbons
What are the key is sues?
The same issues that face the rest of Canada: Afford able housing and afford able transportation. When I moved to Chatham in 2011, my two-bedroom apartment was $735 util ities included. Now they are twice as much. In the same time period, hous ing prices have nearly
gencyemer vehicles bewouldan advan encouragestronglywouldtage.I
Continued from page 3
I am also a teacher at two colleges, and I have vol unteered for many years in the community. I am approachable, a good lis tener, and accountable in every job I do.
Why are you running? Our community has tre mendous potential. We need progressive, trans parent, and innovative leadership to meet our current challenges, to improve liveability, and to address affordabili ty. With young children, parents in retirement, and owning a small business I understand a success ful community needs to work for all generations and demographics. I want to continue the hard work of growing and improving our municipality.
I’m proud of my work in the past two terms in troducing tougher regu lation on payday lenders, ending the sale of animals from puppy mills, moving harm reduction initiatives forward, and advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion. I want to con tinue to be a strong, pro gressive, and accountable voice on council.
What are the key issues?
to invest in parks and green spaces, pur sue smart development, and take real, long-term steps to address housing. We need to work with community partners to develop harm reduction approaches and improve ness.wellmunitycom
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Downsizing Dames
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 PAGE 5 C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham VOTE COUNCILLORWARDCONORALLIN6OnlineVotingOctober3rd-16th Let’s E LECT ELECT CARSON CARSON WARRENER WARRENER IT IS THE ROLE OF COUNCIL "To ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the includingmunicipality,theactivitiesoftheseniormanagementofthemunicipality" SEC. 224 Municipal Act, 2001 To learn more or request a sign check out my website to
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
The key issues are in creasing property taxes, the Imagine CK project, the lack of doctors for over 20 per cent of our citizens, increasing pov erty, and the importance of bringing industry and good-paying jobs to our community.
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Lauren - Mission Control • Heather - Logistics & Research Your life is changing and you deserve to feel good about it! Don’t know where to start? Overwhelmed? We work with you to prioritize items into keep, gift or donate. No detail too small • 519.350.3691 • Roomsdownsizingdames@gmail.comneedpainted?Wedothat!
I’m running because I want what is best for my community. I grew up in Chatham and I’ve spent most of my adult life liv ing and working in the municipality. I want to be part of the decision-mak ing process for this com munity. I’ve witnessed some decisions that were made in haste or without full disclosure, and I want to ensure money is spent wisely.
The Chatham Voice
I’m an accountant CPA and I have worked on budgets for many years in the private sector indus try and a non-profit. My financial experience will benefit council.
What are the key issues? Affordability, homeless
and must be what the taxpayers want.
Sheila Martin
Brock McGregor
Our municipality fac es significant challenges, but we also have extraor dinary opportunities. If re-elected I am committed to moving our community forward with a respon
The Chatham Voice
Brock McGregor
I’ve helped on cam paigns before, and I’m looking forward to run ning my own. I went to St. Clair college for computer science, and I’m currently taking online classes for HR, so I’d like to think that I have an analytical mind.
I would like tax increases to be kept to a minimum. I’m concerned for those on fixed incomes. I would like to help bring industry and good jobs to this com munity. Many of our citi zens need a doctor. I want to be part of the solution.
I have eight years’ ex perience on municipal council, including four as the budget chair. I am the long-serving board pres ident of an international charity, Rise House, that supports women and children in Haiti; I run a small business; and I am involved in local youth sports.Throughout my work in the community, I remain a committed and honest communicator and facili tator.
Andrew Elliott
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
On top of the issues mentioned previously, I am also passionate about town beautification. Ad ditionally, I would freeze councillors wages in an effort to reduce taxes.
What skills and experience do you bring?
I want Chatham-Kent to thrive, and I want to help make it happen. Some thing needs to be done with the downtown area and the old infrastructure.
Continued from page 4
sible, progressive, and thoughtful approach.
Why are you running?
Sheila Martin
The Chatham Voice
I want to see open, hon est and clear communi cation and messaging. I have seen and been to a lot of meetings with lots of talk in my years being involved in most depart ments of the municipality. Well...words are, just that, words and mean nothing
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham Economy Series. 670 Irwin St., Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 Tel: 1.844.938.4826 QUALITY RELIABILITY STRENGTH All Titan Products meet and exceed ASME B56 1 and CSA B35 Standards Telephone: 1 519 351 9501 Tollfree: 1 844.93TITAN (844 938 4826) DEALERSWANTED PUT THE MORTGAGE HUNTER TO WORK FOR YOU! Call www.themortgagehunter.ca519-351-5303 Ian Hunter juncturaconstruction.ca226-312-222215MapleLeafDriveChatham,ONN7M6H2property@junctura.cajuncturagroupConstruction Frozen homemade meals. We do all the shopping and prep for you . . . Just add Heat! Individual and family sized meals, soups and desserts. Come fill yourfreezertoday!!6519-351-7905LoweSt.,Chatham(JustoffSt.Clair)Jumbo IQF Pickerel 11 lbs. for $110/box Fish S peciaL Please visit us at 10417 Front jennford@aamarinefoods.com519-676-2030BlenheimLine, 735 Richmond St., Chatham www.chathamnissan.com519-352-9000 C HATHAM NISSAN We are open for SALES AND SERVICE Monday - Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday Closed 10 Indian Creek Rd. East Chatham (Just E. of 519-351-3636Queen) New & Used Tires Top Notch ServiceThat’s Just How We Roll! Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat 8-4 Support the local businesses who help support our community! Advertise here for only $30/week! Call today! 519-397-202 MAJOR & **ALTERATIONSFORREPAIRSMINORBACKTOSCHOOLSAVEYOUMONEY” 95% Eco Friendly Dry Cleaner 108 Keil Dr. South, Chatham • • 519-351-3881 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat & Sun 9am-5pm
TION.ACwithout sues?keyareWhattheiscoststurestrucInfraare
The Chatham Voice
My priorities include ac cessible mobility, business attraction and retention, mental health, addiction, and affordable housing.
Continued on page 9
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Why are you running?
