Al-Quran - The Miracle of Miracles

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Al-Qur'an - The Miracle of Miracles


(Al-Qur'an) "As a miracle of purity of style, of wisdom and of truth, it is the one miracle claimed by Mohammed, his standing miracle he called it, and a miracle indeed it is!" REV. BOSWORTH-SMITH This book of God you see on the cover is yours for a specially subsidised price of ÂŁ6 UK, R10 RSA, US $6 the Americas, and US $12 Middle East countries. The volume consists of 1824 pages of Arabic Text, English translation and over 6000 comments including a very comprehensive index. Order extra copies for your friends and relatives. We will post it to them without extra cost.

OPEN ORDER It is with the greatest pleasure that we give you our permission to reproduce or translate* this booklet or any of our other publications in any language whether for sale or free distribution. No payment of royalties or copyright is required. Wallah! If we had the means we would flood the world with our free literature. It will be appreciated if a few copies of the reproduction can be posted to us for our records.

1st print May 1991, 100 000 copies

* Do not try free hand translation for any Biblical quotations you may come across. Please obtain a Bible for that purpose.




Jinns - "I think, from a collation and study of the Qur'anic passages, that the meaning is simply a spirit, or an invisible or hidden force." A. Yusuf Ali. Obtain his text, translation and commentary from the IPCI. In his INDEX under "Jinns" he gives five Qur'anic references and as many annotations on the subject. 2

The proof of the Qur'an is in its own beauty and nature, and the circumstances in which it was promulgated. The doubters of the world are challenged to produce a Book like it and have produced none. It is the only revealed Book whose text stands pure and uncorrupted to-day, after 1400 years!


WHAT IS A MIRACLE? I think it is necessary that we have a clear picture of what we mean by a miracle. Here are some definitions:"An event that appears so inexplicable by the laws of nature, that it is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God." "A person, thing or event that excites admiring awe." "An act beyond human power, an impossibility." It is logical that greater the impossibility, greater the miracle. For example, should a person expire before our very eyes and is certified dead by a qualified medical man, yet later on a mystic or a saint commands the corpse to 'arise!', and to everybody's astonishment the person gets up and walks away, we would label that as a miracle. But if the resurrection of the dead took place after the corpse had been in the mortuary for three days, then we would acclaim this as a greater miracle. And if the dead was made to arise from the grave, decades or centuries after the body had decomposed and rotted away, then in that case we would label it the greatest miracle of them all! A COMMON TRAIT It has been a common trait of mankind since time immemorial that whenever a Guide from God appeared to redirect their steps into the Will and Plan of God; they demanded supernatural proofs from these men of God, instead of accepting the Message on its merit. For example, when Jesus Christ (pbuh) began to preach to his people - "The Children of Israel" - to mend their ways and to refrain from mere legalistic formalism and imbibe the true spirit of the Laws and Commandments of God, his "people" demanded Miracles from him to prove his bona fides,3 as recorded in the Christian Scriptures:

Then certain of the scribes and the Pharisees answered, saying Master, we would have a SIGN (Miracle) from thee. But he answered and said unto them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a SIGN (Miracle) and there shall no SIGN (Miracle) be given to it, But the SIGN (Miracle) of the Prophet Jonas: 4 (Emphasis added) Matthew 12:38-39 (Holy Bible)

Though on the face of it, Jesus (pbuh) refuses to pamper the Jews here, in actual fact, he did perform many miracles as we learn from the Gospel narratives.


Bona fides - his authenticity, his genuineness. What was the outcome of the "only sign" that Jesus (pbuh) was prepared to give? Obtain your FREE copy of the Book - "What was the Sign of Jonah?" from the IPCI which furnishes a detailed exposition. 4


The holy Bible is full of supernatural events accredited to the Prophets from their Lord. In reality all those "signs" and "wonders" and "miracles" were acts of God, but since those miracles were worked through His human agents, we describe them as the Miracles of Prophets, i.e. Moses or Jesus (peace be upon them) by whose hands they were performed. QUIRK CONTINUES Some six hundred years after the birth of Jesus Christ (pbuh), Muhummed (pbuh) the Messenger of God was born in Makkah in Arabia. When he proclaimed his Mission at the age of forty, his fellow countrymen, the MUSHRIKS5 of Makkah made an identical request for Miracles, as had the Jews, from their promised Messiah. Text book style, it was as if the Arabs had taken a leaf from the Christian records. History has a habit of repeating itself!




MUSHRIK - pagans, idol worshippers, polytheists. "Signs" The Arabic word used is 'AAYAAH' which literally means 'signs', and which is really more to the point. The Holy Qur'an does not mention the word 'MU'JAZAH' (miracle). 6


"THIS STRUCK ME MUCH" This, that - "Ye have Compassion on one another," impressed Thomas Carlyle most from his perusal of an English translation. I presume, the verse that motivated this sentiment is :

And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, That ye may dwell in TRANQUILLITY WITH THEM. and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Emphasis added) (HOLY QUR'4N 30:21) (1)Translation by A.Yusuf Ali

And one of his signs it is, that he hath created wives for you of your own species That YE MAY DWELL WITH THEM, and hath put love and tenderness between you. Herein truly are signs for those who reflect. (Emphasis added) (2)Translation by Rev. J.M.Rodwell(M.A.)

By another sign he gave you wives from among yourselves, That ye might LIVE IN JOY WITH THEM, and planted love and kindness into your hearts. Surely there are signs in this for thinking men. (Emphasis added) (3)Translation by N.J.Dawood

The first example is from the translation by A. Yusuf Ali, a Muslim. The second is by a Christian priest the Rev. Rodwell and the last example is by an Iraqi Jew, N.J. Dawood. Unfortunately Thomas Carlyle had no access to any one of these because none of them had seen the light of day in his time. The only one available to him in 1840 was as he said on page 85 of his book under reference "WE ALSO CAN READ THE KORAN 7; OUR TRANSLATION OF IT, BY SALE, IS KNOWN TO BE A VERY FAIR ONE." (Emphasis added)


The Arabic word is Qur'an, it starts with a "Q" and not a "K"


TAINT IS IN THE MOTIVE Carlyle is very charitable to his fellow countryman. The motives of George Sale who pioneered an English Translation of the Holy Qur'an, were suspect. He makes no secret of his antagonism to the Holy Book of Islam. In his preface to his translation in 1734 he made it known that it was his avowed intention to expose the man Mohammed and his forgery. He records: "WHO CAN APPREHEND ANY DANGER FROM SO MANIFEST A FORGERY? ... THE PROTESTANTS ALONE ARE ABLE TO ATTACK THE KORAN WITH SUCCESS; AND FOR THEM, I TRUST, PROVIDENCE HAS RESERVED THE GLORY OF ITS OVERTHROW." George Sale

And he set to work with his prejudiced translation. You will be able to judge how "fair" and scholarly George Sale was from the very verse which "Struck" (Carlyle) "much!" Compare it with the three examples already given by a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew: And of his signs another is, that he had created for you, out of yourselves, wives that YE MAY COHABIT WITH THEM, and hath put love and compassion between you. (Emphasis added)

I do not think that George Sale was "a male chauvinist pig" of his day to describe our mates, wives or spouses as sexual objects. He was only keeping to his promise, which Carlyle overlooked. The Arabic word which he (Sale) perverted is "li-tas-kunoo" which means to find peace, consolation, composure or tranquillity; and not "cohabit" meaning "To live together in a sexual relationship when not legally married." (The Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary.) Every word of the Qur'anic text is meticulously chosen, chiselled and placed by the AllWise Himself. They carry God's "fingerprint", and are the Signs of God. And yet, the spiritually jaundiced... ASK FOR A SIGN What Signs? They mean some special kinds of signs or miracles such as their own foolish minds dictate. Everything is possible for God, but God is not going to humour the follies of men or listen to their false demands. He has sent His Messenger to explain His Signs clearly, and to warn them of the consequences of rejection. Is that not enough? The trend of their demand is generally as follows: In specific terms they asked that he - Muhummed (pbuh) - 'Put a ladder up to heaven and bring down a book from God in their very sight' - "THEN WE WOULD BELIEVE," they said. Or "Ye see the mountain yonder, turn it into gold' - "THEN WE WOULD


BELIEVE." or 'Make streams to gush out in the desert'- "THEN WE WOULD BELIEVE." Now listen to the soft, sweet reasoning of Muhammed (pbuh) against the unreasonable and sceptical demands of the MUSHRIKS - "Do I say to you, verily I am an angel? Do I say to you, verily in my hands are the treasures of God? Only, what is revealed to me do I follow." Listen further to the most dignified reply he is commanded by his Lord to give the Unbelievers.

In the following AAYAAH 8 (verse) the Holy Prophet is made to point to the Holy Qur'an itself as an answer to their hypocritical demand for some special kind of "Sign" or "Miracle" for which their foolish, pagan mentality craved. For indeed all miracles are "signs"; and it is their disbelief, their scepticism, their lack of faith which motivates their request for a sign. They are asked to - "Look at the Qur'an" And again, "Look at the Qur'an!"


AAYAAH In the Holy Qur'an stands for "a sign" as well for "a verse." There are over six thousand AAYAAHS or verses in the Book of God. and every verse is a sign of God.


