The Chatham Voice, Oct. 18, 2018

Page 1


FALL CLEANUPS • Irrigation Blowouts • Eavestrough Cleaning




Vol. 6 Edition 41

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Coyotes maul family pet

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Well water advocates off to T.O. By Mary Beth Corcoran

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Zoey the Dalmatian is seen with family members Caitlin Wrobel, right, and Weston, 8. Zoey recently got pulled into the adjacent cornfield and mauled by coyotes. The family lives on Creed Road just south of Chatham. See story on page 2.

Members of Water Wells First (WWF) were to head to Queen’s Park this week to ask a couple of tough questions of the Ford government and its promises to help families in Dover and Chatham townships with sediment-clogged wells. According to WWF

spokesperson Kevin Jakubec, he and Dr. Joel Gagnon from the University of Windsor, will lead the contingent. Gagnon has been studying the contaminated wells to find out the source and nature of the sediment, its levels of toxic heavy metals and potential mitigation measures.

Continued on back page

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Coyotes attack dog, chickens

By Bruce Corcoran

From Dalmatians to chickens, the coyotes of Chatham-Kent have been aggressive this fall. Caitlin Wrobel, who lives on Creek Road near English Line, said coyotes mauled her young

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Dalmatian recently. “We believe the coyotes ambushed her in the cornfield and dragged her in and tore her up pretty well,” she said. “My son was just getting out of the pool. We decided to let her (the Dalmatian) off the leash. She was up behind the pool where we couldn’t see and that’s when they grabbed her. It was right at dusk. They (the coyotes) have never come up that close to the house before.” Wrobel thinks her pooch, Zoey, wiggled out of her collar and got free. The dog made it to the back door of the house. “The blood – it looked like I’d murdered somebody in

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the backyard with all of it,” Wrobel said. “We had to spend a lot of money at the vet and had to come to the decision to take her tail off.” While Zoey is healing, Wrobel said, she hasn’t recovered from the effects of the attack. “Zoey’s a rescue puppy. She’s had a tough life and this happened to her,” she said. “She’s doing well now. She still has the scars and scabs. But she’s very skittish at night now going outside.” Meanwhile, on Selton Line east of Thamesville, Michelle Owchar has seen the population of her free-range chickens decimated. The chickens have a penchant for slipping into the

adjacent cornfield. Unfortunately, that’s where the coyotes have set their trap. “They seem to be smart enough that they just roam around the first few rows of corn and wait to grab our chickens,” Owchar said. “They seem to be attracted to white. They got all our white chickens and only a few of our brown ones.” Owchar said the coyotes will wander through their property periodically. “They’ll come right into our yard. My daughter was on our front porch on the weekend and saw a coyote come right out of the cornfield and walk across the front of our property,” she said. “We can hear them howl-

ing at night too. We won’t even let our dogs out without us there with them.” Jason Hamm, manager of animal control services for Pet and Wildlife Rescue, said the organization hasn’t received any calls about coyote attacks, but instead have fielded phone calls about dogs on the loose, only to discover they were coyotes. He encourages people to let PAWR know when there’s been an attack. “If anybody has any concerns regarding coyotes, give us a call right away. We can assist or get in touch with the proper agency that can help,” Hamm said. You can reach PAWR at 226996-9969.

Job fair set for Oct. 23 in Chatham The Chatham Voice

The Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board (CKWPB) is hosting its second annual CK Works! Community Job Fair on Oct. 23. The event takes place from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the John D. Bradley Centre.

What’s New

More than 40 local employers are registered for the event. These employers are looking to fill more than 300 positions in a variety of roles from general/entry level to specialized/experienced professional jobs. From AZ driver to welder, the openings are diverse.

“Our historically low unemployment rates are putting job seekers in a pretty great position. There are great jobs available in Chatham-Kent right now,” Kristy Jacobs, project manager for the CKWPB said in a media release. “Our employers are looking for strong candidates to round out their

workforce, and if you are looking for a new job, or a change of roles, Oct. 23 could be the day for you.” Job seekers are encouraged to register for the free event through Eventbrite. Doing so will give registrants access to the complete list of employers and positions.


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Bruce Corcoran General Manager- Ext.227

Mary Beth Corcoran Editor - Ext.221

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News Fun, fundraising collide in alley By Bruce Corcoran

The brain food brigade is back at it for St. Clair College and Outreach for Hunger. Organizers of the third annual Bowling for Hunger and Education hope for another great event Nov. 3, after raising $15,000 last year for the St. Clair College Scholarship Fund, and to help stock the shelves at Outreach. Jeff Burrows of St. Clair College is the lead hand in the fundraising effort. He said the first two years saw the event grow exponentially and looks forward to this year’s offering at Bowlerama. “I think we’re in good shape,” he said. “At a minimum, we’ll have the same number of teams last year (12), but I think we’ve prospected well.” Burrows, who is also well known as the drummer in the Canadian rock bands the Tea Party and Crash Karma, is teamed up again with fellow organizers Brenda LeClair of Outreach for Hunger, Bruce Cockburn of Bowlerama, and Paul Haslip, formerly of RBC. Haslip and Burrows have knocked on business doors seeking participat-

ing teams. Haslip said it’s paying off. “Small businesses are using it as a fun staff night,” he said. Teams of four pay a minimum of $500 in pledges to take part. One team last year raised $2,600. Burrows said all of the funds raised, and there are no administrative costs or even a cost to rent Bowlerama as Cockburn donates the venue, remain in Chatham-Kent. The scholarship cash goes to help Thames Campus students, while the money for Outreach for Hunger helps that organization feed those in need. LeClair said the help is appreciated, as the event takes place between Thanksgiving and Christmas, two of their best times of donations. But the well in between can be deep. Outreach personnel look forward to helping with the event each year. They are involved in collecting the money from participating teams and organizing raffle items. “We keep the ‘fun’ in fundraising,’” LeClair said. “This will grow in the future.” Haslip agreed there is no shortage of smiling faces at the event. “It’s fun to see everyone


It’s Time!


come out and really enjoy themselves,” he said. “It’s a fun night that supports two great endeavours.” Haslip said the fact Cockburn donates the alley on a Saturday evening is greatly appreciated. Cockburn said he enjoys the event and is proud to be part of it. “Everything is tied to education. Without education, poverty is your next step in so many cases,” he said. On event night, teams mainly bowl 10-pin. But as the numbers have outgrown the number of 10-pin lanes at Bowlerama, some wind up doing 5-pin, Cockburn said. Burrows said it works out Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice SQUARE - CHATHAM DAILY NEWS (8” x 8”) well, as some prefer the FromFORMAT left, Bruce Cockburn, Jeff Burrows, Brenda LeClair and Paul Haslip prepare for Bowling 5-pin. SQUARE - CHATHAM NEWS (8” x 8”) for Hunger andFORMAT Education, taking place Nov. 3 atDAILY Bowlerama. Haslip said the event trophy, featuring 
 a bright encourages people to the fun. his family. They didn’t white bowling pin, is all 

 come out and take part in “Last year, a Windsor bowl, but he handed us a SQUARE NEWS (8”forx $500,” 8”) he said. polished up and ready. lawyer walkedDAILY in with cheque the raffle andFORMAT be part of - CHATHAM Anyone interested in partici
 pating can con- 1/4 PAGE FORMAT DISPLAY AD (5” x 8”) tact Outreach for Hunger at 
 519-351-8381. Burrows said participants can register right up until the start of the event. And if you don’t bowl, you are still welcome. Burrows

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Concerned citizens wanted for committees the municipal website Paper copies can also be picked up at any Municipal Centre. Applications must be completed online or paper copies returned to any Municipal Centre by Nov. 2 at 2 p.m.

The Chatham Voice

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is currently recruiting volunteer citizen appointments to various local boards and committees of council. Application can be completed online by visiting

The following local boards and committees of council are recruiting citizen members for the 2018-2022 term: • Accessibility Advisory Committee; • Age Friendly Committee; • Blenheim Landfill Li-

aison Committee; • Chatham-Kent Board of Health (Indigenous Representative); • C-K Museum Advisory Committee; • C-K Police Services Board; • C-K Public Library Board;

• CK Plan 2035 Advisory Committee (formerly the Strategic Priority Advisory Committee); • Committee of Adjustment; • Community Development Advisory Committee; • Court of Revision for

Local Improvements; • Drainage Board; • Municipal Heritage Committee; • Ridge House Museum Advisory Committee; and • Ridge Landfill Liaison Committee.

