The Chatham Voice, Nov. 29, 2018

Page 1


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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2018

Vol. 6 Edition 47

Old Kent courthouse, and jail in local hands

By Mary Beth Corcoran

While its future still isn’t known, the former Kent County Courthouse and Jail historical building is now in local hands. According to local realtor Carson Warrener, his family purchased the building after the province put it up for public sale for an approximate $1 million price tag. The municipality was offered the property to purchase, but passed on it. The former Kent County Courthouse and Jail building, built in 1849, was designated a heritage building by Chatham-Kent council in 2003, and was closed in 2014. “We own similar buildings in the downtown vicinity and it’s always been on our radar as a significant historic building,” Warrener said in an interview with The Voice. “Over the last 11 or

12 years, as they moved the courts out and then more recently moved the corrections facility out, it was pretty obvious it was going to become surplus so we were watching and listening, and then it did come up. “It’s not that it’s really something we needed; but you never need a historic building,” Warrener joked, “But the community definitely needs them from the historic preservation side of it.” The original jail building is made of white limestone. Of historical significance and interest is that Canada’s second prime minister, Alexander Mackenzie, worked as a stone mason on the project when he first came to Canada looking for work. It is also one of only four remaining buildings in Chatham that predate 1860. The Warrener family, led by patriarch Dan, are known in the community for purchasing historical-

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ly significant buildings and re-purposing them for community or private business use. One example is the former Chatham Armoury beside Tecumseh Park, which now houses businesses and is used as an event centre available to rent by the public. “The municipality has the first right of refusal and they obviously passed, so that allowed it to go to the open market. There was quite a bit of interest from other folks, so we were pretty quick to get an offer in and get that process started,” Warrener explained. “The big question everyone has is what are your plans; what are you going to do?” He said his family doesn’t have a plan yet, as they need to learn more about the building, which is unique historically as well as architecturally, with the courts and jail in one facility. Continued on page 2



What a homecoming!

Sarah Schofield/The Chatham Voice

Chatham’s own Bridget Carleton (21), a senior with the Iowa Cyclones, watches for a rebound Nov. 21 against the Eastern Michigan Eagles. Carleton was joined by about 1,200 cheering family and friends as she made a special return to her hometown on Nov. 21, armed with her Cyclones teammates. With a final score of 85-59, Iowa won the NCAA Division-I game hosted at St. Clair College’s HealthPlex. The Cyclones try to play a game close to home for each senior, but this marked the first time the team came north of the border to play.

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Warreners buy vintage venue for $1 million

Continued from page 1

“Some areas you could use today pretty much, but there are others I’m not so sure you’d even want to go in them right now,” Warrener noted. Chatham-Kent newly elected councilor and retired police officer Amy Finn said the news the Warrener’s purchased the building is positive for the community. “I think it’s great,” Finn said. “You can do tours through there. I don’t know what he has planned but it’s our heritage. You’ve got the superior court room up there that is just beautiful.” She said she has visited former jail sites in other communities that had historic tours and even hotel rooms.

“I’d be very interested to know what they have planned. I think it’s wonderful the building has been sold to someone in the community who really cares. They don’t want it to go to trash; there is a lot of history there.” The main courtroom of the building has a large stained glass ceiling piece that is unique, and Warrener said the panel behind the judge’s chair also makes the room very interesting. He said it would certainly be a focal point. “Coming up with a use for it will be interesting, as the building wasn’t built to be accessible, so that poses a lot of issues for use, and zoning is a bit of an issue as it is in a residential neighbourhood,” Warrener mused. “Some-

What’s New

thing will make sense; it will just take some time. We will work with the community, and we’ve worked with the municipality on lots of projects. We’re pretty open communicators and we find that is usually the best method of connecting the pieces and coming up with something that will help protect the building.” The biggest issue, he said, is that the building has no use right now and requires extensive renovations before the use can be changed. The courtroom will most likely be the first area they will be able to come up with a use for to generate an income stream. They also need to keep the building from falling into further

Chatham Voice file photo

The Warrener family recently purchased the former Kent County Courthouse and Jail buildings for $1 million. They said they are still investigating what to do with the building.

disrepair. “The change of use is the real big encumbrance of

just go in and use it as something else, so that’s a challenge,” he noted.


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any big building and it was engineered as a corrections facility. You can’t

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Access is the issue: Lacina Any demolition of rendering plant hampered by access

By Bruce Corcoran

Everybody wants to see the old Darling rendering plant torn down, according to municipal officials. The only problem is accessing the property. In last week’s edition, The Chatham Voice detailed concerns by business owners and police of the goings on by squatters and thieves at the property. Squatters took up residence on the property while thieves have used it as a place to sort out their stolen loot, and to burn insulation off stolen copper wire prior to attempted sale to local scrapyards. Paul Lacina, director of Building Development Services for the municipality, said his department has received complaints about the property and reached out to the property owner, O&G Investments. “We’ve spoken to the property owner about getting the remainder of the building knocked down,” he said. “The issue is access to the property. My understanding is

that the previous access the owner had has been removed by the owners of the railway.” The property is bordered by McGregor Creek from the northwest to southeast, and by rail lines on the west and south. CN/ VIA has the rail line running east-west across the south face of the property, But the confusion lies with the north-south line, which borders the best access point to the property on the west side. The rendering plant is located closest to the western edge of the property. Lacina said there is an access point where a pickup or other light vehicle could cross the railroad tracks, but heavy equipment, such as a dump truck or excavator, couldn’t. According to CSX Rail spokesperson Katie Chimelewski, CSX owns the north-south property, but has leased it to CN and sold them the tracks. She said CN maintains the tracks. Lacina said the property owner has been quite

Contributed image

It appears most everyone wants to see the old rendering plant in Chatham demolished, but the problem, according to municipal officials is access for heavy equipment.

co-operative. “We’ve been working with the owner for many years cleaning up other areas along there. This recent one is creating a bit of an access issue,” he said.








tenance with O&G, said people simply should not be on the property. “Industrial property is not a playground. I have all respect for homeless people, but they shouldn’t


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“The owner’s been open to the conversation about doing something about that property in terms of getting it torn down.” Brent Gibbons, who works in property main-




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Take the pedal off the metal By Bruce Corcoran

Chatham-Kent OPP are reminding motorists to slow down in constructions zones along Highway 401. They just hope someone listens. Since June, officers have conducted a focused patrol initiative in the construction zones on the highway in C-K. As of Nov. 21, they laid 629 Highway Traffic Act

charges. 469 for speeding and 151 Const. Jay Denorer with faced charges for other ofthe OPP fences. said one “A lot of times, we’ll “ I driver was wouldn’t see people coming charged say they arcriminally into the one lane and en’t overly with dan- they’re getting passed. surprising,” gerous op- The other person is Denorer eration of a getting one car ahead said of the motor venumbers. and they’re putting hicle, three “We deal others were everybody at risk.” with speedhit with - Const. Jay Denorer ers all the careless time. But driving charges, five were when you look at a connabbed for stunt driving, struction zone and you

see this many speeders, you figure people would slow down.” The numbers translate to an average of more than three drivers getting charged a day in the construction zone, Denorer said. “Fines are doubled when workers are present. I’m not sure if it’s on the weekend and people think no construction is going on or if they just don’t care,” he said. “About 100 people a month decided not

Notice of Open House Ridge Landfill Expansion, Waste Connections of Canada In the spring of 2018 Waste Connections of Canada commenced with an environmental assessment study under the Environmental Assessment Act to expand the existing Ridge Landfill. The Ridge Landfill has been serving the Municipality of Chatham-Kent community for 50 years and will reach its approved capacity by approximately 2021. Adding capacity to the Ridge Landfill will enable Waste Connections of Canada to continue to provide long term residual waste disposal capacity to industrial, commercial and institutional customers in southern and central Ontario, as well as the Municipality of Chatham-Kent for the next 20 years.

EA Update Work has been completed to identify and evaluate alternative configurations for the expanded landfill including alternative leachate treatment and landfill gas management methods. Preliminary results of this evaluation will be available at the Open House for your review and comment.

You are invited to our second Public Open House! The purpose of the Open House is to get your input on the preliminary evaluation of alternatives ways to expand the Ridge Landfill. Time & Date: December 6, 2018 from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Location: St. Mary’s Hall, 94 George St, Blenheim, ON

Following the Open House, additional studies will be completed to determine ways to mitigate potential impacts the proposed expansion may have on the natural, social, economic, cultural and built environment. This work is being undertaken based on the Amended Terms of Reference for the project approved on May 1, 2018, by the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks. The approved amended Terms of Reference is available on the project website Waste Connections of Canada is continuously committed to enhancing waste recycling and reduction programs. Information related to these efforts will be presented at the Open House.

to (obey the law). The big ones are the stunt drivers.” Denorer added drivers are also spotted too often trying to get ahead of one last vehicle on the way into construction zones at the last second. “A lot of times, we’ll see people coming into the one lane and they’re getting passed. The other person is getting one car ahead and they’re putting everybody at risk,” he said. “All it takes is that

one person who passes on the right to have a collision. At the worst, someone is hurt or killed.” Over the past five months, local OPP officers have hit the road for regular patrols, but have also conducted the focused patrols inside construction zones. Denorer said that consists of officers monitoring “the big four” – speeding, lack of seat belt use, aggressive and distracted driving, and impaired driving.

