FALL CLEANUPS • Irrigation Blowouts • Eavestrough Cleaning
Vol. 6 Edition 45
Have Credit Problems? Bankruptcy? Divorce?
YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2018
Call Randy Manicom
Info flow remains slow
Lest We Forget
By Mary Beth Corcoran
Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Sunny skies and mild weather helped raise attendance at Remembrance Day services across Chatham-Kent on Sunday. At the Cenotaph service in Chatham, a large crowd turned out to pay their respects to our veterans – the living and the dead who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Piper Dick Laurie of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 642 Pipe Band walks in step during the parade of veterans, military, cadets, Knights of Columbus and Scouts who took part in the service.
Despite an order from the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner, a local businessman is still trying to get Chatham-Kent officials to release the supporting financial documents attached to the report on merging municipal fire and ambulance services. John Cryderman, who has been trying to get the information from the municipality for the past two years, has expressed his frustration with what the municipality has turned over in response to his Freedom of Information request. The matter is again going to mediation. First brought to council in May 2016 by then Fire Chief Ken Stuebing to develop a service sustainability review process (SSRP), the review gave three options (A, B and C), including one to amalgamate the Fire/EMS services under one umbrella (C). In the report to council, it was noted that “a comprehensive cost analysis” was done, however, only the final numbers
were given in the public report. Council ultimately went with option A to contract EMS services with Medavie, going against the municipal administration recommendation for a fully blended fire/ EMS service, which was approximately $2 million below option A. Cryderman, who wanted to know how the service review came up with the final numbers, asked for the costing data leading up to the numbers given in the report, data he said councilors weren’t given. In a back and forth with the municipality, he filed an FOI request for “financial details to costings of proposals A, B and C, the three proposed alternatives to amalgamating service costs for EMS/fire, whereby the financial and projected financial details were never released to the public and to council.” Although the municipality has twice given information to Cryderman, he said the first was a onepage document with no cost analysis.
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News 100 poppies, 100 years Contributed image
Residents at Chatham Retirement Resort, including Earl Baillargeon, placed 100 poppies in their front garden on Nov. 7 in advance of the 100th anniversary of the First World War. Residents also decorated the Fireplace Lounge inside.
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Bruce Corcoran General Manager- Ext.227
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Michelle Owchar Graphics - Ext.226
Nadine Bax Feature Sales
It’s Time!
Rose Beach Line closed near Wildwood
A portion of a second road in South Kent near Rondeau Provincial Park is now closed. Chris Thibert, director of engineering and transportation for the municipality, said Rose Beach Line just east of Antrim Road is closed until further notice. It was down to one lane earlier this year due
to shoreline erosion – it runs along the Lake Erie shoreline – but it’s now closed to traffic in both directions at that point. Thibert said it’s a temporary closure, but one with an unknown reopening date. Meanwhile, New Scotland Line, just west of Kent Bridge Road, has been closed at the Bates-Bloomfield drain since the spring.
Sherry Lines/Special to The Chatham Voice
Shoreline erosion had ultimately led to the closure of Rose Beach Line near Antrim Road.
Thibert anticipates that road will reopen by the end of the year. As for Rose Beach Line, Thibert said municipal officials decided to close it for safety reasons. “We tried the one-lane restriction. It didn’t work very well. There was an accident and a lot of complaints from adjacent landowners,” Thibert said. He added the shoreline erosion hasn’t progressed significantly, but municipal staff are keeping an eye on its progress. “The south lane is a high level of concern,” Thibert said. For now, residents in the area will still see the same level of municipal service, just no through option for the road. As to when it might reopen, Thibert said that will ultimately be council’s decision. First it has to undergo a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and various options will be examined by an engineering consultant. At that time, Thibert said municipal officials will
Sherry Lines/Special to The Chatham Voice
Residents and business owners alike aren’t happy a second road near Rondeau is now closed. Rose Beach Line is cut just west of Wildwood by the Lake, while New Scotland Line is still closed just east of Kent Bridge Road. Both are temporary closures, with the latter slated to be open by the end of this year. No timeline is in place for Rose Beach Line.
select what they want to see done, and that option would be presented to the public. After a 30-day public consultation period, which will likely take place in December, Thibert said the consultant will compile all feedback and incorporate them into a final report. That final document and estimated cost will go before council. That will be part of the 2019 budget process. “Ultimately, they (council) will determine how to prioritize this repair work,” he said. “At this
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have done.” That meant full reconstruction. The company chosen for the work ran into weather delays associated with other work it was doing, pushing back the culvert work on New Scotland Line. Thibert said he anticipates the project will begin later this month and the road should be reopened by the end of the year. But next spring, the municipality will have to return to lay down the asphalt, he added.
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time, without knowing what council’s priorities are, it’s hard to know the reopening date.” In the case of the New Scotland Line closure, Thibert said the road was closed in the spring when a sinkhole opened up in the middle of the road. “We investigated and exposed the entire structure,” he said of the culvert that crosses under the roadway. “We got a better set of eyes on it and determined the structure was in poor condition. There were no temporary repairs that we could
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Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice 505 Richmond St., Chatham
The Kent owner Michael Fry is ready for the fourth annual CK Craft Beer Festival, which will have a different vibe this year. Included in the fun will be the Beard of the Year contest in support of the Movember movement. Sporting a definite contender for the award is The Kent doorman Bob Wilson, right, seen here with Fry.
ng taki or e r a es f nam D
Names will be accepted by telephone ONLY
Call Monday thru Friday 9am-3pm Closing Date November 30
December 10-13 - Toy Packing from 6-8pm at 463 St. Clair St. (former Fabricland next to Dimitar’s)
Toys Delivered December 17th after 5:30pm December 18th - Food Basket Packing beginning at 8am at the Spirit and Life Centre (St. Joseph Site),
Food Delivered December 18th starting at 11:30am Please mail donations to: Box 114, Chatham, ON. N7M 5K1
Beer, beards and music
By Mary Beth Corcoran
Lovers of craft beers and ciders have the chance to experience a nice variety all under one roof this weekend. The Kent Presents Beer, the fourth annual CK Craft Beer Festival in Chatham is geared up for Saturday at 6 p.m. at The Kent, on the corner of Park and William streets. Organizer Michael Fry said they are excited about the lineup of brewers this year, and a new format that is more event style than trade show. He said with the purchase of a ticket, patrons will get a Kent Presents branded glass and with five tokens good for
beer or cider samples. “It’s a smaller, more intimate event,” Fry said. “We open the doors at 6 p.m. and we’ll go until people are done.” Besides the tasting options of 12 craft breweries and three cider brewers, Fry said the event is encouraging patrons to bring their best, bushiest and well-trimmed beards in support of the Movember movement to bring awareness to the issue of prostate cancer and the importance of having it checked early. “We’ve partnered with Smellis Beard and ‘Stache oils and balms and we will be giving a Beard of the Year prize to the winner of the
Toys and Games in good condition can be dropped off at:
Blackburn Radio Bowlerama Brio Academy Canadian Tire CIBC - St. Clair & Merritt Chatham Retirement Resort Giant Tiger Heritage Savings & Credit Union Holiday Inn Express Honda House HUB Creative Group LCBO - St. Clair St.
Great Food, Great Friends, Great Times...