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Biz park deals worth $1M, 215 jobs Two new firms to set up shop in Bloomfield Business Park

deals are complete. He added for both companies, their Chatham-Kent developTwo new companies are com- ments will mark their first ining to Chatham-Kent, and they vestments into Canada. In one case, a drive along plan to bring more than 200 Highway 401 is all it took for jobs with them. The two businesses will pay one firm to take interest here. “It was neat – more than $1 milthe company in lion for about 26 “The company in the the alcohol busiacres of land at ness, they were the Bloomfield alcohol business, they driving down the Business Park were driving down the 401, saw the acand plan to erect 401, saw the activity tivity at the busistorage facilities. at the business park ness park with The first compa- with IAT Global. They IAT Global. They ny is a Scottish picked up the whiskey firm. picked up the phone phone number Stuart McFad- number from our sign, den, acting direc- gave us a call and they from our sign, gave us a call tor of economic came in and met later and they came in development for and met later that the municipality, that day.� - Stuart McFadden day,� he said. said. The busiThe company ness is looking to set up a storage and packaging eventually purchased six acres in the business park. facility here. Lloyd Star Global ultimately The second, Lloyd Star Global Network, will establish became interested in the mucold and dry storage in Cha- nicipality through Mayor Randy Hope, McFadden said. tham-Kent. “He introduced the group McFadden said the firms have signed binding agreements to Chatham-Kent. They were with the municipality and the looking at other communities By Bruce Corcoran



and he got them down here. They liked the property. They liked the proximity to the 401,� he said. Development for the spirits blending and packaging company is anticipated to be within approximately the next 60 days. When construction is finished, the facility should employ 15 full-time staff. Development of the Lloyd Star Global Network land is set to begin in the spring of 2019 and, when complete, will look to employ 200 people. McFadden said 20 acres of the land involved in the deal went through the Ontario Investment Ready: Certified Site process. “We were able to talk with them with the assurance that we are shovel ready,� he said, adding with all services and studies in place, construction can effectively begin as soon as a deal is finalized. “Having those on hand is definitely a benefit to us to ensure there is no delay. To the business world, time is money,� McFadden said. Municipal officials say Cha-

tham-Kent is well positioned “A portion of what’s left is to handle this and additional where services aren’t extenddevelopment. ed. It would probably be the “Companies are choosing last portion to be developed,â€? Chatham-Kent because they McFadden said. realize that they can be successful here thanks to proactive initiatives put in place to make our community ideal for investment,â€? said John Norton, general manager of community development, in a media release. “For example, we Sales • Parts • Service have created a selection of business parks, with affordable land, outfitted that Mobility land with the infrastructure Scooters needed for development, and then put in place tax incentives that make Chatham-Kent the ideal place to build.â€? The Bloomfield Business Park, the concept of which YES! began in 2001, is now about Financing half developed. McFadden Available estimates there are about 44 acres of usable land still in the park for future develop- 281 Grand Ave E Chatham ment. Most of that acreage is ful519-397-4782 ly serviced, he added, but Mon., Tues. 9-5; Wed. 11-5; Thurs., Fri. 9-5 not all of it.






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Promises, promises Members of the Water Wells First group headed to Queen’s Park this week to see about a promise made by then-PC Leader Doug Ford to call a health hazard investigation into the safety of drinking water from sediment-clogged wells in Dover and Chatham townships. In a letter signed by Ford, he said he would not only launch an investigation, he would hold accountable those responsible for the well problems. Well, five months later, WWF is still looking for some indication that now-Premier Ford is going to honour his promise. Now that area MPPs Rick Nicholls and Monte McNaughton are part of the party in power, more is expected from them. When they weren’t in power, they could only call on the government of the day to do what’s right. Now that they are on the other side of the Legislature, the people expect them to be the ones to do what is right, and what they called on the previous Liberal government to do – care enough about the safety of the drinking water for the people with clogged wells to do something about it. In his letter to Water Wells First, Ford used the wording “full health hazard investigation,” which has to be more than the local medical officer of health did to ensure the water and the sediments in it were safe for long-term consumption. Testing the water, but not the sediments in it, has done nothing to assure the people drinking the water that they aren’t harming themselves and their families. The municipality has told residents the problem is out of their hands, calling it a provincial issue, while the medical officer of health says the wells are private, so therefore it isn’t a public health problem. Someone needs to take responsibility for ensuring the public, which includes private well owners, has safe drinking water, and Ford needs to honour the promise he made to order a full investigation. Anything less than that means the municipality and the province believe it’s OK for some citizens to be treated as if their health and well-being don’t matter. That is unacceptable in a democratic, First World country such as Canada.

Letters to the editor policy

The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for brevity and clarity. All letters need to be signed.

Advertising policy

The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



Turnout weak to candidate meeting Sir: On Oct. 6, the citizens of Chatham had the privilege of meeting many of the candidates for council for Ward 6 at the WISH Centre. There should have been many more people in attendance. These candidates are giving their

very best to the community, gave up their Thanksgiving Saturday afternoon, and I’m sure hoped to talk to a room full of interested city dwellers. I found the meet-andgreet to be very informa-

tive and very relaxed. The individuals who are putting their names forward are eager, have done their research, and are willing to contribute many hours of dedicated time for the betterment of our com-

munity. To these candidates, I extend my thanks for your efforts and willingness to make Chatham a hospitable place to live. I encourage all voters to make their ballots count. Connie Badour Chatham

Good points from letter writers Sir: Seems like a good job to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Two great letters to the editor in The Chatham Voice Sept. 6 – one from Murray Holland about bikes parking between double doors of entrances and exits at coffee shops. Yes, bikes in Chatham have been getting away with all sorts of things. No one seems to want to enforce their laws. I was

just about to cross at the lights from the hospital at Grand Avenue when a bike came zooming along from the west on the sidewalk and he was texting or taking a call on a cell phone, so two hands were not on the handle bars. The second letter from Susan Cornell, “Where did our sidewalks go?” Yes, where did they go? The bike trail on Grand

from Keil Drive and on. Now instead of a real good sidewalk that was good for walkers, wheelchairs, etc., there no longer is one and we have to share it with bikes. There’s a nice line in the middle, but which side belongs to whom? Now it seems that the bus can’t pull off the road for the pick up and drop offs without hold-

ing up traffic. The new benches are another big waste of money at bus shelters. Most are in the hot sun and in the open when it rains. I understand there are 18 new benches and just another place for people to drop garbage that I have seen left around. That is off my chest. Ruth Draper Chatham

IPM organizers deserve to take a bow Sir: To the organizers and all the volunteers of the recent IPM, we want to say a big thank you for a well-organized event. So reasonably priced at $20/$15 a day, where else could you see an hour

performance of the Canadian Cowgirls, an exciting rodeo, the dancing tractors, great musical performances or see working antique steam engines, planted

displays of 70 locally grown produce and educational displays for school children to see where our food comes from. Helicopters taking off

and landing added to the excitement. Lots of fun! Also the church service on Sunday was very well planned. John & Sandy Skipper Fletcher

The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691

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Storage fire devastates family

By Mary Beth Corcoran

A recent fire in a Wallaceburg storage facility has left some families devastated after losing the en-

tire contents to flames and water damage. According to the Chatham-Kent Police Service, a 28-unit storage facility, Wallaceburg Mini Storage

on Gillard Street, suffered damage as a result of the fire, which still remains under investigation. One family had the entire contents of their house,

Contributed image

Muriel Sampson, currently living with family on Walpole Island, picks through the debris left behind after a fire swept through the storage unit where her entire home contents were packed up while they were looking for a place in Wallaceburg.

including personal items, memorabilia and family photos, destroyed in the fire. Muriel Sampson said she and her daughter, currently living with family, were planning on moving into Wallaceburg. “We have been collecting items for years. My whole life, my whole house was in there,” Sampson said in a phone interview. “It was everything; a lot gifted from family members. Some are still here and some have passed.” Sampson said her unit was packed to the roof with items such as appliances, furniture, out-ofseason clothes and personal items. “The fire came through the top so the top half is burned and the bottom half is water damaged,” Sampson noted. “This is a huge loss to us. There are a lot of things that just can’t be replaced.” S h e

2-STREAM Recycling Guide 2-Stream recycling means you separate paper products from all other recyclables. Use two containers, black box for fibres (e.g. beverage cartons, paper & boxboard) and blue box for all other acceptable recyclables. Place all excess paper including small amounts of shredded paper in an un-tied plastic/ paper grocery bag in or beside your fibre recycling box.



Food, Beverage & Liquid Containers

Fibre Products In Black Box Only

Glass Bottles and Jars:

Household Paper/Newspaper, Catalogues, Books, and Telephone Books:

Aluminum/Steel Cans Plus Empty Aerosol/Paint Cans

Please remove food and rinse. Do not recycle broken glass, drinking glasses, dishes, cups, other ceramics, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, glass pots & pans.

Please remove food & rinse. Do not recycle coat hangers, pots, needles, batteries and hazardous waste.

Do not recycle waxed, foil, laminated or gift wrap paper, or fast food waxed soft drink cups.

Aluminum Foil Containers and Foil:

Paper Egg Cartons and Boxboard:

Plastic Bottles, Jugs and Tubs:

Pie plates, trays/baking pans and take-out food containers. Please remove/rinse food and flatten.

Now accepting more plastic household rigid containers and tubs with numbers

such as cereal, tissue, detergent, cracker and shoe boxes. Remove liners and flatten.

through on the bottom of the container, including clamshells and cleaning product containers.

Cardboard Boxes:


Break down, flatten and tie in bundles no larger than 75 cm x 75 cm x 20 cm (30” x 30” x 8”). Please remove food residue and liners from pizza boxes.

The following materials DO NOT belong in your Blue or Black Boxes:

Styrofoam Containers (foam containers like coffee cups, egg cartons and protective foam packaging)

Foil pouches (i.e. Koolaid Jammers), aluminum foil lined containers (e.g. wine), etc.

Waxed Boxboard (frozen food packaging, ice cream containers, etc.)


Do not recycle toys, Styrofoam™, plastic wrap and bags, flowertrays, used oil containers, and unmarked plastics.


Blue or Black Box Bloopers

Plastic Plant Pots and Trays

Shredded Paper Place in an un-tied plastic/paper grocery bag in or beside your fibre recycling box.

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Space provided through a partnership between industry and Ontario municipalities to support waste diversion programs.

ChathamKent recycling Guide 2018.indd 1

are from people no longer with her and can’t be replaced. Anyone who may have clothes or furniture to donate can contact Sampson at 226-627-3171.


Blue Box Only

Paper Beverage Cartons: includes milk, juice & Tetra Pak cartons, drink boxes, paper hot beverage paper cups. Do not recycle foil pouches (i.e. Koolaid Jammers), aluminum foil lined containers (e.g. wine), etc.

includes mail, white & coloured paper, envelopes, hard (remove the cover) and soft cover books, glossy publications, inserts/flyers.

said she is still picking through the debris, and has managed to find some photos that were partially burned that she is hoping to salvage. Many of the keepsakes from family

2018-05-11 10:28 AM




News Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Mark Kimberley, left and Chad Kotow, have some Halloween fun at their Element Windows and Doors booth at the Fall Home & Leisure Show at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. The three-day event was free and filled with vendors from across Southwestern Ontario.


