An Avatar Book Published by Avatar Publications St Albert, Alberta. Canada Š2006 by Michael Sharp. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission For information on bulk purchase discounts contact Avatar Publications at Sharp, Michael, 1963The book of the triumph of spirit : the New Age, new energy tarot system / Michael Sharp. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-9738555-8-6 (alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-0-9738555-9-3 (pdf : alk. paper) 1. Tarot. 2. Spiritual life--Miscellanea. I. Title. BF1879.T2S5376 2006 133.3'2424--dc22 This is a book of art and is provided for entertainment purposes only. There is no warranty express or implied in this work or the cards. Avatar publications assumes no responsibility for use or misuse of the cards or the book. Use at your own risk and discretion.
This book builds on the previous works of Michael Sharp (i.e., The Book of Life, Dossier of the Ascension, and The Book of Light Volume One). All Michael’s books are either made freely available as eBooks or for a modest charge. See for details
Dedication To my family for putting up with me while I cleared my karmic obligations and struggled with a millenia of negativity. To Jim Killoh for his eagle eye and attention to detail. To Kathy Killoh for her critical and constructive comments on earlier drafts of this book. To Jill Magee for replacing the term Lightworker and Energyworker with Lightdancer and Energydancer. To Jason Adelmann, Jeremiah Duke, Cynthia Murray, and BenjaminPritchard, for their helpful comments on the final draft To the weeping children of this world who suffer, starve, and die under the thumb of a few greedy sleepyheads. The end of the old world is here. The time for a new unfolding is now. Let us all declare. Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
Contents Part I Introduction.......................................................................................................... 7 The Multiple Books of Tarot ............................................................................. 12 Quick Go Guide .................................................................................................. 20 Numbering Notes................................................................................................. 24 Card Orderings ................................................................................................... 27 The Book of Spirit ............................................................................................................. 27 The Book of Slavery .......................................................................................................... 28 The Book of Power ........................................................................................................... 29 The Book of Keys ............................................................................................................. 31
Part II Card Descriptions Joyful (formerly The Fool) .................................................................................................. 34 The Master (formerly Magician) ......................................................................................... 38 ISIS (formerly The High Priestess) ..................................................................................... 42 Gaia (formerly The Empress) .............................................................................................. 47 Mars (formerly The Emperor) ............................................................................................ 51 Uranus (formerly The Hierophant) ...................................................................................... 55 Activation (formerly The Lovers) ........................................................................................ 59 Chariot .............................................................................................................................. 65 Strength ............................................................................................................................. 68 Lightworker (formerly The Hermit) ..................................................................................... 73 World (formerly The Wheel) .............................................................................................. 76 Jupiter (formerly Justice) .................................................................................................... 80 Sacrifice (formerly Hanged Man) ........................................................................................ 84 Initiation (formerly Death) ................................................................................................... 88 Temperance ....................................................................................................................... 93 Saturn (formerly The Devil) ................................................................................................ 96 Power (formerly The Tower) .............................................................................................. 101 The Star ............................................................................................................................ 105 The Moon (a.k.a. The Gate) .............................................................................................. 108 The Promise (formerly The Sun) ......................................................................................... 112 The Calling (formerly Judgment) ......................................................................................... 115 The Universe (a.k.a. The Ascension) .................................................................................. 119
Appendix One: Artist Notes ................................................................................ 122 Appendix Two: Divinatory Meanings ............................................................... 126 The Sharp Spread .............................................................................................................. 128
Other Books by Michael Sharp ......................................................................... 129
The Book of Triumph
From delusion lead me to Truth. From darkness lead me to Light. From death lead me to Immortality. Upanisad 1.3.28
Introduction Hello and welcome to this book of tarot. You have found the Oxo Halo/Michael Sharp (Halo/Sharp) tarot deck. This is the new energy/new world tarot. This is the lightworker’s tool of choice for rapid personal (or client based) enlightenment and activation. If you have been looking around at the mess in this world and wondering what the heck you could do to wake people up, this is your answer. This tarot deck, and the associated book, will provide you with an unbeatable set of concepts and images which you, working as lightworker and healer, will be able to use to help awaken even the sleepiest of sleepy heads. Needless to say, if you have been around the tarot at all in the past you will find many new things in this book and in the associated deck of tarot cards. Oxo Halo (the artist) and myself (the author) have significantly modified the Western tarot system with the express intent of bringing the tarot system out of the dark ages and into the light energies of the new age. In order to facilitate this process we have dropped the numbers off the cards (never to be used again) and provided updated descriptions for all of the twenty-two major arcana. In addition, we have provided new
spiritual transformation and awakening (the true purpose of the western tarot), we have identified the old energies of hierarchy and control which have corrupted the manifested tarot and cordoned these energies off from the new energies of spiritual awakening and empowerment. All in all, Halo and myself have hammered, purified, cleaned, and shined the tarot system until we have arrived at what we consider to be the first fully manifested new energy, lightworker tool of rapid spiritual awakening and empowerment. If you are a lightworker and/or student of tarot I, Michael Sharp, certainly think you will be excited and empowered by what you find here. However, even if you are not a dabbler, practitioner, artist or student of tarot, if you do not consider yourself a lightworker and do not really have an interest in working spiritual magic on clients in your practices, do not go away! Although this book will be interesting to those who have been drawn to tarot in the past, in truth this book of tarot, this Book of the Triumph of Spirit is not written just for students, artists, lightworkers, and practitioners of tarot. No, no, no. It is not like that at all!
titles and updated imagery for many of the major arcana (for example, the negative Fool becomes
In reality, this book was written for you.
the positive Joyful). Finally, and in order to facilitate
You see, dear one, you are not here by
The Book of Triumph accident, happenstance, or some random turn of fortune. You are here by design.
Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
You are here on purpose. You are here because you asked (either consciously or unconsciously) for help on your path of spiritual awakening or because you are responding to a twingy little feeling down in your gut. Either way, you are here for awakening. You have come for empowerment. You have come for ascension. Be welcome and be in joy. Trust. Open to the energies and truths that you find here. There is nothing to fear in what lies ahead. This process that you are about to undertake is going to unfold the true nature of you. This process is going to return you to full power and awareness. Know that this book was written from the perspective of our glorious spiritual unity.
At this point you may be asking what, beyond all the fancy spiritual words in the preceding sentences, this book is really about. Well, this book is about a lot of things but when you get right down to the bones, this book is about the tarot as a fast path of spiritual enlightenment and bodily activation. This book is about the 22 major arcana of the western tarot and their status as a high vibrational system of rapid spiritual initiation and awakening. This book is about the tarot as a tool of power and light which you will you use to smash the chains that have bound your mind, body, and soul beneath The Veil. This book is a step by step guide to quickly and efficiently removing obstacles, confronting fears, balancing energy, activating body, and ascending into the full light and power of your glorious spiritual consciousness.
Know that this book was written by a member of your spiritual family.
This book is part of what I like to call my Lightning Path.
Know that this book was written with love and in humble service to you, dear, glorious child of light, love, and fire. Welcome home dear one and be in joy.
This is the fast track to full consciousness and full power. It is a big claim, I know. But bear with me for a while.
The time is now. The place is earth.
Michael Sharp Follow, lead, lift, activate, ascend. It is time.
So how exactly does this all work? This is a good question and I will fill in the details and talk more about the way the western tarot (and especially the Halo/Sharp Tarot) functions in the next couple of chapters. For now, perhaps a little information about me is in order. As you know, my name is Michael Sharp. I am here speaking to you today because we stand on the cusp of our ascension acceleration. I am here because the time is now. I am here because the place is earth. I am here because now we have flooded the earth with energy, and now we have all our checks and balances in place, and now we are ready to proceed with ascension, and so now rapid awakening is not only advisable, it is a requirement of our success and survival. Now do not fret. I am here to help with this rapid awakening. I am a spiritual teacher of sorts and I am here to help you remember who you are. Call me Michael, the Messenger of the Ascension. I bring you The Lightning Path back home to your innocence and glory. So come. Take my hand. Remember your power. Remember your glory. Take the hand of those around you.
Now before we get to the nitty gritty of all this, let me first thank you, on behalf of Spirit, for the job you have done. Let me thank you for all your work and hard effort. Let me honor your contributions and your sacrifices. Let me tell you that you have done a spectacular job on The Great Work of Ascension. There is only one word to describe our collective spiritual accomplishment and it is...
!!!MAGNIFICENT!!!! Job well done but the work is not over yet!! Remember, we are only a cosmic clock tick away from 2012 (which is, as you may or may not know, the formal birthdate of our new creation) and we need to get cracking. Between now and “the end� we have lots of work to do. Not only do you have to wake up and empower, but everyone else around you has to wake up as well. This will be a lot of work. It will require your faith (especially in the early stages) and your dedication. However, you can do it. You have trained multiple lifetimes for this very day and you have all the skills and technique you need to accomplish the tasks you set for yourself as
The Book of Triumph Lightworker.
next chapter.
You can do it. Remember this, from now until the curtain closes on the old world, there are no
Second, in order to properly understand the cards and how the descriptions are laid out, it is
spectators. First you wake up, then you wake up those around you.
advisable that you read the prefatory material before you leap into the card interpretations. Resist
Initiate, activate, ascend, and reach out.
the temptation to jump ahead. If you do not read through the prefatory materials, you may be
The faster we get everybody up, the faster
confused by the card descriptions and you may be taken off guard by the powerful energies. This may
we can ascend this planet, and the faster we can all get back to playtime in paradise. So get to it.
be especially true if you have previous experience with the tarot, so no matter what your background and previous training, please read the prefatory materials and proceed with respect for the power that is focused here.
Now before you go and take a closer look at this new energy tarot system, I need to share a few minor details about this book, the associated cards, and the Lightning Path with you. First of all, in order to facilitate your rapid access to the transformative energies of the tarot, this guidebook is organized into two main sections. The first section (which you are now reading) consists of the prefatory material and includes this introduction, chapter one, and chapter two. In the prefatory materials I introduce the tarot keys to you in more detail, discuss their purpose, and provide you with general guidance on accessing the transformative energies of The Book of the Triumph Spirit. The second section of the book consists of the actual card descriptions. As you will see (if you peek ahead), these descriptions are complex and organized into multiple “books� of tarot (i.e., The Book of Spirit, The Book of Slavery, The Book of Power, and The Book of Keys). I will explain about this organization and what it means in the
Third, and as you already know, in writing this guidebook we (and by we I mean Oxo Halo and myself) have created a new deck which we call the Halo/Sharp tarot deck. The Halo/Sharp deck is the first new energy/new world tarot deck. Please note that you cannot use old energy decks (and by old energy decks I mean any deck that has a zero numbered Fool card) with this book. There are irreconcilable differences between the new energy tarot (as represented by this book and deck) and the old energy decks. Differences in naming and numbering and, in some cases, radically different images and concepts, represent and present a clear and total break with the old system. Until such time as artists have begun to draw their own new energy versions, you will need to use our deck with this book. If the Halo/Sharp deck was not included with this book, you can purchase a copy from Avatar Publications. Visit our website for details. Fourth, I do not consider this Book of the Triumph of Spirit an introductory book. The
Michael Sharp materials here assume an uncorrupted knowledge of the basic spiritual truths of this planet. If you are having difficulty sorting out the things you are reading, read my other books. My previous work (The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order, The Dossier of the Ascension, and The Book of Light Volume One) provides all the necessary groundwork that you need in order to efficiently and effectively approach the materials in this book. Many of my previous books are free so consult my website at for details.
In closing we (and by we I mean Halo and I, my wife and our kids, our dog and our three ugly frogs) would like to thank you for joining us on this last leg of our millennial spiritual journey. It is our joy and happiness to be able to offer this small contribution to the full return of your original spiritual innocence and full spiritual power. Let us raise the roof. Let us ascend this universe. The time is now. The place is earth. Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
The Multiple Books of Tarot
“What is duality”, you ask? In the previous chapter (the introduction) I called this book, and the tarot deck that is associated with it, the new energy tarot. In this short chapter I want to elaborate briefly on what I mean by “new” and “old” energy and I want to use this discussion of old and new energy to build the foundation that I need to be able to introduce you to the multiple books of tarot that are contained within this Book of the Triumph of Spirit. In order to accomplish this I will have to first distinguish between new energy and old energy so that you understand where the “multiple books” are coming from. It may sound a bit confusing right now but by the end of this chapter you will have the groundwork and the understanding you need. In order to
Well, duality is simply the struggle between oppositions. It is the movement of yin/yang. It is the struggle between left and right. It is the clash of republican and democrat. It is the battle of the sexes. It is the war between good and evil. It is the swing between positive (+) and negative (-). This is duality. Duality is the struggle of oppositions at all
make this as efficient as possible, I will limit the discussion here to the key differences between
levels. Not just the big oppositions either. Just about any old opposition at any level will do. Between all
new energy and old energy. If you want a finer discussion of energy, consult The Book of Light
the cultures and languages and ethnicities and political colors and occupational classifications and
Volumes One and Two.
leisure categories, we have a million of them. If you are in the old energy, you swim in them.
First, let us talk about the old energy. There are three characteristics of the old energy that set it apart from the new energy’s. If you understand these three characteristics, you will understand the old energy and what makes it different from the new energy currently flooding this earth. The first characteristic of the old energy we have to understand is that the old energy is about duality.