Bonny Pigeon
Bonny Pigeon
avid life-long learner, I completed my hairstyling license re quirements while in high school. I hold a BA, Social Development Studies and certificates in Social Wel fare, General Social Work and Business Administra tion. Currently I am learn ingOpenFrench.Minded: I will consider new ideas and will carefully listen to and consider other people’s opinions.Patient: To a fault. I am the most patient person I know.
Why are you running?
Integrity: I am an ex tremely honest and re spectful person with
Lynn O’Brien
be well thought out with nothing left out of the equation.Another issue is that of closing our only down town park for an entire season of festivals. We just came off years of COVID and the Third Street Bridge being closed. Find a way to complete the work in stages. Our busi nesses cannot afford an other closure of any sort. What do you hope to achieve if elected?
While there are many, two key issues are afford able housing and employ ment. Homelessness is a result of several factors including lack of afford able housing, unstable work, and rises in mental health concerns and sub stance abuse.
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
pen. It is the one thing that will make Chatham’s downtown flourish and prosper.
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
I have all the skills and experience from having managed shopping cen tres in London, Toronto and both North Maple Mall and Downtown Chatham Centre for ap proximately 25 years. I also successfully man aged the Heart and Stroke offices in Chatham-Kent and Windsor-Essex. I have chaired many com mittees and believe there is always a way to find compromise and solu tions to all matter how large.
Lynn O’Brien
Being elected to three terms as a schoolboard trustee gives me the ex perience, skill and under standing of working in a county system long be fore the amalgamation of the municipality.
I want Chatham-Kent to continue to be a great place to live, raise a fami ly and age gracefully. What are the key issues?
ever increasing and people are stretched too far. Decisions must
I would like to see a council that is working together to achieve mutu ally beneficial success and prosperity for all. Let’s bridge the urban/rural divide.Ihave been a long-time advocate of the building of an access to the 401 at Queen Street. It is long overdue and should be discussed at a provincial level for funding. It is an item that I, if elected, would push to have hap
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 PAGE 7 519-351-SAVE Mortgages Made Easy3.7%VariableRate**OAC CHATHAM OFFICE 34 Raleigh St. 519-354-5470 BLENHEIM OFFICE 59 Talbot St. W. 519-676-5444 *Sales Representative **Broker CHECK OUT ALL OUR LISTINGS AT WWW.ROYALLEPAGECHATHAMKENT.COMMarco Kelly-AnneDaneAshley519-784-4348Acampora*Amato*519-365-5677Appleton*519-436-7195Appleton*519-365-7155MichaelBondy*519-352-4284StephenCarroll*519-355-9774 Anna-Marie MichaelEric519-401-8464519-354-7890Clark*RonCollins*Fitzgerald*519-436-4865Gibbons*519-365-5634JeffGodreau*519-365-4852 Darren Michelle226-627-8580Hart*Hetherington519-401-2635*CynthiaHiatt*519-354-1836BrianKeenan*519-365-6090GwenLiberty*519-784-3646 Wayne George519-365-7462519-436-4810Liddy*KristaMall*McDougall*519-360-7334JuneMcDougall*519-358-5199SylviaMoffat**519-355-8189 Ghassan Heather519-355-8668Najjar**Najjar**519-355-8666CassOpiela*519-355-7804ChrisPapple*519-350-1402BrianPeifer**519-436-2669 Elizabeth Patrick519-436-8959Peifer*Pinsonneault**519-360-0141ChrisPolley*905-903-0505KatherineRankin*226-542-2964DeborahRhodes*519-401-5470 Brandice Michael519-360-7729519-350-1615226-626-4838Smith*DavidSmith*RonSmith*Smyth*519-784-5470ChrisSpafford*519-917-2635KateStenton*519-436-8377 CarsonCindy519-809-2856Warrener*Weaver**519-360-0628AshleyWilton*519-437-7564ElliotWilton*519-358-8755PennyWilton**519-360-0315LisaZimmer*519-365-7325 PinsonneaultAmber Broker of Record Cell 519-784-5310 Kristen Nead Broker Manager Cell@ROYALLEPAGEPEIFER519-784-7653 BROKERAGE - INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 5 SUPERIOR,$600,000TILBURY 3 FRANCES NEW PRICE $659,900 Family sized! 3,000 sq ft, custom built. 3 beds, 2 1/2 baths. Call Eric 519-436-4865. 31 TIFFANY,$421,300RIDGETOWN Curb appeal and no rear neighbours. 3 beds, 2 baths. Call Darren 226-627-8580 or Patrick 519-360-0141. 27 YORK • $269,000 83 WINDFIELD NEW PRICE $679,000 Beautiful and meticulously cared for mobile home has 2 beds, 1 bath. Call Darren 226-627-8580. Separate entrance for basement. 5 beds, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. Call Michelle 519-401-2635. Great opportunity! Zoned Urban Commercial. Complete with board room, kitchen, storage. Call Ron Collins 519-401-8464. 884 CHARING CROSS NEW PRICE $629,900 Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! 4 beds, 2 baths, bright and renovated. Call Deb 519-401-5470. 176 GREENFIELD NEW PRICE $465,000 Large rec room, fenced yard. 3 beds, 1 bath. Call Kristen 519-784-7653. LOT 28 HENSON,$689,000DRESDEN Introducing Dresden’s new development: Rolling Acres,Subdivision. To be built 1617sqft, 3 beds. Call Krista 519-365-7462. 25 VICTORIA • $274,900 57 MCGREGOR,$469,900BLENHEIMOwn a piece of 519-355-8189.institutional.Zonedhistory!Parkingforatleast12cars.CallSylvia one1.5Outstanding3bedroom,bathsonofthebeststreetsinC-K!CallElliot519-358-8755orAshley519-437-7564. 81 GREGORY • $875,000393 BALDOON #20 • $349,900 Serene backyard oasis! 3 beds, 3 1/2 baths, inground pool, custom kitchen w/l closet. Call Jeff 519-365-852. Carefreeliving!3beds, 1 1/2 519-436-4865.condobaths,living.CallEric
Looking on a year-todate basis, home sales to talled 985 units over the first eight months of the year. This was a substan tial decline of nearly 20 per cent from the same period in Pinsonneault2021. said Au gust was the first month
According to figures from the centbled(CKAR),AssociationChatham-KentofRealtorshomesalestumbynearly25percomparedtoAugust
are still getting to make offers with conditions.”