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Eight guidelines for selecting the right Halloween costume for your child! Whether your child wants to dress up as a gruesome zombie, a magical unicorn, an epic warrior or an evil witch, you have to take into account an array of criteria when selecting their Halloween costume. Always choose a costume that: 1. Allows them to be visible. Opt for a light-coloured costume and/or add reflective tape to the costume and accessories. 2. Doesn’t hinder their sight or breathing. It’s best to avoid masks, but if one is required to complete the outfit, make sure it fits perfectly. 3. Provides the necessary comfort. A pair of pretty princess slippers, for instance, may not be suitable for a long walk. And if your child has sensitive skin, some fabrics may irritate them. 4. Fits snugly. Make sure your child’s costume doesn’t hinder their movements and, more importantly, make sure he or she won’t trip over it! 5. Is appropriate for the local temperature. If it’s cold, your child will have to wear

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warm layers underneath their costume. A thicker costume, however, won’t do if the weather is warm.

6. Is fireproof. Candles are often used on Halloween. Choose fireproof costumes and accessories, preferably ones made of thick nylon or polyester.

7. Is tasteful. Choose a costume that’s culturally sensitive and age appropriate. 8. They like. Obviously, the best costume is safe and to the liking of your favourite little monster!

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2018 Ag Hall recipients named The Chatham Voice

The nominees have been approved and on Nov. 13 another select group of Chatham-Kent’s most accomplished individuals – both past and present will be recognized by the agricultural community with their induction into the Kent Agricultural Hall of Fame. The mission of the Hall of Fame is to recognize a person or persons that have demonstrated unselfish achievement within the realm of agriculture and/or service to the rural community of Chatham-Kent and/ or beyond. This year’s inductees reflect the diverse industry that agriculture is and the many ways that the rural community can be served.

George and Ruth Bieber (both deceased) were a vital farm couple in the Palmyra area who gave generously of their time and talent to serve their community in civic and community service. Their efforts were aimed to educate and inspire the next generation of farmers and to promote agriculture in the former Orford Township. Robert Lawrence Kerr is a forward-thinking pioneer of new agricultural practices to produce healthy food. As well, he is a learner and an innovator of organic crop production methods and has shared his expertise widely. Dr. Arthur (Art) William Schaafsma who is a cash crop farmer, author, and speaker who

Draw a face on our pumpkin Enter at these stores:

upper level

upper level

lower level

DCC, 100 King St. W., Downtown Chatham


Open to all ages Name: Age: Address: Parental Consent: Phone: Email: Bring entries to DCC or: The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd. #4, Chatham, ON N7M 5J4 by October 30 at 5:00pm.

has overseen research, teaching, extension, and business development at the Ridgetown Campus of the University of Guelph, and has consulted on insect and disease management strategies provincially, nationally, and globally. The annual ceremony takes place at Country View Golf Course on Highway 40 north of Chatham beginning with a reception at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $25 per person and are available by contacting Kathy Vanek at 519-683-2929. The induction ceremony is open to anyone with agricultural or rural interests. Since its inception in 1989, the Kent Agricultural Hall of

Fame has inducted 189 members and has supported another 17 Chatham-Kent agriculturalists into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame. The list of inductees can be viewed in the lobby of the Chatham-Kent Civic Centre. The Hall of Fame Board of Directors encourages nominations from the public of individuals, living or deceased, whom they feel have had a long term commitment and contribution to agriculture and/or rural living in Chatham-Kent, and are worthy of consideration for the Hall of Fame.

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Hospital launches new patient program The Chatham Voice

Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) is launching a new digital tool designed to improve patient’s discharge experience. CoHealth, a web-based app (formerly called Dash MD), launched throughout CKHA in September. Available for both IOS and Android, CoHealth assists patients throughout their care by providing patients with information in one convenient place. Upon discharge, patients who download the free app will have access to aftercare instructions and have the ability to use the app to manage follow-up appointments, medication reminders and aftercare tasks such as changing bandages. The app also assists patients to locate nearby healthcare providers for services such as physiotherapy or pharmacy as well as suppliers for medical equipment. “Being discharged from the hospital can be a stressful and overwhelming


Experience • Trusted • Proven

Contributed image

Emily Tran and Cory Blumenfeld, representatives from CoHealth, visited CKHA to help promote the app to patients and staff.

experience for patients and their families,” Lisa Northcott, vice-president a chief nursing executive, CKHA, said in a release. “By empowering patients and families to manage their care after discharge, we help ensure that our patients have a successful recovery, without complications or readmission. CKHA is committed to providing Patient and Family Centred Care and CoHealth is another tool to help us achieve our goal.” CoHealth may be used in addition to or as an alternative to other

discharge tools at CKHA. Earlier in 2018, CKHA launched Patient Oriented Discharge Summaries (PODS), which are paper based and use a teach-back method to ensure patients understand their instructions. PODS information is also available through the CoHealth app for Rehab and Stroke units, as well as Medicine for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pneumonia and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), and Surgery for a number of hip and knee surgeries.

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61 Elizabeth St., Blenheim

18260 Erie Shore Dr., Erieau Beautiful waterfront property. Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 bath home with amazing open concept main floor. $549,900.

228 Summerset, Chatham ......................................Maple City Homes


BEST of Chatham-Kent


Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore

Reader's Choice

Reader's Choice

of Chatham-Kent

TWITTER @ckrealtor

17402 Lakeshore Rd., Rondeau Park Beautiful 3 BR overlooking the beach & Lake Erie. Spacious layout, lots of living space & plenty of storage. $289,900.

11539 Lagonda Way, Rondeau Bay Estate

3 BR, 3 bath home on beautiful lot with canal frontage. Open concept loft style layout with gorgeous kitchen & great room. $575,000.

Tuesday, October 23 1-3pm


Independently Owned & Operated 42 Talbot St. W., Blenheim

519-360-0315 •

Lovely 3+1 BR, 1.5 bath family home. Eat in kitchen, updated bath & fenced yard. Call now for your personal viewing. $179,900.

10596 Lakeview, $499,900......................................Brian Peifer, Royal LePage Peifer Realty Inc.

228 Summerset, Chatham ......................................Maple City Homes Wednesday, October 24

Peifer Realty Brokerage



Broker of Record

Over 60 Combined Years in Selling Real Estate in Chatham-Kent. Call Us Today!


228 Summerset, Chatham ......................................Maple City Homes


Jim Kovacs




Sunday, October 21


Judy Kovacs

228 Summerset, Chatham ......................................Maple City Homes

228 Summerset, Chatham ......................................Maple City Homes

57 Crane Dr. Chatham $ 229,900


3+1 bedroom, 1-1/2 bathrooms. Numerous updates throughout. Quiet area on cul-de-sac. Call Sheila to view!

11518 Rondeau Drive $ 899,000

A rare find with this incredible waterfront ranch in the resort community of Rondeau Bay Estates on 100 feet of water frontage. Call Bill to set up your showing!

69 Lancefield Place $ Chatham 299,900

3 bedrooms, 2 bath four level featuring updates throughout, huge yard, in-ground salt water pool and hot tub. Call Bill to see for yourself!

5509 Stewart Line $ Wallaceburg 395,000

20 Peachtree Lane Chatham $ 699,900

Peaceful country living located just minutes from both Wallaceburg and all that the Snye and St. Clair rivers have to offer. Call Tricia to arrange your personal viewing!

This 4+1 bdrm, 3 years young, custom Ewald built home is stunning and exudes quality craftsmanship throughout. Call Tricia to view.

127 Manning Dr. Chatham $ 299,900

130 King St. E. Chatham $ 52,900

612 Lenover St. Florence $ 279,900

So much pride in ownership in this lovely 3 bedroom raised rancher! Two full bathrooms, finished basement! Gorgeous Maple espresso kitchen! Two tier deck no rear neighbours. Call Ryan today!

Build your dream home!! Ideal building lot close to downtown! .26 of an acre. Zoned RL3. Permitted for Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling Unit, Semi Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Group Home, Small Rental Dwelling Unit, Large Rental Dwelling Unit, Converted Dwelling. Call Ryan for more details.

Fantastic three bedroom raised ranch situated on a large 1.1 acre property with no rear neighbours backing onto farmland in the charming town of Florence! Three large main floor bedrooms, one bathroom. Spacious family room and kitchen! Large dining room and family room. Large finished basement! New roof shingles fall 2017. Call Ryan to view!

11 Storey Cres. Chatham $ 270,000 NEW PRIC E

12 Mango Lane, Blenheim

3 BR, 2.5 bath rancher with attached garage. Unique mainfloor layout, large master with ensuite & partially finished basement with rec room! $279,900.

6 Wolfe St., Shrewsbury Cute 1 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow. Good size living room & 3 season sunroom. 104’ x 208’ lot. Call now! $139,900.

This northside 3 bdrm, 2 bath home is immaculate throughout with beautiful updates and upgrades galore and no rear neighbours. Quality throughout! You must see this one for yourself, call Tricia today!

Bill Myers

Sheila Young

Broker of Record 519-365-2094 17998 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park 3 BR, 1.5 bath bayfront cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. Enjoy watersports, fishing & sunsets from your back yard. $149,900.

17148 Lakeshore Rd, Rondeau Park Lovely lakefront 2+1 BR cottage. Move in ready with beautiful deck and views of dunes and beach. Huge garage for storage. $209,900.

Attention Realtors! Why Advertise in Voice Homes?

215 Grand Ave. W., Chatham Business for Sale! This well known, successful restaurant is a great investment opportunity. Family operated for over 30 years. Plenty of parking & outdoor patio space. Call now!

Broker 519-436-7485

Ryan Rusnak

Sales Representative 519-351-8690

Tricia Weese

551 Queen St., Chatham • 519-352-9400

• Reach 19,300 homes a week • Full colour at no extra charge • Convenient pull-out section • Digital Edition Online at No Extra Charge The Chatham Voice, a locally owned community newspaper that people actually read! To advertise in Voice Homes, call 519-397-2020 and ask to speak to a sales representative today!

