c h a p e l h i l l - c a r r b o r o d e l ta f o u n d at i o n a n d chapel hill-carrboro area Alumnae chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2015 jabberwock scholarship program
DeSTination to
capturing the promise s at u r d ay, A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 • 6 p. m .
east chapel hill high school • chapel hill
2015 j a bber w o c k c on t e s ta n t s
DeSTination to Education: Capturing the Promise Job well done! We are proud of your accomplishments.
t h e j a bberw o c k c om m i t t ee chapel hill-carrboro delta foundation and chapel hill-carrboro area Alumnae chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Pictured above: 2015 Jabberwock Scholarship Program contestants and members of the Jabberwock committee
2015 jabberwock scholarship program
DeSTination to capturing the promise s at u r d ay, a p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 • 6 p. m . east chapel hill high school • chapel hill
mistress and master of ceremony deanna hamilton and joseph king davis, jr. Greetings…………………………………………............... Jemma Boler and Jacqueline Platt, Co-Chairs 2015 Miss Jabberwock Scholarship Program Invocation ……………………………………………...… Reverend Lavisha Williams Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Welcome ……………………………………...………….. V. Dianne Peerman-Pledger, President Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter Opening Dance ……………………….…………………… Miss Jabberwock Contestants Sheldon Mba, Choreographer Music – Wings by Little Mix (Glee) Occasion……………………………………………..…… Jemma Boler Co-Chair 2015 Jabberwock Committee Introduction of Master and Mistress of Ceremonies………....… Jacqueline Platt, Co-Chair 2015 Jabberwock Committee Fashion Walk…………………………………………….… Featuring the 2015 Contestants E n t e r ta i n m e n t C o n te s t a n t Ta l e n t P r e s e n t a t i o n s Introduction of Jr. Escorts and Parents…………………….… Master and Mistress of Ceremonies
2015 jabberwock scholarship program
DeSTination to capturing the promise s at u r d ay, a p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 • 6 p. m . east chapel hill high school • chapel hill
E n t e r ta i n m e n t T h e P r e s e n ta tio n o f t h e 2 0 1 5 Mi s s J a b b e r w o c k C o n t e s t a n t s The Waltz ………………………………...…….................… Miss Jabberwock Contestants Mrs. Marcella Sullivan, Choreographer Music – Jitterbug Waltz P r e s e n ta tio n o f th e 2 0 1 3 Mi s s J a b b e r w o c k a n d P r i n c e s s C o u r t 2013 Queens’ Final Stroll ……………………………….....… Miss Alexis Brower & Miss Chelci Caldwell Awards & Recognitions ………………………………...…… V. Dianne Pledger Jabberwock Awards & Recognitions Committee
T h e C r o wn i n g o f 2 0 1 5 Mi s s J a b b e r w o c k 2 0 1 5 T h e Q u e e n s ’ P r o me n a d e Acknowledgements and Closing Remarks ………………..…… Jemma Boler and Jacqueline Platt 2015 Jabberwock Committee Co-Chairs m u s i c a l p o st l u d e
Reception will be held in the lobby area immediately following the pageant. The 2015 Jabberwock Souvenir Book will be distributed in the lobby area immediately following the program.
J a bbe r wock
mistress and master of ceremony
joseph king davis, jr.
Deanna Hamilton
Mr. Joseph King Davis, Jr. is a native of Durham, NC, a graduate of North Carolina Central University, and an educator in the Durham Public Schools for over 30 years. He is a member of St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church where he serves on the Board of Trustees, Budget Committee, District Director of Christian Education, and International President of the Assembly of Christian Educators. He serves as Chairperson of the Mortgage Liquidation Committee, past Men’s Day Chairman, and numerous other current and past chair responsibilities. Mr. Davis is a motivational and inspirational leader who has contributed to the financial and Christian educational success of the AME Zion denomination. As an educator, Mr. Davis has served as Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, Science Chairman, teacher, and mentor to hundreds of students throughout his 30 years in the Durham Public Schools system. He has helped to shape the course of students’ careers and pathways to become nurses, doctors, and scientists with confidence and determination through his transference of knowledge and his mastery of biology and science courses he teaches. His recommendations for our youth to travel abroad to Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and many countries around the world have afforded them lifetime experiences they would not have received had it not been for his advocacy. Additionally, his mentorship and numerous recommendations for our youth have allowed them to dream and realize the vision of attending college.
Mrs. Deanna Hamilton is an Award Winning Entrepreneur, author, speaker, and Certified Life, Business and Christian Coach. She has recently added Television Talk Show Host to her credits and she aspires to inspire as many individuals as possible to live their best life and build their best business. Mrs. Hamilton knows that no one can achieve great success without great mentors. She is so passionate about mentorship that she wrote a book about it entitled, “The Great Mentor: The Story of Ruth and Naomi.” The book helps the reader to identify the characteristics of a great mentor/mentee relationship, and ultimately facilitates one’s personal, spiritual, and professional growth. Mrs. Hamilton has been featured in Who’s Who in Black Raleigh and Durham. Her television show, The Great Mentor with Deanna Hamilton, seen on the CW television network, is used as a platform for Great Mentors in Community, Ministry, and Business. Mrs. Hamilton serves as a Deacon at her local church and sits on several advisory boards. She is a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University and a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Mrs. Hamilton works from her home office in Holly Springs, NC, where she enjoys spending time with her husband, Brian, and their three children, Elijah, Jessica, and Sidney. For more information about how Mrs. Hamilton can serve you and your growing business, please contact her at www.DeannaHamilton.com.
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
greetings from the president Welcome to the 2015 Jabberwock Scholarship Program: DeSTination Education: Capturing the Promise I bring you greetings on behalf of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We are pleased that you have chosen to share this special occasion with us. Our theme this year evokes the true vision of the founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and a founding principal of our sisterhood – EDUCATION! We thank you for your continued support of our pageant and the many activities that have led us to this evening. Without your financial support, our young people would not be able to realize all of their hopes and dreams. Without your spiritual support, they would not be able to realize the strength they have to endure life’s obstacles. In an interpretation of the immortal classic “Alice in Wonderland,” Lewis Carroll created the delightful character known as “Jabberwock” who summoned all of the creatures in the kingdom to perform a gala event. Being mindful of this concept, Delta member Marian G. Conover Hope of Iota Chapter (Boston, Massachusetts) creatively recalled this mythical character, but in a dramatically different manner, when faced with the challenge of devising plans for a fundraising project. Conceptualized in 1925 as a musical variety show that consisted of skits and dances, the Jabberwock has since evolved into a more diverse program that continues to raise funds for scholarships and other Delta sponsored public service projects. The word Jabberwock, copyrighted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., has evolved in its symbolism over the past eighty years. It now represents an evening of elegance and entertainment that showcases the gifts and talents of the young women participating in the program while advancing the goals and objectives of Delta’s scholarship program. The Delta Jabberwock program spans over a period of six months or more, featuring a plethora of cultural, educational, and social opportunities for participants comparable to a rites of passage experience, culminating in an evening of absolute sophisticated elegance. The program represents a comprehensive approach designed to instill inspiration and aspiration with no goals being beyond reach when consistently passionate dedication and persistence remain in the forefront. These activities are designed to minimize the challenges encountered with the transitions from high school to young adulthood, while promoting harmonious relationships among the participants and their families, friends and the community-at-large. The ultimate goal rests with assisting young women of color in becoming productive contributing future leaders in their communities and beyond. It takes a VILLAGE. Jemma and Jacqueline, I salute you for your hard work and dedication! To the parents of our Jabberwock contestants and their escorts, we would like to thank you for your support. Your cooperation and dedication have contributed to the success of tonight’s program. To our eight very special young ladies and their escorts, continue to aim high. Working with you has been such a pleasure for all of us. May God continue to bless you. To our Sorors, we thank you for continuing to make this magnificent production the growing success it is. Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to work together as true “sisters”. With utmost gratitude,
V. Dianne Peerman-Pledger President Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae 6
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. A Public Service sorority founded in 1913
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter implements the sorority’s mission of public service through a diverse array of programs and projects under the umbrella of the five point programmatic thrust. Some of the programs and projects since the inception of the chapter in 1979 include: • Scholarship aid to 209 students primarily from Orange and Chatham counties totaling nearly $126,000 • Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy (a program for girls 10-14 with focus on math and science enrichment) • Miss Jabberwock Scholarship Program (a public service fundraiser with cultural and educational components) • Frances N. Hargraves Memorial Book Drive • Delta Seminar for Teens • Educational Summit for Teens • Orange County Partnership for Habitat for Humanity • Delta GEMS, a program for high school girls focusing on academic, cultural and social enrichment • Annual sponsorship of the MLK Blood Drive • Participation in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure • Adoption of Orange Community Residence caring for persons with HIV/AIDS • Health awareness seminars such as breast cancer, clinical depression, hypertension, diabetes, HIV/AIDS • Feed the Homeless (meal preparation and delivery in Hillsborough, NC) • Pregnant and parenting teens programs • Arts and Letters programs showcasing and supporting local talent • Voter education and registration • Financial aid and in-kind support to various nonprofit agencies and organizations in our service area • Food baskets and personal care baskets to needy families and battered women • Habitat for Humanity • Queen of Hearts Gala to support the American Heart Association and recognize a healthcare provider who works to eliminate disparities in cardiovascular disease • The Kemba Smith Project: Saving Our Sons & Daughters