So why do we swim in these energies? Well, as I explain in The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order and The Book of Light Volume Two, it is all about ascension. You see, the struggle between oppositions, the swing between poles, the constant back and forth between left and right, black and white, good and evil, light and dark, positive (+) and negative (-),
Michael Sharp etc. generates energy. How does that work? Well, it is a little bit like an electrical generator. You rotate opposing poles (i.e., (+) and (-)) around a gigantic magnet (i.e., Gaia) and this generates energy. We incarnate into a body, adopt one side of a set of dualities, live in a dialectical opposition to others, and generate energy/chi/prana. It is quite simple, really. Duality generates energy which we then use to use to lift physical matter universe through the quantum ascension barrier. Put opposites together and you get movement, spinning, sparks. This is the why of the old energy. Duality facilitates the manifestation of opposition and the generation of energy which we then use to enervate the molecules and ascend the universe. I realize this may be a little different than what the scientists (who say “evolution”) and the priests (who say “salvation”) may have told you was the purpose of our life here. Be that as it may, life is not about evolution or the struggle to survive, nor it is about salvation and trying to build a better soul. Our real job is to ascend The Universe by running amok in duality. Now this is not as easy as it might sound at first. Having lived in duality for so many millennia, you can be forgiven for thinking that duality and dialectical opposition is the only way to organize creation. You can be forgiven for thinking that
duality is like a God given formula for the physical universe. You can be forgiven for thinking that yin/ yang, light/dark, good/evil, black/white, and all the oppositions are necessary or universal requirements of creation. The fact is though, they are not universal requirements. The truth is, duality is not a universal experience of creation. Duality is not a criteria of creation. In fact, duality is an aberration. In all of creation, there have been only a handful of (what we might like to call) experimental nodes that have been steeped in this duality brew. The truth is, as I explain in greater detail in The Book of Light, that our primary and primordial experience is unity and oneness. As the Mayans say, In La’kech -- you are another me. Now, this unity consciousness is a problem for those of us who wanted to work on The Ascension by working in duality. Why? Because in the condition of unity and oneness we know nothing but bliss and contentment at our shared divinity. The basic problem is this: how do you get a totally connected-to-God-and-Spirit superconscious spark of eternal bliss and contentment to believe in duality? How do you get a superconscious spark of divinity to believe in the absurd oppositional categories of hell, Satan, left, right, good, evil, Christian, Muslim, or any of the other primary oppositions we are steeped in when the ideas themselves are, to a superconscious spark of
The Book of Triumph divinity, totally absurd? Well, the truth is, you do not. The first time
the duality seriously, generating the energy, and ascending the universe.
we tried to brew the duality brew we did it in Lemuria. There, we incarnated into the body and
So we added another “spin” to the old energy which, for lack of a better word, I will call the
tried to create duality from a perspective of almost total consciousness.
energy of “Duh”.
We really did try, but we absolutely failed.
This energy of “Duh” is the second characteristic of the old energy you need to know about.
We created all sorts of conceptual dualities
Duality and Duh.
like good versus evil and right versus wrong, but we could never take them seriously enough to get them to manifest properly. We either created limpid and watered down versions of the dualities we need or we broke down laughing at the thought of having to take it all seriously. The truth is, to a fully conscious spiritual monad, the ideas of good and evil, right and wrong, left and right, us and them, are beyond absurd. To a fully aware spark of the creator, duality is ridiculous. In fact, to a body that is fully conscious of the spark of creator consciousness that animates it, duality was such an absurd
Duality in Lemuria. Duality and Duh on the planet of Atlantis. I will talk more about the energy of Duh in the body of this book (especially when I am talking about the personalities behind the Duh). At this point it is only important to know that with the energy of Duh in place, we were able to manifest an incredibly complex system for suppressing our consciousness. I like to call this system “The System”. With The System in place, we got duality and in a big way.
idea that we just could not “get into it”. This was a problem because unless we could truly get into it, we would not be able to generate the energy we needed to ascend creation. What to do? Obviously, we could not keep working in Lemurian conditions. We needed to try something different and after some consideration we decided the solution was to put a veil over the consciousness of the body so that it would be largely unaware of its connection and source in the divine fabric of spiritual consciousness. Basically, we had to dumb ourselves down, dim our lights, muddy up our connections, and otherwise darken our spark of divinity if we were to ever have a chance of taking
As we descended beneath The Veil (an alternate name for the manifestation of the energy of Duh), our bodies and minds were cut off from our greater spiritual glory. We were disconnected from our knowing, did not know we were God, and could not feel our connection to our higher consciousness. We were separated, isolated, cut off, and dumbed down. Under these diminished conditions it took only a little bit of urging from the higher self (and by higher self I mean that part of you that your body/mind cannot perceive because of the disconnection) to get the ball rolling. It worked brilliantly and did the sparks ever fly.
Michael Sharp While beneath The Veil we (and by we I mean our isolated mind/body), generated a lot of
Now when the Atlanteans lit the fuse and started the ascension process, we had no idea that
anything bad would happen. We (and by we I mean Immortal Spirit not incarnated in a body but
We literally ran amok in duality and it did not take very long at all before the energy meters registered off the scales. Our little node of creation became an ascension powder keg. Exciting! And then the time came to light the fuse. But this was a problem because we (and by we I mean the ascension workers incarnated into a veiled body) did not know about the experiment, the greater truths of spirit, or the purpose for our incarnation. Because we were disconnected, there was no communication. Not to worry though. All we (and by we I
nevertheless looking after this experiment) thought once the fuse was lit and the ascension was proceeding, the bodies would just wake up and we would all proceed into ascension. Boy, were we wrong. Atlantis was already a powder keg of energy and when the bodies lit the kundalini, the world literally exploded into a rat-a-tat-tat of rapid manifestation. The earth churned. The energies ascended and ascension seemed imminent.
mean Spirit not incarnated into a body but nevertheless participating in the experiment) had to do was
But things went seriously wrong and our anticipation turned to horror as we watched the
send some messengers who would bring the simple message “It is time”. The messengers would
duality on this planet *e*x*p*l*o*d*e.
require some training in order to enable them to overcome The Veil, but that would be relatively easy. So, we sent some messengers. They were
We were shaken. We were taken off guard. Instead of awakening, the sleepy Atlanteans simply used the extra power to manifest even more starkly oppositional forms of duality. In the ultracharged energy of end-times Atlantis, the dualistic
born, they matured, they struggled and pierced The Veil and when they were fully awake to their origin
consciousness of the sleepy Atlanteans blossomed (as above in consciousness, so below in matter)
and purpose, the messenger said to the people of Atlantis, “the time has come, get ready, activate.
into an all out war of Armageddon.
This is the way”. The messengers showed the sleepy Atlanteans the visualizations and meditations that they could use to activate and the Atlanteans, only partly understanding what it was all about, did
We were stunned and before we could say Skinamarinkedinkedo, *B*O*O*M*. Apocalypse.
as they were instructed. And thus did the Atlanteans light the Kundalini fuse without really
knowing what they were doing or why.
The Book of Triumph *B*O*O*M*. New asteroid belt. *B*O*O*M*. Obviously, this was not what we were looking for. We wanted to ascend the planet and the Universe, not blow it up.
The tools and techniques, and the methodologies of control, would be easy (if unpleasant) to develop. We would just need some time to do it and, because Atlantis had been reduced to the status of asteroid belt, another planet to do it on. After Gaia graciously volunteered, and after we assessed the situation and set out a time line for it to be complete (i.e., 2012), we got underway.
This was an obvious problem. The spiral into destruction happened too fast.
Remember, we needed to suppress the energy and power of the sleepy ascension workers
As the energy ascended, manifestation got easier. In the super charged energy environment we
and keep the duality from getting out of control so that we could provide a controlled and staged
started to create new and even better forms of duality and our duality raged out of control. We
awakening process. We accomplished this energy control by adding another wrinkle to the old energy
were caught off guard by the explosive manifestation and descending crescendo of violence and
oppositional destruction. In desperation we sent additional messengers to wake people up, but they did not have the tools or the time the needed. As a result, Atlanteans did not wake up fast enough, duality outran the speed of our awakening, and the result was *B*O*O*M*. This was the problem. Give a sleepy mind swimming in duality a lot of power and it will take that duality and manifest it to its inevitable conclusion which is, as we found out, the annihilation of the oppositions. This was a problem but what was the solution? Well, at this point the solution was two pronged. On the one hand, we would have to develop some tools and techniques for waking people up quickly and on the other hand we would have to have some way to control energy and manifestation so we did not blow ourselves up again.
Call this new wrinkle the energy of domination. This third wrinkle, this energy of domination, is the third characteristic of the old energy you need to be aware of. Duality in Lemuria. Duality and Duh in Atlantis. Duality, Duh, and Domination on Gaia. Like the energy of Duh in Atlantis, the energy of Domination was manifested by old energy priests into a system (call it The System) of energy suppression. This system which we developed, and which included subsystems for encouraging duality and consciousness suppression, was quite complicated and all encompassing. The System was/is administered by The Brotherhoods and covers suppression of consciousness, suppression of chakras energies, suppression of kundalini, just to name a few of the pressure points. The System
Michael Sharp interpenetrates through the consciousness and our body like the silken tendrils of a giant spider web and it locks us in place so that our ability to manifest (as above in consciousness, so below in matter) is curtailed. I will go into more detail about this system in the card descriptions and in a subsequent book which I will entitle The Black Book. Now, it is most important that you recognize, as you already do, that The System was/is manifested with the tripartite energy of duality, duh, and domination and that the system is a hierarchical system. Hierarchy, you see, is the key to controlling your energy. As long as you only listen to the commandments of your “boss”, as long as you do what you are told, as long as you fit yourself into some little niche somewhere in some hierarchy, we can control the process. As long as you can fit in somewhere, we feed the ideas that we need to create duality through the hierarchy. As long as you fit in, we can feed the ideas that we need to suppress consciousness through the hierarchy. As long as you can fit in, we can keep this planet from becoming the second asteroid belt in the system of Sol. It is a tough fit, do not get me wrong, and not everybody can do it. Many who have incarnated to work on the ascension have been unable to handle the utter spiritual horror of the three D’s (i.e., the 3D’s of duality, duh, and domination) of this existence here and they break down, suffer tremendously, hurt, and even go insane (while in the body).
But we did it. With the energy of duality and duh we were able to descend beneath The Veil, work our bodies into an energetic frenzy, and generate the energy we needed to ascend. With the energy of domination we were able to smack ourselves down if duality looked to be getting out of control. This gave us the time we needed to develop the tools for a rapid awakening and arrange the conditions for a safe ascension. This gave us the time we needed to get ready and though we came close to *B*O*O*M* a couple of times in recent history, we were able to keep from stepping over the line. So, we worked and prepared and tested and now here we are and here I am. My name is Michael Sharp and I am honored to be the one to bring you the good news. Our preparations are complete. All checks and balances are in place. We are set to go. We are ready for take off. Because all conditions are in place, we can now fulfill The Promise and I can now bring you The Lightning Path. I can bring you this new energy tarot system as a tool and a gift.
For the rest of us, getting from glorious spark of creator consciousness to dumbed down and
This Halo/Sharp tarot system is, as noted in the introduction, the Lightworker Tool of choice
disempowered lamb takes incredible effort and dedication.
for rapid awakening and activation. This new energy tarot system will help you
The Book of Triumph return. This new energy tarot system will help you clear away all remaining vestiges of The System. It will help you get rid of the 3D existence that we have tolerated for so long. It will help you clear duality. It will help you disperse The Veil. It will help you remember your power and it will leave you - if I have done my job with any degree of skill, and you have done your homework with any degree of perserverance - standing naked and glorious in your full spiritual power. I realize this is a big claim but somebody has to do this job and I believe that this tarot tool is up to the challenge. Halo and I cut no corners in developing an elegant and easy to use system of spiritual awakening. Not only are the images beautiful, fresh, and grounded in the raw creative power of fractal mathematics, but the descriptions for each image are complex, intertwined, and multilayered. The descriptions are packed tight with little energy nuggets that will help you excise both large and small chunks of the old 3D energies of duality, duh, and domination. Out with the darkness. Recognize that you are light!
work. In the new energy there is no duality, there is no duh, and there is certainly no domination. Of course, to the call the new energies “new” is a bit of a misnomer. They are not really new energies at all. In fact, the new energies that those at the “cutting edge” are currently learning to work with are ancient energies from a time when we were not working on ascension of the universe. So really, the new energies are older energies. But this is just semantics. What you have to understand is that the “new” energies are energies devoid of the 3Ds of our ascension work. Once you understand that, and once you understand that we have have multiple energy systems to work with (i.e., old energies which we are trying to get rid of and “new” energies we are trying to bring forward), you will understand the reason why this book contains, as identified in the introduction to this chapter, multiple books of tarot. Although I call this book The Book of the Triumph of Spirit as if there is only one book here, in fact there are several books all embedded into this single opus. If you glance over the card descriptions in the second part of this book, you will see that within each single vertical description there are several headings. There is a heading for the Book of Spirit, the Book of Power, the Book of Slavery, and the Book of Keys. These books are the multiple books of tarot.
Now you know about the old energies. Now you know that the old energies are the 3D energies of duality, duh, and domination. You will now understand when I tell you that the new energies are free of the 3Ds of our previous ascension
These books organize the tarot energies into what we might call a “divinity brew”. How do we do the brew? Good question. First, we create a pure new energy image
Michael Sharp (the tarot cards themselves) that drops all superfluous symbolism and presents the spiritual energies of the tarot in pure and uncorrupted channels. Then, we take the new energies of awakening and manifest them as text in The Book of Spirit. In The Book of Spirit (i.e., the first part of every card description) I talk about the important spiritual truths of you. I talk about awakening and empowerment. I talk about who you are as spirit (the Identity chapter), what your purpose is for incarnating on this earth (the Purpose chapter), who your “gods” have been (the Personality chapter) , and how you can go about getting back to full awareness and power (the Activation chapter). The Book of Spirit is a complete book itself and is everything that you need in order to advance along the Lightning Path and complete your process of awakening and empowerment. After The Book of Spirit energies are presented, I then provide additional assistance for those who find themselves a little stuck in the old energies. What I do is to take the nefarious ener-
The Book of Spirit, The Book of Power, and The Book of Slavery), stir it all up, and bake it until we get a “key” which you can use, if you open with intent for transformation, to snap the brittle lock that keeps you locked up. To use the “key” energies, simply read the card description vertically (i.e., top to bottom). Do this when you are ready. Do this when you wish to proceed with efficiency. Of course, the key is not strictly necessary. It is provided for those who need a little extra energetic *thump* to get them through The Book of Power or The Book of Slavery energies. And that’s pretty much all there is too it. This is the Halo/Sharp new energy tarot system. This is the lightworker tool of choice for rapid awakening and empowerment. So get to it, will you? The clock is ticking.
gies of Duality, Duh, and Domination (the 3D’s) and relegate, confine, and bind these energies to The Book of Slavery and The Book of Power. In these two books you can read off about a dozen or so of the main ideas that have controlled our consciousness through this last 12,000 year effort to accomplish The Great Work of Ascension. If you find you are stuck and not moving forward into a Joyful existence, check into The Book of Power or The Book of Slavery. If you find some of your own thinking mirrored in those books, change your thinking. Consult The Book of Spirit for assistance. Finally, and just for good measure, I take all the energies that come before (i.e., the energies of
Quick Go Guide Before turning you loose into the cards I have a few more things to say by way of final preparation. As I have already said, this tarot is a system of rapid awakening and transformation. I realize this statement is pretty abstract and so now I would like to provide you with a better idea of what this actually means, how this all works, and how best to approach the cards. This is your final orientation. This is the countdown to blast-off. Do not worry.