9 10

TWO PROOFS As proof of the Divine Authorship and the miraculous nature of the Holy Qur'an, two arguments are advanced by the Almighty Himself: 1. "THAT WE" (God Almighty) have revealed to YOU (0! Muhummed!) "THE BOOK to YOU" who art absolutely an unlearned person. An "UMMI" Prophet. One who cannot read or write. One who cannot sign his own name. Let Thomas Carlyle 11 testify regarding the educational qualifications of Muhummed "ONE OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE WE MUST NOT FORGET: THAT HE HAD NO SCHOOL LEARNING; OF THE THING WE CALL SCHOOL-LEARNING NONE AT ALL." Moreover the Divine Author (God Almighty) Himself testifies to the veracity of Muhummed's (pbuh) claim that he could never have composed the contents of the Holy Qur'an; he could not have been it's author: 9

WE is a plural of respect and honour and not of numbers. In every Eastern language, including Hebrew, this is their method of grammar. In the English Language it is called the "Royal Plural,". 10 Memorize the verse with its meaning while the Book is still in your hands. 11 Already referred to on page 4



The Author of the Qur'an is reasoning with us, that had Muhummed (pbuh) been a learned man, and had he been able to read or write, then in that case the babblers in the market places might have had some justification to doubt his claim that the Holy Qur'an is God's Word. In the event of Muhummed (pbuh) being a literate person, the accusation of his enemies that he had probably copied his Book (AI-Qur'an) from the writings of the Jews and the Christians, or that perhaps he had been studying Aristotle and Plato, or that he must have browsed through the "Torat," the "Zabur" and the "Injeel"13 and had rehashed it all in a beautiful language, might have carried some weight. Then, "THE TALKERS OF VANITIES" might have had a point. But even this flimsy pretence has been denied to the unbeliever and the cynic: a point hardly big enough to hang a fly upon!14 2. 'The Book'? Yes, the "BOOK" itself, carries its own evidence proving its Divine Authorship. Study the Book from any angle. Scrutinize it. Why not take up the Author's challenge if your doubts are genuine? 12

Get into the habit of learning off by heart the verses with their meanings as they occur in this Book. 13 TORAT/ZABUR/INJEEL: These are the Arabic terms of the original revelations God granted Moses, David and Jesus (peace be upon them all) respectively. 14 The Bible was not translated into Arabic until the tenth century of the Christian Era, so no Arab living before the year 1000 would have had the opportunity to examine the written text of the Bible in his own language.



CONSISTENCY It is inconceivable that any human author would remain consistent in his teachings and his preachings for a period of over two decades. From the age of forty, when Muhummed (pubh) received his first call from Heaven to the age sixty-three when he breathed his last, for twenty three years the Holy Prophet practised and preached Islam. In those twenty three years, he passed through the most conflicting vicissitudes of life. Any man, during the course of such a mission, would be forced by circumstances to make "honourable" compromises, and cannot help contradicting himself. No man can ever write the same always, as the Message of the Holy Qur'an is: CONSISTENT WITH ITSELF, throughout! Or is it that the unbelievers' objections are merely argumentative, refractory, against their own better light and judgement? Furthermore, the Holy Qur'an contains or mentions many matters relating to the nature of the universe which were unknown to man before but which subsequently through evolution and discoveries of Science have fully confirmed - a field where an untutored mind would have most certainly lost in wild and contradictory speculations! SELF-EVIDENT PROOF Again and again when miracles are demanded from the Prophet of God by the cynical and frivolous few, he is made to point to the Qur'an - Message from High - as "The Miracle." THE MIRACLE OF MIRACLES! And men of wisdom, people with literary and spiritual insight, who were honest enough to themselves, recognised and accepted AlQur'an as a genuine miracle.


If you cannot muster enough enthusiasm to learn the verses with their meanings, why not hand over the Book to someone who will make better use of it?


Says the Holy Qur'an:

16 17


"Knowledge" ('ilm) means both power of judgement in discerning the value of truth and acquaintance with previous revelations. It implies both literary and spiritual insight. To men so endowed, God's revelations and Signs are self-evident. They commend themselves to their hearts, minds, and understandings, which are typified in Arabic by the word sadr, "breast". 17 Now the argument is carried a stage farther. Such rejection is also a mark of injustice, a deliberate perversity in going against obvious Signs, which should convince all honest men.


Chapter 2 SCIENCE AND THE QUR'ANIC REVELATIONS REVELATIONS UNGRUDGING TRIBUTES Today, there are in the world some one thousand million Muslims who unhesitatingly accept that the Holy Qur'an is the "Word of God" and that it is a "Miracle." Why should they not, when even avowed enemies are paying unsolicited tributes regarding the miraculous nature of this Book of God. The Rev. R. Bosworth-Smith in his book "Mohammed and Mohammedanism" 18 opines about the Qur'an: (a) "A MIRACLE OF PURITY OF STYLE, OF WISDOM AND OF TRUTH. Another Englishman - A.J. Arberry, in the preface to his English translation of the Holy Qur'an - says: (b) "WHENEVER I HEAR THE QUR'AN CHANTED, IT IS AS THOUGH I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC, UNDERNEATH THE FLOWING MELODY, THERE IS SOUNDING ALL THE TIME THE INSISTENT BEAT OF A DRUM, IT IS LIKE THE BEATING OF MY HEART." From these words and the rest of his preface he sounds like a Muslim, but regretfully he died outside the pale of Islam. And yet another Briton, Marmaduke Picktall in the foreward to his translation of the Holy Qur'an, describes it as: (c) "THAT INIMITABLE SYMPHONY, THE VERY SOUND OF WHICH MOVE MEN TO TEARS AND ECSTASY." This Author embraced Islam before translating the Qur'an, and we are not in a position to verify whether he wrote the above effect before or after his conversion. (d) "NEXT TO THE BIBLE 19 IT (The Qur'an) IS THE MOST ESTEEMED AND MOST POWERFUL RELIGIOUS BOOK IN THE WORLD." J. Christy Wilson in "Introducing Islam" New York 1950


There is no such thing as "Mohammedanism", and no such thing as a "Mohammedan." The name of the Religion is Islam and its followers are Muslims. 19 Coming from a Christian critic of Islam, we will not take exception to his placing the Qur'an in the second place.


(e) "THE KORAN IS THE MOHAMMEDAN BIBLE, AND IS MORE REVERENCED THAN ANY OTHER SACRED BOOK, MORE THAN THE JEWISH OLD TESTAMENT OR THE CHRISTIAN NEW TESTAMENT." J. Shillidy, D.D., in "The Lord Jesus in the Koran," Surat 1913, p.111 We can quite easily adduce a dozen more eulogies to the above list. Friends and foes alike pay ungrudging commendations to the Last and Final Revelation of God - the Holy Qur'an. The contemporaries of Muhummed (pbuh) saw in its beauty and majesty, the nobility of its Call and the magnanimity of its Message, the Sign and Miracle of God's Handiwork, and accepted Islam. To all the tributes and testimonies the unbeliever and the sceptic may say that these are all subjective feelings. He might further seek refuge in the pretext that he does not know Arabic. He is heard to say, "I do not see what you see, nor do I feel as you feel. How am I to know that God exists and that it is He Who inspired His Messenger Muhummed (pbuh) with that beautiful Message; the Qur'an?" He continues "I am not averse to the beauty of its philosophy, its practical ethics and high morality, I am prepared to concede that Muhummed (pbuh) was a sincere man and that he gave many beautiful precepts for human welfare. What I cannot subscribe to is what you Muslims claim, 'a supernatural authority for his dicta'." REASONED LOGIC To this kind of sympathetic, yet sceptical mentality, the Author of the Book (Al-Qur'an) uses various types of arguments to resolve his doubts. To the atheists and agnostics, the cynics and the sceptics, who have a super-abundance of scientific knowledge and who consider themselves to be "intellectual giants," the point is driven home that they are in reality like stunted "dwarfs." They are like the dwarf who may have acquired abnormal development in any one particular direction at the expense of other parts of his faculty, like an oversized head on a puny body, the Supreme Creator questions him. But before we pose God's question to him, let me satisfy my own curiosity. "You men of science who have studied astronomy and who study our Universe through your mighty telescopes as if scrutinising an object in the palm of your hand; tell me how did this Universe come into being?" This man of science though lacking in spiritual insight, is nevertheless most generous in sharing his knowledge. He readily responds. "Well," he begins, "billions of years ago our Universe was a single piece of matter, and there happened a "Big Bang" in the centre of that huge lump of matter and mighty chunks of matter began flying in all directions. Out of that "big bang" our solar system came into being as well as the galaxies, and since there is no resistance in space to that primordial momentum generated by the initial explosion, the stars and the planets swim along in their orbits..."


At this juncture, my memory tickles me - Our materialist friends appear to have been secretly imbibing their knowledge from the SĂşra Yaa-Seen: 20

The atheistic scientist continues. "Ours is an 'expanding' universe. The galaxies are receding away from us at a faster and faster rate, and once they reach the speed of light 21, we will not be able to see them anymore. We must construct bigger and better telescopes as quickly as possible to study the sights, if not we will miss the bus!"


Yaa-Seen: is the 36th chapter of the Holy Qur'an. It is said to be the "heart" of the Qur'an. The verses here are laid out for you to memorize in a very easy form, together with their meanings. Take advantage of it! 21 Light is said to travel at a speed of a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second (7.5 times around the world in one second!).