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 SO HAPPY TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR NEW HOME!! 59 Blossom Place, Chatham • NOW $589,900 All brick rancher with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Master with ensuite. 2 car attached garage. Fenced rear yard. 6423 Riverview Line 5 bedroom + den. Main floor master bedroom with ensuite. Lower level granny suite with kitchen. 3.5 baths. Many, many updates. Plan now to view! PHILLIPSBARB Real Brokerage.comEstate 519-359-8588 phillba@mnsi.netemail: RealEstateBrokerage COUNTRYLIVINGDESCRIBESTHISQUIET ANDSERENEPROPERTYSURROUNDED BY FARMLAND,FEATURESAONEFLOOR RANCHERWITH3BEDROOMS,2BATHS, LARGEUPDATEDKITCHENDININGAREA, FAMILYROOMOVERLOOKINGLARGE DECKANDBACK YARD,MUDROOM, ATTACHEDGARAGEPLUSA40X64FT HEATEDSHOPWITHCOMPRESSORAND HOIST14FTDOORS,IDEAL FAMILYOR RETIREMENTHOME. 7544LewisLineW VACANTLAND Riverview Line W. Raleigh $239,900Township130’x429.70’Seedetailsonwebsite! Featured On The Thames 3 bedroom, well maintained home. Many updates. Large living room / dining room combo. Main floor laundry. Detached garage. Fenced in backyard. MOVE READY!IN 1st time buyers or retirees! Restaurant is Open for Business Turn key, small Approx.operation.800sq.ft.$550,000Located in the core of Chatham RestaurantForSale Great Country Location • $399,900 9362 Old Pinehurst Line (formerly Kent Centre Line) Over 1/2 acre! 3 bedrooms, 22x14 large living room, many updates. Move in ready! Dead end street. See rooms view on my website. 144 Edgar,$319,900Chatham OPEN OFFERS!TO with Granny Suite! Saturday, September 20th, 12 noon til 2pmOPEN HOUSE Elliot Wilton Sales Rep 519-358-8755 Penny Wilton Broker 519-360-0315 Ashley Wilton Sales Rep Peifer519-437-7564Realty Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated 59 Talbot St. W., Blenheim • 519-676-5444
year average for August. Amber Pinsonneault, president of the CKAR, said the low numbers weren’t“Augustsurprising.wasa slow month, which it typically is. But this was also the first time in two years that basically people could ac tually go away and do something,” she said.
However, in terms of the price of homes sold through August in 2022, the price of the average home compared to the same period a year ago, remained up by nearly 19 perPinsonneaultcent. still sees C-K as a solid real estate market.“Chatham-Kent is really performing well in com parison to other cities. They are seeing double the decrease in home sales and they have been see ing their property values going down,” she said. “Here, people are still get ting great value. Buyers
The good news in home sales is inventory. There are more homes on the market now, as there were 239 new residential listings in August. This was the largest number of new listings added in the month of August in 15 years.
With the Bank of Can ada hiking interest rates by three quarters of a per cent last week, the pres ident of the CKAR said that will hinder buying power for some prospec tive home buyers.
2021, as 119 units changed hands.Thatfall saw home sales dip nearly 16 per cent be low the five-year average, and, more telling, about 12 per cent below the 10-
Home sales, prices cool in August
While August tempera tures were steamy here in Chatham-Kent, proper ty sales were downright chilly.
Active residential list ings numbered 375 units on the market at the end of August. Active listings haven’t been this high in the month of August in more than five years.
By Bruce Corcoran
in years to show an ac tual decrease in the aver age price of a home sold, $421,638, as the price dipped by two per cent compared to August of 2021.
Dava Robichaud
I possess the experience and integrity to make the best decisions for this community that I have called home all of my life.
Chatham is my home. For over 35 years I have been working to give back to the community and see council as the next step in my efforts to help shape a future community for my grandchildren that will benefit everyone.
If council was serious about campaign promises of transparency and accountability they would not reject calls for a forensic audit. Council would not avoid their responsibilities under the Municipal Act to ensure the integrity and accountability of senior management. Council would not delegate their legislative role to administration. “The job of municipal council is to make decisions about municipal financing and services for our community. To not allow administration to make decisions for council.
Provincially registered to accept donations to keep ads going 519-354-3984 john@municipalaccountability.ca519-351-8344
Our property taxes were given a reprieve via MPAC based on 2016 values. When taxes increase at the end of 2023 [ new MPAC assessment ] combined with an average tax increase atop new assessment we’re concerned of an unaffordable financial impact to the citizenry. In addition to our current council failing to secure a forensic audit, they have failed to secure an online open accounting program for citizens to responsibly scrutinize financial details of each department allowing tens of millions of accountable tax dollar spending to effectively be hidden.
Why are you running?
A healthy and growing Chatham-Kent is one that addresses our need for in frastructure that will sup port population, business, and industry growth. We must also tackle the grow ing mental health and substance abuse crises in our community. And, importantly, we need to build and foster support for our youth and seniors.
In line with the issues facing our community, my goals will be to push for an infrastructure plan that will support the re vitalisation of the down town core, housing de velopment to address cost of living concerns, and transportation needs of all ages.
I am organized, hard working, and love col laborating with a team to have a successful end-re sult.In my daytime role, I wear many hats and sup port all departments with in the company where I am employed. I also work closely with local chari ties, supporting the most vulnerable. I have been fortunate to have been part of our community’s most important and im pactful initiatives.
3. Why has the current council not examined the effectiveness of the municipality’s risk and audit committee [comprised of council members] whereby council was provided documentation demonstrating the committee over looked issues associated with the responsibility of the committee?
C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham
Experienced: Working with municipal depart ments, provincial coun terparts and volunteer organizations, I have de veloped a diverse under standing of the needs and strengths of the Commu nities of Chatham-Kent. I’m not a business owner, sales person or politician. I am just a concerned and impassioned citizen.