LCBO - Wellington St. W Maple City Residence Post Media Real Canadian Super Store Riverview Bingo Palace Rona Cashway ScotiaBank -King St. W. ScotiaBank - Thames Lea Plaza Staples Tepperman’s The Chatham Voice The Wish Centre Winners
contest,” Fry said. “After we announce the winner, there will be live music and people can either keep tasting or will have the option for full cans of their favourite beers at discount prices.” Once tokens are used up, Fry said event goers can continue to buy samples for $1.50 each. The event features some well-known local brewers in Sons of Kent and Bayside Brewery, as well as newcomer Sod Buster Brewing Company from Dresden, and others. Tickets for the event are $35 plus tax and are available online by going to
Village On The Thames 850 Grand Ave, Chatham
Author promotes reading to students By Mary Beth Corcoran
The story of Giraffe and Bird by Canadian author Rebecca Bender was brought to life by the author herself at the Bkejwanong First Nation Public Library on Walpole Island First Nation Thursday. Bender is a children’s author who is part of the TD Grade One Book Giveaway, a program of the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. She brings her series of books to Grade 1 classes and signs a copy of a book for each student. Pam Hedden’s Grade One class from Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig school got to sit and learn how the author came up with her ideas, how she illustrated her book and New were asked for ideas Colours for more adventures for Fall! for Giraffe and Bird. Librarian Linda-Lou Classens said this is Medical the first time they have Compression hosted an author from Socks, the TD book program Orthopedic to read to a class, and Footwear said it was a great opfor men or portunity for the kids women to find out how books are created.
Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Children’s author Rebecca Bender visited Bkejwanong First Nation Public Library to talk to a Grade 1 class about her book series about Giraffe and Bird, and give each student a copy of her first book. TD sponsors the program in partnership with the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.
Download this children’s Christmas video today for only $2.00 US A story about Santa delivering toys in new technology. Send an email to for the link to the movie.
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Continued on page 7
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Just share the info, please When you know better, you do better. That saying is so appropriate for so many things, including the new council taking charge of the municipality in December. With a municipal election based on the idea of change, doing better for the taxpayers, and more open and transparent communication, it is hoped the lessons of the past four years will take root in the minds of council and administration. The Freedom of Information request by local businessman John Cryderman is an excellent case in point. If administration, in its report to council, did actually complete a cost analysis of the three different options regarding merging fire and emergency medical services as they stated, that analysis with financials attached should already be done and sitting on someone’s computer. That information should have been available to council to look at to help them evaluate the recommendation from staff. And that information – minus the financial details of Medavie as they are a third party – should be available to the public. The fact the municipality, two years later, is still “searching” for the financial details and analysis requested in the FOI is a sad testament to the lack of transparency the municipality says they have. If no analysis exists, just say so. Wasting their own time and money, as well as the IPC’s time and money, is a path the municipality just shouldn’t be travelling. With a new council and new leadership with Mayor-Elect Darrin Canniff, there is hope the new normal will be to throw open the books to council without the need for FOI requests or sifting through an entire budget to find the financial breadcrumbs in a report. Communicate with the taxpayers – let them know your thoughts, concerns and issues with matters that are important, including real costs. If you do that, while they might not always agree with the final outcome, they will appreciate being part of the discussion.
Letters to the editor policy
The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for brevity and clarity. All letters need to be signed.
Advertising policy
The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.
Social isolation a danger for seniors Sir: The Foundation of The Retired Teachers of Ontario/ Les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l’Ontario (RTO/ERO) declared its first annual Social Isolation Awareness Month for October. As well, Oct. 1 was International Day of Older Persons. The day is recognized annually by the United Nations. The Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility produced a fact sheet for municipalities and organizations to use in their ongoing efforts to improve the lives of seniors. Below are just a few of the points from that fact sheet. • In 2015, for the first time in Ontario’s history, there were more people over age 65 than children under age 15. • Rural areas of Southern Ontario and urban areas of Northern Ontario have the highest proportions of seniors in the province. • Since the mid-1990s, the incidence of low income among seniors has moved steadily higher
from about two per cent to 12.3 per cent in 2016. • It has been estimated that 30 per cent of Canadian seniors are at risk of becoming socially isolated and up to 16 per cent of seniors experience social isolation. • Many seniors want to age at home and in the community. However, some need help with access to services, transportation and social connections. The RTO/ERO Foundation issued a challenge to its members to take part in the first Engage: End Isolation Campaign. In the information accompanying their invitation to join the challenge, they indicated that “According to the International Federation on Aging, the number one emerging issue facing seniors in Canada is keeping older people socially connected and active.” Here are some of the ideas that were part of that challenge. • Phone an older person in your life. Consider
adding a weekly call into your schedule. • Arrange a visit with an older person in your life. Consider visiting weekly or every two weeks. • Take some time to have a conversation with an older person whose path you cross but who you haven’t connected with yet. • Let an older person who lives nearby know when you’ll be going grocery shopping. • If you know an older person who lives in his or her own home, offer to take care of a seasonal task. • If you have a parent, a family friend, neighbour, etc. who you know uses technology and who may need assistance, take the initiative to ask if all their technology is working. • If you’re worried about a parent or friend, invite them to take on a volunteer activity with you. • If you have someone close to you who you worry is at risk of isolation, invite him or her to
go on weekly walks with you or visit the local pool for a swim. There are many ideas here and there are many more that you can come up with that apply to your situation, community and its facilities such as swimming pools and adult or seniors centres. Although October highlighted senior isolation, it certainly didn’t end in October. Unfortunately there are many people in all of our towns and rural areas who would really appreciate your phone call, short visit, trip to go shopping or perhaps just a visit to the local coffee shop. Hopefully you will never be in this situation, but as we all know, things change. Please take the time to consider helping someone in your community who really could need that help. Chatham-Kent has been designated as an “Age Friendly” community. Please do your part to make this a reality. Paul Brown Chatham-Kent
The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691
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Keep those catch basins clear The Chatham Voice
Now that fall has arrived, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Public Works Department is requesting the support of residents to help keep the streets, sidewalks, and catch basins clear of fallen leaves. The potential for street flooding is greatly increased when catch basins are clogged with leaves and debris. Municipal by-law 117-2018 prohibits the sweeping or depositing of leaves along the gutter of the street or in the roadway. If you notice that a catch basin is not functioning properly, municipal officials ask that you remove any possible obstruc-
tion. If you feel that it is unsafe to rake the leaves from around the drain, please contact the Chatham-Kent Public Works Department for assistance. Do not remove the grate from the catch basin. To prevent potential flooding issues in your neighborhood, residents are encouraged to collect and dispose of yard waste through one of the following ways: • Whenever possible, mow over your leaves to create mulch. This will greatly reduce the amount of fallen leaves to
Children learn how books are created
Continued from page 5
They also get a new book to take home at no charge. “I was approached by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre and asked if I wanted my book to be part of this program, and of course, I said yes,” Bender said. “It’s a wonderful program where over 500,000 books have been given away across Canada to Grade 1. I am getting to travel around and meet the students, sign some books and help promote the program.” The author, who is also an art director and designer, showed the class her original art work that was used for her Giraffe and Bird books, and as they called out future adventure ideas for the pair, she drew a quick design of what that might look like. “I always try to give them a glimpse into what I do and that I started out like them; a child that loved to draw and loved stories, so I hope they make that connection that they could be up here one day doing the same thing,” Bender said Bender signed each student’s book at the end of the presentation. “It’s wonderful how grateful and appreciative they are to have a book they get to take home. Sometimes they are saying it’s their first book so I think it means a lot,” she added. Classens, who sits on the National Creative Committee for planning the TD summer reading program for 2018-2019, appreciates the sponsorship of TD for the program, and reaching out to First Nations libraries like Bkejwanong First Nation Public Library.
