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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper
Vol. 6 Edition 43
Lots of fun at 43rd Poor Boy lunch
It’s time.
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Canniff ready for action
By Bruce Corcoran
Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice
Denise Couture Bell from Outreach for Hunger helps serve a wieners-and-beans lunch at the 43rd Annual Poor Boy Luncheon and Silent Auction on Friday held at the W.I.S.H. Centre. Held at a new location this year, attendance was down compared to previous years. With the net proceeds going to Outreach for Hunger, the expected $8,000 raised will help provide nutritious meals to local families in crisis.
Mayor-Elect Darrin Canniff is almost ready. As of Friday, he’ll have finished his current job at Transform and will be ready to hit the ground running when he officially takes over as mayor on Dec. 3. He has a great deal of plans for the future of Chatham-Kent, but has to pump the brakes on his enthusiasm until he and the rest of the new council – elected Oct. 22 – are sworn in. In between is one possi-
bly very awkward council meeting on Nov. 19. The current council, which will see a new mayor and nine new councillors, is to hold one final meeting. Canniff said he doesn’t know what will be on the agenda at this point. “November 19 will be very bizarre. I’m not sure who will be in attendance or who will not,” he said. “I’ll be there.” After being sworn in, Canniff anticipates a flurry of activity as he works to make good on election promises. Continued on page 3
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Third Street Bridge open again
By Bruce Corcoran
After being closed for nearly three months, the Third Street Bridge reopened Friday evening. Chris Thibert, director of engi-
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neering and transportation for the municipality, said there is now a load limit of 10 tonnes in place from now until rehabilitation work begins in 2020. That restriction will keep heavy truck traffic off the bridge, but typical commuter traffic is fine, he added. Municipal officials closed the bridge in early August due to safety concerns following a detailed inspection of the structure. The closure of the bridge was a precautionary mea-
sure, municipal officials had previously stated. An inspection team found corrosion in some of the steel support structure of the bridge. “We’re required by the province to inspect every single bridge in Chatham-Kent on a biannual basis. Sometimes, we do it higher than that. This one was higher as we knew it would be in need of some rehabilitation,” Thomas Kelly, general manager of infrastructure and engineering services told The Chatham Voice in mid-August. “Structur-
ally, it’s still sound. It’s the deterioration caused primarily by the salt on the roads.” Thibert said the repairs to the bridge’s structural steel was completed a week ahead of schedule. He thanked the public for their patience. He added the summer inspection that ultimately closed the bridge meant the repair crews didn’t find any unexpected issues. “The detailed inspection did everything correctly. We continued to inspect the bridge
through construction to make sure we didn’t miss anything,” he said. “Everyone has signed off on it. There were no surprises.” What’s next for the bridge is a detailed redesign of the bridge in 2019, with the work to be carried out the following year, Thibert said. As for the cost of the rebuild, he added it’s way to early to guess, but thought the municipality would have a better idea on dollars and cents during the planning stage next year.
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What’s New
Chatham Voice file photo
Chatham’s Third Street Bridge, closed since early August, reopened Friday evening. It was closed due to corrosion in the structural steel.
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It’s Time!
Cutting red tape the first goal Continued from page 1
“One big thing over the next two months is we will be having literally hundreds of meetings with service organizations, sports groups and businesses to talk about all the red tape,” he said. “We need to eliminate that. We need to make it easier for businesses to do business in the municipality; easier for individuals to step up and volunteer their time. There will be changes.” Canniff said he won’t be doing it on his own, however, as he plans on inviting councillors to attend as well. If there’s a meeting in South Kent, for example, he’d invite the South Kent representatives Trevor Thompson, Anthony Ceccacci and Mary Clare Latimer. The mayor-elect said he is starting small and will expand from there. “As you start moving out, we’ll address affordable housing, infrastructure – things you won’t be able to fix in two months,” he said.
In terms of affordable housing, Canniff said he hopes to meet with stakeholders to examine what needs to be done to get builders putting up houses at a faster pace. “There’s a shortage of housing in Chatham-Kent. How can we best tackle this? I want to get everyone in the room and talk about how to make it happen,” he said. Canniff added he heard a number of ideas on the campaign trail and now wants to work to see them come to fruition. His infrastructure concerns include roads and bridges, as well as municipal arenas. He’s a proponent of developing a new twin pad arena, with the help of funding from senior levels of government. But he is quick to add any addition would come with a subtraction. “We need to have federal and provincial money to do that – replace Memorial and Erickson arenas. If the feds and the province cover 70 per cent of the
cost, we could have a new facility compared to the same price we’d pay to renovate the two existing arenas,” he said. His infrastructure concerns also include bridges and roads. He said what occurred in downtown Chatham, where essentially we were without one bridge from the summer of 2017 until late last week didn’t send a good message. “With the delay on the Fifth Street Bridge (eight months), and then the problem on the Third Street Bridge (closed from early August until late October), it can’t happen again,” he said. He understands the delay on the Fifth Street Bridge was due to the contractor, and that the Third Street Bridge was closed for safety purposes, but Canniff said better information sharing in a more efficient manner can help the public understand what is
Sincere thanks to the residents of Ward Six for your VOTE of confidence. I look forward to serving you in my new role.
transpiring. “We will be doing a lot more communicating. We need to have an immediate release of information and explain why the bridge is closed,” he said. But Canniff defended the closing of the Third Street Bridge. It was shut following a detailed safety inspection that found corrosion in the steel support structure. “You have to choose safety every time. There is no way I’d ever want to be explaining why a bridge collapsed,” he said. The Third Street Bridge is slated for improvements in 2020. One area where Canniff will work differently than his predecessor Randy Hope will involve trips abroad. Or in Canniff’s case, a lack thereof.
Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice
Darrin Canniff, pictured here watching the election results come in Oct. 22, can’t wait to get going as the new mayor of Chatham-Kent.
“I have no plans on doing that,” he said of over-
seas travel.
Continued on page 4
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Ebony could be home soon
By Mary Beth Corcoran
Sales • Parts • Service
Thanks to hard work on her part and generous donations and support from the community, Chatham’s Ebony VanMonster denbogaerde should be back Bike in town before Christmas. Now all she needs is a place that is wheelchair accessible for her and mom, Maria, to live. In a phone interview, Maria said the equipment EboWinter Hours: Winter Open ny needs, such as a motorStorage Mon and Thurs $ ized wheelchair, a lift and a 25/mo. 10am-5pm bed have all been purchased thanks to the Mocha Cruisers 281 Grand Ave E Chatham Shrine Club and funds from the GoFundMe page set up for Ebony by Lisa Lester at All Call Chatham or Sarnia store That Jazz. 519-397-4782 On the waiting list for affordYES! Financing Available able housing in Chatham-Kent, Winter Service Special Maria said Oil she will Maintenance Package Change also be fillIncludes lube, oil, filter, tire $ ing out an rotation and brake inspection. application for Habitat Special Limited for Humantime only ity housMost vehicles, Synthetic oil extra ing, and 4 Licensed Mechanics is actively on Staff searching Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for a landService Manager Ron Swackhammer lord with an
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apartment that has two bedrooms on the main floor who will allow her to put a ramp in for Ebony’s wheelchair. “The Salvation Army helped me to get us on the list for housing, and Big Brothers Big Sisters is giving us $500 for slider boards so Ebony can get in and out of the van into her chair,” Maria said. “We are still looking for housing, though. When Ebony gets back home, she’ll be going back to St. Joe’s to finish her year so she can go to high school. We were also able to find physiotherapy in Chatham for children with incomplete spinal injuries so we won’t have to make that drive to London three times a week.” Ebony’s family is incredibly touched by the support they have been given by the community, including a recent spaghetti dinner organized by Renee Kuipers of Graceful Beauty Medical Spa that raised close to $1,300 for the family. Maria said she will be getting Ebony loose-fitting clothing that she can wear comfortably and dress herself with, as she has been taught at the rehab hospital in Toronto. Now if she can just find a suitable place to live that accommodates Ebony’s wheelchair, Maria said she will be able to sleep at night again.
need to be on top of their list when an opportunity comes across.
Continued from page 3
“We need to work with Ontario and the feds. We
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She asks that any landlords or homeowners who may have a housing solution for them, in
the Chatham area so they can be close to family support, give Maria a call at 226-626-2054.
