Nur250 medical surgical -

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NUR250 Medical Surgical 1 Semester 2, 2017: Assessment 1 Marking Criteria Criteria


Task 2: Nursing care plan: 0-9 Marks Ability to


Satisfactory Good


10-19 Marks

20-29 Marks 30-35 Marks 35-40 Marks

interpret & address task (40) Ability to Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Poor interpretation of develop an limited ability basic ability good ability high level Task 2. individualised, to to to ability patient develop an develop an to develop an focused, eviden Little if any ability to develop an individualise individualise individualise ce-based nursin develop an individualised, d, d, d, g evidenceevidenceevidencecare plan for the individualised, eviden evidence-based based nursingbased nursingbased nursing case scenario ce-based nursing care care plan. care care addressing fundamental care needs.

nursing care plan. Nursing

plan. Nursing Nursing plan. Nursing plan. Nursing interventions m interventions interventions interventions ay are within

Identifies and explains:

problems are not stated or not

or may not meet the registered

Nursing  problem

relevant to the scenario. Nursing

nurse scope of practice. understandin understandin practice. Most, Most, if not g of the role g of the role if all, rationales and and

the registered demonstrate demonstrate nurse scope a good a good of

 Related to

Goals of care

interventions are limited or do not

not all, rationales demonstrate

meet the registered nurse scope of

explain or limited ability justify to explain or identified justify nursing

practice. Nursing Unsatisfactory  interventions rationales

 Rationales

or explanations for nursing care

sound clinical decisions throughout the care plan. Demonstrates an

All rationales All are demonstrate appropriately a stated and

actions. developing identified Basic ability ability to nursing actions. to evaluate explain or

relevant to scenario. All

justify Limited ability outcomes of identified to evaluate care. nursing

rationales demonstrate high

and/or limited ability outcomes of Indicators the to explain or care.  plan is working justify nursing Demonstrates actions. No or little critical thinking to make

demonstrate scope of the scope of the satisfactory registered registered ability to nurse. nurse.

actions. level ability Developing to explain or ability to justify identified evaluate nursing realistic and actions. High

ability to evaluate outcomes of

achievable level ability outcomes for to evaluate


appropriate planned care. expected outcomes for planned care.

understanding of the role and

scope of the registered nurse.

Ability to interpret & address other

0-9 Marks

10-19 Marks

20-29 Marks 30-35 Marks 35-40 Marks

tasks (40)

Limited Poor interpretation of interpretation most if not of most, if

Basic Good Excellent interpretation interpretation interpretation of the other of the of the

all, of the other assessment tasks.

assessments, discuss medication

tasks. nursing Does not demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates actions and safe safe practice excellent safe limited interventions.

management practice responsibilities, knowledge for identify

and discuss the documentation, deteriorating medication patient and develop a management, patient succinct, deterioration comprehensive

not all, of the other assessment

assessment tasks. Identifies basic

Demonstrated ability to identify

other assessment tasks.

other assessment tasks.

Demonstrates practice safe practice knowledge fo satisfactory knowledge fo knowledge for r safe r practice documentation, documentatio documentatio knowledge fo medication n, medication n, medication r management, patient

documentatio management, management, n, medication patient patient

management, deterioration deterioration deterioration patient and and and handover. deterioration handover. handover.

handover using the ISBAR format

and handover.

and handover.

Task 1: (10) Task 3: (10): Task 4: (10) Task 5: (10)]

Academic Integrity 1:

0-1 Mark

2 Marks

3 Marks

4 Marks

5 Marks

Evidence for Demonstrates little if Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates (5) practice any limited a developing good high level Demonstrated engagement with current,

engagement with current, reliable

engagement with current,

engagement engagement engagement with current, with current, with current, reliable

reliable evidence for practice. Minimum

reliable evidence for practice. evidence for practice. 4 -

evidence for reliable reliable practice. 8 or evidence for evidence for more practice. practice. 8

of 8 relevant 7 journal 0 – 3 journal articles journal articles articles that that meet cited that meet

journal 8 or more or more articles that reliable and highly may or may relevant reliable and

meet stated criteria. No more than 1

not meet journal relevant stated criteria articles that journal

stated criteria that may or may not

stated criteria that may or


or be


articles that

reliable current edition stated meet stated be relevant. not be relevant. and/or textbook and 1 criteria. No criteria. No Numerous textbooks Textbooks are relevant. No Australian more than more more Medicines than 2 not current textbook or and/or inappropriate current edition and/or 3 eBooks used as resources in textbooks or a cited as a

2 current edition textbooks

reference. Any other resources reference list are

more textbooks, Some

cited as a cited as a reference, no reference, no

current, appropriate and reliable.

inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate inappropriate resources used resources in resources in resources in in assignment

reference, occasional

than 2 current edition textbook

reference list. reference list reference list.