elta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., a private, non-profit organization, was founded on January 13, 1913 by twenty-two collegiate women at Howard University in Washington, D.C. These students wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence and to provide assistance to persons in need. The first public act performed by the Delta Founders involved their participation in the Women’s Suffrage March in Washington, D.C., March 1913. Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated in 1930. Delta Sigma Theta is a sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately African-American college-educated women. The sorority currently has over 900 chapters located in the United States, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea. The need to continue the Founders legacy of scholarship, service and sisterhood evolved into the formation of a new chapter in the Chapel Hill- Carrboro area. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered on March 18, 1979 by twenty-two alumnae members living in the Orange County area. The major programs of the Sorority are based upon the organization’s Five Point Programmatic Thrust: • Economic Development • International Awareness and Involvement • Educational Development • Physical and Mental Health • Political Awareness and Involvement 7
Jabb erwock
chapel hill-carrboro area alumnae chapter
chapter members
first Row: Darlene Laws, Bettina Shuford, Barnetta White, Pearlene Peace, Letanya Love, Roberta Price, Ursula Howard, Sue Florence, Dianne Pledger, Jane Garrett, Erma Smith-King, Addie Laws, Sylvia Black, Lavisha Williams second Row: Sheena Sutton, Jaimee Daniels, Victoria Guthrie, Stephanie Hawkins Anderson, Rosemary Jackson, Gwen Atwater, Pandora Frazier, Hazel Gibbs, Deborah Taylor, Mary Phillips, Deborah Debourg- Brown, Rhonda Manns, Lorraine Erhunmwunsee, Jemma Boler, Barbara Branch, Camesha Jones third Row: Annice Fisher, Khadine Lewis, Nedra Bradsher, Sherry Smith, Tiffany Harrison, Erica Farrar, Remisha Jones, Vanda Wilson-Womack, Robin Walker, Valarie Dobson, Tracie Greene, Lisa Norris, Kokethia Saunders, Briana Stephenson, Patrice Smith, Janae Brown, Jeskell Creecy forth Row: LaShica Waters, Kellye Jones, Monica McKnight, Harriett Perkins, Judy Jacobs, Sybil Henderson, Lorraine Coleman, Stephanie Moore, Chrishawna Peterson, Laketta Bolden, Allison Mathews not pictured: Angeline Baker, Crystal Wiley Cene, Qiana Eaglin, Karla Eanes, Tiffeni Fontno, Shani Foy-Watson, Betty Paula Woods Giles, Saddie Gillespie, Onjerya Gilmore, Hermenia Green, Leslie Grinage, Ishna Hall, Renee Hango, Lorna Harris, Tina Harris, Lora Henderson, Marlee Henderson, Vivian Honor, Sharron Hinton, Edith Hubbard, Claudette Jackson, Dianne Jackson, Kirtisha Jones, Emma Jean Levi, Peketa Long, Deshera Mack, Joanne McClelland, Jamel McDuffie, Karmesia McKoy, Malikah Myrick-Smith, LaQuinta Parker-Perry, Jacqueline Platt, Regina Richardson, Joyce Roland, Cindy Rogers, Debbie Satterfield, LaTonya Smith, Alicia Smith-Freshwater, Patrice Smith-Wall, Ebony Sneed, Robin Snipes, Kimberley D. Stevens, Deborah Taylor, Florina Thompson, Misty G. Thompson-Drake, Laurie Thompson, Asia-LaRae Walker, Debra Watkins, Ann Wilkerson, Lanita McClelland – Williams, Timika Williams
chapel hill-carrboro area alumnae chapter
2014-15 chapter officers
President, V. Dianne Pledger Vice President, Carrie Sue Florence Treasurer, Saddie Gillespie Financial Secretary, Jane Garrett Recording Secretary, Roberta Price Corresponding Secretary, Ursula Howard Chaplin, Addie Laws Assistant Chaplin, Lavisha Williams Parliamentarian, Sylvia Black
Sergeant-at-Arms, Robin Walker/Regina Richardson (Assistant) Journalist, Deborah Taylor Custodian, Lavisha Williams Historian, Erma Smith King Nominating Committee, Dianne Jackson, Chair Lorraine Erhunmwunsee, Pandora Frazier Bettina Shuford, Monica McKnight Immediate Past President, Letanya Love
Chapter Sorors in attendance at the CHCAA sponsored event “Kemba Smith Project: Saving Our Sons and Daughters.” (February 7, 2015)
Members of CHCAA conducted a “Get Out the Vote” campaign during the 2014 general election. (October 18, 2014)
Jabb erwock
chapel hill-carrboro area alumnae chapter
charter members
chartered • march 18, 1979
Left to right (kneeling): Roslyn Moore, Ethel Jean Jackson, Dorothy Carey, Paula Woods, Norma Sermon, South Atlantic Regional Director, Martha Flowers, Rosemary Jackson, Sandra Renwick and Carolyn Thornton* Left to right (second row): Demetria Chavis, Joyce O’Rourke, Winona Peace*, Sheila White, Erma Smith, Carolyn Stroman, Ester Vassar and Deborah Hall; Left to right (third row): Elizabeth Whitted*, Alice Battle, Irma Best, Phyllis Beane, Mildred Trent, Pearl Caldwell* and Joyce Roland *Deceased
chcaa Chapter Services the Orange and Chatham County Areas of North Carolina
MLK Jr. Annual Blood Drive (January 19, 2015)
Teen Summit
(February 22, 2014)
“Bring Back Our Girls” event (May 31, 2014)
— 2014 — Scholarship
Recipients The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Delta Foundation, Inc. (CHC Foundation) is affiliated with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The CHC Foundation was incorporated on May 28, 2004, as a nonprofit entity to provide programs benefiting the citizens of Orange, Chatham, and Durham counties in the state of North Carolina. The CHC Foundation focuses primarily on providing educational
amon khalid williams Carrboro High School $1000
.............................. dwyne watkins Cedar Ridge High School $1000
assistance awards for African-American youth, providing enhanced
educational opportunities for minority youth, and engaging in a
taylor cheek Chatham Central High School $500
variety of public service activities in the targeted counties.
2014 Officers
jennah jones
President, Angeline Baker Secretary, Ann Wilkerson
East Chapel Hill High School $1000
2014 Board of Directors Angeline Baker Hazel Gibbs Ann Wilkerson V. Dianne Pledger, Ex-Officio
.............................. tisha martin Jordan Matthews High School $500
.............................. nija burnette breana leach
Foundation Programs Jabberwock Educational Assistance Program Silent Auction for Queen of Hearts Gala College Tour for High School Students Teen Summit Program
Northwood High School $500
.............................. knisha fearrington kirsten owens Orange High School $500
chapel hill-carrboro area alumnae chapter
2015 jabberwock committee
Left to right, seated: Timika Williams, Jacqueline Platt and Jemma Boler (Jabberwock co-chairs), Laurie Thompson; Left to right, standing: Danise Hicklen, Jane Garrett, Pandora Frazier, V. Dianne Pledger, Sharron Hinton, Lisa Norris, Robin Brown Walker and Ebony Sneed
CHCAA Chapter Sorors at Jabberwock Workshops and Activities
Sorors V. Dianne Pledger, Hazel Gibbs and Jane Garrett at the State Employees Credit Union House
Soror Jacqueline Platt (Jabberwock co-chair) with Jabberwock contestants and members of Delta Gems
(October 4, 2014)
(January 18, 2015)
letter from the
2015 jabberwock chair & co-chair The 2015 Jabberwock Educational Assistance Pageant Committee welcomes you as we host another year of pageantry and scholarship. In keeping with Delta Sigma Theta’s mission, this year’s theme embodies the essence of that mission: “DeSTination Education: Capturing the Promise”. As we celebrate the 102nd Anniversary of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, we are extremely excited to share this special occasion with you as we continue to walk in the purpose for which we are called: Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service. Our Jabberwock contestants, parents, and team supporters have worked very hard over the last ten months. In addition to fundraising, the contestants have participated in cultural activities, outreach programs, personal development workshops, and many hours of rehearsals. Some of our highlights for the 2014/15 year include: Scrapbooking 101, Self Esteem Workshop, Service Projects at the Ronald McDonald House and the State Employees Credit Union House, Etiquette Workshop, Dance Workshops, Selma at Southpoint, Orange County Social Services Toys for Tots, MLK Parade (Hillsborough), MLK Program (Duke Chapel), and The Kemba Smith Project. We have witnessed the bonding experiences, the transformations, and the blossoming of these young ladies through this pageant experience. The contestants’ reasons for participating in this scholarship pageant were actualized: raising funds for college, being exposed to a gamut of social and cultural experiences, participating in community service projects, and meeting and bonding with new friends. Parents, grandparents, guardians, friends, team supporters, escorts, and family members, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We could not have done this without you. Your financial, social, and emotional support have enabled us to achieve our goals of transforming the lives of these eight young ladies through scholarship and impacting our community through service. To the hard working Jabberwock committee, you have exemplified what commitment and dedication mean. Jemma Boler Your support and steadfastness have enabled this process to be planned with love and teamwork. You are a great and Jacqueline Platt team and we THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMITMENT! Co-Chairs Contestants and junior escorts, continue to strive for excellence in your educational pursuits. Never stop learning, never stop growing, work hard, persevere, remember the golden rule, and see how God will continue to bless and reward you. GREAT WORK – WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU! Chapter members, we could not have done this without you. We made the commitment, worked alongside each other, and now we have witnessed the success of this event. As we celebrate 102 years of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, we keep the charge of our mission of Sisterhood, Service, and Scholarship as set forth by our founders. God bless you all. With Service and Gratitude,
Jemma Boler
Jacqueline Platt
Chair/Co-Chair 2015 Jabberwock Scholarship Program 13
J a bbe r wock
2013 miss jabberwock and miss princess jabberwock
2 0 1 3 M is s Ja b b e rw o c k
miss alexis “Lexy” brower
Alexis (Lexy) Brower graduated from Northwood High School as an honors student in 2013. She is a sophomore, journalism student in the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications at her new home by the sea, Hampton University in Virginia. Lexy is a very involved at Hampton University. She is a member of North Carolina PreAlumni Council, Jolie Afrique Dance Team, African Student Association, Blue Lightning Pep Squad, and the creative and casting director for the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications Big Hair Reality TV show. She has participated in community service projects with organizations such as, The Gamma Iota Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Lexy is a contestant for the first annual Miss African Student Association Pageant at Hampton. She has also applied and gone through the training process to be inducted into the Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program as a student leader at Hampton University. Alexis aspires to a career in news as a writer and anchor and eventually she would like to continue her education in studying entertainment or criminal law.
