BIZ202 The Business Environment Assignments ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and TitleBIZ202: The Business Environment
Business Case
Group (3-4 Students)
4500 words per group
Learning Outcomes
Examine the influence of the external environment on the organisation
Identify an apply appropriate frameworks and tools to the problems and challenges faced by organisations
Research industry specific factors to the organisation decision-making process
Apply a relevant framework to evaluate the
macro and micro environmental influences on an organisation e)
Create a business case for potential growth opportunities based on analysis of external environmental factors
Week 11
Total Marks
100 marks
Context: Businesses which do not properly address the factors in their environment which can impact them may succumb to pressures which they did not account for. Past examples of businesses which have experienced severe disruptive events causing a significant loss of revenue, or businesses which have had to close entirely due to factors in their environment are common. Objectives: Correctly identify a business which has made a loss or had to close due to environmental influences outside its control Understand the events leading up to this loss or closure, and accurately discuss the key factors which caused it Accurately apply course concepts to the key event(s) to offer an alternative path which may have prevented the loss/closure.
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Condense findings into a relevant format suitable for presentation to a business in a consulting environment. Linkages between Case Study (Assessment 3) and Presentation (Assessment 4): The business case study is a comprehensive, retrospective review of a business which suffered a loss or closure due to environmental factors beyond its own control. This report should be suitably structured to present on its own, but the presentation’s purpose is to provide a more accessible and interactive medium through which to showcase the data of the case study, and the presentation should offer an alternative solution to the problem discussed in the case study, with reference to strategies discussed in the subject. Instructions: The business case study is a comprehensive assessment of the environmental factors which lead to a prominent business of the past to make a significant loss, or which lead to its closure. You must choose the case of a high profile Australian or International business which fits this criteria. Correctly identify and analyse the specific event(s) which lead to the loss/closure Describe the environment in which the business was operating, discussing the four elements of the business environment Describe the environmental factors leading to the loss by categorising these events into the four elements of the business environment Accurately describe the response by the business which was unsuccessful The structure of the assignment should follow standard case study structure
Introduction and background information
Body of information and discussion of relevant topics
Conclusion and summary
Referencing in the APA style
Submission Instructions:
Submit copy of b Case in .docx or .pdf format via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in BIZ202 The Business environment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback with reference to the criteria below via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Team Member Evaluation Form The team members for Assessment 3 & Assessment 4 will remain the same. Each team member should fill out a team Evaluation Form individually and confidentially and submit it in Assessment 4. BIZ202_Environmental_Scan_B.docxPage 2 of 6
You will rate each group member’s contribution to each category by providing a score of either 0,1, 2, 3 and 4 (0 for low, 4 for high). You will then total your ratings. This total rating will be used in calculating the Team work attribute mentioned in the marking rubric of Assessment 3 and Assesssment 4. BIZ202_Environmental_Scan_B.docxPage 3 of 6
Learning Rubric: Business Case
High Distinction
Fail Pass (Unacceptable)
High Distinction is Distinction is
awarded for
Pass is Fail grade will awarded for be work
awarded if a student is
showing a satisfactory
unable to demonstrate
achievement of all
satisfactory academic
learning outcomes and an
performance in adequate the understanding
subject or has failed to
of theory and application
(Grading Scheme)
complete required
of skills. A consistent
assessment points in
academic referencing
awarded for
work of
work of superior quality
outstanding quality in
Credit is awarded for work
in achieving all learning
achieving all learning
showing a more than
outcomes and a superior
outcomes together with
satisfactory outstanding integration and achievement of integration all learning outcomes and a
and understanding understanding of theory of
more than adequate
and application of skills.
theory and application of
understanding Evidence of theory of in-depth
skills. Evidence of in�
and application research, of skills. A reading,
depth research, reading,
consistent academic
analysis, original and
analysis and evaluation is
accordance with the
referencing demonstrated. creative system is used system is used A thought is and
subject’s required
sources are appropriately
assessment points.
and sources are
consistent academic
demonstrated. A
referencing system is
consistent academic
used and sources are
referencing system is
used and sources are
acknowledged. appropriately acknowledged. Limited Analysis of understanding Environment of the
Identifies a proportion of the
Correctly Identifies a Not only identifies all of majority of the identifies all the
environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental factors factors factors factors factors, influencing
influencing the influencing the the chosen chosen chosen business.
