The straight line belongs to man, the curve to God.
-by Gaudi
C.H. 1 - Mosaic Lego............................................01 C.H. 2 - Sky Clock....................................................07 C.H. 3 - Archi Alien.............................................15
C.H. 4 - Works..................................................................19 Drawing............................................................................20 Painting.............................................................................21 Design...............................................................................22 Photos................................................................................23 Others................................................................................24
C.H. Y - ang..............................................................................25
C.H. 1 Mosaic Lego Misreading of The Painting 01
Inspiration - Tiled Sidewalk
C.H. 1
The task is to transfer a painting into a model. Walking on the street, I saw the tiled sidewalk and thought of mosaic. Mosaic has some features, and two of them are hidden order and different perspectives from different views. Composed of tiny units, mosaic enables me to piece together any forms desired. Piled up in different ways, this work could display various images, which is also affected by the perspective of the audience.
Mosaic Source: Wikipedia Sidewalk Natinal Chiang KaiShek Memorial Hall
Mosaic Features:
1. Hidden Order
Card Player Theo van Doesburg 2. Different Perspective - Rabbit or Duck Source: Wikipedia
C.H. 1
Layers - 2d to 3d Conversion In the progress of 2d to 3d conversion, I tried to use different analysis to understand the composition, such as, nine squared, diagonal and straight line, and the size and density of the units. This composition of the painting makes me conceive that the height has much to do with the size and the density of units. The greater the density grows, the smaller each unit becomes, and the higher it achieves. Consequently, it leads to the distribution of various height levels. Diagram Analysis: Height Levels
Nine Squared
The units' size
diagnol and straight line
The units' density
Various height level presented by the model
Rules - Hidden Order
C.H. 1
Use the vertical lines and horizontal lines to discover the hidden order. Hidden order indicates that different units lay on the same line. Follow the hidden order, interweaving the longest line in each direction and turning the line map into an initial frame structure. Diagram Analysis : Hidden Order
Vertical Lines
Horizontal Lines
Form the map and nodel by interweaving the longest line.
C.H. 1
Construction - Categorize into Eleven Areas Categorize this painting into eleven areas by the line map. According to the tendency of single element, each area becomes a solid mosaic brick. Also, each brick is composed of numerous cubes. The formation of tiny solids reminds me of Lego. With different images from various angles, each brick can be a single complete object by itself, and also, as all the bricks pile together, they become a union.
Categorization Whole model
11 brickss with relative position.
The line map.
11 areas which were categorized by the line map.
Top View
Models - Different Perspectives
C.H. 1
By these models, we can discuss various spaces by combining some bricks in different ways. Could you recognize each models coming from which part?
C.H - 2 Sky Clock Combination of Two Natural Elements 07
Origin – Simplify Two Natural Elements
C.H. 2
Hands and twilight are two natural elements attracting me the most. Hands are variable and adaptive. Twilight is calm and colorful. I observed that both of these features are variable and found that the hand 's variance coming from the structure, and the feeling of twilight coming from the contrast of orang and blue. Therefore, I simplified the hand's movement and the feeling of twilight to form the shaft and the orange colour blending. Capturing the essences of hand structure and twilight, I develop a space that can change itself by changing the colors as time passes. Shafts from Hand Movement
Indivisual Finger Movement
Hand Structure
Shaft Diagram from Movement
Model: Hand Structure
Colour from Twilight
Hand Apperance My hand
Colour Ring
Colour Blending
Twilight Sabah, Malaysia
C.H. 2
Static Model - The Feeling of Twilight Firstly, I combined two essences, the shaft and the colour blending, to form a static model. I tried to use the plane and the facade to organise the shaft's postition. The facade layout comes from two hands' curve; the plane layout is to make sure each part is not overlapped. Then, I made the colour plan. I put the orange blending which are red, orange, and yellow on the facade to present the twilight colour, and the blue blending on the plane to present the sky and the sea. The whole model is to creat an atmosphere like twilight. Facade: two hands' curve
Inner side view.
Inner side view.
Dynamic Model - Open System
C.H. 2
Secondly, I generated the dynamic model which presents the hand's movement. The colour distribution of twilight can be divided by two line graph. Concentric circles represent concentration, while curves stand for the wide. Following the two line graphs, I developed two open dynamic systems with colours seperately, and combined two systems into one model. The model can present different colour distribution, but most important of all, it can present the feeling of twilight, concentration and the wide.
Open Dynamic System development
Concentric Circles: Concentration
Curves: the Wide Colour Distribution of theTwilight. Presented by line graph.
Colour Overlap: Assemble
Half Open
Wide: Fully Open
Open Dynamic System with colour
Concentration: Original Model
C.H. 2
Orbit Model - The Triangle Plate Thirdly, I enlarged the colour plate to creat more variance. Using different line graphs to analyse the twilight, I found that there's a lot of triangles, which formed the triangle plates. I tried to use orbit to regulate the movement of the triangle plates. With the orbit, overlapping colours generate more various colours. Triangle Plate Development
Line Graph: Twilight's Colour Distribution.
Whole Line Graph: Combination
Triangles Extraction
Simplify the Graph
Triangles plates system.