2 013 M i ss Pri n ces s J ab b er wo c k
miss Chelci Caldwell Chelci Danielle Caldwell is 10 years old and in the 5th grade of which she calls her “senior year in elementary school” at Southwest Elementary School. She is an honor roll student, dances with the school’s dance team, sings in the chorus, and recently ran a 5k with the school’s Girls On The Run program. Chelci is very active in her church, Orange Grove Missionary Baptist Church, where she sings with the Cherubs Choir, attends AWANA bible curriculum, and dances with Angelic Expressions, the churches liturgical dance team. When Chelci is not at school or church, you can find her doing her favorite hobby; running track with the Triangle Champions Track Club of Durham where she runs the 100 and 200 meter dashes as well as high jumps. Chelci is the baby of the family and very much loved by her parents, Charles and Danielle Caldwell, her big sister, Bria, and her big brother, Chauncey.
pagent contestants
2015 Jabberwock Pageant contestants pictured left to right (front row): Miss Arianna Monique Hinton, Miss Ashlyn Tamara McIver, Miss Cydni Denise Baldwin, Miss Kiara Monique Thorpe; Pictured left to right (back row): Miss Lauren Ashley Norris, Miss Erin Nicole Thompson, Miss Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight and Miss Erica Nicole Tate
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Cydni Denise Baldwin .........................
Miss Cydni Denise Baldwin is the daughter of Clifton and Alvonia Baldwin. She is a junior at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Cydni participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to raise funds for her college education while having a great experience with new friends. Cydni’s school activities include Volleyball, National Technical Society, FBLA, French Club, National Achievers Society, and the National Society Miss Cydni Denise Baldwin’s of High School Scholars. She is also active in ADAPT, Favorite Quote and FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders ......................... of America) where she is the North Carolina State Officer – District 5. She will be inducted on April 28 2015. She is a Silver and Bronze Award Girl Scout (currently working towards her Gold Award), Owner of Cimply Cydni Catering and recipient of the Mayor’s Award for volunteering. Cydni loves to cook and desires to attend Johnson and Wales University in Charlotte, NC. Her future plan after college is to pursue a career in culinary arts and business. Her junior escort is Mr. Samuel Wade.
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Mr. Samuel Wade Mr. Samuel Wade is the son of Angela Baldwin. He is a senior at Orange High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Samuel is active in school activities: FBLA, Minority Achiever’s Program, National Achievers Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Senor Class Council, Tru, Link Crew, National Technical Honor Society, ADAPT, Academic Scholar, and Honor’s Graduate. Samuel has volunteered at the local middle schools and assisted in various social functions. He has helped to raise awareness of the consequences of drugs and alcohol through the ADAPT organization. Samuel plans to attend North Carolina State University to study veterinary medicine. His favorite quote is “The first step to being respected is to look respectable.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Arianna Monique Hinton “The most important thing is to enjoy your life–to be happy– it’s all that matters.” Miss Arianna Monique Hinton’s Favorite Quote by Audrey Hepburn ......................... Miss Arianna Monique Hinton is the daughter of Wilbert McAdoo, Jr. and Sharron Hinton. She is a sophomore at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Arianna participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to expand her community service experience, enhance her opportunities for college, and to raise scholarship funds to assist with college tuition and related expenses. Arianna is active in her school’s French club, the Delta GEMS Program and serves as a volunteer with the Orange County Department of Social Services Toys for Tots Program. Arianna aspires to work in fashion marketing, journalism or event planning. She is currently enrolled in A/P and honors classes and also takes cooking and acting classes in her spare time. Her future aspirations are to attend UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, High Point University or Meredith University.
Mr. james e. wilson, iii Mr. James E. Wilson, III is the son of James and Bridgette Wilson. He is a sophomore at Wake Young Men’s Leadership Academy. James is active in the Future Business leaders of America, the Guitar Club, and Jack and Jill Raleigh-Wake Chapter. He is also an active member of the Greater Christian Chapel Church in Apex, North Carolina. James loves to design video games and loves the Anime cartoons. His favorite quote by Ricky Bobby is “If you’re not first, you’re last.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight Miss Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight is a junior at Hillside High School International Baccalaureate Program School in Durham, North Carolina where she is consistently on the A/B Honor Roll. She is the daughter of Fahim and Sylvia Knight. Fahsyrah participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to gain the financial kick start for college, to be exposed to a gamut of social experiences, to participate in community service projects, and ......................... to build a network system while developing lifelong friendships. Fahsyrah is a member of the Student Government Association, serves as Junior Class Treasurer, member of the Hillside High School Miss Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight’s Band Auxiliary Team, Varsity Cheerleader, and Favorite Quote from Track and Field. She was Miss Freshman and The Honorable Miss Sophomore and is a six year member of Elijah Muhammad Student-U Program, member of the Ladies of ......................... Kappa League, Collage Dance Company for 8 years and active in the Girl Scouts for 10 years. She is a Level 7 trained gymnast and was a member of the Superior Gymnastics Club in Morrisville, NC for 7 years. She has aspirations of attending East Carolina University, UNC Chapel Hill, or Duke University to major in biology. Fahsyrah aspires to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant. She is co-CEO of Fahsyrah’s Fresh Squeezed Lemonade. Her junior escort is Mr. Ahmad Richardson.
“Accept your own and be yourself.”
Mr. ahmad richardson Mr. Ahmad Richardson is a junior at Hillside High School in Durham, North Carolina. He is the son of Ebony Covington. Ahmad is very active at Hillside where he is an honor roll A/B student, homecoming prince, and a leader in the marching band and drama department. Ahmad was past freshman and sophomore class president and is a member of the Kappa Leadership Development League. Ahmad works at his grandfather’s restaurant and volunteers at CAARE, Inc, a non-profit organization which helps our underserved community with health and social issues. His personal philosophy is “The meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness, for to do anything else would make life not worth living. I believe that you should love your work and never worry about things that you cannot control.” Ahmad is a firm believer in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Ahmad’s favorite quote is “The only thing worse than death is a regret-filled coffin.” 23
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Ashlyn Tamara McIver .........................
“Love life and life will love you back.” Miss Ashlyn Tamara McIver’s Favorite Quote ......................... Miss Ashlyn Tamara McIver is a senior at Orange High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Donald McIver, Sr. and Rita McIver. Ashlyn participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to meet new friends and raise money for college. Ashlyn is active in school where she is a member of the Adapt Club, Minority Achiever Program, Link Crew, FBLA and Varsity Volleyball. Ashlyn has been a volleyball player for 7 years. Ashlyn is active in her youth choir, she is a missionary leader, and has volunteered many hours in community service projects. Ashlyn plans to attend Winston Salem State University to study healthcare management. Her junior escort is Mr. Montre Gary.
mr. montre gary Mr. Montre Gary is a senior at Roxboro Christian Academy in Roxboro, North Carolina. He is the son Kija Gary. He is a member of Zion Level Baptist Church where he is active in the choir, usher board, and the missionary society and plans to attend North Carolina State University and has interest in automotive design. His favorite quote is by Bill Gates, “If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Lauren Ashley Norris Miss Lauren Ashley Norris is a senior at C.E. Jordan High School in Durham, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Lance and Lisa Norris. Lauren participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to gain experiences in the social, educational, and community service, while raising funds for college. Lauren is an A/B Honor Roll student with extra-curricular activities in theatre, dance, poetry club, cheerleading and the chorus department where she performed at the Durham Performance Arts Center, Disney World, Carnival Cruise Ship, and New York’s Carnegie Hall. She is also the recipient of the Creative Writing Award from her school. Lauren is a member of St. Matthews African ......................... Methodist Episcopal Church and sings in the youth choir. She is also a member of the Delta GEMS program, and the John Casablanca’s Modeling and Career Center. Lauren will attend North Carolina A&T State University and aspires for a career Miss Lauren Ashley Norris’s in Communication and Education: Speech Favorite Motto Pathology and Audiology. ......................... Her junior escort is Mr. Garysson Lindsey.
“If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”
Mr. garysson lindsey Mr. Garysson Lindsey is a sophomore student at C.E. Jordan High School in Durham, North Carolina. He is the son of Mr. Gary Lindsey and Jennipher Lindsey. Garysson is a member of the CE Jordan Football team and has interests in Computer Technology, Sport Broadcasting, and Art. He is an active member of St. Mark AME Zion Church and active on the courtesy committee, media ministry, youth church, and youth choir. Garysson was the 2012 Children/Youth Day Speaker and delegate to Christian Education Convention in Dallas, Texas. Garysson was the winner of the 2014 Varick Finest Beautillion contest for the Durham District AME Zion churches. Garysson’s favorite quote is “We’re smart, we just make stupid decisions.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Erica Nicole Tate “...With God all things are possible”
Miss Erica Nicole Tate is a junior at East Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Travis Tate and Wanda Tate. Erica participated in the Jabberwock Miss Erica Nicole Tate’s Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to Favorite Quote is taken from be a part of an educational program, to meet Matthew 19:26 new people and to get all dressed up. ......................... Erica is active at East Chapel Hill High where she is a varsity cheerleader, active in track and field, a member of the youth leadership group, prom committee, and the National Achievement Society. She is a member of St. Mark AME Zion Church where she represented her church and was an escort in the 2014 “Varick’s Finest Beautillion.” She is a member of the youth church, dance ministry and junior usher board. She is a community helper and works at the Chapel Hill YMCA. Erica plans to attend Howard University in 2016 and study social work. Her junior escort is Mr. Richard McLeod, Jr.