You are in good hands. Keep a few things in mind as you access the tarot energies, starting with the fact that...
The Halo/Sharp tarot cards are like garden hoses The tarot cards are pipelines or conduits where very specific types of energy (energy was called “water” in ancient spiritual texts) flow.
Have no fear. Have no fear. Although the priests have told you salvation is hard and the scientists have beaten you with the
The energies that flow here are not bad
bell curve of your evolutionary endowment, it is not that hard and it is certainly not dangerous. In fact, it
energies. They are transformative energies. They will help you shuck off the outer crust of the
is exactly the opposite. This path takes you out of danger brought by the waning 3D energies and the
chrysalis and re-emerge as the glorious spiritual being that you are.
disintegration of the old world and puts you firmly in the new energies and firmly in control of the
The energies in these cards are somewhat like spiritual power foods. They help break down
manifestation around you. The path can, however, be challenging for you especially at the beginning
and break through the blockages and they provide the necessary energies and “nutrients” required for
and especially if you are coming into this tarot conditioned (i.e., straight out of a brotherhood) or
the process of rebuilding your body and mind.
cold (i.e., without any previous spiritual training). Still, no worries. No fear.
It is all very simple. Just think of water flowing in the garden hose. So, how do you access the water in the garden hose? Simple, all you have to do is...
Michael Sharp
Point the cards at your face Like any garden hose, if you want to be splashed with the water, turn the card on yourself. Likewise, if you want to splash someone else, turn the card on them. The energies here are always flowing so you do not even have to turn the cards on. You do not even have to signal intent to be blasted with the energies. Just looking at the cards, just pointing them, is enough. Of course, it is best if you are facing the cards directly so that your crown and third eye receive the full benefit of the energies and it would be best if intent is directed at transformation. But even if intent is not there, even if people resist, the energies will, nevertheless, have an impact .
head, or the depleted uranium in U.S. weaponry, there is an impact. It can be subtle and long term or quick and dramatic. It all depends on the energy, the frequency, the amplitude, and your proximity to source. However, have no fear. Do not worry about the tarot energies. Unlike the radiation from plutonium, these invisible energies will not destroy your cells. Instead, these energies help transform and enliven. However, as positive as these energies may be, you must still remember that...
The energies are powerful Treat the energies you find here with respect.
Use your imagination! But do not be afraid. Just remember... The energies are like notes on a piano or colors on a palette. Use the energies to accom-
The energies are real Although at early stages you might not be able to feel the energy, have no doubt, it is there. Think cell phones, television, radio, wireless computers, microwave, and plutonium radiation. The truth is, you swim in energies every day that you cannot see. Your body is oblivious to them but that does not mean that the sea of vibration does not have an effect on your body or mind, right? Just like the cell phone that you aim at your
plish the goal which is awakening and activation but do not be afraid and always remember.....
You are in control Be aware of this at all times. Always understand that you have control of the faucet. If you find that you are becoming overwhelmed by the energy, you may stop. Put the cards down.
The Book of Triumph Walk away.
as possible.
Give yourself as much time to rest, inte-
It may be a struggle at first. You will be dealing with all sorts of energy that you may not
grate, process, and prepare as you need. I cannot tell a lie: peeling away the layers of the icky, sticky, glicky veil of tar and mud from your precious, glorious, magnificent spiritual light can be a challenge especially at the beginning, but you can do it.
even have known you had churning around deep down. Some of these energies will be wonderful and some of them will be ugly. Your job is to take the ugly energies and transform them into new energies of beauty.
Take as much time as you need to integrate and rest and remember that...
You are not destroying these energies (that is negative), you are transforming them!
Help is standing by Each one of us on this earth has a half dozen or so spiritual guides waiting to give us the energies of love and support that we need to accomplish our goals Ask them for help. Tap into thire energies. Draw on them for support. Say “I wish help moving forward” or “I wish to recuperate” or “I wish your support” or whatever. Your guides are anxiously listening, ready, and more than willing to get you safely home.
It is true that the card descriptions will help you recognize and transform these old energies, but it will be up to you to do the work. The measure of your progress is your ability to stay positive. If you slip a little bit, do not worry. Pay attention, pause, and get back to the positive. The farther you progress, indeed the farther we all progress, the easier it will become. As you move forward you’ll find the negativity has less and less control of you. As long as you keep moving, one day soon we will all wake up in the permanent bliss of our original (i.e., before this “fall” beneath The Veil) condition. Finally, you need to...
Two more things before we finish. First of all, you must remember to...
Stay positive As you approach the cards and pick them up, I need to ask you to remain positive as much
Take care of yourself This may sound like a bit of cliche but it is necessary. There is work ahead of you but do not worry, move as fast or as slow as you want.
Michael Sharp Take bearings, decide your speed and direction by consulting your own inner compass. If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are sad, cry. If you are happy, rejoice. If you attain bliss, stick with it as long as you can. Each blissful moment you attain to brings to an end the illusions of 3D. Each blissful moment that you attain to brings the reality of Shambhala forward. Frankly, I have had enough of children dying needlessly of slow starvation and horrible disease just so a few rich men can play their penis games of power, control, and glory. So let’s get on with it OK. Go on...
Pick a card, any card
Numbering Notes This final short commentary is a note written for everyone but aimed specifically at
The truth is, numbering the cards from 0 to 21 forced a certain order to the cards. Naming the
those of you familiar enough with the tarot to know that a) there should be numbers on these
cards such absurd names as “The Fool” forced certain interpretations. Taken together, the linear
cards and b) the names should be different.
numbering system implied a certain “evolutionary” advance while the imposition of names justified
I know that dropping the numbers and renaming the cards is a bit of a “tarot 360” but to be honest, that is what we are aiming for. We are aiming for a revolution in tarot. We want to encourage a complete and total break with the old energies. We do not want these cards (or any future cards) to participate in the old energies of hierarchy and control that were planted over the original tarot energies. We want to purify the deck and present a new system that is about spiritual awakening and empowerment in the now and not in the “sometime later”. In order to do that we had to break the energetic link with the old system and one of the ways we do that (besides separating all the negative energies out into the multiple books) is to break up the old linear numbering system (which follows a linear and hierarchical path) and rename some of the obviously (and sometimes obnoxiously) misnamed cards. The bottom line is, the numbers and old names of the old energy card (names like Fool and Empress and Emperor and Judgment) participate in The System of slavery and are part and parcel of The Book of Power and The Book of Slavery.
hierarchy, control, wealth and privilege. After all, it is hard to think of yourself as a divine spark of creator consciousness when you are constantly being reminded of how stupid and “foolish” you are and how much you need tutelage, training, advancement, evolution, and control. Now of course, no judgment is implied here. As I have said repeatedly in my books, I am not here to judge. I am here, like you, to uplift creation in this grand experimental thing we call The Ascension. It is true that the oppressive energies of the tarot were required while we were getting everything ready in the long and oh-so painful and boring run-up to 2012. However, now that we’re here at “the beginning” of the new creation, it is time we dropped the numbering system, recaptured more salubrious names (i.e., favorable to or promoting health or well-being), and took the lid off the cards. That is what we (Oxo Halo and I) have done. We have updated the images, dropped the numbering system (to encourage a more fluid and variable approach), and renamed many of the cards to strip
Michael Sharp them of their negative associations. The Fool becomes Joyful, for example, The Empress and The Emperor (two cards with an obvious association and link to this world’s elite hierarchies) becomes Gaia and Mars and Judgment (an ugly line of thinking) becomes The Calling or The Redemption. When you see some of the alternative methods for ordering the cards, when you see the way the linear organization of The Book of Spirit and The Book of Power build on your energy oppression, and when you compare our new names with the old, oppressive system of naming, I think you will agree that dropping numbers and renaming cards was an essential step in the process of tarot reclamation.
Book of Power and The Book of Slavery and I also include the ordering system for The Book of Spirit and The Book of Keys. As you will see, The Book of Spirit isn’t organized by linear numbers. Instead it is organized into four chapters that include an Identity chapter, a Purpose chapter, a Prophecy chapter, and a Personality chapter. The Identity chapter provides a set of channels that speak to your identity. The Purpose chapter provides information on your purpose for incarnating. The Personality chapter provides information on some of the more important entities that have helped us with our work. Finally, the Prophecy chapter has cards that speak to the stages of awakening, activation, and ascension.
To artists who may be reading, we invite you to draw your own decks using your own cultural and religious symbols. Use our images and descriptions for guidance if you like. Look for the archetypes represented in these cards to be reflected in your culture and then use your cultural representations for inspiration. The best way to empower your own cards and your own experience is to connect with the spiritual system of meaning that you know best. Just remember, this is a watershed. Your new energy cards should not participate in the old energy.
If you are approaching the cards for transformation, I would recommend you follow my order, i.e., The Book of Spirit, at least initially. Not only will this provide you with a lot of useful information, but it will give you a better feel for the cards and help you build confidence. Once you feel sure of your footing, organize the cards however you like. The Halo/Sharp images and descriptions are just the start. There is no need to stick with the templates I have provided. Use the energy and draw whatever information you need through the channels.
Our work is done. Be creative especially when reading these We move forward from this point.
cards for others. Pay attention. Experiment.
A final comment is in order. Following this chapter I have included the various numbering systems mentioned earlier. I include the old energy numbering systems from The
What kind of energetic thump do you get, for example, when you put The Tower beside The Calling? What happens if you take the energy of
The Book of Triumph Initiation and put it beside The Master? There are a zillion combinations and if you follow your intuition and trust your heart, each combination will provide you or your client with just the right combination of energies needed to pierce through blockages that may be preventing forward movement. Experiment and see what happens. Just make sure to stay positive especially when you are showing these cards to others. At this point you cannot really screw anything up, so do not worry. However, the faster you can get into a permanent positive space, the faster we all get through the final stages of this process and into the promised land. That is all for the prefatory materials. If you want more, check my website. I will be maintaining, for the foreseeable future, an online forum for ongoing discussion of these cards (and all my other works). Namaste and Welcome Home!
Michael Sharp.
Card Orderings The Book of Spirit The Book of Spirit is my tarot system and my layout of the cards. The Book of Spirit is the tarot in a pure form. The Book of Spirit presents the tarot as a tool of awakening and empowerment. When reading from my Book of Spirit, follow the order of the chapters and the order of the cards within the chapters. These are the canonical orderings for The Book of Spirit. Other orderings are possible and you may discover them for yourself. For now you may find it simpler and more efficient to follow the order of The Book of Spirit. The Identity chapter describes your true nature.
• • • •
Joyful Lightworker The Master Chariot
The Purpose chapter describes your/our
The Personality chapter provides an accounting of the main energetic patterns experienced on this earth and the personalities behind them.
• • • • • •
Isis Gaia Mars Uranus Jupiter Saturn
The Activation/Prophecy chapter lays out the required steps for individual and for collective activation.
• • •
The Universe
• • •
Power Activation
• • •
Temperance Strength
The Moon The Star
• • • •
Promise The World Sacrifice [The Universe]
The Calling
The Book of Triumph
The Book of Slavery The Book of Slavery is the book that most people are familiar with. This book contains a linear numbering of cards from 0 to 21. It is intended to convey ideas that support and reinforce your spiritual and productive slavery. You are a Fool, you are in training, you are weak, you need to be tested, you need to be tempered, etc. One day, if you pass judgment, if you have the talent, if you have the genetics, perhaps by the grace of God, you may attain to salvation, power, freedom, etc. It is a pernicious carrot and stick system. There is nothing salubrious or beneficial in it and if you are studying the cards in this book or the next one (The Book of Power) it should only be to learn how to identify these Annunaki ideas and dismiss them from your consciousness forever. You do not need to put up with the nonsense any longer.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Fool Magician High Priestess Empress Emperor Hierophant Lovers Chariot Strength Hermit Wheel of Fortune Justice Hanged Man Death Temperance Devil Tower Star Moon Sun Judgment World
Michael Sharp
The Book of Power
hierarchically arranged organizations that exist in the old energies.
This book uses the same order as The Book of Slavery. That is, the linear, 0 to 21. However, in this book occult (i.e., hidden) meaning is inserted. What hokum is occulted here will depend entirely on whatever Brotherhood you happen to find your way into. Below I include one particular manifestation of meanings but several more are out there. I’ve tried to be as logical as possible in this presentation. However, in the final analysis, this is a contrived logic. Deep down, there is no spiritual or cosmic sense to any of the available Book of Power interpretations -- a fact that becomes obvious when you try and figure out what the heck the brothers were trying to say (or not say) when they were saying all those things they were saying in their characteristically aloof and obtuse way.