clean up and help fertilize the lawn at the same time. Do not blow or dispose of leaves on the municipal right-of-ways, as this can cause hazardous traffic conditions. • Leaves and yard waste may be disposed of in plastic bags and set out with your regular trash for pick up. Please remember that these bags will count towards your three-bag limit. • The Municipality of Chatham- Kent owns and operates nine Leaf and Yard Depots lo-
cated throughout the municipality. These sites accept yard waste from residents each operating day. • Residents that have yard
service are asked to remind yard care providers that leaves must be placed in proper waste bins.
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Contributed image
Following three decades as a police officer in Chatham-Kent, Const. Paul Myers recently called it a career.
Const. Myers retires signed uniform patrol. With amalgamation in 1998, Myers beAfter 30 years of service as a police officer, came a member of the newly named ChaChatham-Kent Police Service Const. Paul tham-Kent Police Service. Myers is trading his badge and gun for famOver the next 10 years, Cowell said Myers ily time and retirement. worked with Crime Stoppers, was a memTuesday night, Myers worked his last shift ber of the Community Priority Action Team after spending the last 27 years of his career (CPAT), Child Abuse Investigation Team serving Chatham-Kent. and Major Crime Unit. According to CKPS communications Const. In 2008, he returned to uniform patrol, Renee Cowell, Myers was raised on a farm in working in Dresden, Thamesville and WalMuirkirk and went to school in Ridgetown laceburg. In 2010, Paul made his final move before pursuing post-secondary education to Blenheim. in Kitchener. During his shift Tuesday night, Myers reIn 1989, at the young age of 24, Myers start- flected on his policing career. ed his policing career with Peel Regional Po“In my 30 years, I’ve been spit on, cursed lice, and then in 1991, he decided to move at, swung at and blamed for most of life’s back home and accepted a position with the problems. However, I’ve also been thanked, Chatham Police Service where he was as- hugged, fed and helped by others at times where I felt like I was losing the battle,” Myers noted in a release. Myers said he is ready to start the SAFELY DISPOSE OF YOUR next chapter of his life. He will be USED SHARPS DEVICES BY staying in the Blenheim area with FOLLOWING THESE STEPS: his family and is looking forward to spending more time with his grandchildren. The Chatham Voice
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Sales Representative
Sales Representative (226)626-4838 11540 Wildwood Line $ 369,900
Everything on one floor in this two bedroom, two bath home located near the water. The large landscaped yard boasts of a spacious deck off the patio doors. The living room has a gas fireplace and leads into the dining room. Lots of cupboards in the updated kitchen (appliances included). There is a jetted tub in the main bath and the many updates include: roof (2013), septic system (2013), A/C (2014), owned water tank (2018) and garage door and opener (2017). This is a must see! Call Ron or Brandice for your private viewing.
July 8 from 1-3 3 Call bedroom home. LargeSat., eat-in kitchen, Barb for details! large no backyard Farm 89 lot, Regency Dr. neighbours. I have clients Reduced Approximately 1100-Acre acre of mature By phone: 100-acre farm located floor laundry, baths, fullDr. base100-Acre Farmmain$48,900 89 2Regency looking for I have clients trees on city’s edge. Unique in Raleigh Township. 519-359-8588 garage.Dr. Zoned single family 89 Regency looking for 100-Acre Farm ment & 2 car attached property. Live in main brick home I have clients Agricultural/part commercial/residential. bungalows. By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, single family Call Barb Phillips for looking for with income, 3 apts., 3 car garage. Quick Possession. Seller Relocating. Call Contact bungalows. large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. single family all the details today! Indoor pool plus more. Barb Phillips for your personal viewing! $389,900 NEW Contact PRICE! bungalows. today. Barb Phillips
one floor in Dover and vacant lot
By phone: 519-359-8588 By email:
Contacttoday. 100-acre farm located in Raleigh Township. Barb Phillips NEW Reduced
Call Barb Phillips for all the details today!
phone: farm located 2 bedroom mobile,By open concept, living room, 100-acre kitchen, PRICE! large shed.519-359-8588 Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. in Raleigh Township.
Peifer Realty Brokerage
By email: 100-acre 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Reduced By phone: Callfarm Barblocated Phillips for large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. $48,900 phillba@mnsi.netin Raleigh all theTownship. details today! 519-359-8588 Call By email: 2 bedroom mobile, open concept, living room, kitchen, Call Barb Phillips for large shed. Wheelchair ramp. Present All Offers. 519-350-1615 all the details today! Peifer Realty Inc. Sales Rep. BROKERAGE Bus. 519-354-5470 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED
David Smith
Penny Wilton, Broker
83 Valencia
Currently under construction this approximately 2000+ square foot 2 storey offers spacious rooms and a sought after prime location in Prestancia. This 4+1 bedroom, 4 bath family home is “carpet free” with hardwood floors and features granite counters and “Windmill cabinetry” throughout. Exterior boasts accent stone finish to match the brick and siding and composite rear decking. Double car garage and a finished basement is ideal for the children to use on wet days.
Attention Realtors! Why Advertise in Voice Homes?
519-360-0315 •
Elliot Wilton, Sales Rep.
168 Cottage ~ $359,000 A Wedge constructed 2017 model town home featuring a Windmill kitchen having ample cupboards and numerous upgrades including spacious granite counters that overlook the open concept living room/ dining room. The main floor features two full baths as well as two spacious bedrooms with the master having his and her closets as well as glass sliding shower doors. Solar tubes provide additional natural lighting for the two main floor bathrooms. The 9’ main floor ceilings create a more spacious feeling. The lower level has a large family room with gas fireplace, a spacious bedroom and a third full bath. A drinking water filtration system has been installed for your enjoyment. A 3 panel patio door leads to a spacious well landscaped rear yard that is completely fenced and contains a large cement patio and walkways. This fine home comes with a 12’ X 8’ storage shed.
Independently Owned & Operated 42 Talbot St. W., Blenheim
519-358-8755 • FIND US ON
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of Chatham-Kent
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Open House Saturday, November 17, 1-3pm 59 Prince Arthur Ave., Chatham 4 BR, 1.5 bath home with spacious main floor. Updated HE furnace and shingles. Awesome curb appeal and a great location. Call now! $196,900.
17998 Rondeau Rd., Rondeau Park 3 BR, 1.5 bath bayfront cottage inside Rondeau Provincial Park. Enjoy watersports, fishing & sunsets from your back yard. $149,900.
215 Grand Ave. W., Chatham Business for Sale! This well known, successful restaurant is a great investment opportunity. Family operated for over 30 years. Plenty of parking & outdoor patio space. Call now!