No more overseas trips
Chatham Kent Women’s Centre’s
Chatham Voice file photo
Chatham’s Ebony Vandenbogaerde, 12, could be home by Christmas. The 12-year-old girl is confined to a wheelchair and is currently in a rehabilitation hospital in Toronto learning to adapt to her new reality. She’s shown here with cousins Piper Brown, and 5-year-old Ty Brown.
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Hope has made numerous trips abroad, especially to China and India. Canniff said those excursions were akin to “trying to find a needle in a haystack.” “You’re just taking a shot in the dark,” he said. “Unless there’s a very hard case, I don’t foresee any overseas travel.” Instead, Canniff said the
focus needs to be on Chatham-Kent first, followed by Ontario, Canada and North America for business prospects. “We have enough business here that we need to focus on and enough business in North America that we need to focus on. When there are opportunities outside North America, there are enough people at the federal and provincial levels to work on that,” he said. “We need to be more efficient.”
OPEN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 FROM 11AM-3PM 64 Talbot St., W., Blenheim • 519-676-5144
Job fair attracts hundreds
By Bruce Corcoran
Companies who participated in last week’s CK Works Community Job Fair saw some heavy foot traffic pop by. Organizers anticipated
more than 500 job seekers would come through the John D. Bradley Convention Centre Oct. 23 for the afternoon event that featured 45 Chatham-Kent companies. There were more than 300 positions, in a variety
of roles, open among the participating businesses, according to CK Works. The jobs varied from entry level to technical and management positions. Elaine Coutts of US Ecology Services of Tilbury reported seeing a lot of in-
Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Elaine Coutts of US Ecology Services of Tilbury speaks with participants at the Oct. 23 CK Works Community Job Fair.
terested faces during the job fair. Wendy Teetzel, human resources manager for AgMedica, a local medical marijuana producer, said the business’ kiosk was a hotbed of activity during the job fair. She said there has been a fair amount of interest in what the firm does and what jobs it offers prior to the Oct. 17 legalization of recreational use of marijuana, but it’s gotten even busier since that day. She added the business, which employs about 100 people currently, is expanding rapidly. Its second phase is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and that will lead to additional jobs. Nathan Pittman of YA Canada, whose company is still working to fill vacancies, said the fall job fair is always a busy one. He added the call centre firm often has to break the stereotypes of what people think working in a call centre involves. “People assume we’re
cold calling people. That’s not the case,� he said. FAVOURITE “AreCANADA’S there tough days? Sure. But that happens everywhere.�
Pittman added YA works with staff and provides opportunity for advanceFOR ment.
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Decriminalize all drugs? According to organizers, Poverty Awareness Week in Chatham-Kent brought service organizations and the public to a better understanding of the issues of drug use and homelessness in our community. The round table discussions included organizations, people who have lived or are living with the issues discussed, and the general public, who frankly, have a lot of questions and concerns. From acknowledging there is an issue, to seeing it firsthand, to sitting down to discuss what can be done, our community has gone through many stages to get where we are now – talking. And not just talking to complain or blame, but talking to understand and to reach the point where we can say, “I get it. Now what can I do to help?” Phillip Mock with the CK Prosperity Roundtable has done an excellent job getting people to the table for frank and open discussion of very tough issues, including harm reduction initiatives such as the decriminalization of drugs – all drugs – for personal use. Marijuana for personal use has already been decriminalized. When you first hear the concept of full drug decriminalization, a knee-jerk reaction would be to scoff at the idea as ludicrous. Harm reduction, such as allowing people who aren’t ready to quit drugs completely to not get a criminal record from personal use, is just one suggestion to get our community from here to there. “There” would be a place where drug use amongst young people was reduced and overall deaths due to drug use goes down. “There” is a place where addicts would not have to steal to support their habit because we would have supports and services in place to help them reduce and eventually quit using. In Portugal, personal drug use was decriminalized in 2001. Since that time, statistics show that drug use in the 15-24 age group has been reduced, drug deaths overall but particularly in adults has gone down, and general problematic and injection drug use decreased. In Portugal, drug use was treated as a public health problem rather than a criminal one. The country combined public social policy changes in supports and services to help achieve their goal. Would that work here in Canada and in Chatham-Kent? Who knows, but the idea, however counterintuitive it may seem to people, is worth a discussion – one we need to be brave enough to have.
Letters to the editor policy
The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4.
Advertising policy
The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.
Sidewalk rules are confusing Sir: In regards to several letters that have appeared in The Chatham Voice in recent months regarding the change in sidewalk structure and appearance along Grand Avenue West from Keil Drive North to Bear Line. I understand the concern and confusion for people who walk or ride mobility scooters or walk with walkers along that stretch of sidewalk. That sidewalk is not simply meant to be the domain of bicycles. The yellow line in the centre of the walkway is just to indicate that one should keep to the right of the direction they are walking on in the event they meet someone coming in the opposite direction. Nothing more than that. It’s similar to how traffic flows on our roads and
streets in Canada and the U.S. As far as bicycles using those walkways, they are only doing it because there is so much traffic flowing along that section of Grand Ave. W., that it is not safe for either bicyclists or pedestrians to walk along the side of that street. If you’re walking on along any sidewalk anyway, persons should be aware of what is coming and going around them at all times, if possible. I know this is not the easiest thing to do especially if you’re using some sort of mobility device, or walking in groups, sometimes with children. It is especially important to watch out in the winter months when there is snow and ice on the
ground, and people are concentrating on walking and not falling on icy sidewalks. I do not know how the local police view bicyclists using this piece of asphalt. I have heard that bicyclists can be ticketed for riding downtown sidewalks, but if you’re outside of the downtown core, the rules might be different. I think the problem might be that our police have a lot of other things that are of more importance, and have such a great distance to cover that they can’t chase after every person who rides a bicycle and doesn’t obey the rules of travel. I think the solution is that if there is a group of people or mobility machines travelling in
one direction, meets another party going in the opposite direction on that stretch of sidewalk, just try to stay to the right when you pass each other. If that can’t be done, then someone will have to step aside to let another party pass. As for the bicyclists who do not show respect for the rules of travel, I really don’t know what to say to them. Be polite in dealing with them as giving them the single middle finger salute may cause more trouble than its worth. Thanks to Mrs. Draper and the other residents of our city who also bring up this issue as it is always on ongoing situation. Frank Doyle Chatham
Story details full effort of evangelism Sir: I’m so grateful for Bruce Corcoran’s magnificent story about how two local churches, Emmanuel Baptist Church
and St. Paul’s Congregational Church got together to organize a missionary trip
to Tanzania. Like many others, I believe that evangelism includes doing, as
well as preaching! Thank you, Bruce. Stephen Beecroft Chatham
The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691
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Walk-in versus drive-thru I use them all the time, yet when I step back, I have to admit they are really screwed up in terms of marketing. I’m talking about fastfood drive-thrus. Where else do companies want people to not even come inside their businesses? Most places with drivethrus also have sit-down or at least pick-up options inside as well. And you’d think the inside traffic would receive equal or better service than the folks who don’t even come into a business. That’s not the case during the morning rush at coffee shops. Recently, faced with a long lineup at the morning drive-thru, I thought I’d pull in, park, and head inside, not burning fuel in the long lineup, and expecting to get in and out more quickly. Well, I helped the environment. I was fourth in line, but only one staffer was operating a till to serve the growing lineup of people.
Bruce Corcoran I looked over and saw a veritable pit crew serving the drive-thru window. Finally, after letting a woman who I think came in behind me (I honestly forgot who was first and she seemed in a bigger rush) get served, a second till opened and I placed my order. Granted, the lion’s share of their morning income flows through that one window, but I’d have thought inside customers would at least receive equal treatment in terms of speed of service. I left with a reminder to stay in the drive-thru line when in a hurry. I realize drive-thrus are nothing new. We’ve been lining up to go through them for years for the convenience element. But think for a moment:
C-K Chamber backs Ford gov’t The Chatham Voice
The Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) back the provincial government in its Making Ontario Open for Business Act. The announcement included a near full repeal of Bill 148, dissolution of the Ontario College of Trades (the College), and improvements to the journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio.
The Doug Ford government will freeze Ontario’s minimum wage at $14 for another two years. It will also scrap plans by the Kathleen Wynne government for employers to provide a minimum of two paid sick days and have employers to pay part-time and casual staff at the same rate as fulltime workers. According to the chambers via a media release, the announcement is “welcome news.”