As a member of the next council I vow to never make a decision without having all the facts and knowing that full consul tation occurs within the community first.
Derek Robertson
PUBLIC ACCESS TO MUNICIPAL SPENDING DETAILS IS SIGNIFICANTLY HIDDEN –council and administration were provided details regarding an online municipal budget process allowing all residents to view and scrutinize all costs in detail. A process easily and efficiently imported to the current municipal website for all to see and responsibly scrutinize. Municipal budgets are the public’s bank account. The public has a lawful right to see all deposits and withdrawals. Why has the current council not enforced such a program?
What skills and experi ence do you bring?
Derek Robertson
What are the key issues?
6. Why has the current council not reprimanded the police board (council has senior governance) for allowing the police service to purchase a $75,000 Chevy Tahoe when the vehicle was not a legitimate purchase? The vehicle was revoked and auctioned off. (Reference: media coverage)
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
Chatham-Kent’s ONLY Not-For-Profit Retirement Home. Experience the Difference. 519.351.MEAL, Nutritious, Home-Style Meals, Delivered Right to Your Door. Sign Up Today! 99 Park St. Chatham, ON N7M 3R5 | | 519.354.8103 | Book Your Tour Today!
I want to workandcriseshealthofnessawaredrivetinuecontoouron
idential and commercial foundations that are gen erationally sustainable. What do you hope to achieve if elected?
in the future.
The Chatham Voice
5. Why did the current council not take responsible concern for the taxpayers when a senior police member was allowed to take off work evidently absent of legitimate excuse while being paid full salary, as online C-K records confirm? (Reference records provided council) The investigation gave the subject member time to leave the police service and no charges were laid under the Police Act. That does not dismiss the fact taxpayers paid a municipal employee hundreds of thousands of dollars to not be at work. How will council account for this to the taxpayers?
Transparency in decision making and ensuring the public has all the facts are critical to success. Broken
What are the key issues? Chatham-Kent is cur rently faced with an issue of lifestyle affordabili ty, versus a sustainable growth strategy. Our community has still not fully recovered economi cally from the days when jobs of all facets were plentiful.Thegrowth strategy must be focused on res
Continued on page 10
This last council term saw a collective 4 year operations expense of $1.4 Billion in tax dollars. Even if only a 1% savings can be found [undoubtedly much more would be found ] by retaining a forensic auditor, even every 2nd or 3rd year an over-all savings of about $14M or $3.5M annually could be found. Given an average 2.4% annual tax hike [ or about $2.9M ] such savings would be crucial to securing financial stability for taxpayers and stabilizing taxes.
Bonny Pigeon
Dava Robichaud
1 .
2. Why has the current council not reprimanded the police chief and police services board [council is ultimately boss over both] after the police services told council that they [council] has no statutory authority to review the police budget in detail?
collaborative solutions with communi tyFinally,stakeholders.Iaimto expand support for our youth and seniors through program awareness and develop ment, and adaptive solu tions to new challenges as they come up.
4. Why has the current council not compelled senior staff to disclose their ”banked overtime” currently kept from council and citizens in a private administrative software? Such is not budgeted for each year but yet represents thousands of overtime hours representing significant time employees are away from work, forcing additional staff to come in on O/T, creating a multi-million-dollar circle of expense that is not responsibly monitored. Four O/T entries, seemingly by one employee, totalled 1,388 hours or about $106,000 not budgeted for or not openly accounted. Currently in private adjudication by us, council has not taken action.
Why are you running?
John K. Cryderman
Restoring Accountability to Chatham-Kent ….. this starts with electing a council that isn’t the “same ole”…….
[registered 3rd party municipal elections advertiser]
The Chatham Voice
Continued from page 6
Why are you running?
Love Where You Live!
PARK PL ACE II Heather & Charles Park Place Tenants “ It’s much easier than taking care of your own house! ” To watch Heather & Charles’ FULL TESTIMONIAL visit: Proudly Supporting Chatham-Kent Your InsuranceCommunity CallBrokerorWalk-InLet's ConnectTel: 519-352-1550 311 St. Clair Street, Chatham ON Home & Auto Commercial Life Disability Employee Benefits The Chatham Voice
What skills and expe-
Alysson Storey
Alysson Storey
Infrastructure over due for repair with limited budget.
What are the key is sues?
Continued from page 9 Transparency within the decision making process in Chatham-Kent is paramount to having successful outcomes and a prosperous com munity.
Lack of public input on major nessesEmployment:decisions.busistrugglingto
find employees and
ty adjust to our “new normal” from the pan demic. I know how to listen, how to work with people to build consensus, respectfully and effectively. I have a proven record of get ting things done and I’ll use these skills to make a positive im pact every day.
I’m running because I C-K.
Ensure a transpar ent discussion about downtown redevel opment takes place. Ensure all costs to tax payers are clear. This could be an Let’sgame-changerincredibleforC-K.doitright.
570 Park Ave West, Chatham ON • • 1-888-292-2010
After having served on council be tween 2010-2018 and the Lambton Kent District School Board from 2018-2022, I have a unique level of experience to honestly and prag matically do what is best for our community. I have been actively engaged in our community having served as the chair of the YMCA, and as a board member of the Chamber of Commerce and Com munity Living. During my tenure as a councillor, I served as the bud get chair, audit chair and on numer ous committees.
care deeply about
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
employees struggling to find meaningful work.
Working with the province to benefit our community – numer ous meetings with se nior ministry officials, resulting in a major infrastructure project building Highway 401 concrete median bar rier.Former manager of culture & special events for C-K, responsible for a multi-million dollar budget, multiple facili ties, large staff and vol unteer team.
Crisis in affordable housing and home lessness.
Help small business es succeed and know when to get out of the way.Work with commu nity partners on af fordable housing and homelessness. Without this our community cannot thrive.
rience do you bring?
Derek Robertson
Don’t miss your opportunity to live in Chatham’s premier luxury rental apartments. At over 85% rented, limited suites are remaining and renting fast! Take advantage of easy-living with all-inclusive rental prices, and no home maintenance. Call us at 1.888.292.2010 to book your today!