Ward 1 results under challenge

By Bruce Corcoran

The October municipal election results for West Kent are under a challenge. Municipal officials say former mayoral candidate Robert Salvatore Powers has challenged the results in the voting for councillors from that ward. The application, which does not challenge the results in any other ward or that of the mayor’s position, will be heard before the Superior Court of Justice Jan. 2. Mark Authier, the top vote getter in the recent election in that ward, with 1,991, said it is his understanding that Powers initiated the challenge over the validity of the ballots. “They put the number up from each area community that you could vote in on the regular polls. Apparently what happened is someone used a pen on the top and it didn’t show up properly,” Authier said. “Basically what he (Powers) is saying is, ‘How come this isn’t here?’

But apparently it doesn’t have to be on the ballot. It’s used so candidates can see where they were stronger or weaker.” Powers could not be reached for comment. The official results showed Authier and Melissa Harrigan as the successful candidates with 1,991 and 1,682 votes respectively, while Bryon Fluker (1,050), Mark Pastorius (252) and Jordan Dell (88) were not elected. John Norton, Chief Legal Officer and General Manager Community Development, said the municipality will take whatever direction is given by the courts. Judy Smith, Chief Returning Officer and Clerk, had responsibility for overseeing the election and confirmed the results Oct. 24. Norton said since the matter is now before the courts, the municipality will not make further comment. According to municipal officials, the municipality will continue with the planned swearing in process for the new council on Dec. 3.

Consultation Public consultation is a very important aspect of the EA process. Our second public open house will be held on December 6th, 2018 (see text box above). Members of the public, agencies, Indigenous communities and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the planning process by attending consultation events or contacting Waste Connections to provide information, comments or to ask questions.

Multigenerational Buyers Luce Cools is seen with Chris Stanley of Corunna. He is seen picking up his 2018 Chrysler Pacifica Touring L Plus. He is a third generation customer and this is also his third vehicle he has purchased from Luce. Thank you for buying local and safe journey!

Consultation events will be held throughout the EA planning process and notice of those events will be published in local newspapers, distributed to those on the project contact list; and posted at Please visit the website under our Contact Us page to be added to the project contact list. For further information please contact: Cathy Smith Project Manager Waste Connections of Canada T: 519-358-2860 E: All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-327-1434.


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CKPS rep on provincial board

By Mary Beth Corcoran

Chatham-Kent will see one of its own as a vice-chair on the Ontario Association of Police Service Boards (OAPSB). Recently, the OAPSB held its annual executive election, and Chatham-Kent Police Services Board Chair Pat Weaver was elected vice-chair of this organization. Eli El-Chantiry of the Ottawa Police Service remains as the chair and Phil Huck from Waterloo Regional Police Service remains as the deputy vicechair. “There is a nomination process once a year and representatives from all the Ontario police service zones vote on who they wish to be their chair and two vice-chairs,� Weaver explained. The OAPSB is the leading voice of police governance in Ontario. They serve members and stakeholders, as well as the general public, by helping local police services boards fulfill their legislated responsibilities by providing training and networking opportunities and facilitating the transfer of knowledge; and advocating for improvements in public safety laws and reg-

ulations, practices and funding mechanisms. “Pat Weaver was elected vice-chair of the Ontario Association of Police Boards Pat Weaver because his peers recognize him as a highly accomplished leader in police governance in Ontario. We are extremely fortunate to have him on our board of directors,� said El-Chantiry in a statement. For Weaver, it means more work on his plate and travel to quarterly meetings, but he is happy to represent Chatham-Kent policing interests, and the public’s, at the provincial level. There is important legislation currently before the Legislature, which he said the OAPSB is heavily invested in getting right. “Organizationally, what we do the most, for the past four years, is lobby the provincial government because the previous government changed the Police Act for the first time in 25 years and incorporated it into the new Bill 175 Safer Ontario Act,� Weaver

noted. “As a board representing all the police services boards in the province, we’ve been lobbying heavily for some of the changes in the Act.� Bill 175 is currently stalled in the Legislature, as it is being reviewed by the new government under Premier Doug Ford, but Weaver said the OAPSB will be part of the process. The most important changes they are working on, according to Weaver, are governance training for all police board members in the province. He said members can be duly elected, appointed by the municipality, or appointed by the province. “What we want to ensure is that every person who lands on a police service board is fully trained in governance because we are the representatives of the community to the police services,� Weaver explained. He said that issue is one the OAPSB is working hard to change the rules on training. Fred Kaustinen, executive director of the OAPSB added, “As an OAPSB board member and committee chair, Pat Weaver’s knowledge, leadership and drive have helped us resolve some highly complex issues re-

lated to new legislation, succesConn said he is pleased with sion and strategic planning. His Weaver’s appointment. help has been invaluable.â€? “We are extremely proud of Mr. When asked about the concerns Weaver’s appointment to the with property crimes and addic- Ontario Association of Police tion-related and mental health Services Boards, as he is the first issues in the community, Weav- member of the Chatham-Kent er said those issues are a major Police Services Board to ever atfocus locally, and are included in tain this position within the Exthe three pillars of commitment ecutive of the OAPSB,â€? he said. in the 2018-2020 strategic plan put forth by CKPS Chief Gary Conn. “Policing is changing. It’s Your Diamond Jeweller for 40 years becoming more and more at the social-services, men- Specializing in tal-health level. Crime prevention will always be crime prevention and ev...all Shapes & Sizes ery community has that, but the mental health area needs to be addressed and the new Act is hopefully going to change the way we do that, which is then going to . . . 10 - 14 - 18 KT Gold change policing and how it works,â€? Weaver said. JEWELLERY The issue, he said, will be REPAIR knowing how to channel “Lowest Prices people correctly to where Guaranteed!â€? they need to go and not have them “swallowed up in the Call Lance Babcock court system.â€? He said the at 519-436-7229 OAPSB is certainly advocatFor Your Personal Appointment ing for that to happen with Hours: Monday - Sunday • 8am-8pm the new Act.

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Staying in local hands Supporters of preserving our heritage in Chatham-Kent are breathing sigh of relief now that the Warrener family has purchased the former Kent County Courthouse and Jail building on Stanley Street in Chatham. The original white limestone building, built in 1849, was designated in 2003 by the municipality as a property of heritage and cultural value, and according the designation documents, is one of only four buildings in Chatham-Kent that pre-dates 1860. The building also has the distinction of having Canada’s second Prime Minister, Alexander Mackenzie, as a young stone mason who worked on laying the limestone blocks on the rear wall of the jail. The Warreners are no strangers to buying and re-purposing significant historical buildings in Chatham. Their work on the former Chatham Armoury and its vibrant use as an event venue saved that building from falling into disrepair and ruin, and several buildings in downtown Chatham have been restored to their former glory thanks to Dan and family. In Chatham-Kent, we are lucky to have people with the means, the community mindedness and the vision to look at the potential of a grand old edifice and transform it into a modern, yet historic revenue-maker. The Warreners, as well as the Myers with the incredible restoration and upgrade at The Retro Suites – and all those people who support heritage restoration and preservation – have stepped up where the municipality has stepped down. There simply isn’t enough public money for the upkeep and preservation for all the historically important buildings and properties in our community. We are exceptionally thankful to have private sector business people who are true visionaries and while they need some kind of return on their investment, have the community’s best interests at heart. Whatever plan the Warreners come up with for the old courthouse and jail, we know it will be innovative and will be an important part of our community. That’s a lot of pressure on them, but we know they are up to the task, and the community will come along for the ride.

Letters to the editor policy The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to (use “Letter” in the subject line). You can also drop them off or mail them to us at The Chatham Voice, 71 Sass Rd., Unit 4, Chatham, Ont, N7M 5J4. The Chatham Voice reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for brevity and clarity. All letters need to be signed.

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The publisher of this newspaper, CK Media Inc., reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party. Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.