Sales Representative 519-365-7435






Serving Chatham-Kent Since 1968

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34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.

519-354-5470 519-676-5444

open house

Offer Pending Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628

SAT., OCTOBER, 20 • 1-3PM 10596 LAKEVIEW, $499,900 AGENT: BRIAN PEIFER 2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

11200 RIVER LINE $799,900

Executive open concept sprawling 3br, 5 bath rancher with meticulously maintained grounds. Call Amber 519-784-5310 or Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000 3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

Peifer Realty Inc.



3+1br, 2 bath raised ranch on a beautiful lot. 2 tiered deck at rear. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.


Stunning custom built Georgian style 2 storey, 4br, 3.5 bath executive home. Backing onto the river with heated i/g pool. Call Kelly-Anne 519-365-7155 or Pat 519-360-0141.

10698 LAKEVIEW, C-K $509,900 2500 sq ft 2br, 2.5 bath executive 2 storey home on a .9 ac lot in Lake Morningstar. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669


Offer Pending 7275 RIVERVIEW $925,000

Brian Peifer

19135 CREST RIVER, LAKESHORE • $748,000 A beautiful find! Custom built 2+1br, 2 bath, 5yr old brick ranch with backyard oasis. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

New Listing

Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155

Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774

Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865

Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181

4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653

32 LYNNWOOD $497,000

Stunning! 3+1br, 2.5 bath executive 4 level side split. Too many updates to mention. Call Mike S 519-784-5470.

37 CRAMAR $848,800 This colonial home offers 4+1 bedrooms, 5 baths, second kitchen and so much more. Call Patrick 519-3600141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

7259 RIVERVIEW $839,900 Spectacular 3+2br, 4 bath waterfront rancher with impeccable grounds. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

950 GRAND W $628,000

A BEAUTIFUL FIND! Comfort, class & convenience in this 4br, 3.5 bath 2 storey on the Thames River. Call Pat 519-360-0141.

New Listing 83 VALENCIA $529,900

Approximately 2231 sq ft, 4+1br, 3 bath 2 storey currently under construction. Call David 519-350-1615.

10907 RIVER LINE $699,000

4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Brian Preston* 519-355-9868

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

David Smith* 519-350-1615

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

456 TWEEDSMUIR $338,000

2+1br, 3 bath one floor townhome. Call David 519-350-1615.

Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315

234 TWEEDSMUIR W $289,900

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666

488 KEIL ST. S $345,900

Immaculate 2+2br, 2 bath raised ranch in move in condition with some updates. Call Gus 519-3558668 or Heather 519-355-8666.

New Listing 318 BALDOON $239,900

Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634

Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090

Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268

Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810

3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.

3br farm house with barn & dog grooming business. Call David 519-350-1615.

75 ST. ANTHONY $199,900

Great 3 br, 1.5 bath 4 level back split with above ground pool. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

32 ENCLAVE $484,900

Lovely 4+1br, 3.5 bath custom built home by Ewald on a popular Northside street. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

Southside 3+1br, 4 level with i/g pool. Stunning $80,000 gourmet kitchen. Gorgeous lot & landscaping. Call June 519-358-5199.

20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000

High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

11539 LAGONDA, RONDEAU • $549,900

Offer Pending 7627 RIVERVIEW LINE $729,900

Quality custom built home on a beautiful river lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

196 PARK ST $169,900

Excellent side by side duplex both with 3brs. All separate utilities. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

168 COTTAGE $359,000 2+1br, 3 bath semi-ranch townhouse with a spacious & well landscaped yard. Call David 519-350-1615.

11540 WILDWOOD, MORPETH • $369,900

Well maintained all season home with a Windmill Cabinet kitchen & gorgeous backyard near the water. Call Ron 519360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

12 MANGO, BLENHEIM $279,900

3br, 2.5 bath brick rancher backing onto green space. Call Penny 519360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.

Large 4br, 2.5 bath 4 level side split with i/g pool on the River. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

424 GREGORY E $399,900

1 ac on edge of city, 24x46 insulated shop, 18x32 barn, 4+1br home & huge family room addition. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

614 DAYLIGHT $329,500

1515 sq ft 2 br, 2 bath semi detached townhome to be built by Maple City Homes. Call David 519-350-1615.

21 MCKEOUGH $229,900 Great opportunity for institutional uses. Building has been revamped & looks amazing inside & out. Call Heather 519-355-8666 or Gus 519-355-8668.

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

Lease Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

10530 RIVER LINE, HARWICH • $498,000


New Price

2+1br, 3 bath, 2250 sq ft 2 storey with over 200’ of canal frontage. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755. George McDougall* 519-360-7334

5700 FOURTEENTH, MERLIN • $319,500

91 FAUBERT $389,900

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668


187 THAMES $169,900

Great investment opportunity! Side x side duplex both with 2br’s. Call Chris 519-350-1402.

60-62 FOREST • $136,900 Duplex in great central area. 2br + 1br in this well maintained duplex with long term tenants. Call June 519-358-5199.

141 PATTESON $115,000

Duplex - 2br’s up & 2br’s down. Separately metered. Call Bev 519-358-8805.


Premium 1500 sq ft office space ideal for professional. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

25669 WINTERLINE $249,900

Approximately 7,000 sq ft situated on a 189’ x 324’ lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

153 GRAY $106,900

Duplex for sale. Rented with long term tenants. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

56 ST GEORGE $79,900

Cozy 3br bungalow with fenced rear yard & new replacement windows. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

365 BAYVIEW, ERIEAU $279,900 Very spacious 3br, 1.5 bath year-round home or cottage. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800

Sales Representative *





BARB PHILLIPS BARB PHILLIPS Real Estate Brokerage BARB PHILLIPS, Real Estate Brokerage


Real Estate Brokerage

WHERE DREAMS COME HOME WHERE DREAMS COME HOME 519-359-8588 519-359-8588 Email: 519-359-8588 email: Email: Email: WHERE DREAMS COME HOME



Barb Phillips

Barb Phillips

Barb Broker Phillips of Record

Broker of Record

Broker of Record

18Estate Willcox St., Chatham 74 Elizabeth 44 Elizabeth St. Blenheim 7474 Elizabeth 18 Willcox St., Chatham Real Brokerage Elizabeth 95 Poplar Street

18 Willcox St., Chatham

Lovely and meticulous bungalow COME HOME WHERE DREAMS w/3 Bedrooms, updated Great family home kitchen and bath,in full basement lovely mature w/ recroom,neighbourhood. laundry storage, deFeatures eat-in tached garage, private rear yard, kitchen, formal Email: diningpersonal room, living call for your viewing $174,900

D SOL519-359-8588

Street Street

Great family home at

Great family home Great family home an affordable price. in lovely mature in lovely mature neighbourhood. neighbourhood. Features 3 bedrooms, Features eat-in Barb Phillips Features of Record kitchen,eat-in formal updatedBroker kitchen and kitchen, formal dining room, living room w/natural dining room, living $174,900 bath, living room w/ 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room w/natural woodwork, 3 bed$174,900 w/natural3 bed4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor rooms, 1 bathroom, woodwork, Openhome, House open concept hardwoods, full base4 bedrooms, lovely family bedmain floor laundry. laundry, main floorWillcox office, lower level finished, on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor woodwork, rooms, 13bathroom, 18 St., Chatham 74 Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Elizabeth Open House 2 main bedroom home Callon Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. Affordable floor, master withoffice, ensuite, main bathroom, main1floor laundry.detached laundry, main floor lower levelfloor finished, rooms, ment, garage. House July 8 from 1-3 Barblaundry. for details! Sat.,Open with openlaundry, conceptmain kitchen/ large no backyard neighbours. mainCallfloor floor lot, office, lower level finished, Street Sat., July 8 from 1-3 $169,900 Call Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. living room, 4 pc. bath, I have clients 100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. walking distance Itohave schools looking for clients Great family home single family and shopping. $114,900. Farm 89 Regency Dr. looking for 100-Acre I have clients in lovely mature bungalows. single looking for family neighbourhood. Contact bungalows. single family Barb Phillips Features eat-in NEW Contact PRICE! bungalows. today. Barb Phillips kitchen, formal

58 Forest



6972 Mallard Line

9468 Longwoods Rd.

NEW Reduced Contacttoday. dining PRICE! room, living $48,900 Barb Phillips NEW phone: 100-acre farm located room w/natural 2 bedroom mobile,By open concept, living room, kitchen, PRICE! today. shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. 519-359-8588 in Raleigh Township. 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, large open concept

By phone: 519-359-8588 By email:

100-acre farm located in Raleigh Township. Call Barb Phillips for all the details today!

$174,900 Reduced $48,900


woodwork, 3 bed-

By email: 100-acre 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Reduced By phone: Callfarm Barblocated for on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. rooms, 1Phillips bathroom, $48,900 all theTownship. details today! 519-359-8588 inSELLER Raleigh Open WILL CONSIDER House TRADE main floor laundry. laundry, main floor office, lower level By finished, email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for (Bungalow) in Dover, Pain orJuly surrounding Sat., 8 from 1-3 shed. Wheelchair ramp. Presentarea. All Offers. Calldetails Barb for details!large Court NEW large PRICElot, no backyard neighbours. all the today!


Unique 2.88 acre parcel with a 3 bedroom Century Home with many updates, 2 separate shops, ideal for Approximately 1 acre of mature trees on city’s edge. acre of greenDr. area ideal for property. Live in main 100-Acre brick home with income, Farm home business plus 89one Regency IUnique have clients horses, chickens, goats. Call for you personal viewing. 3 apts., 3 car garage. Indoor pool plus more.

looking for 44 Aberdeen single family bungalows. Contact Barb Phillips NEW PRICE! today.