NUR250 Medical Surgical 1: Assessment 1 Marking Criteria, S2 2017 NUR250 – Medical Surgical 1 Semester 2, 2017: Assessment 1 Marking Criteria Academic Integrity 2 (5)

0-1 mark

2 marks

3 marks

4 marks

5 marks

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrates a limited little if any ability a developing es a good es high level ability to to ability ability to ability Demonstrated adhere to

acknowledge the work to

acknowledg to

ability to adhere to

academic integrity

of others.

acknowledge acknowledg e the work the work of e the work of others. of

academic and Most ideas policies and Some-text citations and professional supported standards. No or /or policies and with

standards limited in-text cit incomplete reference when using the ations and/or list and/or work of


missing or incomplete reference

others. All others. All ideas ideas supported supported with

appropriate appropriate in- with in-text and text citations citations and accurate inand there text

is a there is a inaccurate and/or inco complete complete mplete reference reference list. list.

citations and there is a complete

Thoughts and list and/or referen referencing ideas well cing details details and/or supported by

Some Occasional and accurate inconsistency, errors in reference inaccuracy CDU APA list. No

correct and accurate in- and/or referencin inconsistent text citations g does not follow referencing format. and

errors and/or incomp 6th format. detected in lete details in All direct CDU APA CDU quotes 6th

complete and a consistent accurate format. reference list Numerous in

Some direct quotes poorly or not

APA 6th format. Most direct quotes

CDU APA direct quotes 6th format. poorly or not Direct quotes

acknowledged. Academic

appropriately Academic acknowledged integrity . standards

appropriatel format. y Academic acknowledg integrity ed. standards met at a high level.

appropriatel y acknowledg ed

Academic Literacy 1 -

acknowledged. Academic integrity

Academic integrity standards not integrity met. May policies and

standards not met. May be

be counselled or investigated for

investigated for breach of

breach of academic integrity or

academic integrity or plagiarism


0-1 marks

2 marks

3 marks

Demonstrates a developing

Meets Demonstrates Demonstrat written an appropriate es a communicat level developing ion

Written (5 Does not communicat ) demonstrate an ion

appropriate level ability in written of written communication

Demonstrates communication appropriate for nursing level of

written practice. communicatio Thoughts and n for nursing ideas

for nursing practice. Thoughts

and ideas sometimes


standards met at a basic level.

4 marks

5 marks

of written sophisticatio standards communicatio n of for nursing n for expression practice and nursing and writing academic practice. that meets literacy at a Thoughts and written high ideas are communicat level. generally ion Content is organized withstandards well



with practice. nursing disorganized, disorganized, content coherent flow. coherent Content flows practice and content does not does not Contains some flow. logically, academic Assignment demonstrates flow in a coherentalways flow in a appropriate manner. coherent professional

grammatical literacy. and spelling Content is errors well

is free from grammatical and/or

Frequent spelling manner. Some language with and grammatical grammatical and no spelling or grammatical

and/or occasional lists,

organised with coherent flow.

spelling errors and there are no

errors and no errors and/or may spelling acronyms, or may not errors and/or may or abbreviations,

Few if any lists, abbreviations, grammatical abbreviation diagrams, and/or s, diagrams

nursing jargon, contain lists, or diagrams as abbreviations, per

assignment guidelines.

acronyms spelling may not contain lists, and/or nursing errors and jargon. there are

diagrams, abbreviations, acronyms and/or diagrams,

nursing jargon.

acronyms and/or nursing jargon.

Would benefit no lists, from some abbreviation advice to s, further develop academic literacy

diagrams, acronyms and/or

acronyms and/or nursing jargon

Academic Literacy 2 -


Requires significant development

Requires some development of

of academic literacy skills

academic literacy skills

0-1 marks

2 marks


nursing jargon.

3 marks

4 marks

(5 )

Assignment is notAssignment is not on on required required

Assignment Assignment Assignment is is on is on on required required required

Submitted on template and/or is template and/or is required more than 20% between 10template as a

template template and and is is within within stated word stated

word under of over document. stated word Font is either count. Arial,


20% under or over stated word

Times New Roman or Inconsistent or count. Calibri size 11 incorrect font or or 12. Line spacing is 1.5.

5 marks

font size.

template and is within stated

word count. word count.

May have Correct font Correct font inconsistent or and font and font incorrect size. size is

May have inconsistent font or font or size.

May have consistent occasional throughout dot

Within the stated word count.

Dot points and incorrect font or font tables used where size.

Dot points and May have dot points table format not appropriate. and tables only used for

task 2.

May have dot points in points and tasks 1, 3, 4, assignment. tables or 5

where not appropriate.

where not appropriate.

NUR250 Medical Surgical 1: Assessment 1 Marking Criteria, S2 2017

No dot points or tables where not appropriate.

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