The Chatham Voice, Oct. 4, 2018

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Vol. 6 Edition 39



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$300K boost for centre’s building fund By Bruce Corcoran

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

All eyes were on skip Jennifer Jones and her teammates Kaitlyn Lawes, left, and Dawn McEwen, right, at the Princess Auto Elite 10 Grand Slam of Curling held at the Thames Campus Arena last week. The tournament featured some of the biggest names in the sport, including Canadians Glenn Howard, Rachel Homan, Brent Laing and Jones.

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Union Gas injected $300,000 into the Butterfly Build Campaign for the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTCCK) recently. The centre is looking to raise $6 million locally to go with $22.5 million in provincial funding to build a new facility on McNaughton Avenue West in Chatham. To date,

thanks to the boost from Union Gas, they’ve raised about $4 million, Foundation of the CTCCK executive director Mike Genge said. While Union Gas and its employees direct funds to the CTCCK, their giving goes much further. Mike Grail, chair of the foundation board, said the donation of “sweat equity” means a great deal.

Continued on page 2

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Union Gas helps centre’s campaign

benefits of the treatment centre. His adopted daughter Hayley, 13, received crucial therapy at the facility. Allman said Hayley developed cerebral palsy at birth. The first place the family visited when they got Hayley home to Chatham was the treatment centre. “They taught us so many things in that first month,” he said, adding that included how to feed her, how to do physiotherapy and more. “When she first learned to walk it was at the CTCCK. They helped us so much.” Allman said the greatthis week at est gift, however, Eateries . . . Expanding into Chatham: Consider the DCC FOODCOURT. was the Two vacancies, open to all considerations. Flexible leasing agreements, encourand continuous promoting, making DCC top of mind awareness to our customers. Signing Bonus offered for a limited time. All inquiries welagement


Continued from page 1

“I’ve worked with hundreds of Union Gas employees at various events and fundraisers. It’s not just financial contributions from the people of this company,” he said. “This organization truly believes in giving. It comes from the roots on up. The culture is probably unparalleled anywhere.” Steve Baker, president of Union Gas, is a former member of CTCCK foundation’s board. Kevin Allman, an employee at Union Gas, is a current board member. Allman has seen firsthand the

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Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

From left, Kevin Allman of Union Gas, Mike Grail of the foundation of the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTCCK), Steve Baker of Union Gas, and Donna Litwin-Makey of the CTCCK celebrate Union Gas’ donation of $300,000 to the centre’s Butterfly Build Campaign.

and celebration for Hayley’s perseverance and accomplishments. Baker said he is well aware of how integral the centre is for the community, and to the fam-

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ilies of Union Gas employees. Working with the centre makes sense for the company. “We live here. We work here. This is our community. We’ve got a desire to make it stron-

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ger,” he said. “The future lies in our children.” “We’ve got caring employees at this company and we all believe how important the quality of life for kids is in this community,” he added. “The CTCCK provides so many services. It really is a world-class facility.” Grail said Baker has maintained an interest in the centre, even when his work led him to Houston, Texas for a time. “Steve’s efforts to help the foundation are truly inspiring. Even when he moved to Houston, he still wanted to be kept up to date on matters,” he said. Baker said he’s all too aware of the need for the centre to expand. “It’s driven by a really strong caseload. And they are using literally every inch of the current centre,” he said. “You can quickly see how much a new centre is needed.” The $6 million in locally raised funds will go towards equipment for the centre and to help sustain operations, Baker said.

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Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Ken Osborne of Kent Bridge brought his 1924 Rio fire truck and his grandson, Noah, 4, to Firefest on Saturday in Downtown Chatham. Noah, pictured, was geared up like a real fireman and was excited to ride with his grandpa in the parade.

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gin Settlement) in 1866 and was made up of people escaping slavery in the United States via the Underground Railroad. In his statement, Judge Nakatsuru said due to the complexity and number of the issues involved in the case, he felt the matter should be dealt with under one legal proceeding and acknowledged the issue is about more than money and land. “The issues raised are important to both parties. There is a long history in this piece of property. It is not just about money or who owns what. The resolution of these issues will have significant impact on the lives of members of the congregation and on the spiritual needs of real people. As an aside, though not relevant to my decision per se, I observe that it is unfortunate that despite the best efforts no doubt of all involved, this could not have been settled to the mutual satisfaction of everyone, in keeping with the principles of faith of the church and its members,” Nakatsuru said in his written submission.

Friday, October 12

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A $2 million lawsuit was filed July 31 against the British A Toronto judge has ruled Methodist Episcopal Church the congregation of the North (BMEC) in Toronto by PickBuxton church can remain on ard who took on the case pro the property until the mat- bono after he heard the BMEC ter of who actually owns the told the church community church and land is settled. they had to rejoin the main Lawyer for the North Bux- church or vacate the property. ton congregation, Steve Pick- An option to lease the propard, said the news is good for erty was removed before the the local group. church was able “The judge “This is a significant to respond. has ruled that As previouswin for the Buxton conthe BMEC in ly reported, Toronto can- gregation. They have the claim docnot evict the won the right to stay in uments state congregation their church until the that the BMEC in North Bux- matter of who owns the either names ton until all church is properly dealt the North Buxthe matters with. BMEC sought to ton Commubetween them nity Church as which have evict them immediately.” “true owners been raised in - Lawyer Steve Pickard of the propthe claim for tierty,” remove tle and damages in Chatham themselves as trustees over have concluded,” Pickard the property, or that they said in a statement to the me- pay the North Buxton Comdia recently. “This is a signifi- munity Church $1.5 million cant win for the Buxton con- for the amount they put into gregation. They have won the the property since they broke right to stay in their church with the BMCE in 2003, plus until the matter of who owns $500,000 in damages. the church is properly dealt The Bethel Congregation with. BMEC sought to evict started the church in the Buxthem immediately.” ton Settlement (formerly ElThe Chatham Voice


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CHKA under accreditation survey By Bruce Corcoran

There are some unfamiliar faces on the prowl


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in the halls and offices of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance this week, as Accreditation Canada has sent a team in to evaluate operations at our local hospitals. Lori Marshall, president and CEO of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, said four surveyors are on site this week, spending five days reviewing essentially all elements of the CKHA. “It gives you a chance to look at policies, practices, relationships, etc.,” she said. “We performed a self-assessment to identify areas where we believe we meet and exceed provincial standards, and areas that need improvement. The surveyors come in to verify.” There are more than 1,000 standards that will come under scrutiny this week, from the boardroom to patient experi-

ence to the boiler room, Marshall said. It’s a continuing focus on striving to constantly improve, she added. “They help to identify some of the gaps,” she said of the surveyors, who are comprised of hospital administrators and front-line health-care providers. The feedback will be immediate. “We’ll get a preliminary verbal report at the end of the week and get a formal report within 60 days,” Marshall said. While the accreditation process is not mandatory, she said she doesn’t know of a hospital that doesn’t take part. There’s an annual cost to be involved, Marshall said, as Accreditation Canada provides other services and access to resources. Plus, when it’s survey week, there are

additional costs associated with the weeklong visit. “We believe it’s highly beneficial to do that,” Marshall said. Jerome Quenneville, vice president and chief financial officer with the CKHA, said in order to have medical students work at a hospital, it has to be part of the accreditation process, and is therefore vital to the physician recruitment process. In terms of financial prudence, Marshall said the CKHA continues to project it will be in a balanced position at the end of its fiscal year, despite some challenges with provincial funding. She said the funding model helps small hospitals, as regardless of patient numbers, you need a certain core level of service. But the alliance is con-

sidered a mid-size hospital, one of the largest in that category. Large urban hospitals perform high volumes of procedures to the point they can do them more efficiently and cost effectively, plus they benefit from population growth. But the alliance doesn’t, and as a result doesn’t get the same level of support funding from the province. Marshall is hopeful the provincial funding model will be tweaked somewhat in the near future. One area in which the CKHA is doing more procedures is knee replacements. It used to receive provincial funding to perform 381 replacements a year, but it is now bumped to 481 such procedures that the ErieSt. Clair Local Integrated Health Network is funding each year.






Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Lori Marshall, president and CEO of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, showcases the alliance’s new strategic plan goals, which are posted in the hallway near the Tim Horton’s in the Chatham campus.

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New Habitat home recipient grateful fresh start,” said Krutasky about her new home. Applying in 2016, KruThere were lots of happy tasky found out she was tears at this year’s Hab- going to be the recipient itat for Humanity Cha- in April of 2017. A year tham-Kent’s 2018 home and a half later, she cannot quite believe the house is dedication. Cindy Krutasky received now complete. “It will sink in on Monthe keys to her new Pain Court home on Friday day evening when my and is proud to be able to children and I are praycall herself a homeowner. ing before bed for the first time in our This is the new home. fifth house “It will sink in on Habitat for Monday evening when For now, it’s a little surH u m a n i - my children and I are real.” ty C-K has praying before bed for built with the first time in our new R e q u i r e d by Habitat the help of for Humanvolunteers, home. For now, it’s a ity to conthe munic- little surreal.” tribute 500 ipality and - Cindy Krutasky hours to the generous support from local busi- build, Krutasky, her faminesses who donated not ly and friends went above only their time, but also and beyond. “The total for her was building materials and expertise to help ensure 1,500 hours. That is Krutasky and her family how many lives she has would be living in a safe touched in her journey – she is very, very suphome. “This gives us a healthy, ported,” said executive By Sarah Schofield

director for Habitat for Humanity C-K Nancy McDowell. The help shown to Krutasky and her family is something that McDowell is confident will continue in the coming years. “She is a special person, but then so are all of our families. This represents a launching point to future growth where we hope we will be doing multiple builds.” While this home is now complete, McDowell and her team are already planning the sixth, which will be built in Chatham. “We are looking for property, but we already have our family and there is a lot of fundraising that has to happen to build a house. Even with the support of the community, it is still costly.” McDowell said in order to qualify for the program, families do need to be making an income, a fact that often gets mis-

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Cindy Krutasky and her family were the recipients of 2018’s Habitat for Humanity C-K’s home on Friday and received the keys to her newly built Pain Court home from Habitat Board Chair Richard Drouillard, left, and Executive Director Nancy McDowell, right, during the Open House and Key Turning Ceremony. With the support of local businesses, the municipality and thousands of volunteer hours from the community, Krutasky is now able to call herself a homeowner.

construed. “They purchase their home. It’s trying to get the word out that you need to be making money, but the home is interest free and

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there is no deposit.” To help fundraise for the next house, a raffle draw is underway with tickets available to purchase for $100 apiece at the Habitat

for Humanity Re-Store at 566 Riverview Dr. until Nov. 5. With only 1,000 tickets being sold, the lucky winner could walk away with $20,000.



