Roadmap To Return

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2020 Back to School Guide

Our best practices for a safe return.


Date of Publication July 9, 2020

INTRODUCTION “We have always believed that there is no substitute for the relationship between the teacher and student and between students, peer to peer.�

FROM THE MOMENT in March that schools were closed across the country and virtual learning began, the vital importance of physical togetherness was amplified. CCS has always believed that there is no substitute for the relationship between the teacher and student and between students, peer to peer. What became increasingly evident was how much is disoriented when teaching and learning are exclusively from a distance. AS WE EMBARK on the journey that will be the 2020-2021 school year, our focus is steadfast. We are committed

to implementing a careful plan that creates the highest likelihood of remaining safely on campus the entire school year, with students engaged in purposeful curricular and co-curricular experiences. Our deep hope is that we will be learning together face-to-face all year. FOR THAT HOPE to become reality, it is critical that we support our typical school activities with appropriately balanced health precautions that promote the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and social-emotional well-being of our students, families, and employees.

WE HAVE INVESTED heavily in staffing, equipment, technology, and professional partnerships to provide the highest levels of safety and flexibility possible. THE INTENT of this Roadmap to Return is to provide a valuable and encouraging resource for CCS and The King School families as we look forward to an extraordinary school year on our beautiful campuses. Chad Dirkse, CCS President

TABLE OF CONTENTS Aspiration & Plans..............................................................................................................................3 Health & Wellness.......................................................................................................................4 - 6 Critical Partnerships.........................................................................................................................7 Upper School (US) Teaching & Learning....................................................................... 8 - 11 Lower School (LS) Teaching & Learning...................................................................... 12 - 15 Technology, Co-Curricular Programs & Facilities...................................................16 - 17 Frequently Asked Questions.............................................................................................18 - 21 Glossary of Terms & Risk Response Continuum.................................................. 22 - 23


ASPIRATION & PLANS OUR ASPIRATION, even in the uncertainty of what is ahead, is that we will strengthen our unity and testimony as the people of God called to this particular place, that we will equip each child according to their distinct, God-given giftedness and purpose, and that we will protect the most vulnerable among us.

DAILY MEDICAL SCREENINGS designed to keep students and employees home when sick

DESIGNATED ENTRIES & EXITS for drop-off and pick-up times in order to avoid huddles and bottlenecks

CAMERAS & MICROPHONES for all classrooms, enabling absent students continuity in learning

CHOIR & BAND sing and play instruments in outdoor classrooms

SPRING SEMESTER EXCURSIONS postponing trips and travel until a more opportune time

CHAPEL OUTSIDE OR LIVE-STREAMED maintaining a sense of community while avoiding large, indoor assemblies

A PICNIC EVERYDAY utilizing our outdoor spaces when possible and small groups during inclement weather

LS RELATED ARTS ON CARTS reducing student movement and shared spaces, thus minimizing exposure

ADDED MEDICAL STAFF will help keep sick students separate from those with on-going, medical needs

HEALTH & HYGIENE TRAINING to inform students of how the virus is transmitted and ways to stay well

CLEANING PROVISIONS in order to meet health and safety guidelines related to facilities and sanitation

MASKS REQUIRED when 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible

SMALLER AUDIENCES for community events in place of large-group, indoor gatherings

FULL-TIME SUBSTITUTES will be employed for the entire school to provide continuity of student education and care

LOWER SCHOOL PE OUTSIDE or inside with doors open and in smaller groups when the weather is severe

US STRENGTH & CONDITIONING classes will operate according to the current guidance for gyms and fitness centers

AT-HOME LEARNING - A Continuous, Live-Stream Option AT-HOME LEARNING will be offered and available every day from the start of the school year. Health and wellness protocols and the likelihood of COVID-19 infections and exposures will increase absenteeism. By offering AT-HOME LEARNING as a continuous option, students can access live classroom instruction at all times, even when at home. • Zoom will be the exclusive video conferencing platform for the 2020-2021 school year at all grade levels. • Equipment has been purchased so students can have live access to classroom activities even when they are at home. • Canvas will be utilized for all Upper School on-campus and at-home operations. Seesaw will be utilized in the Lower School. These two systems will allow students to seamlessly access their learning activities all year. • Absent teachers will be equipped to provide instruction via Zoom, even when they aren’t able to be on campus.


School-wide practices that will enable us to return to school and stay at school.

THE PRECAUTIONS AND INVESTMENTS listed below will allow us to achieve our aspiration with one clear, flexible, multi-layered plan that supports the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and social-emotional well-being of each of our students, families, and employees.


HEALTH & WELLNESS THE PHYSICAL, intellectual, spiritual, and social-emotional well-being of our students, families, and employees is of the utmost importance. To remain faceto-face on campus all year, our community must prioritize and implement health precautions designed to limit the spread of COVID-19. The most important aspect of community health is for students and employees to stay home when sick. We recognize and respect that there are diverse perspectives on the value and appropriateness of some or all of these health precautions. IN CONSULTATION with guidance from the CDC as well as local and state health and government agencies, we are asking the CCS community to support and participate in the following health precautions. These health precautions are designed to promote the health and wellness of the CCS community by limiting exposure to COVID-19 and to keep students on campus with their teachers.