Forsyth Travel ESCORTED TOURS 2018
Dec. 4-6 An Ohio Amish Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$649.00* Dec. 8 “Holiday Inn” White Christmas - Cambridge GUARANTEED $179.00 Jan. 25-Feb.1 Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - escorted . . . . from $2189.00 Feb. 4-19 Hawaii - Oahu and Maui - two weeks. . . . . . . . from $5550.00 CAD Feb. 14-15 Valentine Mystery Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$485.00* Mar. 23-30 Myrtle Beach & Cherry Blossom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1999.00* April 13 Come From Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $277.00
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the marketing element for the restaurant is minimal at best. A positive experience, and signage near the menu by the two-way speaker, is about all the restaurant can offer or utilize. Nearby building sides or fences facing the drive-thru, however, are different matters. Many are adorned with bill-
board-like advertising of area businesses. You are a captive audience as you proceed through the drive-thru lineup during busy periods. Wings of an angel
We have some great readers who really appreciate our efforts here at The Chatham Voice. We’re a family here and I
love to share our experiences with you folks. So, a while back, my column talked about our office move and open house, as well as the fact we’ve been in business for five years. I mentioned Mary Beth, my wife, has the dubious task of dealing with me at the office and at home. “Mary Beth, my better
half, has to put up with me at the office and home, so she deserves angel’s wings and a halo,” I said at the time. So recently, a reader named Ruth sent an envelope. In it was a keychain with crocheted angel’s wings and an attached halo. Cute! Thanks, Ruth!
Goodwill Industries EKL Team Work is Key
Heather Allen Manager of Marketing & Communications
eamwork and cоllаbоrаtіоn іѕ thе kеу to success. It starts with you knowing what you’d like to accomplish and utilizing your surrounding resources to achieve a goal. This is true in business and it’s true in community. We must work together to have real success in both. We are fortunate at Goodwill EKL to have the opportunity to collaborate in both every day from the moment you drop off your donation, make a purchase at one of our retail stores or inquire about employment services at one of our Career Centres. At Goodwill Industries this has always been our way. We have built strong partnerships within our community working with our fellow social service organizations in Essex, Kent and Lambton counties and we have worked together with fellow Goodwill’s across Canada and the U.S. for over 85 years which has led us to our success today. We are 165 strong across North America with a solid foundation and history. In an ever changing and competitive retail and donated goods industry, we continue to work with our fellow Goodwill’s. Effесtіvеlу putting together resources, energy, tаlеntѕ and gоаlѕ раvеѕ thе wау for thе ѕuссеѕѕ that you рlаn tоgеthеr, аѕ wеll аѕ mаnу unexpected benefits for the entire Goodwill movement. Go figure!
To quote sports icon Michael Jordan; “talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Goodwill EKL plays to win championships every day. We work as a team across all aspects of our organization towards one common goal, our mission; Changing People’s Lives Through the Power of Work. This takes many team mates from across our Workforce Development Team as well as community team mates who provide opportunity for those looking for work. We can do great things when we work together. Take a look at Kerri’s picture and read her story. Another championship day at Goodwill all thanks to Kerri’s hard work and your support when you drop off your donation.
Kerri is responsible for providing customer service and performing various other job duties around the floral shop. Kerri-Lynn has gained success in her new role and is thrilled with her opportunity to have obtained gainful employment that she loves.
Happy Birthday
There’s nothing like seeing someone smile and glow because they are happy. For Kerri-Lynn, this is her reality in her new job.
to our friends at Chatham Voice
Kerri-Lynn is a participant in the Goodwill Connections Program and a client of the Chatham Goodwill Career Centre. After working together with her Employment Ontario Employment Consultant and reviewing her career goals, Kerri decided that she wanted to work with flowers. As chance would have it, Chatham Sobey’s needed a floral assistant. Through Kerri’s various volunteer efforts and community involvement, she was able to gain excellent transferrable skills that would be an asset to success in the job. Kerri-Lynn’s resume was marketed to the Chatham Sobey’s Floral Department and not long after, she received an offer of employment.
To learn more about the Goodwill Connections Program and our Employment Services contact Michelle Repuski – Director of Workforce Development at and be part of a championship day at Goodwill!
Goodwill EKL Corporate Office 1121 Wellington Street, Sarnia, ON N7S 6J7 Tel: 519-332-0440 Goodwill Industries - Essex, Kent, Lambton
Funding cut for Block Parent group
Way as of March of next year. According to Chatham-Kent Block Parent Program board chair Tanya Nooyen, her group A program for child safety was informed in the spring they would have to submit a “letter of intent” to the United Way to apply for funds for the 2019-2021 funding cycle. She said they were informed by new United Way of Chatham-Kent (UWOCK) CEO Steve ~ 24 Hour Health Care Supervision Pratt that the funding ~ Delicious Home Cooked Meals format for agencies was ~ Scheduled Activities moving in a new direcWe also offer tion and the letter of inPost Hospital/Respite Stays tent they submitted did not meet the new criteContact us at ria. 519-354-7111 The United Way of for your personal tour. Chatham-Kent, as part of its new investment framework, initiated an open call for proposWe desire to create and operate a Retirement als in May of 2018, and Community where all our residents 97 MCFARLANE AVE., Block Parent didn’t get will enjoy a lifestyle and quality of life past the first step in the CHATHAM ON exceeding their expectations new proposal process. “It is my understanding that we did not meet the criteria for funding, as United Way has aligned itself with high impact programs to meet the changing needs of our community For the First Time Get a Metal Roof For As Low As: affected by addictions, poverty, mental health and physical disabilities. Unfortunately, it has had to make cuts to prevention in order to have a greater impact in providing Chatham-Kent families with what they need presently in those areas of concern,” Nooyen said. Base funding by UWOCK of approximately $30,000 had been granted to the program for operational purposes, enabling Block Parent to supplement funding to enhance three pro-
By Mary Beth Corcoran
that has been around for 40 years, and a United Way member agency for 17 years, will no longer be funded by the United
grams – outreach, education, as well as registrar and volunteer engagement by applying for local and provincial grants to provide the public with up-todate education, resources and initiatives. Since 1978, the Chatham-Kent Block Parent Program Inc. and the distinctive red and white sign have been a symbol of safety, providing a volunteer network of police-screened, safe homes for all ages to use in times of distress, but Nooyen said that may not be the case for much longer unless new funding can be secured. Block Parent program manager Murry Haggerty said over the past few years, the agency has worked hard at evolving to meet the safety and prevention needs of the community, including an ever-expanding personal safety awareness and
injury prevention education program, a newly developed Seniors on the Go program, and celebrating its signature event’s 10th anniversary glow necklace distribution “Light Us Be Safe” this Oct. 31. “The Seniors on the Go program, that educates seniors who may be out and have a fall or get disoriented on personal safety, is going really great and we’d hate to have to push that aside,” Haggerty noted. She said the program provides a safety whistle for seniors to blow if they are out and need assistance, which works hand in hand with, but doesn’t duplicate, the Vulnerable Persons Registry run by the local police service. “The agency cannot sustain its growth and development on bingo funds alone.”
Continued on page 12
Chatham Voice file photo
The Chatham-Kent Block Parent Program celebrated 40 years of service this summer. After 17 years of funding support from the United Way, the program has seen its funding eliminated. Pictured in this file image is, right, Block Parent program manager Murry Haggerty and summer student Megan Stoffyn.
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is Happy,
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Real Estate Brokerage WHERE DREAMS COME HOME
Residential, Commercial and Farm Mortgages!