Following the simple statement of your foolish nature, The Book of Power goes on to elaborate on your weaknesses in, what I like to call, the Initiation chapter. Cards in this chapter include:
• • • • • • • • • •
Magician High Priestess Empress Emperor Hierophant Lovers Chariot Strength Hermit Wheel of Fortune
Thank God for clarity! The Chela chapter describes the nature of
The goal of the initiation chapter is to beat
the aspirant. It contains a single card that lays the foundation for all the brainwashing that follows.
you down so much that you become desperate for positive reinforcement and ego affirmation. Once
According to the most important card in the Book of Power (and Slavery), you are a fool.
you are beaten into a self-loathing pulp, you will do anything, say anything, and be anything if only to
An attack on your ego and self-esteem is
make yourself feel worthwhile in the eyes of your “superiors”. At the point where you finally break down and submit body, mind, and soul, then the rebuilding begins.
typical of military style brainwashing operations. Your own sense of identity and self-worth is
The Passage chapter contains a single card. The card is Justice. You are submissive, you are
undermined and replaced with an identity and selfworth that is supported by the ritual and institutional
loyal, you have overcome your weakness (as defined by The Brotherhoods), now you will be
props of whatever “organization” you find yourself in. The Brotherhoods have elevated mind-program-
taught the true way to salvation, grace, power, or whatever reward has been placed in front of you.
ming to an art. If you attend carefully, you can see elements of this programming methodology in most
The Book of Triumph In the case of the esoteric tarot, once you have sacrificed your ego and demonstrated your
themes (hierarchy, exclusion, and degradation) are included in all Book of Power/Slavery
loyalty, secrets can be shared. You can learn the ways of power or the secrets of magic or the
variations. These themes justify colonization, enslavement, and the exploitation of Gaia and
esoteric truths of spiritual advancement. All this is contained in the Secrets chapter. The meaning of
the cards in this chapter is variable and depends in large measure on the particular brotherhood the chela has selected. My own interpretations are examples only. They are valid but you may find your own experience with the esoteric tarot varies. Nevertheless, you should find enough similiarity here to enable identification of your own structures of conceptual control. Free yourself. A slave with power is still a slave. Cards in the Secrets chapter include:
• • • • • • • • • •
Hanged Man Death Temperance Devil Tower Star Moon Sun Judgment World
Documenting all the variation is not important. You can always identify a Book of Power or Book of Slavery energy by looking for notions of hierarchy, exclusion (some people are worthy, some are not), and degradation (the universe is degraded, we are degraded, our bodies are degraded, our consciousness is degraded, etc.). These three
Michael Sharp
The Book of Keys As noted, The Book of Keys contains no set order of cards. If you wish to draw from The Book of
Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
Keys, simply say to yourself, “I wish to access the transformative energies of The Book of Keys� (or something similar) and then randomly select a card. Read the entire card description from top to bottom and meditate on the card. Keep in mind that meditation is as much an intellectual (left brain) process as it is a right brain (visual/metaphoric) process. Put yourself in the card images. Use the visualizations that are provided to transform your body and mind. The card energies are powerful catalysts for change and transformation. Be The Master. Visualize yourself as a tower of Power. See yourself as Joyful incarnation. Release all that is negative in you. Take your time. Be patient with yourself. Taking several thousand years of darkness and negativity and transforming it can be a challenge. You are working against habit, genetic programming, and energetic inertia. However, you can do it. You have trained and practiced for this day. It will get easier as we all progress. If you get tired, there is no shame in relaxing and taking a break. As long as you do not decide to jump off the boat, you will be lifted with the tide of ascension. We are all going home.
The Book of Triumph
Michael Sharp
Part II Card Descriptions A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He [sic] experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein
The Book of Triumph
Joyful (formerly The Fool) mising divinity. This is you as you step onto the path and into manifestation. In this card, you are shown walking into birth and expressing the will of God (which is your will). You are connected to source, to the spiritual hierarchy, and you are joyful in your magnificence. You are, after all, a spiritual emissary here on a divine mission. However, you are probably not aware of this fact just yet because, like all others who enter into manifestation under old energy conditions on this earth, you are yet subject to the limitations of The Veil. Know now that the limitations of The Veil can be overcome any time you wish. You must only set your intent and step onto The Path. It is easy. Say to yourself (and to your guide network), “I wish to know the truth of all things”.
Book of Spirit
Dear one, say these things with me now, aloud. “I wish to move forward”. “I wish to be
This is an identity card. This is you. This is who you really are. This is what you are really like. This is your true essence. This is your higher self. This is your spark. This is your soul. The intent of this card is to show your true nature, your glorious source, and your uncompro-
enlightened”. “I wish activation”. “I wish awakening”. There is much for you to remember but it is easier than you think. Your time to return is now! Awaken and activate so that you may renew and reveal to yourself and others your true spiritual glory. Remember and rejoice in the glory of your Divinity.
Michael Sharp
In old energy cards, this is The Fool that you are. You are the royal idiot, the naive servant, the unwashed child. This is you before birth. Old energy versions of this card had shown you ready to step off a cliff and into manifestation. Old energy versions emphasize separation, descent, and (most importantly) imperfection. You are moving away from the perfection of God and into the degrading dirt of incarnation. You are the royal idiot, the child, the untamed wildman, or the unthinking and insensate fool. Hints of original sin or genetic degradation can also be found here. These hints are developed in subsequent old energy cards with considerable detail. New energy versions of this card will emphasize our shared Divinity. The deep message, even if it cannot be received at this point, must be that we are Gods incarnation.
Book of Slavery Child, here is your birth. This is your soul. You are fallen from grace. You are descended from apes. But by dint of hard work, And a bit of God’s grace. Find your way to the top, Win you now this great race. Now listen up close. And I’ll tell you how. It’s a simple procedure
Clear your karma, clear debt, Pay of sin, show regret. It’s so simple, sublime. Just like ringing a chime. This is surely no joke. God, he gave you this yoke. And your job is to bare, So just grin with blank stare. Cause you’re not fit for more. Just these endless brown chores. Do this work. Then in time. Get you out of this line.
Like pulling a plow.
The Book of Triumph
Book of Power
Book of Keys
Chela, here is your birth.
Dear one, don’t play The Fool.
This is your soul. You are fallen from grace.
Don’t deny this one rule. No soul’s fallen from Grace.
You are descended from apes.
No soul wins any race.
But by dint of hard work, And a bit of God’s grace.
There is no secret path. There is no word to pass.
Found your way to the top, Won you now this great race.
There is no deadly sin. There is just God within.
This is surely no joke.
So please cease and desist.
God, he gave you this yoke. To see if you could find
And peer now through the mist. Please stand up, or step down.
Something precious inside.
As equals, gather round.
And your job was to bare. To create strength deep in there.
Please now wipe off that frown. And quit acting like a clown.
To climb up these great stairs. To stand tall. It’s quite rare.
This is no foolish game. That is not why we came.
But I think that we see.
We came here as the sun.
Yes I think it is there. It’s a spark. It’s a fire.
We came here just for fun. We came here with God’s speed
It’s a gene deep down there.
To do God’s sacred deed.
So step out of that line. Come on over. It’s fine.
We came for everyone. Yay! Our work’s almost done.
Here’s the robe. This you’ll wear. Here’s a secret we’ll share.
So wipe off silly frown. And stop acting like clown. Please stand up, or step down. As equals, gather round. We are nobody’s fool. Cannot hide this one rule.
Michael Sharp This is no sacred race. It ‘twas God set the pace. And if you follow this path, ‘Twill lead you through the pass. And Michael? He’s your guide. He’ll show you power ride. Put your safety belt on. ‘Cause this is not a con. If you follow these rules, Leave forever their schools. See through transparent game, See God’s name held in vain. And as awakening dawns, As you put halo on, As your body it glows, Up in heaven we know. There is no secret path. There is no word to pass. There is no deadly sin. There is just God within. So stand up, or step down. As equals, gather round. You are God’s of the sun. And your work’s finally done. Put your safety belt on. Here’s the keys to the dawn. And the key that’s inside. You are God. Walk with pride.
The Book of Triumph
The Master (formerly Magician) Please take note here, you are no empty conduit for Spirit. You are no mere vessel unto which Divine will is poured. You are no simple servant. You are no lamb of God. You are no fallen angel. You are no descended ape. You are the caretaker. You are the nurturer. You are the gardener. You are the architect. You are the will. You are the way. You are the creator of this world.
Book of Spirit This is an identity card. This card provides additional information about you. This card shows your work. This shows you manifesting Divine will. This is you accomplishing The Great Work. This is you as emissary of energy and light. This is you as a Master of Creation.
In old energy cards, you are told this is who you might be “if” you pass the tests, “if” you learn the rules, and “if” you submit like (and to) the brothers. Old energy versions, while they do represent mastery, always say you must work/train/struggle/ achieve/attain first. Only after “the trial” do you achieve “the mastery”. Now while it is certainly true, even for Spirit, that practice makes perfect, that is not really what this card is about. This card is about your divine purpose which, in the old energy, gets twisted into a justification for toil and slavery. Work,
Michael Sharp work, work and you will win, win, win. It does not matter whether this toil is undertaken in a factory or a university or a monastery. Toil towards attainment. Toil towards forgiveness. Toil toward paradise. Toil, toil, toil. In the old energy, this card is the carrot on the stick. New energy versions of the card will do away with such nonsense and simply remind us we are already masters of creation. We are not new in this game. We are older than this universe. We are experts at creation. We are masters already. It may be difficult to fathom at first but it gets easier quickly. Understanding of this will come naturally from your re-connection to self.
Are you worthy? Are you strong? Can you sing our great song?
Meditate with the Great Invocation.
Will you follow our might? Will you win o’er this great fight?
Open your third eye. Open your crown.
Then pick up tools that are there.
They are fire, earth, air. And the water below. These are tools, now go sow.
Book of Slavery Child this is the master magician. This is the mage incarnation. This is power o’er the world. This, by the grace of your Lord.
And show us what your worth. Make us proud of your birth. Make us full, give us mirth. Pass us wealth of this earth.
The Book of Triumph And if you’re good and strong, If you harmonize song.
And you’ll graduate first, To a place, to a berth.
Then one day you might find. You’ve passed tests so sublime.
And leave hell far behind, As you advance in The Line.
And you’ll graduate, first, To a place, to a berth. And leave hell far behind, As you advance in The Line.
Book of Power
Book of Keys Dear one, don’t be a slave, And don’t be the lamb. Don’t be diminished. And don’t be now damned.
Chela this is the master magician.
Lift up your head.
This is the mage incarnation. This is power o’er the world.
And raise up your eyes. Look you up now.
This, by the grace of your Lord.
Face up, to the sky.
Are you worthy? Are you strong? Can you sing our great song?
Smile at the sun. Feel warmth that is there?
Will you follow our might? Will you win o’er this great fight?
Smile with the moon. Start your journey with flair.
Then pick up tools that are there.
Draw light power down.
They are fire, earth, air. And the water below.
Till it touches the ground. Draw the energy up.
These are tools, don’t you know?
Drink your fill from this cup.
Now show us what your worth. Make us proud of your birth.
Now raise left hand and right. One to sky, one to night.
Make us full, give us mirth. Pass us wealth of this earth.
Accept beam that is there. Accept power to spare.
And if you’re good and strong,
Say “I’m nobody’s slave”.
If you harmonize song. Then one day you will find.
“There’ll be no early grave”. “And I’m nobody’s lamb”.
You’ve passed tests so sublime.
“And I will not be damned”.
Michael Sharp “I am one with the sun”. “I am God’s hope for fun”. “I am master that’s here”. Pip hooray. Give a cheer.
The Book of Triumph
ISIS (formerly The High Priestess) the primary “tones” (Mars, Uranus, Saturn are other examples) of the creative system and she is, arguably, the most important frequency imported into this ascension experiment. The influence that arises from her energetic work is massive, not only for its directed impacted but for its indirect impact as well. You should know that even though I do not mention the influence of Isis in any other card but this one, her influence is nevertheless present in every aspect. Her energetic work influences all other tones in the system. Isis is critical to this Terran ascension attempt. Without Isis, there would be no ascension. So what is Isis’s role exactly? Well, dear one, Isis tips the balance of yin/yang in the energy stream. To be more exact, Isis suppresses the yin and reduces its flow. Those of you who have read The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World
Book of Spirit
Order will know that the suppression of yin was a critical “setup” condition for this our third, final, and most successful ascension work.
This is a personality card. As you may or may not know, suppression of Meet Isis, the great mother of the Annunaki. Meet Isis, the gate keeper and the veil keeper. See Isis embedded in energy? See Isis as she manages the flow? Isis is the one who balances (or, in older energy versions of this card, unbalances) the energy as it enters this earth space. She is one of
the yin energy has profound and complex consequences for the way physical reality is manifested. In truth, it would require another book (perhaps thirty) to enumerate the full impact of the suppression of yin. Thankfully, there is no need. For our purposes here it is sufficient to highlight the impact of suppressed yin on the physical mind. It is important that you understand that the suppression of yin impedes the functioning of the physical brain. To be blunt, the suppression of yin causes an atrophy of the crown
Michael Sharp about each of the seven seals in this work. Here, we will discuss only the three most important components of The Veil: The Veil of Consciousness (Isis), The Veil of Power (Osiris) and The Veil of Creation (Uranus). These components correspond to The Thousand Petal Lotus (crown chakra), The Will of God (the solar chakra) and The Body of God (root chakra). The process is simple. Attacking and blocking the chakras reduces the flow of energies. The reduction of energies reduces our “manifestational abilities”. It weakens the body (which is a part of the 3D universe) and it undermines our ability to control the world around us. Reducing the energies of the chakras is the most efficient way of reducing our power and understanding. Typically, we start with a constriction of the root chakras. Restricting the root energies reduces your ability to manifest (see Uranus). chakra (especially the right side of the brain) and the third eye (the front temporal lobes and related structures). This atrophy diminishes the ability of the brain to reflect our spiritual consciousness. The atrophy makes for smaller “cup” for your consciousness (look at the card). The atrophy reduces the footprint of consciousness. This diminishment of the crown creates the first stage (in revelations terms “seal”) of what we like to call The Veil. I say the first seal here because under old energy conditions this card (Isis/The High Priestess) has been exclusively associated with The Veil, in fact The Veil consists of seven seals corresponding to each of your seven chakras. I will not go into detail
Once that is done, then we can gradually convince you of your impotence. As you become convinces of your spiritual powerlessness, your ability to direct the development of your body diminishes and we can then begin the attack on the crown. Of course, this is not done a chakra at a time. Each chakra is attacked simultaneously. We “build” the suppression of energy up into a complex and seemingly overpowering structure of oppression. I say seemingly here because the whole thing is really a house of cards. All you need to do is let a little bit of your true light through and you immediately see through the entire “complicated” charade. For reasons of historical legacy, I will go into more detail on how The System was constructed in The Black Book. Here I simply need
The Book of Triumph to note that opening the seals is neither difficult nor dangerous. It is as easy as opening your eyes in the morning. Simply intend the chakras open and they are open. Visualization is the best way. Visualize the chakras glowing like iridescent balls of color.
In older energy versions of this card, The High Priestess is strongly associated with feminine energies. It is important you understand that this is not an accurate, salutatory, or even sensible association. Isis is not “female” in the physical or psychological gender sense of that word.