Mr. richard mcleod, jr. Mr. Richard Mcleod, Jr. is a senior at C.E. Jordan High School in Durham, North Carolina. He is the son of Richard and Camille McLeod. Richard is active in Jordan High School where he was Homecoming King 2014, an ambassador to “Say No to Drugs’, and a member of the Future Farmers of America Richard is an active member of Orange Grove Missionary Baptist Church where he serves on the men’s usher board. Richard special interests are poetry, reading, video games, and oratorical speeches. Richard aspires to be a Physical Therapist. He has been accepted to North Carolina Central University, Hampton University, Virginia Union.Richard hopes to attend UNC-Chapel Hill. His favorite quote is taken from Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Erin Nicole Thompson Miss Erin Nicole Thompson is a junior at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Marion McMackle, Jr. and Laurie Thompson. Erin participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to meet new people, experience new things, and raise money to further her education. Erin is an active member of her school’s Dream Team, Track and Field team, and a member of Mt. Zion AME Church in Hillsborough where she is active in the choir and youth department. Erin is also active in 4-H Club and Virtual Enterprise. Erin’s hobbies include singing, reading, photography, and visiting the elderly with the 4-H and youth department. Erin aspires to major in Communications and minor in Sports Management. Her junior escort is Mr. Gerald Tinnen.
“Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it is inspiring.” Miss Erin Nicole Thompson’s Favorite Quote .........................
mr. gerald tinnen Mr. Gerald Tinnen is a senior at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. He is the son of Lacy and Glenda Tinnen. Gerald is a member of Cedar Ridge’s football and track and field teams. He is a member of Orange Cross Roads Missionary Baptist Church where he is active in his church youth and community service activities. Gerald’s special interests are computer technology and sports. He plans to attend Mount Olive University and major in Sports Management and minor in Computer Technology. His favorite quote is “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destination.”
2 0 1 5 m i ss j a b b e r w o c k c o u r t
Miss Kiara Monique Thorpe .........................
Miss Kiara Monique Thorpe is a senior student at Hillside High School in Durham, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Tim Thorpe and April Thorpe. Kiara participated in the Jabberwock Educational Assistance Scholarship Program to further her education and have the financial support to do so without the financial strain when entering and leaving the college of her choice. Kiara is active at Hillside where she is the reigning Miss Hillside High School (2014-15), Varsity Cheerleader (football and basketball season), and President of the Theta Phi Delta Community Service Organization. She is in the International Baccalaureate Programme and Salutatorian of the graduating Class of 2015. She is a member of National Honor Miss Kiara Monique Thorpe’s Society and loves reading, writing, and creating Favorite Quote anything crafty. Her future college plan is to attend ......................... Spelman College, and she has also been accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill, and Coastal Carolina University. She aspires to be a high school or middle school teacher and is the recipient of the 2014 Lamplighter Youth Scholarship Award. Kiara is a member of the New Hope Church and volunteers with the Children’s Ministry, the NC Sickle Cell Enrichment Camp, Durham Rescue Mission, Triangle Champions Track Club, and UNC TV. She is a member of the Delta G.E.M.S Program. Her junior escort is Mr. Noah Jamal Clark
“When a task has once begun, never stop until it’s done. Be the task, great or small, do it well or not at all.”
mr. noah jamal clark Mr. Noah Jamal Clark is a senior at Mount Tabor High School in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He is the son of Penn and Sherri Clark. Noah is active in his high school’s football and varsity wresting teams. He enjoys helping others to reach their potential and is very interested in sports. Noah plans to attend East Carolina University and aspires to become a physical therapist. His favorite quote is by his father, Penn Clark, “It takes 10,000 hours of hard work to become great at any one thing.”
2015 jabberwock scholarship program
junior escorts
Back Row, left to right: Richard McLeod, Jr., Samuel Wade, Ahmad Richardson, James E. Wilson, III; Front Row, left to right, Garysson Lindsey, Gerald Tinnen, Noah Jamal Clark and Montre Gary
❶ Scrapbooking 101, Danita Parker Facilitator, Aug. 16, 2014 ❷ Movie preview of “Selma,” AMC Southpoint 17, Jan. 17, 2015 ❸ “Who am I” Self-Esteem Workshop with Deanna Hamilton, Sept. 20, 2014 ❹ Etiquette Workshop with Deborah Taylor, Nov. 15, 2014
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 m i s s j a bberw o c k
service projects
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 m i s s j a bberw o c k
❺ Ronald McDonald House and ❻ SECU Family House, Oct. 4, 2014 ➐ Orange County Social Services, Toy Chest, Dec. 20, 2014
➎ ➓
➑ The Annual MLK Parade of Orange County, Jan.19, 2015 ➒ The Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Service at Duke University, Jan. 18, 2015 ➓ The Kemba Smith Project, Feb. 7, 2015
➐ ➐
2015 jabberwock scholarship program
Choreographers Marcella Kaye Sullivan Born in Detroit, Michigan, November 29, 1937, where there was an abundance of outlets for artistic endeavors, Marcella Kaye Williams’ mother enrolled her in dance classes at the age of seven, mainly because she could jitterbug so well with both of her parents. Thus began her life long passion, taking dance classes in public school, college and professional dance schools. In Durham she opened The Studio Dance School in 1968 and taught children for 20 years. From 1982-1987 Sullivan was Artist-in-Residence at NCCU, teaching theater movement and dance to Drama majors, and choreographing memorable productions by the Drama Department; Ain’t Misbehavin’, Bubbling Brown Sugar, Purlie, Eubie and Androclese and the Lion among them. In 1988 Sullivan and her husband moved to Hattiesburg, Mississippi where she again opened a dance school and designed a dance studio in a city recreation center. Relocating to Jackson, Mississippi in 1991, she became a Mississippi Arts-in-Education Demonstrator and developed a teaching manual designed for teachers to use in unit planning. Returning to Durham in 2003, she has been involved with: AKA after school programs, senior health and fitness at CAARE Inc., Community Health Coalition, LCHC Walking Club, W.D. Hill seniors, Durham Housing Authority, Durham Silhouettes, The Epicureans Club, and the ROSE Performance Group. As a member of St. Titus’ Episcopal Church, in Durham, she teaches liturgical dance. She is most proud of receiving The Order of the Long Leaf Pine with her husband, Dewitt, the first time ever awarded to a couple.
Sheldon Mba Sheldon Mba is a native of Durham, North Carolina. He is currently a junior at North Carolina Central University studying Theatre and Dance Performance. He has worked with artists such as International choreographer Leonie McDonagh, Chuck Davis, Nia Love, Elizabeth Corbett and other faculty of the American Dance Festival. Sheldon plans to obtain his Master of Fine Arts in Dance Education and work with kids with disabilities on body awareness. He is also a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
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m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
.................................. garnet $25 – $49 John Cearnal Dr. Robin Gillespie & Family Robin Irving Gloria Townsend Constance Wilson .................................. Pearl $50 – $74 Gloria Berry - Holly, DDS Sylvia Black Kavonne Brooks Lorraine Coleman Brenda Dobbins Barber Danté & Kandace Farrar Rose Glover & Family Jerome & Candi Stancil Nicole Walker Adell & Family .................................. Diamond $100 and Above Clifton & Alvonia Baldwin Tony & Michelle Baldwin Angela Baldwin & Family Cimply Cydni Catering Gregory & Stephonia Davis Deborah DeBourg-Brown Timothy & Tamara Griffin Danise Hicklen Howard & Margaret Holder Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jones Lavorne Pratt-Walker Dr. Millicent C. Rainey & Family Alfred W. Walker Sr. Jocelyn Williams
Best Wishes to Cydni Baldwin 2015 Jabberwock Contestant
Cimply Cydni Catering
Healthy Organic Coffee and Tea
“ I t’s All About Cooking”
Contact Clifton Baldwin 919-578-1745
*Cooking Demonstrations *Birthday Parties *Catering *Special Events *Private Parties
Best of Luck to you Cyd! You’re always a Winner!
To my beautiful and smart Granddaughter!!!
We love you Cydni
Best Wishes….
Always so proud of your accomplishments! Continue doing well! Love, Uncle Scott, Aunt Nichi, Jessica and Jordon
Love Always, Granddaddy
Best Wishes to Cydni Baldwin 2015 Jabberwock Contestant
Wishing Cydni Baldwin the Best! Jones Funeral Home Inc. 112 S Graham St Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (919) 967-3288 Good Luck and Much Success! Henry Jones & Family -
Good Luck Cydni
Love, Dante & Kandace Farrar
The WSSU Crew Congratulates Cydni on her Many Accomplishments!
Karol's Chicken & Ribs Soul Food Restaurant 路 Barbecue Restaurant 路 Food Truck Wishing you the Best!
******************************* With the spring and summer approaching fast don't wait to book us for your events!
Monica McKnight Tonia Fearrington Trina Mangum
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m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
arianna garnet $25 – $49 Otis Jean Adams Shirley Arrington Angelia Bailey Diane Bero Hazel Best Russell Blackwell Jemma Boler Kimberly & Anthony Brower Stephanie Brown Christy Carden Hazel Carter Tina Clark Carolyn Daniels Amanda Dixon Antonia George Saddie Gillespie Robert & Deborah Gilmore James & Lorna Harris Tywania Harris Gwendolyn Harvey Willie Mae Hicks Tiffani Hicks-Monroe Lorraine Hines Suzanne Hitt Jacobs Tree Service Sue Jarmon Wanda Johnson Hazel J. Lee Natalie Lunsford Leon & Phyliss Mangum Charles & Laura Matthews Jamal & Rebecca McAdoo Belinda & Brinn McKoy Marilla Montgomery
monique Jackie Platt Louis Powell Brenda Riley Erma Jean Smith-King Janet Sparks Marietta Taylor Delores Terry Sheila Thomas Audrey Thompson Nicole Thompson Tangie Warren Daniel Weiss Mary-Ann Weston Heidi Whetzel Joan White Christoria Wilkerson Deborah Williamson Parrish Womble Minnie Wray Betty Earlean Young Charmaine Young ....................... Pearl $50 – $74 Douglas & Jennie Brown James & Bethel Bullock Christian Prep Academy Tony & Carolyn Clay Lorraine Coleman Delores Curtis Tara Fikes Jane Garrett Hermenia Green Sybil Henderson Kennie Mae Hinton Kristain Alexia Hinton Indurance Hair Salon - Melanie Minor Ethan Johnson Linda Knight Gaynelle Lowery Bill & Jackie McKinney
hinton Robert & Elvira Mebane Patricia Miller Annette Moore Carolyn Myrick LaTonya Smith George E. Stone Sheena Sutton Deborah Taylor Trice Funeral Home Sheila White ....................... Ruby $75 - $99 Hazel Gibbs Rufus Jones Debbie L. Satterfield Willie Thompson ....................... Diamond $100 and Above Corinthia Barber Angelia Boone-Hicks Frances T. Bullock Roswell Harris Mark Hicks Blanche Hinton Christopher & Alicia Hinton Matthew Hinton Sharron Hinton Phillip & Pamela Johnson Marilyn Jones Teresa Moore Brenda Myrick Lather & Gladys Powell Cynthia Pulliam Mr. & Mrs. Gene R. Scott LaTonya Smith Ann Wilkerson
Congratulations to "Daddy's Little Girl" Arianna Hinton Jabberwock 2015
A Daughter is an awesome blessing and an awesome responsibility bestowed upon us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My prayer is that your life will be richly blessed in the same manner that you have blessed mine. Love you much! Daddy
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6 51
Arianna, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” a
In Loving mory, ama Hln and Papa Clyd Wilson
Arianna Monique Hinton
Always be a leader, not a follower. Love, The Hinton Family
Congratulations To Arianna Monique Hinton Wishing you a promising and successful future! Soror Karmesia McKoy & Soror Regina Richardson
Congratulations Arianna Hinton 2015 Jabberwock Contestant Continue to strive for outstanding accomplishments and rewards.