Barb Phillips
Email: 18 Willcox St., Chatham
Broker of Record
74 Elizabeth Street
Our Family
Great family home Taking Care of Your Family in lovely mature neighbourhood. Features eat-in THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2018 kitchen, formal dining room, living $174,900 room w/natural BARB PHILLIPS 4 bedrooms, lovely family PHILLIPS home, open concept BARB PHILLIPS Serving the people Chatham-Kent for over 30 years! woodwork, 3 bedBARB Real Estate Brokerage Real Estate Brokerage on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor Real Estate rooms, 1 bathroom, Real Estate Brokerage WHERE DREAMS COMEBrokerage HOME WHERE WHERE DREAMS COMElevel HOMEfinished, main floorDREAMS laundry.COME HOME Open House laundry, main floor office, lower WHERE DREAMS COME HOME 519-359-8588 1-3 Call519-359-8588 Barb for details! Sat., July 8 from large lot, 519-359-8588 no backyard neighbours. Barb Phillips Barb Phillips
Email: 519-359-8588 email: Email: Barb Phillips
Broker of Record
Broker of Record
Broker of Record
18 Willcox St., Chatham Elizabeth 74 Elizabeth 18 Willcox St., Chatham 89 23684 100-Acre Farm Regency Dr. 74 Elizabeth Rd.74 Street 44 Aberdeen Arkwood Rd. I9468 have Longwoods clients Street Street looking for Great family home Great family home Great family home lovely mature R PENDINGinneighbourhood. in lovely mature in lovely mature OFFEfamily single neighbourhood. Features eat-in neighbourhood. Features eat-in kitchen, formal Features bungalows. kitchen,eat-in formal dining room, living kitchen, diningformal room, living room w/natural Contact dining living $174,900 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept roomroom, w/natural woodwork, 3 bedw/natural3 bed- NEW$174,900 4 bedrooms, lovely family home, open concept room on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor rooms, 1 bathroom, woodwork, PRICE Openhome, House open concept Barb Phillips 4 bedrooms, lovely family bedfloor laundry. laundry, main floor office,1lower NEW on main floor, master with ensuite, main floor woodwork, rooms, 13bathroom, Approximately acreleveloffinished, mature main Sat., July 8 from 1-3 Open House Callon Barb for details! large lot, no backyard neighbours. main floor, master withoffice, ensuite, main rooms, bathroom, main1floor laundry. laundry, main floor lower levelfloor finished, 13+ PRICE! acres, country setting with lovely Open House Sat., July 8 from 1-3 trees today. on city’s edge. Unique Greatmain location lovely 4 level Barblaundry. for details! large no backyard neighbours. mainCallfloor laundry, floor lot, office, lower level finished, 18 Willcox St., Chatham
New Listing
Wayne Liddy, Sales Rep Cell 519-436-4810 email:
190 Mercer St.
July 8 from 1-3 3 Call bedroom home. LargeSat., eat-in kitchen, Barb for details! large norefurbished backyard property. Live in100-Acre main brick home completely 2 baths, Farm 89 lot, Regency Dr. neighbours. I have clients Reduced By phone: 100-acre farm located main floor laundry, 2 baths, full base100-Acre Farm 89 Regency Dr. with income, 3 apts., 3 car garage. gorgeous looking for I havekitchen, clients 3 bedrooms, $48,900 519-359-8588 garage.Dr. Zoned in Raleigh Township. single family 89 Regency Indoor pool plus more. detached garage. looking for 100-Acre Farm ment & 2 car attached I have clients Agricultural/part commercial/residential. bungalows. By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, single family Call Barb Phillips for for Township in Dover Quick Possession. Seller Relocating. Call Contact Looking for bungalowlooking bungalows. large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. single family all the details today! Barb Phillips for your personal viewing! $389,900 NEW Contact Barb Contact PRICE! bungalows. today. Barb Phillips
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One Single Family Home starting at $369,500
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53 St.Clair St.
Attention Realtors! Why Advertise in Voice Homes?
Open House Sat.Nov. 3 1-3pm
Located on Lake Erie with private beach access is this 2.4 acre 4 bedroom, 3 bath country retreat. Upper and lower patio overlooking the lake. Open concept kitchen/eating area with french doors to rear porch. 1.5 car detached garage, utility shed/ workshop and heated guest quarter with 2pc. bath overlooking the lake. Mature trees, ravine on one side and tree lined fence on the other. Totally private. Direct beach access located 1/2km west.
7259 Riverview Line
Executive Rancher with 3+2 bedrooms and 4 baths on a beautifully manicured 2 acre fenced yard backing onto the Thames River. This home is right out of Architectural Digest. Go to and take a virtual tour. You will be absolutely blown away. Spotless and move in condition. Granite counters throughout. Just move in! $
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34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.
519-354-5470 519-676-5444
open house
Alex Stefik* 519-437-7304
Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856
Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755
Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800
Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628
Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315
SAT., NOV. 3 • 1-2:30PM 318 BALDOON • $239,900 AGENT: GEORGE MCDOUGALL 3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.
New Listing 60 LONDON $339,000
A beautiful find! 3br, 2.5 bath brick ranch. Call Pat 519-360-0141.
10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000 3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.
Peifer Realty Inc.
83 VALENCIA $529,900
Approximately 2231 sq ft, 4+1br, 3 bath 2 storey currently under construction. Call David 519-350-1615.
10907 RIVER LINE $699,000
4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.
11539 LAGONDA, RONDEAU • $549,900
2+1br, 3 bath, 2250 sq ft 2 storey with over 200’ of canal frontage. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.
19135 CREST RIVER, LAKESHORE • $748,000 A beautiful find! Custom built 2+1br, 2 bath, 5yr old brick ranch with backyard oasis. Call Pat 519-360-0141.
Brian Peifer Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669
950 GRAND W $628,000
Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668
Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666
Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653
Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482
Chris Papple* 519-350-1402
Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959
Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310
Brian Preston* 519-355-9868
Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141
Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470
Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805
Ron Smith* 519-360-7729
Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838
David Smith* 519-350-1615
Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470
A BEAUTIFUL FIND! Comfort, class & convenience in this 4br, 3.5 bath 2 storey on the Thames River. Call Pat 519-360-0141.
open house
SAT., NOV. 3 • 1-3PM 10698 LAKEVIEW • $509,900 AGENT: WAYNE LIDDY 2500 sq ft 2br, 2.5 bath executive 2 storey home on a .9 ac lot in Lake Morningstar. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189
New Price 7627 RIVERVIEW LINE $729,900
Quality custom built home on a beautiful river lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
37 CRAMAR $848,800 This colonial home offers 4+1 bedrooms, 5 baths, second kitchen and so much more. Call Patrick 519-3600141 or Catie 519-809-4268.
7259 RIVERVIEW $839,900 Spectacular 3+2br, 4 bath waterfront rancher with impeccable grounds. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
10530 RIVER LINE, HARWICH • $449,900
Large 4br, 2.5 bath 4 level side split with i/g pool on the River. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Catie 519-809-4268.
10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900
2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
488 KEIL ST. S $345,900
Immaculate 2+2br, 2 bath raised ranch in move in condition with some updates. Call Gus 519-3558668 or Heather 519-355-8666.
38 TAYLOR TRAIL $245,000
Attractive & spotless 2+1br, 2 bath raised ranch home with lovely open plan. Call Chris 519-350-1402.
open house Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155
Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774
Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865
Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181
Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634
Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268
SUN., NOV. 4 • 1-3PM 7088 TALBOT TRAIL, DEALTOWN, $499,900 AGENT: WAYNE LIDDY 4br, 3 bath charming 2 storey home on Lake Erie with access to private sandy beach. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
545 VICTORIA $489,900 Gorgeous 3br, 4 bath 2500 sq ft brick rancher. Be prepared to be impressed! Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090
5700 FOURTEENTH, MERLIN • $319,500 3br farm house with barn & dog grooming business. Call David 519-350-1615.
234 TWEEDSMUIR W $289,900
4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653
32 LYNNWOOD $497,000
Stunning! 3+1br, 2.5 bath executive 4 level side split. Too many updates to mention. Call Mike S 519-784-5470.
17 RENAISSANCE $459,500 Beautiful 1616 sq ft 3br 2 bath ranch. New build, currently under construction. Call Carson 519-809-2856.
32 ENCLAVE $484,900
Lovely 4+1br, 3.5 bath custom built home by Ewald on a popular Northside street. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
75 ST. ANTHONY $199,900
Great 3 br, 1.5 bath 4 level back split with above ground pool. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
91 FAUBERT $389,900
Southside 3+1br, 4 level with i/g pool. Stunning $80,000 gourmet kitchen. Gorgeous lot & landscaping. Call June 519-358-5199.
11540 WILDWOOD, MORPETH • $369,900
Well maintained all season home with a Windmill Cabinet kitchen & gorgeous backyard near the water. Call Ron 519360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.
20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000
High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.
365 BAYVIEW, ERIEAU $279,900 Very spacious 3br, 1.5 bath year-round home or cottage. Call Eric 519-436-4865.
614 DAYLIGHT $329,500
1515 sq ft 2 br, 2 bath semi detached townhome to be built by Maple City Homes. Call David 519-350-1615.