"When did you discover these fairy tales?" we ask. "No, these are not fairy tales but scientific facts!" our friend assures us. "All right, we accept your facts for what you say they are, but when did you really stumble upon these facts?" "Only yesterday!" he replies. Fifty years, after all, is only 'yesterday' in the history of the human race. "An unlettered Arab in the desert over 1400 years ago could never have had your knowledge of the 'big bang' and of your 'expanding universe,' could he?" we ask. "No never!" he retorts boastingly. "Well, then listen to what this ummi 22 Prophet uttered under inspiration:"

'BIG BANG' THEORY Can't you see that the words "The Unbelievers" in the first quote above are specifically addressed to You - the men of science - the geographers, the astronomers, who, after having made amazing discoveries and conveyed these discoveries to mankind, still remain so 'BLIND' as not to 'SEE' its Author? "With our Sciences and Encyclopedias,


Ummi: means unlettered, unlearned. "And the Book is given to him that is NOT LEARNED, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he sayeth, I am not learned" Isaiah 29:12. See how this prophecy finds fulfilment in Muhummed (pbuh). Obtain your FREE COPY OF "What the Bible says about Muhummed (pbuh)" from the IPCI.


we are apt to forget the Divineness, in those laboratories of ours" 23 says Thomas Carlyle. Where on earth could a camel driver in the desert have gleaned 'Your facts' fourteen hundred years ago, except from the Maker of the 'Big Bang' Himself? ORIGIN OF LIFE "And You the biologists who seem to have your fingers on all organic life, and yet have the temerity to deny the existence of the Source of that Life, i.e. God: tell me, according to your vaunted research; where and how did life originate?" Like his 'unbelieving' astronomer companion in science, he too begins - "Well, billions of years ago primaeval matter in the sea began to generate protoplasm out of which came the amoeba; and out of that mire in the sea came all living things. In one word ALL LIFE came from the sea, i.e. Water!" "And when did you discover this fact that all living things came from water?" The answer is no different from that of his fellow scientist the astronomer - "Yesterday!" "No man of learning, no philosopher or poet could ever have guessed your biological discovery fourteen centuries back, could he?" we ask, and our biologist is as emphatic as the astronomer. "No, never!" says he. "Well, then, you just listen to this untutored son of the desert!"


The above statement is further elaborated in the Book of God:


From "Hero and Hero Worship" by Thomas Carlyle. Protoplasm is the basis of all living matter, and "the vital power of protoplasm seems to depend on the constant presence of water" (Lawson's Text-Book of Botany, London 1922). Text books on Zoology are also clear on this point. For further explanation see Yusuf Ali's translation and commentary, available from the IPCI.




It will not be difficult for you to note that these words of the Omnipotent, Omniscient Creator of the Universe were addressed to YOU men of knowledge in answer to your scepticism TODAY. Their real import was beyond the dwellers of the desert fourteen centuries ago. The Author (God Almighty) is reasoning with YOU, you men of science, how can YOU not believe in God? YOU should be the LAST to deny His existence and yet you are the FIRST! What sickness has overtaken YOU that you allow your egos to overshadow your sense of logic? AND to the botanists and the zoologists and the physicists who, despite their amazing insight into the nature of things, refuse to acknowledge a Master Creator. Let them then account for these utterances of Muhummed (pbuh) the mouthpiece of God.


Protoplasm is the basis of all living matter, and "the vital power of protoplasm seems to depend on the constant presence of water" (Lawson's Text-Book of Botany, London 1922). Text books on Zoology are also clear on this point. For further explanation see Yusuf Ali's translation and commentary, available from the IPCI.



* "CREATED IN PAIRS" "The mystery of sex runs through all creation, - in man, in animal life, in vegetable life, and in other things of which we have no knowledge. Then there are pairs of opposite forces in nature, e.g. positive and negative electricity, etc. The atom itself consists of a positively charged nucleus or proton, surrounded by negatively - charged electrons. The constitution of matter itself is thus referred to as pairs of opposite energies." (Comment by A. Yusuf Ali) 27 SIGNS OF GOD The verses of this "Perspicuous Book," the Holy Qur'an are evidently self-explanatory. Students of the Qur'an saw the unmistakable Finger of God in every discovery that man made. These were the "Signs," the "Miracles" from his Beneficent Lord and Cherisher so as to remove his doubts and strengthen his faith.

What an irony! It is the 'people of learning' who are actually rebellious! Their vast material knowledge has inflated them with pride. They lack the genuine humility which goes together with all true knowledge.


Here is another verse from YAA-SEEN. Further to footnote No.1 on page 10, a special plea is made to Muslim readers who already know the Sura in Arabic, to now master its English meaning as well. Equip yourself for all good work!. 27 Obtain your volume of Yusuf Ali's translation with over 6000 such explanatory notes at a subsidised price from the IPCI. See the inside front cover for an irresistible offer.


In the words of a modern Frenchman: "THE ABOVE OBSERVATION (HIS OWN THESIS) MAKES THE HYPOTHESIS ADVANCED BY THOSE WHO SEE MUHAMMAD AS THE AUTHOR OF THE QUR'AN UNTENABLE. HOW COULD A MAN, FROM BEING ILLITERATE, BECOME THE MOST IMPORTANT AUTHOR, IN TERMS OF LITERARY MERITS, IN THE WHOLE OF ARABIC LITERATURE? "HOW COULD HE THEN PRONOUNCE TRUTHS OF A SCIENTIFIC NATURE THAT NO OTHER HUMAN-BEING COULD POSSIBLY HAVE DEVELOPED AT THAT TIME, AND ALL THIS WITHOUT ONCE MAKING THE SLIGHTEST ERROR IN HIS PRONOUNCEMENT ON THE SUBJECT?" See "The Bible, the Qur'an and Science" p. 125 By Maurice Bucaille EARLY INSPIRATION The seeds of this booklet, "AL-QUR'AN - The Miracle of Miracles," was probably sown by the Roving Ambassador of Islam, the silvertongued orator - Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui. I was only a schoolboy when he visited South Africa on a lecture tour in 1934. Among his many erudite speeches, I heard him talk on "Cultivation of Science by the Muslims." Subsequently, a booklet under the same title was published by the World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan, which brings back the earlier joy and thrill of the discourse I heard in my teens. In memory of that great servant of Islam, I reproduce here, for posterity, a few words of what the Maulana had to say on the relationship between the Holy Qur'an and the branches of scientific knowledge: EXHORTATIONS TO THE SCIENCES "The stress which the Holy Qur'an has laid on the scientific study of the universe is a phenomenon unique in the religious literature of the world. Repeatedly it calls our attention to the multifarious phenomena of nature occurring around us. Repeatedly it exhorts the Muslims that the pursuit of scientific knowledge is one of their religious duties. Repeatedly it emphasises the great truth unknown to the preQur'anic world that everything in nature is for the service of man and should be harnessed by him for his use. It exhorts us to study the structure and function of the human organism, the structure, functions and distribution of animals, the form, structure, functions, classification and distribution of plants, and these are problems of BIOLOGY. "It exhorts us to study the order of nature and the general properties of matter as affected by energy, which is the problem of modern PHYSICS.


"It exhorts us to study the properties of substances both elementary and compound and the laws of their combination and action one upon another which is the problem of modern CHEMISTRY. "It exhorts us to study the structure and mineral constitution of the globe, the different strata of which it is composed, the changes that take place in its organic and inorganic matter, etc, etc., which are the problem of modern GEOLOGY. "It exhorts us to study the general description of the earth, its physical divisions into seas, rivers, mountains, plains, etc., and the minerals, plants and animals in each, and its political divisions which are the problems of modern GEOGRAPHY. "It exhorts us to study the causes which bring about the alternation of day and night, the variation of the seasons, the movements of the planets and other celestial phenomena, which are the problems of modern ASTRONOMY." "It exhorts us to study the movements of winds, the formation and evolution of clouds and the production of rain, and other similar phenomena, which are the problems of modern METEOROLOGY." For centuries, Muslims were world leaders in the field of scientific learning. Then slowly, the leadership began to slip away from their hands. Muslims had failed in their leadership role and materialistic Europe moved forward to fill the vacuum in leadership created by the Muslims. Further, the Maulana records the contribution made by the Muslims as follows: "The intellectual upheaval created by Islam was a gigantic one. There is not a single department of learning which the Muslim scholars have left untouched and which they have not carved out a high position for themselves. "In truth, Islam intends the Muslim community to be a community of intellectuals, and the cultivation of science and all other forms of learning is one of the primary aims of Islam. Had it not been for the Muslims, Europe would never have seen its way to the Renaissance and the modern scientific era would never have dawned. Those nations who have received their knowledge of science from Europe are in fact indirectly the disciples of the Islamic community of the past. Humanity owes to Islam a debt which it can never repay and gratitude which it can never forget." The silver-tongued orator (the Maulana) ended his masterful exposition of the topic "CULTIVATION OF SCIENCE BY THE MUSLIMS," with the words: "Before I conclude, let me affirm once more that the Muslim community is out and out a creation of Islam which in its turn is rooted in Divine revelation. Nothing but belief in and the practice of Islam can make an individual a Muslim. Islam has laid it down as a religious duty that a Muslim should enquire into the reality of objects


around him, so that his scientific enquiry may lead him to the knowledge of his Creator. Scientific enquiry in Islam is not an end but a means to the attainment of a higher end. And this is really the true end of humanity. 'TO ALLAH WE BELONG AND TO ALLAH IS OUR RETURN' (HOLY QUR'AN 2:156)."

MY ABORTED LECTURE I had the privilege of hearing the above speech in 1934 from the lips of the master himself. In the late thirties I had the speech in my hands as a booklet. I memorized it with some changes and modifications, whilst still working in a Muslim shop at Adams Mission Station. I was so enthused that I made arrangements with Adam's College to speak to the students and their lecturers on the same subject. At that time I might not have fully grasped the enormity of my task but I will never know for sure as my Muslim Boss came to my rescue? He threatened me with dismissal if I did not cancel my very first public lecture. I backed out. My employer was no doubt ignorant of Allah's warning. I too, knew no better. I cannot say what stand I would have taken then if I was programmed with this admonition:



Thanks (?) to our timid brother, my first ever lecture to Christian missionaries and trainee priests which I had so assiduously planned, memorized and rehearsed came to nothing. Perhaps I was set back ten years in my career in public speaking. There are millions like my Muslim boss who are just as terrified by material considerations enumerated in the above verse who not only will not deliver the Message of Islam themselves but obstruct those prepared to do the job. Yet they display in their bearing the utmost piety: to no avail - Allah describes such as "Perverted transgressors!" TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE In the foregoing speech the Maulana had drawn our attention to the Qur'anic exhortations for us to ponder on, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology etc. Scholars like Maurice Bucaille, Keith Moore and Sheikh Zindani have written on different scientific aspects of the Holy Qur'an in recent times. But the scope is limitless. The noble Qur'an is an ocean of Knowledge. In this world of specialization Muslim scientists must take up the challenges hinted at by the Maulana in the mid-thirties. They do not have to dabble in every field. To each his own particular speciality. The youth of Islam is hungry for information and articles and small tracts on different scientific subjects in order to whet their appetites. Encyclopaedias may follow. Insha-Allah! I do not have to apologise for leaving the exposition of Qur'anic sciences to Muslim scientists. Even non-Muslims should be encouraged to explore the depths of Wisdom as enshrined in the book of God. For my part, as a layman, I will share with you the


(a) A video tape on the topic - "Da'wah or Destruction?" is available from the IPCI (b) Write for your FREE video catalogue. (c) Memorize the verse together with its meaning. If you are rightly programmed, you will have the right responses in every challenging situation. Insha-Allah!


miraculous nature of the Holy Qur'an in what appears to me to be in simple, ordinary facts.


