Unit 6 Health and Social Care Research Project Assignment Assignment Context and Scenario:
Consider yourself as a health and senior social care consultant appointed to undertake research project related to a specific area of health and social care practice in your chose health and social care setting. The chosen area of health and social care practice can be i a residential care home, hospital, pharmacy, or prison, crèche center; governmenta agencies (i.e. DOH, CQC, Public Health England). You would need to identify a specifi problem or issue area in health and social care such as: poor quality care in residentia homes and its impact on service users; safeguarding service users in health and socia care, homelessness and its impact on health and social care; services for those recoverin from disability; legislation and its impact on service users; social policy changes fo elderly people in residential care, public perception of FGM and the stigma behind th way that these are dealt with; barriers in health and social care and ways forward for inte professional collaboration; government strategies in health promotion; asylum seeker and its impact on health and social care.
You will be required to identify a specific problem or issue in related topic in health an social care for research and write a Research Proposal outlining the issues as a problem Introduction and statement leading to identifying the Research Objectives or hypotheses to be proved. Thi background notes is required to be justified and supported by review of relevant literature. The aim of th (vocational context) Research Project is to collect relevant data and information related to the problem identified and using appropriate (primary and secondary) sources and analyse the finding How your work will before presenting them in appropriate format. be assessed: Your are therefore required to carry out the four tasks as outlined in the followin page in order to complete this assignment and present to the senior consultant i health and social care.
1. The Criteria that will be assessed on this assignment are shown in the section below labelled Unit Criteria and Levels. These are also shown against the tasks so that yo know exactly which task(s) refer to which criteria 2. In most assignments you will have the opportunity to achieve at all levels – Pas Merit or Distinction – and your highest achievement for each of the Grading Criteri will count. Occasionally a particular task may offer restricted opportunities (i.e. the bes grade anyone could achieve would be a Pass or Merit) in which case the maximum grad will be specified 3. If the evidence you submit does not meet the requirements of a Pass in any of th Grading Criteria you will receive R grade and will need to consult your assessing tuto about resubmission or other opportunities to achieve the grade 4. You will receive your tutor’s assessment of your grades, and feedback, on a separat assignment Grading and Feedback Sheet on the VLE.
LO 1:
Task 1 A: Based upon the specific health and social care problem identified in your chosen P 1.1 organisation formulate a Research Proposal, outlining the specific objectives that need to be 1.2 addressed in the Research Proposal form.
Note: Here you need to identify the research questions to arrive at the appropriate Research Objectives and support your arguments (factors that contribute to the process of research project selection) and justify the hypotheses, if any. Task 1 B: Identify Relevant Literature related to your chosen topic and undertake a critical P 1.3, review of key references, including appropriate theories and concepts. 1 Task 1 C: Develop and discuss the relevant Research Methodology to implement the proposed research and draw up an appropriate plan, including a time schedule for carrying out the P 1.4 research (GANNT Chart can be used if necessary). Note: You need to consider the relevant sources of data and such as primary and secondary and outline and justify the proposed methods using appropriate sampling methods to collect data within the context of validity and reliability. M2
LO 2:
LO 3:
LO 4:
Task 2 A: Plan and organise the necessary resources and match efficiently to the research P 2.1 question or hypothesis so that the proposed research investigation can be undertaken in 2.2, P accordance with the agreed specification and procedures.
Note: This requires you to demonstrate evidence in the form of logbook, a sound questionnaire, schedule, and monitoring process used etc. Task 2 B: Record and collate relevant data where appropriate and organise in tables if P 2.4 necessary. Note: Here, you should also provide the raw data collected and an account on the response rate and the overall effectiveness of the research investigation process. Task 3 A: Organise structure the raw data in tabular format and use appropriate techniques to P 3.1 analyse the findings in an orderly manner. 3.2 M Note: You would need to use appropriate methods to present the finding such as graphs and charts as well and produce a produce a body of written materials. Task 3 B: Interpret and evaluate the results in terms of the original research Specification and P 3.3, objectives and make recommendations with justification. 2 Hint: The findings should be linked to the research objectives in the process of evaluation so that conclusion can be made whether the research problems identified or the proposed hypotheses were true ora not. Task 4: Present the outcomes of the entire research as a Presentation and appropriate as a written report.
Note: This is the final written report that should be well structured and written to meet the P D 4. professional standards. A list of references in Harvard system format and can take help from
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