New Listing 14801 MCDONALD, MUIRKIRK • $475,000 Beautiful 3+1br, 2 bath raised rancher on 4.4 acres with many updates! Call Amber 519-784-5310.
25669 WINTERLINE $249,900
Approximately 7,000 sq ft situated on a 189’ x 324’ lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
11927 BASELINE, WABASH • $228,888
Neat & tidy 3br brick bungalow on 3/4 acre lot. Many updates. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.
Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810
New Listing George McDougall* 519-360-7334
June McDougall* 519-358-5199
53 GRAND E $119,900 Well kept 4br, 2 bath, 2 kitchen 2 storey. Could be converted to duplex. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.
Offer Pending 60-62 FOREST • $136,900 Duplex in great central area. 2br + 1br in this well maintained duplex with long term tenants. Call June 519-358-5199.
345 TWEEDSMUIR W $154,900
This very affordable 3br, 1.5 bath, 2 storey semi townhome has just been renovated. Call Eric 519436-4865 or Chris 519-350-1402.
Offer Pending
Lease 60 KEIL SOUTH $15/SQ FT
Premium 1500 sq ft office space ideal for professional. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
187 THAMES $169,900
Great investment opportunity! Side x side duplex both with 2br’s. Call Chris 519-350-1402.
153 GRAY $99,900
Duplex for sale. Rented with long term tenants. Call Amber 519-784-5310.
56 ST GEORGE $79,900
Cozy 3br bungalow with fenced rear yard & new replacement windows. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.
$229,900 Great opportunity for institutional uses. Building has been revamped & looks amazing inside & out. Call Heather 519-355-8666 or Gus 519-355-8668.
Sales Representative *
Program to seek funding elsewhere
Continued from page 8
“Without operational funding, supplementary grants are unattainable,” Nooyen said. “The bingo funds are only enough to pay for office space and our computer. It doesn’t cover operational costs like a part-time employee and our outreach program.” The Chatham-Kent Block Parent Program is grateful for this and past years of United Way funding as it has allowed the program security and growth becoming “much more than just a sign in the window,” Nooyen said. “For the past 17 years, the United Way has allowed us to do that. We are so grateful we have been able to grow and develop over the years,” Nooyen noted. “For the last 17 years, the United Way has been in our hearts and we’ve been in theirs. They have been very kind and thoughtful through this process.” Although the number of Block Parent homes
and businesses in Chatham-Kent has decreased to 82 homes and seven businesses, the funding has allowed an increase in outreach events to provide public prevention strategies to thousands of people at more than 24 events/fairs and festivals annually, visiting almost all communities across Chatham-Kent, including Blenheim Cherryfest, Wallaceburg’s WAMBO, Wheatley Idol, C-K Youth Festival and the IPM in Pain Court. United Way funding has also supported, in part, an expansion to the Education Program with more than 1,500 students benefiting from curriculum-based, grade-specific safety awareness and injury prevention presentations annually. These include partnerships with CKPS’ Elmer The Safety Elephant Program, Chatham-Kent’s Racing Against Drugs, and the C-K Safety Village’s Home Alone Program,
as well as Block Parent’s own age-appropriate classroom presentations. “Much-needed funding also provides police screening, additional fingerprinting and information to current Block Parent homes and businesses – volunteers who make up the safety network of safe strangers,” Nooyen added. “Base funding is crucial to continue to cover day-to-day operations which includes part-time staff and office rental. Personal safety awareness and injury prevention is still needed now more than ever, as Chatham-Kent’s sex offenders list continues to grow, with well over 200 offenders registered. The hope now is the organization will be able to secure operational funding from another source so they can maintain their programs. They will need office space and a storage room if they can’t afford to remain in the United Way building.
Peifer Realty Brokerage Penny Wilton, Broker
Independently Owned & Operated 42 Talbot St. W., Blenheim
519-360-0315 •
Elliot Wilton, Sales Rep.
519-358-8755 • FIND US ON
59 Prince Arthur Ave., Chatham 4 BR, 1.5 bath home with spacious main floor. Updated HE furnace and shingles. Awesome curb appeal and a great location. Call now! $199,900.
BEST of Chatham-Kent
Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore
Cultivating the Best, Shore to Shore
Reader's Choice
Reader's Choice
of Chatham-Kent
TWITTER @ckrealtor
18260 Erie Shore Dr., Erieau Beautiful waterfront property. Completely renovated 3 BR, 2 bath home with amazing open concept main floor. $549,900.
11539 Lagonda Way, Rondeau Bay Estate
3 BR, 3 bath home on beautiful lot with canal frontage. Open concept loft style layout with gorgeous kitchen & great room. $549,900.
Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice
Noelle’s Gift Committee members Jodie Mandeno, centre, and Wilma Hunninck, right, present a cheque for $15,088 to Student Nutrition Program Co-ordinator for CK Public Health Allan Davies, left, who accepts it on behalf of the Ontario Student Nutrition Program. The program helps to provide healthy snacks to thousands of students across all three district school boards in Chatham-Kent.
Noelle’s Gift provides healthy snacks to students
By Sarah Schofield
Seeing students going to school hungry is not an uncommon sight for teachers in Chatham-Kent, but with a donation from Noelle’s Gift for $15,088 to the Ontario Student Nutrition Program, a difference is being made. Helping to provide thousands of students within the three local school boards with a combination of breakfast and healthy snack programs is helping to solve a very real problem, said Tecumseh Public School Grade 1 teacher and Noelle’s Gift committee member Jodi Mandeno. She said a number of her students access the snack bucket filled with items such as cheese, apples
and bananas each morning and a few throughout the day. “Kids are hungry all day. If they are hungry, they can’t learn,” said Mandeno. “They may be misbehaving. So if they ask for something from the snack bucket, I say, ‘Absolutely,’ knowing that it is healthy and their parents won’t mind.” Improved behaviour is not the only positive effect of having free snacks available, as there are better attendance and academic results too. While some of the older students may be a bit self-conscious to help themselves to snacks, C-K Public Health Student Nutrition Program Co-ordinator Allan Davies said that is slowly disappearing with the amount of time the program has
been in place. “Now high schools are exploding because of the acceptance by the students and the staff,” said Davies. Established by the friends and family of Noelle Paquette, a Sarnia teacher who was tragically killed in 2013, Noelle’s Gift has been keeping Paquette’s memory alive. Before the program and like Paquette, Mandeno said she used to bring extra snacks from her own home for her students. “She wanted students to grow up great. She would bring in food, school supplies for her Kindergarten kids. She was very passionate about taking care of her own kids,” said Mandeno of Paquette. “It makes me emotional because it really helps us.”
This Week’s Open Houses Thursday, November 1
17402 Lakeshore Rd., Rondeau Park Beautiful 3 BR overlooking the beach & Lake Erie. Spacious layout, lots of living space & plenty of storage. $289,900.
245 Regent St., Blenheim
Stunning 3 BR, 2 bath in an awesome location. Beautiful main floor, lower level with family room, back yard oasis with in ground pool & more! Call Now! $379,900.
17148 Lakeshore Rd, Rondeau Park Lovely lakefront 2+1 BR cottage. Move in ready with beautiful deck and views of dunes and beach. Huge garage for storage. $209,900.
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
10698 Lakeview Drive, $509,900 ......................Wayne Liddy, Royal LePage Peifer Realty
318 Baldoon, $239,900 ......................................George McDougall, Royal LePage Peifer Realty
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
7088 Talbot Rd., $499,900 .................................Wayne Liddy, Royal LePage Peifer Realty
Saturday, November 3
Sunday, November 4
Tuesday, November 6
215 Grand Ave. W., Chatham 17998 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park Business for Sale! This well known, suc3 BR, 1.5 bath bayfront cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. Enjoy watersports, fishing & sunsets from your back yard. $149,900.
cessful restaurant is a great investment opportunity. Family operated for over 30 years. Plenty of parking & outdoor patio space. Call now!
17996 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park Bayfront 3 BR, 2 bath cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. $139,900.