Scurlock’s Catering Down Home Southern Cooking for all Occasions
Desserts Cakes Pound Layer Sheet
Wedding Receptions Corporate Meeting
Church Gathering
Sweet Potato Coconut Chess Lemon Chess Chocolate Egg Custard
Family Reunions Birthday Parties Class Reunions Baby Showers Graduations
Apple Peach Strawberry Cherry
To order, contact
Marsha Scurlock
Licensed Caterer Phone: (919) 542-2293 or Toll Free: 1-888-672-1042
Banana Pudding Brownies Lemon Bars 59
Arianna, “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God” -Han Urs von Balthasar With lots of love, Pastor Kysha and Sozo Family
Arianna Monique Hinton Loretta French 1205 Old Siler City Road Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919) 542-2837 (919) 545-6172 (Cell) Videos for all occasions Specializing in Weddings, Church Programs, Anniversaries, Christenings, Family Reunions, Birthdays, Social Parties, Graduation, etc.
Congratulations! Arianna Hinton
We are so proud of you and your academic achievements. You will be in our prayers as you reach for higher heights. Reverend Dr. Mark & Mrs. Phyllis Royster 70
2015 Jabberwock Court
It all began.. with an interest meeting, Saturday, June 28, 2014 and an introduction to the chapter members, Sunday, October 19, 2014.
With much excitement and happiness for you,
Arianna “The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.” -Maya Angelou
Wishing you only the Best, Ann Wilkerson and Hazel Gibbs 72
Joi Ponder, (High School), Durham, NC Chandra Florence, (Middle School), Hillsborough, NC Reach the Impossible Dream
April 26, 1997
Maggie Holly, Hillsborough, NC Delta Dreamers -Keeping the Dream Alive
April 25, 1998
Tamara Glenn, Chapel Hill, NC Delta Dreamers—Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow
April 24, 2004
Jessica Breeze, Hillsborough, NC I Dream a World
April 30, 2005
Kendra Williams, Durham, NC Our Season of Elevation
April 21, 2007
Kristen Daniels, Durham, NC Black Diamonds
May 31, 2008
Marlee Henderson, Durham, NC Zoey Davis (Princess), Pittsboro, NC Glowing Hearts of Beauty: Embracing Educational Achievement, Community Values and Strength in Unity
May 30, 2009
Erin Price, Durham, NC Idara Page (Princess), Chapel Hill, NC Crowning Jewels in Pursuit of Excellence
May 29, 2010
Kourtney Barnes, Durham, NC Cha'Quoyia Dickerson (Princess) Precious Pearls - Cultivated with Excellence and Elegance
April 16, 2011
Jasmine Boler, Durham, NC Olivia Taylor (Princess), Durham, NC Legends in the Making: Transforming Lives, Impacting Communities
April 20, 2013
Alexis Brower, Pittsboro, NC Chelci Caldwell (Princess), Durham, NC Delta Centennial Stars: A Night at the Oscars
2 01 5 ....................
m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
garnet $25 – $49 Phyllis Agerston Crystal Baptiste Gisele Bell Tanya & Derrick Best Mr. & Mrs. Adoise Blue Jasmine Boler Vincent & Zelda Bynum & Family Danielle Caldwell Caston Shoe Repair Amanda Chestnut Anita Crutcher & Family Monica Davenport Eddie Davis DeShawna Gooch Denise Grant Sam Griffin Brenda Hayes & Family Cordelia Holloway Grace Johnson Cassandra Johnson Rhonda Jones Nigerie Jones Headspeth Fahim & Sylvia Knight Sarah Mangum Constance McCrimmon Vickie McGee Larry & Laverne Myers Bernard Obie & Family Pam Owens Clementine Parker Warren Parker Alicia Reams & Family Shaunesi Reed-Bledsoe Hanif & Sadiyah Saleem ST Sya Academy Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Tabb Katrina Teachey Tony & Theresa Turner Deborah Waddell Jackson
Waltown Children Theater Vickie Yarborough ....................... Pearl $50 – $74 Darrell & Tedra Brown James & Linda Burton Lorraine Coleman Donna Cooper & Family Chuck Davis Sonya Harris Avis Hines & Family Ron & Nan Hunter Medina Johnson Remisha Jones Fahim & Sylvia Knight Lauretha Knight Melvin & Brenda Knight Frankie & Alisa McLean Johnnie & Michelle Oglesby Anthony & Chervilla Oglesby Doris Oglesby & Family Billy & Ida Powell Cynthia Traynham Greg & Felicia Watson James & Faye Wills ....................... Ruby $75 - $99 Fahim & Sylvia Knight Erma Smith-King ....................... Diamond $100 and Above Cynthia Brown Dr. Joseph Rogers Dwayne Gray Fahim & Sylvia Knight James & Annie Ballentine Judithe Louis Lafayette Maxwell Alicia Smith-Freshwater
To: Our beautiful daughter Fahsyrah, it appear almost as though it was yesterday when you arrived into this world on September 5, 1998 at 3:36pm and weighed in 5lbs-10 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long (our bundle of joy). Almost sixteen years later you are almost ready to leave the nest and we continue to ask ourselves, where did the time go? You were our angle sent by God to us and you have been much more than a good daughter but have been a beacon of light who have taking challenges head on by being a good student, a believer in service, and is willing to work hard to succeed. You have made us two of the most proudest parents in the world. Love, Fahim & Sylvia Knight (parents)
To: My granddaughter Fahsyrah whom I love so much; I am proud to be your grandfather and I have found many teachable moments to share parts of my life with you over the years. I think you know that I have always preached the importance of education and my motto to you and all my grandchildren was to score 80% and above in the classroom. You just did not know how my heart lit up each time you would show me your report card and it indicated that you had made the honor roll. I have always desired the best for you and I have always preached the benefit of being a hard worker and you may have at times tried to write granddaddy wisdom off as being mere old school. But I have always appreciated your willingness to listen and to accept the advice that I may been imparting. My vision have always been to see you complete college and venture into a meaningful career. Lastly, you know how much granddaddy loved North Carolina Central University (wink-wink). Love James N. Ballentine (Granddaddy) RIP
Congratulations Fahsyrah Knight
Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight
To Our beautiful daughter Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight, we congratulate you for taking this journey as one of the Jabberwock contestants and we thank you for allowing us as parents to share in the beauty of learning what it means to work together with others and most of all we have watched you evolve (this experience for you have been much bigger than the quest for scholarship money). I think we have provided you with all tools you need to be a successful black woman and by being a good student academically failure is not an option and we pray that you remain humble and selfmotivated. Mom and Dad have giving you your wings to fly. So soar baby and let success be your destiny. Love, Fahim & Sylvia Knight (parents) Khayree (brother)
Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight
To: My granddaughter Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight, I first would like to send my love and support to you as my granddaughter for making the commitment to be a Jabberwock contestant. You know how much grand mom has tried to get you and all my granddaughters to learn sewing, cooking and baking and I guess that was considered old school learning (I will take college as an option). But Fahsyrah I have always admired your wiliness to be respectful and you have always had a way of laughing things off; perhaps the only thing you loved better than grand mom's cooking was that I-phone and I have always had a time trying to pry that away from you. Nevertheless, you have been a model student and your parents have always kept you very busy. Grand mom Annie will always be there for you and I expect nothing but great things from my grand daughter. Fahsyrah continue to make me a proud grandmother. Love, Annie Louise Ballentine (grandmother)
FAHSYRAH KNIGHT To: My granddaughter Fahsyrah Knight from you grandmother Catherine Berrian in Newark, New Jersey. You continue to make me a proud grandmother based on all the good that you do; I have always loved your motivation and drive to remove obstacles in order to move forward and succeed at your goals. You are indeed a gifted black woman--I see you making history one day and I will always be your biggest cheerleader--standing and cheering you on. I do not know much about the Jabberwock contest, but if scholarship money is involved, it must be a good thing. Fahsyrah, grand mom has always had your back and as you continue to mature into young adulthood and adulthood; always remember one of the golden rules, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love you sweetheart grand mom. Love & Kisses, Catherine Berrian (grand mom)
Congratulations Miss Fahsyrah Knight Catering by George Restaurant 2504 Fayetteville Street 27707; Durham, NC
I first would like to say congratulations and best wishes to you. I had a personal interest in this young lady's success as a Jabberwock contestant because my grandson Ahmad Richardson was her escort and I got on board early by helping them raise money and to use my shop to promote Fahsyrah's efforts. Both her and my grandson are students at Hillside High School and I will do whatever it takes to promote scholarship and academic excellence. So Catering by George stands behind Fahsyah Knight and I will eat to that. I salute both Miss Fahsyrah and my grandson Ahmad who will be in a tuxedo and dancing on stage (love you grandson). Love and Support George Covington & family (Escort granddaddy)
CONGRATULATIONS FAHSYRAH KNIGHT Remain as sweet as your product (Fahsyrah's Lemonade) Best wishes from Corporate
Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight To My favorite cousin Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight, I first would like to send my congratulations on you being a part of the Jabberwock Scholarship pageantry. You and I have grown up like inseparable sisters and our relationship have been closer than just cousins. I love to see you shining in different arenas and we have been inspirational to each other; although, I will be graduating in the next couple of months and my journey might land me in college in a different state, but I will never forget all the good memories that we have cherished--the sleepovers, laughs, small talk and I have always felt that I could confide in you. Fahsyrah stay on your path of achievement and remember all the lessons that granddaddy gave us. You are my best friend, cousin and sister; I will never stop loving you. Way to go Fahsyrah. Love, Jameelah Ballentine (Cousin and TEAM FAHSYRAH)
CONGRATULATIONS FAHSYRAH KNIGHT Fahsyrah Knight, we the Mc Faddens (Kevin and Courtney) would like to congratulate you on participating in the Jabberwock contest and thank you to my sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter for their due diligence and hard work as mentors and positive roll models for young high school aged women. I Know that the Jabberwock training has been good for Fahsyrah and she will take some of those life skills with her as she matriculate. My husband and I joined TEAM FAHSYRAH in which our job were to help fund raise by volunteering our time and expertise as chefs and we were happy that we could make a contribution towards Fahsyrah's Jabberwock efforts. We see her as an intelligent and bright young lady who possesses all the tools to succeed in life. The sky is the limit for Fahsyrah. Love, Mad Chef Catering Kevin and Courtney (TEAM FAHSYRAH)
Wishing you the best Fahsyrah Knight, continue to reach for the stars!! Dwayne Gray, Judithe Louis & Dominique
Congratulations and continue on the path less travel. You have a great future in front of you and we expect greatness from you. Love your cousins, George, Pam, Basira & Angel Knight
Fahsyrah Knight
Congratulations & Best Wishes
Gena Carter 83
FAHSYRAH KNIGHT (Sandi Smith Professional Services--919.714.2839) send my love and support to you, thus, your parents gave me a charge as being a member of TEAM FAHSYRAH and I took the charge serious because I knew you were serious about competing and winning and I did not mind laboring on your behalf. I knew you before you were able to know yourself and we are family (it is an unbroken bond). My job was constructing the brochures and fliers and whatever correspondences were needed. I had worked on other Jabberwock teams, but I have always had a very special love for your parents in which other teams may have had more resources and money; yet, I love being of service to the underdog. Fahsyrah, I love you girl and remember the race is not to the swift, but to he who can endure to the end. Love,
Congratulations Fahsyrah Knight
Clean Core-Robert & Neice Rush 84
It has been a honor and a pleasure to work with you throughout this Jabberwock contest. We pray that you will use this experience to keep on striving forward. GOOD LUCK!!
