Acc706 rubric research assignment

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ACC706 Rubric Research Assignment High Distinction




(80 – 100%)

(70 – 79%

(60 – 69%

(50 – 59%)


Integration and originality in the Research – extent selection and and application handling of relevant theory to build and justify analysis. Value 30% Mark awarded

Analysis of the organisation

Value 30% Mark awarded

Insightful and appropriate selection of theory from a good range of current and relevant sources to systematically build Wide range of current and justify analysis. and relevant sources integrated in Minimum systematic way. paraphrasing

Good selection of theory from a range of sources to build and adequately justifies analysis.

Minimum number of sources, not all current or relevant. Paraphrasing used throughout but not always accompanied by original explanations.

Paraphrasing used throughout but accompanied by Theory relevant but not original explanations always linked to analysis.

Simple discussion of areas of strength and weakness in the organisation’s capabilities.

Identifies and clearly explains Identifies and discusses areas of areas of strength and strength and weakness in the weakness in the organisation’s organisation’s Work reflects limited capabilities. capabilities. engagement with Discussion of some organisational context or Strong links to relevant issues in relevant theory. Links to organisational context theory and organisational and relevant theory in context and relevant organisational content Not all aspects of task evaluation. theory in evaluation. in evaluation. completed In sufficient detail. All aspects of the task All aspects of the task All aspects of the completed in a task completed with completed – some Most aspects of the task comprehensive and cohesion. minimal errors in completed but cohesive manner cohesion assessment lacks cohesion. Identifies and insightfully discusses areas of strength and weakness in the organisation’s capabilities.

Recommendations Excellent / conclusions recommendations

Very good recommendations made, linked to the

Good recommendations made, linked to the

Some recommendations made / not well linked to

made, linked to the evaluation.

Value 20% Mark awarded


Value 20% Mark awarded

evaluation. Theory used systematically to justify Theory used in recommendations insightful way to and discuss justify recommendations and enhancement of the discuss enhancement organisation’s of the organisation’s capabilities capabilities

Highly professional presentation – satisfies all presentation elements. Correct referencing throughout

Total mark out of 100 Assessment mark Comments:

the results of the evaluation results / evaluation or relevant may not be linked theory. back systematically to relevant theory

Professional Good presentation presentation – minor overall but some errors in some obvious errors. elements.

Acceptable presentation – obvious errors demonstrating lack of attention to detail.

Referencing is mainly Some attempt at Correct referencing accurate referencing but obvious throughout errors

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