Basking in the glow There is no better way to get your town on the global map – in a positive light – than by hosting world-class events. Yes, they are a lot of work and you need hundreds, if not thousands, of dedicated volunteers working behind the scenes to make it happen. When you succeed, however, the goodwill and interest you garner is worth more than the most expensive marketing scheme. Chatham-Kent just hosted two world-class events practically back to back and the exposure for this part of southwestern Ontario couldn’t be better. The International Plowing Match, despite sweltering temperatures and rain days, brought in thousands of visitors to our municipality, and both city and country folk welcomed them with open arms. Then the Elite 10 Grand Slam of Curling came to St. Clair College Thames Campus, bringing worldclass curlers and in-depth television coverage of the event and our community, highlighting all it has to offer. Devin Heroux, CBC Sports reporter at the Elite 10 Grand Slam of Curling, was an amazing booster of all things Chatham-Kent during the event, tweeting pictures of sunsets, the Thames River, and businesses like Sam’s Percolator where he got his coffee. He was even tweeting from all the happenings in downtown Chatham on Saturday, including Firefest and the Etsy Made in Canada market. “I should really be at the curling rink by now but everything is happening downtown Chatham right now. Fire truck and ambulance antique show. Market. Community. This is wonderful,” he tweeted. Exposure like that can’t be bought or bartered, and what a great way to show off how vibrant and how invested our community is in offering not just local but world-class events to Ontario, Canada and the world. No, Chatham-Kent isn’t all sweetness and light. We have our problems like any community. But we also have many things that make us special, make us unique and make us a fantastic community to settle in, whether it be to raise a family, or to retire to and enjoy the lakes, unique shops and artists, fishing, theatre and restaurants.

Letters to the editor policy The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for brevity and clarity. All letters need to be signed.

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The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



A lesson in Strategic Voting 101 Sir: Municipal elections day is fast approaching. I am on record for advocating a change in leadership, at the mayoral level at least, and I stand behind that. Mayor Hope has had three terms to move this community forward and says that his work is not done. I say that Chatham-Kent does not need another four years of standing still, and it’s time for a fresh approach. Back in May I predicted that we would see a similar race for the mayor’s chair develop to what we have seen in the past – five or six candidates throw their hat in the ring, the vote gets split, and Hope remains mayor of C-K. My suggested strategy to avoid this outcome was strategic voting by the constituents of Chatham-Kent. Since that time I have had many people ask me how strategic voting works. Given that my prediction was accurate, and the risk of Hope remaining mayor is real, I would offer a crash course 101 on Strategic Voting. By definition, tactical

or strategic voting is an act of supporting another candidate more strongly than your sincere preference in order to prevent an undesirable outcome. In this situation, mine at least, Mayor Hope (Candidate C) would be the “undesirable outcome.” I may think or hope that one or two other candidates – Candidate A or Candidate B – would replace Mayor Hope, but the risk is that as the majority of votes get split across these three candidates and Hope still gets enough votes to win because Candidates A and B split the non-Hope vote. Here is where the strategy comes in. My “sincerely preferred” candidate may be A, but just because I prefer A does not mean that Candidate A realistically stands the best chance of defeating Hope. It could be that Candidate B is the candidate that realistically has that best chance. So rather than voting for A, I strategically vote for B to achieve my primary objective of replacing Hope. My vote may not

result in a win for my “sincerely preferred” candidate, but I will gladly take Option B rather than four more years of Hope. That is how strategic voting works. Here are a few additional tips to consider when it comes to strategic voting: • Make sure you cast your vote. You may not feel strongly about the election or may not have a sincere preference, but not voting is pretty well the same as casting a vote for an encumbent. Trump became president because his voters came out in droves to NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. Don’t ever assume the impossible cannot happen. Every vote helps. • Not sure how to determine which candidate has the best chance of defeating Hope? Well, it’s not an exact science, but drive around and count signs. And not signs on public property, but signs on private property. Signs don’t get posted on private property without residents giving their ‘vote’ to the candidate on the sign, and not all these

voters can be wrong. • What constitutes a good candidate for mayor? Well, I have high respect to those candidates that enter the ring for the first time, for any position – after all, everyone has to start somewhere. I’m thinking though that some council experience goes a long way to a smooth transition into that mayor chair. There is something to be said for “hitting the ground running.” • Spread the word about strategic voting. If you feel strongly that a change in mayor is needed, don’t be shy about talking about the subject with friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Open, honest discussion is not illegal or even unethical, and other people may feel the same way about a change as you but may not have given much thought on how to best achieve the desired outcome and will unwittingly contribute to the same split-vote outcome we have seen in the past. Rick Youlton Chatham

The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691

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News/2018 Municipal Election

Meet the candidates The Chatham Voice

Editor’s note: In this week’s paper, we are introducing the council candidates for Wards 1-5. Each has a space for a short explanation on why they are running and what their platform involves. We asked each candidate 12 questions, covering a variety of issues. Yes or no answers are included in graphics on the ensuing pages, but for detailed answers, we encourage our readers to visit our website, Several candidates did not get back to us by press time. Trustee hopefulls for local school boards will appear in next week’s paper.

Ward 1 candidates Mark Pastorius: I have decided to run for a council position on the basis I feel we require a change. The senseless spending of Municipal tax dollars seriously needs to be addressed if we are ever to move Chatham-Kent for-



ward. Our taxes are among the highest, our infrastructure is drastically being neglected and these are just a few of the things that require a fresh perspective. Melissa Harrigan: I’m running for council because I believe in our community. I believe in our clubs and service providers, our volunteer groups, our school families, businesses, and community parks and spaces. I think that individually, and collectively, we all have goals and aspirations about what we want for our town, family, business, etc. We want to be proud of where we live, and for our children and grandchildren to be proud of the place they call home. To achieve our goals, we need strong, vocal, collaborative councillors, and I believe I have the skills, drive, and experience to get us there. I want to be a councillor that pushes the envelope, challenges the status quo, and helps us to create a

On the right path

community we can continue to be proud of.

Ward 2 candidates Tanya Bondy: I have owned and operated a successful small business for the past 10 years. I know the importance of watching the bottom line and prudently investing or knowing what to divest. In addition to this experience I will bring this to the table hard work and a no-nonsense approach to spending. I represent you SouthKent; my agenda is your agenda. I will work with you to represent Ward 2 while working with fellow councillors to keep Chatham-Kent moving forward. This is my time to give back, a vote for me is a voice for you. Anthony Ceccacci: Being a 40-year resident of Ward 2, I want to make a difference. I aim to be a part of tackling our difficult de-

Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Grand Avenue west of Keil Drive in Chatham is taking on a new look, as the municipality is installing a bicycle/walking path that runs beyond St. Clair College and out along Grand River Line.

mographic issues here in Chatham Kent. I want to continue to build on the foundation of our beautiful community making an attractive place to visit, live, work and establish a business. My goal is to be approachable and have a common-sense approach to better serve

the residents and better serve our community. Focusing on affordable housing, Mental health, youth retainment and business retention are the four cornerstones of my foundation. Trevor Thompson: In 2014, I saw a divided

municipality, a divided council, and more specifically a group of Ward 2 councillors that were not working together. I saw taxpayers struggling under two terms of large tax increases and people that were not getting the help they needed.

Continued on page 10





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Questions for the Candidates

To see the explanations to the responses of these questions please see our website:

4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2. Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff and / or services?


4 4 4 4 X

3. Would you support shifting some services to the private sector if those services could be done more efficiently that way?

4 X

4 4 4 4 4 X


4. Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner?

4 X

4 4 4 4 4 X


5. Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of council members?

4 4

4 X 4 4 4 4 X

4 4


4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4


4 4

4 4 X

4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

11. Should municipal councillors ever be forced to go the Freedom of Information route when seeking municipal information?



X 4 X

12. Should members of the public have more access to municipal information without having to resort to an FOI?

4 4

4 4 4

6. Should the municipality try to land an Ontario Cannabis Store as soon as possible? 7. Should council be more proactive in terms of working with landowners with contaminated wells? 8. Some critics say the municipal building department is an impediment to development in C-K. Do you agree? 9. Do you believe Chatham needs a new twin-pad arena? 10. Should the municipality cut back on its expenditures for overseas economic development efforts?


X 4

4 4 4 X

4 4 X


4 4

X 4 X 4


X 4

4 4 4

Frank Vercouteren

Henry Svec



Mary Clare Latimer

Anthony Ceccaci

Tanya Bondy

Mark Pastorius

Melissa Harrigan

Bryon Fluker

Jordan Dell

Mark Authier

Art Stirling

Ward 2

Ward 1

1. Do you support increasing funding for infrastructure given the fact several culverts and bridges - including the Third Street Bridge - have had emergency issues and closures recently?


Trevor Thompson



Questions for the Candidates

To see the explanations to the responses of these questions please see our website:


Randy McNeil

Carmen McGregor

Nicolas Cadotte

Mary Anne Udvari

Patricia Sylvain

Ward 5 Steven Scott


Dylan Robert

Joe Faas

Joey Cyples

Jessica Brooks

John Wright



Mary Ann Hawthorne 1. Do you support increasing funding for infrastructure given the fact several culverts and bridges - including the Third Street Bridge - have had emergency issues and closures recently?

Jamie McGrail

Ward 4

Ward 3

? Aaron Hall


4 4


4 4

4 X


X 4


4 4



3. Would you support shifting some services to the private sector if those services could be done more efficiently that way?

4 4


4 4

4 4 4

4. Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner?

4 4


4 4




4 4

4 4 X



4 4

4 4 X


4 4

4 4 4


4 X


X 4

2. Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff and / or services?

5. Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of council members? 6. Should the municipality try to land an Ontario Cannabis Store as soon as possible? 7. Should council be more proactive in terms of working with landowners with contaminated wells? 8. Some critics say the municipal building department is an impediment to development in C-K. Do you agree?

4 4 4


4 X

9. Do you believe Chatham needs a new twin-pad arena?



4 4


10. Should the municipality cut back on its expenditures for overseas economic development efforts?

4 4


4 X

4 X

X 4




4 4


4 X

11. Should municipal councillors ever be forced to go the Freedom of Information route when seeking municipal information? 12. Should members of the public have more access to municipal information without having to resort to an FOI?