I want to municomourhelp
Former executive in the ag and finance sec tors, comfortable ad dressing complex bud get issues and ensuring our tax dollars are be ing spent responsibly.
What skills and experience do you bring?
THE CHATHAM VOICETHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 PAGE 11 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham We offer a variety of programs for older adults. Stop in for a tour or see the activelifestylecentre.orgline-upprogramat SaturdayMondayOPEN-Friday9am-9pmasscheduled&SundayCommunityEventsandRentals FREEFREETransportationAdmission On-Site Presentations • Tablet Course • Driving Course • Estate Planning • Cardiac Care Program For more info please call 519-352-5633 or visit our website: Facebook Pages: Active Lifestyle Centre or ALC Friends LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO? WE HAVE A LOT FOR YOU, VOLUNTEER AT ALC! Pre-order by Wednesday @ 3:30pm. Pick-up Thursday between 11:30am - 2:30pm TAKE OUT THURSDAYS September 15 September 22 Roast Beef Dinner Served with mashed potatoes, side of vegetable &$gravy12 Turkey Dinner Served with mashed potatoes, side of vegetable & gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce $12 OVER 50+ VENDORS, PROGRAMS & SERVICES FREE ENTRANCE & TOURS PastaFREE ServedDinnerfrom 4-6pm while quantitieslast On-site Bake Sale Do you want to Stay Active, Social & Healthy? Join us on September 16th, 2022 “OLDER ADULT RESOURCE FAIR & SHOWCASE” 2:00pm - 7:00pm THE CENTRE WILL BE SHOWCASING THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS & SERVICES •offered:ProgramsArtwith John Arts • Billiard Room • Bridge • Cardio Weightsand • Carpet Bowling • Chair Yoga with Ted • DrummingDjembe • BridgeDuplicate • Essentrics • Euchre • Exercise with Steve • Foot Care • Greeting Cards • Jamie’s Social • Ladies WorkingWood • Line Dance with Karen • Line KickettesDance/ • Pepper • Rummolli • Salsa • Scrapbooking • Tablet Class • Woodshop • Walking Club • Take ThursdaysOut • Yoga with Ted • Zumba with Amy • Basic Bridge with Judy • BridgeBeginnerwith Keith • Cardiac ProgramCare – Fitness Room • Cribbage • Exercise with Katelin • Group Individualor Sessions in the Gym • Hand and Foot • BridgeIntermediateLessons with Keith • SingingKaraokeClub • Outreach with Evelyn • Paint Class with Natalie • Sewing Club • Tai Chi Services offered: • Blood ClinicsPressure • Café • Diabetic Foot Care • ServicesEsthetician • Nail Salon • Hair Salon • Regular Foot Care • Rental ServicesCateringand We also will have many community partners and businesses that are offering services for seniors. Join us on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 for our trip to Shale Ridge WineryEstate Non-members:Members:$120.00$130.00 LunchisSign-upincludedrequired9090WidderRd.Thedford,ON.Call to secure a kwarwick@alcchatham.ca519-352-5633spot!ext.104
• Ukulele group meets every Wednesday, 1:00pm-2:30pm at Alexandria’s Dance Studio. Starts Sept. 14th. Fun for all, skill levels. Call Nancy 519-352-7921.
Larry Vellinga
Larry Vellinga
The Chatham Voice Why are you running?
Achieve growth and prosperity in Chatham-Kent. Attracting new busi ness, helping local small business grow and in return, C-K citizens achieve a new level of prosperity. This may help the homeless issue on a small scale.
I’m running for council because I care deeply about this community. I have worked in Windsor for the last 30 years but chose to remain a Cha tham-Kent resident. I really want to see this community grow and pros per.
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am-9:30pm. The kitchen is open for lunch 11:30am1:30pm. Today’s special is spaghetti with meat sauce. Come play Euchre at 1:00 or spend the evening playing Shuffleboard at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
Growth has been stagnant for the last 30-plus years, leading to a loss of our youth to other metropolitan centers.Homelessness continues to grow as more people suffer from insufficient income and access to adequate, af fordable housing.
to C-K to help us with the homeless issue. More mon ey and resources for mental health and drug addic tion. Funding for affordable hous ing units in con junction with local contractors.
I want to change the relationship between council and the public, through active and responsible representation of the constituents of my ward and help renew par ticipation from vested community leaders and critical thinkers. I want to restore public trust, through ef fective fulfillment of the “Role of Council” as laid out in the Munic ipal Act. This may seem overly pre cise, but it is so important, this is the provincial law that says our council
Finding new sources of tax revenue to alleviate the tax load on residen tial taxes. With skyrocketing infla tion, our citizens are at their bud getary breaking point without an added tax load.
Community Events
Sunday, September 18, 2022:
• Join us for lunch every Thursday and Friday from 11am to 1:30pm at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St. Everyone welcome.
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am-9:30pm. The kitchen is open for lunch from 11:30am–1:30pm. Everyone is •welcome.Doyoulive
Continued on page 14
What are the key issues?
Carson Warrener
Wednesday, September 21, 2022:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious break fast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:30am. Take out only.
Saturday, September 17, 2022: Revera: Canadian owned for 50 years with over 250 locations. Revera: Canadian owned for 50 years with over 250 locations. Retirement Suites Available! Your Kind of Retirement Living At Revera, we offer a warm and comfortable lifestyle for active, independent seniors. Our retirement residence is designed to give you the range of services, amenities and choices that fit your preferred lifestyle. Call to book your tour, today! Village on the Ridge 9 Myrtle St., Ridgetown 519-674-5427 ext. 239 Blenheim Community Village 10 Mary Ave., Blenheim 519-676-8119
is the Chatham-Kent.Municipalityauthoritygoverningoftheof
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am-9:30pm. Kitchen open for lunch from 11:30am1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Everyone is welcome.
What are the key issues? Taxes and spending. Cha tham-Kent has a ballooning $363 million per year budget. Our pop ulation is 104,316 and has had a net increase of only 689 people since 2012.