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes Wednesday, November 7
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
McFadden no longer ‘acting’ for C-K federal and provincial govern- deal doesn’t happen without He seems very supportive. I’ve ments. They have many people the Wallaceburg Chamber of known Darrin for a long time,” overseas working to find com- Commerce forwarding that he said. “I worked with Mayor panies to invest in Canada and lead. If we continue to work Hope for 11 years, very closely. Ontario. My goal is to make collectively, we’ll all win.” I have nothing but good things sure they are aware where ChaWhen McFadden came to the to say about that relationship.” tham-Kent is and that it is top of municipality, Hope was mayor. mind. We’re open for business Darrin Canniff takes over later and are business friendly. this month, and McFadden an“We’ll work with our col- ticipates a good working relaleagues (in the federal and pro- tionship. vincial governments). If they “I’m looking forward to workhave a file that is interesting, ing with Mayor-Elect Canniff. then we’ll look at it.” “We’re going to be Chatham-Kent’s ONLY Not-For-Profit Retirement Home. Working with working really closely Experience the Difference. other groups, with the federal and organizations, business and provincial governBook Your i n d i v i d u a l s ments. They have Tour Today! is important many people overseas for economic working to find compadevelopment, nies to invest in Can99 Park St. Chatham, ON N7M 3R5 | | 519.354.8103 | McFadden said. He point- ada and Ontario. My ed to the recent goal is to make sure c e l e b r a t i o n s they are aware where at Rumelca in Chatham-Kent is and Wa l l a c e b u rg over the com- that it is top of mind.” 519.351.MEAL (6325) Hot, Nutritious, Home-Style Meals, Delivered Right to Your Door. Sign Up Today! pletion of a - Stuart McFadden 22,000-squarefoot, $5.5-million expan sion. “In terms of the history of that file, the president of the company called the local chamber of commerce in Wallaceburg looking for information. We started a conversation with them in 2007. We were able to get a deal done (in 2010) and convince them Wallaceburg was the place for them to do business,” he said. “That
By Bruce Corcoran
Stuart McFadden, who for two years has been called the acting director of economic development for the municipality, is getting a shorter title. He’s now the director of economic development. McFadden, a former Wallaceburg business owner who joined the municipal economic development office in 2007, said he had to interview for the position. “It was posted. I prepared myself and was thankful for the Stuart McFadden opportunity to interview,” he said. right people in the right place John Norton, general manager doing the right things.” of community development for McFadden added people outChatham-Kent, praised McFad- side the municipality need to den’s efforts working on behalf know “we’re open for busiof the municipality. ness.” “I believe Stuart has the comOne area that could change bination of experience, commu- dramatically, especially with nity knowledge the defeat of inand enthusiasm “It’s important to cumbent Mayor to help Cha- knock on doors with Randy Hope and tham-Kent reach the retirement of companies to find out its potential as former director of a leading com- what keeps them up at economic developmunity not only night and work to help ment Michael Burin Southwest- them out. We just need ton, is travelling ern Ontario but the right people in the around the world the province as in hopes of securright place doing the well,” said Noring new business. ton in a media right things.” McFadden said it - Stuart McFadden release. would be prudent McFadden said to trust such globe very little will change due to his trotting to higher levels of govdifferent title. ernment. “The reality is we’ve been fo“We’re always open if it recused on entrepreneurs, youth, quires it,” he said of making and making sure the support overseas economic developsystem is in place for small ment trips. “We’re going to be businesses. Nothing is going to working really closely with the change,” he said. “It’s important to knock on doors with companies to find out what keeps them up at night and work to 24121 Winterline Rd., Pain Court help them out. We just need the
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Local firms address CRTC hearings
By Bruce Corcoran
Two local companies, TekSavvy and Canquest,
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had deputations at last week’s federal hearings on sales practices by Canada’s telecommunications firms. The CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) hearings lasted five days as groups, individuals and companies addressed the allegations companies such as Rogers and Bell have been using aggressive or misleading sales practices to sell their phone and/or Internet packages. The CBC conducted an in-depth investigation into the sales practices, sparking the hearing. According to, more than 200 past and current telecom employees — mostly at Bell and Rogers — came forward to CBC’s Go Public unit to describe intense pressure to mislead and lie to customers in order to hit unrealistic sales targets. As well, according to a CRTC-commissioned public opinion survey, 40 per cent of respondents reported experiencing sales practices they considered to be aggressive or misleading, most within the past year. As well, 77 per cent want governments at all levels to act to protect consumers from these sales practices and 83 per cent support a mandatory code of
conduct for the telecom industry. Janet Lo, vice-president of privacy and consumer legal affairs for TekSavvy, and John Smith, co-founder of Canquest, attended the hearings. Both said the government ordered the hearings because of reports of questionable sales practices by Canadian telecom companies, “often naming Rogers and Bell,” Lo said. The CRTC will decide if it needs to take action to help solve the issue. “The CRTC asked us about our sales practices,” she said. “We believe strongly in treating customers fairly and honestly. We advertise our best available pricing and believe in being as transparent as possible. We don’t use any sales incentives or targets or rewards to pressure our sales people.” Smith, whose company sells Internet and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone plans, said he attended the hearings
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to help stick up for the little guy. “I did it for small business and for the people,” he said. “We have a lot of business in Chatham-Kent. We go to quote them and we find out they have a contract with Bell and they auto renew them. My issue is the way they send the renewal notice. It’s on the last page of their bill.” Smith contests people don’t notice the renewals and are locked into a deal they may have not wanted, and for a period of years. “These businesses are locked into these contracts. It’s like the rat and the wheel,” he said. “It’s across Canada, a national issue.” Smith said he travelled to Ottawa to speak, despite the fact he only had a five-minute window to get his opinions across. “I went down to speak up for small business and speak up for individuals. I only had five minutes, but it turned out I spoke with them for 30 minutes,” he said. “When I left there, it felt good. Somebody had to say something. It’s not only the dollars; it’s the stress it’s causing.” Lo said she was also there to highlight specific examples of sales practices of other companies who target TekSavvy
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customers. The local firm sells Internet and VoIP phone services that usually utilize a third party’s infrastructure. It is those third parties where Lo said problems can arise. “When a customer signs up for Internet service and has an underlying service provider, we sometimes hear during the tech call from the other company that the technician uses it as a time to try to sell their own company’s service. We think that’s totally inappropriate,” she said. “We asked the CRTC to take some measures to make sure that’s stopped.” The telecom giants spoke to the hearings on Friday. Both Rogers and Bell defended their sales practices and said any questionable practices are not widespread and will not be tolerated. Shaw Communications alleged the problems mainly lie with the smaller third-party resellers who use questionable door-to-door sales practices. TekSavvy is in the process of laying extensive fibre optic cabling in the urban areas of Chatham-Kent. So too is Bell. Lo and Smith said while the CRTC decided in 2015 that service providers such as TekSavvy and Canquest are to have access to the faster fibre optic lines, nothing has been finalized. “Consumers still don’t have competitive options for fibre in Canada,” Lo said. The CRTC has to report its findings to government by the end of February.
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Rulmeca completes ’Burg expansion The Chatham Voice
Rulmeca Canada Limited has completed its 22,000-squarefoot plant expansion. This new expansion represents
a total investment of $5.5 million into the Wallaceburg area. The investment has also brought in new advanced manufacturing equipment such as a robotic welding cell, an assem-
Contributed image
Marco Ghisalberti, President, Rulmeca Group of Companies, left, and Joe Hartney, President, Rulmeca Canada Limited, celebrate the unveiling of the company’s expansion in Wallaceburg.