23684 Arkwood Rd.

By phone: 100-acre farm located 519-359-8588 in Raleigh Township. By email: Call Barb Phillips2for Great location lovely 4 level completely refurbished all the detached details today! baths, gorgeous kitchen, 3 bedrooms, garage.


$48,900 13+ acres, country setting with lovely 3 bedroom home. Large eat-in kitchen, main floorliving laundry, 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, room,2 kitchen, baths,large full basement & 2 car attached garage. for shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Call Offers. your personal viewing!

Daylight Point at Prestancia coming to you from Maple City Homes

Slower September for C-K home sales The Chatham Voice

Housing prices continue to rise as the number of homes for sale heads in the other direction in Chatham-Kent. According to the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors, the average price for a home in C-K is more than $210,000, up nearly 16 per cent from the same time last year. But the number of available new homes for sale in September in the municipality sat at 143, down

2.7 per cent on a yearover-year basis and the lowest September level in 25 years. Active residential listings numbered 249 units at the end of September. This was a decrease of 12.3 per cent from the end of September 2017 and marked the lowest level on record for this time of the year. Home sales in September were luke-warm. “Home sales posted a healthy if average showing in September, above

the 10-year average for the month and a little below the five-year average,” said Steve Carroll, President of the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors, in a media release. “Solid sales coupled with record-low supply are the main reasons prices are running well above last year’s levels.” Residential sales totalled 998 units over the first nine months of the year. This is down 4.5 per cent from the same period in 2017.

for a 64-hour period from Nov. 8-11. This is a non-denominational event, opened to all who wish to participate; coming together to honour our history. Last year, with the public’s support, and support from Revera Retirement Living in Ridgetown and Blenheim, Christ Church held a successful 150-

hour vigil at the cenotaph to mark Canada’s 150th birthday. This time around, teams will take two-hour shifts at the cenotaph. Christ Church will be opened during the vigil as a warm-up spot. To take part, contact Christ Church at 519-3521640 or churchoffice@

Cenotaph vigil returns The Chatham Voice

Christ Church Chatham is again asking for support in standing vigil at the Chatham cenotaph. In honour of the 100th anniversary of the First World War Armistice, Christ Church is calling on service groups, churches, businesses and individuals to stand vigil

Why a REALTOR®? Maybe you’re buying a home for the first time. Or maybe you’re selling your old home to move to something new. Whether buying or selling, you’re involved in an intricate process requiring many specialists. One of these specialists might be a REALTOR®, who’s responsible for making the transaction as easy as possible for you.

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However, not every licensed or registered broker or salesperson is a REALTOR®. To be a REALTOR®, the agent must be a member of The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). And to be a member of CREA, an agent is expected to be: • Committed to the REALTOR® Code: The code is the accepted standard of conduct for all real estate practitioners who are REALTORS®. It’s your guarantee of professional conduct and the quality service. Read more about the REALTOR® Code. • Knowledgeable about developments in real estate: A REALTOR® can get you the information needed to make an informed decision: comparable prices, neighborhood trends, housing market conditions and more. • Actively updating education: Through courses, workshops and other professional development, a REALTOR® maintains a high level of current knowledge about real estate. • Access: REALTORS® have access to Board MLS® Systems, which facilitate the cooperate sale of properties to benefit consumers.

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Cogeco to lay fibre in Merlin

The Chatham Voice trenched in our core corporate values. This is Cogeco Connexion announced recently it why we are thrilled to answer the Municipalwill invest more than half a million dollars ity’s call for an access to a powerful, reliable for the expansion of its fibre optic network to and affordable fibre network.” serve several hundred households and busiChatham-Kent Chief Administrative Officer, nesses in Merlin. Don Shropshire, said increased connectivity Cogeco Connexion’s fibre network will en- to all areas of our community is important for able residents and businesses to enjoy the a variety of social and economic reasons. full spectrum of Cogeco Connexion services, including digital television, residential telephony and high-speed Internet. The company has already started work leading to the implementation of the network, which is slated to be in service October 2018. “The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is an important market for Cogeco Connexion and we are proud to be expanding our netKEEP TAXES AND WATER BILLS AFFORDABLE work into Merlin,” Johanne Hinse, Vice President, Programming and Economic Developments | Integrity Community Relations, said in a media release. “At Cogeco, proximity with our communities is deeply-en-



Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

From left, Cindy Gillett, Human Resource Co-ordinator, Children’s Treatment Centre; Jessica Pritchard, Mike Grail, Paula Grail, Tim Hortons owners; and Mike Genge, Executive Director, Children’s Treatment Centre Foundation celebrate the $24,650 raised in the recent Smile Cookie Campaign.

Campaign raises $24K The Chatham Voice

Those smiles are worth $24,650. That’s the amount a trio of Tim Hortons owners donated in proceeds from the annual $1 Smile Cookie campaign. From Sept. 17-23, every Smile Cookie sold at the participating Tim Hortons went towards the Butterfly Build Campaign of Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent. “The Children’s Treatment Centre and Foundation are excited that local Tim Hortons’ decided to support us again this year with their Smile Cookie campaign,” Mike

Genge, Executive Director of the Children’s Treatment Centre Foundation, said in a media release. “It was a tasty fundraiser and we are certainly honoured to be chosen as their charity of choice.” Local Tim Hortons owners, Guy Pritchard and Mike and Paula Grail participated in the program. At present, daily therapy and counseling sessions and individual case management is squeezed into the existing 25,000 square-foot site on Lark Street in Chatham. The CTC has grown from serving 224 children and youth in 1984 to now serving a total of 3,200 in 2018.

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McNaughton Ave. to undergo changes The Chatham Voice

Chatham-Kent council recently approved hiring a consultant to recommend how to proceed

with upgrading and improving along McNaughton Avenue West from Keil Drive North to Bear Line Road in Chatham. Increased traffic due to

the new St. Clair College Training Centre expansion and plans for the new St. Clair Catholic District School Board Elementary School and the new Chil-

dren’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent are factors in the project. A sanitary sewer was extended along McNaughton Avenue West

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to Bear Line Road in the fall of 2017. A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was completed in 2018 as a condition of site plan approval for the new Catholic School to determine the effects of the additional pedestrian and vehicle traffic it would generate in the area. The TIS recommended the installation of a traffic signal at McNaughton Avenue and Keil Drive North, and a pedestrian crossover located in front of the school on McNaughton Avenue. Plans for these traffic signal devices will be included in the project. In addition to recommended traffic signal devices, the work is to include a new storm

sewer, curbs and gutter, granular road base, asphalt surface, sidewalks and street lighting. McNaughton Avenue West from Keil Drive North to Fergie Jenkins Drive. The 2018 Active Transportation Lifecycle identified Keil Drive North as a corridor to be part of the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Grant program. HRYCAY Consulting Engineers of Windsor was awarded the contract for $158,175. Seven firms bid on the contract. Also under consideration are plans for upgrading Keil Drive North from Grand Avenue to McNaughton. A full report on the project can be found on the municipal website.

The Chatham Voice

are going to the Acceptional Riders Program run by TJ Stables. There will be over 60 vendors on site. The cost is $5; kids four and under are free.

Craft show at TJ Stables

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TJ Stables is hosting a fall festival and craft show on Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds from the event




House tour returns for 14th year thinking about Christmas – a certain Christmas House Tour to be exact. The 14th annual Capt. Garnet Brackin IODE

By Bruce Corcoran

It may be mid-October, but it it’s time to start

Christmas House Tour takes place Nov. 17 and 18 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Marianne Johnstone of

the IODE said this year Build fund of the Chil- hailed; it was everywill be a bit different, dren’s Treatment Cen- thing,” Johnstone said. as the tour heads out of tre,” Johnstone said. For tickets, call 519-354Chatham and focuses on The centre is working to 0803 or 519-351-1406. the area of Lake Morn- raise $6 million locally to Johnstone said IODE ingstar Eshelp build, members are noticing a tates east of equip and change in demographics “This year, we’re goChatham. operate a of who enjoys the house J o h n - ing to do a country one. new facil- tours. stone said It’s a little different. We ity on Mc“There seems to be new a number have a barn which will N a u g h t o n people coming out, a lot of homes in be all decorated for A v e n u e of young couples. We’ll the area will West in see groups of couples be decorat- Christmas.” Chatham. and then they’ll go out ed and on - Marianne Johnstone “ T h e y for dinner,” she said. display, as do a lot of “People seem to be really well as a couple of inter- great work and it benefits interested in how to decesting sites. the entire Chatham-Kent orate their homes by see“This year, we’re going area,” Johnstone said. ing how others decorate to do a country one. It’s Tickets for the house theirs.” a little different. We have tour are $20 a barn which will be all each, and the Meadow Park Chatham decorated for Christ- IODE members Long Term Care Home mas,” she said. “We’re hope to see analso doing an older home other 600 sold on the way to Lake Morn- this year. ingstar, a bunch on the “We’re hoplake, and we’re doing the ing CANADA’S for good FAVOURITE FOR church nearby.” weather. Last 110 Sandy St. • 519-351-1330 Johnstone said the tour year, it rained, is only a short drive out it snowed, it STARTING AT * WHITE MEAT ADD of town, but the trip $1.80 PER ENTRÉE would be worth it. “There’s a little driving for Seniors 65 and over involved, but once you are there, you are all together,” she said. GET 2 QUARTER CHICKEN DINNERS FOR ONLY $17.99* Funds raised this year SPECIAL DINING ROOM & TAKEOUT OFFER will go to the Children’s Includes pop, coffee or tea. *White add $1.80 Treatment Centre of ChaOne coupon permeat customer/visit At Sarnia/Chatham locations only Must be presented at time of purchase Extra per Entrée. tham-Kent. Mon-Thurs. 3-5pm only. 1283 LONDON ROAD, 160 KEIL DRIVE SOUTH, “We’re going to give a 160SARNIA KEIL DRIVE SOUTH, CHATHAM 519.351.6440 519.336.4788 CHATHAM 519.351.6440 large portion of our proLimited time only.SEPT. 15, 2018 OFFER EXPIRES ceeds to the Butterfly CONNECT WITH US


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Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

The Purple Pansy’s Tricia Xavier, left, and Marianne Johnston of the Garnet Brackin IODE get into the Christmas spirit early this year as both prepare for the 14th annual Christmas House Tour Nov. 17 and 18.