Carson Warrener
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
• Chatham-Kent Quilters’ Guild has guest speaker, Jo-Anne Ayland of Brights Grove for a Quilt/Trunk Show at 7:00pm, St. Paul’s Church, 450 Park Ave. W. Jo-Anne’s Mom was a victim of domestic abuse for 58 years, Jo-Anne showcases the quilts her Mom made during those years, and gives her a voice; a powerful message of healing and forgiveness. Everyone welcome. Guest fee: $5.
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am-9:30pm. Kitchen open for lunch from 11:30am1:30pm. Supper will be served from 4:00-6:00. No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials are chicken legs with rice or fish & chips. Take out is also available by calling 519-351-8733 or 519-3515639. Fun darts start at 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome.
Master Your Health Chronic Pain, Thursdays, Sept. 22 - Oct. 27, 2022. 9:30am—12:00pm. FREE Registration at: Sept.Alexandria’sThursday,•programsfindationatPleaseRegistrationforcdren,beginningBrrytimeexcited•freewputer,,September22.Chilalongwiththeirparentsandaregiversareinvitedtojoinusafun,interactivestorytime.willberequired.calltheWallaceburgBranch519-627-5292formoreinformaandtoregister.Visitusonlinetsearch.ckpl.catoregisterandmoreinformationonlibraryandservices.Easyclogginggroupmeetsevery10:00am-11:00amatDanceStudio.Starts15.CallNancy519-352-7921.Areyouaffectedbysomeoneelse’sdrinking?Al-anoncanhelp!Call-leavemessage-519-350-3462CallingallcraftersandChristmasBazaarfans.TheChathamLionsClubisinvitingyoutosecureyourspaceandsellyourwaresatourChristmasBazaar.Saturday,November5from9-4pm.WewillbehostingourBazaarattheWISHCentreonKingStreetE,
Affordable residential tax rates are key to attracting new residents. Our taxes are some of the highest in the province and this is just unaccept able.
What skills and experience do you bring?
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am-9:30pm. The kitchen is open for lunch from 11:30am-1:30pm. Our daily special is meat loaf dinner. Fun Darts at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Thursday, September 22, 2022:
Why are you running?
Push our local MP and MPP to direct greater resources and funds
• Kent Coin Club meeting at the Active Lifestyle Center (7pm –8pm), 20 Merritt Ave, Chatham. New members and guests wel comed. Come to a meeting to see what we’re about. Gain knowledge and trends of the hobby. For more info contact President Paul Robb ( (289-2282817)
The Chatham Voice
• The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham is open 11:00am–9:30pm. There will be a meat draw at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30pm. The kitchen is open for lunch from 3:00p-5:30pm. En tertainment by D.A.M. Band from 4:30-9:30. Everyone Welcome.
C-K Votes 2022 – Ward
with a Chronic Health Condition or are a Caregiver for someone who does? Join us and take control of your health!
Tuesday, September 20, 2022:
Thursday, September 15, 2022:
• Wallaceburg Legion Branch 18 presents Back2 Back 6pm10:00pm. $20.00 tickets. 50’s Diner Dinner. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and a few 80’s. Dress in the era of your choice. Call 6276663 to reserve tickets, please pick up by September 10th.
• Easy clogging group meets every Thursday, 10:00am-11:00am at Alexandria’s Dance Studio. Starts Sept. 15. Call Nancy 519-352-7921.
Friday, September 16, 2022:
• Come to the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St for a cooked to order breakfast from 9am to noon. Everybody Welcome.
Drug abuse and mental health also tie in with homelessness.
• Friday night supper at the Cha tham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St., is a Chicken parmigiana dinner with spaghetti, caesar salad and garlic toast. Everyone welcome. Dinner is served at 6pm. Dine in $12 and pickup is $13. Please call to place your order daily from 1 to 4pm at 519-352-8291.
My business experience as a man ager at Ford Motor Company combined with my post-graduate education and common-sense ap proach provide me the skills nec essary to make meaningful, fiscally responsible decisions on behalf of the citizens of Chatham-Kent. I’m confident dealing with multi-mil lion-dollar budgets while managing large groups of skilled people. As a maintenance manager at Ford, I’ve developed a very astute technical background. I’ve also honed the leadership skills necessary to lead teams cohesively from project con ception to completion.
Bailey, Faber,Elford,Edmonds,Dodge,Dilliott,Deprez,Denomy,DeCorbo,Connolly,Coates,Claxton,Clark,Chambers,Campbell,Brown,Black,Bateman,Barclay,RonJohnKatherineElenaArthurAudreyMaxineJohnFrancesGwenLouiseMarilynLouiseBr.DavidBr.GuglielmoLyzer,HenricaAntoniaPaulJoLynnCathyJaniceEvelynMarcelLeo
The MemorialTreesForest
Forrest, Ron Fox
A TREE GROWS IN MEMORY OF: This Ad Courtesy of McKinlay Funeral Home Ltd. 76 Mains Street East, Ridgetown, 519-674-3141 • 141 Park St., 519-676-3451 • 459 St. Clair Street, Chatham, 519-351-2040 Aartsen,
Extends a warm invitation to all to a Service of Dedication in memory of those for whom a Tree lives at Abraham Atwell, Wally
Gathering 1:30pm • Service 2:00pm
From a small beginning in 1988, The Trees Memorial Forest has grown to an area of 43 acres, encompassing both Howard and Ridgetown. To date over 2,100 trees have been purchased and planted, each recognizing a life that has been lived. Please consider bringing a senior, neighbour or a friend. Bring a lawn chair. All are invited for refreshments to follow the Dedication Service with support from Ridgetown and Area Adult Activity Centre.
Kerr, Lewis Kerr, MacDonald,Lutz,Leavy,Knowles,StevenMikeBrianRobertBr.