Move in today and save.
bly press, and a paint line system. In total, the project brings the promise of new jobs, creating 21 new positions over the next few years and retains 73 jobs in the community. “We are very proud to be able to contribute and be part of this great community,” said Jeff Moon, Sales Manager for Rulmeca Canada Limited, in a media release. “Today’s ribbon cutting event signifies our commitment to the community, our customers, and to our staff. It is an exciting time to be part of such a great organization.” “We, along with our partners, the Wallaceburg Chamber of Commerce and the former Wallaceburg Community Task Force, have been working with Rulmeca for nearly a decade and helped them to relocate to Wallaceburg back in January of 2010,” said Stuart McFadden, Director of Economic Development Services at the Municipality. “I’m
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ACROSS 1 Night flier 4 Typing measures 9 Sis’ counterpart 12 Work with 13 “Pokemon” genre 14 Reaction to fireworks
Fun Stuff
15 Kin of three-card monte 17 Silent 18 Brewery product 19 Sun-dried bricks 21 Prize at a county fair 24 Information 25 Playwright Levin 26 Pirates’ quaff
This week’s answers
28 Detox center, for short 31 Half quart 33 And so on (Abbr.) 35 Strike from the text 36 British term for sonar 38 -- sauce 40 Meadow 41 Plumlike fruit 43 Bequeathed 45 Prepare leftovers 47 Spot 48 Rd. 49 In the style of Percy Bysshe 54 Zero 55 Lukewarm 56 First lady 57 Ailing 58 Hits with an open hand 59 Tit for -DOWN 1 Urban transport 2 Fire residue 3 Ball prop 4 Wan state
5 Naive woman, on stage 6 Spy novel org. 7 Jordan’s capital 8 Garden tool 9 Stunner 10 Libertine 11 Resistance measures 16 Science workshop 20 As yet unpaid 21 Kelly of TV 22 Eye part 23 Hollywood Bowl structure 27 Peaks (Abbr.) 29 Sheltered, at sea 30 Rosary component 32 Scrabble piece 34 Marsh marigold 37 Goes on momentum 39 Relinquishes 42 Lucy’s pal 44 Appomattox VIP 45 Hindu princess 46 Wicked 50 Clean air org. 51 Still 52 Actress Gardner 53 Butterfly catcher
Slew of poverty-related issues to address
By Mary Beth Corcoran
There was lots of discussion and idea sharing during round table discussions held over the course of Poverty Awareness Week recently in Chatham-Kent, and organizers hope to take that momentum and move forward. Phillip Mock, Project Co-ordinator for CK Prosperity Roundtable at Family Services Kent, said the week began by highlighting what poverty is in our community and how we all have a role to play. “We tend to look at the municipality, the province and the non-profit sector to deal with poverty-related issues and challenges, but really we all have a part to play. Every sector, every person in our community has a role to play,” Mock said.
A communicame out of those ty conversation conversations,” and forum also Mock explained. took place with He said both 11 panelists from sides said the disvarious organizacussion was much tions, including needed and they people who have want more of that experience with style of conversasubstance use tion, not only for Phillip Mock and homelessness the community challenges who to know what is spoke as well, Mock said. happening but to know It was filmed by YourTV what “tangible, practical and will be televised in things can I, as anybody the future he noted. walking down the street, After the panelists spoke, what can I do” to help. they went out into the au“I think it is abundantly dience to break into small- clear that everyone has a group discussions. role to play. We had peo“It was a great opportu- ple from local businesses nity for service providers from downtown come who were the panelists to out, we had people with go sit with members of the living and lived expericommunity from all walks ence come out, people of life who came out to be accessing services and part of the conversation just general community and listen. They entered members that were interinto small round table dis- ested in the conversation cussions and a lot of real- and learning more,” Mock ly interesting information said of the feedback from
the discussion. Now that the organizers have heard the feedback, he said with the future conversations, they will be tailoring their focus on making sure people leave with tangible and practical recommendations for all sectors involved. For instance, Mock said the idea of decriminalizing all substance use was brought up by Medical Officer of Health David Colby as a way to deal with the physical and mental health issues that are a part of addiction. “We have to realize this is a physical and mental health issue and treat it as such. We have to treat it with respect and with compassion and we have to provide people with dignity. We do that by decriminalizing these activities and not trying to hinder services and funding providing because of the
criminal factor that’s attached to substance use,” Mock noted. When it came to homelessness, he said people talked about how we needed to work where
people are at, getting away from the idea that if we just provide the treatment, that’s what they’re looking for and people will get better.
Continued on page 18
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watch battery 131 Park Ave. E., Chatham • 519-354-4127 • Thursday, November 1, 2018 • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. • Misty Melodies will entertain at 1:30pm at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham.
• Open Euchre (1:00pm), open shuffleboard (7:00pm) and 2 person euchre (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Music with Big Mike at 2:00pm at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham.
Friday, November 2, 2018 • St. Andrew’s United Church South Buxton Fall Harvest Turkey Supper at The Merlin Community Hall on Middle Line. Full course turkey dinner served from 5:00pm-7:00pm. $20/adults. Phone 519-689-4408 or 519-689-7767.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional guest speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. Call 519-354-4235.
• Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm), and Catch the Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of pork loin, roast beef or fish and chips for $10.
• Patricia M. Productions Monthly Luncheon Fashion Show at Glitter’s Fun Eatery. 162 King St., 519-352-0820 for reservations. Show time 12:15pm1:00pm. Supporting Outreach for Hunger.
• Canadian Cancer Society Flavours and Favours event at the Portuguese Canadian Social Club of Chatham. Sweet treats, hors d’oeuvres, and a live and silent auction. $20/person or table of 8 for $140. Call 519-352-3960 or visit 746 Richmond St., Chatham. Saturday, November 3, 2018 • Thamesville LaSertoma Annual Craft Bazaar from 8:30am-1:00pm. Brunner Community Centre, Thamesville, ON. $1 admission or a canned good. Bake, Craft, Vendor Sale! • Pedals, Pipes and Pizza. An introduction to the pipe organ for young people (10-17) 9:30am-12:00pm. 85 William St. S., Chatham. For info and to register call 519-354-0463 or email Registration is limited to 30 participants. Free registration. Parents are welcome to stay and learn as well. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and dance (4:30pm-9:30pm) featuring Good Company at the Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. Sunday, November 4, 2018 • Week of Remembrance Church Service @ Fletcher United Church, 22544 Merlin Rd @ 11:00am. All Legion members gather by 10:45. Monday, November 5, 2018 • The Chatham-Kent Film Group presents Three Identical Strangers at 4:00pm and 7:00pm. Galaxy Cineplex Theatres. Based on a true story. • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. Tuesday, November 6, 2018 • “Make A Will” Month: Public Awareness Campaign at the CKPL. Free legal information workshop presented by Whittal + Company. 6:00pm at the Ridgetown Branch of the CKPL. • Indian Horse (14A) starring Sladen Pelteir, Forest Goodluck & Ajuawak Kapshesit will be shown at 2:00pm at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. 120 Queen St., Chatham. A $2 donation suggested at the door.
• Pepper (1:00pm) and fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Remembrance Day Service: We welcome the Merlin Legion at 1:30pm at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham. Thursday, November 8, 2018 • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. Friday, November 9, 2018 • Windsor Symphony Orchestra presents “1918 Remembered” at 7:30pm at St. Andrew’s United Church, Chatham. A moving Remembrance Day program. $25/advance, $30/door, $10/student. Available from St. Andrew’s Church office, capitol box office or online at www.cktickets. com. Doors open at 7. Call 519-352-0010. • Kent Branch OGS meeting - Topic - Military families of Erieau. McKinlay Funeral Home Reception Centre at 7:00pm. Parking available in the St. Clair Plaza, 463 St. Clair St. Open and free to the public or watch via YouTube. • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm), and Catch the Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of spaghetti & meat sauce, roast beef or fish and chips for $10. • Alia N Tanjay Trunk Fashion Show at 1:30pm at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham.
No easy answers to fix poverty issues Continued from page 17
“We all know that with treatment, in all realms of challenges in our community, only works as far as the individual is actually ready to access that treatment. We shouldn’t have moralistic judgments about anybody who doesn’t want to seek treatment at this time,” Mock noted. There was discussion on what they do with what the community has already and how do we make it better. “It doesn’t necessarily mean we have to throw more money at it. Agencies should be communicating more with the community so they understand what is going on around us,” he added. The huge stigma around homelessness and substance use was another big discussion at the tables and it was agreed it is important to let the community know what is going on with these vulnerable populations and not judging neighbours and community members. “When it comes to homelessness and substance use, we tend to think of people who are not our neighbours; it’s really easy for us to ‘other’ people, but when it comes to substance use, it crosses all classes, all genders, all ethnicities,” he noted. A final piece that was discussed was harm reduction when it comes to substance use, but ultimately, he said prevention is the key.
With harm reduction, Mock said it falls on a spectrum with abstinence, such as with Alcoholics Anonymous, at one end. It can work for some people but not those who aren’t ready to fully quit, he noted. So cutting back, say from 15 drinks a day down to six drinks a day until you can reduce your intake all together is a way to meet people where they are at in their addiction. “It’s about safety – if you are going to continue to use, then let’s make sure you do it safely.” He said the issue of decriminalization is huge topic to address with the community but the idea is that instead of spending money on arresting and jailing drug users, publically funded supports can be used for individuals to use safely, with the government providing pharmaceutical-grade substitutions like the methadone program that users know is safe. He said it’s that harm reduction piece that will save money on health care because users won’t be ingesting products laced with fentanyl or car-fentanyl that cause serious harm. Mock said he will be preparing a report for the community with all the information coming from the community forum and that should be ready in the next couple of weeks, as will the YourTV broadcast of the panel discussion.
