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My Teenage Years
My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives.
I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage
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European Economy Essay 1
The development of the European economy since 1945 to the present day has been significant as much change has occurred during this period of time. The first and possibly most interesting development that occurred during this time that I will write about is 'The Golden age'. The Golden age transpired post World War II in the time period 1950–1973 and was a period of great economic growth within Europe. There were several reasons for the growth and development of the European economy during this time period and I will discuss each in detail throughout my essay with the support of scholarly articles and book chapters relevant to the development of the European economy throughout these...show more content...
Economic decision making as a result is quicker at responding to market impulses as better political institutions are in place. Another major factor in the growth of the European Economy at this time was Disequilibrium. Populations moved from low productivity sectors to high productivity sectors as labour demands were high in these areas. The improvement in manufacturing and the movement of populations into higher productivity areas caused Economic growth to increase rapidly within the Economy. Trade was extremely low during the War and the increase in trade post World War II promoted industrialisation. The Economic restructuring that took place after the War was majorly financed by the increase in trade and with an improved structure in industry and manufacturing created to opportunity for even more efficient trade which promoted higher Economic growth. Cyclical fluctuations were mild and also inflation rates within Europe were socially acceptable (Crafts et al, 1996).Unemployment rates within Europe were low due to the high demand for labour which also contributed to the Economic growth during 'The Golden age'.
Economic development was high from (1950–1973) but 'The Golden age' in Europe then came to an end. The first major reason for the slowdown in economic growth was the closure of the technological gap between the US and Europe. Europe had now stabilised its growth by reaching a