A Tree Has Been Planted In Memory Of The Following from Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2022:
Joseph MacIntyre, Br. Ronald Mazan,Helena ‘Lena’ Mary McAllister, Carol McIntyre, Beatrice Marie McIntyre, Playter,Payne,O’Neill,O’NeillOlfert,Nunn,Morrow,Metcalfe,Melvin,McLaughlin,LillianGwenBevLarryKatherineRodneyThomasLotharSimpson,MaryAliciaRuthAnnDon
Pollock, Geri Postma, John Ralph Pynenbrouck, Germaine Rammeloo, Joyce Richardson, Joan Lillian Richardson, Mary Schippers, John Secord, Wilfred ‘Bill’ Simpson, Fern Skinner, William Smith, Jayne Sojak, Mary Sojak, Milan ‘Mel’ Soutar, Jayne Audrey Spiruda, Laddie St. Pierre, Marie Stennett Beachley, Penny Stepniak, Irene Strysio, Teetzel,Taylor,Swayze,EllaCraigJohnStuartMuriel
Thomson, Elizabeth Trudgen, Bill Van Dyk, Zoldy,Yule,Wright,Wootton,Woods,Wood,Wood,WilsonWelch,Walker,Waite,Vyn,Vickery,Verkerk,Vanderiviere,Vanderiviere,SuzanJeanJeromeRinaNormaDickGordieGeorgeRalphTerryMitton,AileenJohnCKenEdwardMaryLouVirginiaJimFrank
Sunday, September 18
I am an independent thinker.
What do you hope to achieve if elected?
I have experience in negoti ation and am an information seeker and am known for my due diligence on any project.
Continued from page 12 In 2020, $103,250,699 was levied from residential properties, an in crease of 15 per cent or $13,599,332 from 2015. Council needs to proac tively ensure that public funds are used efficiently in delivering the services council has determined the municipality shall provide.
and more trusting relationship between the public and coun cil, encouraging participation and engagement in building the future we deserve.
One simple example of this can be found on the C-K website, in the place of “2022 Approved Budget” is a oneand-a-half-page document, representing $363 million in spending, an unfortunate oversimplification placed where anyone would expect a detailed document.
have a meaningful and enjoy able conversation with anyone and am highly engaged with our community.
I am a caring listener and can
C-K Votes 2022 – Ward 6 Chatham
What skills and experience do you bring?
It is the role of a council “to ensure the accountability and transparency of the opera tions of the municipality.” It is essential that council takes a serious and active role. We must present the highest level of detail at the earliest possi ble opportunity when dealing with complex and controver sial issues. The municipality ought to be forthcoming with documentation.
THE CHATHAM VOICEPAGE 14 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Loans Help Wanted MORTGAGES / LOANS CONSOLIDATE DEBTS LOWER YOUR PAYMENTS Difficult Situations Accepted WE ALSO paymentswithUNSECUREDARRANGELINESOFCREDIT/LOANSINTERESTONLYat5.95%(P+1.25%)Borrow $50,000 for $283.50/mth $100,000 for $567.00/mth $150,000 for $850.50/mth $200,000 for $1134.00/mth $250,000 for $1417.50/mth Call John at 519-252-6953 - 24 hours or emailUNIMORjohn@unimorcapital.comCAPITALCORPORATION Brokerage Lic.#10675 For qualified borrowers. First mortgage based on 4.74%/yr fixed rate, 5 yr term, 25 yr amortization. On approved credit, & subject to borrower qualification. Rates & terms subject to change without notice. Sample of payments if qualifyyou Borrow $5,000 for $24.79/mth $10,000 for $49.58/mth $25,000 for $123.96/mth AsphaltRentalROBERT OUELLETTE ASPHALT SEALING INC. • Hot Asphalt • Pot hole repairs • Catch basin repairs • Hot rubber crack repairs • Newparkingdriveways,lots,etc. • 24 MillinginchMachine We carry premium oil based sealer! TRUCKINGMINIBACKHOE,EXCAVATOR,&BOBCATSWEEPERSERVICE 519-354-9157 Classifieds 352-4955 LAWN GARDEN&Al’s HIRINGNOW Apply in person with resume. 80 McNaughton Ave. Wallaceburg, ON For a tour, call us StudioAPARTMENTSSENIORS519-627-9292ator1BedroomIncludes: • housekeeping • laundry • meals • cable TV • phone • access to on-site pool A Job for Professionals • www.customtreeservice.ca519-359-9876DiscountSeniors ExperienceYears30+Trusted Tree Care & Removal • &RemovalPruning • Stump Grinding & Removals • Crane Services • Tree Removals • Tree EvaluationsStructure EnjoyEveryWalkingStepYouTake! chatham@bioped.com519-355-1142#7-455GrandAveE.Chatham Open: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm • Friday 8am-4pm In Person Fittings Walking? Running? Want Comfortable shoes that fit right? YOUR FIRST RESPONSE 519-809-0187SPIDERS?For Pest Control in Chatham-Kent LOCALLY OWNED • Box Elder Bugs • Spiders • Ants • Wasps and more EVOC K Evolution Pest Solutions formerly CK Gray Wolf Pest Control Wanted to Buy: 727-8894.PaidWefurniture,coins,lery,costumeAntiques,jewel-gold,silver,military,tools.BuyAll-Cash.519Wanted • Dunvegan, Jasper, Jupiter, Renfrew, Homestead • Tweedsmuir W, Parkview, Parkwood • Willowmac • Souriquois, Seneca, Saugeen, Wyandotte • Spence,Patteson,Lacroix • Inshes, Lorne, Patteson CARRIERS NEEDED!! Delivery is once per week. Contact Michelle today! 519-397-2020 or
I intend to build a stronger
MAKE SURE TO OCTOBER 24, 2022 Your Vote Matters!
This is our 64th Anniversary together. Our Heavenly Anniversary As always - “Together Forever” I love you so much babe, Al
Coltyn Tremblay
2011 RT Dodge. 2WD, Hemi. Has not seen salt in the winter. Low mileage, loaded.$27,500fully or best offer. 519-352-2165. Silk rangements.SaddleCemeteryAr519-354-3411available.ManyReady-to-go.Holidays.Everyday/colours$35.
John Manfred Canal Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home Richard “Rick” Drewery 65, Tuesday, August 30, 2022 Life Transitions
Eileen Christner 100, Tuesday, September 6 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home
141 Park St., Blenheim •
McLaughlin, Paul Peacefully surrounded by his family at home on Sunday, September 4, 2022, Paul (Williams).husbandofMcLaughlin,Francisage73,Chatham,belovedofWendyBornin
A Funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Ursula’s Church on Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 10am. Arrangements entrusted to Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home, 156 William St. S. Chatham (519-352-5120).