Kudos to Theatre Kent, Capitol Sir: Recently, I was proud to be from Chatham-Kent. My wife and I attended the Theatre Kent special, “40 Years – the Sounds of TK” at the Capitol Theatre. My pride stemmed from two reasons. The first was the level of performance by everyone involved in the production. We give a lot of attention in this area to sports events and our many, successful local athletes, but now I know that we also have a great many local, very talented, live theatre performers and musicians. Their class and talent

were really evident, from the first planners to the orchestra to the singers, dancers and choruses. The high level of commitment by all involved showed up in all of the numbers, and the entire evening moved along very professionally, as the audience proved by their applause for every segment, all night. Theatre Kent has given us so much talent over the years, and this show provided it once again. Kudos to all. The second reason was the venue chosen – the Capitol Theatre. This

evening would have been really good at the Cultural Centre or any other location, but the facilities at the Capitol helped to make it outstanding. I have been a barbershopper for 50 years and have sung and/or competed at theatres, auditoriums, banquet halls, arenas and many other locations all over Ontario, and believe me, the Capitol is as good as it gets, anywhere. The theatre inside is magnificent, the stage is outstanding and can easily handle the more than 60 people and musicians that

were all on stage together many times. The sound system, lighting and backdrops were first class and added so much to the show. Also, there is really not a bad seat in the house. I know we spent a lot of money to get the Capitol to where it is today, but it is worth it. If you have not yet been there, at least put it on your bucket list; you won’t regret it. Finally, once again to all of you talented people and Theatre Kent, thanks for a truly great evening. Frank Sysel Chatham

Seniors’ isolation letter rings true Sir: What a wonderful letter from reader Paul Prown (“Social isolation a danger for seniors,” in the Nov. 15 Chatham Voice). My wife and I are elderly (although I certainly don’t consider myself old) and, although we have six middle-aged “kids” be-

tween us, we never hear from any of them. We moved to Chatham in September of 2009 and, although we didn’t know anybody before we came here, we were introduced to a friendly bible-teach-

ing church in town and are grateful we belong to our church “family” plus several neighbours who are friends! If it wasn’t for that, we would probably also feel we were in “social isola-

tion.” As the number of seniors increases, Paul’s fears are quite valid, especially as we draw nearer to Christmas. Which is a time when families often get together. Stephen Beecroft Chatham

The Chatham Voice is printed by: One of Canada’s 50 Printers The contents of this newspaper are protected byTOP copyright. No material from this edition may be reproduced without expressed written consent of CK Media Inc. 800.465.1662 705.687.6691

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Honouring C-K’s agriculture experts

By Bruce Corcoran

Local agricultural experts received accolades on Nov. 21 at the 72nd annual Rural-Urban Dinner put on by the Chatham-Kent Chamber of commerce. Robert Kerr received the agriculturalist of the year honour, while Joseph Grootenboer earned ag innovator (individual) accolades and Veritas Farm Business Management took the ag innovator (business) award. Ron Faubert was named friend of agriculture, and 4-H members of the year were Adam Reid and Emma Richards. Adrian Van Dyck, emcee of the event, credited the judging panel with selecting very qualified recipients. He added farmers have evolved with the changing technology. Today, farmers utilize farm equipment that is essentially driven by GPS systems. While in those machines, the farmers also use social media to check in with one another. Kerr, who just enjoyed his 48th crop year, said he has seen a great deal of change in the industry over the years. “Every year is different. We’ve made tremendous progress. We now have precision farming – the perfect spacing of seed, autopilot tractors and down-pressure on planting



that allows you to get uniform depth,” he said. He added he appreciates being recognized with the top honour at the Rural Urban Dinner. Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice “It’s a great honour to be rec- From left, Joseph Grootenboer (ag innovator), Dylan Sher (guest speaker), Bob Kerry (agriculturalist of the year), ognized,” he said. Aaron Breimer on behalf of Veritas Farm Business Management (ag innovator), and Ron Faubert (friend of agriFaubert, a farmer, said the culture) were honoured Nov. 21 at the 72nd annual Rural Urban Dinner. friends of agriculture award recognizes individuals and in- a great team. It’s amazing to be tham-Kent is rather unique in parts together,” he said. “It’s dustries. that there is such mix of rural a bit unique here as ag is very recognized.” “I’ve worked on various close to the city. It’s a crazy opDylan Sher, producer of the and urban elements. boards, and been with a lot agri-documentary Before the “I share my experience on portunity to live and be around of different projects,” he said. Plate that featured several lo- what the urban perspective is. it.” “I’m humbled. I’ve worked cal farm organizations, was Tonight, they brought the two with a lot of great people in ag- the guest speaker at the riculture.” dinner. Grootenboer, owner of River He’s a University of Bell Market Garden in Dres- Coil ® Guelph student iswho Advanced Pocketed Technology den, said he was happy to re- hails from Toronto. therecognition heart of the Beautyrest mattress ceive the as an ag He Black befriended Chaand exclusive to the tham-Kent Beautyreststudents Black at innovator. Delivering Hometown Service To Our Valued Customers! “Our business ties into line. These tripleChastranded coils provide the university and took tham-Kent withdurability all our cusan interestwrapped in tracking greater than traditional tomers,” he said. “We are con- how food goes from the delivering relief, motion Open: Mon.- Thurs. 9:30 - 5:30 ; Fri. 9:00 - 6:00 ; Sat. 10:00 - 4:00 ; Sun. 12 - 4:00 nected coils with while sales right acrosspressure farmers’ fields to our separation for undisturbed sleep, and back Chatham-Kent.” dinner plates. Aaronsupport Breimer, representSher said Cha. ing Veritas, said the company being • Simmons Lily Queen Bed Download named an ag innothis vator is amazing. • Frigidaire 5 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer Model FFFC05M2UW children’s For him, being hon• Samsung 5.9 Cu. Ft. Electric SS Range NE59J763055 Christmas oured at the Rural video today Urban Dinner is • Marathon 4.5 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator (white or black) for only only fitting, he said. • Energy Savings Kit (low flow shower head, etc.) $2.00 US “I’m an import to No Purchase Necessary Chatham-Kent. One of my first events A story about Santa delivering toys was the Rural Ur- in new technology. Send an email to ban Dinner in 2001,” for the link to the movie. he said. “I’m part of


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How police train for a crisis

By Bruce Corcoran

Stay calm, and develop a strong rapport. Those are important

words to live by as a police crisis negotiator. Chatham-Kent and Niagara Regional police officers, along with staff from the Canadian

Mental Health Association took part last week in a crisis negotiators course in Chatham. Tom Hart, of Canadian Critical Incident Inc. (CCII), put on

Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

From left, Const. Kevin Burgess, Sgt. Mike Stokes, Sgt. Paul Pomajba, Sgt. Jason Chickowski and Const. Trevor Biskey work on a mock crisis negotiation during recent training at the John D. Bradley Centre.

the course. For two decades, he served as a crisis negotiator with the Durham Regional Police. He said it is all about how to communicate and negotiate. In many cases, when officers are faced with a crisis situation, it’s due to mental health issues. “You have to recognize the illness and develop a negotiation strategy,” he said. “The whole focus is a peaceful resolution. It could be two hours or two days (of negotiations).” Primarily, such crises occur in the form of an escalated domestic dispute, Hart added. “It could also be brought on by drugs, alcohol or poor coping skills,” he said. “Regardless, the focus is to resolve the crisis, stabilize the person and get them treatment. Listening and de-escalating is crucial.” Hart said a sign of progress in such negotiations is developing a rapport with the person, and that begins with an accurate assessment of what is troubling them.

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“You can then build on that rapport and then can help influence that person,” he said. Patience and tolerance are must-haves. Participating officers said it is crucial training, as frontline officers are negotiating on a daily basis. Const. Fraser Curtis with the CKPS took part in the course for recertification purposes. He’s been a crisis negotiator for the past seven years. “This training is very valuable. It’s something that’s needed on the road,” he said. “There are times when a call comes in and a crisis negotiator is the primary contact. You work to de-escalate and have a positive outcome.” Sgt. Albert Pilbeam of CKPS said there is “tremendous value” in crisis training. “In any hostage environment, negotiation has to be at the forefront,” he said. “It’s something that happens with a high degree of regularity.” Pilbeam added officers must be aware of the various mental illnesses from which a person could suffer. Sarah Faubert, who works with the CMHA, said taking the course offered her the chance to learn a new perspective. She is part of the CMHA’s crisis team. “It’s important to have knowledge of mental illnesses and have validation techniques to de-escalate,” she said of police officers. “We (CMHA) might know the historic diagnosis and any resources there are in the community to help an individual. The officers have a different set of skills than the CMHA. But we can integrate these skill sets.” When media caught up to course participants on Nov. 22, they were involved in mock hostage negotiations.

Continued on page 12

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168 Cottage ~ $359,000 A Wedge constructed 2017 model town home featuring a Windmill kitchen having ample cupboards and numerous upgrades including spacious granite counters that overlook the open concept living room/ dining room. The main floor features two full baths as well as two spacious bedrooms with the master having his and her closets as well as glass sliding shower doors. Solar tubes provide additional natural lighting for the two main floor bathrooms. The 9’ main floor ceilings create a more spacious feeling. The lower level has a large family room with gas fireplace, a spacious bedroom and a third full bath. A drinking water filtration system has been installed for your enjoyment. A 3 panel patio door leads to a spacious well landscaped rear yard that is completely fenced and contains a large cement patio and walkways. This fine home comes with a 12’ X 8’ storage shed.

83 Valencia

Currently under construction this approximately 2723 square foot (including basement) 2 storey offers spacious rooms and a sought after prime location in Prestancia. This 4+1 bedroom, 4 bath family home is “carpet free” with hardwood floors and features granite counters and “Mylen cabinetry” throughout. Exterior boasts accent stone finish to match the brick and siding and composite rear decking. Double car garage with 2 independent operating single doors with electric openers and a finished basement is ideal for the children to use on wet days.

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open house

David Smith* 519-350-1615

Alex Stefik* 519-437-7304

Michael Smyth* 519-784-5470

Patti Vermeersch* 519-355-6800

SUN. DEC. 2 • 12-2PM 42 CROYDON • $228,588 AGENT: ALEX STEFIK 4br, 1.5 bath split level on a lovely large lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

New Listing 6360 GRANDE RIVER LINE $1,090,000

73,872 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

10889 RIVER LINE $1,500,000 3+4br, 5 bath, 4,000 sq ft rancher on 1.4 acres backing onto Maple City Golf Club & the river. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

New Price 17 RENAISSANCE • $429,000

Cindy Weaver** 519-360-0628


Spectacular 3+2br, 4 bath waterfront rancher with impeccable grounds. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

10907 RIVER LINE $699,000

4 bedroom stone rancher situated on a one acre river lot with well developed outdoor living area. Call Carson at 519-809-2856.

