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Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Brief

Introduction There are some policies and the practices are proposed by the organisation for the people or employees working in organisation. These policies and the practices are influenced by the rules and the regulation imposed by the country to secure the position of employees and these regulations also ensure that the best quality of the care is given to the employees into the organisation. The UK government also has introduced various law and regulation such as race relation act, equality act, discrimination act, care standard act and many more to secure the employee working in the different organisations. The following Unit 1 Empowering Users of HSC Service Assignment leads the description of the various laws and regulations and will show how these laws maximize the right for the health and social care within the organisation.

Task 1


Explain how the current legislation and skills standard influence organisational policies and practise for promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care. Legislation could be termed as a law that is introduced by the government body to secure, restrict, to grant or regulate the organisation and events of the country. The main aim of legislation is to regulate the direct and indirect discrimination in order to provide a healthier environment to the organisation and correct the organisation toward the culture and nature of environment of the country and allow the organisation to learn from its past mistake by. The legislation and the policies introduced by the government are changed over the time period. As I am appointed as a health and social care consultant and my task is to develop the skills and confidence of the disable people and provide a long term employment prospects and promote the independence. Following are the legislation that influences the organisational policies and promote and maximize the right of user of social and health care:

Human right act: This act came to the existence in 2002 that explains the common right of the human such as right to life, education, marry etc. The group of disable people have full right of spend his life happily with fairness, dignity and respect (Hanley, Bradburn & Wallcraft, 2014). The policies defined in this act gives right to the service user to talk openly the type and way of the services provided to them and they also have a right to complain.

Care standard act: the main aim of this act is to increase the realm of the social care and also make sure that the care of the vulnerable people should be done in various ways especially to improve the care standard and services provided.

Equality act: this act explain that the individual workings in the organisation are equal in terms of gender, culture, nation etc as it is not fair to discriminate the people on the basis of some personal characteristics. Each and every individual has a right to use their talents to make their living better.

1.2 Analyse factors that promote and maximizes the rights of users of health and social care. The factors that can promote and maximize the right of users of health and social care are given below: 

Culture, attitude and beliefs: the user of health and care may be of the different regions that of heath care provider, so their culture, value and the beliefs would be different. And to provide the better services it is very important to know the culture of each other so that they can achieve the best compliance (Walshe & Rundall, 2013). The culture of the user also maximize his rights toward gaining the best services.

Education and income: the education of the user of health and social care promote the right of users as with the help of education provided to them to may feel free to ask their right toward gaining the social care services with the provider.

Rules and legislation: As mentioned above that the rules are set by the government to inform, to secure the population especially to the users of social care. So the rules and act also promotes and maximize the right of user of health and social care.

Procedures: the services user must aware of the how to execute the policies and the regulation if they find the organisation is violating the rules set by the government. The procedure is the methods of doing or follow right path to execute the plan. So this is also a factor that promotes and maximize the right of user of health and social care.

1.3 Analyse how communication between care workers and individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care services The communication is a process in which two individuals exchange their opinion, views and information. The process of communication could be of verbal and non verbal. It is a right of

service user to communicate in the language in which he is comfortable and it is the responsibility of the management of the organisation to understand the situation form the side of the service user and try to overcome the problems to protect the right of user for getting the services appropriately. The communication between the care workers and the individuals contributes a lot in promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care services which is described below: 

A clear form of the communication should be executed between the service user and provider to increase the understanding. For that purpose the service provider should be trained in the communication skills (Poland, Holmes & Andrews, 2010).

A clear communication between the service providers and user helps the services user to make decision in their personal and professional life.

Communication helps in promoting and maximize the right of user as the process of learning is associated with this that helps in getting various facts about the users rights.

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