4 X

4 X





2018 Municipal Election

Meet the municipal candidates I saw families not getting the

‘quality of life’ infrastructure that they needed. So I ran, believing that I could help address those issues. Since then 12 MagiCaL nightS, SepteMBer to June Ward 2 and the council have come together. We delivered a tax increase below inflation, the lowSat. january 19 8pm est in a term of council. advance $40/$45 Day of concert CeLtiC, CeLtiC, CeLtiC We’ve built new parks and trails. I’m running because there is still work to be Sat. February 16 3pm done, to attract doctors, advance $30/$35 Day of concert attract residents and pay iConiC ChiLdren’S entertainer 87 Main Street, Highgate, Ontario down debt. It’s been a privilege to serve, and I’ve worked Sat. September 22 8pm Sat. march 9 8pm hard to try to deserve advance $30/$35 Day of concert advance $40/$45 Day of concert that privilege. SeriouSLy good BLuegraSS Singer-Songwriter extraordinaire

Continued from page 7

2018/2019 ConCert series! leahy

fred penner royal wood

steve poltz

lisa brokop

advance $40/$45 Day of concert

advance $40/$45 Day of concert

Sat. OctOber 13 8pm rootS, foLk, poLtz... fun!

sweet alibi

Sat. april 6 8pm

Legendary LadieS of Country

Robert Franz, Music Director

Sat. nOvember 3 8pm

Fri. april 26 7-8pm

pop, foLk, Country, SouL

14 pieCe String orCheStra

glass tiger

steven page

advance $50/$55 Day of concert

advance $50/$55 Day of concert

advance $30/$35 Day of concert

Sat. nOvember 17 8pm aCouStiC Canadian roCk

advance $30/$35 Day of concert

Sat. may 18 8pm

the Modern pop Singer-Songwriter

carol welsman

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advance $40/$45 Day of concert

advance $30/$35 Day of concert

Sat. December 15 8pm BaBy grand, Jazz, ChriStMaS

Sat. june 15 8pm SuLtry, vintage foLk

slocan ramblers

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enjoy responsibLy

Amy Dalton: Chatham-Kent is my home. I have resided in various wards of our community. As a business owner for many years, I feel at this time we need to be bolstering our existing business interests and encouraging and assisting new and young entrepreneurs. Attracting young people and families to enjoy our great neighbourhoods, will build a brighter future for us all. Growth through business, affordable housing and job opportunities will be the ingredients for our communities to stay vibrant and our rural roots being protected. Our age-friendly com-

g n i m a g Your tion! destina PLAY - O! ER. O T S Y A W E R TT MO E JUST GOT BE

TH!! HANGED, W GO OR PLAY BO IN B R WE HAVEN’T C E P A P Y OR PLA MPUTER BINGO O C Y LA P S: N A C YOU SESSION TIME 0pm, 10:00am, 1:0 aily pm, 9:30pm D 3:30pm, 6:30

munity will continue to be the added bonus to CK and a great blueprint for others. I would be a voice representing fiscal responsibility and critical and progressive thinking. I would work hard for my constituents, and will be a good team player for our exciting future.

Clare Latimer: I was born, raised and live on Fairview Line, in South Kent. I am running for municipal office because I would like to see our municipal debt continue to be reduced and spending streamlined, with re-allocation of current resources toward: an effective repair/maintenance schedule for our current infrastructure, an accessible and affordable ride share transportation system across Chatham-Kent, an accessible and affordable home share/housing program across the municipality, investment in local entrepreneurship and diversification/expansion of agricultural products/business, augmented efficiency of emergency response services, continued collaborative problem solving between Indigenous populations and surrounding communities; continued age friendly strategy implementation and incentives for use of cost efficient environmentally friendly residential/business practises. As an Occupational Therapist I am trained in functional analysis of actions/tasks to develop sustainable outcomes. Community involvement is something I have always valued deeply. I will listen to your concerns and will be responsive to them. Accountability to the Chatham-Kent taxpayer is my number one priority!

Come on in and have some real fun!

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Art Stirling: Chatham-Kent must move forward by addressing its deep challenges head on and by taking advantage of its many opportunities and huge potential. We can’t

afford more stagnation and indecision while neighbouring municipalities continue to grow. We must focus and energize our local leadership on your needs, and those of the entire community. I will work toward fixing key infrastructure; reduce debt and stabilize taxes; support existing businesses; refocus attraction efforts on Ontario and nearby US states; improve relationships with senior levels of government; fight for a respectful, inclusive and diverse community; address issues facing our youth; and demand enhanced transparency and accountability. I will be a strong and dedicated voice for the residents of South Kent and Chatham-Kent. Henry Svec: I am running for council because it is time for change. Here is what I will do: • Work to reduce your taxes. • Revitalize our communities to become Life Style destinations. • I am not a career politician, will work for 4 years for $1/ year then hand it off to the next generation. • Eliminate taxes for not for profit recreation and leisure organizations such as the Blenheim Curling, Gymnastics, Rod and Gun Club and Youth Center. • Require Administration to get Council approval before spending anything over $10,000 (currently at $250,000). • Map the age of our roads, bridges, water, sewer and internet services so that we can repair them BEFORE they result in roads such as the New Scotland Line being closed. • No more secrets. Giving you the taxpayer, line by line spending information. • Improved building by-laws to build more homes that are now in demand. • Create and follow 4-year plans for our communities with your input and feedback. • Return Entegrus ownership directly to you in the form of voting shares. Continued on page 16

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Penny Wilton, Broker


Sales Rep. Bus. 519-354-5470

A Wedge constructed 2017 model town home featuring a Windmill kitchen having ample cupboards and numerous upgrades including spacious granite counters that overlook the open concept living room/dining room. The main floor features two full baths as well as two spacious bedrooms with the master having his and her closets as well as glass sliding shower doors. Solar tubes provide additional natural lighting for the two main floor bathrooms. The 9’ main floor ceilings create a more spacious feeling. The lower level has a large family room with gas fireplace, a spacious bedroom and a third full bath. A drinking water filtration system has been installed for your enjoyment. A 3 panel patio door leads to a spacious well landscaped rear yard that is completely fenced and contains a large cement patio and walkways. This fine home comes with a 12’ X 8’ storage shed.

168 Cottage ~ $359,000

You get

Judy Kovacs

David Smith

BEST of Chatham-Kent


Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

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Wayne Liddy, Sales Rep Cell 519-436-4810 email:

3 Larkwood St., Wallaceburg

196 / 198 Park St.

New Listing

New Listing

6 Wolfe St., Shrewsbury

Cute 1 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow. Good size living room & 3 season sunroom. 104’ x 208’ lot. Call now! $139,900.

61 Elizabeth St., Blenheim Lovely 3+1 BR, 1.5 bath family home. Eat in kitchen, updated bath & fenced yard. Call now for your personal viewing. $179,900.

11539 Lagonda Way, Rondeau Bay Estate

3 BR, 3 bath home on beautiful lot with canal frontage. Open concept loft style layout with gorgeous kitchen & great room. $575,000.

3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher on corner lot. $ 179,900

7259 Riverview Line

17998 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park 3 BR, 1.5 bath bayfront cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. Enjoy watersports, fishing & sunsets from your back yard. $169,900.

17402 Lakeshore Rd., Rondeau Park

Beautiful 3 BR overlooking the beach & Lake Erie. Spacious layout, lots of liiving space & plenty of storage. $289,900.

60 Guyett Ave., Dealtown

3 BR, 1.5 bath side split. Eat in kitchen, updated family room in lower level & detached double garage. $219,900.

215 Grand Ave. W., Chatham Business for Sale! This well known, successful restaurant is a great investment opportunity. Family operated for over 30 years. Plenty of parking & outdoor patio space. Call now!

Attention Realtors! Why Advertise in Voice Homes?

Side by side duplex on a very large lot. 1 side completely updated with living room, kitchen, 2pc bath on main floor and 4pc on upper, 3 bedrooms. Other side shows very nice! Willing to close immediately! $169,900

7088 Talbot Rd.

9263 Fairview, Chatham Extensively updated 3+1 BR brick rancher! Thoughtful layout, bright kitchen, full basement & 2 garages! $599,900.

17148 Lakeshore Rd, Rondeau Park Lovely lakefront 2+1 BR cottage. Move in ready with beautiful deck and views of dunes and beach. Huge garage for storage. $219,900.

Open House Sat. Oct. 6 1-3pm

Located on Lake Erie with private beach access is this 2.4 Executive Rancher with 3+2 bedrooms and 4 baths acre 4 bedroom, 3 bath country retreat. Upper and lower patio on a beautifully manicured 2 acre fenced yard backoverlooking the lake. Open concept kitchen/eating area with ing onto the Thames River. This home is right out french doors to rear porch. 1.5 car detached garage, utility of Architectural Digest. Go to and shed/ workshop and heated guest quarter with 2pc. bath take a virtual tour. You will be absolutely blown away. overlooking the lake. Mature trees, ravine on one side and tree Spotless and move in condition. Granite counters lined fence on the other. Totally private. Direct beach access located 1/2km west. $499,900 throughout. Just move in! $839,900

for a virtual tour visit

• Reach 19,300 homes a week • Full colour at no extra charge • Convenient pull-out section • Digital Edition Online at No Extra Charge The Chatham Voice, a locally owned community newspaper that people actually read! To advertise in Voice Homes, call 519-397-2020 and ask to speak to a sales representative today!






Serving Chatham-Kent Since 1968

Happy Canada Day


Realtor On Duty

Stay up-to-date on home ownership.

Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm CHATHAM OFFICE BLENHEIM OFFICE

Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628

34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.

32 ENCLAVE $484,900

Lovely 4+1br, 3.5 bath custom built home by Ewald on a popular Northside street. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669. Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755

519-354-5470 519-676-5444

11200 RIVER LINE $799,900

Executive open concept sprawling 3br, 5 bath rancher with meticulously maintained grounds. Call Amber 519-784-5310 or Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.


3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

9500 RIVER LINE $849,900

Absolutely mint 3+1br, 3.5 bath, 2500 sq ft brick ranch on 8.2 acres. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

7275 RIVERVIEW $925,000

Stunning custom built Georgian style 2 storey, 4br, 3.5 bath executive home. Backing onto the river with heated i/g pool. Call Kelly-Anne 519-365-7155 or Pat 519-360-0141.

New Price 7259 RIVERVIEW $839,900 Spectacular 3+2br, 4 bath waterfront rancher with impeccable grounds. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774

Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865

Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181

11540 WILDWOOD, MORPETH • $369,900

Well maintained all season home with a Windmill Cabinet kitchen & gorgeous backyard near the water. Call Ron 519360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

32 LYNNWOOD $497,000

Stunning! 3+1br, 2.5 bath executive 4 level side split. Too many updates to mention. Call Mike S 519-784-5470.