18260 ERIE SHORE, ERIEAU • $549,900

Beautiful 3br waterfront property completely renovated. Call Penny 519-360-0315 or Elliot 519-358-8755.

Brian Peifer Broker of Record Cell 519-436-2669

Offer Pending 10596 LAKEVIEW $499,900

2 year old, 3br, 2 bath brick ranch style open concept home. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

7088 TALBOT TRAIL, DEALTOWN • $499,900

AGENTS: DAVID SMITH & ALEX STEFIK Beautiful 1616 sq ft 3br 2 bath ranch. New build, currently under construction. Call Carson 519-809-2856.

7627 RIVERVIEW LINE $729,900

Quality custom built home on a beautiful river lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

37 CRAMAR $848,800 This colonial home offers 4+1 bedrooms, 5 baths, second kitchen and so much more. Call Patrick 519-3600141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

New Listing 6269 RIVERVIEW LINE $541,000 Approximately 36 workable acres systematically tiled. Call Catie 519-809-4268.

10530 RIVER LINE, HARWICH • $449,900

Large 4br, 2.5 bath 4 level side split with i/g pool on the River. Call Pat 519-360-0141 or Catie 519-809-4268.

Lease 10 GRAND AVE W $17/SQ FT

This property features 3300 sq ft with retail/showroom area & more. Call Steve 519-355-9774.

George McDougall* 519-360-7334

June McDougall* 519-358-5199

Sylvia Moffat** 519-355-8189

Ghassan (Gus) Najjar** 519-355-8668

Heather Najjar** 519-355-8666

Kristen Nead** 519-784-7653

Andrea Okopny* 519-359-2482

Chris Papple* 519-350-1402

Elizabeth Peifer* 519-436-8959

Amber Pinsonneault* 519-784-5310

Brian Preston* 519-355-9868

Patrick Pinsonneault** 519-360-0141

Deborah Rhodes* 519-401-5470

Bev Shreve** 519-358-8805

Ron Smith* 519-360-7729

Brandice Smith* 226-626-4838

4br, 3 bath charming 2 storey home on Lake Erie with access to private sandy beach. Call Wayne 519-436-4810.

open house

SAT. DEC. 1 • 1-3PM

Carson Warrener* 519-809-2856

Peifer Realty Inc.

7259 RIVERVIEW $839,900



2 lake front building lots with beach access. Call Carson 519-809-2856.


Beautiful modern office complex in Blenheim. Call Elliot 519-358-8755 or Penny 519-360-0315.

New Listing Elliot Wilton* 519-358-8755

Penny Wilton** 519-360-0315

New Listing 228 CHATHAM, BLENHEIM • $198,500 Kelly-Anne Appleton* 519-365-7155

Steve Carroll* 519-355-9774

3br, 2 bath brick ranch on large lot. 2 car garage, newer furnace & a/c. Call George 519-360-7334.

38 TAYLOR TRAIL $245,000

Attractive & spotless 2+1br, 2 bath raised ranch home with lovely open plan. Call Chris 519-350-1402.

Offer Pending 171 MERRITT $224,900

Lovely 2br, 2 bath all brick, 4 level side split with some updates. 1st time offered! Call Alex 519-437-7304.

83 VALENCIA $529,900

Approximately 2723 sq ft incls basement, 4+1 br, 4 bath 2 storey currently under construction. Call David 519-350-1615.

20400 COUNTY RD 42, TILBURY • $1,250,000

High exposure business right beside Hwy 401 at Tilbury interchange. Call Ron 519-360-7729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

New Listing

Eric Fitzgerald* 519-436-4865

Ronald Franko** 519-355-8181

Offer Pending 71 PARRY $229,900 3br, 1.5 bath 4 level side split with i/g pool. Large list of updates on file. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.

Michael Gibbons* 519-365-5634

New Price

234 TWEEDSMUIR W $284,900

4br, 1.5 bath 2 storey family home with updated kitchen on a large corner lot. Call Kristen 519-784-7653.

36 DUFFERIN $250,000

This 4-plex is located on a quiet historical street in Chatham. Call Amber 519-784-5310.

5334 TALBOT TRAIL $209,900

Rare buildable 4.89 ac lakefront building lot located on Lake Erie. Call Deb R. 519-401-5470.

11540 WILDWOOD, MORPETH • $369,900 2 br, 2 bath home with large yard near the water. Lr with gas fireplace. Dr and updated kitchen. Garage and workshop. Call Ron 519-3607729 or Brandice 226-626-4838.

82 UNIVERSITY $289,900 3br, 2 bath brick ranch with 2 fireplaces, covered patio & nice decor. Call Sylvia 519-355-8189.

277 JOSEPH $255,000

3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey with lg private backyard. Call Pat 519-3600141 or Amber 519-784-5310.

614 DAYLIGHT $329,500

1515 sq ft 2 br, 2 bath semi detached townhome to be built by Maple City Homes. Call David 519-350-1615.

D L SO 14801 MCDONALD, MUIRKIRK • $475,000 Beautiful 3+1br, 2 bath raised rancher on 4.4 acres with many updates! Call Amber 519-784-5310.

25669 WINTERLINE $249,900

Approximately 7,000 sq ft situated on a 189’ x 324’ lot. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

11927 BASELINE, WABASH • $219,900

Neat & tidy 3br brick bungalow on 3/4 acre lot. Many updates. Call Brian K 519-365-6090.

Catie Hawryluk* 519-809-4268


Lease Brian Keenan* 519-365-6090

Wayne Liddy* 519-436-4810


45 RICHMOND $229,000 Totally renovated 3br, 1.5 bath 2 storey. Call Mike Smyth 519-784-5470.

318 BALDOON $239,900

3br, 2 bath 4 level side split with some updates. Call June 519-358-5199.

45 KING, WALLACEBURG $159,900 Cute 3 br bungalow extensively remodelled. Call Chris 519-350-1402.


Premium 1500 sq ft office space ideal for professional. Call Brian Peifer 519-436-2669.

Offer Pending 168 COTTAGE $359,000

2+1br, 3 bath semi ranch, townhouse with a spacious & well landscaped lot. Call Andrea 519-359-2482 or David Smith 519-350-1615.

49 HEATHER $229,900

Very well maintained & move-in ready 3br, 3 level side split. Call Eric 519-436-4865.

56 ST GEORGE $79,900

Cozy 3br bungalow with fenced rear yard & new replacement windows. Call Ron Franko 519-352-5235.

$229,900 Great opportunity for institutional uses. Building has been revamped & looks amazing inside & out. Call Heather 519-355-8666 or Gus 519-355-8668.

Sales Representative *



Dealing with crises Continued from page 8

Hart had set up scenarios where actors were holed up in rooms at the nearby Holiday Inn Express, and teams of negotiators had to work to de-escalate the situations. The teams were comprised of five officers – an incident commander who had oversight of the situation, a tactical commander who offered advice on force options should the negotiations falter, and three officers involved in direct negotiations with the person in crisis. “We make it challenging, but realistic,” Hart said of the scenarios. Curtis said the scenarios offer the closest thing to an actual situation and trump anything taught in a classroom setting. He added that an officer has to learn to remain calm no matter what is thrown at him or her. “It can be stressful. Keeping a level head is pretty important,” he said.



Area funding announced

Shawn Plain, the Chair of SFNS, said the consultant from Sisco and Helping to improve the Associates is helping the economic development seven member First Naof rural areas, the RED tions identify different (Rural Economic Devel- areas of “leakage” from opment) Program is as- their economy, exploring sisting the Southern First where it is and how it can Nations Secretariat to the be captured back. “They will go into each tune of $73,860. The RED program First Nation individually funds projects that stim- and look at the particuulate economic growth lars of that First Nation in Ontario’s rural and because, we’re all differIndigenous communities ent; you can’t paint us all and the funding was an- with the same brush. We nounced recently by Cha- all have different opportham-Kent Leamington tunities in our areas deMPP Rick Nicholls on be- pending on where our lohalf of Ernie Hardeman, cation is and things we’re Minister of Agriculture, involved in. So, we’re going to look into the ecoFood and Rural Affairs. WHERE DREAMS COME HOME The Southern First Na- nomic loss of each First 519-359-8588 tions Secretariat includes Nation and give them a to see where Aamjiwnaang First Na- report backBarb Phillips Broker of Record Email: money tion, Caldwell First Na- they’re spending tion, Chippewas of Ket- and where they’re losing 18 Willcox St., Chatham tle and Stony Point First money,” Plain noted. 74 Elizabeth “There are always going Nation, Chippewas of Street the Thames First Nation, to be services you lose Great family home money on, but the focus is Delaware Nation – Morain lovely mature really on how can we imvian of the Thames, MunMary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice see-Delaware neighbourhood. Nation, prove our economy and Features eat-in create economic opportuRick Nicholls, MPP for Chatham-Kent Leamington, announces funding earmarked to stimu- and Onedia Nation of the kitchen, formal nities within ourselves.” late economic growth in Ontario’s rural and Indigenous communities. Thames. By Mary Beth Corcoran