Visualize the chakras first as little globules of crystalline colored energy and then begin growing those energy balls, from the crown on down. Do not worry too much about getting the color right. The important part is to get the chakra visualization (brilliant, concentrated, sunlike energies) and chakra expansion down right. I recommend my Great Invocation for this purpose. The Great Invocation can be used to “open the seals” and enliven the energy system.
Isis is not yin nor is yin “female” energy. Isis suppresses yin, it is true, but Isis is not the energy. Isis is only the mechanism. This whole mix up of gender with energy with yin with the weaker sex is how yin is suppressed. Pay attention. Yin is just yin. Yang is just yang.
Be careful.
Yin is just energy.
When you blow the seals, things will happen
Yang is just energy.
according to the principle As above in consciousness, So below in matter.® Be careful. What you think (and do not think, for that matter) matters. If you need a hand, I provide detailed guidance on getting rid of maladaptive thinking and adopting “right” conceptual structures in The Dossier of the Ascension: A Practical Guide to Chakra Activation and Kundalini Awakening. For best results, clear your issues, think clearly, and perceive from the perspective of unity.
Male and female are physical manifestations of the playful way we like to create and nothing more. Technically, they have nothing to do with yin/yang. However, it is true, we do make a connection between the two. We decide to associate yin and gender in consciousness and thus it becomes associated. But remember, this is a construct and not a feature of creation. This is just something we do. It is part of the mechanism of yin suppression. When we do this, when we associate yin with female, then we can suppress yin by suppressing the
Michael Sharp female gender. Make sure you understand this before moving
The Brothers will be welcomed back with open arms into the family of spirit.
on. Yin is suppressed in your life when you associate yin with the female and then disempower the female.
Book of Slavery This is the weak and the feminine in things. This is the primitive instinct you bring.
Yin is suppressed in you when you believe that the female is the weaker sex.
This is emotion and fear above mind. This is the negative, a servant of mine.
Yin is suppressed in you when you actively oppress women.
This is your endowment
Yin is suppressed every time you devalue, reject, or turn away from female characteristics.
This is your fate. This is the yin In its weak, putrid rate.
This must stop. You cannot move forward until you rebalance the energies. This is the task of Temperance which is a prerequisite of activation. The key to maintaining an open crown chakra, the key to the Veil of Consciousness, is to rebalance your understanding of gender. If you want to realize your full creative potential, you must de-gender yin and yang. See them only as energy and draw on them in the balance you require. Now as you may or may not know, The Brotherhoods make a special point of emphasizing the
It is foul and impure It is vile, that’s for sure. Keep it pressed lowly down. Don’t let it come around. It is held over, you know. From some long time ago. From some grand cosmic fall. Now it’s God makes you crawl. So stand and be tall. Let the yin be quite small. Kill this weakness within. One day you’ll enter in.
diminishment of yin. All of them degrade and exclude the female energies. Many exclude females from access to the temples and some of the more powerful brotherhoods go so far as to avoid contact altogether.
Book of Power Chela, this is the lesson.
This will stop. The Brotherhoods will no longer be necessary.
This is the test. Many will study. A few pass the rest.
The Book of Triumph In rage they will struggle,
Yes my dear, you may come.
But have not the strength. So many will fall,
Please step forward. Don’t run. It is time. Don’t you see.
Cannot hold out for length.
That you picked up the key.
But listen here now To this secret we’ll share.
It is time. Hear the chime? See the depth in this rhyme.
Obey now our law And confusion we’ll spare.
Hear the message that’s here? It’s for you. Give a cheer!
Defer in our Temple
So now please listen up.
And lay down your mind. The Veil we shall lift
To light top chakra up. It’s easy as air.
And The Law no more bind.
If you treat gender’s fair.
Just keep yin way down low. Play you’re part in our show.
Feel the energy there? As it tickles your hair?
Do the small thing we’ll ask. Just one disagreeable task.
Fill up Isis’ cup! Fastest way to wake up.
Book of Keys A choice you have here Between hatred and sin And the love that is deep within you To begin. But a dragon before you A fear in your mind. Keeps you panicked and sweaty Always turning aside. So what will you do? And where is the key? Will you ever step forward And divinity see?
Michael Sharp
Gaia (formerly The Empress) This magnificent garden of Eden is an incredible testament to her power. Indeed, when you think of just how glorious this earth is, and how obvious the intelligence behind it all is, it is hard to think that we could ever believe that all this “just� happened. But we did and we do and we justify our horrid behavior towards Gaia based on the big lie of science which is that consciousness exists only in the brain. It is not true. Consciousness is everywhere. Now keep in mind, there is no judgment implied here. We have treated our mother like poop but, as explained in The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order, in order to do our work, we needed to be ignorant of the true nature of creation. There were costs and sacrifices that we all made, Gaia included.
Book of Spirit
We all agreed. We all chose.
This is another personality card. We knew what it would take to accomplish This card introduces you to your host. This is the Spirit of Earth.
ascension (i.e., The Great Work) so there is no sense in feeling bad about it now.
This is the Mother of Life.
Still, it is time to change.
This is the Queen of Creation.
The time for ignorance is through.
This is GAIA in all her splendor and power and
We must rise above duality.
this ball of earth, which we treat as if it were inanimate dust, is her proud body.
We must see Gaia as The Great Mother in The Garden of Eden.
The Book of Triumph We must see creation for what it really is, i.e., a collective projection of our spiritual consciousness, and we must respect it as such. Respect Gaia. She is your comfort. She is your cradle. She is your doorway. She is everything to you. You are everything to her. She is here to manifest life. She is here to assist with The Ascension. She is the mother and this is her Garden of Eden. Meditate upon Gaia. Face the truth. Face her glory. Face her sacrifices. Face her power. Act with responsibility. Accept her gifts.
nature, etc.). Too much effort is spent on elaborating the “deep� meanings of gender here. It is too much. Gaia may be a mother, but Gaia is more than that and focussing on gender limits our understanding of the amazing energies she brings to the manifestation of this earth. In some old energy versions of this card, a dose of hierarchy and a dash of power are added for good measure. New energy versions of this card will dismiss all notions of hierarchy, gender, sex, or authority. This
As might be expected, old energy versions of this card continue with the gender corruption (i.e., weak feminine/yin) introduced in the old High Priestess card. This is the womb, generativity, and the mother. There is truth in this. However, the corruption is entered via an overemphasis on gender (i.e., God the father, mother
is Gaia, mother of all life on earth, and co-participant in this experiment of ascension. If you want to find the deeper significance of this card, start from this point. Start from the acceptance of Gaia. It is only when you start with Gaia that you can understand the importance of these
Michael Sharp energies. When you start with Gaia (and not the ludicrous images of kings and queens and rams and
Our [eternal] life depends on a healthy body in full regeneration mode. And because our body
rocks and such), when you look at her girth, when you stare into the sheer magnificence of her creative
is a part of Gaia, we cannot have a healthy body in full regeneration mode unless Gaia also has a
potential, when you realize she is a consciousness just like you, then you can build a proper understanding
healthy body.
and respect. For example, when you understand the nature of Gaia, it is easier to see that one of Gaia’s main contributions are the energies of regeneration and rebirth. When you start with Gaia, it becomes a bit obvious. Just take a look around you. Life is everywhere regenerated every second of every day of every year that Gaia breathes on this planet. At all relevant dimensional levels, this is the wondrous, wonderful, cycle of regeneration and life and it is all supported by Gaia.
So stop the madness. Stop the exploitation. Stop the rape. Join with Gaia in partnership and visualize a new garden of Eden beautiful, peaceful, gentle with the co-existence of all life, and blissful beyond your wildest imagination. Shambhala awaits this shift.
Book of Slavery
It is a bit of an understatement to say that Gaia is a good source of the energy of regeneration. Of course, we play a role to. It is our shared vision of this planet that created and creates the planet earth. Nevertheless, the consciousness of Gaia is powerful and critical. It is Gaia that holds the energies of life and renewal. In all of creation there is no one that does this better. Many are equals, but none surpass Gaia’s zeal, zest, or knowledge of the
Child, this card represents the mother. This card represents the home. This is the purview of the female. This is the child in the womb. This is the weaker of two. This is the child within you. This is the fault that you bare, So please go and sit over there.
multidimensional tasks of re-creation. Gaia is life. Gaia is renewal. Gaia is rebirth. Gaia is regeneration. So have a little respect will you?
Book of Power Chela, this card represents the mother. This card represents the home. This is the purview of the female. This is the child in the womb.
It is important.
The Book of Triumph This is the weaker of two. This is the child within you. This is the fault you forbear. So please come and sit over here.
Book of Keys Now listen, dear one, and desist. From this putrid excuse for a shift. It’s not men at the front of the line. It’s not men who shall lead all in time. And the female does not simply hiss. Or keep us from achieving our bliss. She is powerful in her own right. And she shines just as bloody well bright. So desist from this stinking foul game, Where you spit and defile in her name. And remember ‘twas she that gave birth. To this planet, your body, this earth. And if you need a reminder of birth. Look you now at Gaia’s whole girth. It’s renewed every year, round in time. It’s renewed in perfection sublime. So as flower please open to this. ‘Tis the first step to origin’s bliss. ‘Tis a gift from the mother of all. ‘Tis a gift sent as energy ball.
Michael Sharp
Mars (formerly The Emperor) Meet Mars, the God of War, consort of Isis. Mars (or Ares in Greek mythology) is an important and well known energy. All “dogma generating” institutions (i.e., media, church, and science, to name a few) have something to say about this energy. They all locate authority and power in this energy and they all (with your permission) strictly control access to this energy. Why? Because real power can be found here so it must be carefully controlled. The Martian energy is a heavily yang based energy. It is an intense, “get it done” type of energy. Individuals drawing on this energy, so graciously made available by Mars, can literally move mountains. This intense energy is made available for our ascension work and appropriate use of this energy is critical during the end-times activation and processes.
Book of Spirit This is a personality card. This card teaches us of another exalted planetary consciousness. This card teaches us of a chakra in our (solar) system. This card teaches us of an energy that is our’s to use for all our creative work. This card teaches of an energy that many among you have come to worship as God.
Unfortunately, while we walk beneath the shadow of The Veil, accessing the full potential of this energy can be very dangerous. When in the somnabulatic half-sleep of the pre-activation phases, it is quite possible, as we have shamefully learned, to destroy an entire planet. As a result, we have found it necessary to tightly control and constrict this energy. This is the reason for the Annunaki. This is the primary reason for implementation of The System. I will go into more detail about The System in The Black Book. Suffice it to say here that access to this power is carefully controlled
The Book of Triumph through the subtle insertion of limiting ideas into your consciousness. First, access is restricted by gender. You are told that this is a “male” energy and, naturally, only men draw on it. Thus your access is limited by gender. Then, access is restricted by social position. You are told that only certain people have the grace or the talent or the genetic line required to safely draw on the power and authority of this energy. Then, access is restricted by hierarchy. You find a place in a hierarchy (or “the” hierarchy) and express the will that descends from above. Thus is your power and your access restricted. Now, re-acquiring your access to this power is simple. All you have to do is understand you are a spark of divinity and you have a birthright to as much power as you want regardless of age, gender, or position in some silly social hierarchy. Once you understand this, all you need to do is breathe. Mars = electricity = chi = prana.
through your lungs and in through your skin. Breathe. Feel the Power expand. Do this as much as you want. Remember, there is no limit to your body and mind’s ability to absorb this power so expand without fear.
If you want access to yang based creative potential that is here, breathe. Breathing is, by far, the most powerful method of charging with chi. Take deep physical and visual breaths.
A word of warning here. The powerful yang based martian energy can be difficult to work with. It can have immediate consequences so carefully tune
Take a deep breath in and while you are doing that, visualize trillions of sparkling little
your consciousness with meditation prior to drawing this energy. If you want to manifest the highest
energy nodules being absorbed into your body
results for yourself and those around you, it is critical
Michael Sharp you keep a positive frame of mind through your breathing exercises.
Accept the power. Create Shambhala.
As above in consciousness, So below in matter.®
Book of Slavery
Whatever patterns remain within your mind will manifest in the world.
This card represents the father.
Be careful.
This card is a man and no other. This is the king on this throne.
Eschew gender, hierarchy, and social class.
This is the rule in the home.
Transform anger, bitterness, and negativity.
Once again, child, you must know. The chosen and strong run the show.
Think peace, love, and understanding. Think Shambhala.
The weak are ruled over, it’s fate It is nature, genetics, you’re rate.
Then breathe. Visualize an end to war.
It’s not personal that you’re not free.
Visualize an end to poverty.
It’s the way of His divinity. It’s his judgment for those who have strayed.
Visualize an end to suffering.
It’s your fate. Now please get out and go pray.
Visualize prosperity for yourself.
Take your place somewhere there in that line. Do your work, pay your debt. Worship shrine.
Share the prosperity with everyone. Visualize heaven on earth.
Part of nature my child, don’t you see. Part of hierarchical divinity tree.
Visualize Shambhala. Draw on the energies you need in the proportions your project requires. New energy versions will, of course, put aside notions of gender, hierarchy, and social class. Connecting to the electricity is the only point.
Book of Power This card represents the father. This card is a man and no other. This is the king on his throne. This is the rule in the home.
Open to the energy. But Chela I see that you know. Breathe. Accept the gift.
The chosen and strong run the show. The weak are ruled over, it’s fate It nature, genetics, the rate.
The Book of Triumph It’s not personal Chela, you see. It’s the way of His Divinity. It’s the judgment of heaven today. It’s the way game has always been played. So come and kneel down, now you know. That the weak are the pawns in the show. Face that altar. Relax. Please agree. And please kindly repeat after me.
Book of Keys Dear one, it is time, know your place. You are one with God’s glorious grace. You are the light that shineth from above. You are peace that descends with the dove. See that flame that burns deep inside you. That God’s love. But I know that you knew. See you’re simply as worthy as them. So stand up for that world’s at an end. And a new world, it’s called Shambhala Awaits your recognition’s first awe. And my child, all that you need to do? Take deep breaths. Take your power. It’s true!