• Completing accurate daily health screenings through Ascend and staying home when instructed to do so


• Securing a release from a qualified medical professional to return to school • Maintaining 6 feet of physical distancing wherever possible • Wearing a mask when 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible

DAILY HEALTH screenings are a critical component of promoting the health and wellness of the CCS community. In partnership with Base Camp Health, CCS is requiring every employee and student to complete a daily health screening in Ascend before arriving on campus. There are no exceptions to this practice. ONLY ESSENTIAL visitors will be allowed on campus. Visitors will receive a temperature screening at the building level office and will be required to answer the health screening questions in Ascend before they are allowed any further access to campus. There are no exceptions to this practice. CCS HAS BEEN utilizing Ascend since early June for health screenings during athletic training sessions, Summer Camps, and Summer Learning Sessions. Ascend profiles that were established for those activities will carry forward into the school year for all CCS students. Students who did not

participate in any on-campus activities during the summer will be on-boarded in mid to late July. On-boarding instructions will be sent directly to CCS families by Base Camp Health.


IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS 10 continuous minutes of contact within 6 feet with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 but was asymptomatic at the time of contact

OR Any contact within 6 feet of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and was symptomatic at the time of contact

health staff at CCS to monitor illness during school breaks is an important component of promoting the health and wellness of our whole community.

IT IS IMPERATIVE that employees and parents allow time to complete the health screening at home each day and remain home if they are sick. To complete the daily health screening in Ascend, parents will log into their profile and answer a series of health questions, including a temperature screening. At the conclusion of the health screening, Ascend will deem an employee or student either eligible or ineligible to come on campus. No one who is ineligible should come to campus.

THE FIRST Ascend question is an attendance question and will ask you if your child is coming to school. If you are planning on keeping your child home from school for personal reasons, an appointment, or vacation, or you know they are sick, you are still required to enter the information in Ascend and complete the daily health screening. This protocol will replace the requirement of contacting the school attendance line. All required attendance communication from parents will be provided to CCS through Ascend.

STUDENTS and employees are required to complete the Ascend daily health screening every weekday during the 2020-2021 school year. This includes scheduled school vacations and closures. The ability of the

BEFORE ARRIVING on campus, employees and students must be checked in. Students will enter through the appropriate building level entrance where their eligibility will be checked by CCS staff.



IF A STUDENT has been determined to be eligible to be on campus through Ascend, they will proceed directly to their classroom. If a student’s status is ineligible or missing (meaning their parents have not completed the daily health screening), the student will be privately advised that they are not eligible to be on campus, and their parents will be contacted immediately to pick them up. THE PROTOCOLS for employees and students to return to school after being determined ineligible in Ascend are as follows: Ineligible by Ascend due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19: requires a release from a licensed, qualified, medical professional. Once a medical release is received, it can be uploaded directly into Ascend to be eligible to return to campus. Ineligible by Ascend due to exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19: the information regarding the confirmed exposure must be entered in the Ascend daily health screening, and the person exposed must remain off campus for the specified number of days following the exposure and be symptom-free. Ineligible by Ascend due to a positive COVID-19 test: remain off campus until symptom-free and a Hamilton County Health Department medical release has been uploaded to Ascend.

IN THE EVENT OF A POSITIVE TEST, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! CCS will work with your family, in consultation with the Hamilton County Health Department, to determine how best to move forward. CCS will follow requirements to protect your privacy, while also following protocols from local and state health agencies to protect public health and help prevent spread.

Students with CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS like asthma or seasonal allergies may provide documentation to CCS in order to not be determined ineligible to be on campus while experiencing symptoms that are due to chronic conditions.


Daily health screenings and staying home when instructed to do so are the key components to a safe and continued return.



THE CDC as well as local and state health and government agencies have advocated for the practice of social distancing as an effective strategy to limit the spread of COVID-19. CCS DOES NOT WISH to limit the social interactions of our students, families, and employees, but we support the practice of maintaining 6 feet of physical distance between people on campus wherever possible. We recognize this is difficult, particularly with children, and is not feasible at all times. WE ALSO BELIEVE the diligence of our community to keep people home when they are sick amplifies the value that can be gained by limiting physical interactions within 6 feet to less than ten consecutive minutes.



6 FT

6 FT

CCS HAS DEVELOPED strategies to prioritize physical distancing in classrooms, larger indoor gatherings of students, and lunch. The details of those strategies will be outlined specifically in the Lower School and Upper School Teaching and Learning sections of this Roadmap.

OUR UNITY, even where we may disagree or are skeptical about the efficacy of a particular health precaution, should be centered on the health and wellness of our whole community, but particularly the most vulnerable among us.

WE BELIEVE that the success of our efforts to keep physical distance between people in classrooms, in gatherings such as chapel, and at lunch can help limit the risk of COVID-19 infections on campus and increase the likelihood that we can safely remain on campus, with teaching and learning happening face-to-face throughout the entire school year.