37 CRAMAR $848,800 This colonial home offers 4+1 bedrooms, 5 baths, second kitchen and so much more. Call Patrick 519-3600141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

New Price 8 RANDOLF $169,999

Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268

Adorable & affordable tastefully updated & well maintained 3br 3 level side split. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

5700 FOURTEENTH, MERLIN • $319,500 3br farm house with barn & dog grooming business. Call David 519-350-1615.

424 GREGORY E $399,900

1 ac on edge of city, 24x46 insulated shop, 18x32 barn, 4+1br home & huge family room addition. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

10698 LAKEVIEW, C-K $549,000 2500 sq ft 2br, 2.5 bath executive 2 storey home on a .9 ac lot in Lake Morningstar. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

950 GRAND W $628,000

A BEAUTIFUL FIND! Comfort, class & convenience in this 4br, 3.5 bath 2 storey on the Thames River. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

New Listing

Offer Pending

75 ST ANTHONY $199,900

20 KIRKCALDY $224,900

Great 3br, 1.5 bath 4 level back split with above ground pool. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

Lovingly cared for immaculate 3+1br, 1.5 bath 4 level side split. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

91 FAUBERT $389,900

Southside 3+1br, 4 level with i/g pool. Stunning $80,000 gourmet kitchen. Gorgeous lot & landscaping. Call June 519-358-5199.

2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.


Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810

59 DOVERDOON $249,900 3br, 1.5 bath 4 level side split. Pride of ownership is evident here. Call Kelly-Anne 519-365-7155. George McDougall* 519-360-7334

New Listing

New Price

187 THAMES $169,900

141 PATTESON $115,000

Great investment opportunity! Side x side duplex both with 2br’s. Call Chris 519-350-1402.

Duplex - 2br’s up & 2br’s down. Separately metered. Call Bev 519-358-8805.

56 ST GEORGE $89,900

Cozy 3br bungalow with fenced rear yard & new replacement windows. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

Great opportunity for institutional uses. Building has been revamped & looks amazing inside & out. Call Heather 519-355-8666 or Gus 519-355-8668.


We have so much to be thankful for in Chatham-Kent from our bountiful harvests, moderate climate and amenities. Enjoy this long weekend with your family and friends.

D L SO 20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000

High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

Offer Pending 128 VICTORIA, MERLIN • $168,000

Lovely 5br, 1.5 storey home with updates. Call Pat 519-360-0141.


Lovely 3+1br, 1.5 bath, 1.5 storey family home with some updates. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.

4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653

60-62 FOREST • $136,900 Duplex in great central area. 2br + 1br in this well maintained duplex with long term tenants. Call June 519-358-5199.

7627 RIVERVIEW LINE $729,900

Quality custom built home on a beautiful river lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.


Premium 1500 sq ft office space ideal for professional. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

25669 WINTERLINE $249,900

Approximately 7,000 sq ft situated on a 189’ x 324’ lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

153 GRAY $106,900

Duplex for sale. Rented with long term tenants. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Brian Preston* 519-355-9868

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

David Smith* 519-350-1615

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

New Listing

Perfect starter home or retirement home. Excellent condition 3br, 1.5 bath ranch. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

365 BAYVIEW, ERIEAU $279,900 Very spacious 3br, 1.5 bath year-round home or cottage. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

252 MCNAUGHTON W $219,900

3br rancher with some updates on a deep 175’ fenced lot. Call David 519-350-1615.

D L SO 234 TWEEDSMUIR W $289,900

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666



New Listing

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668

The staff at Royal LePage Peifer Realty would like to wish everyone a

4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.

Lease Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669

10907 RIVER LINE $699,000

21 MCKEOUGH Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090

Brian Peifer

10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900

Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315

Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155

Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634

Peifer Realty Inc.

New Listing 10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000


77 MAIN, WALLACEBURG $139,900 4br, 1.5 storey family home with a private backyard oasis. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.

10530 RIVER LINE, HARWICH • $498,000

Large 4br, 2.5 bath 4 level side split with I/g pool on the River. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800

Sales Representative *





C-K releases homelessness, housing report

agencies and provincial ministries, as well as sevHousing is a basic need eral municipal division for one’s health and representatives. With the well-being, according to help of our community staff at the Municipality partners, municipal ofof Chatham-Kent. ficials say they strive to The municipality has make a dent in meeting embraced the provincial the needs of the commuvision that “every person nity for both affordable has an affordable, suit- housing and supportive able, and adequate home services. to provide the foundation Strategies fall into three to secure employment, main categories: Housing raise a family and build supply – maintaining and strong communities,” as increasing the supply of its own. For many, the affordable housing; housneed for ing stability help with “We are proud of the – promote it housing by expandis only fi- accomplishments we ing access n a n c i a l made in 2017. The pro- to emergenhelp, but grams that we deliver, cy, transifor others, including the programs tional and supportive delivered in partnership f i n a n c i a l services are supports; needed to with our community and advoenable our agencies, do make a cacy, partv u l n e r a - significant impact on nerships ble popu- the citizens in need and service lations to served throughout co-ordinaattain and tion. The to maintain Chatham-Kent.” 2017 annutheir tenan- - C-K’s Shelley Wilkins al report cies. speaks to On Monday, council was achievements in those arto receive the 2017 Annu- eas. al Housing and HomeSome highlights include: lessness Progress Report. • Housing supply – This report covers what there were two new progress made in Year 4 builds completed – one of the 10-year Communi- in Ridgetown and one in ty Plan to meet the needs Chatham. of the community. • Housing stability – The Community Hous- strides were made in ing and Homelessness implementing a co-orCommittee includes dinated entry and acmore than 20 community cess systems (CEAS) for The Chatham Voice

Contributed image

Ryan Craig of Chatham walked away from the International Plowing Match recently with more than great memories. He won the $89,000 50/50 pot too.

Local man wins IPM’s 50/50 draw The Chatham Voice

Chatham’s Ryan Craig has more than 89,000 reasons to smile. The local man won more than $89,000 in the 50/50 draw at the 2018 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo recently. Big Brothers, Big Sisters ran the raffle and receive the other half of the funds. Maple City Marine

“seeded” the raffle with a $10,000 donation to get it started. Despite the rainy weather on a couple of days, the last day was beautiful and the crowds were huge, said Darrin Canniff, one of the event chairs. Nan Stuckey, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters, wants to thank everyone who bought a 50/50 ticket.

“We really appreciate the support and the kids in our local mentoring programs will too,” she said in a media release. Stuckey also thanked the Rules, owners of Maple City Marine, for their generosity and the more than 50 volunteer sellers who learned how to use portable lottery ticket machines to make the selling process smoother and faster.


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Barb Phillips

Barb Phillips

Barb Broker Phillips of Record

Broker of Record

Broker of Record

18Estate Willcox St., Chatham 74 Elizabeth 44 Elizabeth St. Blenheim 7474 Elizabeth 18 Willcox St., Chatham Real Brokerage Elizabeth 95 Poplar Street

18 Willcox St., Chatham

Lovely and meticulous bungalow COME HOME WHERE DREAMS w/3 Bedrooms, updated Great family home kitchen and bath,in full basement lovely mature w/ recroom,neighbourhood. laundry storage, deFeatures eat-in tached garage, private rear yard, kitchen, formal Email: diningpersonal room, living call for your viewing $174,900

NDING OFFER PE519-359-8588

Street Street

Great family home at

Great family home Great family home an affordable price. in lovely mature in lovely mature neighbourhood. neighbourhood. Features 3 bedrooms, Features eat-in Barb Phillips Features of Record kitchen,eat-in formal updatedBroker kitchen and kitchen, formal dining room, living room w/natural dining room, living $174,900 bath, living room w/ 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room w/natural woodwork, 3 bed$174,900 w/natural3 bed4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor rooms, 1 bathroom, woodwork, Openhome, House open concept hardwoods, full base4 bedrooms, lovely family bedmain floor laundry. laundry, main floorWillcox office, lower level finished, on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor woodwork, rooms, 13bathroom, 18 St., Chatham 74 Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Elizabeth Open House 2 main bedroom home Callon Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. Affordable floor, master withoffice, ensuite, main bathroom, main1floor laundry.detached laundry, main floor lower levelfloor finished, rooms, ment, garage. House July 8 from 1-3 Barblaundry. for details! Sat.,Open with openlaundry, conceptmain kitchen/ large no backyard neighbours. mainCallfloor floor lot, office, lower level finished, Street Sat., July 8 from 1-3 $169,900 Call Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. living room, 4 pc. bath, I have clients 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. walking distance Itohave schools looking for clients Great family home single family and shopping. $114,900. Farm 89 Regency Dr. looking for 100-Acre I have clients in lovely mature bungalows. single looking for family neighbourhood. Contact bungalows. single family Barb Phillips Features eat-in NEW Contact PRICE! bungalows. today. Barb Phillips kitchen, formal

58 Forest


9468 Longwoods Rd.

6972 Mallard Line


NEW Reduced Contacttoday. 100-acre farm located dining PRICE! room, living $48,900 in Raleigh Township. Barb Phillips NEW phone: 100-acre farm located room w/natural 2 bedroom mobile,By open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for PRICE! today. shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. 519-359-8588 in Raleigh Township. all the details today!home, large 4 bedrooms, lovely family open concept

By phone: 519-359-8588 By email:

$174,900 Reduced

This Week’s Open Houses


NEW PRICE woodwork, 3 bed- 2 bedroom mobile, open By email: 100-acre concept, living room, kitchen, Reduced By phone: Callfarm Barblocated Phillips for on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. rooms, 1 bathroom, $48,900 all theTownship. details today! 519-359-8588 inSELLER Raleigh Open House WILL CONSIDER TRADE main floor laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level By finished, email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for (Bungalow) in Dover, Pain Court orJuly surrounding Sat., 8 from 1-3 large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Presentarea. All Offers. Calldetails Barb for details! NEW large PRICElot, no backyard neighbours. all the today! Unique 2.88 acre parcel with a 3 bedroom Century Home with many updates, 2 separate shops, ideal for Approximately 1 acre of mature trees on city’s edge. acre of greenDr. area ideal for property. Live in main 100-Acre brick home with income, Farm home business plus 89one Regency IUnique have clients horses, chickens, goats. Call for you personal viewing. 3 apts., 3 car garage. Indoor pool plus more.

looking for 44 Aberdeen single family bungalows. Contact Barb Phillips NEW PRICE! today.

By phone: 100-acre farm located 519-359-8588 in Raleigh Township. By email: Call Barb Phillips2for Great location lovely 4 level completely refurbished all the detached details today! baths, gorgeous kitchen, 3 bedrooms, garage.