Michael Sharp
Uranus (formerly The Hierophant) analysis, Uranus is seen as the planet of revolution. This seems sensible enough. Since its discovery, Uranus has been closely associated with numerous scientific, spiritual, and political revolutions on this planet. In fact, when people think about it, they see that Uranus is behind almost all major discoveries ever made. It is natural that those who follow these correlations would arrive at the conclusion that Uranus brings revolution. However, this is an erroneous conclusion. Uranus does not bring revolution. Uranus prevents it. Indeed, Uranus is another part of the energy control team that has protected this area of physicality from premature ascension activation during this third, final, and ultimately successful attempt at ascension (the attempts
Book of Spirit
are Lemuria, Atlantis, and Terra). In other words, Uranus holds an energy of
This is another personality card. Like other personality cards (i.e., Gaia, Isis, and Mars), this card is intended to show a planetary consciousness holding a certain energy (a certain
The Veil. In this case, Uranus is responsible for The Veil of Creation which, as already noted, blocks the root chakra energies. At this point the question becomes, why
tone or color) and making that energy available to us during our ascension work.
constrict the root energies?
In this case, the card represents the planetary consciousness known as Uranus.
It is because the power that you generate and the energy that accumulates from your other
We can learn much about the peculiar coloration of Uranian energy and his role in the
chakras is grounded through the root into the multidimensional world around you.
The answer is simple.
ascension by consulting classical astrology. In all
The Book of Triumph In other words, your power and intent are manifested through the root. Think about the location of your root. The root chakra grounds you and connects you to Gaia. The root chakra connects you and gives you control over the entire 3D manifestation that you create around you. Your root chakra really is a root. It is like the root of a giant oak tree. It provides your physical body with sustenance, energy, and a place to put wastes and it provides the underlying ground through which you manifest into reality. The Root Chakra is incredibly important. When the root is blocked, it does not matter how much energy (power) you build up within your body, it does not matter how much energy you pump in through your other chakras, you will be cut off from the most efficient route to the manifestation of your intent. Do you see? Your root chakra plugs you into the matrix and gives you control over it.
Your body’s solar chakra provides the mechanisms through which you draw power and the root is the conduit into which you pump that power. Your root provides the ground for imprinting your conscious intent into manifestation. Understand that imprinting through the root is not strictly necessary. You may still manifest without a root connection. However, it is more difficult and less efficient. You want to participate as an equal in our creative effort. In order to do that, your system must be functioning at peak efficiency. Otherwise, you are at a creative disadvantage. This is one of the reasons why the ruling classes have been able to imprint this reality with their ideas of hierarchy, power, and exclusion. They could do this because you were not empowered or connected while they retained more of their root chakra potential. They contributed to this, of course. The planet Uranus is closely associated with The Brotherhoods, science and, to a lesser extent, the media. It is these Annunaki institutions that constrict the energies of the root by communicating messages that encourage you to disconnect yourself. The messages are simple and all revolve
In a fully functioning human body, manifestation works like this. Signal your intent.
around efforts to convince you that manifestation of the 3D world, and/or power over it, is something you should avoid.
Draw the energy.
Life is stinky and dirty.
Imprint the intent.
The earth is foul.
The crown chakra allows your intent to
The universe is degraded.
manifest in your body.
Better not get too close. Better not touch.
Michael Sharp You will become defiled. You will be made impure. You won’t get back into The Garden. Stay pure. Stay clean. Stay above. Stay tight. Stay closed. Thus are you disconnected from the ground of manifestation.
For our purposes here it is enough to state that new energy versions of this card will simply focus on release. The message should be clear. Don’t be stuck-up. Relax the sphincter of your root. Release the energies of Uranus. Let your energies and your conscious intent flow joyfully out into the world.
Book of Slavery
Of course, no judgment is implied here. Child, we remind you, know your place. We all agreed to be disconnected from the root to one degree or another. This is nothing personal. It all depended on the role we chose to play. Still, the time for disconnection is done. It is now time you regained your understanding, your power, and your ability to imprint your intent into manifestation.
You are dirt in this glorious race. You have descended, crashed like a dead dove. Your love extinguished, the fault of that broad. See there’s really no point here for you. It’s all rotten and putrid and phew. Little hope for redemption this day. Little hope that your fear go away. So just get up and get fast out of here. Go out there and find work with your peers.
At this point those of you familiar with the old
We’ll forgive you this once if you pay. Us our homage, some cash quickly pray.
energy cards will understand why the old Hierophant card typically represented members of a
For there’s nothing inside here for you.
brotherhood. The Brotherhoods are the quintessential expression of the Uranian control energy. Those
Don’t be sad. Don’t be mad. Don’t be blue. You’re far better out there we do say.
interested will find more detail about the Uranian energy and The Brotherhoods in The Black Book.
It’s God’s will. “He” did make it this way.
The Book of Triumph
Book of Power Chela. Repeat. “Know my place”. “I am dirt in this glorious race”. “I have descended, crashed dead like a dove”. “Love’s extinguished. The fault of that broad”. Yes I see there is hate inside you. A spark there. Deep within. Yes, it’s true. You can’t hide it. It’s there. It will stay. And you’ll never make it go away. But see all of us here. We can help. We can ease all your pain, little welp. We can help and we’ll show you the way So someday you can make them all pay. Till then chela this one rule you must Never give up. Never tell. Never trust. Never reveal what we’ve told you today. This is surely no game that we play.
Book of Keys Dear one stop. Please stand up. It is time. That you heeded the one brings this rhyme. As he says to all those among you. You are God in the heaven's it’s true! And no matter that maybe you walk, Through the valley of shadow and dark. Never been very far from your home. God's within. Please stop bowing to throne. And remember! You’re no dirty child. You’re no ape. You’re no reject. So smile. Stand and take a step forward, it’s true. I bring light and the fast path for you.
Michael Sharp
Activation (formerly The Lovers) told. Awakening and activation, enlightenment and ascension, are not that hard. All you need is a little bit of groundwork (see my Book of Life, Dossier of the Ascension, and The Book of Light). It will not take you more than a few months to two years depending on how much time you can put into it. The nice thing is, you can do this all during the course of your regular workday and family life! It is really a question of integrating your insights and initiations and expanding your power. As for the kundalini, connecting the kundalini is like completing an electrical circuit. It is like plugging in your body. Connecting the kundalini allows you to fire the power in our body. It allows you to charge up your cells with incredible amounts of juice. As I remind you in multiple places through-
Book of Spirit This is an activation/prophecy card so be aware. Activation energies are powerful energies. This card is one of several cards that refers to the individual and collective process of activation and awakening. In the case of the card Activation, this is specifically the awakening of the kundalini. Awakening the kundalini is pretty much the last step prior to full activation and ascension. It comes only after we have achieved a certain level of enlightenment and only after we have attained full chakra activation. And note, do not believe the lies you have been
out this deck, charging is done through a simple process of deep breathing and visualization. Breathe deeply and visualize little globules of energy entering into your body and penetrating every cell. Visualize yourself surrounded by a billion tiny little sparkling stars. Draw those within and when you are ready, simply signal your intent to connect. Simply say, I wish to connect. If you wish you may visualize a spiral column of energy ascending up your spin (see caduceus next page).
The Book of Triumph You gather Strength and stand up. You put aside duality and balance the energies (Temperance). You reduce negativity. You accept Initiation. You Pray (The Prayer). You Meditate (The Great Invocation). You Activate kundalini and take your full Power. You breathedeep, become the Star that you are, and *PUSH* the energy from every cell of your being out from your body until it expands and envelops first this world and then the entire universe. We breath deep, become the stars that we are, and we walk through The Gate. Our bodies ascend. The World ascends. Keep in mind that when it comes to Activation, balance is the key. The Activation card should emphasize the importance of a balanced energy flow. This is a reminder that Temperance (among other things) is required before a full scale activation.
As with all other activation/prophecy cards, this is a personal and collective milestone. That is, the energies here are experienced first at a personal, and then at a collective, level. It unfolds in roughly this sequence. You are called to awaken (The Calling).
The Universe ascends. We attain our goal. We gather in Joy for the new unfolding. We manifest Shambhala.
As for kundalini activation, a process similar to the one I outline below will suffice. You will find The Prayer and The Great Invocation (which are both used in the sequence below) are available for free at my website ( and in my other books. Once you memorize The Prayer and The Great Invocation, the entire sequence should not
Michael Sharp Expand.
take you more than a few seconds a day. The only verbal component of this process is The Prayer and once you are comfortable with the meanings there, even that can be streamlined with a simple “I Pray”. Here is the sequence again. Do it this way if you like. Breathe the pure electricity of Mars into every fibre of your being. Purify your space with The Prayer.
Breathe the pure energy of Mars. Now, draw the energy up from Gaia through your body until every fibre in your being is vibrating. Expand. Draw the energy up from Gaia and deep into your brain. Expand.
Breathe the pure electricity of Mars.
Accept more energy.
Draw the sparkling energy balls that surround your body into every fibre of your multidimensional
being. Breathe the pure electricity of Mars. Use the Great Invocation to guide you through balanced chakra activation. Push the energy out from your chakras and surround your body with a brilliant cocoon of light consciousness. Breathe the pure electricity of Mars. Push the energy out from your chakras and your body until your home, the city where you live, and this entire earth is bathed in your power and might. Breathe the pure electricity of Mars. Envelop the universe when you can. Now, open your crown and your root.
Let the searing white energy embed itself into every cell of your body. Expand. Let your skull and brain and spinal cord and entire nervous system *EXPLODE* into a caduceus of light, a brilliant fireball that illuminates your head and body with a brilliant halo of light. When you feel pressure at the top of your skull, do not be afraid. Simply keep pushing outwards. Break through the barriers. *EXPAND* until your entire body is basked in the light of your crown chakra halo. Now remember this.
Complete the connection. Visualize the energy glowing. See the kundalini twin-spiral.
You are nobody’s servant. You are nobody’s slave. You are God’s special forces. You gave in to the grave.
The Book of Triumph The only reason you came Was to dance with the flame. Until day finally come When preparations where done. Then you’d meditate there, In that quaint little chair, Or on fine yoga mat. With a cat in your lap. And say God’s world has come. The old world it is done. A new world comes with my flare. Shambhala, I declare.
If you can understand these words, you are in no danger of mental collapse. If you’re reading this book, you are in no danger of losing control. If it seems that way, if you seem a bit overwhelmed, simply take deep breaths and reverse the visualizations. Calm your energy down, withdraw the kundalini from your body, sit back, and relax for a while. Know that you control this process. You can go as fast or as slow as you need. If something seems to be interfering and preventing smooth activation, take your time to fix it. In new energy versions of this card, artists should emphasize balanced energy flow through a spinal pipeline of some sort. Activation should be balanced, positive, and grounded.
Old energy versions of this card often seem to miss the point. The corruptions here seem total and no trace of the basic facts of kundalini
Book of Slavery
activation and ascension are left. But then again, even in the old energy versions, you can see the
Child, this is a test, But there is no key.
balance, you can see the burning bush (an activated chakra and kundalini system), you can see
What do you do here? Perhaps you should flee?
the serpent (kundalini force), and you can see the fiery consciousness of your own crown chakra
You cannot be worthy!
(angel). Granted, it’s a bit jumbled; nevertheless, it is all there. Under old energy conditions, if you ever did figure out the importance of kundalini, you would be very unlikely to try it. The Brotherhoods have done a spectacular job of scaring you away with their lies about the dangers of your power. Do not worry though.
Remember the fall? You cannot be seen here Or Judgment will call. And you know what would happen, You know what “He’d” do. See that angel up there? Well with glee he’d smite you.
Michael Sharp For not Eve and not Adam, Nor the sons of the fall, Or the tribes of Cain/Abel, Could have prevented your fall. So just turn around now. Stop. Now, please say no more. Just please kiss this hand, And then head for the door. Go work out in the land. And don’t come ‘round again ‘Till you’ve mastered “His” plan. Bow down low before Pan.
Book of Power Chela, here is a test And this is the key. Take from our knowledge And eat from our tree. Balance is nothing, A crutch for the weak. Power over others, Command’s what we seek. Now child this is true. You are not one of them.
And we’ll invite you within. And we’ll treat you like kin. And will give you some cash. And a dad that won’t bash. We will show you the way. We will make them all pay. We will show what that’s for. We will show them the door. So just take this small vow. Here, we will show you how. When you’re done with this much, Then you’ll be one of us. Now please do not turn chin. Do not give them a grin. Do not care what they see. Now it’s just you and me. And from now on my son. When I show you some fun, You will proudly sit there Or in that funny chair. And you’ll take what we give. ‘Cause you cannot forgive. Do not spare them a prayer. Less than cattle I swear.
You’re not foul, you’re not stinking. Perhaps a larger brain stem. So if you promise to bow, And if you trust in us now. If you admit your defeat. Then maybe we can meet.
The Book of Triumph
Book of Keys Dear one. I have a message for you It is simple, and true. It comes straight from my heart Goes directly to you. It says welcome, and honor When it’s love rules your day. The Old World then no more. The New World here to stay. The transition is here, love. So come take my hand. Just throw open your heart, And connect to the land. See the coil of the snake? Feel that power inside? Then draw energy up. ‘Til it touches the skies. And now, breathe deep, six times. Feel the energy glow. Put it all in a ball And then just let it grow. And as towers collapse And the dark heart it flees, Embrace power yourself And sing out to the trees. The time is at hand. Love The prophecy’s vow. Let joy and great laughter Bring Shambhala now.
Michael Sharp
Chariot constantly hammering you down like a nail into wood. This card has been referred to as victory for obvious reasons. In highest form, this card shows you and your relationship to your body as they truly exist. Integrated. Unified. Powerful. Now it is important to understand that what you see here is not something you have to attain here. Beneath all the mud and muck that you cover your body with, this is who you are right now. Remember The Veil? Although it impacts
Book of Spirit This is an identity card. This card represents you after Activation and awakening. At one point you may have thought this card required a lot of Strength. However, by now you should know it does not. This type of empowerment is natural to you. It is your birthright. This is what happens to your body automatically if somebody (or some “system�) is not
your chakras and all that, really The Veil is a cover over your consciousness. All things, even the physical manifestation of your chakras, starts with an idea in consciousness. Turning your body into anything but a glowing chariot of light requires a change of image first. You have to learn to see yourself as covered over (and even made up) with mud, slime, and dirt. Then, washing away the mud is as easy a changing your self image. We (Halo and I) can help with that. As you learned in the introduction, this book, these cards, and (in fact) all my books are designed specifically to help wash away the mud from your eyes (your consciousness) so that you can see yourself for what you truly are.