Not combined with any other offer.


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The Arts

Music Fest hosts concert series

By Mary Beth Corcoran

The Kiwanis Music Festival celebrates its 75th anniversary next season, a community venture that has seen thousands of kids with amazing talent take the stage. Not all of those kids go on to promising careers in

music, but all of them will remember the experience of practicing and competing. To promote the Festival during the lead up to this important anniversary, organizers received a $7,500 grant from the South Kent Wind Donor-Advised Fund of the Chatham-Kent Community Foundation




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to hold a series of free educational programs and concerts. Each event will feature a free concert and a public masterclass/clinic for local musicians, and there will be a meet-andgreet after each concert. The first in the series begins with a Ben Smith Piano recital on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Congregational Church in Chatham. Smith, who is a Chatham native and won virtually every award possible on the Kiwanis Music Festival stage, is currently based in Toronto and is in high demand as an adjudicator at music festivals across the country. Christine Prosser, organizer of the concert series and local vocal teacher, said she also started competing at the Festival at the age of eight, winning the Rose Bowl in vocal

performance, a n d knows the value of experience in the arts for chilBen Smith dren. “There has already been a tremendous amount of interest in Ben’s concert, with outstanding young pianists from all across Southwestern Ontario coming to perform for Ben in order to receive feedback about their playing,” Prosser said. Smith’s journey as a pianist, from an early age, is an impressive one, according to Prosser. “Ben’s mom Julia, discovered that Ben had perfect pitch before the age of three. Perfect pitch is when

you play a note and the musician, without looking at the instrument, can say that’s an A or that’s a C,” Prosser noted. “Not many people have that ability.” Juilliard-trained, Smith has performed twice at Carnegie Hall, records music for CBC Radio 2, plays at music festivals across North America and is a very busy performer. Prosser said the last time he performed in Chatham was 2005. A remarkable piano player, Prosser said she recalls a time when she working with her students who were competing in the Festival. “When Ben was still a teenager, he often accompanied singers and instrumentalists in the music festival. He arrived at my house for a second rehearsal with one of my students, and I let him

know when he arrived that I was having difficulty finding an original copy of the music for him to use. ‘Don’t worry about that,’ he said. ‘I can play it from memory.’ At that, he proceeded to take a brief look at the music, handed it back to me, sat down at the piano and played the entire song for memory. A rare talent, indeed,” Prosser recalled. Smith will be playing several classical pieces at his concert, including sonatas from Handel, Beethoven, Schubert and Brahms. The concert series will continue with Heather Kosik’s Cabaret concert Jan. 26 at Studio One, and then a Jamie Hillman Choral Festival, April 27 at the Kiwanis Theatre. Concerts are free to the public thanks to the grant from the Community Fund.

The Chatham Voice

at 7 p.m. This is the first concert of the 2018-19 and sixth season of Saturdays at 7 at St. Andrew’s. Based in Toronto, this a cappella ensemble has been wowing audiences across the country and around the world for 20 years. Their arrangements contain all the richness of a

full band, but performed using just four voices. Onstage antics and audience participation are par for the course at any Cadence show, but so too is a mesmerizing display of musical genius. Cadence will also conduct a workshop the precious day for high school students of the Lamb-

ton Kent District School Board at which they will demonstrate vocal performance tips with the students. St. Andrew’s United Church is located at 85 William St. S, Chatham. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Free will offering (suggested donation of $10 per adult). All are welcome.

Cadence to return to St. Andrew’s

Four men. Four microphones. No instruments. This is the formula for Cadence, Canada’s award-winning a cappella group from Toronto. The group is returning by popular demand to perform at St. Andrew’s United Church on Oct. 20

How to spot a bully Children who commit acts of bullying or violence may do so for various reasons, such as the desire to fit in with a certain group or to get revenge for past bullying they themselves experienced. Whatever the case, they need help. But when no one’s speaking up, how can you tell if one child is bullying another? Some of the most frequently observed traits linked to bullying include: • The need to dominate and maintain a certain status within a group • A lack of interpersonal skills (difficulty making friends) • Impulsivity • Lack of empathy • Authoritarian or manipulative behaviors

137 Queen St, Chatham, ON N7M 2G7 Telephone: 519-351-1582

• The belief that violence is a good way to resolve conflicts • The unjustified belief that others are ill-willed HOW YOU CAN HELP If you find out that your child has been bullying others, remain calm and listen to what he or she has to say. While you shouldn’t condone the bullying, it’s important to be supportive. Explain that the consequences for this type of behavior are severe, both for the bully and his or her victims. Remind your child that it’s important to respect others, regardless of their differences. Work with your child to find ways he or she can express feelings of anger without having a negative impact on other people. Contact the school for further support, and if needed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a social worker or psychologist.

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Smells great, but ...

Aches and pains of age When you hurt your back, everyone, from your chiropractor to a casual acquaintance, asks you the same thing: What did you do? And I have the same answer: I have no idea. I am fortunate that I don’t have a “bad back,” where I am in constant pain. I have a couple of friends with chron-

Contributed image

Allan Craeymeersch of Thamesville showcases what he initially thought was a mega walnut, left, with a typical walnut off a tree in his yard. It turns out it is from a mock orange bush, which produces scents similar to that of an orange tree, but whose fruit is inedible.

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Bruce Corcoran ic back pain and I wouldn’t

wish that on anyone. Instead, I have a back that periodically acts up. I sleep on the wrong angle, lift something incorrectly, or just reach the wrong way, and my back muscles will yell at me. Is that aging? Is it normal? It’s my normal.

Continued on page 20



Home of the



watch battery 131 Park Ave. E., Chatham • 519-354-4127 • Thursday, October 18, 2018 • Deadline is today for the Sun. Oct. 28 Casino bus trip to Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls sponsored by Br. 642 Legion Colour Guard. $25 with $10 slot play returned. Bring ID. Leaves branch at 9:00am sharp. Returns 9:30-10:00pm. Call 519-351-8733. • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. Friday, October 19, 2018 • The 10th Annual Cemetery Strolls sponsored by the Kent Historical Society begins at Maple Leaf Cemetery. Tours: 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm and 7:45pm. Lasts 2 hours. $22/adults, $10/children (12 and under). Must pre-book519-351-2958 or 519436-2058. “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB. • Campbell A.M.E. Church, corner of King St. E and Prince St. S. invite you to our fall roast beef dinner with homemade soup and dessert. $18/adults. $10/kids under 12. 4:30pm-6:30pm. Take out available. Tickets at door or call 519-352-0134. Limited tickets. • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm),catch the ace (drawn at 6:30pm) and fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of cabbage rolls, roast beef or fish & chips for $10. Saturday, October 20, 2018 • Spaghetti Dinner for Ebony at First Presbyterian Church from 4:00pm-8:00pm. $15/person. Available at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd. #4, or calling Renee at 226-229-9506. 50/50. • Saturdays at 7 presents Cadence! A Capella at 7:00pm at St. Andrew’s United Church, 85 William St. South, Chatham. Free will offering ($10 suggested donation) Doors open at 6:30pm. All are welcome. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and Dance (7:00pm11:00pm) featuring Unity at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Indoor Yard Sale from 9:00am-11:30am at Holy Trinity / St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Victoria & Selkirk St., Chatham. • Family Friendly Halloween Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction at Merlin Legion, 2 Stanley St. Dinner at 6:00pm. Dance until 11:00pm. Costume, door and spot dance prizes. 519-689-4884 or 519-476-5870. • Pretty in Pink Harvest Hoedown at Immaculee Conception Hall, Pain Court. Doors open at 5:00pm. Car Barn Broasted Chicken Dinner and all the fixins at 6:00pm. Music by The Chasers. Tickets $25 at Central Tavern, Pain Court Market & Pretty in Pink members. Proceeds to benefit Chatham-Kent Hospice. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • The 10th Annual Cemetery Strolls sponsored by the Kent Historical Society begin at Maple Leaf Cemetery. Tours at 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm and 7:45pm and lasts 2 hours. $22/adults, $10/children (12 and under). Must be pre-booked 519-351-2958 pr 519436-2058. “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB. Sunday, October 21, 2018 • 1st Anniversary for Chatham Hope Haven fundraiser at Royal Canadian Legion. Roast beef, roast turkey, cabbage rolls, baked beans, full salad bar, pickle trays, roll and butter, coffee, tea and assorted desserts. Tickets at Hope Haven, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 642 and Heritage Savings Credit Union. $21.95/person. • Afternoon Tea, A Timeless Tradition at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. Advance tickets only $20/ea. Call 519-351-6969. Sponsored by Veteran’s Tribute Garden Association. Monday, October 22, 2018 • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 • Open euchre (1:00pm), open shuffleboard (7:00pm) and 2 person shuffleboard (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Wednesday, October 24, 2018 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional guest speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. Call 519-354-4235. • Men’s Night Out 007/James Bond theme at the Active Lifestyle Centre. Steak and shrimp dinner. $25 pp. Tickets make a great gift! 519-352-5633. • Pepper (1:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Thursday, October 25, 2018 • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm.