Healing Love Ministry is an all night prayer line with councilors available from 12:00am-7:00am. Also, a male support group for those struggling with sexual addiction. A home based ministry, private and confidential. 519-354-3532.
Michael Castein 69, Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Life Transitions
Nobuko “Nancy” Kamai 93, Saturday, September 3, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home Paul McLaughlin 73, Sunday, September 4, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home
WManfred(J)Canal, formerly a knownrenownedinternationallyturnedafterbusinessmanTorontowho,retirementintoartistas
Plate glass mirror. 42”x 25 1/2” with embossed leaf design in upper 519-354-7559.$20.00.corner.Phone
Thursday, September 1, 2022 Life Transitions
Scott Stirling
Marlene Foy 84, Saturday, September 3, 2022 Life Transitions
Gerald Claire Oliver 79, Sunday, September 4, 2022 McKinlay Funeral Home
Charlene Ireland 62, Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 Life Transitions
Rick Verscheure
459 St.Clair St., Chatham • 156 William St., Chatham | | 519.352.5120 Generations of PlaceContinueFamiliesToTheirTrustWithUs andFuneralsCremations 245 Wellington St. W., 519-352-2710Chatham ericnichollsfuneralhome.com519.627.2861APartofWallaceburgsince1943. 60 Stanley Street, Blenheim (519) 676 –blenheimcommunityfuneralhome.com9200 OBITUARIES • 519-351-4444 4 Victoria (519)ChathamAve,352-2390ServingKingsville,Wheatley&Chatham On September 1 2022, at
Ted & Barbara Cobby Thursday, September 1, 2022 Kendrick Funeral Home
St. Thomas in 1948, son of the late Joseph Franklin McLaughlin and Jean Hendershot-Begg. Paul taught high school for 30 years at Chatham-Kent Secondary School and John McGregor Secondary School. He was also a Heating and Cooling Contractor. Loving father of Robert and Kevin. Dear brother of Martha (Noel) Loyson, Mary Elizabeth (Wayne) Lachine, the late Michael (Maureen) McLaughlin and brother-in-law of Dave Williams (Linda) Malott. As were Paul’s wishes, cremation has taken place and burial of ashes will be in Maple Leaf Cemetery at a later date. The Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home, 156 William St. S. Chatham (519-352-5120) is in charge of arrangements. Donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Online condolences welcomed at www.
Adrienne Marchand-Babcock Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home 519-351-2040 519-674-3141 519-676-3451 5:11pm, Lyn Cartier her hard battle at the age of 53 with her three best men by her side, surrounding her with love. Cherie is survived by her loving fiance, Lambert Jeffrey Pietens, her beloved sons, Dillon Dale (Alyssa Burke) and Dante Cartier, and by her grandchildren whom where the light of her life, Brooklyn, Mckenna, Kylea and Xander. Cherie was born to the late Rosaire Trufly Cartier (2010) and the late Grace Earlene Couture-Toulouse (1995). Cherie also has many brothers and sisters; Kim Robinson, Jason Snelgrove, Glen Cartier, Cory Cartier, Rosanna Cartier and Cecily Cartier and many nieces, nephews and close friends. Born in Petrolia, Cherie had many loving friends and family. Her table was never too small for everyone around, “The more the merrier.” Everyone was welcome with open arms. Her eyes lit up any room with those baby blues. Her sense of humour was second to none. Cherie loved spending time with her family, having family dinners and would go above and beyond to make sure everyone was full and having a great time, a memory that is fond for us all. Cherie took so much pride in her parents, and instilled in everyone around her just how important family is. She was a firm believer in not taking time for granted. Her greatest accomplishment was becoming ‘Momma Bear’ until the day she was blessed to become a Grandma. She strived to be the best she could be and always enjoyed the time with her tribe. They will all miss going to grandmas for a bonfire, music, dance parties, water fights, cooking hotdogs and s’mores, the list goes on. Brookyln is going to miss the baking and craft nights, as well as close time spent together, while Xander will miss running right into grandmas freezer to get the ice cream bar or freezies. Grandma never said no to her grand babies. Every one of us will miss her contagious laugh and smile, along with the endless humour. In lieu of flowers, we ask that you please donate to the Chatham-Kent Hospice, who graciously took care of Cherie in her last week of life and showed the utmost compassion and care to her and the family during this difficult time.
Love, Maureen and Uncle Mars
John M Canal, passed away peacefully in Chatham on Tuesday September 6, 2022. He is survived by his wife of many years, Robertine (Bobbie) Raymonde Canal, his daughter Cecile Canal Gallagher/ Stephen Gallagher, his son Christopher Canal/Miracle Chang and grand children Raymonde, Charlie, Liam, Patrick, Johnathan and Olivia. Also by his sister Ann Canal Boscariol/Frank Boscariol and their family. Predeceased by his sister Regina Senta Canal.
Helen Winifred Wilson 72, Sunday, September 4, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home
Cherie Lyn Cartier 53, Thursday, September 1, 2022 Life Transitions
Betty Bond 86, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home
In Memoriam
Ruby Edna Tasker 94, Monday, September 5, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home
76 Main St. E., Ridgetown •
Joyce Kenny 84, Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home
Ruth Davidson 70, Sunday, September 4, 2022 Life Transitions
Diane Van De Moortele 66, Thursday, September 1, 2022 Life Transitions
Cherie Lyn Cartier 53, Thursday, September 1, 2022 Life Transitions
Tom Pepper 57, Wednesday, August 24, 2022 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
To My Beautiful Lady (Geri) in Heaven above
September 23, 1967 - September 15, 2021
Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure Missing You Always Forgetting You Never. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
LOST: Gold & braceletDiamondLost in Chatham or in the Blenheim park area. If found please Thank519-351-3209.callYou.
Richard “Rick” Drewery passed away peacefully at his residence in Windsor on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. Arrangements entrusted to Life Transitions Burial and Cremation Service Inc.
Gary Garnet 74, Thursday, September 1, 2022 Nicholls Funeral Home
Brendan Duke 34, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 Nicholls Funeral Home
“As high as the sky as deep as the sea”