Nur250 assessment 1 pre

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NUR250 Assessment 1 Pre-submission Checklist S1 2017 Put a  next to the assignment criteria you have satisfied Put a X next to the assignment criteria you have not satisfied and contact Academic Language and Learning Success for guidance Put a ? next to the assignment criteria you do not understand and X? Check the assignment information and/or marking criteria for requirements, and/or Contact Unit Coordinator and/or the Academic Language and Learning Success for guidance: Email: Text organization (Academic literacy) Introduction No introduction required in this assignment

 Are the ideas organised logically under the required headings and in the order


presented on the assignment information?  Is information succinct and, where required, in proper and grammatically correct sentences?

Conclusion  No conclusion required in this assignment

Content (Critical analysis, application to practice, clinical reasoning) Have you addressed all the tasks in the assignment?

Response to

Is theoretical knowledge integrated, synthesized and applied to nursing practice?

the question

Have you demonstrated your ability to think critically and use clinical reasoning

processes to make and defend your clinical decisions? Does your assignment focus on the questions and tasks in the assignment? Have you Identified and explained what each task is asking? Analysis

Checked the marking criteria for clarification of what is required? Have you explained why or the reasons for your identified care or response? In all items, have you used current, reliable evidence to support your ideas?

Quality of evidence (Academic integrity)


 Do your resources meet the criteria stated in the Assessment 1 information?  Do you have the required number of reliable journal articles that meet stated criteria?  Are there in-text references for all your thoughts and ideas?  Is your reference list complete and accurate?  Does all referencing consistently follow CDU APA 6th format?

Referencing Have you checked that all material from your sources is adequately paraphrased?  Have you checked that all direct quotes are appropriately acknowledged?  Have you submitted your assignment to SafeAssign via the Draft Checking menu on NUR250 Learnline to check for inadvertent breaches of academic integrity?

Presentation and submission (Academic literacy)  Is the assignment on the correct assignment template? Word

 Is your assignment in one of the required fonts and with required line-spacing?

processing  Does your assignment follow the stated presentation guidelines?  Have you retained the section breaks on the template? Assignment Have you completed the footer details on the template (student ID)? convention  Is the assignment no more than 10% over or under the stated word count? s Grammar



 Is the writing free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors?  Does each sentence or statement make sense?  Does information flow logically and coherently?

 Are linking words or sentences used to connect ideas and provide cohesion?

 Does the assignment follow the writing style guidelines for each task?


 Have you used appropriate professional language and nursing/health terminology?  Have you removed all the acronyms, abbreviations, dot points (except for care plan), tables, diagrams etc?  Have you clearly identified the final copy of your assignment on your computer or


storage device that you will be submitting?  Have you identified the correct SafeAssign submission point for your assignment on Learnline?

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