ON MONDAY, July 6, Hamilton County Mayor, Jim Coppinger, issued a directive requiring masks except under specific exemptions. CCS has been in direct contact with the Mayor’s office and has been informed we are not exempt from this directive. Our decision to utilize masks when 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible is one part of a multi-layered plan to support the health and wellness of our community. OUR PRIMARY strategies to limit the spread of COVID-19 are to keep sick people home and to provide for 6 feet of physical distancing wherever possible. Practically, there are times during the day when we cannot maintain 6 feet between students and employees. The specific circumstances where masks will be required will be


defined in the Lower and Upper School Teaching and Learning Sections of this Roadmap, but general instances where masks will be required are as follows:

• • • • •

Drop-off, check-in, and pick-up Upper School passing periods Large, necessary, indoor gatherings Restroom use Wherever 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible

IN ORDER to provide for appropriate standardization of masks throughout the campus, CCS will purchase branded, 2-ply masks that have an option for an additional filter. Each student will be provided two masks at no charge, and additional masks will be available through the Spirit Shop.



BY WAY of the Galen Remote Access Care program, Galen staff will be available for students and school staff to keep them healthy and well. The benefits of Galen Remote Access Care for our parents are:

CCS HAS PARTNERED with Elbow Tree Christian Counseling to support our community during the uncertainty of the upcoming year. Elbow Tree will provide the following services to the CCS community:

Professional development as we seek to educate and disciple students during these challenging times

Group training and support for students

On-site collaborative care for students given by Galen providers and nurses at no extra tuition cost to families

• • •

Telehealth conference calls to Galen pediatricians and specialists Access to health care providers who can be seen for follow-up or additional services

Increased access to counseling services in close proximity to CCS

On-site treatment and care for all students, including those who are new to Galen Medical

• • •

On-site testing options for COVID-19, Flu, and Strep

Support for the CCS Spiritual Care & Worship team as they provide the primary crisis support for CCS students

Nurse staffing support on a scheduled or as-needed basis during clinic hours

Ability for parents to join telehealth calls to stay abreast of treatment Direct billing to parent’s insurance

Amie Brown, RN, BSN

• • • • •

Stay home when sick Wash hands frequently Cough and sneeze into elbow Maintain 6 feet of physical distancing whenever possible Use of masks when 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible



Below are the most critical strategies required to promote the health and wellness of our community.

Professional support systems that give CCS access to quality care–physically and emotionally.

CCS HAS PARTNERED with Galen Medical Group to offer an on-campus program called Galen Remote Access Care. This is similar to a minute clinic on campus, involving on-site care providers, telehealth services to specialists, and testing services to treat students who become ill or need diagnostic support.




THE GREAT WORK done by the Lead Allies and the success the students experienced led us to make a commitment to continue the Lead Ally Program into the 2020-2021 school year.


ONE OF THE MOST valuable additions in the transition from on-campus to virtual learning last spring was the creation of the CCS Upper School Lead Ally Program. We knew that the level of change and separation from face-to-face learning would be a very difficult experience for many of our students. To mitigate some of the challenges of that transition, we assigned the majority of our Middle School and High School students a Lead Ally.

“A Lead Ally partners with students and parents, empowering parents to engage academically with their students and learn through the process.” Stephanie Hayes, US Intervention Teacher and Lead Ally


ADDITIONALLY, we have increased the number of High School Academic & College Counselors. As teachers are equipped to work even more closely this year with Exceptional Education Staff, Spiritual Care & Worship Staff, Lead Allies, and Academic & College Counselors, we believe students will experience an even deeper commitment to their flourishing. THE UNPREDICTABILITY of the year ahead will add stress to our students, families, and employees, but the presence of our living God is near to us as we join together to love our students and equip them according to God’s marvelous purpose and design.

The role of the Lead Ally is to assist the students needing additional support.

THE ROLE of the Lead Ally was to assist the students we identified as needing additional one-on-one support with organization, time management, academic work submission, and any obstacles they had connecting day-today with their classes and teachers. The Lead Allies also helped students develop the skills to self-advocate even as the Lead Allies advocated directly for the students they were privileged to serve.



THERE ARE SEVERAL changes that will be made to the Upper School structure for the 2020-2021 school year to provide for flexibility, continuity of learning, and the implementation of health precautions. These changes will remain in place as long as community spread of COVID-19 is evident in Hamilton County and guidance from the CDC as well as local and state health and government agencies allows the full enrollment of students to remain on campus each day. Those changes include:

Shift from a 7-period, modified block schedule to an 8-period, alternating block schedule. This change will minimize crowded passing periods from 8 times per day to 4 times per day. The courses and class order for students should not change, but any schedule changes will be communicated by July 20. Flex Period will include structured Engage activities, chapel, assemblies, and opportunities for special instruction. 6 feet of physical distancing will be provided in each classroom. Many classrooms already allow for full classes with 6 feet of physical distance between students. Where classrooms or classroom furniture does not allow for 6 feet of physical distancing, students will rotate between the classroom and remote access in other learning spaces on campus. All Upper School students will have the option to remain on campus every day. AT-HOME LEARNING is available for those who choose to stay off campus on days they are scheduled to be in remote classroom settings. In-class and remote schedules will be communicated to each student by July 27.

Strength & Conditioning classes will be operated according to the requirements for gyms and fitness centers as determined by the Hamilton County Health Department.