Muriel Kersey 82, Friday, October 19, 2018 Life Transitions
Sharon Hills 79, Monday, October 22, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Grace Mohr Tuesday, October 23, 2018 Life Transitions
Dennis Lindsay 75, Tuesday, October 23, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Mona Addison Mortier 97, Friday, October 26, 2018 Life Transitions
George Dalios 69, Saturday, October 27, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Mary Cote 75, Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home
Marion Cartwright 83, Sunday, October 28, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Borik Smrcka 79, Friday, October 26, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home
Eddy Odette 77, Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham
• Remembrance Day Service @ Merlin Area Public School at 10:30am. All are invited to attend. CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome. Dec. 6. Active Lifestyle Centre and Great Canadian Holidays and Vacations bus to Casino Windsor to see Tony Orlando and Dawn. $20/ person, includes transportation and the show. Space limited. Call 519-352-5633 to reserve. Christmas Hamper Registration at the Chatham Raleigh Street Salvation Army (519-354-1430), Wallaceburg (519-627-8257) and Ridgetown (519-674-3765) locations. Registration until November 30th. ID for each member of the household and income verification is required. Submit your coming events to or
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For Rent FOR RENT: Homes - Duplexes - Apartments. Several locations. Credit check - referrals required. No large dogs. Call 519-352-5480.
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to Buy: Antiques, costume jewellry, gold, silver, coins, military, furniture, tools. We Buy All Paid Cash. 519727-8894.
Hall Rental
Clearing an Estate, Downsizing, Liquidating Inventory or Decluttering?
Discount 1100 Stores Strong
All info is on our website fundraisers/#content or call 519-352-6630
All the lovely gifts, cards and support were greatly appreciated.
• Removal & Pruning • Stump Removal 30+ Seniors • Crane Service Years
Made In Canada
Lenovers Quality Meats & Seafoods Ltd.
Thanks to everyone for attending Marney Moore’s 80th Birthday party!
Two full banquet and meeting centres! Huge parking lot. Christmas and special events: birthdays, retirement parties, fundraisers. Lic. bartenders & prof. staff. Chatham Banquet 280 Merritt Ave. 519-354-9000.
1420 Hwy 21 South, DRESDEN
Cell: 519-436-7291 Fundraising Event?
The Chatham Voice is not responsible for the contents of advertisements, in print or online. The Voice also reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party.
Card of Thanks
Childcan is looking for a retired, student or occasional teacher to help a student in the Chatham area. Special education experience Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more is beneficial. Offered at no charge to children contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. who are returning to school after undergoing might work better for you. cancer treatment, the Childcan Volunteer C-K Remembers 100th Anniversary of the WWI Armistice Tutoring Program helps students to catch up Chatham-Kent Needs You on what they missed during their treatment. Calling Service Groups, Churches, Mileage and renumeration provided. VolunBusinesses and Individuals to stand vigil teer tutors work one-on-one with a child and with us at the Cenotaph for 64 hours. their family at a mutually convenient time, Thursday, Nov. 8 - Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 For info & to register contact: typically meeting one hour a week after school, Christ Church 80 Wellington St. W, Chatham ome onBuilding DRESDEN a flexible schedule.Center 519-352-1640 • Contact
We can help. Call to sell your items for cash or by consignment Call John @ 519-845-3663
519-845-3663 • Wyoming, Ontario • •
Excellent Carpet Cleaning Only $25.00 a room! Call 519358-7633.
Help Wanted Roofer Needed: Shingle over existing roofing. Call 519-3970928.
Farm for Sale
FARM FOR SALE I have been instructed by the owners to receive offers to purchase the following property: Property Description: Part of Lot 10, Concession 2 Camden as in 514479 except Part 1 24R8782; Chatham-Kent [PIN 00731-0094], known municipally as Smoke Line (unassigned), being 45 acres of workable land, more or less, with a 40 foot by 34 foot pole barn. No representations are made regarding tile drainage or soil type. The property must be purchased in an as is and where is condition. All offers must be written and made on a standard Agreement of Purchase and Sale form to be provided by the undersigned lawyer and be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft in the amount of $5,000.00 - made payable to Trevor Hinnegan, In Trust. Cheques or drafts from unsuccessful offerors will be returned. All offers to be delivered in writing to Trevor Hinnegan, Barrister and Solicitor at 75 Thames St., P.O. Box 428, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5K5 on or before 4:00p.m. on November 26, 2018. All offers must be unconditional. The closing date shall be December 14, 2018 or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. For Further particulars concerning farm and inspection contact Brad Erickson @ 519-809-5865 or Wayne Erickson @ 519-809-1325. TREVOR HINNEGAN Barrister & Solicitor 75 Thames Street P.O. Box 428 Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K5 Tel: (519) 355-1800 Fax: (519) 352-4159
Help Wanted Temporary part-time kitchen assistant needed immediately. Minimum wages. Some nights and weekends. Kitchen and cash register experience required. Phone 519-352-4923 for more info.
Carriers Wanted Routes available in the following areas: Gregory Dr E / Northern Pine Pl Gregory Dr W / Ellis St Valencia Ave / Peachtree Lane Balmoral Rd / Argyle Cres Garden Path / Mc Naughton Ave W Garden Path / Dalhia Dr Parry Dr / Cumberland Cres Sandys St Stewart St / Cornhill St Ursuline Ave / Lowe St Gladstone Ave / Bedford St Coverdale St / Martina Crt Bloomfield Rd / Oriole Pkwy
Call Fatima today 519-397-2020, ext.223 or email
Not Getting Your Paper? We want to make sure you do! Please give us a call at 519-397-2020
Life Mary BethCorcoran/The Chatham Voice
Kris Herfst from the CPIC Unit of the Chatham-Kent Police Service did a fantastic job of decorating pumpkins for the Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre’s annual Pumpkin Contest and sale. Pumpkins were judged Friday and went up for sale to the public to raise money for the centre. CKWC Executive Director Karen Hunter, right, and Youth and Child programs counsellor Alicia Blair show off the pumpkins decorated by Herfst and others.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS - MEMBER RECRUITMENT Chatham-Kent Children’s Services is a multi-service agency which provides services related to children’s mental health and development, child protection and adoption/kin services/fostering. Chatham-Kent Children’s Services is looking to expand the voices we hear at our Board of Directors table. The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the direction of the organization including visioning, leadership, setting values, strategic planning and policy decision. We are looking for diversity and are seeking committed individuals who want to make a difference in their community. The volunteer board position is an excellent opportunity to share your experience, add value, make a contribution and give back to the community. New board members are matched with a mentor to provide guidance and support during the first year of service. The Board would like to welcome individuals who: 1. are receiving/had received services provided by CKCS or another similar agency; 2. resemble the populations that are overrepresented in the child welfare system and children’s mental health or are a part of an equity-seeking group (racialized populations, Indigenous peoples, francophone populations, newcomer and refugee populations, LGBTQ populations); or 3. are 18 to 25 years of age We are particularly interested in individuals with knowledge, experience, and expertise in public relations, communications, information technology, financial or legal matters and who have strong connections to the Chatham-Kent community. Board commitment includes the ability to attend monthly regular Board meetings and at least one monthly committee meeting; a time commitment of up to 6 hours per month.
Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice
These little hockey players had the best seat in the house when C-K police’s Knight Sticks team faced off against the NHL Alumni team on Friday at the Chatham Memorial Arena in Chatham as part of the Scotiabank NHL Alumni Benefit Tour. Supporting the 50th anniversary of the Special Olympics and the Law Enforcement Torch Run, the tour features such hockey legends as Brent Gretzky and Mike Krushelniski. The game raised close to $11,000.
All applications to the Board of Directors will be reviewed through an interview process. Successful applicants will be required to submit a completed Police Background Check before final approval by the Board. Application forms are available on our website or to request an application form email: Applications must be received at 495 Grand Ave. West, Chatham, Ontario N7L 1C5 by Friday, November 16, 2018. We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those considered for an interview will be contacted.
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