Love, Team Fahsyrah
Congratulations FAHSYRAH!!!!!!!! We wish you the best!!!!!!!!
FAHSYRAH KNIGHT To: My our niece Fahsyrah Kumasi Knight congratulations on your participation in the Jabberwock pageantry and we have supported you throughout this process. We have watched your commitment, dedication and hard work to this process. We are so proud of your academic and social development. We as you aunts and uncles will always support one of our favorite nieces. We all have said in one voice, which is Fahsyrah keep on striving and achieving. Best Wishes, Ballentine, Berrians, Knights (Aunts: Benita, Brenda, Linda, Louisa, Sandra, Linda, Lisa & Vernell) (Uncles: James, Raheem, Ricky, Chris, Charles, & Derrick-RIP)
Congratulations Fahsyrah Knight
Congratulations & Much Success. Erica Everett Student U 88
Congratulations Fahsyrah Knight Remember, Nationwide is on your side! We love you and wish you the best as a Jabberwock Contestant
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Leaders in Dance Instruction “If you can walk, you can dance “If you can talk, you can sing West African Proverb
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Congratulations and Best Wishes Fahsyrah Knight Arshad & Delores Ali
We wish you the best Fahsyrah Knight
Love the Beasley family. Darryl, Tamara, Keith & Kayla
Congratulations Fahsyrah Knight
Ideas Coffeehouse - 1230 Avondale Drive, Durham, NC 27703 (919) 215-1162
Fahsyrah Knight
Congratulations on all of your achievements, keep up the good work cousin
We love you!! Your New Jersey cousins, Johnnie & Michelle Oglesby & family.
A CAHBA and CARF accredited agency Providing Services in your community: Intensive in Home Services Daytreatment Services Medication Management Outpatient Therapy Group Therapy
DIVERSE FAMILY SERVICES PROVIDES ENHANCED SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN DURHAM, WAKE, WILSON, PERSON CHATHAM,GREENE AND LENIOR COUNTIES. We are committed to providing families with quality care in all aspects of life: mentally, physically and emotionally. Our goal is to help develop productive and self-sufficient individuals in today’s society. IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW ARE INTERESTED IN EMPLOYMENT OR RECEIVING SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT 919-572-8833.
Good Luck Fahsyrah Knight Wishing you the Best!
Terry, Lacky, Jaylen & Cameron Barnes
Congratulations & Best Wishes
Fahsyrah Knight The Rudd family Samuel, Wanda & Amanda Rudd 93
2 01 5 ....................
m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
a s h ly n
....................... garnet $25 – $49 Jemma Boler Choices Real Estate Mia Eily Keith & Regina Greene James Hester Craig Jones Kathleen Mason Finley Parker Henry Reid Shirley Smith Gracie Jean Walton ....................... Pearl $50 – $74 Lorraine Coleman Dorothy Shanklin ....................... Ruby $75 - $99 Sybil Henderson ....................... Diamond $100 and Above Angeline Baker Pearlene Peace Donald & Rita McIver
m ci v e r
Best Wishes to our daughter, Ashlyn McIver,
It's been a complete joy watching you grow up into a beautiful young lady. We are so proud of you and want to congratulate you on your success thus far. Keep following your dreams and aspirations, strive for the best, and live your life to the fullest each day.
May God continue to bless you and guide you through your journey. We love you and our prayers are with you.
Love Mom and Dad 95
Congratulations to Ashley Tamara McIver “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Remember to always put God FIRST in all that you do.
Dr. Carrie Sue Florence and Family 96
AIRSPEED, LLC 905 Corporate Drive, Suite 200 Hillsborough, NC 27278
Ashlyn McIver Your future is what you make it to be. If you keep God in your life, all your dreams will come true. Continue to strive for the best, and may God continue to bless you. Congratulations from Philesha Gough, Diana Partlow, Herman & Mary Belle Gant
Congratulations Ashlyn Remember to always strive to reach your goals! Education is the key that opens all doors in life. Dr. Wendi P. McIver Soror Fosterlyn J. Perkins, DST
CONGRATULATIONS ASHLYN McIVER Ashlyn, Remember to lean and depend on the Lord in all that you do. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. - Proverbs 3:5,6
May God bless and keep you always, William Richardson, Sr. M.Div., LLD, Pastor and church family at:
First Community Missionary Baptist Church 509 Eno Street Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919)732-6135
Ashlyn, Congratulations to you on all of your accomplishments! May God continue to bless you and your family in all of your future successes.
Cheryl Mitchell, Computer Technician
" In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, bridge to our future."
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― Alex Haley
Congratulations Ashlyn, in your very bright future.
Much success and best wishes
Lewis and Vivian Latta 101
CONGRATULATIONS ASHLYN! cousin, Cole Your cousins: and yourTaylor, puppy Javier, Hunter, Mason, Javier, and yourTaylor, puppy Your cousins: cousin, Cole
Congratulations Ashlyn! We are very proud of you! May God continue to bless you and may your life be filled with joy and happiness. Love your aunt and uncle, Luther and Bettie Jones
Congratulations & Best Wishes Ashlyn McIver
Congratulations Ashlyn, Much success and best wishes for your future. Ms. Sue Obernshain
To my cousin Ashlyn, Congratulations to you for all of your accomplishments. Keep up the hard work. Corey Walton and Family
2 01 5 ....................
m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
garnet $25 – $49 Darrin & Sharon Barbour Lee Roy & Eloise R. Best Laketta Boldin Jemma Boler Sandra Brown Jennifer Bunting Patsy Byrd Constance W. Campbell Valarie Dobson Hatten Emma Jane Garrett Uncle Cleveland Heath Triniece Javis Ray & Nancy Kisiah Jennipher Lindsey Sam McKinney Uncle Christopher A. McKinney Uncle Jerome McKinney Uncle Johnny Lamont McKinney Uncle Kenneth J. McKinney Erica McQueen Mary F.H. Moore Daisy Rice Debbie L. Satterfield Alice Singleton Brice White Reginald White
Ann C. Wilkerson Chanella Williams Renado Williams Shahera Williams Uncle Carlton Williams .................................. Pearl $50 – $74 Trisha O. Baptist Lori Blake-Reid Lorraine Coleman Sybil Henderson Col® James Martin Dr. & Mrs. Amon Martin, Jr. Ernestine Walker Barbara Marshall .................................. Ruby $75 - $99 Florentine Miller Heather Norris Roberta Price Erma Smith-King .................................. Diamond $100 and Above Demetria Craig Saddie Gillespie Ursula Howard Andria McCrae Teresa Moses Luvenia Turner Corey Wise
Congratulations Lauren
The Norris Family Father: Lance Norris Mother: Lisa Norris Sister: Heather Norris
Lauren Norris To a remarkable and enthusiastic daughter with lots of spirit... You continue to make us proud!!!!