Chapel will be held outside on David Stanton Field during Flex Period. Chapel may be on a different day each week to accommodate the best weather conditions. When weather conditions do not allow for outdoor chapel, chapel will be held in the Fine Arts Center with 6 feet of physical distancing, and masks will be required. Students who are unable to attend chapel in the Fine Arts Center due to physical distancing precautions will participate in chapel by livestream in classrooms.

Lunch will be outside or in small groups spread throughout the campus to provide for 6 feet of physical distancing. When larger spaces are utilized, doors will be opened to the outdoors to provide increased ventilation.

Masks will be required during all passing periods and in situations where 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible. Masks will also be required for drop-off, check-in, and pick-up.

Cameras and microphones will be set up in every classroom to provide the option for students to stay at home at any point and access classroom activities. Recordings of classroom sessions will be available for a maximum of two weeks.


It’s easy to have a mantra, to post it on Instagram, to wear it on a shirt. It’s h ard to live it o ut, to embody its meaning, to make it who we are. Let’s do the work required to be who we say we are.





The new schedule will work on a continuous, two-week cycle. Wednesday late start will happen every other week due to the rotation of week 1 and week 2 schedules. The Flex Period will include Engage activities, chapel, special assemblies, special instructional content, and extra study time. For detailed questions and answers about this new schedule, please see the FAQ section on pages 18 - 21.








1st Period

Flex Period

1st Period

Flex Period

1st Period


3rd Period

2nd Period

3rd Period

2nd Period

3rd Period








5th Period

4th Period

5th Period

4th Period

5th Period


7th Period

6th Period

7th Period

6th Period

7th Period








Flex Period

1st Period

1st Period

Flex Period


2nd Period

3rd Period

LATE START 2nd Period 9:45-11:35

3rd Period

2nd Period








4th Period

5th Period

4th Period

5th Period

4th Period


6th Period

7th Period

6th Period

7th Period

6th Period

REMEMBER that AT-HOME LEARNING is always available, and is required when students or teachers are not feeling well. WE ARE anticipating high absenteeism this year due to COVID-19, and we have provided a way for students and teachers to virtually learn or teach from the comfort of their own homes–without the stress of getting behind.


A 4-block schedule will reduce passing periods and simplify AT-HOME LEARNING.






AS WE PREPARE to return to CCS and The King School, we are working and planning with two things in mind: • We must return to campus with practices that promote the health and wellness of our community. • We must plan carefully so that our students can be back on campus for the duration of the school year. WE ARE DIRECTLY engaged with the Hamilton County Health Department in order to adhere to the safest health practices while keeping our students on campus all year.

“Summer Camp has done wonders for Jamison’s mental well-being! She has had a great time with her friends and cannot wait for school to start in August. ” Alicia Halbert


WE BELIEVE that we will be able to help students make sense of the changes they see in the world around them and how school will be experienced in a different way. WE WILL keep our code of conduct which is: Love and Obey God, Be a Peacemaker, Be a Caretaker. Talking about how to prevent spreading germs and learning how to wash our hands properly can and will be fun! That’s what we do! Teaching students to adapt in the midst of uncertain times is part of what we can do to lead and to serve, and we have plans that will make that teaching time fun! OUR PRAYER is that we will model at school how we care for others by working together as a community.

Helping students understand the “new normal” doesn’t have to be scary; we will make it fun!

WE HAVE all the materials, equipment, and staff needed to adapt to fluid guidance and have an extraordinary school year!


OUR COMMITMENT is to make the necessary adjustments in order to keep our students on campus, learning and engaging in classroom activities for five days a week. Through rotating schedules, utilizing our qualified teaching staff, and maximizing our classroom and outdoor spaces, we have created a plan that will do just that!


A CHANGE in the daily routine will keep us on campus while maintaining the appropriate 6 feet of physical distance to reduce the risk of viral exposure to students and staff. Some changes include:

Masks will be required during all passing periods and in situations where 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible. Masks will also be required for drop-off, check-in, and pick-up.

In the morning, students will go directly to their classrooms instead of gathering in the gym.

STEM, Library, and Art classes will take place weekly! The Related Arts cart will travel to the students–bringing a plethora of learning activities and materials.

Music instruction will focus on activities that do not require singing indoors or sharing equipment that could easily transfer germs.

On pleasant days, lunch will take place outside. On days the weather is not cooperative, students will eat in small groups in their classrooms.

Chapel will be held outside when weather permits; otherwise chapel will be live-streamed.

Cameras and microphones will be set up in every classroom to provide the option for students to stay at home and access classroom activities. Recordings of classroom sessions will be available for a maximum of two weeks.


OUR DEDICATION to the philosophy of movement for Lower School students remains one of our highest priorities and will continue to be a significant part of each school day. With careful planning and timing, students will access the playground, gym, and outdoor spaces each day. Even during mildly inclement weather, students will be able to play and learn outside. K-5TH GRADE will continue to have PE EVERY DAY either outside or in the gym with doors open to allow increased ventilation.


LOWER SCHOOL TEACHING & LEARNING will remain together in classrooms and common outdoor play areas to reduce the likelihood of crosscontamination. 4th and 5th grade math students are the only students who may learn in mixed class sections.


WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED with incredible facilities. Re-purposing spaces such as the Lunch Pavilion, Music Room, and Salter Gym enables us to decrease class sizes by half! This gives us the ability to spread out our students, keeping them on campus and safe at 6 feet apart.

REMEMBER that AT-HOME LEARNING is always available, and is required when students or teachers are not feeling well. WE ARE anticipating high absenteeism this year, and we have provided a way for students and teachers to virtually learn or teach from the comfort of their own homes– without the stress of getting behind.


Pre-K, K, 2nd, and 3rd grade students will simply spread out in their assigned classrooms–thanks to our spacious facilities that allow for 6 feet of physical distancing.

1st, 4th, and 5th grade students will rotate between an assigned classroom with a teacher and a repurposed classroom with qualified teaching staff. This will enable us to provide the appropriate space needed for our students to be in class every day.

4th and 5th grade students will receive math, reading, and Bible instruction from their classroom teachers every day. Instruction in all other subjects will alternate between teacher and qualified teaching staff.

All these adjustments and changes are to keep our students healthy and on campus!

CHANGES TO LOWER SCHOOL SCHEDULE • Whenever possible, grade levels

TECHNOLOGY AS WE LOOK forward to a successful return, the importance of the reliability, efficiency, and accessibility of technology cannot be overstated. As such, CCS has invested heavily in hardware and software solutions. We have also worked hard to identify clear priorities which are defined as follows.

The ability to provide the highest levels of flexibility for students to be on campus or at home and accessing live teaching and learning requires us to depend on technology to a greater degree than ever before. At the same time, we do believe there are appropriate reasons to limit student screen time. Lesson design will give specific attention to both the necessity of technology to provide required flexibility but also to intentional limits on screen time.

The primary software systems of Canvas (US) and Seesaw (LS) will be used to deliver and manage teaching and learning content. The interface of those systems will be standardized as much as possible to simplify the student and parent user experience.

Zoom will be the exclusive video conferencing system used for teaching and learning. Zoom has an important feature that allows small group break out rooms to allow more effective student engagement and collaboration and will allow small group student work even when members of a small group are accessing the classroom remotely.

Zoom will also be used for regularly scheduled parent meetings throughout the year to keep you informed as guidance is incredibly fluid.

CCS has increased our EPB internet bandwidth and added access points to accommodate the increased demand due to providing remote, live access to classrooms every day. It is great to be in the Gig City!

USB cameras and 360⁰ microphones will be used in every classroom to allow students and teachers to access live classroom activities. These tools, in combination with Zoom, will enable students to participate in their classrooms remotely.

MyCCS will be the hub through which all school communications will be delivered. It is important that parents are familiar with the use of MyCCS before school starts.

Contact Stephen Ibach at 423.664.1247 if you need assistance with MyCCS access or functionality.

Double-check your profile to ensure it includes the correct email addresses and cell phone numbers.

Check your MyCCS account regularly during the week for information from admin., faculty, and staff.

DEVICE REQUIREMENTS Grades 5-12 are required to have a device with the following specs:


• • •

4 GB RAM 32 GB SSD Touchscreen or a 2-in-1 model

IT HAS BEEN an active season of construction on campus. The Learning Center will be ready for use this school year, and major restroom and locker room renovations will be completed in the PreK Building and Bosworth Gymnasium. AS YOU HAVE already read in this Roadmap, we have prioritized creating 6 feet of physical distancing in all





CCS intentionally avoids the use of the term “extra-curricular” in favor of the term “co-curricular” because we believe the CCS activities that allow students to flourish outside the classroom are mission-critical. WITH SO MUCH IMMEDIATE attention rightly focused on a return to on-campus academic learning and how to improve remote learning to better serve students and teachers who are unable to be at school, it is difficult to predict the shape and scope of co-curricular activities in advance of a significant treatment or vaccine for COVID-19.

classrooms and utilizing outdoor spaces as much as possible. To do this, we have made several additional facility investments.

The Covered Athletic Facility is completed and will be utilized during the school day for vocal and instrumental music. Improvements are being made to the Lower School playground

areas to create a parklike space and to overhaul drainage to expand usability even after heavy rain.

Tents are being added throughout the campus to create more outdoor, protected, learning spaces.

Additional furniture and gym floor coverings have been purchased to re-purpose spaces to create 6 feet of physical distancing in learning spaces.


CCS IS ACTIVELY involved with the National Federation for High School Sports (NFHS) and the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) to evaluate all potential safe returns to competitive athletics. At this time, while there are tentative plans in place that create pathways to return to play, it is too early to predict what athletic seasons will look like in 20202021. We will continue to work directly with NFHS and TSSAA to contribute recommendations and collaborate on all possible avenues that allow our student-athletes to compete safely on the teams they love. MORE INFORMATION is forthcoming, but in the meantime, we look forward with great anticipation to seeing your children engaged and enjoying a variety of co-curricular activities this school year.

Portable, clear shields have been purchased to add another level of protection at lunch tables and small group learning activities.

New outdoor sound equipment has been purchased to allow for outside learning environments and large group community events.

Dependable technology and remote access to live-streaming will give students added flexibility.