17402 Lakeshore Rd., Rondeau Park
245 Regent St., Blenheim Stunning 3 BR, 2 bath in an awesome location. Beautiful main floor, lower level with family room, back yard oasis with in ground pool & more! Call Now! $379,900.
Beautiful 3 BR overlooking the beach & Lake Erie. Spacious layout, lots of living space & plenty of storage. $289,900.
11941 Base Line, Wabash 3+1 BR, 2 bath home in a quiet location with a modest price tag! Large living room, main floor master & 2 mud rooms. Call today! $134,900.
11539 Lagonda Way, Rondeau Bay Estate
3 BR, 3 bath home on beautiful lot with canal frontage. Open concept loft style layout with gorgeous kitchen & great room. $549,900.
• Reach 19,300 homes a week • Full colour at no extra charge • Convenient pull-out section • Digital Edition Online at No Extra Charge The Chatham Voice, a locally owned community newspaper that people actually read! To advertise in Voice Homes, call 519-397-2020 and ask to speak to a sales representative today!
Serving Chatham-Kent Since 1968
Happy Canada Day
Realtor On Duty
Stay up-to-date on home ownership.
Monday-Friday 8:30am-6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm CHATHAM OFFICE BLENHEIM OFFICE
34 Raleigh St. 42 Talbot St. W.
519-354-5470 519-676-5444
open house
Alex Stefik* 519-437-7304
Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856
Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800
SUNDAY, NOV. 18 • 12-2PM 42 CROYDON • $228,588 AGENT: ALEX STEFIK 4br, 1.5 bath split level on a lovely large lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628
New Price Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755
Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315
Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155
Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774
190 MERCER $299,900 3br, 1.5 bath executive brick rancher with beautiful landscaping. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181
Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634
Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268
3br, 2 bath brick ranch with 2 fireplaces, covered patio & nice decor. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.
45 RICHMOND $229,000 Totally renovated 3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey. Call Mike Smyth 519-784-5470. Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090
George McDougall* 519-360-7334
Quality custom built home on a beautiful river lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
10698 LAKEVIEW, C-K $509,900 2500 sq ft 2br, 2.5 bath executive 2 storey home on a .9 ac lot in Lake Morningstar. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
38 TAYLOR TRAIL $245,000
Attractive & spotless 2+1br, 2 bath raised ranch home with lovely open plan. Call Chris 519-350-1402.
234 TWEEDSMUIR W $289,900
4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653
Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810
June McDougall* 519-358-5199
3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.
Peifer Realty Inc.
7259 RIVERVIEW $839,900 Spectacular 3+2br, 4 bath waterfront rancher with impeccable grounds. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.
10907 RIVER LINE $699,000
4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.
11539 LAGONDA, RONDEAU • $549,900
2+1br, 3 bath, 2250 sq ft 2 storey with over 200’ of canal frontage. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.
Brian Peifer Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669
Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189
Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668
Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666
Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653
Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482
Chris Papple* 519-350-1402
Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959
Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310
1515 sq ft 2 br, 2 bath semi detached townhome to be built by Maple City Homes. Call David 519-350-1615.
Brian Preston* 519-355-9868
Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141
New Price
Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470
Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805
Ron Smith* 519-360-7729
Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838
David Smith* 519-350-1615
Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470
10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900
2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
SAVE UP TO $1,60000
ON KITCHEN AID AND WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES! 37 CRAMAR $848,800 This colonial home offers 4+1 bedrooms, 5 baths, second kitchen and so much more. Call Patrick 519-3600141 or Catie 519-809-4268.
336 DELAWARE $569,900
Unique 5+1br, 2.5 bath executive ranch with in-law suite. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.
10530 RIVER LINE, HARWICH • $449,900
Large 4br, 2.5 bath 4 level side split with i/g pool on the River. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Catie 519-809-4268.
20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000
High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.
2 lake front building lots with beach access. Call Carson 519-809-2856.
Please call your agent or call the Royal LePage Peifer Real Estate office at 519-354-5470 for more details.
D D L L SO SO 82 UNIVERSITY $289,900
Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865
7627 RIVERVIEW LINE $729,900
10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000
45 KING, WALLACEBURG $159,900 Cute 3 br bungalow extensively remodelled. Call Chris 519-350-1402.
36 DUFFERIN $250,000
This 4-plex is located on a quiet historical street in Chatham. Call Amber 519-784-5310.
32 ENCLAVE $484,900
91 FAUBERT $389,900
Lovely 4+1br, 3.5 bath custom built home by Ewald on a popular Northside street. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
Southside 3+1br, 4 level with i/g pool. Stunning $80,000 gourmet kitchen. Gorgeous lot & landscaping. Call June 519-358-5199.
New Listing
11540 WILDWOOD, MORPETH • $369,900
29 BAXTER $142,000
This 3br 2 storey home has a lot to offer with lots of updates and nice deep lot. Call Mike G 519-365-5634.
2 br, 2 bath home with large yard near the water. Lr with gas fireplace. Dr and updated kitchen. Garage and workshop. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.
318 BALDOON $239,900
3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.
14801 MCDONALD, MUIRKIRK • $475,000 Beautiful 3+1br, 2 bath raised rancher on 4.4 acres with many updates! Call Amber 519-784-5310.
277 JOSEPH $255,000
3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey with lg private backyard. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Amber 519-784-5310.
25669 WINTERLINE $249,900
Approximately 7,000 sq ft situated on a 189’ x 324’ lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
D L SO 53 GRAND E $119,900 Well kept 4br, 2 bath, 2 kitchen 2 storey. Could be converted to duplex. Call Gus 519-355-8668 or Heather 519-355-8666.
Offer Pending 128 BERRY $154,900 Lovely 3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey semi-detached with some updates. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.
345 TWEEDSMUIR W $154,900
This very affordable 3br, 1.5 bath, 2 storey semi townhome has just been renovated. Call Eric 519-436-4865.
614 DAYLIGHT $329,500
11927 BASELINE, WABASH • $219,900
Neat & tidy 3br brick bungalow on 3/4 acre lot. Many updates. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.
21 MCKEOUGH $229,900
New Listing
226 ST CLAIR $149,900
Premium 1500 sq ft office space ideal for professional. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.
168 COTTAGE $359,000
2+1br, 3 bath semi ranch, townhouse with a spacious & well landscaped lot. Call Andrea 519-359-2482.
This comm property has great exposure. Can also be leased for $1,695/mth. Call Eric 519-436-4865.
56 ST GEORGE $79,900
Cozy 3br bungalow with fenced rear yard & new replacement windows. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.
Great opportunity for institutional uses. Building has been revamped & looks amazing inside & out. Call Heather 519-355-8666 or Gus 519-355-8668.
Sales Representative *
Diverse City celebrations
Solid home sales in October The Chatham Voice
Home sales were brisk in October, but they couldn’t match the record month set a year ago. According to information from the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors, 110 units sold last month, but that’s down nearly 13 per cent from the all-time hottest sales October on record, October of 2017. It’s still above average for Octobers in C-K. So far this year, home sales through October totalled 1,119 units. This is
down 4.4 per cent from the same period in 2017. “Home sales posted a solid showing in October – the third-highest level ever for that month,” said Steve Carroll, President of the Chatham-Kent Association of Realtors in a media release. “The combination of strong sales and record-low supply has led to some very large year-over-year average price gains since the summer.” The average price of homes sold in October 2018 was $230,883, jumping 24.5 per cent from
October 2017. The more comprehensive year-todate average price was $211,936, rising 16.3 per cent from the first 10 months of 2017. There were 167 new residential listings in October 2018. This was up five per cent (eight listings) on a year-over-year basis. But active residential listings numbered 247 units at the end of October. This is a decrease of more than 11 per cent from the end of October 2017 and marked the lowest level for this month on record.