Snap, crackle pop, back sprain! Continued from page 19

Earlier this month, mere days before my birthday and the Thanksgiving long weekend, I did one, or all of the above, and my back didn’t like it. It began on a Tuesday afternoon, and by the Wednesday morning, I couldn’t put on my shoes. Mary had to help me put on my socks and shoes for days as I struggled with the pain. Walking led to back spasms. So too did standing for any length of time. When I walked from my truck to my chiropractor’s front door, it

seemed to take forever. The spasms forced me to bend over to straighten out the muscles, except if I bent all the way over, it would trigger another spasm. What a mess. Doc Steve hooked me up to current, applied ultrasound and adjusted my very stiff back. Of course, he asked what I did. And I had no answer, other than, “I’m getting old,” as my 54th birthday loomed. I’m slowly improving these days. And I mean slowly.

Continued on page 21


Barrie Wilson 64, Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Marion Martin 73, Saturday, October 6, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

John Rose 63, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Clayton Squire 82, Tuesday, October 9, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Mary Crouch 80, Sunday, October 14, 2018 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Raymond Ouellette 70, Thursday, October 4, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

• NHL Alumni Benefit Tour at the Chatham Memorial Arena, 80 Tweedsmuir Ave. W., Chatham. Doors open at 6:000pm, game starts at 7:00pm. Visit

Clayton Bechard 84, Thursday, October 4, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Margaret Curtis 94, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

• Free PA Day program from 8:30am-3:30pm at First Reformed Church (cnr of Lacroix and Indian Creek Rd. Chatham) Ages 4-10. Featuring Brio Academy and The Marvellous Magician followed by crafts, music, stories, exercises and sports. Lunch and snacks provided at no cost. Call 519-351-0046 for early registration. Space is limited.

Beulah Morton 86, Monday, October 8, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Mark Janisse 90, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Dr. Blake Barlow 92, Thursday, October 11, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Wilhelmina Hermsen 88, Friday, October 5, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Saturday, October 27, 2018 • The Kent Historical Society is sponsoring a Haunted Hallowe’en Ghost Bus Tour for one night only. Seats are $25 each. Two hour tour leaving at 4:00pm from the former Target parking lot at T-Lea Plaza Chatham. Visit River Road and area cemeteries and meet surprise visitors. Tours must be pre-booked: 519-351-2958 or 519-436-2058. Visit “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB.

Glen Turner 78, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

John Want 81, Friday, October 5, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Lawrence Kehoe 82, Friday, October 12, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Carol Webb 53, Thursday, October 4, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham

Beatrice Wright 97, Monday, October 8, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Wolfgang Mottl 92, Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham

Anne Hartford 86, Thursday, October 11, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Nancy Taylor 69, Thursday, October 4, 2018 Life Transitions

Friday, October 26, 2018 • The Kent Historical Society is sponsoring a Ghostly Presentation of stories out of reach of easy walking at Glitters Fun Eatery in the upper room. $25/seat. Includes $5 drink/food voucher, door prizes and a chance to tell your own ghost stories. Seats must be prebooked by phoning 519-351-2958 or 519-436-2058. Visit “Ghost Walks of Chatham-Kent” on FB.

• Boomer Auction of Model Train equipment and materials. Spirit and Life Centre (formerly St. Joseph’s Auditorium) 184 Wellington St. W., Chatham. Sing up sheet on door at 8:00am. Sale starts at 10:00am. $5.00 admission includes door prizes. Info - Gary Shurgold 519-351-3620 or gshurgold@gmail. com. Model Train estates welcome. • Dover Centre Church Beef Supper. 5:00pm & 6:15pm settings. Adults $20, Under 12 $5, preschool free. For tickets please call Lundy Insurance Inc. 519-352-6720. • The Dog Off-Leash Recreation Area Committee is welcoming any humans or dogs in costume at the dog park all day. Come join us for Halloween! • Giant Meat Draw and Prizes by Br. 642 Lad. Aux. 1:00pm-5:30pm, Food, fun & comradeship. 39 William St. N., Chatham. Entertainment starts at 6:00pm. All are welcome!

Rose Marie Bourdeau 86, Saturday, October 13, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

See full obituaries at



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459 St.Clair St., Chatham • 519-351-2040 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown • 519-674-3141 141 Park St., Blenheim • 519-676-3451

245 Wellington St. W., Chatham 519-352-2710

• Vendor sale with lunch available for $5.00 from 9:00am-1:00pm. Sponsored by the Ridgetown Adult Activity Centre, 19 Main St. W., Ridgetown. • St. Michael’s C.W.L. Harvest Bazaar at St. Michael’s Parsh Hall, Maple St., Ridgetown. 1:00pm-2:30pm. Cabbage rolls, baked goods, tea tables, gift baskets raffled. Everyone welcome.

CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm.Guests welcome. Submit your coming events to or • 519-351-4444





Driving tunes and time with a teenager Continued from page 20

I still can’t do much around the house, or move much out and about. But each day, the pain seems to lessen and the mobility increases. Regular trips to be zapped and cracked have certainly helped. My evenings and weekends have been spent in a recliner, icing my back or just trying to let it heal. That’s one thing about the aging process; it takes longer to heal.

If you see me wandering around, with one hand on my lower back, walking slowly and gingerly around, I’ll save you a question, as the answer is, “I am getting old.” Taking time

One thing I could do with back pain was drive. My truck seat is quite comfy. So when our daughter had to go to London on the weekend, I offered to drive.

This is normally something Mary Beth does, as they listen to music they both like (most of what our kid Brenna listens to is not my idea of good music), and have fun. This time, I wanted to spend some more time just hanging out with Brenna, so I said I’d drive. Mary gave me a quizzical look, but immediately acquiesced to my request. “She’s a really good DJ,” she

said of Brenna. I just laughed, but did tell Brenna what her mom had said. “Not for you!” was her reply. Still, I let her plug into the auxiliary port for the truck and off we went. Her tune selection wasn’t evil. She was kind enough to shuffle past some of the crappiest of crap in hip hop where the artist is extremely disrespectful to women and seems to just want to have sex and get high (OK,


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that’s something it seems the rock singers of the late 1960s and early 1970s wanted to do as well). It was a good ride. We chatted about a variety of issues, from problems some friends are going through, to music, relationships, chemistry, you name it. She’s a pretty darned good kid. It’s her taste in some music that I’m worried about the most.

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FOR DETAILS, VISIT YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE OR VISIT FORD.CA. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). *From October 2 to November 16 and November 28 to 30, 2018, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2018 Explorer, EcoSport for up to 48 months, or 2018 Edge, Escape for up to 60 months, to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit Canada Company. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $30,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48/60 months, monthly payment is $625.00/$500.00, cost of borrowing is $0 and total to be repaid is $30,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit Canada Company. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebates have been deducted. All purchase finance offers include freight, air tax and PPSA charges but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. †Receive a winter performance package, which includes: four (4) winter tires, four (4) steel wheels (Edge receives aluminum wheels) and four (4) tire pressure monitoring system sensors when you purchase or lease any new 2018/2019 Ford Fiesta, Focus (excluding RS), Fusion (excluding Sport), C-Max, Escape, Edge (excluding Sport), Explorer, Taurus, Flex, Expedition, EcoSport, F-150 (excluding Raptor), F-250/F-350 SRW between October 2 and November 30, 2018. This offer is not applicable to any Fleet (other than small fleets with an eligible FIN) or Government customers and not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP or Daily Rental Allowances. Vehicle handling characteristics, tire load index and speed rating may not be the same as factory-supplied all-season tires. Winter tires are meant to be operated during winter conditions and may require a higher cold inflation pressure than all-season tires. Some conditions apply. Consult your Ford of Canada Dealer for details, including applicable warranty coverage. ^Offer only valid from October 2 to October 31, 2018 (the “Offer Period”), to resident Canadians with an eligible Costco membership on or before October 1, 2018. Receive $1,000 towards the purchase or lease of a new 2018/2019 Ford model (excluding 2018 C-MAX, 2019 Fusion with gas engine, 2018/2019 Focus, Fiesta, F-150 Raptor, Shelby® GT350/GT350R Mustang, Ford GT, all cutaway/chassis cab and F-650/F-750) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease per Costco membership number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Customer may use the $1,000 offer as a down payment or choose to receive a rebate cheque from Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited but not both. Applicable taxes calculated before the offer amount is deducted. **FordPass Connect (formerly SYNC Connect) is an optional feature on select vehicles, and is required for certain features. FordPass Connect includes a 1-year subscription for remote features excluding Wi-Fi hotspot, starting with the vehicle sale date (after which, fees apply). Subscription is subject to compatible 4G network availability. Evolving technology/cellular networks may affect future functionality. Certain restrictions, 3rd-party terms, and/or message/data rates may apply. Wi-Fi hotspot includes wireless data trial that begins at time of activation and expires at the end of 3 months or when 3GB of data is used, whichever comes first (after which, data plan required). ◊Available feature. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Apple CarPlay™ is available in models with SYNC 3. Requires phone with compatible version of Apple iOS and active data service. SYNC does not control CarPlay while in use. Apple is solely responsible for their functionality. Message and data rates may apply. Apple CarPlay™ is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. ‡Features/functionality vary by vehicle/model. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear. Not all features are compatible with all phones. Message and data rates may apply. Optional Navigation system map updates cannot be received via Wi-Fi and require a separate update. ¥ Available via iPhone® with SYNC 3 with Software Version 3.0. Waze is also available on Android AutoTM. Commands may vary by phone and AppLink software. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear. Not all features Available in most are compatible with all phones. Message and data rates may apply. iPhone is a trademark of Apple, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android Auto is a trademark of Google Inc. ▲Some driver input required. Driver-assist features are supplemental new Ford vehicles and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle. ©2018 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ®Registered trademark with 6-month pre-paid subscription. of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. ©2018 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.