23684 Arkwood Rd.


$48,900 13+ acres, country setting with lovely 3 bedroom home. Large eat-in main floorliving laundry, 2 bedroom mobile,kitchen, open concept, room,2 kitchen, baths,large full basement & 2 car attached garage. for shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Call Offers. your personal viewing!

homelessness programming. A number of new supportive housing programs were launched. • Advocacy, partnerships and service co-ordination – the municipality implemented a validated common assessment and triage tool across five key service partners. Municipal council adopted a number of recommendations that serve to help in the area of affordable housing: base budget of $500,000 in 2017 – increased to $800,000 in 2018 to be used for new builds; $200,000 for a Portable Housing Benefit program; funding of $300,000 in 2017 and 2018 for CK Renovates home repair program. “We are proud of the accomplishments we made in 2017,” Shelley Wilkins, co-chair of the Chatham-Kent Housing and Homelessness Committee and director of Housing Services for the municipality, said in a release. “The programs that we deliver, including the programs delivered in partnership with our community agencies, do make a significant impact on the citizens in need served throughout Chatham-Kent. The 2017 Annual Housing and Homelessness Annual Report can be viewed on-line at www.

Saturday, October 6 1-3pm

7088 Talbot Rd, $499,900.. ......................................Wayne Liddy, Royal LePage Peifer

Not Getting Your Paper? We want to make sure you do! Please give us a call at 519-397-2020 or email





Local war vet turns 105 By Mary Beth Corcoran

If you take the time to sit down with Ed Miller of Blenheim and talk about his past as an airframe mechanic in England during the Second World War, he doesn’t remember every detail. At 105 years old, not many people would. But what you do learn about Miller is that he is a humble man, who was honoured to serve his country, and talks as if meeting the Queen of England while he was with the 405 Bomber Squadron “Lancasters” was just “a bit something.” When asked if he was excited about his big milestone birthday, Miller’s reply was a dry, “not particularly,” but the twinkle in his eye told you he was enjoying getting dressed up and getting together with friends. As a member of the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force), Miller was sent overseas in January of 1942, where he was put in charge of the squadron maintenance hangar, one which had one of the best service records in England. “When I went over there, they moved me up from looking after one plane to a whole squadron,” Miller said in an interview. “It was an interesting job. Everything was hurry and get it done and get it done right.” A decorated airman, Miller won several medals and awards, including 1939-45 War Medal, Oak Leaf Emblem, Defense Medal, and a Bomber Command Bar. “I have medals but not for anyOCT thing very daring,” Miller said with a smile. He remembers one close call from a German Buzz bomb, a V1 unmanned flying bomb, that was OCT

overhead when its loud motor quit and they knew it was crash-landing. He and his fellow airmen took cover underneath a truck in the dark, but thankfully, the bomb landed further away and no one was injured. Originally from British Columbia, Miller grew up in Cedar Springs, he had three brothers, all in the RCAF and three sisters, one of whom was also in the RCAF. A big part of the Royal Canadian Legion in Blenheim, Miller was President in 1948, shortly after getting home from England in 1945, and has been an involved member ever since.

Small Business Month in Chatham-Kent Small Business Month Small Business Month Small Business Month in Chatham-Kent

Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Blenheim’s Ed Miller, a veteran of the Second World War, turned 105 this past weekend, with a celebration involving family and friends in Blenheim.

in Chatham-Kent in Chatham-Kent

Small Business Month


OCT 2, 2018

in Chatham-Kent

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Seminar Road Map to Simple Safety Solutions Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham


Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Seminar HowMap to Sell on Etsy and Market to the World Road to Simple Safety Solutions Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Seminar Taking Your Business Global Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Road Map to Simple Safety Solutions OCT 2, 2018 Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Workplace Safety & Location: 565p.m. Richmond St.,Prevention Chatham Services Seminar Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Seminar Location: 565 Richmond St., Map to Simple Safety Chatham Solutions OCT 2, 2018Road MapRoad to Simple Safety Location: 565 Solutions Richmond St., Chatham 8:00Market p.m. to the World 6:00Time: p.m. to6:00 8:00 p.m. How to Sell onp.m. Etsytoand OCT 2, 2018Time: 2, 2018 Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham Location: 565 Richmond Chatham Taking Your Business Global St., Thank You foron Investing inMarket Chatham-Kent How to Sell Etsy and to the World 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Chatham-Kent Chamber of World Commerce Business After Hours to Sell on Etsy andBusiness Market toGlobal the Taking Your OCT 10, 2018How Time: Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham How to Sell on Etsy and Market to the World Taking Time: Your Business Global 6:00 p.m. toto 8:00 Time: 6:00 p.m. 8:00p.m. p.m. Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Taking Your Business Global OCT Location: St.565 Clair College,St., 1001 Grand Ave., W., Chatham 10, 10, 20182018 Location: Chatham Location: Time: 565 Richmond St.,Richmond Chatham 6:00 to 8:00inp.m. Thank You forp.m. Investing Chatham-Kent OCT 10, 2018 Chatham-Kent Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours Annual Wellness TeCK Night 3 ThankFourth You for Investing inWorkplace Chatham-Kent Thank You for Investing in Chatham-Kent Time: 6:00 p.m.ofto 8:00 p.m. Chamber Commerce Business After Hours OCT 17, 2018Chatham-Kent New Media and Integration with Technology & Recognition Workshop Chatham-Kent Chamber1001 of Commerce After Hours Location: Clair College, Grand Ave.,Business W., Chatham 6:00Thank p.m. toSt. 8:00 p.m. You for Investing in Chatham-Kent OCT 17, 2018 Time: Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Time: 8:00 a.m. toto 12:00 p.m. Location: St. Clair College, 1001 Grand W., Chatham Time: 6:00 p.m. 8:00Ave., p.m. OCT 17, 2018 Chatham-Kent ChamberSt., of Chatham Commerce Business After Hours Location: 19 Story St., Blenheim Location: 565 Richmond Location: St.Workplace Clair College, 1001 Grand Ave., W., Chatham Fourth Annual Wellness TeCK Night 3 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Fourth Annual Workplace Wellness TeCK Night 3 OCT 17, 2018 New Media and Integration with Technology & Recognition Media and Integration with Technology Location: St.Workshop Clair College,New 1001 Grand Ave., W., Chatham & Recognition Workshop Time: 6:00 p.m. to 38:00 p.m. Dave Van Kesteren Find Annual Workplace Wellness 6:00 p.m. to 8:00TeCK p.m. Night 8:00 a.m. toregistration 12:00 p.m. Time: Time:Time: 8:00Fourth a.m. to 12:00 p.m. OCT24, 24, 2018 OCT 2018 more information and online at: Location: 19 Story St., Blenheim Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham Location: Story St., Blenheim with Technology Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham New 19 Media and Integration Member of Parliament & Recognition Fourth Annual Workshop Workplace Wellness TeCK Night 3 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Chatham-Kent Essex Time: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. OCT 24, 2018 New Media and Integration with Technology & Recognition Workshop A Grateful Find more information Location: and registration online St., at: Chatham Location: 19 Story St., Blenheim 565 Richmond Time: 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. Find information and a.m. registration online at: Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Nation Remembers OCTmore 24, 2018 Location: 19 Story St., Blenheim Location: 565 Richmond St., Chatham DAVE VAN KESTEREN

A Grateful Nation Remembers Member of Parliament Find more information and registration online at: Chatham-Kent--Leamington Chatham-Kent Essex Find more information and registration online at:

am Office: 8 King St. W.,Chatham Chatham, Office: ON N7M 1C6 hatham office: Leamington office: 48 Centre St., Chatham, ON N7M 4W2 555 Fax: 519-358-1428 Email: Tel: 519-358-7555 Fax: 519-358-1428 8 King St W 15 Princess St on Office: 15 Princess St., Leamington, ON N8H 2X8 655 Fax: 519-326-2042 Email: Email: am, ON N7M 1C6 Leamington, ON N8H 2X8 : 519-358-7555 Leamington Office: Tel: 519-326-9655 15 Princess St., Leamington, ON N8H 2X8 : 519-358-1428 Fax: 519-326-2042 Tel: 519-326-9655 Fax: 519-326-2042 Email:




Life/2018 Municipal Election

Meet the candidates Continued from page 10

Ward 3 candidates

No candidates responded by press time.

Ward 4 candidates Jessica Brooks: I am running for council on four main points. The first is clean water. There are many households in Ward 4 that have to haul their water to ensure that what they are feeding their families is safe. This is a costly hardship for many families and in a developed country it is ridiculous that this is the case. I am also concerned that Internet and telecommunications in rural areas is limited and expensive. This is a disadvantage to students as much instruction is now delivered online. Internet access has almost become a necessity and we need to make sure that our infrastructure supports affordable telecommunications out in the rural areas. Thirdly, as stated above, we need diverse and accessible recreation and arts offerings for the people of C-K. Finally, there is a great need for more supports for adolescent mental health; both preventative measures and support for those who struggle.

Joey Cyples: The key words that I have used to describe my campaign are Leadership, Experience and Trust. I believe these three core attributes are what will make me a successful and effective councilor. My interest and passion for politics started while I was in high school and has been steadily increasing ever since. I decided to run for council because I care greatly about our municipality and am confident I can have a positive impact on its continued progress. I feel as though my leadership skills and professional experience will be a great asset to council. Most importantly, I will work tirelessly to help improve not only North Kent, but the entire municipality. My goal is to hold regular town halls and to continue visiting and talking with residents and business owners to find ways we can all work together to make our municipality even better. Jamie McGrail: As an active citizen and business person in Chatham-Kent, I am putting my name forward as a candidate for the office of Municipal Councilor representing North Kent. I have a lifetime’s experience of living, learning, work-



ing and playing in Chatham-Kent, and I wish to contribute even more to my community. As the Integrated Solutions Manager of McGrail Farm Equipment, a successful dealership within the John Deere family of companies, I have developed the skills needed to create and grow a successful product line. For over 14years, I have gained experience with establishing new business ideas, problem-solving and finding creative solutions for positive results. I have worked to create partnerships with business and government. I have long volunteered within Chatham-Kent and farther afield. Participating in municipal boards, notably as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, has helped me to understand the politics within our municipality. I have also learned much about the human needs of our community’s families and individuals in my role as a member of the Board of Directors of the Chatham-Kent United Way. I am a strong believer in the people and businesses of Chatham-Kent. Steven Scott: I am running for council so I can have an active role in shaping the future of the city for my children and grandchildren. Now that my children are older, I have the opportunity and free time to give back to the community that I love. If elected, the things I would like to accomplish are; support an in dependent study into the contaminated wells around Chatham-Kent, lobby

Animal House Olympics

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

John McGregor Secondary School students competed in the Animal House Olympics on Friday as part of Red Feather Week. With the proceeds from the event going to the United Way of Chatham-Kent, students bobbed for apples in bran mix, played the egg version of Russian Roulette and even had a contest to pop as many shaving-cream filled-balloons as they could.

the province to lower the number of councillors, eliminate all wasteful and unnecessary spending, freeze taxes, reduce crime and fix the crumbling bridges and roads. I believe that with the help of a new council, along with the hard-working employees of Chatham-Kent, we can make the municipality a prosperous and beautiful place to live again. Patricia Sylvain: I am running for a seat on Council because I feel I can make a positive difference to the community. I have no personal agenda, only a willingness to work hard for the taxpayers. I feel my work background will be ben-

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eficial to understanding the internal workings of the various departments within the Municipality. I work well with people and am a strong team player. I’m a life-long resident of Chatham-Kent and have lived in the former Dover Township for over 40 years. I’m married to a farmer; therefore, I understand the importance of infrastructure within the rural communities. My knowledge of budgets and my determination to press for answers are what this municipality needs. I’m a good listener with a broad range of experiences and knowledge to get the job done. I have served as President on both National and Provincial non-profit Boards. Visit for more information.