Top fundraisers honoured Mat Ebere/Special to The Chatham Voice
Celebrating Chatham-Kent’s diversity on the weekend, various local cultural groups flocked together at the CBD Club in Wallaceburg. The third annual party was highlighted by performances from the Portuguese Club’s Folklore Group, Cornell School of Irish Dance, the Chatham-Kent Asian Cultural Association, and Bkejwanong Walpole Island First Nation.
Daylight Point at Prestancia coming to you from Maple City Homes
Contributed image
228 Summerset, Chatham
Tuesday - Thursday 1pm-3pm Saturday 12pm-3pm • Sunday 1pm-3pm
Top fundraising earners from the recent Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure event in Chatham are pictured here with volunteer participant engagement lead Karen Vince, second from the left in the back row. The Sept. 30 event was the first Run for the Cure event to be held in Chatham and saw more than 250 participants and raised in excess of $45,000 in support of breast cancer research. Top earners include Pain in the Gas as the top corporate team; top family and friend group was ROCK...ETTES; The A Team was top women’s team; and top individual fundraisers were Cindy Hughes, Lucy Griffioen and Teresa Hashey.
This Week’s Open Houses
Newest Street, Construction Underway Beautiful Semi-Detached Homes starting at $329,500 One Single Family Home starting at $369,500
These will sell fast! Give us a call today 519-350-6625
53 St.Clair St.
Thursday, November 15
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes Saturday, November 17
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
59 Prince Arthur, Chatham, $196,900 ...............Penny/Elliot Wilton, Royal LePage Peifer Realty Sunday, November 18
42 Croydon, Chatham, $228,588 .......................Alex Stefik, Royal LePage Peifer Realty
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes Tuesday, November 20
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes Wednesday, November 21
228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes
Artist enjoys bringing out people’s creative side By Mary Beth Corcoran
work is held internationally in private collections in the United States, Canada, Australia, Belgium, France and England. Many of her paintings can be viewed by going to, or at ARTspace in downtown Chatham. Retired from her fulltime job outside the home, McGill teaches art from her studio, along with workshops at the Chatham-Kent Cultural Centre and in local high schools. She is currently represented by ARTspace in Chatham, Ontario and the Mary Webb Centre in Highgate. Teaching art is something McGill loves to do, noting that everyone has some creative talent. Teaching the mechanics to students, she brings out their creative side. “People have been creative from time immortal, from the days of painting cave walls,” McGill noted. “I love working with kids. When you tell them what they are working on looks good, their whole persona changes. “Every person is creative, but we lose it. When we are children, we paint purple grass and orange skies, but we are told we have to do it properly and that creative side is beat out of us. We lose how to be proud of ourselves. We will paper our fridge with our kids’ art, but we don’t put up our own.” McGill’s work in watercolour has the unique addition of a wax coating that she uses to protect the colour and keep the canvas free of dust.
The Mary Webb Centre (MWC) is a historic jewel at the edge of Chatham-Kent in Highgate, providing a mecca for artists of all genres. From music talent from all across Canada and the U.S., to area artists and artisans, the MWC is a historic site dating back to its design as a “round church” in 1897. Burned to the ground in 1917, the former Methodist church was rebuilt in 1918 to the same plans. An art gallery is housed in the lower level of the centre in the former Sunday school rooms. Many district artists and artisans display their art and crafts for sale. Each month, a different artist is featured. For November, the featured artist is Charlene McGill, who works primarily in watercolours and has an affinity for portrait work. Her subject matter, however, covers many different inspirations, from detailed endangered insects and wildlife to still life, to vibrant florals. McGill began her painting journey in 2003 after attending a local watercolour workshop and has been painting almost daily ever since. Her approach to her art is through the eyes of a colourist and her representational work is inspired by the impact of light and colour on the everyday objects that fill our lives. An award-winning artist, her work has been Continued on page 14 accepted in a variety of juried exhibitions, includ- Meadow Park Chatham ing Eye for Art, Long Term Care Home Desmond Exhibition, Georgina World of Art, Ridgetown Art in the Park and many more. 110 Sandy St. • 519-351-1330 Her recent
Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice
Featured artist at the Mary Webb Centre in Highgate, Charlene McGill of Chatham-Kent stands in front of examples of her watercolour wildlife art, part of 32 pieces she has on display for the month of November.
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Dinner to support HIV/ AIDS victims The Chatham Voice
World AIDS Day Dec. 1 is a day dedicated to commemorate those who have passed on and to raise awareness about AIDS and the global spread of the HIV virus. In support of people living with HIV/AIDS, the United Way of Chatham Kent is hosting a One Day Cafe, where Chef Scott Roose will prepare a threecourse meal with wine pairings at the UWOCK office at 425 McNaughton Ave. E. in Chatham. The One Day Cafe is all about smashing stigma of those living with HIV/ AIDS. One day, HIV treatments will be available to
everyone one who needs them; one day we will be free of stigma against HIV; and one day, we will have a cure and no longer need to talk about HIV. Dinner tickets are $75 each and only 18 seats are available. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 6 p.m. All are welcome to attend the Candlelight Vigil which is free to attend. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7:30 p.m. at The 425. For more information on the One Day Cafe, find them on Facebook. To order tickets visit and search “One Day Cafe.”
Pant - Jean Hem • Coat & Pant Zippers Leather & Suede • Wedding Gowns Ibrahim Shomali, Tailor Shop: 519-397-4846 181 King Street West, Chatham N7M 1E4
Dozens of pieces of art on display at Mary Webb Continued from page 13
Contributed image
Chef Scott Roose will run the One Day Cafe Dec. 1 to support people living with HIV/AIDS.
“I wet the paper and wrap it tightly around the canvas so it’s tight as a drum and then put a wax coating on it. It helps it retain its identity as a watercolour and makes it easy to keep clean,” the artist explained. On display at the MWC are about 32 examples of McGill’s artwork and shows the variety of subjects she is able to recreate in vivid detail and colour. “Painting with watercolour is definitely my obsession. The transparency of it creates depth and glow while the brilliant colour adds dimension and joie de vivre,” McGill said in her promotional material.
With prices from $20 to $2,800 for art pieces, McGill said it is worth a trip to the gallery to experience the work of local artists and maybe buy for your own home or as a gift for family and friends. To see her work, and the work of many other local artists, the MWC gallery is open on Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on each concert evening. Group tours can be arranged by phoning Marie Spence at 519-678-3326 or Christa Eggers at 519-3651519. To inquire about being an exhibiting artist, please contact Eggers at 519-365-1519 or eggers.
Enjoy the Santa Claus Parade! Not just a furniture store, join us before or after the Downtown Chatham Santa Claus Parade for Christmas Cookies, Prizes, Carols and lots of Holiday Cheer, Fri. Nov. 16 (10-9pm) and Sat. Nov. 17 (10-4pm) and find quality unique Christmas gifts, including many handmade Canadian goods.