Real Estate Brokerage

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228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes


228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes


7 McDonald St., Mitchell’s Bay .........................Rosaire Cartier, Excel Realty


17 Renaissance, Chatham, $429,000................David Smith & Alex Stefik, Royal LePage Peifer


42 Croydon, Chatham, $228,588 .......................Alex Stefik, Royal LePage Peifer Realty


228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes


7 McDonald St., Mitchell’s Bay .........................Rosaire Cartier, Excel Realty


228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes

Saturday, December 1

Sunday, December 2

Tuesday, December 4 Wednesday, December 5 1-3pm

228 Summerset, Chatham ................................Maple City Homes




Church explores 200-year legacy By Mary Beth Corcoran

Next year will mark 200 years of an Anglican presence in Chatham-Kent, and with that significant milestone comes a community project exploring the history of Christ Church. As just one component of the bi-centenary celebrations, Christ Church of Chatham and scholars from the History and Faculty of Theology at Huron University College, London, have received a grant from the federal Social Science and Humanities Research Council to study this narrative arc, according to Christ Church community liaison Devin Andrews. This joint research project, titled “Finding Christ Church: Social Justice in history, memory, and contemporary practice,

1819-2019,” aims to both explore and interpret this rich history, and investigate how the legacy of these stories retains a relevancy and urgency today that can motivate the community to address contemporary ills. “That very first faith community would later go on to become this present-day church, Christ Church, but would also play a role in helping to count all the Anglican churches throughout the county,” Andrews noted. He said in the 19th century, the Anglican church in Chatham used its public platform and considerable resources to support the movement to end slavery in the United States, and to speak out for racial equality in partnership with the black abolitionists and freedom seekers who made up one-third of Chatham’s population.


Mary Beth Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

Christ Church will be exploring its 200-year history in a research project partnership with Huron University College in London, Ont. Some of the people involved include, from left, Christ Church Warden Ron Hunter, Rector Rev. John Maroney, and church member Ralph Deline, along with Huron faculty member Dr. Nina Reid-Maroney and church liaison Devin Andrews.

“A century later, Chatham-Kent was the epicentre for African-Canadian civil rights activism, in challenges to racial segregation that led to the passage of Ontario’s landmark human rights legislation. Yet in 2018, Chatham has been identified as a hub in the network of human trafficking that runs along the 401 corridor,” Andrews said in a

release. “As a community located in the downtown core, Christ Church deals with the consequences of modern slavery on its doorstep.” Huron University College professor, Dr. Nina Reid-Maroney, from the Department of History, will be one of the people working on the project with student summer research interns, along with

Dr. Amy Bell, and Department of Theology professor Dr. Gary Babcock. “We see this as an exploration of the past as well as an exploration of the contemporary relevance of that Christ Church history,” Reid-Maroney said. “In addition to the student interns, we also involve students in our class work which connects directly to this material and course

work on civil rights, on historical method, and on Canadian and American history.” She said a class of students has already visited Christ Church and they will be taking part in a workshop in January to discuss digitizing the research material and making it accessible to the public.

Continued on page 15 A division of Beaulieu Canada







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Bruce Corcoran/The Chatham Voice

YA employees, from left, Evelyn Hewitson, Adrianne Vincent, Mercedi Martin, Jessica Clark and Julie MacKenzie showcase the mound of toys and food YA staffers gathered over the past six months for local charities Outreach for Hunger and Chatham Goodfellows.

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YA overflowing with support for local charities

By Bruce Corcoran

The president of Chatham Goodfellows was in awe of what the folks at YA have done this year in terms of gathering toys and food for those in need.

On Nov. 20, Tim Haskell ally proud to work with such stepped through the en- a caring team,” she said. trance to YA’s offices on RichGandham credited memmond Street in Chatham to bers of the community outbe greeted by proud staff and reach committee at YA, coma mound of toys and food. prised of Katy Male, Julie The Goodfellows will redis- MacKenzie, Kayla Ebdem, tribute the toys to children Evelyn Hewitson, Chris St. this holiday season, while the Pierre, Kelly Pinchinte and food went to help stock herself, with leading the way the shelves of Outreach by holding a friendly infor Hunger. house competition. “I think I’m going to “They separated the organineed a bigger vehicle,” zation randomly into teams Haskell told The Cha- and they had six months to tham Voice. “The gen- see who could raise the most erosity leaves you in points,” she said, adding awe of how much peo- points were made for both ple give.” food and toy donations. “The Rena Gandham, direc- winners are the children and tor of human resources their families.” for YA in Chatham said Gandham said the sheer this year delivered the volume of goods donated left largest amount of toys some staff speechless. and food gathered by “When people came out to employees to date. see this, we had some peo“We’ve been FAVOURITE here 16 ple in tears. They were overCANADA’S years and this is the whelmedFORby how generous first time we collected the YA community is,” she so many items. I’m re- said.




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Union Gas gives $20K to hospice The Chatham Voice

Union Gas recently supported the Chatham-Kent Hospice Volunteer Program with a $20,000 donation towards volunteer network initiatives. “Whether it’s working together on infrastructure projects, contributing as leaders in the business community or

supporting local charities and non-profit groups, Union Gas feels strongly about working with our neighbours to make our great communities even better,” Steve Baker, president, Union Gas, said in a media release. “We support the Chatham-Kent Hospice and the volunteer network initiatives as they are critical to making a real

and lasting contribution to our community.” “Volunteers are important members of our Hospice Care team and are key to services offered to local families. All our volunteers are provided with specialized training when they start as well as ongoing support and training

so they can provide the best possible end-of-life care to our Hospice families. We are very grateful to Union Gas for their generosity. The funds will help

us continue to support our 200 active volunteers who fill a variety of roles,” shared Melanie Watson, Volunteer Coordinator, Chatham-Kent Hospice.

~ 24 Hour Health Care Supervision ~ Delicious Home Cooked Meals ~ Scheduled Activities We also offer Post Hospital/Respite Stays

Contact us at 519-354-7111 for your personal tour. We desire to create and operate a Retirement Community where all our residents will enjoy a lifestyle and quality of life exceeding their expectations

Contributed image

From left, Jodi Maroney, executive director, Chatham-Kent Hospice Foundation; Melanie Watson, volunteer coordinator, Chatham-Kent Hospice; and Steve Baker, president, Union Gas celebrate the recent donation by Union Gas of $20,000 to the hospice.

A legacy of ministry and community

Continued from page 13

“Students will be participating in an event in June, planned as a ‘living library’ event. People who have experience to share, in this case, connected to the civil rights history of the mid20th century, become the books, and the people who attend ‘check out’ a living book and have a one-onone,” Reid-Maroney said. “It’s informal oral history and a way of connecting to a living memory instead of

thinking that this is something that just happened in the past.” The findings and conclusions developed over the course of the project will be presented in stages throughout the coming year. It will conclude with a one-day conference on Oct. 19, 2019 aimed at linking the congregation’s inspirational history to fighting similar present-day injustices. The keynote speaker at this event will be Wanda Thomas

Bernard, Senator for Nova Scotia and Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights. More details on the conference and on Christ Church’s bi-centenary celebrations will follow as the dates approach. To follow along with the research over the next year or to provide information to the project, people can go to, or contact Andrews at devinandrews@

lized for but is not limited to: recreational activities, educational workshops for parents and siblings, advocacy, vocation and life skills development, assistive devices and equipment that promote and facilitate learning or communication. Two awards up to $1,500 each will be presented. Daniel was a child who had autism and died suddenly at the age of 11 in May of 2013.

Daniel loved to cook, swim and spend time with his family at the beach. Applications will be accepted until Dec. 14. Application forms can be downloaded from the website donate/jonathan-daniel-stone-fund/ and sent to the Community Relations office at Community Living Chatham-Kent.

Stone Fund accepting applications The Chatham Voice

Applications are now being accepted for The Jonathan Daniel Stone Fund. The fund can be used to support initiatives to assist children and their families who have been diagnosed with autism and/or other intellectual disabilities, according to Community Living Chatham-Kent. Daniel’s fund can be uti-



The Chatham Goodfellows will be out in your neighbourhood on Monday, December 3rd for their annual Porchlight Campaign. Volunteers will begin from the Spirit and Life Centre (formerly St. Joseph Auditorium) at 5:30pm.