Grandparents: Alphonso Norris and Elma Lee Norris
God granted us with a fearless and courageous granddaughter full of talent and ambition. Lauren, you will soar to great heights!! 107
CONGRATULATIONS LAUREN NORRIS Grandmother: Della McKinney Aunts: Martha White, Bobbie Heath, Dottie Williams
ENTHUSIASM, JOY, OPTIMISM Our wishes for you Lauren Our wonderful granddaughter and niece. 108
Lauren Ashley Norris Jabberwock All-Star Team of Supporters Jemma Boler Sylvia Black Laketta Bolden Janae Brown Lorraine Coleman Demetria Craig Valarie Dobson Lorraine Erhunmwunsee Carrie Sue Florence Jane Garrett Saddie Gillespie Hermenia Green Lorna Harris Ursula Howard Sybil Henderson Lisa Norris Jacqueline Platt Dianne Pledger Roberta Price Alicia Smith-Freshwater Erma Smith-King Joyce Roland Debbie Satterfield Bettina Shuford Debra Watkins Ann Wilkerson
“Supporting Youth Today To Build A Better Tomorrow”
To Lauren Norris
“It takes courage to
Go confidently in
grow up and become
the direction of your
who you really are.”
dreams. Live the life
you imagined."
e.e. cummings
~ Henry David Thoreau
Congratulations on growing up to become a beautiful young lady full of love and grace. May your dreams lead you to a life of purpose and joy. Sylvia Sloan Black Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and
Frederick H. Black Durham Alumni Chapter Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The Delta Woman Lovely creature Hand made by God Smooth-spoken woman Modeling and serving She is conspicuous as a growing seed She is solid as a rock She is as wayfaring as an ant She stirs, serves, and hastes on. Lovely creature Hand-made by God Smooth-spoken woman Constant and valiant Come wind, come rain Comes no discouragement She is relentless Her vowed intent She is a strong woman! Lovely creature Hand-made by God Smooth-spoken woman No task will she flee This is right, for you see,
She is a Delta!
Lovely creature Hand made by God Congratulations
Lauren Norris
and all the contestants
Bettina C. Shuford
Eric Davis, DDS, PLLC
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 919-806-8060 & 919-644-1800 We now have two locations: The Durham office is located at 1822 E NC Hwy 54, Suite 100, Durham 27713. You will find us in the Generation Plaza building right behind Candlewood Suites, diagonally across the street from Chick-fil-A. Please give us a call at 919-806-8060 or email frontdeskdurham@davisdental2003.com. The Hillsborough office is located at 510 Hampton Pointe Blvd, Suite 100, Hillsborough 27278. You will find us located in the same shopping plaza as the Wal-Mart and beside the Goodwill. Please give us a call at 919-644-1800 or email frontdeskhills@davisdental2003.com.
Congratulations to Lauren Ashley Norris
Lauren Ashely Norris You Continue To Make Us Proud! Uncle Alphonso Norris III, Elisa, Brittney and Haley From Haymarket, VA
Congratulations Lauren Ashley Norris 2015 Jabberwock Contestant
Congratulations Lauren Ashley Norris 2015 Jabberwock Contestant
2 01 5 ...............
miss jabberwock court ........................................
garnet $25 – $49 Esthus & Verdell Amos Charles & Brenta Baldwin Kathy Black Jasmine Boler Noelle Boozer Lois Brooks Betty Burchette Theresa Carroll Delores Clark Delores Estes Dr. Tara Fikes Jane Garrett Harry Gillespie Rudy Gipson Carmen Hackney Penny Haith & Family Annie Hampton Anderson & Althea Hinton Anatria Hunter-Brown Emily Jackson Mattie James Carolyn Jefferson Tonya Jeffery Thomascena Legrand Jennipher Lindsey Linda Lyles-Little Beth Martinez Veta McNeil-Best Valarie Morrow John Neville Quinton & Omega Parker Alexander & Nichelle Perry Pamela Perry V. Dianne Pledger George Poole Shaunesi Reed-Bledsoe Norma Royal Kimberly Stevens Geraldine Thompson Beatrice Townsend Sheri Ussery
Edwin & Hazel White Mildred Woody .................................. Pearl $50 – $74 Dr. Edwyn Baird Lillie Barber Ronita Caldwell Dr. G. Ray Coleman Lorraine Coleman Sylvia Cotton Valerie Foushee Patricia Frye Rex & Barbara Gibson Geraldine Harris Theresa Johnson JuWann Jones Mama Dips Kitchen Inc Sharon McDougal Laquinta Parker-Perry Eleanor Rollins Desiree T. Palmer, D.M.D Rita Weber Lucien Wells Keith Williams .................................. Ruby $75 - $99 Tedryl Bumpass Vodney Cotton .................................. Diamond $100 and Above Valarie Dobson Sandra Duncan Michelle Harris Joe & Latanya Head Anita Lowe Jessie Luckey Oveta McIntosh-Vick Winifred Redfern Monica Reid Kokethia Saunders & Family Lola Spencer Adrienne Sutton Travis Tate Wanda Tate
My Beautiful Daughter Erica From the first breath that you breathed When you first smiled at me I knew the love of being a father runs deep Daddy and Erica
Someday you might know what I am going through When a miracle smiles up at you But I Loved you first Love you Mook
I am very proud of you baby girl and I love you so very much. I am truly blessed to call you my daughter. 117
ERICA NICOLE TATE Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Erica, You are loved and so very blessed. God’s favor has smiled upon you. I pray that you keep God first as you continue to grow and explore this thing call life. Love Always, Mommy
Congratulations Erica, My where has the time gone. It seems like yesterday I was taking you to day care; now it’s college tours and you driving me. Wow!! I am so very proud of you. You are kind, caring and continue to grow into the young lady that God has designed you to be. Love, Mommy
Congratulations Erica Nicole Tate
Set an example for the believers. in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 My precious niece. I was there the day you arrived into this world, December 9, 1997. I have watched in awe as you have grown and blossomed into the beautiful young lady that you are. I am so proud of you and wish you all that life has to offer. Love Auntie Winifred
Congratulations Erica!!!! Love Auntie
CONGRATULATIONS ERICA TATE Gregory & Lucy Williams joined the Monroe Family March 1982. Charting a journey and a wonderful walk of Faith. Today we are a part of the Peoplesway International Family promoting Health and Wellness that is realized by so many who had given up on Looking Great Feeling Great and being well. Today we have a line of supplements to help with weight loss, antioxidants, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, skin moisturizer, wrinkles, heart, mental clarity and digestive concerns. People of all ages enjoy the benefits of our quality products at a price that is affordable. We are real people with real results. Start your we11ness journey today.
Increase energy and improve performance with EFL. Whether we're heading to the gym, trying to stay ahead in the corporate world or chasing the kids around the house, we all need as much energy as we can get. That's why we developed EFL. Just add EFL to your favorite drink, and enjoy the increased stamina and enhanced mental clarity you need to be at your best. EFL is loaded with vitamins C, E, Bl, B2, B3, B6 and B12. It also includes Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. But the real benefits come from its proprietary herbal formula which includes Yerba Mate and Green Tea Extract. And it contains just 10 calories, 0 fats and less than 1G net carb. www. peopleswaylc.com abundantpeople@aol.com Sponsor #638738501-ABUNDANT ENTERPRISE-GREGORY & LUCY WILLIAMS-919-403-8060
1st Row (L-R). Dr. Oveta McIntosh-Vick, Beatrice Townsend, Jemma Boler, Erica Tate (Jabberwock Contestant), Thomascena Legrand, Geraldine Harris. 2nd Row (L-R) Portia Jacobs, Jessie Luckey, Laquinta Parker-Perry, Zaneta Roseboro Ponton, Omega Curtis-Parker, Valarie Dobson. Not Pictured: Jasmine Boler, Loren Darden, Sandra Duncan, Deshera Mack, Myrtle McNeil, Helen Sanders Geraleen Singletary, Kimberly Stevens, Renita Leak Webb 125
Congratulations Tate WHERE THERE IS HOPE, THERE IS
Faith Miracles
St. Mark AME Zion Church
EverReadyClub 126
Erica Nicole Tate Continue to shine and put God first!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Congratulations Erica Grandma has ears that truly listen, arms that always hold, love that never ending and a heart that’s made of GOLD. We love you Grandma and Uncle Dale
2 01 5 ...............
miss jabberwock court ........................................
garnet $25 – $49 Eric Beasley Denise Bennett Carolyn & Hayes Betts Jemma Boler Priscilla Bradsher Jacqueline Breeze Margaret Kenion Brooks Fred & Ruby Bunch Lacy & Inez Burton James & Gwen Carney Mildred H. Cates Audrey W Cypress Frances Dancy Valarie Dobson Sandra Dove Carla Elliott Peaches Evans Jane Garrett Alice B. Grady Hilda Wilson Gray William & Charita Green Ingrid Brunson Griffin Lottie Hall Kim Jefferies Helen Kenion Deborah Kenney Charlie & Bessiel Latta Daniel & Margaret Latta Gracie J. Leath Thelma A. McLendon Thomasine Moore Jackie Parker Grace Ponton Roberta R. Price Evelyn P. Reives Frances Sprwell Cassandra Street Stewart D Street Valton Thompson
Wayne Thompson Jacqueline Torain Juanita Torain Latoia Valentine Richal & Savannah Vanhook Cheryl Watkins Lynda H. Webster Cynthia Wells Lionel & Alice Wells Margaret Woods Geraline Graham Young ........................... Pearl $50 – $74 Janet Beasley Barbara Breeze Beatrice Bullock Dr. Joan B. Christian Lorraine Coleman Jesse & Christine Edwards Faye Harris Marlee Henderson Sybil S. Henderson Beverly Hester Stephens Tommy & Alice Hillman Jason & Latisha Jenkins & Family Dorothy N. Johnson Randall G & Zelda W. Johnson Chandra Kennedy Chris & Maria Latta Lolita Moses Shatina Nichols Jean Riley Angela Rockett Lisa & Jackie Street Geraldine & Billy Tapp
George & Pamela Thompson Lawrence & Hattie Vanhook Eleanor and Winfred Vanhooke Linda Wade Lanueville V. Walker Craig & Michelle Williams & Family ........................... Ruby $75 - $99 Erma Smith King James & Marie White ............................. Diamond $100 and Above Audris Beasley Betty W. Beasley David Beasley Forrest Beasley Frances Beasley Glennie C. Beasley Melvin F. Beasley Michael Beasley William V. Beasley Emory and Marchena Gaither Angela Jackson Joe & Charmagyne Jenkins & Family Jasmine W. Strait Danita Thompson Doris Beasley Thompson Laurie Thompson Lacy & Glenda Tinnen Sylvia Beasley Wade Marie Beasley Watlington
Erin Thompson We are proud of you and your accomplishments. We’re confident that you will continue with even more successes. Good luck in your future endeavors! Love, Your Aunts and Uncles Danita Thompson, Angela Rockett, Valton Thompson and Wayne Thompson 131
The University Tea Team proudly supports you in the 2015 Miss Jabberwock Educational Scholarship Pageant. Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. ~Gail Devers Front row: Judy Jacobs, Margaret Woods, Amnesia Little, Betty Beasley, Angela Rockett, Danita Thompson
Back row: Sue Florence, Thomasina Moore, Laurie Thompson, Hannah Radloff, Erin Thompson, Lacey Ellis, Desaray Rockett, Azzuri Lynch, Doris Thompson, Audris Beasley
Erin, You have always made me proud. My blessings and support are always with you. Love, Mom Remember, You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philippans: 4:13
Erin Nicole Thompson
Erin stands for:
xcellent Student
are Gem
nspirational Young Lady
iece Extraordinaire
You are and always will be a winner in our book!