Fun Stuff 34 Put one’s two cents in 35 Fridge 37 Insult (Sl.) 38 Ten (Pref.) 39 Anger 41 Vacillate 45 Foolish 47 Chaps 48 Chest for money 52 Type measures 53 Minimum 54 Corroded 55 “Gosh!” 56 “Whoopee!” 57 Sleuth 58 Pismire

1 Cleo’s slayer 4 -- de deux 7 Ornamental loop 12 Neither mate 13 Performance 14 Wahine’s greeting 15 Excessively 16 Intercom speaker 18 “-- Impossible”

19 African capital 20 At the home of (Fr.) 22 “-- be an honor” 23 Maja painter 27 Table scrap 29 Luxury stadium seating 31 Italian isle

This week’s answers

DOWN 1 Caper 2 Start for “sayer” 3 Regular writing 4 History 5 Find not guilty 6 Action-film sequence 7 Fido’s feet 8 Sort 9 Corn castoff 10 “So that’s it, eh?”

11 Earner’s burden 17 Helps 21 1964 Anthony Quinn role 23 “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” musical 24 Sapporo sash 25 Thither 26 Lumberjack’s prop 28 Carnival site 30 Pond carp 31 Spanish literary hero 32 Expert 33 Chest muscle, for short 36 Intersection, on signs 37 Indicate 40 Moroccan city 42 Last letter 43 Mideastern land 44 Beginning 45 Division word 46 CEO, e.g. 48 Crafty 49 Earl Grey, e.g. 50 “Go, team!” 51 Bear, in Barcelona





CLASSIFIEDS Announcement



Christ Church welcomes everyone! You don’t need money to join! You don’t have to sign a contract! We don’t take attendance!

26 Wellington St. W


Spaghetti Dinner for Ebony

Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. might work better for you. C-K Remembers 100th Anniversary of the WWI Armistice Chatham-Kent Needs You Calling Service Groups, Churches, Businesses and Individuals to stand vigil with us at the Cenotaph for 64 hours. Thursday, Nov. 8 - Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 For info & to register contact:

SATURDAY, October 20 • 1pm BEST AUCTION OF OUR SEASON! Vintage wagon, cane collection, Military medals & buttons, Coin collection, large stamp collection, lovely white fox fur jacket, full length mink coat, lots of quality jewellery, signed water colours, tea cart, beautifully framed Group of Seven print, and much more! Stop in and have a look, place your bid, then come to our live auction.

Christ Church

80 Wellington St. W, Chatham 519-352-1640 •

Mark your calendars to attend this auction!

We welcome you! Help us find Christ in community



October 20, 2018 4:00pm-8:00pm First Presbyterian Church $15/person. Available at: The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., or call Renee at 226-229-9506

Halloween / Costume Rental


Costumes - Wigs - Accessories Contact Lenses - Mehron Makeup Best by Appointment 456 Victoria



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SAT., OCTOBER 20, 9:00AM3:00PM: 35 Mercer St. Household furnishings, sectional couch, bedroom set, linens and much more.

Wanted to Buy: Antiques, costume jewellry, gold, silver, coins, military, furniture, tools. We Buy All Paid Cash. 519727-8894.

Two full banquet and meeting centres! Huge parking lot. Christmas and special events: birthdays, retirement parties, fundraisers. Lic. bartenders & prof. staff. Chatham Banquet - 280 Merritt Ave. 519-3549000.


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Wanted to Buy

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ome Building Center

Moving Sale

1100 Stores Strong

FOR RENT: Homes - Duplexes - Apartments. Several locations. Credit check - referrals required. No large dogs. Call 519-352-5480.


The Chatham Voice is not responsible for the contents of advertisements, in print or online. The Voice also reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party.

Thank You

The family of the late James Hasson would like to thank family and friends for their support in our time of loss. We appreciated the cards, flowers, the luncheon at the church, Pastor Jamie Tiffin and Pastor Don Read, and Phyllis and Gord Switzer for their gift of music. Special thanks to the staff of Riverview Gardens, especially 3 West for their compassion and care. Millie Hasson & Family

Celebration of Life

Celebration of Life Richard Peter Matak Feb 20, 1939- Sept 1, 2018 “To know him, was to love him.” A Celebration of Richard’s life is to be held on Saturday, November 3, between 2 and 4pm, at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham. Sincere Thanks to Dr. J. Leigh, Dr. P. Iyre and Kerry, Dr. Q. Tran, Dr. T. Trinh, Dr. Thomas Burgess, LHIN, Cheryl Somer, VON, Bayshore, Windsor Cancer Clinic, Lee-Ann and James Mac Neil, Life Transitions. We so appreciate the gifts of food, flowers, phone calls, visits and many cards from friends, neighbours and family. Myrna, Michael, Michelle, David, Fiona and Lyla The pain of a loss reflects how deeply our hearts have loved.

Estate Sale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 9:00AM-5:00PM: 60 London Dr., Chatham, N7L 5J1. Will accept reasonable offers, OBO, for miscellaneous household and collectible items, including magazines (dating back to 1930’s), books (old/new), La-z-boy recliner, coffee & end table, framed prints, dresser and matching credenza, Anniversary clock, wooden kitchen table & chairs, collectible plates, dishes, tilt wheelchair, transport wheelchair, other items too numerous to list.

Farm for Sale

FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER South Part of Lot 7, Concession 3, Township of Camden, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, municipally known as 12459 Splinter Line, Thamesville, Ontario, N0P 2K0, consisting of 50 acres more or less of which approximately 48 acres more or less are workable and approximately 2 acres more or less is house, outbuildings and Rosco Bin. The house, outbuildings and bin are being sold “as is”. SEALED TENDERS TO PURCHASE for the farm parcel will be received by THOMAS G. CHALMERS, 7 Victoria Street, P.O. Box 190, Thamesville, Ontario, N0P 2K0 until 4:30 o’clock p.m. E.D.T. on November 9th, 2018. TERMS OF TENDER SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Tender for the parcel shall be in writing and in a sealed envelope plainly marked as to contents and shall be submitted with a bank draft or certified cheque payable to THOMAS G. CHALMERS IN TRUST in the amount of $10,000.00. 2. Balance of purchase price shall be paid by bank draft or certified cheque on closing on December 14th, 2018. 3. Vacant possession of lands and any buildings will be given on closing. 4. 2018 property taxes and any drainage assessments to be adjusted as of closing. 5. Time is to be of the essence in submission of tender and closing date. 6. HST is in addition to the purchase price. 7. Purchaser to be responsible for survey costs if required.

A Job for Professionals

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8 Non-compliance with any details of these instructions will cause the tender to be invalid and not to be considered. All tenders submitted are irrevocable. The HIGHEST or ANY TENDER will not necessarily be accepted. For further particulars concerning farm and inspection, contact Bob and Lynda Homeniuk at 519-784-8904 and for the Tender Form, contact Thomas Chalmers at 519-692-3842. Robert and Lynda Homeniuk, By their Solicitor, Thomas G. Chalmers, 7 Victoria Street P.O. Box 190, Thamesville, Ont., N0P 2K0





Still waiting on Health Hazard Investigation

Before the June 7 election, Ford signed a letter dated May 5 stating if elected, he would call for a health hazard investigation into the health risks of the well water. “You asked me if I would commit in writing to you to a health hazard investigation into the sediments polluting the water wells in Dover and Chatham townships. I will. I, Doug Ford, and the PC Party of Ontario is committed to seeing clean, safe water is available to every Ontarian,” Ford wrote in the letter to Water Wells First. “I commit myself and the CHATHAM-KENT MUNICIPAL COUNCIL PC WARD Party 6of Ontario to stopping this travesty and commit that a full health hazard investigation is conducted in North Chatham-Kent so that the full extent of the health risks and the number of families affected is known. As premier, you have my word Kevin we will hold accountable every party that did this.” Jakubec said they would also be asking the government, through NDP MPP Taras Natyshak, Chatham Voice file photo Black sludge was pulled from the bottom of the pressure tank of the well what the status of the Otter Creek wind farm system belonging in Dover Township. Families want answers.

Continued from page 1

Jakubec said he wants Premier Doug Ford to honour the “ironclad written commitments he made before the June 7, 2018 election.” “The most important action Mr. Ford can do is recognize that vibration is a contaminant under Section 1 of the Ontario


Environment Protection Act, and given that a pending Health Hazard Investigation has been called, Mr. Ford should immediately direct his Minister of Environment to shut down the Marsh Line wind farm, East St. Clair wind farm and North-Kent wind farm,” Jakubec said in a statement.


north of Wallaceburg, which was cancelled almost immediately after the June 7 election. He said he has heard the project was put on hold as opposed to cancelled and his group would like assurance that the Ministry of the Environment Approvals Branch does not intend to approve the REA permit for the Otter Creek project. Gagnon, Associate Professor

and Department Head of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Windsor, is currently studying the sediment samples collected from the contaminated wells to determine the exact make up of the particles, their concentration, and how much of the sediment, if any, would be safe for families to drink.


Shannon Sasseville


for School Board Trustee



Advocate Parent - Teacher


DEREK It has been a privilege to represent Chatham-Kent residents for the past 4 years. During the last term of council I was proud to bring forward and support initiatives promoting long-term community sustainability. As a young professional, small business owner, healthcare provider, and community organizer I recognize the importance of building a healthy, accessible, and fiscally responsible future for our municipality.

I am committed to: • Pursuing long-term economic, environmental, and social sustainability • Providing transparent and accountable leadership • Promoting a diverse, inclusive community • Investing strategically in infrastructure • Empowering local initiatives by continuing to collaborate with the private and not for profit sectors


Lambton Kent District School Board

It has been a privilege to represent Chatham-Kent citizens the past 8 years. During my two terms on municipal council I was an outspoken individual, supporting initiatives designed to promote a healthy, active and sustainable community. As an experienced member of the community with a proven track record and parent of a student in the English Public School system

I am committed to:

• School Board governance that will always focus on the student’s achieving a quality education • Providing transparent and accountable leadership • Continuing to promote inclusivity as a pillar of a quality education • Honest and integral stewardship of the Board’s strategic direction

Experience You Can Count On!

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