Ward 5 candidates

Aaron Hall: I’m running for Council to ensure Wallaceburg has continued and effective leadership and representation on Chatham-Kent Municipal Council. I love our community and the people who live here and I would be honoured to represent everyone here in Wallaceburg. I will work extremely hard, do my research, listen to our residents and always do what is right for our community. I was born at the Sydenham Campus, grew up in Wallaceburg and am now raising my family in my hometown. I have two beautiful, vibrant and smart daughters: Ava, 13 and Daylia, 11. Together with the love of my life Dana, we run our business, the Sydenham Current online newspaper, out of our Wallaceburg home. Continued on page 20

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The importance of keeping gutters clean Special to The Voice

Every autumn, trees and shrubs take on their brilliant display of reds, oranges, purples, and yellows that mark the end of the growing season. Fall foliage may make for ideal photo backdrops and scenic days in the countryside, but closer to home leaves may be more of a hindrance than an aesthetic pleasure. The hundreds of leaves that adorn the maples, oaks and other trees near homes will eventually fall as autumn turns into winter. Some will float down to lawns, while others will get lodged in gutters and downspouts, posing problems that can cause substantial and potentially costly problems for homeowners. Homeowners know that gutter cleaning is an im-

portant part of fall home maintenance, but they may not completely understand why. Gutter cleaning can be a messy and time-consuming project, making it a project many homeowners are apt to put off. Waiting to clean gutters can lead to considerable problems, so it’s best to tackle the job well in advance of the winter. Gutters guide rainwater and runoff from the roof so it drains properly away from homes. When gutters are clogged with leaves, a number of problems can occur. • Leaks: Water will take the path of least resistance. When clogged gutters do not allow the water to drain away properly, water will find other ways to the ground. It may work itself right into the walls and ceilings of the home.

In addition to damaging walls and ceilings, moisture inside the home can promote mold growth. It also makes interior spaces more appealing to pests. • Excess weight: Gutters are meant to hold the weight of traveling water and not much more. Gutters filled with leaves and other debris can quickly become heavy. This stresses the entire gutter system and can cause the gutters to fall off of the home entirely. • Nesting areas: Clogged gutters can serve as nesting areas for insects and birds. Mosquitoes and other insects lay eggs in pooling water. Gutters can quickly become breeding spots for harmful pests. Furthermore, birds may nest in gutters, creating unsightly messes and more damage. Seeds that sprout in clogged gutters

can grow unchecked. • Ice-damming: Left untreated, pooled water and leaves in gutters can freeze over. Blocked water can back up and push against the roof, lifting shingles and destroying the roof in the process. • Foundation trouble: Clogged gutters also may contribute to flooded basements and cracked foundations. Leaking water will pool around the foundation, expanding when frozen and causing cracks in basement and crawlspace walls. It also can cause driveways and other cement areas around the home to sag and crack. Gutter cleaning should be scheduled in the spring and fall of each year. Homeowners can hire gutter-cleaning services to handle the job or do the job themselves.

Rinse the gutters with water from the hose afterward to ensure good runoff. Take the time to seal any leaks as well. This

routine maintenance can save homeowners many headaches and prevent some very expensive repairs.

even hard work won’t be enough to prevent problems in a lawn or garden. Drought can be very harmful to lawns and gardens, but so, too, can excessive amounts of wa-

ter and precipitation. Soggy properties can make it difficult for lawns and gardens to thrive. According to Lowes, in addition to killing lawn and other plants, standing water on

a property can be a health hazard. That’s because standing water makes a prime breeding ground for mosquito larvae and other pests. While homeowners can-

not control precipitation, they can affect the impact that rainwater has on their properties. Gutters and downspouts are designed to move rainwater away from the

home. Too often, however, gutters and downspouts become clogged or do not work effectively. Overflowing gutters will transfer rainwater down the side of a home.

Remedy your landscape drainage problems

Special to The Voice

Homeowners understand that reaping the rewards of beautiful lawns and gardens requires hard work. But sometimes

GUTTER CLEANING Safely from the Ground

Call or email us to schedule an appointment 519-360-6144 Safety is #1 for us and here’s why it should be #1 with you too! 90,000 Hospitalized injuries happen every year from people who fall off ladders! Professionals are NOT immune! Why risk someone falling on your property? You can be held liable.

Gutter Vac Services that are affordable and safe

Products and/or Services • Gutter Repair • Leaf Guards • Downspouts • Seamless Gutters • Gutter Cleaning • Window Washing

Plan Now!!!

The Worry Free System The Gutter Clean System™ is a perforated aluminum sheet that attaches on top of any eavestrough that has already been installed on your home. It is invisible from the ground and does not change the look of your home at all; the aesthetic and integrity of your residence is entirely maintained.


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With the Gutter Clean System™, you no longer have to worry because it takes care of any possible eavestrough problem. Our system blocks leaves, snow, ice and all sorts of debris from entering your eavestroughs. Since snow and ice cannot enter the eavestroughs, there is less weight that they have to support. This unique and innovative product is compatible with any type of eavestrough and our professional team can install it in less than half a day. The Gutter Clean System™, can handle almost 3-times the amount of rainfall than the most abundant precipitations recorded in Canada and can fight off debris with unrivaled efficiency. Water can flow normally inside your eavestroughs all year round as easily as in the summer! Plan now, visit VanHoof for pricing.

“No more climbing and cleaning your eavestroughs”




Alarm system provides peace of mind Special to The Voice

When it comes to the safety of your home, its contents and, most importantly, its occupants,

you want the best protection you can get. Equipping your dwelling with a state-of-the-art alarm system is always a smart investment.

Your Local Insurance Company



Why should you have a home alarm system installed? For peace of mind. In addition to protecting your house from intruders — a sign indicating the presence of a security system is by itself a powerful deterrent — you’ll be minimizing the safety threat posed by fire, carbon monoxide leaks and water infiltration. What’s more, having a home security system in place should allow you to save on insurance. Flexible functionality Today’s alarm systems perform a wide range of functions, which can often be expanded according to the type of protection you need. These m a y i n clude: • Open w i n Low As: d o w a n d door

AFFORDABLE METAL ROOFING For the First Time Metal Roof For As

detection; • Motion detection; • Broken glass detection • Gas or water leak detection; and • Health emergency panic button. Security systems can be either wired or wireless.

The latter option is easier to install (no need to drill any holes in your walls), and you can take it with you when you move. Wireless systems may also alert you via email or text in the event that something unusual is de-

tected. Finally, you can program your security system to either automatically alert emergency services in certain situations, or call you first to confirm and avoid false alarms.

Protection and Peace of Mind There’s a security system for every lifestyle, budget and need Tuxedo Touch TM by Honeywell

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Ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements these detectors notify you of floods, leaks and extreme temperature.

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Remote Locking - The Key To Peace Of Mind

Lock your doors from downtown or down the street - anywhere you have a internet connection! You can lock and unlock doors automatically when arming or disarming your system, program them to lock at the same time every night or unlock the same time every morning!

Wireless Remotes - Our wireless remotes offer the features of traditional keypads with the convenient fingertip control. The press of a single button lets you operate your security system, lights, garage doors and more.

Contact your Numera Libris dealer today! R&T Security Services 361 Colborne Street Chatham, ON N7M 5J4 phone: 519-436-6090

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DAM HOME HARDWARE CHATHAM A WELCOME ADDITION TO SOUTHSIDE Seeing a need firsthand for a hardware store on the south side of Chatham, the Dam family decided to open Dam Home Hardware on Indian Creek Road. For Tyler Dam, it made perfect sense. “When I bought a house and started finding myself in hardware stores more frequently, I started thinking about selling hardware,” he said. Raised on the south side, Tyler remembers Osmon Home Hardware on Queen Street, but it has been closed for many years. “We noticed the south side of Chatham could really use the convenience of a hardware store,” he said. As for location, Dam Home Hardware is situated on the south side of Indian Creek Road, just east of Charing Cross Road, at the former site of the Dutch Market. “I used to come and


buy candy at the Dutch Market when I was a kid,” he recalled with a laugh. He and Michelle are now raising their daughter, Willa, on the south side too. Becoming part of the Home Hardware team was a simple decision for the Dams. Tyler said the 100-per-cent Canadian company is a good fit for the family, with its commitment to Canadian products, such as all the Beautitone Paint offered at Dam Home Hardware. Beautitone is manufactured in Burford Ontario. “I love customer service. I love people. I love providing service Tyler, Michelle and baby Willa enjoying the Grand Opening celebration at the family store! and products to people at a good price,” he said. “We’re trying to Feedback from customers has been nothing provide the feeling of ‘your neighbourhood but positive, Tyler said. hardware store.’” “Every single person who comes in here says, Dam Home Hardware opened mere weeks ‘This is so handy! I live right around the ago, and recently held its grand opening corner,’” he noted. over the weekend. Tyler said new products For Tyler, running a hardware store is a continue to arrive almost daily as the shelves serious change from his previous job as in the 5,000-square-foot store are still in the the youth pastor at Gregory Drive Alliance process of being stocked. Church. The mid-sized store offers a variety of “I felt the Lord was guiding me towards a hardware, tools, seasonal and outdoor business opportunity,” he said. goods, as well as a particularly well-stocked Tyler remains involved in the church, serving home decor section. as a bi-vocational pastor now. “It’s been very About the only thing they don’t sell is lumber nice to see the local support of the community and building supplies. for a locally owned business.”


Home hardware 6 Indian Creek Rd. E.


