Unit 18 carlton marketing intelligence

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Unit 18 Carlton Marketing Intelligence 4.1 Design a satisfaction questionnaire organisation of use to help them satisfaction.

customer survey that an your choice can assess levels of

Questionnaire: 50 respondents by the below with the media, Survey email surveys.

were surveyed questionnaire help of social monkey and

Dear (First Name) Carlton Limited thanks you for giving us an opportunity to provide you a better service. Please help us by sparing few minutes and tell us about your event experience and our service. We try to make your experience better with us. Sincerely Miss Wein Managing Director Carlton Limited 

I am very much satisfied with the way Carlton Limited Handled my event o Strongly disagree - 8 o Disagree somewhat - 11 o Neither agree nor disagree - 4 o Agree somewhat - 10 o Agree strongly – 17

The event management was very effective and my expectations are met

Strongly disagree - 5

Disagree somewhat - 9

Neither agree nor disagree - 4

Agree somewhat - 20

Agree strongly – 12

Carlton service representatives that organised my event were well trained

Strongly disagree - 11

Disagree somewhat - 14

Neither agree nor disagree - 3

Agree somewhat - 15

Agree strongly - 7

I am satisfied with the prices charged to me for the event

Strongly disagree - 3

Disagree somewhat - 7

Neither agree nor disagree - 10

Agree somewhat - 16

Agree strongly - 14

Carlton service representatives organising my events were supervised efficiently

Strongly disagree - 15

Disagree somewhat - 15

Neither agree nor disagree - 5

Agree somewhat - 10

Agree strongly - 5

On comparison of your perception about Carlton Limited before outsourcing the event to us , what is the like hood of outsourcing another event to Carlton Limited

Better, on the performances we provided - 22

About the same - 15

Worse - 13

Considering the overall value for the event that was paid , how do you consider it

The event was of exceptional value worth more than what was paid - 14

Of good value in comparison to the payment – 24

Poor value – 12

Considering you recent experience of working with us for your event ,how likely would you recommend Carlton to an acquaintance ( 0 is not likely at all and 10 is extremely likely What can we do in future to improve your services? Add more events for the young generation such as rock shows bands concerts etc., wedding event planning, competitive pricing and offers and discounts, train your staff, have better management practices. What features would you like to be added in our services and event management? Better branding of your company, promotion of the event that is to be hosted so that we are informed, and use of modern methods of information such as promotion via social media. 4.2 Evaluate customer’s response to your completed questionnaires The above answers of the 50 respondents indicate that there is much room to increase customer satisfaction as only 17 out of 50 customers strongly agree to have been satisfied There is a need to adopt training and better management of the staff and the representatives for Carlton as being a service industry client handling and service delivery is very important. The pricing strategy seems to be effective as majority of the respondents seems satisfied with the pricing. It is needed to perform above the expectations of the customers and adopt modern promotional measures. The technique used of evaluating customer satisfaction is Classical Measurement Theory this method people are asked to respond to a set of questions the answers helps on obtaining a score that indicates the level of satisfaction on a personal perspective. The limitation of this method is that it gives an observed score but the true score has a component of the measurement error associated to it. X= T+E

The correlation between the observed and the true score gives an analysis of the reliability of the method of evaluation (Hayes, 2011). 4.3 review the success of the completed customer satisfaction survey. After the customer satisfaction survey is conducted it is always advisable to review the success of the survey as organisation spend lots of resources time and money on conducting the survey it should be successful in achieving its objectives. For the survey to be successful it is required that it should end in improving the customer satisfaction in the first place and cause continuous improvement. It should have a considerable sample size that should reflect the larger sample that is the actual market targeted. It should always adhere to the principles of measurement. There should be a response towards satisfying the immediate customer needs identified in the survey for Carlton. There should be changes implemented that are focused on the customers. The management should conduct review and assessment and take tactical and strategic decisions accordingly.

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References American Marketing Association, 2014. Brand. [Online] Available at: https://www.ama.org/resources/Pages/Dictionary.aspx?dLetter=B&dLetter=B [Accessed 10 November 2014]. Bray, J., 2008. Consumer Behaviour Theory : Approaches.[Online] Available at: http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/10107/1/Consumer_Behaviour_Theory__Approaches_%26_Models.pdf [Accessed 10 November 2014]. Business Case Studies, n.d. Using marketing research to support decision making.[Online] Available at: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/jd-sports/using-market-research-to-supportdecision-making/secondary-market-research.html#axzz3IfOY7Wul [Accessed 10 November 2014]. DJS Research Ltd, n.d. What are Validity and Reliability?.[Online] Available at: http://www.marketresearchworld.net/content/view/2147/78/ [Accessed 10 November 2014]. Entrepreneur, n.d. The Event Planning Industry.[Online]

Available at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/downloads/guides/1313_Event_Planning_ch1.pdf [Accessed 10 November 2014]. Assignment Help UK provide assignment writing service in affordable prices and we are providing most flexible online assignment writing help, so book your Assignment on assignment help

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