Chapter 3 ALAL-QUR'AN ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE IN ITS RECORDING Among all the extant religious literature of the world, the Holy Qur'an is absolutely unique. Its recording and preservation are miraculous! Because it stands out distinctly from the ordinary human pattern of narration; the short-sighted and the inimical say that it is incoherent or incongruous. The pattern definitely is different. It is unique. It is miraculous. Let me substantiate what I assert. HUMAN STYLE Every other religious book is set on the pattern of, "Once upon a time..." or "The fox and the grapes...the wolf and lamb," etc, etc. i.e. 1 a. IN THE BEGINNING (Once Upon a Time) God created the heaven 29 and the

earth ... (Emphasis added) Genesis 30 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

b. IN THE BEGINNING (Once Upon a Time) was the word, and the word was

with God, and the word was God 31 ... (Emphasis added) John 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

c. THIS IS THE GENEALOGY (The Origin, The Beginning) of Jesus Christ, the son

of David, the son of Abraham... (Emphasis added) Matthew 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)


The first verse of the Bible speaks about "the heaven and the earth " in the singular. In the holy Qur'an the word earth is always singular whereas the word heavens is in the plural. Some thing to ponder upon! 30 The word "Genesis" itself means the beginning, this is, after all how every human tale ought to start. It should begin with the "beginning!" 31 In the original Greek manuscripts of the new Testament there is no such thing as a capital letter and a small letter. The Christian theologians have contrived capitals according to their religious predjudices into their translations of the Bible ie. God and god.



LORD IT CAME TO PASS (So It Happened, Once Upon a Time) , that the Lord spoke unto Joshua... (Emphasis added) Joshua 1:1(HOLY BIBLE)


, that the children of Israel asked the Lord... (Emphasis


Judges 1:1 32 (HOLY BIBLE)

4. NOW IT CAME TO PASS (So It Happened, Once Upon a Time) in the days when

the judges ruled, that there was famine in the land ... (Emphasis added) Ruth 1:1 33 (HOLY BIBLE)

5. NOW THERE WAS A CERTAIN MAN (Once Upon a Time) of

Ramathaimzophim, of the mount Ephraim 6. NOW IT CAME TO PASS

1 Samuel 1:1 34 (HOLY BIBLE) (So It Happened, Once Upon a Time) after the death of

Saul ... (Emphasis added) 2 Samuel 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

7. NOW (Once Upon a Time) King David was old (Gone Cold) and stricken in years,

and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat. 1 King 1:1 35 (HOLY BIBLE)

8. NOW (Once Upon a Time) in the first year of Cyrus King of Persia ... Book of Ezra 1:1 36 (HOLY BIBLE)


The editors of the RSV (the Revised Standard Version) of the Bible; supported by 32 scholars of the highest emminence; backed by 52 co-operating denominations, concluded their verdict regarding its authorship - NOT God but "Possibly Samuel". 33 Their verdict again -"Not definitely known, perhaps Samuel"! Most definitely NOT God! 34 Amazingly, the inspired editors of the RSV say about the authorship of the Book of Judges - "Possibly Samuel," and for the Book of Ruth - "Perhaps Samuel," but when they come to the Book of Samuel (?) himself they declare - Author - "Unknown"! 35 The same (editors' verdict) - Author - "Unknown"! 36 Again they unashamedly confess - Author - "Probably written or edited by Ezra"! Note their guarded semantics - "Possibly, perhaps, probably, etc." Get my book "Is the Bible God's Word?" from the IPCI for a fuller insight.


9. NOW IT CAME TO PASS (So It Happened, Once Upon a Time) in the days of Ahasuerus ... (Emphasis added) Book of Esther 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

10. NOW IT CAME TO PASS (So It Happened, Once Upon a Time) in the thirtieth

year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month ... (Emphasis added) Ezekiel 1:1 (HOLY BIBLE)

If these examples do not confuse and bewilder you, then nothing else will! You are inevitably struck with the "once upon a time" syndrome. You have cultivated a predilection for man made stories, even if they be true. The style, the pattern, the narration is what I am speaking about. This is how humans think, talk and write. No blame on them for humans will be humans! All the above references are from the authorised King James Version (KJV) which is the most popular version among the Christians of the world. You must have noted that every verse in the above quotations is 1:1, 1:1; meaning the first chapter and the first verse of every book of the Bible. Which start with "NOW, NOW, now!". Try it out, see for yourself how many more such beginnings you can find in the "Book of Books," I must, however warn you that your Bible Concordances will not help you. You will have to page through the Bible the same way as I did. CONCORDANCES WON'T HELP I consulted two Bible Concordances. The one was published by the Jehova's Witnesses The fastest growing Christian sect in Christiandom. The second is "Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible." Both these concordances boast over 300 000 entries each. The latter has no less than 277 now's listed, but there is not a single "NOW" (once upon a time) of the examples given above. You can guess the reason! 37 I do not want to tax your patience any further. I realise that you will want to proceed. "Alright now, please tell us your story about your Qur'anic revelation!": "It was the night of the 27th of the month of Ramadaan that Muhummed (pbuh) the prophet of Islam, was in the cave of Hira, in the outskirts of the City of Makkah. He used to retire to Mount Hira for peace, quite and contemplation. He used to worry about the problems of his people - their drunkenness, adulteries, idolatries, wars, their rank injustices and cruelties. So much so that Gibbon, the master historian, was constrained to record in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:" "THE HUMAN BRUTE (THE ARAB), ALMOST WITHOUT SENSE, IS POORLY DISTINGUISHED FROM THE REST OF THE ANIMAL CREATION."


Because they represent childish redundancies ("ONCE UPON A TIME"), which illbefits the word of God even according to their own standards.


The recluse of Hira was yearning for a solution. He was wont to retire to his retreat often alone, but sometimes with his dear wife Umm-ul-Mo'mineen (Mother of the Faithful) Khadija-tul-Kubra. THE FIRST CALL One night - the night of Lailatul-Qadr - (the Night of Power and Excellence) when Divine peace rests on creation, and all nature is lifted up towards its Lord - in the middle of that night the book of God was opened to the thirsting soul. Gabriel, the angel of God, Iqra', which mean "read!" appears to him, and commands him in his mother tongue. or "recite" or "rehearse!" or "proclaim" aloud! Muhummed (pbuh) was too terrified and was totally unprepared for this shock. This was no graduating or gowning ceremony. In fear and trepidation he cries out Maa-ana-beqaa- Ri'in "I am not learned!" The angel repeats the command Iqra' for the second time, with the identical response from Muhummed (pbuh). Gabriel embraces him hard and commands him the third time:

Muhummed (pbuh) now grasps that what he was required to do, was repeat what was being said, since this Arabic word Iqra' means all these things - read, recite or repeat! Following the above first verse of SĂşra Al-'Alaq (Chapter 96 of the Holy Qur'an), four more verses were repeated and recited on Muhummed's (pbuh) first call and subsequently recorded in written form in the Holy Qur'an...(see page 35) "Hold it, Mr. Deedat!" I can almost hear you shriek. All this that you are telling us about your 'Qur'anic revelation' is no different from the other numerous examples you have to prove to have had a human hand in it. Were they all fallible and not divine?" Exactly! I am happy that you see clearly how the subjective mind of man thinks, talks, and records. From the time you asked me (above page 33) "please tell us your STORY about your Qur'anic revelation," and I began to respond - "It was the night of the 27th of the month of Ramadaan... " up to - "and subsequently recorded in written form in the Holy Qur'an" were my own words, borrowed from the Holy Qur'an, from the Books of Tradition, from history and from the lips of learned men, I heard over the decades. The Qur'anic Scripture has no such taint from the hands of men. This is how it is preserved. I list below the first five verses of the first revelation to Muhummed (pbuh), for your critical observation and study -


A UNIQUE RECORD Every Qur'anic text, in Arabic or in a translated form in any language will follow this pattern. There are no ifs and buts. You will NOT find in the text or translation that Muhummed (pbuh) "WAS FORTY YEARS OLD WHEN HE RECEIVED HIS FIRST CALL." You will NOT find that "HE WAS IN THE CAVE OF MOUNT HIRA." You will NOT find that "HE SAW THE ANGEL GABRIEL." Or that "HE WAS TERRIFIED," or how he reacted and responded to the command "Iqra'!" That when the angel departed after having completed the first five verses, "MUHUMMED RAN HOME SOME THREE MILES SOUTH TO MAKKAH TO HIS DEAR WIFE KHADIJA AND RELATED WHAT HAD HAPPENED AND REQUESTED HER TO COVER HIM UP, COVER HIM UP!" All this is what I call a "Once upon a time!" style. The Holy Qur'an narrates nothing of this, it is absolutely unique in its narration and its preservation. In short it is Miraculous! Further, unlike any human endeavour of literary art, where every thing begins with the beginning: the first word and the first verse of the Qur'anic inspiration is not the first chapter and the first verse of the Holy Qur'an - IT OCCUPIES THE NINETY-SIXTH CHAPTER OF THE HOLY QUR'AN, as the divine Author (GOD ALMIGHTY) had instructed His Chosen Messenger Muhummed (pbuh). No religious Book on earth is like it or follows this pattern, because no alleged Revelation was preserved in its pristine purity when it was revealed!


A CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGIST I had the privilege of sharing my thoughts on the first call of Muhummed (pbuh), as contained in the first five verses of SĂşra Al-'Alaq (chapter 96) as seen on page 35, a young man from Canada. I was taking him on a guided tour of the largest Mosque in the southern hemisphere. Whilst chatting, I enquired as to his occupation. He said that he was doing a post-graduate course, majoring in psychology. "Psychology?" I said, and immediately drew his attention to the first five verses of the chapter under discussion. I asked him as to how he would account for the Message and experience of Muhummed (pbuh), speaking about "Reading, Writing and learning things unknown before," things which were not his immediate problem nor the problem of his people. How could the subjective mind of man, as if out of the blue 38 rehearse these words. I said, "Account for it!" He said that he could not. He confessed that he had already grappled with that problem. I said, "In that case we would have to accept the man at his word." And I quoted the first verses from SĂşra Najm:

39 40 41 42


Blue: as from nowhere! "By the Star:" an oath, an adjuration. 40 Meaning Muhummed (pbuh) the Messenger of God. 41 Inspiration: Our concept of the revelation to Muhummed (pbuh) is a verbal inspiration. The words of the Holy Qur'an were so to say "put into his mouth" (Deut. 18:18). Get your FREE copy of "What the BIBLE says about MUHUMMED (pbuh)" from the IPCI 39


And Muhummed (pbuh) is repeatedly made to tell the people:

The young Canadian politely responded, "I will have to give this matter serious thought." If only we would familiarize ourselves with the facts from the Holy Qur'an, we would be able to open a conversation with the specialists in any science. MIRACLE OF JOURNALISM Being a beehive of activity, the IPCI Centre attracts a lot of people for dialogue and discussions, including the journalist and the newspaperman. As soon as I discover that my interviewer's field of activity is journalism, I tell him that I would like to show him the Holy Qur'an as a "Miracle of Journalism!" No one refuses to hear. I begin with the story of the Holy prophet Moses (pbuh), in the style and pattern of "Once upon a time." It can't be helped. Yet we cannot afford the luxury of the details of "Moses and the Bulrushes," or even the details of "his childhood, mother, and his sister," (Holy Qur'an 20:38-40 and 28:7-13). We have to skip the details. I begin with HIS MISHAP IN THE CITY Moses (pbuh) came upon two men fighting, a man belonging to his own tribe and the other an enemy of his people. He went to help the Jew against the Egyptian and in the altercation slapped the tyrant too hard so that he died. Moses (pbuh) then fled the country into the Sinai Desert and found himself among the Midianites. Here he helped two damsels in distress and was offered a job by their father Jethro. After having completed his indenture for a period of over eight years, Moses (pbuh) was beginning to get bored with his rustic existence. For a man who had grown up with royalty in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, he was getting restless. He 42

This is referred to by the Commentators to the archangel Gabriel through whom the revelation came.


wanted a change and asked for permission to become independent from his in-laws. Jethro was a very reasonable, and a practical man. He grants Moses (pbuh) leave. MOSES PIONEERS A TREK Moses (pbuh) left with his wife and children, together with his share of the sheep and the goats which he used to herd for his father-in-law. After some time he found himself with his family in the Sinai. He had lost direction from the last habitation with whom he had rested. He had run out of stocks of the braised meat that he was carrying. There was still enough Matzos the dried unleavened bread of the Jews. The problem was the meat. He had to slaughter a sheep or a goat. That would be easy. The difficulty was to start a fire which was a laborious task. It could take as long as half a day of rubbing two dissimilar materials. Obviously there were no matches or lighters in those days. He was procrastinating. Putting things off for today, or tomorrow and his meat problem would be solved, he thought ... "Where is the promised miracle!" Mr. Deedat? So far I have given only the background to the story. The miracle is to condense all the above and more in just four terse verses - four short sentences in the most beautiful prose. But to appreciate the feat, I must draw your attention to what I would like you to notice in what is to me, the acme of journalism. NEWSPAPER PLACARDS I live some thirty kilometres north of the City of Durban, where I have my offices. Prior to the construction of the N2 (Freeway) linking the City of Durban, I usually took the beach (seaside) road to Durban. This route took me pass the amphitheatre on the Durban beachfront. At the intersection of the amphitheatre I regularly observed a news vendor offering the morning paper - "The Natal Mercury," for sale. He had a placard daily with Head line to attract buyers. Again and again on reading the placard, I made up my mind not to buy the newspaper that day, but on parking my car in Central Durban on passing other news vendors, I nevertheless bought the paper. After numerous such changes of decision, I began to question myself as to the reasons for my change of mind. I discovered that though the same newspaper was being offered for sale the placards were different. On the beachfront the placards were made appealing to European clientele whereas the placards in the area I passed were directed to the Asian community. By extension the placard for the African and the Coloured areas would be slanted to induce them to buy the same paper.


So the master journalist would be the one who could invent a single placard that would appeal to the four major race groups 43 each day. That would be the masterpiece of journalism! Journalists no doubt all agree with this reasoning. Let us then analyse the Holy Qur'an on this basis. UNIVERSAL APPEAL Muhummed (pbuh), the prophet of Islam is in Madeenah and is surrounded by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Mushriks 44 and Munaafiqs 45 in the City. The Holy Prophet is to broadcast his news (Divine Revelation) to all these various people. What must he write on his placard to attract the attention of each of these varied groups? He is made to proclaim:


Can you imagine the excitement? The Christians and the Jews would be waiting to hear further, wanting Muhummed (pbuh) to make a fool of himself, for they reason within themselves what could this Arab know about Moses (pbuh) since he is an ummi (unlettered). The Muslims are thirsty for knowledge, they would be yearning - please tell us everything you can about Moses (pbuh). The Mushriks (The polytheists) and the Munaafiqs (the hypocrites) were lolling their tongues to enjoy the three-sided debate on Moses (pbuh): between the Muslims, the Christians and the Jews. Everybody is "all-ears" (acutely attentive)! Muhummed (pbuh) 47 continues

Dramatisation! You can almost visualize the scene. Muhummed (pbuh) is talking telegraphically. It took about two thousand years after the birth of Jesus Christ (pbuh) for the largest Christian and Jewish nations on earth (the mighty United States) 48 to reach the 43

Under the "Apartheid" system, the four groups live in separate areas. "Mushriks": the pagans, the idolators of Makkah. 45 "Munaafiqs": the hypocrites, running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. 46 I urge my Muslim brethren to memorise the Qur'anic text with its meaning. 47 Actually, these are not the words of Muhummed (pbuh) but the veritable Words of God as dictated to the Prophet. We say, "Muhummed continues" because this is what the unbeliever is thinking. Then let him give full credit to God's human mouth piece. 48 The mightiest Christian nation on earth is the USA because it boasts a Christian population of over 200 million. The USA is also the largest Jewish nation because there are more Jews in America than in Israel or in any other country. 44


height of perfection in the advertising field to formulate the slogan, in the words of the Western Union Telegraph Company, "Don't Write - Telegraph!" Which school of journalism did Muhummed (pbuh) attend to master this super American sizzlemanship? 49 He is made to carry on:

DICTATING SHORTHAND Please compare the above with any other English translation of the Holy Qur'an by friend or foe, and you will find the same brevity and economy of words. Muhummed (pbuh) was not doing any exercise in prĂŠcis writing. He was only articulating God's Words as they were whispered into his heart and mind through the medium of the Archangel Gabriel. We must remember that there was no Arabic Bible, in the sixth century of the Christian era, when the Holy Prophet dictated the Qur'an. Now do yourself a favour. Please contrast this Qur'anic Revelation with the Biblical story as contained in the second Book of the Holy Bible, the Book of Exodus, chapters 1, 2 and 3 which discusses this very aspect of the life of the Holy Prophet Moses (pbuh) we are dealing with here. I quote the beginning of the story from the Bible-

NOW 50 these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Is-sa-char, Ze-bu-lun, and Benjamin, Dan, and Naph-tali, Gad, and Asher, And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already, Exodus 1:1-5 (HOLY BIBLE)


Sizzlemanship: The art of American high-pressure salesmanship "NOW!" Here we start again - the "Once upon a time" story! Give another glance to all the other examples on the preceding pages 30 to 32. 50


MOSES SET-UP Simply warming up! Is this how God speaks? Please compare these five verses from the Bible with the four verses from the Holy Qur'an reproduced below. To continue with the Qur'anic narrative, Moses (pbuh) was hungry for two things whilst wondering in the Sinai with his flock and family. He wanted 'fire' to cook his meat, and 'direction' to some hospitable community in the desert. Allah was unfolding his plan. Moses (pbuh) was being 'SET-UP' for his mission from the illusion of burning coal to the reality of the spiritual fire burning in the souls of mankind for thousands of years and a true direction for the guidance of humanity. The 'fire' that Moses (pbuh) saw, was no ordinary fire. To him it meant an easy kindling of his own fire, the fire also indicated the presence of other human beings from whom he could get information: and guidance.

The spiritual history of Moses (pbuh) begins here and this was his spiritual birth. In Biblical terminology - 'This day have I begotten thee!' This is how God spoke to David (pbuh) about his appointment, in the Book of Psalms 2:7. The whole Qur'anic passage above is full of the highest mystic meaning, which is reflected in the short rhymed verses in the original. Both the rhythm and the meaning in the text suggest the highest mystery. For easier comparison I reproduce the four verses together -

Has the story of Moses reached you?