Hours: Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-7pm

Saturday 8am-5pm • Sunday Closed




Life/2018 Municipal Election Home of the



watch battery 131 Park Ave. E., Chatham • 519-354-4127 • Thursday, October 4, 2018 • Fantastic Fall Used Book Sale at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. 120 Queen St., Chatham. 10:00am-8:00pm. • Fall book sale at Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Friday, October 5, 2018 • Fantastic Fall Used Book Sale at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. 120 Queen St., Chatham. 10:00am-5:00pm. • Fall book sale at Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm) and Catch The Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of meat loaf, roast beef or fish & chips for $10. Saturday, October 6, 2018 • Fantastic Fall Used Book Sale at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. 120 Queen St., Chatham. 10:00am-4:00pm. • The Lion’s Club is hosting a traditional Thanksgiving luncheon at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. $15/person. Proceeds to Carlo Rossini Memorial Diabetes Foundation and the Active Lifestyle Centre. 519-352-5633. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and Dance (4:30pm-9:30pm) featuring Lizzy and the Rain Man at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Free Meet and Greet event. Ward 6 Candidates. 1:00pm-4:00pm at the W.I.S.H. Center, 177 King St. E. Sunday, October 7, 2018 • Canada-wide and World-wide Rosary Rally, 4:00pm at Our Lady of Victory Church, 490 St. Clair St., Chatham. Praying for peace and order. Monday, October 8, 2018 • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Tuesday October 9, 2018 • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Wednesday, October 10, 2018 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks and occasional guest speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. Call 519-354-4235.

• Pepper (1:00pm) and fun darts (7:30m) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Thursday, October 11, 2018 • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • St. Paul’s United Church, 22125 Communication Road Auction-Bazaar at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission $1. Lunch to follow. Friday, October 12, 2018 • The 10th Annual Cemetery Strolls sponsored by the Kent Historical Society begin at Maple Leaf Cemetery. Tours at 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm and 7:45pm and last 2 hours. $22/adults, $10/children (12 and under). Must be pre-booked 519351-2958 pr 519-436-2058. Visit “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB. • Kent Branch OGS meeting at McKInlay Funeral Home Reception Centre at 7:00pm. Parking available in the St. Clair Plaza, 463 St. Clair St., Chatham. Open and free to the public. “Researching Tilbury” will be our topic. Saturday, October 13, 2018 • The 10th Annual Cemetery Strolls sponsored by the Kent Historical Society begin at Maple Leaf Cemetery. Tours at 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm and 7:45pm and last 2 hours. $22/ adults, $10/children (12 and under). Must be pre-booked 519-351-2958 pr 519-436-2058. Visit “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB. • Trap Shoot for Huntington Disease at 9:00am at the Rondeau Rod and Gun Club, 10260 Campbell Line, Blenheim. Entry fee is $25, includes 100 targets, Lewis System, cash prizes, door prizes and lunch. Call 519-354-3692. Sunday, October 14, 2018 • St. Joseph’s K of C Council #10436 Breakfast from 9:00am-11:30pm at the Spirit & Life Centre (St. Joseph’s Site), 184 Welling St. W., Chatham. Serving all you can eat buffet with 2 meats, hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, french toast, pancakes, toast & fruit cocktail. $7/plate for adults, $4/children 6-12. Under 5 free. Monday, October 15, 2018 • 2018 “Wrap Up” Garden and Horticultural Expert Terri Dent will present a recap of 2018 successes and challenges. Bring all your questions as we get the dirt on gardening! Trinity Anglican Church lower meeting room at 7:30pm. 59 Ellen St., Blenheim. Free refreshments. Call 519-6769476 or 519-354-8320 if need more info!

Spooktacular fun

By Bruce Corcoran

Scary fun returns to the Portuguese Canadian Social Club in late October. Along the way, the Chatham Goodfellows stand to benefit. The ninth annual Spooktacular adult party will take place Oct. 27, with local band Walkin’ 47 set to play that night at the club. Organizers say tickets are $25 each, and about 325 are being sold. Brian Cox, who along with his wife, Bridget, organizes the event, said it is a labour of love. “It’s a lot of work, but the Goodfellows help so many families. To us, it’s a very worthwhile cause,” Brian said. Getting involved in Chatham Goodfellows was a pretty simple process for the Cox clan. Brian, who is employed by Union Gas, said he works with Angela Scott, a staunch Goodfellows supporter and leader

Meet the candidates

Continued from page 16

I am a director and sponsorship manager for WAMBO and I have dedicated my professional career to informing our community about important issues, promoting local events and helping local businesses. Carmen McGregor: As a Wallaceburg councillor, I have provided dedication and loyalty that includes participation and representation at the council table, Provincially, within Chatham-Kent and most important within Wallaceburg. Throughout the past term, I have gained valuable knowledge that I have combined with my experience as a school board trustee and a community volunteer. I understand the operations of the municipality and the people who work and represent Chatham-Kent. I fully understand the commit-

Submit your coming events to or

ment that is required as I have dedicated myself to my position as your Councillor. You can count on me to be on the ground during emergent issues to meet Wallaceburg’s needs. For further information visit I look forward to the opportunity to serve you once again and I ask for your vote. Randy McNeil: I am running for council again because I love my community and would like to become more involved. As I am nearing retirement, I will have more time to become involved and would like to pay back my community and help make this a great place to live and work for the people of our wonderful. Over my career I feel I have gathered many skills that have prepared me for this task.

2nd Generation Rodney and Deborah Sterling, second-generation buyers, pick up their 2018 RAM fully loaded Black Express from Luce Cools.

FREE TUTORING - Every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm at First Reformed Church. For info call Betty at 519-354-8902. CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome.

at Union Gas. “She’s fantastic. They’d put out a toy bin and I’d get something to put in it,” Brian said. But as the Coxes had children of their own, their interest in supporting Goodfellows changed. “I remember Christmas Day watching my son opening his presents and thinking about the families who don’t have a Christmas,” he said. “I thought the next year we should do a party and we thought we should pick a charity. And I said, ‘I know the charity.’” The Coxes’ fundraising efforts have brought in more than $60,000 and counting for Goodfellows over the years. Their work earned them Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow recognition two years ago. “That’s something of which I am very proud,” Brian said. For anyone wanting tickets, which are selling quickly, Brian said, they can contact Scott Aarssen at Chatham Mazda, at 519-401-9226.


351 Richmond St., Chatham • 519-352-4937 • • 519-354-8000 •





October is Small Business Month The Chatham Voice

October is small business month in Chatham-Kent and across Canada. The month celebrates the important contributions that entrepreneurs of all sizes make in our local community. In addition, the Chatham-Kent Small Business Centre is taking the opportunity to host and partner in a series of free events and activities including: • Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Seminar: Road Map to Simple Safety Solutions; • How to Sell on Etsy and Market to the World: Taking Your Business Global; • Thank You for Investing in Chatham-Kent: Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours; • CKWorks! Community Job Fair hosted by the Employment Resource Centre and Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board; • Fourth Annual Workplace Wellness & Recognition Workshop hosted by Chatham-Kent Public Health; and • TeCK Night Chatham-Kent 3: New Media Landscape and the Integration with Technology hosted by WETech Alliance “I’ve seen statistics that indicate there are 1.14 million small businesses in Canada employing upwards of 97 per cent of Canadians,” said Rosemarie Montgomery, business consultant with the Chatham-Kent Small Business Centre, in a media release. “We know that businesses come in all shapes and sizes, from the single per-

son running it part-time to larger operations that employ a number of people. Locally, small business is a major contributor to our economy which is a great reason to shop local.” Montgomery a d d e d that no m a t ter how someone decides to structure their business, Chatham-Kent Economic Development and the Small Business Centre are available to help provide important information, mentorship, and access to a range of business services. “The number one reason people come to me wanting to start their own business is so they can be their own boss,” said Montgomery. “I have clients who tell me that they love working extra hours on their business because they know that every bit of time, energy, and creativity invested is adding to their future and to their vision.” “I started my event planning business over the past year with the support of the Small Business Centre and they helped me prepare a very solid and actionable business plan,” said Moréna McDonald owner of 519 Events and Promotions. Small business month runs all of October. Libby expanding

A company never satisfied to just do business as usual, Libby Manufacturing based in Blenheim, has combined their leading high quality polyolefin plastic sheet and roll stock with innovative manufacturing processes to deliver customized products built

to meet customer specifications. As a result, Libby is expanding into new markets across North America to offer clients the best products made from their superior extruded plastics. “We’ve been working hard to become more than just a supplier of the raw product and have made significant investments into the latest CNC tooling and other manufacturing equipment so that we can meet our customer’s demands,” said Paul Fenton, sales manager for Libby Eastern Division, in a media release. Established in 1981 as a farm machinery manufacturer and repair company, the family-owned business has evolved and reshaped itself to match the changing market needs. “It speaks the world to other businesses when a company as progressive as Libby is calling Chatham-Kent home,” said Geoff Wright, economic development officer with

Chatham-Kent Economic Development. Cafe holds grand opening

Local Tilbury business, Ashley’s Place, is pleased to announce the grand opening of their new café this week. This latest addition to their Get Away and Experience Paradise location is adding a new chapter to the ongoing five-year story of a business dedicated to helping people in the community. “Ashley’s Place started as a way to keep the memory alive of my beautiful, fun, and loving daughter, Ashley Doucet who tragically passed away,” said Kim Doucet, owner and creator of Ashley’s Place, in a media release. “Ashley was passionate about people and brought an energy and compassion that was contagious. She was so full of ideas and encouraged positive experiences from everyone she met.” In February of 2018, Ashley’s Place graduated

Come join us! 7am-8pm Monday

145 King St. W, Downtown Chatham 519-352-5281


People rely on fire and smoke detectors to help keep them safe in their homes. Though fire and smoke alarms are effective, a firm fire safety plan that will keep everyone calm should a fire occur could make the difference between life and death. Creating an evacuation plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Such a plan can be established in a few minutes and then reinforced through practice every so often to keep everyone fresh on what to do. • Begin by assessing the layout of the home. Figure out the two best exits from the home. • If your home doesn’t have two doors, invest in a fire ladder so that one of the windows can be a point of exit. • Know how to gain access to the exits, including the best path to take to avoid injury. It’s a good idea to consider a few different scenarios. A kitchen adjacent to the upstairs staircase may Keeping family members safe from fire involves establishing become engulfed a fire safety plan. in flames and make

$3,500 grant to help them FOR implement their business plan.