MANY STUDENTS are already engaged in modified activities that include the visual and performing arts, STEM, and sports through summer sessions and camps. Faculty sponsors in the areas of Theater, Robotics, Student Leadership, and Student Life are building adaptable contingency plans to maximize every available option to reconnect and engage students.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HEALTH & WELLNESS Q Why did you choose Ascend, and does it connect to GPS contact tracing apps on phones or MyCCS parent information? A CCS chose Ascend because it is the best tool available to assist us in keeping students and employees home when sick. We also chose Ascend because of their capacity to keep protected health information secure. Daily health screenings are more than a temperature check and are critical to CCS being able to keep all students on campus all year, learning from their teachers. No, Ascend does not use GPS contacting tracing in any way, and there is no connection to other CCS systems that contain personal information. It is a stand-alone system that is used for daily health screenings and is our primary attendance tool for students and employees. Q What should I do if I am having trouble accessing my Ascend profile or can’t complete my daily medical screening? A Contact Base Camp Health and their Ascend support desk by phone at 423.680.6261 or by email at Q Do I really need to do the Ascend daily health screening every weekday and even when I am not on campus? Why? A YES, the Ascend daily health screening must be done accurately every weekday to provide the greatest likelihood for us to keep students on campus, every day, all year. Being able to assess health patterns across the whole school, by school division and by grade levels, is critical information to make decisions about the safest way to remain on campus. CCS believes that along with 6 feet of physical distancing and mask usage, this is the best way to ensure our campus is open and learning is happening face-to-face. Q Can I complete the Ascend daily health screening the night before? A NO, Ascend daily health screenings must be done each morning BEFORE you arrive on campus. Q What happens if I forget to do my child’s daily health screening? A Your student will arrive on campus with a missing status in the Ascend system. All students and employees with a missing status will be gently informed that they are ineligible to be on campus. Parents will immediately be contacted and asked to return to school, pick up their child, and complete the Ascend daily health screening. Students will be held in designated areas until their parents can return. No students or employees will be allowed in class without completing their Ascend daily health screening.

CCS will NOT complete any Ascend daily health screenings for students. CCS will NOT conduct temperature screenings on campus for any students or employees. To do so would make it impossible to get students checked in and to class on time. Q Do I have to get a medical release from a Doctor for my child to return to campus when they are determined by Ascend to be ineligible–even if I don’t think they have COVID-19? A YES, if Ascend determines that your child is ineligible, you will need a medical release from a qualified physician or a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to campus. The medical release must be uploaded to Ascend. Q What should I do if I enter incorrect information into Ascend by mistake? A Contact Nurse Amie Brown by phone at 423.999.2169 or by email at Ms. Brown will return your call as soon as possible to help correct the information and get your child on campus. Until then, your child will not be eligible to be on campus, but they will have the ability to live-stream classroom activities while waiting for eligibility to be reinstated. Please be patient in this situation and consider the volume of work that our health staff will be handling on a daily basis.



Q How are you going to ensure parents and employees are truthful when they complete the Ascend daily medical screenings? A We can’t ensure people are truthful, but we can continue to advise and implore parents and employees that the best pathway to health and wellness for the whole community is to take the appropriate time each morning before you come to campus to honestly and accurately complete a medical screening. We will be reminding parents and employees about the critical importance of this protocol frequently. It is vitally important for public health that employees and students stay home when sick or when they are known to be exposed to someone who is confirmed COVID-19 positive and are within the incubation period set by the CDC. Q Who has access to the information entered into the Ascend daily health screening? A CCS follows FERPA guidance in the confidentiality of student health information. Only the CCS nursing staff have direct access to the information entered into Ascend. The CCS President, appropriate building level principal, and the child’s teachers can be given information as needed in order to provide the correct level of care and support for the student during their educational experience. Any other access to health information would require consent from the parent. Q What is telehealth? A Telehealth is intended to provide an opportunity for appropriate remote health services. If a student demonstrates symptoms while on campus, a parent could work directly with the CCS nursing staff to schedule a telehealth visit where a qualified medical professional from Galen would work directly with the CCS nursing staff, the parent, and the student to determine the next steps in the student’s medical care. Q Why are you partnering with Galen Medical Group? Will they have COVID-19 testing available on campus, and who pays for their services? A To support the overall health and wellness of our community and to provide parents an OPTION for high quality and convenient medical services when they are necessary, we researched several options for oncampus health services. We chose Galen due to the quality and professionalism of their medical care and because they had a program of services tailored to school communities. We are grateful and excited for this important partnership. As COVID-19 testing is accessible, it will be available on the CCS campus. It will only be available on campus for students and employees who came to school without symptoms, but Galen has testing available in other locations for students and employees who are symptomatic and unable to come to campus. Additional medical testing including Strep and Flu will also be available through their services on campus. If a parent or employee chooses Galen services, all charges incurred will be billed to their insurance, consistent with any other medical services. START OF SCHOOL & SCHEDULES Q At what Operational Risk level (pg 23) will CCS be when school starts? How will CCS make decisions about changing the Operational Risk level in any direction? A Our current plan is to start the school year at the YELLOW Operational Risk level. The differentiation in Operational Risk levels can be found in detail on page 23. All decisions to move to a higher or lower risk level will be made in direct consultation with the Hamilton County Health Department. We have worked closely with them throughout the steps we have taken already to return to campus with athletic training, camps, and learning sessions, and we expect the quality and effectiveness of our relationship with them will continue into the school year. We are extraordinarily grateful for the excellent resources of the Hamilton County Health Department available to serve the students, families, and employees at CCS.