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AgMedica pledges living wages The Chatham Voice
With Living Wage Week completed recently, the Chatham-Kent Prosperity Roundtable has released the new living wage for Chatham-Kent, and has reaffirmed the benefits of a living wage for employers in our community. Recently, the Ontario Living Wage Network (OLWN) released new living wages for various communities across the province, including Chatham-Kent. The Prosperity Roundtable worked closely with the OLWN to recalculate the living wage for Chatham-Kent. The new living wage is $16.33. This is a 2.9 per cent increase from the previously calculated living wage of $15.86 in 2014.
According to the Roundtable committee, the living wage is not the same as the minimum wage. The living wage is the amount people must earn to cover the actual cost of living and participate in their community. The living wage draws on community-specific data to determine the expenses of a family with two working adults, a child in school, and a child in fulltime daycare. The living wage includes the cost of housing, food, clothing, childcare, transportation, insurance, communication, recreation, and a modest vacation. The Prosperity Roundtable recently recognized AgMedica Bioscience Inc. as a living wage employer in Chatham-Kent. AgMedica is a licensed
Contributed image
Members of the Prosperity Roundtable and staff at AgMedica came together recently to celebrate AgMedica’s commitment to providing a living wage for its staff. From left are Dr. Trevor Henry, CEO; Peter Van Mol, CFO; Brad Davis, Executive Director, Family Service Kent; Phillip Mock, Project Coordinator, Chatham-Kent Prosperity Roundtable; Jeremy Buitenhuis COO; Nick Roberts, Chief Quality Assurance Officer; and Wendy Teetzel, Human Resource Manager.
producer focused on the cultivation of quality, consistent medical cannabis used in cannabinoid therapies.
“AgMedica Bioscience Inc. is becoming a transformational leader in our community. They are the first licensed producer in
Chatham-Kent to register as a living wage employer, and they are registered as a champion, the highest attainable level as a
living wage employer,” Phillip Mock, Prosperity Roundtable Project Co-ordinator, said in a media release.
Several Groups will be collecting canned goods and teddy bears. Please bring these items to share in giving.
Santa Claus Parade
Friday, November 16, 2018 • 6:30pm
“A Historic Christmas”
Staging on Sandys Street; 6:30pm over to King Street West and all the way to the WISH Centre at 177 King St. E.
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145 King St. W, Downtown Chatham 519-352-5281
Home of the
watch battery 131 Park Ave. E., Chatham • 519-354-4127 • Thursday, November 15, 2018 • Make it at your library - 3D Paper Snowflakes! Free program at 6:30pm in the meeting room at the Chatham branch of the CKPL, 120 Queen St. • The CHC is hosting a Flu Clinic from 9:30am12:00pm. Call the ALC at 519-352-5633 for info. • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. • Ryan St. Denis will perform at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham at 2:00pm. Friday, November 16, 2018 • Kitchen Witches presented by Thamesville United Church Drama. Roast beef dinner (6:00pm) and play (7:30pm) $40, show only $20. Order online at • Meal (5:30pm-7:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm), and Catch the Ace (drawn at 6:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Choice of BBQ Chicken, roast beef or fish and chips for $10. • Photographic Exhibition at Wallaceburg and District Museum from Nov. 26 - Dec. 14. Light, Vision, Emotion 2018. 505 King St.,Wallaceburg. • Chatham Sunrise Rotary Club in partnership with Ecologos invites you to view two short films: “Invading Giants,” arrival of icebergs in Newfoundland and Labrador and “A River’s Last Change” documenting wild salmon recovery in Eel River, California. 7:00pm, Villa Angela, 20 Merici Way, Chatham. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission is free. Saturday, November 17, 2018 • 14th Annual Christmas House Tour of rural Chatham area homes and a barn venue. $20/includes coffee and cookies. Available at local florists or by calling 519-351-1406. • Winter Wonderland Bazaar & Tea at Holy Trinity/ St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Victoria & Selkirk St., Chatham. Baking, sweets, crafts, gift baskets & more. 9:30am-1:30pm. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and dance (4:30pm9:30pm) featuring Allan James at the Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. • Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale. 9:00am-1:00pm at First Reformed Church. Something for everyone, lunch available. • Christmas Semi-formal Dinner & Dance at the Royal Canadian Legion Merlin Br. 465. Dinner at 6:00pm (served family style) and dance at 8:30pm with music by “Unity” $30/person until November 12, $35 after Nov. 12. Dance only $10 at 8:00pm. 519-689-4884 or text 519-784-2269. • Kitchen Witches presented by Thamesville United Church Drama. Roast beef dinner (6:00pm) and play (7:30pm) $40, show only $20. Order online at • Polish Canadian Club dinner dance. 7:00pm. Marcin Road Band from London. $25/person. 281 Inshes Ave., Chatham. 519-397-5175. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • The Roses will perform at Meadow Park, Sandy St., Chatham at 2:00pm. • Copper Terrace Holiday Bazaar, 91 Tecumseh Rd. 9am-2pm. Vendors, bake sale, door prizes, lunch. • Chatham Sunrise Rotary Club in partnership with Ecologos invites you to view two short films: “The Tale of Two Cities” exploring the growing threat of water privatization in Evart and Flint Michigan, and “The Peel Project”, highlighting landscape, culture and wildlife of the Peel River in the Canadian Arctic. 7:00pm, Villa Angela, 20 Merici Way Chatham. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission is free. Sunday, November 18, 2018 • Kitchen Witches presented by Thamesville United Church Drama. Roast beef dinner (5:00pm) and play (6:30pm) $40, show only $20. Order online at
• Christmas House Tour hosted by the Catherine McVean Chapter IODE, Dresden. Starting at Union Block Bakery (downtown Dresden across from TD Bank) 12:00pm-4:00pm. $15.00. Tickets available at McKellar’s Flowers, Dresden or 519-436-1754. • 130th Anniversary of Campbell A.M.E. Church, corner of King St. E. and Prince St. S., Chatham. 3:00pm. Dinner following service. • RoDe’s Investigative Paranormal Insight Team presents “Take A Walk On The Spirit Side”. Join us at the Jeanne Gordon Theater, upstairs at the Wallaceburg Museum. 1:00pm-5:00pm. Donation at the door. Door prizes. Age 18+. Monday, November 19, 2018 • St. Joseph’s (City) CWL Annual Penny Sale at the Spirit and Life Centre, 184 Wellington St. W., Chatham. Doors open at 6:00pm. New format. 50/50, penny prizes and refreshments. Admission is free. • Open Euchre at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham starting at 1:00pm. • Blenheim-Harwich Horticultural Society Annual Pot Luck Supper. Guest speaker master gardener Marg Dudley from Belle River Hort Society. Dinner 6:00pm in Trinity Anglican Church lower meeting room, 59 Ellen St., Blenheim. 519-676-9476 or 519-354-8320. Good food - good company - all welcome! Tuesday, November 20, 2018 • “Make A Will” Month: Public Awareness Campaign at the CKPL. Free legal information workshop presented by Whittal + Company. 6:00pm at the Tilbury Branch of the CKPL. • Movies at the library - Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far (14A) starring Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill & Rooney Mara will be shown at 2:00pm at the Chatham branch of the CKPL, 120 Queen St. • Open Euchre (1:00pm), shuffleboard (7:00pm) and 2 person euchre (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham. Wednesday, November 21, 2018 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. 519-354-4235. • Pepper (1:00pm), fun darts (7:30pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St., Chatham.