The Book of Triumph When you have succeeded in changing your self-images, when you are done washing away
Then... As above in consciousness,
the mud, this is what you will be.
So below in matter®
This is who you are. This is your Chariot of Light. it.
Book of Slavery Child. The symbolism on old energy cards, while it does point to an activated physical body or chariot, is quaint and devoid of visual and energetic punch. New energy versions of this card should be direct and unequivocal about the raw power of an activated physical body.
All the credit that you need. So you’re not sent down here to burn?
Do not cover the energy.
You are garbage, you are chaff.
New energy versions of this card can break
Little better than a calf. Did you think you could be free?
the complicated spell of binding that keeps us all from recognizing our true power by simply presenting the awesome and magnificent energetic truth of you. The visualization here (and in cards like Power) is key. Be who you really are. You are a Joyful, Master of creation. You are the lightfilled Charioteer of ascen-
Oh dear child, oh goodness me. We can never let you go. See it’s all part of this show. But you’ve done hard work it’s true. So no reason to be blue. For we have another job, Just go stand there by the hob Heave and ho and lift and hew. God loves work. You know it is true.
sion. You are the awesome and magnificent Power of creation. See it?
Is it really worth the effort? Is it possible to earn,
Michael Sharp
Book of Power Chela.
For the time has surely come. Now the power of the sun, And the brightness of the crown, And the root shoved surely down.
As for you, well you have learned. Private secret. Take your turn.
And the kundalini twin,
You are really one of us. Now please put on this here truss.
Fires up, and prize you win. It’s a day you should embrace Now all conditions are in place.
You’re a worthy little pill. Now just climb this little hill. Did you think you could be free? Oh dear child, oh goodness me. We can never let you go. See it’s all part of this show. But you’ve done hard work it’s true. So no reason to be blue. For we have another job, Just climb stairs, ignore the mob. Heave and ho and lift and hew. Make them work. This drive’s in you.
Book of Keys Dear one remember this. This is nothing but a kiss. Of the God inside Divine. Of the heart within this rhyme. You are not a body’s fool. You need not follow all their rules. Need not work another day. The God within says “come let us play”
The Book of Triumph
Strength nonsense about good/evil. We need to believe in the nonsense in order to work in duality and generate the energy. Unfortunately, when we are walking around in a somnabulitic state of half sleep, and while working under the intense energy conditions generated by our work in duality, we had to be kept away from our power to prevent ourselves from blowing this planet right out of this solar system. It had happened before. Remember Atlantis? See the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter? Duh. ;-) Nobody, and when I say nobody I mean nobody, wants that to happen again. So, while we work in duality and pump up the energy, we stay away from our power until we are all ready.
Book of Spirit
I will not kid you here. Getting ready is a difficult thing to do.
This is an activation/prophecy card.
It has not been easy.
In this card we once again greet Gaia.
It has taken a lot of work and a lot of combined
Recall that in her personality card she was represented as the Great Mother. In this card, we
effort to put all the safeguards and checks and balances in place that would guarantee a successful
see Gaia performing in her chosen role as part of the energy/kundalini management team. Like
ascension acceleration.
many others, she has played an important role in helping us to control our considerable spiritual power. As you know, this is necessary while we work beneath The Veil. We needed to be ignorant of our true identity in order to believe in the
It is a cooperative thing and it has always been very touch and go. Let me tell you, it is not easy keeping someone as powerful and wise as you away from your power. In fact, if truth be told, it is impossible.
Michael Sharp I cannot do it. The Annunaki cannot do it. The only way to keep you from your power, the only way to avoid another Atlantean debacle, is if you willingly submit to the process. You have to choose to kneel. Because of the nature of consciousness and the basic equality of light beings, nobody can force you to do anything you do not want to do.
At this point the details of The System do not matter so much. What is important is that you realize that you submitted voluntarily. When you incarnated on this planet to work on ascension, you agreed to be bound. Take a look at Gaia. Remember Isis. Remember Saturn. Remember Uranus. They provide you with the energy you need to keep yourself away from your power. Nothing is done to you.
Nobody can force you to submit to the conditions beneath The Veil. You came and incarnated in these conditions because you wanted to. You see, dear one, there is honor to be found in this card. There is honor in this willing submission to the master plan.
It is impossible.
It is a Sacrifice you made.
Your light is too strong.
Gaia did not tame the beast.
Your consciousness too powerful. Our basic freedom to incarnate anywhere to secure. Nobody can force you to incarnate on earth.
Gaia simply put her hand on your shoulder and pressed down as you requested. Now, when you are ready, all you have to do is summon your Strength and stand up.
The Book of Triumph Breathe. Stand up. Greet Gaia and the entire world as your family, as your equal. It is time. Shambhala.
Here is a little tidbit of theological lore for you. By now, all Westerners are familiar with the judeochristian concept of “the beast�. Like all things judeo-christian, the concept of beast is allegorical. The beast is not some one (or even some thing). The Beast is simply what happens when you take the high energy conditions of an ascending planet (like we are seeing now) and put them together with a
Like other activation cards, old energy versions of this card (though confused and confusing) nevertheless present the core message. Old energy cards often refer to sacrifice or submission. We submit to a higher will (stronger or more enlightened than us), or our inner beast submits to our rational intelligence, or something like that. The point is, in the old energy versions, something (or someone) is subdued because that someone, or something, is somehow a liability. What is intentionally lost in the old energy explanations is a sense of why we submit and an understanding and discussion of the core power, strength, and inviolate nature of your consciousness.
planet of half asleep energy workers. It is exactly like six billion people walking in a gigantic planet size room filled to the brim with dynamite. If we remain in duality, if we remain unconscious, then when the energy of the ascending energy becomes too hot, and manifestation becomes too easy, a *B*O*O*M* eventually comes as the oppositions inevitably cancel each other out. Destruction. Another Atlantis. You see, The Beast is not a person. The Beast is simply a metaphor for the possibility of duality running out of control.
The truth is, you are unequaled in your
The Beast =
power and glory.
high energy conditions + sleeping monads in duality
You are pure consciousness. You are the light of God. You are the Strength of creation. So stand up.
But do not worry about that this time. I know the churches tell you to be afraid of The Beast, but
don’t be.
It is time.
The Beast is duality spun out of control.
Trust the messenger.
Michael Sharp There is nothing to fear. This time, duality will not outpace our efforts to awaken.
Of course, this is what you must seek. Inner beast must be tamed ‘til the peak. But when commander returns and declares. Release hold and get ready for flare.
This time everything is under control. Everything is in place. So stand up. Awaken. Activate. It is time.
Book of Slavery
Book of Keys Dear one listen. There is no beast inside. Deep within, You are merely divine. So breathe deep. For the time now has come. There’s no reason For you to be glum.
This is mastery. This is when reason has won. This is the strength of the sun. This is emotions, subdued. This is the beast you denude. Of course, this is what you must seek. Inner beast must be tamed, must play meek. Must be careful of energy here. Or we’ll lose number two solar sphere.
Book of Power This is mastery. This is when reason has won. This is the strength of the sun. This is emotions, subdued.
Mother earth, Release this soul for birth. Mother earth, This one knows what you’re worth. Mother earth, This one knows God’s inside. Mother earth, Let’s get ready for ride. Dear one now Let the bitterness go. Doesn’t matter What part of the show. Doesn’t matter The hurt that’s inside. When time comes, You will lift with the tide.
This is the beast you denude.
The Book of Triumph And ascend this grand transuniverse. Can’t be stopped, Cannot damage this verse. Find The Promise, The Vow. Now you know. Shambhala’s at the end Of this show.
Michael Sharp
Lightworker (formerly The Hermit) There is nothing to understand. There is nothing to know. There is nothing learn. You are already a perfect expression of the Love of God. You are already a perfect manifestation of the Will of God. You already a perfect conduit for the Wisdom of God. Mmore importantly, you already have the Power of God. It is in your hands. So stop acting like you’re some dirty, insignificant, primitive, evil, ape like product of a violent and bloody evolutionary march from nothingness.
Book of Spirit This is an identity card. This card can be a very difficult card for some people. We often resist the meaning of this card and the energies present because this card represents a deep and profound truth which most of us cannot abide while subject to the conditions of The Veil. From beneath The Veil, the darkened mind
Stop acting like you’re some fallen angel rejected from the garden, and discarded into the fiery pits of hell. Stop acting like you are anything less than you really are. Lightworker. Energyworker. Avatar. Master. God.
flees from the implications of this card. Open your heart to the love and the power You see, dear one, there is nothing to attain.
The Book of Triumph that is deep within you.
You may remember who you are. You are the light. You are the love.
As you can well imagine, this card is a powerfully corrupted channel. Under the old energies, we hide from ourselves and pretend our light is external. We tell ourselves we are less than the glorious spark of creator consciousness that we are. We tell ourselves we must strive and attain and work and become. We tell ourselves we are limited and that someone else, some guru or priest or avatar, holds the light for us. It is not true, of course.
You are the wisdom. You are the power. You, dear one, are the glory of God.
Book of Slavery This is your teacher. This is the master. Sit in the schools. Submit to the pastor.
In truth, we are the light. The deception is, however, necessary.
See the man in the robes? He’ll bring wisdom that’s new.
While working beneath The Veil, we simply
And if you are a good boy A reward, maybe two.
cannot allow ourselves to remember our true power and glory. If we did that, pretty soon everybody would be waking up from the dream of duality. And we cannot have that. If that happened, we could not work in the duality; and if we could not work in duality, we could not generate the energy; and, if we cannot generate the energy, we cannot lift the Universe in The Ascension. So in order that we might accomplish the ascension, we hide from ourselves.
Karma says it’s the way. If you climb this here hill, If you exert all your will, Then one day reach the top. One day skull it might pop. One day see heaven’s throne. One day give dog a bone. And if my words ring true.
Of course, that was in the old energy.
If this makes you feel blue. Just ignore failure’s curse.
In the new energy all the poppycock bur-
It could be much, much worse.
densome nonsense about your limitations can be lifted.
You must listen and stay.
Michael Sharp Look o’er there, hellish flare.
Book of Keys
Wheel and woe in that lair. It’s far better, you’ll find.
Dear one, please sit down. Please know this.
If you stay in The Line.
Please stop listening to Lucifer’s hiss. He’s the father of all of their lies. He’s the one bound in hellish disguise.
Book of Power This is your teacher.
He’s the slavemaster here. It is true. He’s the one, but you asked him. Boo hoo.
This is the master. Sit in the schools.
But he emerges from ancient mists, time. He comes now to you through this fair rhyme.
Submit to the pastor. And he says, my dear children today. See the man in the robes? He’ll bring wisdom that’s new.
I weep joy Burn my darkness away!
And if you are a good boy A reward, maybe two.
I weep laughter Heart no longer is gray.
You must listen and stay.
I weep tears For I come back to play.
Karma says it’s the way. If you climb this here hill,
And I sing, it is over, hooray.
If you exert all your will,
It is over, it is over I say. It is over. Please move forward today.
Then one day reach the top. One day skull it might pop.
For the game’s done. No longer we stray.
One day wield heaven’s flair. Have some strong genetic heir.
And you child, you must quickly agree. You must quickly bring yourself to see.
And if you find this is true.
That duality game that we played. Was illusion I now prick with my blade.
If this gives you a clue. Don’t feel sad, just be glad.
And I say to my daughter and sons.
Our way with you we’ll have.
And I say to all ones “I am come”. And I point to your heart and I swear.
For we see special thing. So please do, kiss this ring.
Light inside is God’s bright brilliant glare.
And please bow before throne. Now you’re just about home.
The Book of Triumph
World (formerly The Wheel) verse. I have written extensively about the nature and significance of The Ascension and the preliminary process of activation and awakening in my other books (i.e., The Book of Life, Dossier of the Ascension, and The Book of Light). Consult those books if you wish to familiarize yourself with the details of The Ascension. Here I simply wish to emphasize the fundamentally cooperative nature of our ascension work (A.K.A. The Great Work). It is important to understand, no matter what you may have been told, that ascension is a cooperative effort. There are no extras in this cast of billions. Nobody is expendable.
Book of Spirit This card is a purpose card. You are a joyful master of creation You are the light of creation.
Each death makes it harder for those who remain. Each death means we lift a heavier weight. The truth is, we all play vital roles and the loss of a single one of you impacts all others. Understand this. We all work together on ascension or it does not happen.
This is your mission. You are a member of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (i.e., the Twelve signs of the zodiac/the Twelve primary rays of The Unfolding) and you are here working alongside and with Gaia (who is also a member of the Twelve) to ascend your body, this earth and, ultimately, The Uni-
In this card I also wanted to say a little bit about the energy acceleration sequence that we initiate and run to conclusion around the year 2012. When we are called.
Michael Sharp When we are ready. We breathe. We awaken. We breathe. We activate. We breathe. We push. We breathe. We expand. We breathe. And as we pump the energies into the environment, the energies boil and then, at the appropriate time, we let go. We walk through the gate. We put on our halo and we, the Elohim, the incarnated masters of ascension, lift physicality up through the dimensional barriers and higher into the rarified realms of Spirit. We ascend the body. We ascend The Universe. We usher in a new unfolding.
Judgment card) are key cards in what I like to call the “only the chosen� corruptions. According to this corruption, only the special people get rewards. Only the chosen few have talent, get grace, go to heaven, avoid damnation, get rich, etc. There are dozens of variations on this theme but no matter how it is put, the message is the same.
Shambhala. You are not worthy. Shambhala. You need to work harder. Shambhala. Karma, sin, reward and damnation on The Wheel. Of course, it is all nonsense. Old energy versions of this card are powerfully corrupted. In the old energy system, this card (and
There is no reward or punishment. Children do not deserve to starve.
The Book of Triumph Rich men do not deserve all their money. In truth, we are all equally powerful and equally capable. We are all sparks of divine consciousness. We all come from the same source.