Love Always, Aunt Marchena & Uncle Emory
Congratulations Erin Thompson Good luck Erin, we know that you will do great and the best is yet to come!!!
Jacobs Tree Service, Inc.
919-732-2516 919-624-0451 Cutting Hauling Trimming Topping Bucket Truck Stump Grinding Landscaping
No Job Too Big or Too Small
24 Hour Emergency Service
Leroy Jacobs, Owner 1744 Coleman Loop Rd. • Hillsborough, NC 27278 email: ljacobs46@yahoo.com 136
Delta Team Members Dr. Carrie Sue Florence, Laurie Thompson, Judy Jacobs
Erin, Congratulations on a job well done. Continue to be the beautiful person that you are. We love you! Deacon Leroy and Judy S. Jacobs 137
Congratulations on your participation in Miss Jabberwock 2015. I am proud of you! Love, Grandma Doris
Erin You’re on your way to great things. We’re proud of you and wish you the best as you compete for Miss Jabberwock 2015. Love, Your Great Uncle and Aunt Clifton and Dorothy T. Latta 138
Best Wishes to
Erin Nicole Thompson 2015 Miss Jabberwock Contestant
Nina M. Christian WSSU Class of 1964
Erin Thompson
Lewis & Vivian Latta 139
Congratulations and Best Wishes Erin Nicole Thompson
Jones Funeral Home, Inc. Henry C. Jones, Licensed Funeral Director
ADVISORY AND PRE-ARRANGEMENT—MONUMENTS— NOTARIES—INSURANCE 112 South Graham Street Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 Phone: (919) 967-3288 Fax: (919) 967-8269
Member of North Carolina and National Funeral Directors Association
Symphony 2000 DevaStaTing Melodies of Myth and Wonder celebrates 15 years in our beloved Delta
and we celebrate
Erin Thompson
in her pursuit of Miss Jabberwock 2015
2 01 5 ....................
m i s s j a b b e r wo c k c o u r t ..................................................
garnet $25 – $49 All About Blinds & Shutters LLC Marshall & Linda Ashford Ruby Bagley Emily Banks Nicole Beale Jemma Boler Christy Boone The Bratcher Family Latonya Bridges Jaquetta Britton Wesley & Alicia Brown Curtis Burton Theresa Carroll Cassandra Carter Mary Ann & Elijah Cobbs Hilena & Gabrielle Cromedy Sharon Daily Wilma Daniels Jeffrey Davis Sharyn Sue Davis Nikki Decarlo Barbara Dermody Ann Edmonds Tiffany Elder Jaunnice & Ronnie Enoch Veronica Eubanks Courtney Ferguson Catherine Ferrell Jane Garrett April Hamilton Rolesha & Rod Harris Portia Hester Ralph Hester Dorothy Horton Rachel & Dale Hotchkiss Mildred Jackson Grace & Ariana Johnson Jameka Johnson Jason Jowers Thomascena Legrand Muhammad Mackalo
Veta McNeil-Best Myrtle McNeill Armide & Michael Newby Ivan Owens Stephanie Owens Tamika Perry Venice Philpot Jill Potter Titania Roberson Aviance Robertson Jokyra Scott Valissa Smith Korea Stephenson Calvin & Gilda Suiter Torey Thorpe Shandra & Scottie Torain Cynthia Traynham Delano Tyler Dwight & Wendy Walker Karla White-Murrell Kathy Williams ........................... Pearl $50 - $74 Sandra Allgood Evon Barnes Monica Belgado David Broughton Anthony & Nena Chavis Lorraine Coleman Robin & Tony Creecy Harry & Belinda Cuyler Calleen Herbert Sherry Hubbard The Chicken Hut Grady Jessup, Esq. Kevin & Michelle Jones Michele Josey Tara & Briya Kenchen Nicole & Derrick King Angela Lawrence Jessica & Lexy Linton Shirley Lucky Kevin & CaLisa Lynk Bill & Mattie Mitchell Trista & Cherry Palmer
Shantell Parrish Antonina & LaJon Poole Victoria & Naomi Pridgen Sandra Quick Qwon & Lori Reid Nakenge Robertson Jacqueline Rowland Sonji & Danny Samuel Dorothy Saunders Jeffrey Scales Barbara Smith H. Eugene Tatum Cheryl Thomason April Thorpe Clarice Thorpe Thorston & Jamie Thorpe Gloria Thorpe-Doyle Deborah & Sam Watkins Glenn York ........................... Ruby $75 -$99 Dayan Bourne Kimberly & Wayne Johnson Sharon & Sydney Kuluwa ........................... Diamond $100 and Above Nedra Bradsher Tim & Darlene Brown Robin Walker Creecy Al Davis Pandora Frazier Kathy Gore Victoria Guthrie Rosemary Jackson Debbie L. Satterfield Reginald T. Satterfield Mildred Smith Sonia & John Suitt Tim & April Thorpe Vanda Wilson-Wormack
To Our Sweet Baby Girl
We love You and are so very proud of you. Success is yours.
—mom & dad 143
Kiara Monique Thorpe 2014-2015 Miss Jabberwock Contestant
We are so proud of you! The walker & Creecy Family 144
ite aurant h W hn Rest
ised h c n Fra tor a Oper
congratulations, Kiara 148
Congratulations Kiara Monique Thorpe
Delta TeamKEE (L to R): Pictured: Victoria Guthrie, Robin Walker , Debbie Satterfield, and Vanda Wilson-Wormack Not Pictured: Nedra Bradsher, Jeskell Creecy, Pandora Frazier, Rosemary Jackson, Patrice Smith, Lanita M. Williams 152
Congratulations Kiara Monique Thorpe 2015 Miss Jabberwock
“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.� Proverbs 3:15 NIV
From: Dr. Johnnie Lee 156
Congratulations Kiara!
We are proud of you and your accomplishments! with love: Aunt Val, uncle larry & cousin larry 158
Congratulations, Kiara! We are so proud of you!
Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. of the Orange Grove Missionary Baptist Church Minister Trish Harleston, Joanne McClellan, Gwen Price, Sonja Samuels, Rhonda Stevens, Annette Taylor Not pictured: Lillian Horne, Remisha Jones
Congratulations!! You will always Be a princess at April s Braids & Beads for Children! ‘
Congratulations KEE
We are so proud of our Theta Phi Delta President!
Love always!!! 183
DeSTination to
capturing the promise
thank you On behalf of the 2015 Jabberwock Committee, we extend our sincere appreciation to the parents, grandparents, and guardians of the Jabberwock participants. Special recognition is accorded to the escorts, family members, sponsors, businesses, patrons, and friends. We would like to extend special thanks to supporters of the 2015 Jabberwock Scholarship Pageant: • Joseph K. Davis, Jr., Emcee
• Eboni Quick Dance Workshop Instructor
• Pandora Frazier, Program & Booklet,
• Deanna Hamilton, Co-Emcee
• Erma Smith-King, Editor
Graphic Designer
• Finley Forest Club House
• Robbin Sutton Dance Workshop Instructor
• V. Dianne Pledger, CHCAA Chapter President
• Floral Designs by Angie
• Robert and Pearl Seymour Center
• Angeline Baker, President
• Jabberwock Team Leads and Supporters
• Robin Walker Creecy, Catering
CHC Delta Foundation
• Jane Garrett, Financial Secretary
• Sheldon Mba, Choreographer
• 2015 Jabberwock Committee
• Jerry Head, Photographer
• UNC Kappa Omicron Chapter of
• B&J Custom Printing
• Jewel Milliken, Make-up Artist
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
• Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae
• Judy Jacobs, Catering
• Vista Print, Hillsborough, NC
Chapter Members
• LaQuinta Parker-Perry, Editor
• William Hargraves Recreation Center
• CHCAA Delta GEMS Program
• Loretta French, Videographer
• Danielle Parker, Scrapbooking Facilitator
• Marcella Kay Sullivan, Choreographer
• Deborah Taylor, Editor & Etiquette
• Men’s Wearhouse
Workshop Facilitator
• Orange County Department
• East Chapel Hill High School
of Social Services
& Self Esteem Workshop Facilitator
You have made the 2015 Jabberwock Scholarship Program a huge success.
Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, FF oo uu nnded d e d i i nn 1 19 91 13 3 Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile Alexander, Madree Penn White, Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Vashti Turley Murphy, Ethel Cuff Black, Frederica Chase Dodd, Osceola Macarthy Adams, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Edna Brown Coleman, Edith Motte Young, Marguerite Young Alexander, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Eliza P. Shippen, Zephyr Chisom Carter, Myra Davis Hemmings, Mamie Reddy Rose, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Florence Letcher Toms, Olive Jones, Jessie McGuire Dent, Jimmie Bugg Middleton, Ethel Carr Watson, Winona Cargile