Any way you slice it I can tell I’m in my 50s: Another week, another trip to the hospital. After heading there for an EMG test last week to check on my nerves in my right arm – I had been getting a buzzing in my right shoulder – I was back for a quick slice and dice at the hands of our family doctor. I had a lesion on my chest. I’d had it for some time. At first, I thought it might be an ingrown hair, or a pimple, but it just wouldn’t go away. More than two decades ago, I had something similar removed from my back. It turned out it was basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. So I didn’t want to just leave the lesion on my chest unchecked. I asked my doc, Dr. Susan Munro, to take a gander at it. She said we should remove it and have it biopsied. Fine by me. Better out than sitting there slowly growing, if it was cancer. Basal cell carcinoma very rarely spreads beyond the original tumour site. You simply have the cancerous area cut out and all should be well. So, after missing my first date for the outpatient procedure, I made sure to make my second one last Wednesday. I showed up to the hospital early for check in, after seeing the large number of folks there a week earlier when I arrived for my EMG test. But this time around, the admitting area was all but deserted. I took number 47 when they were serving number 44. That efficiency led to a bit of a wait in Ambulatory Care where the
Bruce Corcoran outpatient procedure was to take place. No problem. That’s what games on cell phones are for, right? But in about 40 minutes, I had my shirt off and a gown on. I felt a bit like Hugh Hefner, strutting around with an open robe ... except I had a hospital gown on, this wasn’t the Playboy Mansion, there was no grotto, and I wasn’t exploiting the women around me. And that was one of the cool things that day. Aside from the volunteer who greeted me when I walked into the hospital, and the one who took my paperwork in Ambulatory Care, everyone I dealt with at the hospital was female. I didn’t even realize it until I started typing this column. From the doctor to the resident who popped in briefly, to all the nursing staff in the area, the person at the admitting desk and the other volunteers I encountered, all were female. All were very friendly and professional. That’s one of the many things I like about Doc Munro. She is very good at what she does, and can communicate with you in a very friendly manner. A perfect combination for a family doc. But I digress. I was there to get sliced.
Continue on page 17
Christmas Memorials
Thursday, November 22, 2018 • The Active Lifestyle Centre is hosting a Harvest Lunch featuring Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, vegetable, dessert, coffee or tea for $12/person. Call 519-352-5633 for tickets.
Remember your loved ones at Christmas with a Christmas Memorial.
Friday, November 23, 2018 • Free PA Day at First Reformed Church, cnr of Lacroix and Indian Creek Rd., Chatham. Ages 4-10 , 8:30am3:30pm. Entertainer / illusionist, Marien Hopman and Crazy Raizey (Musical Entertainment) Followed by crafts, music, stories, exercises and sports. Lunch and snacks are provided at no cost. Please call 519-351-0046 for early registration, space is limited.
2col.x3” ad with colour and picture for $20
• Broasted Chicken Dinner, 4:30pm-7;00pm, Holy Trinity/St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Victoria & Selkirk St., Chatham. Children 8-12 $8, Adults $20. Advance tickets only. 519-354-1072. FREE TUTORING - Every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm at First Reformed Church. For info call Betty at 519-354-8902. CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome. Christmas Hamper Registration at the Chatham Salvation Army (519-354-1430), Wallaceburg (519-6278257) and Ridgetown (519-674-3765). Register until Nov. 30th. ID for each member of the household and income verification required. Submit your coming events to or
or a 2col.x1.5” ad with colour for $10 Running December 20, 2018 Deadline is December 13 at 5:00pm Call 519-397-2020 or stop in 71 Sass Rd, #4, Chatham Mon.Fri- 9:00am-5:00pm
They have plastic bandages? I hopped up onto the bed as instructed and expected to have the area shaved. Instead, the doc swabbed it with alcohol twice, and then injected me twice to give me some very localized freezing. She said that was to be the worst part of the procedure. I was to feel a little sting and a burn as the needle went in and then the freezing was applied. I felt the sting of the needle, but no burning. Regardless, I did not feel a thing when her scalpel deftly carved out the little lesion – I don’t think it was any larger than the width of an eraser on the end of a pencil. In no time, I was stitched up – perhaps a couple of stitches – and the nurse came along to spray on my bandage. That’s right, spray on. Because of the chest hair, the doc opted to use a plastic bandage. It reminded me of reading about pro athletes repairing blisters or cuts while in the middle of a game using Crazy Glue. I could even shower the next day! But I had an apparent allergic reaction to the spray or the freezing. I broke out in hives around the incision area. It’s still itchy as I type this.
introduce me to him. He too said he enjoys this column. I thank both for their interest. Ohh, that cat!
Finn, the cat, is as whacky as ever. That little furball is spending more time inside due to the rain and colder weather, but he continues to “work” the neighbourhood. He really likes to ply his con artist trade on the next-door neighbour. Our daughter Brenna and I saw him recently try to go inside her
house! She stopped him, but gave Finn some food on her front porch. The little beggar is quite well fed at home, but was more than happy to munch on some kibble next door. I should put up posters on lampposts in the neighbourhood, with his photo on them. “Warning, well fed, pampered cat on the loose. Please send him on his way. Don’t make eye contact or fall for his loud purring. He’ll have himself eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.”
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Kind words
While I waited for my ride back to work, a woman came up to the same exit, pushing an elderly woman in a wheeled chair. It was obvious they were waiting for a ride as well. I offered my seat, but was waved away. The woman then looked at me and asked if I was “the man who wrote a column in The Chatham Voice.” I said I was indeed “that Bruce,” and we had a nice chat, and she said she really enjoyed my column. I also let her in on a little secret. I may take credit for the tasty treats coming off the Big Green Egg, but it is the Egg that does all the work. When her husband arrived to pick the women up, she made a point to
Located at 12 Indian Creek Road E., Chatham
Continued from page 16
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Fun Stuff 33 “Born in the --” 34 Gem 35 “-- Got a Secret” 36 Recipe meas. 37 Addict 38 From the start 39 America’s uncle 41 Lascivious 43 Jane Goodall’s topic 46 Thesaurus compiler 50 Leak out slowly 51 South American rodent 54 Ready for customers 55 Beerlike beverage 56 Satan’s forte 57 Pirate William 58 Gasoline stat 59 Hunt for
ACROSS 1 Nitwit 5 High-arc shot 8 Book after the Gospels 12 Rainbow 13 Ram’s mate 14 Exceptional 15 Team leaders
17 Skewer 18 Massage 19 However 21 Frog’s cousin 24 Business abbr. 25 Rate of speed 28 Part of a Batman costume 30 Height of fashion?