Please leave your porchlight on and give generously! NO CHILD WITHOUT A CHRISTMAS



Fun Stuff 29 Tiers 31 Big river 35 Helicopter part 37 Bygone times 38 Go around the world? 41 Wager 43 Table scrap 44 Gaucho’s weapon 45 Antenna 47 Green field? 49 Amorphous masses 52 Reggae-like music 53 Tiny 54 Dutch city, with “The” 55 NYC hrs. 56 “Acid” 57 Secret rendezvous

ACROSS 1 Woodsy home 6 Buddy 9 Lawyers’ org. 12 Russian pancakes 13 “-- -la-la!” 14 CSA soldier 15 Big name in porcelain

16 Expression of regret 18 Find 20 Flightless flock 21 E.T.’s transport 23 Previous night 24 Wherewithal 25 Tatters 27 Robin Hood’s missile

DOWN 1 “NCIS” airer 2 Jungfrau, for one 3 High school science course 4 -- -European 5 Family girl 6 Straw hat 7 Lasso

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8 Discoverer’s cry 9 Scent 10 Started 11 Big canyon 17 Maneuvering room 19 Sailor’s “Halt!” 21 Cyber-address 22 Air safety org. 24 Mid-May honoree 26 Soap opera, e.g. 28 Harder to find 30 Deteriorate 32 Fauna study 33 Bobby of hockey 34 Trawler need 36 Followed orders 38 Not just chubby 39 Ice cubes, slangily 40 Swell 42 Snug 45 Census data 46 Winged 48 Fly-by-night? 50 Clear the tables 51 Collection

FREE Flu Shots No Appointment Necessary

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Open house at ’Burg hospital Nov. 29 Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) is inviting the community to an open house at the Wallaceburg site Nov. 29 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Following Chatham-Kent Municipal Council’s approval of the site plan for the replacement power plant project, the open house provides the community with an opportunity to learn more about CKHA’s redevelopment of the Wallaceburg site, hospital officials said. Hosted as an informal open house, members of the community may drop-in at their convenience throughout the evening. While at the open house, attendees have the opportunity to meet CKHA’s Board members and participate in 10- to 15-min-

ute guided tours of completed and upcoming projects that are essential to the renewal of the Wallaceburg site. Attendees are asked to enter through the main entrance (facing Margaret Avenue) as the open house will be centralized in the reception area near the information desk. “Following the council’s approval of the site plan, we wanted to engage with the com-

UCC hosting career night

munity and provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the project and the redevelopment of CKHA’s Wallaceburg site,” Lori Marshall, President and CEO, CKHA, said in a media release. “Building a new power plant that is capable of supporting current and future developments is essential to renewing the facilities at the Wallaceburg site. This project is important to

reaffirming our commitment to meet the specific needs of the community for years to come.” After announcing $7.3 million in project funding from the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care in April, CKHA received site plan approval of the power plant project at the Chatham-Kent council meeting held Nov. 19. The province’s grant will go towards the construction of a



new power plant to replace aging equipment with new boilers, generators and electrical distribution equipment. The expansion is part of the province’s plan to update hospital infrastructure in Chatham-Kent and follows the Ministry’s 2017 approval for $1.5 million under the Hospital Energy Efficiency Program to replace old heating and cooling distribution equipment at the Wallaceburg site.

60 FOR





By Bruce Corcoran

Staff at the St. Clair Catholic District School Board hope to help students with their career choices. To that end, they’ve organized Pathway to Careers Nov. 29 at Ursuline College Chatham. The evening event, which begins at 6 p.m., will connect students and their parents with local employers, as well as several post-secondary institutions, to discuss career options. Lisa Harnarine, head of guidance at UCC, said the evening is open to students in grades 7-12 at the board. “There are lots of opportunities for students. They are aware of some options, but they don’t necessarily know what they will do with their education and training once they are done,” she said. “We will have a cross-section of employers in the community on hand and they’ll have the opportunity to speak to the students directly.” There will be more than 30 employers on hand, Harnarine said. That includes the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, local homebuilders, and municipal economic development officials. “We chose people where kids have expressed interest, community partners,” she said. “These are people we use for experiential learning opportunities.”



The Chatham Voice



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Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). *From October 2 to November 16 and November 28 to 30, 2018, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2018 Explorer, EcoSport for up to 48 months, or 2018 Edge, Escape for up to 60 months, to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit Canada Company. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $30,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48/60 months, monthly payment is $625.00/$500.00, cost of borrowing is $0 and total to be repaid is $30,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit Canada Company. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebates have been deducted. All purchase finance offers include freight, air tax and PPSA charges but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. †Receive a winter performance package, which includes: four (4) winter tires, four (4) steel wheels (Edge receives aluminum wheels) and four (4) tire pressure monitoring system sensors when you purchase or lease any new 2018/2019 Ford Fiesta, Focus (excluding RS), Fusion (excluding Sport), C-Max, Escape, Edge (excluding Sport), Explorer, Taurus, Flex, Expedition, EcoSport, F-150 (excluding Raptor), F-250/F-350 SRW between October 2 and November 30, 2018. This offer is not applicable to any Fleet (other than small fleets with an eligible FIN) or Government customers and not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP or Daily Rental Allowances. Vehicle handling characteristics, tire load index and speed rating may not be the same as factory-supplied all-season tires. Winter tires are meant to be operated during winter conditions and may require a higher cold inflation pressure than all-season tires. Some conditions apply. Consult your Ford of Canada Dealer for details, including applicable warranty coverage. **FordPass Connect (formerly SYNC Connect) is an optional feature on select vehicles, and is required for certain features. FordPass Connect includes a 1-year subscription for remote features excluding Wi-Fi hotspot, starting with the vehicle sale date (after which, fees apply). Subscription is subject to compatible 4G network availability. Evolving technology/cellular networks may affect future functionality. Certain restrictions, 3rd-party terms, and/or message/data rates may apply. Wi-Fi hotspot includes wireless data trial that begins at time of activation and expires at the end of 3 months or when 3GB of data is used, whichever comes first (after which, data plan required). ◊ Available feature. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Apple CarPlay™ is available in models with SYNC 3. Requires phone with compatible version of Apple iOS and active data service. SYNC does not control CarPlay while in use. Apple is solely responsible for their functionality. Message and data rates may apply. Apple CarPlay™ is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. ‡Features/functionality vary by vehicle/model. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear. Not all features are compatible with all phones. Message and data rates may apply. Optional Navigation system map updates cannot be received via Wi-Fi and require a separate update. ¥Available via iPhone® with SYNC 3 with Software Version 3.0. Waze is also available on Android Auto™. Commands may vary by phone and AppLink software. Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated Available in most systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear. Not all features are compatible with all phones. Message and data rates may apply. iPhone is a trademark of Apple, Inc. new Ford vehicles registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android Auto is a trademark of Google Inc. ©2018 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2018 with 6-month pre-paid subscription. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.



Home of the



watch battery


CLASSIFIEDS Announcement

131 Park Ave. E., Chatham • 519-354-4127 • Thursday, November 29, 2018 • Chatham-Kent Addictions Awareness Conference at Club Lentina’s in Chatham. 9:00am-4:00pm. Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. Valerie Mason-John, keynote speaker. Open to the public. $140/person. 519-397-5455. • Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St. Saturday, December 1, 2018 • Merlin Community Assistance Dinner at Merlin Legion. 6:30pm. Admission - non-perishable food items, toys or cash donations to help fill the food hampers. 519-351-7659 or 519-689-4884. • Join the Active Lifestyle Centre at 20 Merritt Ave., as they celebrate Christmas in style with a Dinner Dance. Live music by Alan James and a delicious steak and shrimp dinner. $35/ person. Everyone welcome. Call 519-352-5633 to reserve your seat. Groups and offices welcome. • East Side Pride’s Free Breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Claus and Friends. Christmas Carols, fun with Santa and breakfast. 10:00am11:30am. Wish Centre, 177 King St. E., Chatham. • Campbell A.M.E. Church, corner of King St. E & Prince St. S (side door) Annual Christmas Indoor Yard Sale. 8:30am-noon. Home made doggie cookies, yummy desserts, jams, books, jewellery, wide walker, many other items. Hot dogs & sausage on a bun available. All Welcome. • Saturday Morning Breakfast at First Presbyterian Church, Chatham (corner of Fifth St and Wellington). A delicious nutritious breakfast served free of charge every Saturday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. Everyone is most welcome. • Meat draw (4:00pm-6:00pm) and dance (4:30pm-9:30pm) featuring Don & Bonnie at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St. • Ugly Sweater Contest Corporate Christmas Party at The Chatham Polish Club, 281 Inshes Ave., Chatham. 6:00pm-12:00am. Music by Cliff Erickson. $50/person includes all-ucan-eat buffet, music & entertainment. All proceeds benefit Chatham-Kent Children’s Safety Village. Silent & live auction. Photo booth, door prizes and much more. 226-2290814 for tickets. Sunday, December 2, 2018 • The Bothwell Ministerial Association presents a Community Advent Service at 3:00pm at the Bothwell United Church, 178 Elm St. W., Bothwell.

• Jamboree at the Merlin Legion at 3:00pm with a 5pc perch dinner w/fires or baked potato and coleslaw served at 5:00pm. $5/ entry to the Jamboree with door and spot dance prizes and diner is $12.50 - no tax, no tip! Dessert for sale. Monday, December 3, 2018 • The Chatham-Kent Film Group presents the film “Mary Shelley”, the story of the author of Frankenstein. 4:00pm & 7:00pm showings at the Capitol Theatre, King St. W., Chatham. $10 cash at the door. 519-359-8455. No advance tickets. • Open Euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St.

Christ Church welcomes everyone! You don’t need money to join! You don’t have to sign a contract! We don’t take attendance! Christ Church welcomes everyone – whether you are just browsing or more devout than the Archbishop of Canterbury; if you just got out of jail or are citizen of the year; if you still need a nightlight or doze off to Murder She Wrote; poor as a church mouse or rich as Midas – we welcome you and all those in between.