Overlapping Colour: Inner Side
Triangle plates
Orbit System
The Tower - Hexagon
C.H. 2
Fourthly, I included more spaces into the model. I kept on progress of the graph of colour distribution, and made a hexagon from the triangles. I found that hexagon has more variances than triangles, so I transformed the plate to hexagon. On the other hand, I studied all kinds of shaft systems, and organized two of them, rotation and revolution, in order to expand the structure as a tower. This model has three layers. Each layer has two systems with different colours, and the systems move seperately. When the hexagon is fully opend, it presents the twilight's colour distribution from the upside down. Color Distribution: Hexagon
Plane: Single Hexagon
Assemble Plane
The Tower: Bottom Up Right The Lowest Layer Left
Distribution Plane with Colour
Two Shaft Systems
The Tower: Inner side Right The Tower: Top Down Left
C.H. 2
Sky clock - The Color Distribution System Lastly, I integrated the systems into a single one. To simpilfy the systems, I tried to integrate two systems into one single shaft system. Using three hexagons to form one graph, I extracted the central triangle which is composed of four small triangles to become the controller. Followed by the controller movement, the model opens and closes regularly to show 12 patterns. Single System Development.
Single Systems with Three Hexagon
Sky Clock: Bottomside view Left
Single Systems with Colour.
Single Systems: Open Model
Single Systems: Close Model
Sky Clock: Top view Right The Projection
Putting the model between the bulidings, the colour of Sky Clock changes with time and the rotation of the system. The light projection on the floor brings colourful emotions.
Models - Various Colours
C.H. 2
Continuing the transition of this model, we can generate a model, which is conposed of triangle cones with different colours on each surface.
C.H - 3 Archi-Alien Meaning of Architecture 15
Origin - What is Architecture
C.H. 3
I start at comparing human body with architecture. All parts of architecture develop in accordance with human anatomy. Looking for the most logical result, I have tried different combinations. Finally, by using human parts, I create an image of architecture, which presents the core value of my illustration of a building and very much resembles an alien. Architecture has its soul to interact with people, which makes people inside it feel safe and refreshing. Here, human brain and heart stand as soul of architecture and human heart of people respectively.
C.H. 3
Meaning - Each Part of Architecture Represents
Door is a gate heading to the unknown, and its size is relatively small, compared to architecture itself. Human anus best represents these elements, but I decided to use buttocks, since an enlarged anus is harder to recognize. Window is a two-way visual entrance. People inside a building could only rely on windows to perceive the world outside. However, the vision of people outside the window is restrained. This character is quite similar to human eyes, since we use eyes to see the world. On the other hand, even people always say eyes are the window to the soul, and we tend to understand a person by looking into his eyes, but the truth is we can never see everything.
The function of wall and roof is to protect people inside the building from any intrusions. Human hand is the most protective and flexible parts toward threats.
Pillar is the basic structure of architecture. It constructs the stability of entire architecture, just like human bone structure building the whole human body.
Suspension system first appears at the ancient Japanese tower, in order to withstand the shock of earthquake. In Taiwan, a place where earthquake happens so frequently, it is important to equip such system on architecture. Strength and flexibility of human muscles display similar functions for human body. 17
Forming - Combine Each Part
C.H. 3
First, combine every part directly. Second, personalize the combination and emphasize important parts. Extract the essential parts and decide the connections between each of them. Interaction between human and architecture soul is necessary, so the brain and heart should be equivalent in all aspects. Bones are primary foundation for stability, and muscles prevent the structure from intrusion. These two will only be functionally while connecting to each other. With the help of modern materials and technology, the existence of walls, windows and door is mutually affected. Sometimes, they can even replace each other, which is why they seem less significant among these essential elements. Step by step, here comes a final Archi-Alien.
Sketch II
Sketch I
C.H - 4 Works Art & Design 19
Drawing - Pencil, Color Pencil
C.H. 4
Twins: Flowers Color Pencil Drawing
Indulgence: Two White Women Pencil Drawing
Antiques: Lamp Pencil Drawing
C.H. 4
Painting - Acrylic, Marker
Bedroom Marker Pen
Incident: Inspiration Acrylic
Messy Order: My Thoughts Acrylic
Design - Interior, Name Card, Book Cover
C.H. 4
PMA : Positive Mental Attitude Name Card Design
Book Room Interior Design
Hot-Air Balloon:Book Cover Design Color Pencil
C.H. 4
Photos - The World
The Keepers Taipei
Heaven Angkor Wat Challenge San Francisco
Hope Malaysia
C.H. 4
Others - Quick Sketch, Calligraphy
Sun House Chapelle de Ronchamp
The Wing Flora Expo.
Flying Roof Xingtian Temple
Be able to write Phoenix, Fly, and Home, you will be a scholar. Calligraphy
Che - Han Yang A mature boy who is driven by his heart as much as his mind. A man who dares challenge tradition and change the world. Education: BSc in Occupational Therapy (2006-2011) National Taiwan University Design Experience: Basic Design Workshop (May - July 2013) FA School Interior Design Course (March - May 2011) Revival Design Academy
(All the photos are taken by myself.)
About Author 25
Thank You for Reading My Brain.