Behold, he saw a fire: so he said to his family, "tarry ye; I perceive a fire, perhaps I can bring you some burning brand therefrom, or find some guidance at the fire." But when he came to the fire, a voice was heard: "0 Moses! Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in my presence) put off thy shoes: for thou art in the sacred valley of Tuwa. HOLY QUR'AN 20:9-12

Tuwa was the valley just below Mount Sinai, where subsequently Moses (pbuh) was to receive the Law. In the parallel mystic meaning, we are selected by trials in this humble life, whose valley is just as sacred and receive God's glory just as much as the heights of the Mount (Tur) Sinai, if we but have the insight to perceive it. And the 'shoes' were to be put off as a mark of respect. In the parallel mystic meaning again, Moses (pbuh) was now to put away his mere worldly interests, and anything of mere worldly utility, he having been chosen by the Most High God. WHAT IS YOUR VERDICT? How is one, inured to folklore and fairy tales to evaluate this pure elixir from Heaven? Even a sympathetic critic like Thomas Carlyle, one of the greatest thinkers of the past century could not fathom its incisive brevity and perspicuousness. He called the Qur'anic reading "A WEARISOME CONFUSED JUMBLE CRUDE, INCONDITE; - INSUPPORTABLE STUPIDITY ..." Incondite, meaning a badly constructed literary or artistic composition: and 'unsupportable stupidity'? After contrasting the Qur'anic and the Biblical narrations, how would your verdict go? I have yet to come across a journalist who failed to recognise the brilliance of Muhummed (?) (peace be upon him), in dictating direct facts, without any attempt on his part at analysing or interpreting it: exactly as a master journalist would do for today's newspaper or magazine. It is nothing short of the miraculous! Do you agree?


Chapter 4 MIRACULOUS BOOK OF TELEGRAMS The Holy Qur'an can be appropriately described as 'A Book of Telegrams.' For this is how the Book was revealed in the form of telegraphically addressed Messages in answer to the questions on: 1- ALCOHOL AND GAMES OF CHANCE

51 52


"SAY!" That is Muhummed (pbuh) is commanded to answer: "Tell them!" 0 Muhummed! "Proclaim, express it in words, utter aloud, pronounce, speak out!" 52 The same command with the same import.



QUR'AN AND HADITH The above is just one example of how God speaks! Other examples are to follow. Can any sincere seeker of truth be convinced in any easier way? The answer is 'No!' Yet He (God) Reasons with the recalcitrant in the following words:Say: "Are the blind equal With those who see?" (HOLY QUR'AN 13:16)

Of course not! Now compare the above Words of God Almighty on the subject of 'WINE' (intoxicants) with the words of His Chosen Messenger Muhummed Mustafa (pbuh), NOT FORGETTING that the above verse 2:219 and what follows from the Hadith below were heard from the lips of the Prophet (pubh) and recorded by his Companions: Ibn Anas (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah cursed every one who was associated in any way with the production and consumption of any kind of intoxicating beverages. He said: 1. Cursed is he who grows grapes for brewing.54 2. Cursed is he who sells it. 3. Cursed is he who crushes it. 4. Cursed is he who bottles it, and 5. Cursed is he who drinks it, or words to this effect. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said:


I cannot urge too strongly upon my Muslim brethen to memorize the verse with its meaning and share it with all who will give you a hearing. 54 It is the brewing of fermenting that invites the curse. Otherwise, the planting of fruit trees for the purpose of eating or selling their fruits is an act of virtue for which Allah rewards us.


"Whatever intoxicants if taken in greater quantity is also forbidden in smaller quantity." There is no excuse in the House of Islam for a nip or a tot, unlike Paul's advice to Timothy -

"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities. 1 Timothy 5:23 (HOLY BIBLE)

Or Solomon's sanguine yet humorous recommendation for enslaving and subjugating a conquered people:

"Give strong drink 55 unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts." "Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." Proverbs 31:6-7 (HOLY BIBLE)

Lest we forget, please look again at the Qur'anic diction and the words of the Prophet (pubh) above, and you cannot help agreeing that the two are worlds apart in style, structure, and sublimity though articulated by the same lips. Another example of replying telegraphically to a question regarding the 2. NEW MOONS They ask thee concerning the new moons. Say: they are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for pilgrimage. (HOLY QUR'AN 2:189)

"There were many superstitions connected with the New Moon, as there are to the present day. We are told to disregard such superstitions. As a measure of time, where the lunar calendar is used, the New Moon is one great sign, for which people watch with eagerness. Muslim festivals, including the Pilgrimage are fixed by the appearance of the New Moon." A. Yusuf Ali 56 55

"Hard liquor is for sick men at the brink of death and wine for those in deep depression." Is the alternative rendering of the verse in the "living bible," not a sure death to the dying? 56 The comment on the verse is by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Obtain his monumental translation and commentary from the IPCI at a highly subsidised price. A veritable encyclopaedia of over 1800 pages with over 6000 footnotes.


A telegram, in an identical vein to the question of –

3. C-H-A-R-I-T-Y They ask thee (0 Muhummed!) what they should spend (in charity). Say: whatever ye spend that is good, Is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for wayfarers. And whatever ye do that is good, Allah knoweth it well (HOLY QUR'AN 2:215)

"Three questions arise in charity: (a) What shall we give? (b) To whom shall we give? (c) How shall we give? The answer is here, give anything that is good, useful, helpful, valuable. It may be property or money; it may be a helpful hand; it may be advice, it may be a kind word: "WHATEVER YE DO THAT IS GOOD" is charity. On the other hand, if you throw away what is useless, there is no charity in it. Or if you give something with harmful intent, e.g. a sword to a madman, or a drug or sweets or even money to some one whom you want to entrap or corrupt, IT IS NO CHARITY BUT A GIFT OF DAMNATION." To whom should you give? It may be tempting to earn the world's praise by a gift that will be talked about, but are you meeting the needs of those who have the first claim on you? If you are not, YOU ARE A PERSON WHO DEFRAUDS CREDITORS: it is not charity! "Every gift is judged by its unselfish character: the degree of need or claim is a factor which you must consider; if you disregard it, there is something selfish behind it. How should it be given? As in the sight of Allah; it shut out all pretence, show, and insincerity." A. Yusuf Ali Muhummed (pbuh) received yet another telegram in answer to the query in the nature of:4. THE SOUL They ask thee (0 Muhummed!) concerning (the nature of) the soul.


Say: "The soul is by the command of my Lord: and of the knowledge of it very little is communicated to you, (0 Men!)" (HOLY QUR'AN 17:85)

I cannot help over-emphasising the fact that THE RECITATION OF THE HOLY QUR'AN IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER BOOK ON EARTH. IT SPEAKS STRAIGHT AND TO THE POINT. THERE ARE NO IFS AND BUTS, NO PREVARICATIONS, NO BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH. In the whole vast volume you will not get the type of script out of which a "box-office hit," or a record breaking film like the "Ten Commandments", "Samson and Delilah", or a "David and Bethsheba" can be produced for the silver screen - the cinema. In this regard the Holy Bible is the script writer's delight. It is all there for easy transmuting into pots of gold! While we are at it, let me remind my readers that search as you may you will not find within the covers of the Holy Qur'an even the name of Muhummed's (pbuh) father or mother. You will not discover the names of his wives or the names of his daughters, nor the names of his beloved companions. Amazingly! though you will find a whole chapter dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ (pbuh) ... Sura Maryam, or Mary, chapter 19 of the Holy Qur'an. Jesus (pbuh) is mentioned in this Book of God no less than twenty-five times, whereas the name of the Prophet (pbuh) only five times. Reason? Are Jesus and his mother more important than Muhummed and his mother (peace be upon them all)? "No! not at all" Then why this inordinate coverage? Simply because the integrity of Jesus and his mother (peace be upon them) was at stake. There were various false charges, insinuations and innuendoes against mother and son which had to be cleared. Hence the story of the annunciation, the immaculate conception and the birth of Jesus (pbuh) had to be recorded. Nobody ever questioned the genealogy of the Prophet of Islam at any time, therefore not a word was wasted in the whole Book about the Prophet's birth or parentage. The Qur'an is not a biography of Muhummed (pbuh)! This is difficult for the unbeliever to understand. Let us give one more example of the telegraphic communication from the Holy Qur'an on the subject of the Last Day, the End of Time, that is 5. THE FINAL HOUR They ask thee (0 Muhummed!) about the (final) hour - when will be its appointed time? Say: "the knowledge thereof is with my Lord (alone): none but He can reveal as to when it will occur. Heavy were its burden through the heavens and the earth.


Only, all of a sudden will it come to you." (HOLY QUR'AN 7:187)

It will be worth while to compare this one verse above with the whole of chapter thirteen of the Gospel of St. Mark, which uses all of the thirty-seven verses there to reach the conclusion of the single aayah (verse) above. A simple test to distinguish man-made books from the Word of God. You will find the Qur'an free from frills and verboseness! Many other examples can be given from the Book of God to prove that its narration is not in the style of men; that it is an absolutely unique Book. In fact a volume can be written on this theme itself. However we will end this chapter with one last example from the Holy Qur'an. It is a classical short chapter of only four verses. All the four verses put together are less in wording than the five examples of a single verse each given above. I give you below a replica of that short sĂşra (chapter).