This week’s answers
DOWN 1 Clark or Cavett 2 Algerian port 3 Prop for Sherlock 4 Will subject 5 Hawaiian garland 6 Possess 7 Above all others 8 Firebug’s crime
9 Type of monkey 10 Advanced math 11 Adam’s third son 16 Commotion 20 Any of Rome’s seven 22 High pair 23 Wooden pin 25 Deposit 26 Donkey 27 Overturned 29 Existed 31 11-Down’s mom 32 Kitten’s comment 34 Bound 38 Pueblo structures 40 Fix the Constitution 42 Type of humor 43 Diner employee 44 Arizona tribe 45 Con game 47 Donated 48 A Great Lake 49 Chat 52 Matterhorn, e.g. 53 “-- o’ My Heart”
CLASSIFIEDS Announcement
Christ Church welcomes everyone! You don’t need money to join! You don’t have to sign a contract! We don’t take attendance! Christ Church welcomes everyone – whether you are just browsing or more devout than the Archbishop of Canterbury; if you just got out of jail or are citizen of the year; if you still need a nightlight or doze off to Murder She Wrote; poor as a church mouse or rich as Midas – we welcome you and all those in between.
Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. might work better for you.
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All offers to be delivered to Trevor Hinnegan, Barrister and or call mein forwriting an appointment or drop by toSt., see P.O. me atBox the Chatham Sales Solicitor at 75 Thames 428, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5K5 on Arena, on Wednesday mornings. or before 4:00p.m. on November 26, 2018. 9877 Longwoods Rd., Chatham RICK WISMER All offers must be unconditional. The closing date shall be December 14, 2018 or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. 1100 Stores Strong
The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. For Further particulars concerning farm and inspection contact Brad Erickson @ 519-809-5865 or Wayne Erickson @ 519-809-1325.
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Tree Service
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The Chatham Voice is not responsible for the contents of advertisements, in print or online. The Voice also reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party.
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Timothy Lawrence “Laurie” Dowthwaite 81, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Irene Armstrong 81, Thursday, November 8, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham
Edwin “Ted” Bowen 90, Thursday, November 8, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Eva Suderman 65, Thursday, November 8, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham
Cornelia Sheehy 95, Friday, November 9, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Don Lanchance 92, Saturday, November 3, 2018 Life Transitions
David Peckford 62, Sunday, November 4, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Allan Rose 91, Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Life Transitions
Reginald “Scott” Bowls 61, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Gerald Gagnier 61, Thursday, November 8, 2018 Life Transitions
Doreen Kay Maynard 86, Saturday, November 10, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home
Lillian (Sterling) Huffman 83, Monday, November 5, 2018 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Riemie Bruinius 85, Sunday, November 4, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham
See full obituaries at
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City officials disagree on info flow
Continued from page 1
The second was basically a partial 2015 budget. “I’m truly at a loss for words as to why this appeal and the subsequent order (MO – 3613) from the province to Chatham-Kent continues to unearth unsatisfactory and non-relevant results,” Cryderman said in an e-mail to the IPC. “Editing the facts at issue will not resolve this matter. This is not an exercise to have the institution create a record. Existing records that would satisfy the appellant’s request have been proven to exist, by the fact, in order for the subject reports to have been provided council confirming the best of the three proposals, the institution would have to of completed responsible, accurate, completed and scrupulously fair operational and costings to each proposal. The appellant’s FOI specifically, clearly and unequivocally specifies and describes to
provide all costings related to proposals ‘B’ and ‘C’ which would verify the institution’s statements, in the reports to council.” Also at issue for the local man is the fact the municipality submitted to the IPC a 30-page defense as to why they are not required to disclose the information requested within the scope of the appellants FOI and subsequent appeal. “The province has ruled against the municipality and ordered the institution to disclose information as described within the scope of the appellants requests. New records are not being requested nor are they required, only the existing records already proven by the municipality’s own actions in this matter,” he noted. Cyrderman believes if the municipality did do a cost analysis of proposals A, B and C, the documents that supported the report to council would already be available, and
should have been available for council to do their due diligence in researching the three options provided. “There appears to be holes in the legislative authority and mandate given the IPC, in that, a municipality can sidestep disclosing taxpayer owned information by only having to portray a “reasonable search” which seems to have taken place here,” he added in his e-mail to the IPC. “The unnecessary continued dialogue and narrative to this matter is costing taxpayers thousands of dollars.” The municipality disagrees with Cryderman’s interpretation of the data he was given. “We have complied with the ruling made by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario earlier this year and we have provided Mr. Cryderman with the information he requested,” said John Norton, general
manager of community development services for the municipality. “He can continue through to the adjudication process, as is his right.” According to Norton, Chatham-Kent has dealt with hundreds of Freedom of Information requests since 2011 and this is the first time the municipality has been ordered to release information. Stats compiled by the municipality show from 2005 to June of this year, 389 FOI requests have been submitted, 11 have been forwarded to the IPC, and one has received an order to release information. Speaking to the issue of open and transparent government, Cryderman said the municipality says they are open and transparent in the media, but force citizens to file FOI requests for information they should be entitled to. “My position, based on my experience in filing and winning many FOI
orders, Chatham-Kent is not open; Chatham-Kent is not transparent,” he said in an interview. “Council has to not only be reminded, but also reschooled to exactly what their lawful and fiduciary responsibilities and moral obligations are to the public and the same with administration.” He would like to see reports from administration to council be more clear, detailed and fair. “Council should not be making decisions based on recommendation reports from administration because these reports simply do not have the verifiable evidence to support the claims from administration,” Cryderman stated. With a new council about to be sworn in, Cryderman hopes the new
members will ask administration for facts to back up reports so they can make decisions with all the information needed so they know they are making the best decision possible with taxpayers’ money based on every detail available. Asked why he is continuing to pursue the matter after two years, Cryderman said it comes down to calling the municipality out on its lack of transparency, and concern about a pattern of withholding information from the public. He hopes to see the Ministry of Municipal Affairs make changes to the Ontario Municipal Act to hold councils and administration to stricter standards of compiling and sharing information on financial reports and decisions.
The Chatham Goodfellows will be out in your neighbourhood on Monday, December 3th for their annual Porchlight Campaign. Volunteers will begin from the Spirit and Life Centre (formerly St. Joseph Auditorium) at 5:30pm.
Please leave your porchlight on and give generously! Toys and Games in good condition can be dropped off at:
Blackburn Radio Bowlerama Brio Academy Canadian Tire CIBC - St. Clair & Merritt Chatham Retirement Resort Giant Tiger Heritage Savings & Credit Union Holiday Inn Express Honda House HUB Creative Group LCBO - St. Clair St. LCBO - Wellington St. W
Maple City Residence Post Media Real Canadian Super Store Riverview Bingo Palace Rona Cashway ScotiaBank -King St. W. ScotiaBank - Thames Lea Plaza Staples Tepperman’s The Chatham Voice The Wish Centre Winners
10 Wellington St., W. Chatham 519-351-8381
Specialized Pest Management for the Agri Food sector!
Thamesville • 519-692-4232
20 Sandy St., Chatham 519-354-6360 • 1-800-265-0598
Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat 8-4
New & Used Tires Top Notch Service That’s Just How We Roll!
10 Indian Creek Rd. East Chatham ( Just. E of Queen)
DRIPLESS OIL SPRAY $ 59.95 (SUV’S & Pick ups 79.95) $
November 23, 2018 See Nov. 22 issue of