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Fire Prevention Week

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Establish a home fire safety plan

spot. exit by way of staircase impossible. Just because you have doors to the outside doesn’t mean they’ll present • Do a few practice runs so that everyone will be the best type of exit. accustomed to getting out quickly. • Sketch out the layout of the home and the escape • While in most cases it is better to escape and let the plan. Smoke can make it difficult to know up from down. fire department extinguish a fire, in the event of a small Be sure everyone can reach the exits even if vision is fire, occupants may be able to stanch it with a personal obstructed. Try it with your eyes closed. fire extinguisher. Follow the acronym PASS to properly put out the fire. • Check fire alarms routinely, and change batteries at – PULL the pin in the extinguisher. least every year. – AIM the nozzle or hose at the base of the flames. • Make sure windows can be easily opened if they are – SQUEEZE the trigger. an exit point. – SWEEP the foam across the fire base; do not just aim • Make note of who will be helping children or the elderly in one place. out of the home. Fire safety is very important. In conjunction with smoke • Establish a place where the family will meet outdoors. alarms, a fire safety plan can help everyone get out alive. This area should be far enough away from the home so that everyone will be safe from smoke, flames and falling debris. Fires may ignite fuel explosions, so be sure the meeting spot is a good deal away. • Children should be instructed to run to the meeting spot immediately without waiting behind for anyone to catch up. No one Your SecuritY, our reSponSibilitY should reenter the home after arriving at the meeting 250 St. Clair St. • 519-352-4343 •

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Fun Stuff 33 Chowed down 34 Precipitous 36 Historic time 37 Wound cover 39 Piano name 41 Pitched 43 2012 Ben Affleck movie 44 Vast expanse 46 Celery unit 50 “The Grapes of Wrath” author 55 Heavy weight 56 Frogs’ hangout 57 Needle case 58 Japanese sash 59 Church section 60 Mend a sock 61 Witticism

ACROSS 1 Request 4 Blunder 8 Weapon handle 12 Island neckwear 13 Sandwich cookie 14 Exile isle 15 Spelling contest

16 “West Side Story” composer 18 Tiny ear bone 20 Ball prop 21 Office part-timer 24 Stuffs tightly 28 “E = mc2” man 32 Not procrastinating

This week’s answers

DOWN 1 Actress Jessica 2 Witnessed 3 Chicken -4 Drinking vessels 5 Tramcar contents 6 “-- the fields we go” 7 Typeface 8 Straight, for short

9 Hearty brew 10 G-men’s org. 11 Bronze 17 Moment 19 Part of TGIF 22 Citi Field team 23 Michelangelo masterpiece 25 Freshly 26 Actress Sorvino 27 Remain 28 Right on the map? 29 Pruritus 30 In the vicinity 31 -- -do-well 35 Football 38 Adjoining 40 “To be or -- ...” 42 Cyst 45 Sleeping 47 Small particle 48 Timber wolf 49 Make a sweater 50 Hot tub 51 Upper surface 52 Type measures 53 Greek vowel 54 Mangy mutt





CLASSIFIEDS Announcement

Tree Service


The Chatham-Kent Christian Men’s Choir is looking for men to join them as they begin their new 2018-19 year. No Auditions required, only a heartfelt joy in singing praise and worship songs.

•ANTIQUE• show & sale


Find us on Facebook at IODE Kent Regiment Chapter


Christ Church welcomes everyone – whether you are just browsing or more devout than the Archbishop of Canterbury; if you just got out of jail or are citizen of the year; if you still need a nightlight or doze off to Murder She Wrote; poor as a church mouse or rich as Midas – we welcome you and all those in between.



1100 Stores Strong

80 Wellington St. W, Chatham 519-352-1640

We welcome you! Help us find Christ in community

Buying Gold

Quality Meats & Seafoods Ltd.

Borrow $20,000 for only $252/mth or $30,000 for $379/mth

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Spaghetti Dinner for Ebony

October 20, 2018 4:00pm-8:00pm First Presbyterian Church $15/person. Available at: The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., or call Renee at 226-229-9506

That’s it!!

519-252-6953 - 24 hours or email

For Sale

A HEALING PAYER TO ST. JUDE In sincere gratefulness for favours granted - - Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care at this difficult time. Pray for me; help me know that I need not face my troubles alone. Please join me in my need, asking God to send me consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering. Ask our loving God to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing power. Thank you, St. Jude, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others One Stop AllAmen. Your as it has beenShop given toFor them.

Silk Cemetery Saddle Arrangements. Everyday/Holiday. Readyto-go. Many colours available. $25. Call 519-354-3411.


CarLUMBERJACK Excellent pet Cleaning

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LUMBERJACK Metal Roof Needs Metal Roofs

room! Call 519358-7633.



Now offering both • Hot Asphalt oil based sealer and • Pot hole repairs water based sealer • Catch basin repairs • Hot rubber crack repairs BACKHOE, MINI EXCAVATOR, • New driveways, TRUCKING & BOBCAT parking lots, etc. SWEEPER SERVICE


FOR RENT: Homes - Duplexes - Apartments. Several locations. Credit check referrals required. No large dogs. Call 519-3525480.

Hall Rental

Licensed bartenders. Office parties, Christmas parties, birthday and retirement events, Stag and Doe’s. 280 Merritt Ave - Chatham Banquet / Sunset Lounge 519-3549000.

Wanted to Buy

Wanted to Buy: Antiques, costume jewellry, gold, silver, coins, military, furniture, tools. We Buy All Paid Cash. 519727-8894.


Brad Smith 47, Monday, September 24, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Janet Rankin 97, Thursday, September 27, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham

Norman McEachran 92, Wednesday, September 26, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Mary Fenton 75, Saturday, September 22, 2018 Life Transitions

Linda Diesbourg 70, Wednesday, September 26, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Maria Roes 87, Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Life Transitions

James Steen 90, Monday, September 24, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Michael Carvalho 72, Monday, September 24, 2018 Life Transitions

Audree Rossini 88, Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham

Mr. James Hasson 90, Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home

Home Building Center DRESDEN • A full Lumberjack warranty includes a 50 YR

1100 Stores Strong



We can help. Call to sell your items for cash or by consignment Call John @ 519-845-3663


$2,000 to $30,000

Home Building Center

Christ Church


Clearing an Estate, Downsizing, Liquidating Inventory or Decluttering?


Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. might work better for you.



Brokerage Lic.#10675

Christ Church welcomes everyone! You don’t need money to join! You don’t have to sign a contract! We don’t take attendance!

Dean Brown

Fundraising Event?


Call John at Unimor Capital Corp.

$5 Admission Fee

• Service Calls • New Builds • Renovations

Great Idea!

• Removal & Pruning • Stump Removal 30+ Seniors • Crane Service Years

Sponsored by IODE Kent Regiment Chapter

280 Merritt Ave, Chatham, ON

db Plumbing

Considering a

50/50 Draw • Door Prizes • Bake Table




• Must be a homeowner (no proof required) • No mortgage registered on title • No income proof required • Open Loan • 48hrs normally to approve - funds directly deposited • No fund allocation - you do what you wish with the money ONLY DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1. ID, one of: license, passport, Canadian citizenship card. 2. Void cheque or PAD form

Saturday, October 13 • 9am - 4pm Sunday, October 14 • 10am - 4pm


A Job for Professionals

FOR RENT: Beautiful 4 bedroom house for rent on edge of Chahtam. Totally renovated. Lots of parking on large lot. References required. Option to purchase. For more information, call 519-436-7229.

The Chatham Voice is not responsible for the contents of advertisements, in print or online. The Voice also reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party.


The practices are held at the First Reformed Church located at the corner of Lacroix St. and Indian Creek Road West each Monday night starting at 7 PM. The Choir participates in singing in various places and have in the past held fundraising concerts that have benefited local organizations such as the Chatham Hospice, Outreach for Hunger (Food Bank) and others in our community. Each spring we team up with 4 other Male choirs in Southwestern Ontario and hold a fundraising concert with 125-170 male choral singers. Give us a try; you’ll be glad you did. No need to call, just show up at the above place and time and you will be warmly welcomed. For more information contact George Flikweert at 519-354-7974.

For Rent




Time for a New Roof??

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warranty that covers both material and labour.


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FUNERAL HOME • 519-351-4444

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NO MORE BLOWN-OFF SHINGLES – our metal roof products withstand high winds of over 100 MPH.

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Proud Franco-Ontarian students in C-K

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Nearly 600 students from five area French Catholic schools took part in the Franco-Ontarian Flag Day celebrations recently. Here, junior Kindergarten kids and other students at ecole Ste-Marie participate in the in-school assembly, proudly wearing green and white for the event.

Getting to know our . . .

Local Businesses

Let us be your

Koka’s Pizza Open Til 3AM on Weekends for Late Night Cravings

The Chatham Voice

Tim Koka and Shkurta Kryeziu are no strangers to the pizza business, or

Chatham. That combo is precisely why they opened Koka’s Pizza in the heart of the Maple City six months ago.

10 Specials


Shkurta said she’s essentially been working in pizza places since she was a teenager. Tim is also a pizza veteran. Both love their work, even the

long hours and late nights. “You meet different people every day. It’s fun,” he said. This is the second pizza business for Tim and

Follow us on:

Fish n’ chips ......................... $10 Lasagna & Garlic Fingers .... $10

Medium Pizza with 4 toppings

Mon, Tues, Wed., Thurs.



Panzerotti w/4 items ............ $10 Chicken Fingers w/fries ....... $10 Shrimp w/fries ...................... $10 Hours: Mon-Thurs 3pm-1am Fri-Sat 3pm-3am Sun 3pm-12am


1 LARGE PIZZA WITH 4 DELIVERY TOPPINGS & 1 LB. WINGS 114 West valid until Oct. 31, 2018







St. (at Richmond) CHATHAM

Shkurta, as they opened and operated a similar place in Woodstock in 2012. But Chatham beckoned to them, as they both lived here shortly after coming to Canada: Tim from Kosovo, and Shkurta also from Kosovo. Tim and Shkurta love their location on the corner of West and Richmond Streets in central Chatham. They own the building for starters, and it gives them the opportunity to quickly get their hot, delicious food to their customers. “We don’t say our delivery will be there in 30 minutes, because we get it there as soon as possible, sometimes in just 15 minutes,” Shkurta said. Customer service is vitally important for Koka’s. “We try to make them feel like they’re coming to my house,” Tim said of walk-in customers. Koka’s currently caters to the afternoon, evening and late night crowd, opening at 3 p.m. daily. Most days, they’re open until 1 a.m., but stretch that to 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights to feed the hungry late-night crowd. Tim said plans are in the works to extend their hours further – to earlier in the

day to serve the lunch crowd Thursday through Sunday, in response to a lot of requests from customers. Koka’s features a diverse menu, with pizza, chicken wings, panzerottis, lasagna, plus poutine and various side dishes. But it’s the pizza and wings that really fly out the door. Part of that is due to their Honeymoon Special, which features a large three-item pizza, a pound of wings, three dipping sauces and three cans of pop for just $23.95. Tim said meat pizzas are particularly popular, but Koka’s has plans to add new pizza flavours in the near future, such as pickle, tzatziki, and schwarma. Tim and Shkurta are also eying expansion to Tilbury and Blenheim in the next year or so. Feedback from customers has been spectacular so far, Tim said, as they regularly receive five-star ratings on social media. Then again, when you can often get a hot meal to the customer’s door in less than 20 minutes, that quick service and great food combines to deliver smiles as well.

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