In the English translation above, you will note five numbers to the four verses, Nos. 6296 to 6300. In the complete translation of A. Yusuf Ali, 57 you will find his learned commentary. You may or may not agree with his elucidations. They are not infallible. The word of God IS THE ARABIC TEXT your see above, and the English is accepted as the best human effort at translation. I will now give you my own observation from the angle of Revelation that we are discussing, eg., Divine inspiration - Word of God, under the title:


You will do yourself and your Muslim and non-Muslim friends a great favour by making this translation available to them. See the irresistible offer on the inside front cover


6. ACID TEST OF THEOLOGY On the authority of the Messenger of Allah, it is universally accepted that a Muslim reciting the above four verses in its original form, three times, will derive the spiritual blessings of reading the whole Qur'an. What makes this short SĂşra (chapter) so invaluable? It is not the sound, nor the music of that inimitable symphony which move men to ecstasy and tears. It is the Message, that acid test of religion which gives it that high and sublime status. There is not a theology, or a concept of God which is out of the purview of these four short verses. They are the touchstones about the knowledge of God. Through these you can accept or reject any idea of God, or know right from wrong. This is exactly like the "touchstone" the jewellers use for testing gold. Ask a jeweller friend how a touchstone works. How did our Qur'anic touchstone come about? FROM THE "HEAD COMPUTER" Arrangements were under way for me to visit Zambia on a lecture tour in mid 1975. I received a phone call from Lusaka that an air ticket was sent to Durban which I could pick up from the head quarters of the South African Airways in the city centre. I walked up to the airways office and approached the information counter and told the man in charge that I had come to pick up my air ticket which had been sent from Lusaka. He told me to see one of the ladies, out of a dozen that were seated in a semi-circle, each with a computer terminal with a visual screen in front. As most of them were attending to other customers, I asked "Which one?" The officer was obviously irritated and flayed his hands and said roughly, "Any one!" pointing in the direction of the seated ladies. At that moment, I could not understand the reason for this otherwise polite gentleman getting ruffled with my humble and innocent question. I was looking forward to receiving a long booklet of ticket vouchers. I had handled and used them a few times before in my life so there was no mistaking in what I was anticipating. How can any one of those women have my ticket? I wondered. But the irritated tone of the man's voice left me no choice but to seek further information as indicated. Sheepishly, I approached the first lady that I saw free to serve and told her of my mission. I was informed about a ticket waiting to be picked up. She asked me my name which I spelled out for her. As I spelt it, she began typing it on the keyboard before her. She was watching the screen as she typed. I could not see the wording from where I stood. She nodded her head and said, "Yes," suggesting that she had got it. I said that I wanted to leave Durban for Johannesburg on the Tuesday evening. She offered me a 6 p.m. flight which I accepted, and she punched a few more words on the keyboard. I told her, further, that I wanted to leave Johannesburg to arrive in Lusaka at about 3 p.m. the next day. That was the instruction from my hosts there as they wanted the news media and the TV news to cover my arrival. She typed some more words and enquired whether


I wanted to go to Lusaka via Gaborone or Maputo. I said, it didn't matter as long as I arrived at my destination on Wednesday at 3 p.m. She hit the keyboard again and scanning the screen said, "I am sorry but you are booked on Zambian Airlines and we cannot transfer your ticket to another airline because we cannot contact Zambian Airlines today as they are closed on account of a national holiday in that country." So I was asked to return the next day. Very interesting! I thought, but I was sorely disappointed as the ticket was almost within my reach but not within my grasp. I still imagined that she had the tickets in her desk drawer. IGNORANCE REMOVED In my puzzlement, I asked her, "Where did you get all that information from?" She said, "It was from the Head Computer in Johannesburg." She was kind enough to explain further that every other computer in the country with similar end terminals had access to that computer at the press of a button. I enquired that whilst she was trying to book me on that 6 p.m. flight to Johannesburg, and if there was only one seat left, and if there were other terminals trying for that seat, what would happen? She said the first one within the second would get the seat and the rest would draw a blank. I thanked her profusely and left the airways building. On my way back to my office, my mind began to buzz with ideas. This is how it happened, I thought. I mean the wahy (the Revelation of God to Muhummed (pbuh) His Chosen Messenger, came from the "Head Computer" - THE PRESERVED TABLET!

This "Tablet" is not like the one Moses (pbuh) used for inscribing the Ten Commandments, a tablet of stone. It is unlike the ones teachers use in schools, called "black boards" or "green boards." Neither it is the Tablet of a computer screen or the silicone chip. It is God's Own tablet guarded and protected; it is not to be understood in any material sense for it is not made of stone or metal, IT IS SPIRITUAL! How does it operate? We can only guess CHRISTIANS FROM NAJRAN Whilst Islam was getting a firm foothold in Madeenah, the reputation of the Messenger of God spread throughout the length and breadth of Arabia. A community of Arab Christians living in Najran, around Yemen, heard that an Arab in Arabia was now claiming Divine inspiration and had proclaimed himself to be the mouthpiece of God - a Prophet. A deputation set out for Madeenah to cross-examine the Prophet, to match their wits against his to test his knowledge about God and religion in general.


On their arrival they were housed in the Musjid-e-Nabawi (the mosque of the Prophet): a simple structure of mud walls with a thatched roof of palm leaves. The Christians, ate and slept in the mosque and had discussions with the Messenger of Allah for three days and three nights in the mosque. The details of the dialogue can be found in the Books of Traditions. During the course of the dialogue, the spokesman for the Christians, amongst many other things, posed the question, "Now tell us 0 Muhummed, what is your concept of God?" The Prophet did not prevaricate, he did not beat around the bush, fumbling for words and ideas, to gather his thoughts, as anyone of us would have done if we did not have a ready answer. Muhummed (pbuh), so to speak, presses his spiritual buttons (there were no buttons to press) but as I said; "So to speak." as if, like the lady above, in the airways office contacting the "Head Computer" He is seeking an answer from Allah through the "PRESERVED TABLET," the head computer of all revelational knowledge. He is asking, again as I said, so to speak "0 my Lord! What shall I say?" Came the answer Say: (0 Muhummed) He is Allah the one and only; Allah, the eternal absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten, And there is none like unto him. (HOLY QUR'AN 112:1-4)

After uttering the above formula on the Purity of Faith, the conversation returned to the usual discourse of words. No Arab worth his name could have missed the difference in tone and intensity between the two discourses. The words above were not the Prophet's but were God's word. They were literally being put into his mouth. While he recited them, he was only being used as a mouthpiece of God, like the "speaker" in the radio. This data material was programmed into his own, God-given, computer, into his heart and mind a decade earlier in Makkah, under identical circumstances. At that time he was being prodded by the Jews who were trying to trip him on the subject of the "identity and genealogy of God." Not unlike the Pharisees of old who were dogging the footsteps of Jesus, their awaited Messiah (pbuh). The foregoing is a perfect example of how God Almighty sent His revelation to his chosen Messenger - by verbal inspiration - and how His Messenger had it protected and preserved, and how His human mouthpiece used and reused that Message, and how we, the followers of the Prophet (pbuh), are to have that Message imbibed to use it at every opportunity.


In the religious literature of the world there is nothing to compare with even this short chapter of Sura Ikhlaas quoted above! If this chapter 112 is the acid test of theology God's concentrated word, then the rest of the Qur'anic text is its explanation, with which we are to discover the Qualities of God, and avoid the pitfalls into which men and nations have fallen repeatedly in trying to understand God.


Chapter 5 GOD - UNIQUE IN HIS ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES God Almighty is absolutely unique in His Person and in His attributes. In no way is he to be compared, or comparable, with any other person or thing that we know or can imagine. In the last verse of the SĂşra, quoted in the preceding chapter, we are reminded that not only "Is nothing like Him, but nothing is in the likeness of Him that can be imagined." Then how can we know Him? We will realise him through His attributes. The last and Final Revelation of God - the Holy Qur'an gives us ninety-nine attributes of God with the crowning name - ALLAH! These ninety-nine attributes or names called the Asma-ul-husna (the Most Beautiful names) are interspersed throughout the whole Qur'anic text, like a beautiful necklace of pearls with a magnificent pendant - Allah. Here is a sample segment of that necklace:


"THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAMES" In the two verses quoted above, we count thirteen of the ninety-nine attributes interspersed throughout the Holy Qur'an. Even the most jaundiced and inimical opponent of Islam will be forced to admit that even in its translated form the attributes and the phraseology are beautiful and unique. In its original Arabic the wordings and their construction are absolutely inimitable and sublime. How could an ummi, an unlettered person, among an ummi - unlearned nation contrive such a rhapsody of God fourteen hundred years ago? We must remember that there were no encyclopaedias or treatises that Muhummed (pbuh) could consult even if they were lying around in the deserts of Arabia. From where, then, did Muhummed (pbuh) get this treasure trove of theology? He said, "It is all given to me by God through inspiration!" How else can we account for it? It would be a good experiment to ask the most learned of our learned friends to conjure up some attributes of God for us. I assure you that with all their acquired knowledge the professors of theology and the doctors of divinity will not be able to recount even a dozen. The worldly-wise will say that "You see, Muhummed was a genius, and after


all a genius can excel ten times better than us!" To which we respond: "It is true that a genius can do ten times better than us. The Prophet (pbuh) gave us ninety-nine attributes, but what makes his list MIRACULOUS and DIVINE is the one he left out of his list" The word "Father", that is Miracle! THE FATHER IN HEAVEN In our human list, no contributor will fail to utter the word FATHER in the first half-adozen attributes. The miracle of Muhummed's (pbuh) list 58 is not the "ninety-nine" but this particular one which he (?) kept out of his (?) Qur'an. The word "father" as an attribute of God was dangled before him for the twenty-three years of his prophetic life. He eschewed it. He kept it out of his vocabulary (consciously or unconsciously) for over two decades and hence out of the theology of Islam. You have a right to ask me, "What about the Christians' Lord's Prayer?" Yes, what about it? Read it Mr. Deedat! So I read:

"O our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." "What is wrong with that?" you ask. "Nothing!" Then why are the Muslims so allergic to it? I am not so jaundiced as our opponents. We have to acknowledge that the Christian prayer is a beautiful prayer but there are certain deficiencies in it. You see my child will never ever learn God's name through this prayer. What is His Name? 59 In all the twentyseven books of the New Testament God's name does not occur even once! "Father" is given here as a substitute. This is not His Name! As an attribute, meaning - Lord, God, Creator, Provider, I can take no exception to it. "The loving Father in Heaven. 0 our Heavenly Father!" etc. We Muslims take exception to the new meaning, the acquired connotation of the word Father. ONLY BEGOTTEN SON ETC. In Christian theology, this simple, innocent word "Father" has acquired a novel meaning. He is, according to Christianity, the One Who BEGOT the son Jesus. They say in their catechism 60 - "Jesus is the very God of very God, begotten of the Father, begotten NOT made." If words have any meaning, what does this mean? Of course it means what is says! God has many sons according to the Holy Bible. Adam, Israel, Ephraim, David, Solomon, etc ... But all these are metaphorical sons. God Almighty as the Creator and Cherisher is metaphorically the father of His every creature; every animal or human being: but Jesus (pbuh), the Christians say, is not like these. He was BEGOTTEN, not


This is not Muhummed's list. The Qur'an is not his handiwork. I am using these terms in a manner of speaking to the unbeliever. 59 A book under the same title: "What is His Name?" is available from the IPCI absolutely FREE of charge. 60 Catechism: A short book giving, in question-and-answer form, a brief summary of the basic principles of a religion, especially Christianity.


MADE! This according to Islam is the most abominable utterance, attributing to God an animal nature - the lower animal function of sex! MEANINGS CHANGE In the beginning the word "Father" for God did not carry any blasphemous associations, but words do change in their meanings at times. I will give you just two as examples: "Comrade" and "gay." "Comrade:" originally a beautiful and innocent word, meaning - a friend, an associate or a companion derived from the Old French comrade, roommate or soldier sharing the same room. But today the same word stinks in the nostrils of the Americans as a "commy", a communist, a member of the Marxist-Leninist party, any radical viewed as a subversive or revolutionary who should be eliminated as a pest or parasite. If any foolish friend addresses you today as COMRADE in the United States, he could jeopardise your career, as well as your life! "Gay:" What is wrong with this word? Nothing at all! I learnt this word in my early schooling as showing or characterised by cheerfulness and light-hearted excitement; a merry person. I was taught to sing "GENTLE LORDS AND LADIES GAY ON THE MOUNTAIN DAWNS THE DAY."

I have forgotten the balance of the poem. Here, I understood the meaning of the word "gay" to mean happy and joyous. I did not have the slightest inkling that one day such an innocuous word which children learn at school would in time acquire a filthy, dirty meaning of being homosexual: sodomites and catamites in its very primary sense. So "LADIES GAY" would mean today - LADIES LESBIAN! In like manner the respectable word "Father" has become contaminated by the belief of - "the only BEGOTTEN of the Father!" etc. RABB OR ABB? God Almighty through Muhummed (pbuh) has protected Islam and the Muslims by keeping the word "Father" (ABB) for God, out of its religious vocabulary. It is a miraculous fact that though the Holy Qur'an lists ninety-nine attributes of God, including the word RABB which means - Lord, Cherisher, Sustainer, Evolver, etc, (this attribute Rabb occurs dozens of times in the Book of God) - But the easier word Abb, meaning "Father" in Arabic and in Hebrew, is not used even once, thus preserving the Muslims from the blasphemy of the only BEGOTTEN son! To whom must we give credit for this feat: Allah or Muhummed (pbuh)? The Holy Prophet (pbuh) disclaims any credit, always saying that all this is given to him by inspiration, the words ye hear are not his, they are God's Word as dictated to Him!


Chapter 6 SOLVING CONTROVERSY The Holy Qur'an is one huge Miracle. It is a Book of Miracles which may be expounded from innumerable points of views. I have tried from some simple aspects to share with you that which I, as a layman was enthralled with. There is no end to this research. I leave this task to my more learned brethren, and the erudite scholars of Islam. May I live to see their efforts. Let me end with this, my final example, for this short publication. CALL TO SWAZILAND A few years ago, a controversy arose in Swaziland. King Sobuza lost his Queen elect. The Christian Churches in the country began quibbling on the subject of the period of waiting before a man can remarry. It was not such a serious problem for discussion because the King still had eight more wives. So the topic changed to "How long must a woman wait if her husband dies." As the debate was raging furiously in the tiny Kingdom, the benevolent King ordered a synod of all the Churches in the country to thrash out the problem. Mr. Moosa Borman, a Swazi brethren who had embraced Islam, sought permission from the King to have his "Church" (Islam) also represented in the debate. With the King's blessings, I too was honoured to attend the dicussion. One Sunday morning, in the King's kraal, representatives of the various denominations of Christianity gathered to arrive at some consensus on the period of widowhood. Speaker after speaker delivered his discourse. God Almighty had gifted the African, each and everyone is a potential Billy Graham or Jimmy Swaggart! At the end of each sermon the audience applauded enthusiastically. The next speaker came and he brushed off his predecessor with the expression "paalish" (meaning porridge), implying rubbish, garbage! and performed to resounding applause. From morning to evening the performance went on. Around 5 p.m. my turn came. With the volume of the Holy Qur'an you see on the cover of this booklet, in my hands, I began, "From morning till night, we have been fumbling for an answer, as to how long is a woman to wait before remarrying after the demise of her husband: and we have heard what the Old Testament says and what the New Testament says, a-n-d what the New 'Testament says and what the Old Testament says, but we have not yet got the answer! because the solution to our problem is in the "LAST TESTAMENT" "The Last Testament' was a bombshell for the Christian priests and preachers. They had never heard the expression THE LAST TESTAMENT in their lives. "Quoting OLD and NEW, NEW, and OLD will not help because the answer is in the LAST TESTAMENT of God to mankind!" I brandished the Book above my head, and read only the English of


the Holy Qur'an, chapter 2 verse 234. A reference which is very easy to remember 2:234, just 2234! If any of you die and leave widows behind, They shall wait concerning themselves four months and ten days: When they have fulfilled their term, there is no blame on you if they dispose of themselves in a just and reasonable manner. And God is well acquainted with what ye do. I asked the audience, "FOUR MONTHS AND TEN DAYS, do you need any interpretation!?" They all answered in chorus, "NO!", I explained to the learned clergy the wisdom behind the period of "four months and ten days." In the preceding verses, in this Last and Final Testament of God, we were told about the period of waiting after divorce: Divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods ... (HOLY QUR'AN 2:228)

This is in order to see that the marriage conditionally dissolved was likely to result in an issue. Whereas in the case of widowhood an extra period of one month and ten days are prescribed. Very logical everyone will agree, but what is miraculous about all this? Any wise man could have guessed these 3 months period after divorce and 4 months and ten days after the demise of the husband. Muhummed's (pbuh) guess is as good as anybody else's! This is true, but the proof that all this healthy useful teaching is not Muhummed's (pbuh) handiwork is in the verse following the 4 months and ten days period: There is no blame on you if ye make an offer of betrothal or hold it in your hearts. God knows that ye cherish them in your hearts: But do not enter into a secret contract with them except in terms honourable, Nor resolve on the tie of marriage till the term prescribed is fulfilled.


(HOLY QUR'AN 2:235)

GOD'S FINGERPRINT "Do not resolve to the tying of the marriage knot till the fixed period of waiting is over." This is not Muhummed's (pbuh) cleverness! This is the Wisdom of the All-Wise God. The Omniscient Creator knows the weaknesses of his creatures. Man in his greed and cupidity will take unfair advantage of the poor distraught widow. She has just lost her backbone and support the bread-winner. She has a number of little mouths to feed and she has also perhaps lost her looks and value in the marriage market has diminished. She is likely to clutch at any straw. In her emotional, unsettled condition when a predator makes the proposal. In her haste and insecurity she might readily accept. The Master Psychologist (not Muhummed pbuh) is fully aware of, all the snares laid by men. Hence the warning - "NO CONTRACT until the appointed term is fulfilled!" The 'iddat' 61 after a divorce is three months. Here she is given an extra 40 days to regain her equilibrium and equanimity. In the meantime, if suggestions of marriage had come, she would have the opportunity of discussing the matter dispassionately with her friends and relatives. She could avoid the pitfalls of a hasty acceptance with a long drawn out and painful development. Did Muhummed (pbuh) think and work-out all these ramifications in the desert fourteen hundred years ago? Alas, you give him too much credit! He is made to repeat again and again that the Qur'anic Wisdom is not of his making, "It is no less than an inspiration sent down to him 62 by his Benevolent Creator. If you still doubt his testimony then meet his challenge. He is made to say:

61 62

'Iddat': period of waiting after divorce or after bereavement. Holy Qur'an 53:4


The world is challenged to produce a Book like the Holy Qur'an and has not produced one in fourteen centuries. The Arab Christians who boast a population of 15 million today, not to be out done, have produced the Christian gospels in Qur'anic style. They have plagiarized 63 the Holy Qur'an by stealing words and phrases and even the style, not even forgetting the Bismillah! 64 Every chapter of their most modem invention begins with the first verse of the Qur'anic Revelation. You have to see it to believe it. Here is a photostat of their new man-made "revelation".

Here is another proof, if proof was needed that the Qur'an is inimitable. Try as you might. The challenge still stands. The Holy Qur'an is God's Word revealed to Muhummed (pbuh) and it is the Miracle of Miracles! "AND A MIRACLE INDEED IT IS!" Rev. Bosworth Smith


Plagiarise: To steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own. The Formula - "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful," with which each chapter of the Holy Qur'an begins. 64


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