Try us out on Sundays at 8:30 (yes, a.m.) for a traditional service or 10:30 a.m. for a more contemporary one, or Wednesday at 10 a.m. might work better for you.

Christ Church

80 Wellington St. W, Chatham 519-352-1640

We welcome you! Help us find Christ in community


26 Wellington St. W

AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 • 1pm LAST AUCTION OF OUR SEASON! Two Kousal paintings, 3 lovely fur coats, super bowl jacket, etc. Complete sets of vintage baseball cards, lots of quality jewellery, Royal Albert “Trillium” set of dishes, beautiful stained glass lamp and lots more great items!

Stop in and have a look, place your bid, then come to our live auction.

Mark your calendars to attend this auction!


Tuesday, December 4, 2018 • Open Euchre (1:00pm), open shuffleboard (7:00pm) and 2-person euchre (7:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St.

Lulu Nicholson 96, Saturday, November 24, 2018 Blenheim Community Funeral Home

Sylvio Letourneau 98, Tuesday, November 20, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

John May Scaman 70, Sunday, November 18, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

G. Norman Lachapelle 67, Monday, November 19, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 • We welcome all ladies to Calvary Coffee Break, 34 Victoria Ave., at Barth St. Informal bible study, coffee, snacks, occasional speaker. 9:30am-11:00am. Handicapped accessible. 519-354-4235.

Ruthanne Donais 66, Sunday, November 18, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Danny McGaffey 75, Friday, November 23, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Rita Cadotte 89, Monday, November 19, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

William Grin 94, Friday, November 23, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

James “Jim” Milner 81, Sunday, November 18, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Jacob Teichroeb 64, Sunday, November 18, 2018 Denning’s of Chatham

Joshua Lucid 36, Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Hinnegan-Peseski Funeral Home

Lillian May Whitehead “Tillie” 94, Friday, November 16, 2018 Life Transitions

• Pepper (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St.

Barbara “Betty” Higgins 97, Saturday, November 17, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Judith Doher Sunday, November 18, 2018 Life Transitions

Thursday, December 6, 2018 • Hop on the Bus! Active Lifestyle Centre and Great Canadian Holidays and Vacations bus trip to Casino Windsor to see Tony Orlando and Dawn’ Christmas Show. $20/person includes transportation and show. Space is limited. 519-352-5633.

Reinhold Zuther 63, Sunday, November 18, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Ghislaine Bourgeois (Gagnon) 75, Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Life Transitions

Madeleine Tetrault 78, Monday, November 19, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Gwendolyn Kuyper 85, Friday, November 23, 2018 Life Transitions

• Christmas Bake Sale at the Active Lifestyle Centre, 20 Merritt Ave. 8:30am-2:00pm. Come early!

• Broke Holidays at CKPL. Save some money by coming out to the broke holidays event at 7:00pm at the Chatham branch of the CKPL. Make gifts that are pleasing to the eye and wallet. Free supplies provided. Make a bird seed or 8-bit ornaments and a scrabble tile coaster. Registration required. 16 & older welcome. 519-354-2940.

Inez Smith 93, Monday, November 19, 2018 McKinlay Funeral Home

Visit for full obituaries



156 William St., Chatham 519.352.5120


60 Stanley Street, Blenheim (519) 676 – 9200

459 St.Clair St., Chatham • 519-351-2040 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown • 519-674-3141 141 Park St., Blenheim • 519-676-3451

245 Wellington St. W., Chatham 519-352-2710

• Open euchre (1:00pm) at The Chatham Legion, William & Colborne St. FREE TUTORING - Every Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm at First Reformed Church. For info call Betty at 519-354-8902.

CK Metal Detecting Club. Last Thursday of the month. Erickson Arena. 7:00pm. Guests welcome. Submit your coming events to or • 519-351-4444




In Memoriam

If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, We would walk right up to heaven, And bring you back again. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it To met your Saviour in the sky. What it meant to lose you, No one can ever know. But now we know you want us, To mourn for you no more. To remember all the happy times, Life still has much in store. Since you’ll never be forgotten, We pledge to you today. A hallowed place within our hearts, Is where you’ll always stay.

Forever in our hearts and loved by the Osborne, Smith and Strack Families

Christmas Trees

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265 MF Tractor with 236 loader with quick attach buckets & forks. Too many new parts to list & attachements & other parts. Call 519-784-0180. Silk Cemetery Saddle Arrangements. Everyday/Holiday. Readyto-go. Many colours available. $25. Call 519-354-3411.

Wanted to Buy

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McGAFFEY: Danny It is with great sadness that the family of Danny McGaffey announces his sudden passing on Friday, November 23, 2018 at the age of 75. Devoted husband and best friend of 54 years to Mary Jane McGaffey (nee Coveny). Proud father, role model and mentor of his children Dale McGaffey (Wendy), LeeAnn Eichenberger (Ron) and David McGaffey. Loving and dedicated Papa of Kyler McGaffey (Emma), Kraig McGaffey (Shanay), Kenzie McGaffey, Brittany Lilley (Brian), Jason Eichenberger (Nicola), Brandon McGaffey (Amanda) and Jasmine McGaffey. Great Papa to Brooklynne, Genevieve, Hailey and his late infant great-grandson Dawson (2016). Also survived by his siblings Sally McGlashan, Patricia Franklin (Art), James ‘Bud’ McGaffey (Barb), Joan Atkinson (late Brian) and Karin Nielsen (late Rolf).

Also missed by nieces, nephews, friends and extended family.

A N K LAVER EN VK V A U C T I O N S I N C. Clearing an Estate, Downsizing, Liquidating Inventory or Decluttering?


Predeceased by his parents Harry and Edna McGaffey, his brother Bill McGaffey (late Joy).

Tree Service


That’s it!!

1100 Stores Strong

The Chatham Voice is not responsible for the contents of advertisements, in print or online. The Voice also reserves the right to clarify or refuse any advertisement based on its sole discretion. The publisher reserves the right to reject, discontinue or omit any advertisement without notice or penalty to either party.

It is with heavy heart and great sadness that the family of Ghislaine Bourgeois (Gagnon) announces her passing at the age of 75 years. She entered eternal life surrounded by her family on November 20, 2018, at the Chatham-Kent Hospice after a courageous 3 year battle with neuropathic disease and a brain tumor. Ghislaine will be forever missed by Paul her loving and devoted husband for 55 years, loving mother of Anne-Marie and her husband Gary Conn of Chatham, Nathalie Bourgeois, Michel Bourgeois, Caroline Bourgeois et Fred Blanchard of St Jean Sur Richelieu, Quebec. She will be lovingly remembered by her grandchildren Mathieu, Jean-Sébastien, Curtis, Tristan et Samuel. A religious Celebration of Ghislaine’s life will be held at 2 pm, on Saturday, July 6th, 2019 in Trinité des Monts, Québec Friends planning an expression of remembrance are asked to consider the Chatham Kent Hospice. Online condolences are welcome at

Stairway to Heaven

In loving memory of a precious daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, stepmother, niece, wife and friend.



Jennifer Lynne (Osborne) Strack ~ December 12, 1971 - November 23, 2016 ~

Main floor 1 bedroom apt 104 Patteson Ave. 4pc bath. $875/mth inclusive. 1st/last required. No pets/ smoking. 226-626-4827. Available For Rent omeimmediately Building Center DRESDEN



Danny will be remembered for the affectionate way he shared his pride for his family. Danny enjoyed fishing up north on Three Mile Lake with his wife, family and friends. He was his grandchildren’s #1 fan and attended numerous hockey games and figure skating events. He farmed with his family for 8 years in Dutton, raising pigs and chickens and liked wood working, particularly finishing furniture at his home. The family would like to thank the nurses, doctors and staff at Chatham-Kent Health Alliance and Windsor Regional Hospital. Family will receive friends at the Funeral Home, 459 St. Clair Street, Chatham on Friday, November 30, 2018 from 12:00 pm until the Celebration of Danny’s Life at 2:00 pm. Private family interment to follow at Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham. Donations made in memory of Danny to the Canadian Diabetes Association or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Online condolences may be left at

chathamvoice. com

McKinlay Funeral Home 459 St. Clair Street, Chatham 519-351-2040

Christmas Memorials Remember your loved ones at Christmas with a Christmas Memorial. 2col.x3” ad with colour and picture for $20 or a 2col.x1.5” ad with colour for $10 Running December 20, 2018 Deadline is December 13 at 5:00pm Call 519-397-2020 or stop in 71 Sass Rd, #4, Chatham Mon.Fri- 9:00am-5:00pm




IF YOUR CAR STARTS TO SKID OR HYDROPLANE, slowly steer in the same direction as the skid, but don’t look toward it: keep your focus on where you want to be on the road.

If your car gets stuck on a sheet of ice, KITTY LITTER can come to your rescue! Thanks to its moisture-absorbing properties, litter creates enough traction on the slippery surface for your tires to grip and go.