business; the largest
provides influencing the insight and chosen discussion
on potential further
Examine the influence of
influencers are named.
environmental challenges
the external environment
faced by the business.
on the organisation Correctly subcategorises and Neglects to subcategorise the
Discusses the wider Australian
Correctly Correctly business explains all of subcategorises subcategorises environment as the factors a and well
environmental majority of the discussed. factors into factors
thoroughly as the external explains all of environment of the
the five categories of
factors discussed.
environmental influences.
the chosen business to provide a linked picture of the complete external
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environme nt of the chosen business. Mastery of concepts and Access es and correctl y referen ces
application to new
relevan Accesses No t Accesses relevant situations/f referen inform and informati urther ces ation to correctly on discuss to and references discuss categor learning. relevant and ise Comprehe informatio categoris environ nsive n e mental factors. environ Compl to discuss reference mental ete and list with all factors. referen categorise new ce list. Incomple te
environme points ntal cited
reference list.
factors. Correct
reference list. Applic Demon Identifies ation Demon Demonst strates the key of strates rates correct issues in Frame no little and the work
Identifies the key issues in the
underst understa comple external anding nding of te business of strategiesknowle environme framew to dge of nt ork
external business environme nt
concep ts respond relevan to the t to the external five
and provides a correct strategy
strategi and es provides a relevan correct t to the strategy
busines externa s business to deal l chosen, to deal environ with each, environ offers with each. ment by as well as a ment solutio ns to a providin range Identif compo g non- of y and nents. specific s issues apply olutions present ed in
thorough explanatio n and
approp riate frame works and tools to the proble ms
to issues the discusse case. d in the
justificatio n of each strategy,
and a feasible method of
and challen ges faced by
implement ation.
organi sations
Industr Resear Fail to y ches discuss Broadly Researches Researches Specifi and the mentions and and c discuss Austral industry discusses a thoroughly Decisi es a ian onrange industr Makin factors y g relevant specifi Factor to the c s external factors related business to environ busines ment s
of industr y factors which
range of industry factors which
contrib contribute ute to to the the external externa
discusses all industry specific
factors which contribute to the
busines business s environme environ nt. Ties ment.
external business environme nt.
these Ties these factors in factors in with with reference
SLO addres sed:
to the Australian/ reference local to the business
a) Resear ch and
Australian/ environme local nt/context. business
relate industr y
References environme this nt/context. informatio Uses this n to
specifi c factors
develop decision making
to the
relevant strategies. decision making
organi sation
informatio n to develop
decisio nmakin g Applic Does Identifi ation not Identifieses all Applies Applies of address certain relevan known known Frame selecte issues t issues framework framework work d by discusse issues d in in any report way. with correct
applyin g thoroughly exactly to known to situation issues framew to discussed, ork as
methods as discusse d in course
discuss ed in correctly refines and course identify all extends content issues upon this to
Partiall y adresse content. s issues with
situatio which need framework n to be to not only accurat addressed. identify ely.
incorre SLO ct addres method sed: s.
current environme ntal issues
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Apply a relevant
Extends upon known
and influences, but speculates
framework to
framework to discuss novel
on possible external influences
evaluate the
and solutions to environmental issues at hand. issues not
macro and micro
discussed with insight.
environmental influences on an organisation
Growth Opportunity
Does not address possible
Provides relatively broad idea
for future future growth growth by of business applying
using frameworks and tools
Provides specific strategies for
Offers specific Offers insightful growth and novel
potential future strategies for strategies which growth by each of the four address each
external concepts and addressing area of the environmental discussing four each of the four external factors,
from course content, or
areas of environmental as well as by environment external factors addressing the comprehensively, environment.
through SLO addressed: discussion of
Create a business
external environment.
broader as well as environmental discussing the context
as a whole.
case for potential
broader environmental context
at length.
growth opportunities based on analysis of external environmental factors
Team Work
Places individual goals
Identifies team Works together Facilitates team Leads teams. and individual with others development
ahead of the
goals, tasks,
towards shared
responsibilities goals
and schedules Identifies team
Renegotiates Evaluates team’s responsibilities, outcomes
Renegotiates tasks and and individual responsibilities schedules to goals, tasks, to meet Hinders the responsibilities meet needed group process and schedules chang
needed change
and upsets the schedule.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness
Supports the Contributes to team in a group valuable processes.
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