Q Can I make a daily decision about whether my student comes on campus or stays at home? How will I inform the school of these decisions? A Yes, parents are able to decide daily if their children will come on campus or do AT-HOME LEARNING. AT-HOME LEARNING gives your student the ability to connect to live classroom experiences and is available at all times throughout the year. You do not have to choose one or the other at the beginning of the semester. If you are keeping your child home for a short period of time, simply fill out your Ascend daily health screening and indicate your child will be home. CCS will be notified through Ascend of daily absences. If you are planning on keeping your child home for extended periods, please contact the appropriate building level principal and explain your extended plans. Q What will be different about CCS daily start and end times? A Lower School (PreK-5) daily start and end times: M, T, W (every other Wednesday), TH, F beginning start time is 8:00 AM, Wednesday (every other Wednesday) late start time is 9:30 AM School day ends at 3:00 PM Upper School (6-12) daily start and end times: M, T, W (every other Wednesday), Th, F beginning start time is 8:20 AM, Wednesday (every other Wednesday) late start time is 9:45 AM School day ends at 3:20 PM Q Why are you changing the Wednesday late start, and why is it only every other week? A Significant changes were made to the Upper School schedule to provide a higher level of health precaution and to create a simpler flow between on-campus and AT-HOME LEARNING. Those changes do not allow for a late start on Wednesday every week. The schedule, which is published on page 11, allows for a late start Wednesday in the second week of the two-week rotation. This will allow for a late start every other Wednesday. Weekly information that lets families know whether a given week has a late start Wednesday will be published weekly in MyCCS in two-week increments. Every effort will be made to keep the week 1 and week 2 rotation consistent throughout the school year. Administrators and teachers have ongoing planning to do, and school improvement initiatives require times to meet together. In an environment of change that requires adaptability, we did not feel we could eliminate the valuable planning time that happens on Wednesday mornings all together. Q What time will I be able to drop off my child each day, and will Before Care be available on late start Wednesdays? A Lower School students can be dropped off starting at 7:45 AM. Upper School students can be dropped off starting at 7:50 AM. Before Care will be available at no charge on late start Wednesdays beginning at 7:45 AM. Q What is different about Week 1 and Week 2 in the US schedule? A Week 1 starts with even periods, and Week 2 starts with odd periods so that each class meets five times during a two-week period. The alternating of Week 1 and Week 2 will be a continuous cycle all year. Because there is no Flex Period on Wednesday in Week 2, that day will be our late start day and will begin at 9:45 AM. This is the primary time for teacher professional development and planning. There is no late start day in Week 1 to ensure all class periods have the same amount of minutes during the two-week cycle. Q What is Flex Period in the US schedule? A Flex Period will include Engage activities, chapel, special assemblies, special instructional content, and additional study time. Due to health precautions, there will be no senior off-campus lunch. Instead, seniors will not be required to attend some of the Flex Period sessions and will be allowed to arrive late to campus on some days for the beginning of 2nd period. A schedule for senior late start opportunities will be published a month at a time. Students will be assigned a Flex Period group and teacher. That information will be announced no later than July 28.



Q If students have chosen AT-HOME LEARNING and have assignments due or a test to complete, will they need to pick up their work from campus and return it to CCS when it is finished? A Upper School students will submit all assignments and complete all tests in Canvas whether they are engaged in oncampus learning or AT-HOME LEARNING. MISCELLANEOUS Q Will my child be ineligible to come to campus if we are exposed to someone who thinks they have COVID-19 while they wait for test results? A NO, you are ineligible to be on campus for the number of days specified by Ascend if you are exposed to someone who has been confirmed positive by a COVID-19 test. The definition of exposure from the Hamilton County Health Department is included on page 4 of this Roadmap. Q What will CCS do if a student or employee tests positive for COVID-19? A A student or employee who tests positive for COVID-19 must enter that information into the Ascend daily health screening. Parents and employees can also contact CCS Nurse, Amie Brown, by phone at 423.999.2169 or by email at CCS nursing staff will work with the family and the Hamilton County Health Department to determine the next steps. CCS will communicate with the CCS community when there are known COVID-19 positive students, employees, or visitors who have been on campus. All communication will comply with HIPAA and FERPA requirements where they apply. Q Will CCS conduct contact tracing? A NO, the Hamilton County Health Department is the agency that conducts contact tracing. CCS will communicate as described in the question above and will assist the Hamilton County Health Department as appropriate but will not conduct contact tracing. Q Will my child be disciplined for not wearing a mask when required and for not following the 6 feet of physical distancing requirement? A Every effort will be made to gently encourage, inform, and teach students the importance of the required health precautions. We recognize these precautions are difficult and in many cases uncomfortable. We also recognize there is significant diversity of opinion among our parents and employees regarding the necessity and efficacy of these health measures. At the same time, we are requiring these things for specific reasons and in direct consultation with qualified medical professionals, and if students act in ongoing ways that demonstrate a lack of consideration for what is required, we will work directly with parents to find the best ways to provide accountability for the student to follow the stated requirements. Q Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about the Roadmap to Return? A For any questions about the details of this Roadmap to Return, please contact the following CCS personnel: Chad Dirkse, President and Upper School Head by phone at 423.994.2098 or email at Shonda Caines, Lower School Head and Director of Exceptional Education by phone at 423.400.0735 or by email at