Because COOL AIR is dryer than warm air, TURNING ON YOUR CAR’S AIR CONDITIONING IS A GOOD WAY TO QUICKLY DEFROST OR DEFOG YOUR WINDOWS IN ANY SEASON. In fact, most recent cars automatically trigger the A/C when the airflow is directed toward the windshield.

TIME OF DAY IS ONE OF THE MAIN RISK FACTORS FOR FALLING ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL. Indeed, nodding off — or coming close to — while driving is more common between midnight and 6 a.m. and between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., as our metabolism tends to slow down during these periods.It’s true

that an ounce of prevention is worth aIt’s pound true ofthat cure. It’s true an ounce that an ounce of prevention is It’s true worth a pound of prevention is NEVER USE YOUR CAR’S CRUISE CONTROL ON A ROAD THAT’S that an ounce worth a of pound of cure. thatIt’santrue ounce prevention is It’s true SLIPPERY, whether due to snow, ice or water. Should FALL – WINTER MAINTENANCE OFFER of prevention is your back tires ofancure. that ounce worth •a Oil,pound lube, and filter • Tire rotation

At just 50 km/h, the impact of a crash is comparable to falling from a four-storey building. It also multiplies the weight of everything in the vehicle by at least 20, meaning that a 70-kilogram passenger becomes a 1,400-kilogram projectile. ALWAYS FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT: it cuts your risk of severe injury and death in half.


start to skid, the system might try to compensate by accelerating, putting you at risk of losing control of the vehicle. FALL – WINTER MAINTENANCE OFFER worth a pound of prevention is • Comprehensive visual inspection cure.Until multi-point of cure. worth a pound of February 28, 2019 of cure. * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.


It’s *true – WINTER MAINTENANCE OFFER • Oil, lube, and rotation † filter • Tire FALL • Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation FALL –FALL WINTER OFFER – WINTER MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE OFFERthat multi-point visual• Comprehensive inspection an• Comprehensive ounce multi-point visual inspection •




* Oil, lube, and filter •– rotation FALL WINTER MAINTENANCE Onerotation of 75 Arlo wirelessOFFER home Oil,• lube, and filterTire Tire Until February 28, 2019 • Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection

of prevention is • Oil, lube, inspection and systems filter • Tire rotation security • Comprehensive multi-point visual pound • Comprehensiveworth multi-pointavisual inspection Until February 28, 2019 Until February 2019 of28,cure. 24

Until February 28, 2019 * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.

Until February 28, 2019 * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest A 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest February 28, NAP rules and regulations. rules and regulations. * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details store. * Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter in and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 MONTHS ton and up extra. Environmental taxes and supplies extra as required. Details † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may notfees, be exactly as shop shown. Contest closes 40,000 KM in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. centrescontest only. Item omay not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. SeeAtinparticipating store for complete February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entriesf received. Mind WSee in store for complete contest rules and regulations. rules and regulations.

One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems


† ENTER TO WIN Poor wheel alignment causes your tires and

Details in store.


MONTHS 40,000 KM We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

Details in store.



P eace

rr anty •


P eace


rr anty •

Call for your appointment and more details now! 24

One†of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems – WINTER MAINTENANCE OFFER One ofhome 75 ArloFALL wireless home • Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation One of 75 Arlo wireless NAPA security systems • Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection security systems 24 NAPA Details in store. 24


Frozen slush you track into your vehIcle will eventually melt, and with no carpet protections, it’s going stright to the floor pan to cause rust, GET QUALITY FLOOR LINERS.

P eace

One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems


rr anty •


fM ind W

your vehicle’s steering system to wear down faster. It also increases fuel consumption. 24 FALL – WINTER FALL – WINTER ENTER TO WIN – WINTEROFFER It’s true FALL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE OFFER It’s true To keep your vehicle running smoothly, that an ounce that an ounce MAINTENANCE OFFER* It’s true of prevention is of prevention is • Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation worth a pound GET YOUR WHEELS ALIGNED. that an ounce worth a pound of cure. • Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection o

40,000 KM


Details in store.

fM ind W


Call for your appointment and more details now!

We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

Call for your appointment and more details now!

P eace

rr anty

Until February 28, 2019


We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

40,000 KM

fM ind W

40,000 KM


rr anty •





rr anty

Details in store.




P eace

Details in store.

P eace

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 MONTHS ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. 40,000 KM † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest o fM rules and regulations. W

fM ind W

† Call for your appointment and more details now! We are fully authorized to perform * warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles! Call wireless for your appointment and more details now! One of 75 Arlo home We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles! security systems Call for your appointment and moreP details now! • Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation


• Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation • Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection


N We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles! rr anty •

P eace

• Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection 24 MONTHS


40,000 KM


Details in store.

fM ind W

Until February 28, 2019

Until February 28, 2019

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes We are 28, fully2019. authorized to of perform warranty-approved new vehicles! February Odds winning depend on themaintenance number of on eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.

Call for your appointment and more details now!

of cure.

Until February 28, 2019

One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete Details in store contest rules and regulations.




Until February 28, 2019

rr anty •


P eace

fM ind W

P eace

40,000 KM

Oil, lube, and filter Tire rotation Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection

rr anty •




40,000 KM


Details in store

Be prepared for this winter’s salt and snow with our custom all weather Husky Liners®, mud flaps, tonneau covers and more

ofENTER prevention is FALL – WINTER ENTER TO WIN† TO WIN† –ArloWINTER FALL One of 75 wireless home security*systems pound MAINTENANCE OFFER It’sworth true aIt’s – WINTER MAINTENANCE OFFER* FALL –•WINTER FALL true * Oil, lube, andOFFER filter • Tire rotation MAINTENANCE true of cure. that anIt’s ounce *•filter Oil,inspection lube, and filter •†Tire rotation • Oil,OFFER andvisual rotation • lube, MAINTENANCE ••Comprehensive multi-point It’s true The salt sprinkled on roads in winter for traction that an ounce that an24•ounce 24 of prevention ENTER TO• Tire WIN Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection of preventionisis • Oil, lube, and filter • Tire rotation•multi-point • Comprehensive visual inspections that an ounce One of 75 Arlo wireless home of prevention is worth a pound worth a pound incites the oxidation of the metal in yourofcar. • Comprehensive multi-point visual inspection Until February 28, 2019 security systems of cure.worth a pound preventionofiscure. *Most vehicles. See store for ENTER TO WIN† fM ind W

Until February 28, 2019

Visit our showroom for our product selection. Gift Certificates Available!

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels,

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, ton Environmental and up extra. Environmental fees, and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. 3/4 ton and3/4 up extra. fees, taxes and shop supplies extrataxes as required. Details in store. † Enter in † store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes Enter in store. No purchase necessary. AtItem participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds28, of winning the winning number of eligible entries See in store for complete February 2019.depend Oddson of depend on received. the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.

Until February 28, 2019

contest rules and regulations.

3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete contest rules and regulations.

EnterNAinPAstore. No purchase

rr anty •

40,000 KM






One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems 77 Leeson

fM ind W

40,000 KM


fM ind W


Details in store

MONTHS 40,000 KM

fM ind W


P eace



Call for your appointment and more details now!

We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

rr anty



P eace

rr anty •

Dr. Chatham 519-354-3070 24 •

Details in store

24One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems NAPA


P eace

ENTER TO WIN Details in store

rr anty •

† necessary. See in store for ENTER TO WIN 24contest rules and complete

One of 75 Arlo wireless home security systems

Details in store

P eace

Call for your appointment and more details now!

P eace


40,000 KM




fM We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance ind W on new vehicles! rr anty

Fast, Safe and Clean

We are fully authorized to perform on new * Mostwarranty-approved vehicles. Includesmaintenance a new oil filter and vehicles! up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels,

253 Richmond St., Chatham • 519-355-0496 •

* Most vehicles. Includes a new oil filter and up to 5 litres of conventional 5W-20, 5W-30 or 10W-30 motor oil. Diesels, 3/4 ton and up extra. Environmental fees, taxes and shop supplies extra as required. Details in store. † Enter in store. No purchase necessary. At participating centres only. Item may not be exactly as shown. Contest closes

Until February 28, 2019

ENTER TO WIN of cure.

February 28, 2019. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See in store for complete Details in store contest† rules and regulations. Call for your appointment and more details now! One of 75 Arlo wireless home We are fully authorized to details. perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles! Exclusions may apply. security systems †

Call for your appointment and more details now!

Protect your vehicle: worth a pound GET A RUSTPROOFING TREATMENT. of cure.



40,000 KM

If your vehicle is constantly breaking down during winter, this is more than just bothersome; it’s also dangerous. Say goodbye to your clunker: BUY A RELIABLE VEHICLE.

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When you drive on tires with worn tread over icy roads, you jeopardize your safety. Avoid skidding: GET NEW TIRES AND WINTERIZE NOW.

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Includes oil change up to 5L, replace oil filter, tire rotation, brake inspection, top up fluids. Service Manager Ron Swackhammer

Call for your appointment and more details now! A warm interior helps your windshield and for your appointment and more details now! windows Call defrost, and at the same time, gradual heating reduces the odds of them cracking. This winter, GET YOURSELF A REMOTE STARTER.

We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

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We are fully authorized to perform warranty-approved maintenance on new vehicles!

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fM ind W Call for your appointment and more details now!

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