GLOSSARY OF TERMS Ascend: a web-based, predictive, COVID-19 daily health screening and risk assessment tool that provides a 360o view of campus health without compromising privacy rights. AT-HOME LEARNING: a continuous, side-by-side, remote learning structure allowing students access to live classroom activities at any time during the school year. This includes the capacity to allow teachers who are ineligible to be on campus to access their physical classroom remotely. Canvas: a web-based, intuitive, Learning Management System (LMS) that streamlines digital tools and content used by teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. Elbow Tree Christian Counseling: counseling from a Christian worldview in which the counselor and the client walk together toward the full meaning of life that God offers through the person of Jesus Christ. Exposure: 10 continuous minutes of contact within 6 feet of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 but was asymptomatic at the time of contact and OR any contact within 6 feet of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and was symptomatic at the time of contact. Flex Period: an additional period in the Upper School scheduled (moving from 7 to 8 periods) to allow for an even distribution of classes on days in a two-week cycle. This period will include chapel, Engage, assemblies, special instructional content, and additional study time. Galen Remote Access Care: on-site medical care providers, telehealth services with access to pediatricians and specialists, and testing services to treat students who are ill or in need of diagnostic support services operated by the Galen Medical Group. Hamilton County Health Department: the primary source of health guidance and requirements designed to limit the spread of COVID-19. The Hamilton County Health Department coronavirus hotline is 423.209.8383 Health Protocol: a system or procedure designed to protect the health and wellness of the CCS community. Lead Allies: one-on-one, person-to-person support for Upper School students who may struggle or are at risk in any way. MyCCS: your single web-based portal providing access to all information related to all CCS operations. Passing Period: a five-minute time between Upper School classes allowing students to transition from one class to another. Release from a licensed medical professional: documentation required to return to campus if the Ascend daily health screening determines a student or employee is ineligible to be on campus. Seesaw: a web-based, student-driven, digital portfolio system that allows students to creatively demonstrate their work and teachers to find or create activities to share with their students. Zoom: a web-based system offering video communications, conferencing, and webinar solutions providing remote, live access to CCS classrooms and remote access meetings.



RISK RESPONSE CONTINUUM CCS PLANS TO RETURN TO SCHOOL UNDER YELLOW OPERATIONS The primary content of the Roadmap is oriented to YELLOW Operations because it enables us to most clearly describe the spectrum of precautions that will be in place across risk levels.

IN GREEN OPERATIONS, school life will function typically with daily health screenings as the primary precaution because the threat of community spread is low. The guidance suggests that a vaccine or significant treatment would be necessary before CCS could move to Green Operations.

FLEXIBILITY is required to respond to the fluidity of guidance based on the severity of community spread of COVID-19.

IN BLUE OPERATIONS, school life will function with all the health precautions found on page 3, except 6 feet of physical distancing will not be required in classrooms. Masks may or may not be required in Blue Operations depending on the orders from the Hamilton County Mayor’s Office and guidance from the Hamilton County Health Department.

DECISIONS TO MOVE to other operational levels will be made with direct consultation with the Hamilton County Health Department as well as local and state government agencies.

IN YELLOW OPERATIONS, school life will function with 6 foot physical distancing in all classrooms, and masks will be required when physical distancing is not possible. Expanded mask requirements may be necessary depending on the orders from the Hamilton County Mayor’s Office and guidance from the Hamilton County Health Department. Under current prevailing guidance, CCS plans to start the 2020-2021 school year in Yellow Operations.

IN ORANGE OPERATIONS, school life will function with reduced numbers of students on campus. PreK students will have the opportunity to remain on campus 5 days a week, Lower School (K-5) students 3 days a week, and Upper School (6-12) students 2 days a week and every 3rd Friday. CCS would move to Orange Operations only in the event of clear and direct guidance from the Hamilton County Health Department and local and state government agencies.

IN RED OPERATIONS, school life will function exclusively in AT-HOME LEARNING and with instruction fully virtual. To move to Red Operations would require specific guidance from the Hamilton County Health Department and local and state government agencies. Our primary focus to plan for and implement comprehensive health precautions is to do everything possible to keep teachers and students on campus, teaching and learning all year.



Please continue to pray for the health and wellness of our school community specifically, but also for the world at large. God is faithful, and his steadfast love endures forever. Administration and the COVID-19 Task Forces have worked diligently to develop a comprehensive plan to serve and care for our students, families, and employees. Please also pray for administrators, faculty, staff, and students as we do school life together under these unusual circumstances. We believe the guidance will remain fluid, and change is highly likely, but we will continue to prioritize the physical, intellectual, spiritual, and social-emotional well-being of our community and are committed to keeping you fully informed. Stay informed by becoming familiar with the contents of this Roadmap and checking your MyCCS account for the most up-to-date information.

CHATTANOOGA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 3354 Charger Drive Chattanooga, TN 37409

740 East M L King Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37403

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