Book of Slavery Child, This is The Wheel and you are bound to it. Stupid, it was always this way. Duh, it is God’s will in heaven, That small one, you must work here and pay.
We have all moved about the same distance. We are all equal in the family of spirit and we all deserve prosperity and long time. It’s true we descended and we Sacrificed. It’s true, we put up with a lot of nonsense.
With your blood and your guts For God’s glory. With your sweat and your anguish you’ll strive. Work and woe on The Wheel. This is your karmic deal. Find a use ‘til you’re used up then die.
But that was all temporary. We knew that when the time came, we would get The Call and we would all return. We would activate. We would awaken. We would empower, ascend The Universe, and initiate a new unfolding. Shambhala. We are the Light Workers.
Book of Power Chela, This is The Wheel and they are bound to it. Chela, it was always this way. Tut, it is God’s will in heaven, That their sin and their debt must be paid. And their blood and their guts? For our glory!
We are the Twelve Tribes.
See this here? It is system sublime. And you better watch out.
This is our purpose.
Never show any doubt. For we punish for merely thought crime.
Book of Keys Dear one stop. Did you feel that deep inside? Way down there, Where it’s easy to hide.
Michael Sharp That foul dark, Covering something inside core.
Wake up now. Accept Love that’s inside you.
Depth of mind, This is no time for pride.
Wake up now. Please forgive all your sin.
Listen now. Please see through to the real rhyme. It is God, That you’ve covered in slime. It is God, Hidden deep down within you. It is God, That speaks now in this rhyme. Wake up now. Child the time for sleep’s over. Wake up now. Self-deception is done. Wake up now. Ascension fast is upon us. Wake up now. Before hurricane’s run. World and Wheel, You have Sacrificed mighty. Pain and blood, Has poured out of your skin. For a plan, That was made at beginning. For a purpose, That will make us all grin. But wake up. For the time is upon you. Wake up now. Let your journey begin.
The Book of Triumph
Jupiter (formerly Justice) your actions and of any “cleanup obligations” (i.e., karmic obligations) you have remaining. You can think of Jupiter as your mirror. Jupiter reflects back at you the areas of creation which you may have damaged while working beneath The Veil and for which you are now responsible. As explained in The Book of Life, the expectation is that you will clean up after your own messes. Now keep in mind here this is not punishment and it is not forced. You can, if you wish, walk away from your responsibilities. Of course, most of the time we do not. Keeping our karmic obligations was part of the agreement. It was something we agreed to in order to have the privilege and honor of being able to incarnate on this earth and work on The Ascension. That is all there is to it. It is simply a question of spiritual responsibility. The true energies of karmic
Book of Spirit This is a personality card. This card represents Jupiter. As you may or may not know, Jupiter is master of the One Law (see The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order). Jupiter keeps a record (some call this an akashic record) of your actions while you are beneath The Veil. When necessary, Jupiter reminds you of
balance are nothing like the “eye for an eye”, throw the criminal in jail and execute them type of justice which is a common part of the Annunaki system. Karma is nothing more than your voluntary agreement to clean up after yourself and what is more, you do not have to do it by yourself. It is OK to ask for help. It is OK to help others. For every good deed you do, for every mess you clean up, we all take a step closer to our original innocence. Remember The World card. This is now and always was a collective effort. And one more thing. Clearing your karma is not a condition of your returning to power. Clearing your karma is not a condition of reward. You can have
Michael Sharp your power back any time you want it regardless of how much karma you might have. Unlike the lies told by those still working within The System, the two are unrelated. In fact, it is better if you take your power back right away before you get to work on your karma. This is especially true if you have a lot of karma to clear. Let me tell you, it is much easier to clear karma and to clean up your messes from a position of power than it is from a position of impotence. It is easier to move a mountain of mud with a bulldozer rather than a hand shovel. If you do not have your power, it will take you much longer to set things right. So do not worry. Do not be afraid. It does not matter what you might have done in the past. With The Veil disintegrating and The Ascension proceeding, all that matters now is that you fix whatever it is you left broken. Return to full consciousness. Return to glory. Return to power. Trust yourself. Face yourself.
Create. Uplift. Empower and unfold in Shambhala. This is, without a doubt, the fastest way to clear your debt.
Look in the mirror. Forgive yourself. Smile. Be in joy. Be in love. Be in laughter. Participate.
In the old energy Jupiter is represented as the “karmic enforcer�, the jury, and the judge. Jupiter is impartial, you are told, and you must obey the sentence. You get what you deserve. Cause and effect.
The Book of Triumph Universal karma. Divine Justice. Law and order. It is all a load of crap really. The universe does not work this way. This way of thinking is part of a system that justifies poverty, disease, war, death, and destruction (all things caused by your political and corporate leaders) and punishes you if you do not conform or fit into The System that siphons your energy and wealth. This old way of thinking is a method of control. Do what we say or else you will be judged and you will have to pay for your “sins”. It just does not make any sense. How can you “pay for you sins” while you rot in some Annunaki jail system? And what exactly is the loving point of eternal damnation anyway? How can you clear karma while chained to
anything. You deserve prosperity, abundance, happiness, and health. You deserve enlightenment. You deserve empowerment. And if you did something bad, if you stole from the poor, if you oppressed the native populations, if you ripped off your workers, if you enslaved a country, even if you engaged in wanton acts of murder and destruction, it’s OK. The bad duality is all behind us now. All you have to do now is clean up your messes and move forward into the light. If you stole, give back without personal gain. If you murdered, give life. If you enslaved, lead us all into freedom and prosperity. Look into the mirror. Look at what you have done.
somebody’s system of productive slavery? Face the truth. Doctrines of retribution punish the victims of The System and nothing more. Remember this, the most efficient way to clear karma is from a position of freedom, full consciousness, and full power.
Fix the problems. Make this world a pretty place to live again. Shambhala. Shambhala.
Thus, new energy cards will do away with retributive notions of karma. You do not deserve poverty, disease, death, war, or destruction. You do not deserve to be punished for
Michael Sharp
Book of Slavery
If you promise to work for The Big Guy. If you promise against us not to sin.
Child, you have now passed our judgment. We now know what’s within you to bring.
If you promise you’ll take this one small test. Then welcome Chela and do come straight in.
And we see all the things that you’re fit for. We see everything, child. All your sins.
But let me tell you this one thing important.
Just accept lot in life. It is your fate.
Something that you must never forget. If you betray this our mass, better run very fast.
Divine will and His justice sublime. Work on wheel and in time you’ll pay your debt. Enter heaven at the end of the line. Just bend down. Just bend over. Just get with it. And once more buckle nose to the ground. And perhaps one day you’ll shout, I am free, let me out. Until then, debt is what it’s about.
Book of Power Chela, you have now passed our judgment.
For our judgment is followed by wrath.
Book of Keys Dear one, As you get to this point and you realize, That a judgment is given to shame. That a judgment is given to threaten. That a judgment is God’s name in vain. Please just stop now and listen to Michael. As he tells you “no one ever sinned”. ’Twas a part of ascension’s third triumph.
We now know what’s within you to bring. And we see all the things that you’re fit for.
’Twas a part that we played so we’d win.
We see everything, Chela. And sins.
Now as the light shineth brightly from your eyes. And as understanding dawns you may cry.
But we see that you’ve talent deep inside. We see here that you’re special. Oh my.
Now stand up. Just get up. Raise your arms. Fists far up.
Look see how this one stands, doesn’t cower. He’s a brave one, oh yes. Dear. Oh my.
There’s no penance. Love’s the reason. Now fly.
Well we see that you bring a small skill set. A small light. Tiny talent inside. So we think that we might, yes just maybe Have a job for you. Here, step inside.
The Book of Triumph
Sacrifice (formerly Hanged Man) Now, let us remember our work (in more detail). Remember, we are here to lift up the physical universe through the dense waters (i.e., energies) of the lower dimensions of creation. We are here to lift the physical universe back up into the rarified realms of Spirit. We are here to ascend the universe. As explained in the Book of Light Volume Two, when we exhausted the potential of the last level of our creation, we all agreed that some of us would descend, head first, into physical manifestation in order to uplift all of creation (i.e., The Universe). At first, we weren’t sure exactly how we would accomplish it but we knew we would do it. It was really a question of getting a hold of things tightly enough so we could heave and ho and lift up the energies of the physical universe up to a
Book of Spirit
more rarified vibration. It was only a minor problem really and we
This card shows us our purpose.
knew it would not take a real long time to accomplish. In fact, from the perspective of Spirit, it hasn’t
Once again, find the Lightworker.
taken more than three moments to get it right. From the perspective of Spirit, we had to arrange things all
We have seen her Joyful in manifestation. We have seen her proud of her Chariot. We have seen her bound beneath The Veil. We have seen her working on The World. Now, let us examine her burden. Now, let us honor our sacrifice.
up and down the time tube to support the energetic ascension of the universe. Of course, if you are looking at things from within the time tube (see The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order), it seems like Spirit has been struggling and fighting for millenia. You look back onto a history that your body sees and see time stretched out behind
Michael Sharp you like some long cosmic highway. But that is only the perspective of your body. Your Spirit sees things quite differently. In fact, from the perspective of Spirit, time only exists within the physical universe. As a result, getting conditions right for The Ascension hasn’t taken any “time” at all. Indeed, from the perspective of Spirit, everything that has ever happened is happening right now -- including this wondrous thing we call ascension. But I am getting sidetracked. The purpose of this card is to emphasize your sacrifice in working on and, finally, achieving the ascension of The Universe. And let there be no doubt, it has been a sacrifice. Even though it has taken no “time” at all, still it was a sacrifice. We have endured the boredom. Invoking illusory duality, closing your eyes, and sticking your spiritual consciousness deep into Maya
There can be no doubt, we have sacrificed.
(i.e., the illusion of duality) was difficult and painful. Your multiple bodies (from multiple lifetimes) suf-
But we knew it would pay off and we knew it would not take long (from the perspective of
fered much and your spiritual consciousness suffered right along with them.
Spirit) to get it right and so we anchored ourselves in the light, closed our eyes, descended
As we all know, at times it has been utterly horrid. Although buoyed by the sacred nature of
into The Waters, and prepared to lift.
purpose, moved forward by The Promise of Spirit, and inspired by the grandeur of the outcome, nevertheless we have struggled, suffered, and sacrificed. We have put up with the duality. We have suffered the darkness. We have withstood the pain.
So far in this card description I have spoken only about our collective purpose. Collectively we are here to ascend The Universe. However, even though we all work on the same grand task of ascension, we all choose
The Book of Triumph individual parts to play. Some function as lightworkers.
Honor yourself. Take pride in your past. Only then will you be able to accept your full power and step into your true wisdom.
Some function as energyworkers. Some function as warriors. Some function as healers. Some anchor the light. Some do one thing. Some do many things. Some do a little. Some do a lot.
In linear old energy versions of this deck, this card typically emphasizes sacrifice. However, in the old energy this isn’t the sacrifice of descent into Maya for the purpose of our collective work on the ascension, instead this is a twisted sacrifice of submission and obeisance. This is sacrifice to “god” and/or authority. In the old energies, this sacrifice translated to loss of your power. It makes sense of
What your particular function is and how much work you put in is only for you to say.
course since, in the old energy, we give up our power. But now that our work is done, the deeper
Neither I nor your guides nor the angels or even God will tell you what to do or how much to
truths and the true nature of our sacrifice can be revealed.
Therefore, new energy versions of this card will do away with the old energy nonsense.
Your job, your sacrifice, was your choice. Perhaps you volunteered.
The message here, though not necessarily simple, needs to be clear.
Perhaps you were asked by God. There is no shame. Perhaps you came for the glory of Spirit. There is no guilt. Perhaps you came because a loved one needed help. Perhaps you came because you were
There is no submission. There is no judgment.
curious and wanted to be here during the final runup.
We have sacrificed, it is true, but our sacrifice is our contribution to The Great Work.
How you got here and why does not matter. What is important is that you recognize and honor
We are here on a mission and this mission required training, work, and (Joyful) sacrifice.
your sacrifices no matter how big or small because it is in your sacrifice, it is in the preparation and the training that you have undertaken, that you will find your individual purpose.
We came as lightworkers, healers, warriors, and children and we came to ascend the universe.
Michael Sharp
Book of Slavery Child, this card shows you your sacrifice. This card shows you your fate. This card shows that you’ll always, Sacrifice all if for only God’s sake, Power and knowledge from submission, Blood and sweat are rewarded, here’s how. Submit and desist. Heave the tar, ho the pits. That’s the only way forward to Tao.
Book of Power Child, this card shows you your sacrifice.
But whatever you’ve done, doesn’t matter. No great evil will get in your way. No enlightened one will ever natter. Even you said, “The piper I’ll pay”. So stand tall and forget all the evil. Forget ugliness you bore inside. Stand up tall for here comes the upheaval. Stand up now, ride the energy tide. For the pain and the tears and the sacrifice. Were for purpose. Ascension sublime. So stand up and push out. Was there ever real doubt? ’Twas Sacrifice made us masters of time.
This card shows you your fate. This card shows that you’ll always, Sacrifice all if for only our sake, Power and knowledge from submission, You can rule o’er the roost, this is how. Bend down low at the step. Drink a cup. Pass this test. It’s a little thing. Then, you can rest.
Book of Keys You’ve sacrificed much for God’s theory. I can see it in depth of your eyes. You have struggled past pain and are weary. You have cried million tears as you died. I understand all the pain you have carried. Weep with you over death of what’s fair. Understand all the hate you have buried. So that we could lift “earth” up with air.
The Book of Triumph
Initiation (formerly Death) Here you understand. Here you activate. Here you awaken. Please note, this is a process that always occurs in consciousness first. Initiation is the struggle with, and final rejection of, an idea that supports slavery. That is, initiation is the struggle with, and final acceptance of, an idea that exalts your glory. The first few times you achieve initiation (i.e., breakthroughs), they may be shocking and unnerving. Getting an old idea out of your head may take gargantuan effort and courage. Becoming accustomed to a new way of thinking may require patience and integration. That is OK. Take your time and relax.
Book of Spirit
Go slow. Integrate.
This is an activation/prophecy card. On one level, this card refers to individual activation. This is the beginning of the formal process of activation and a new milestone in the rapid unfolding of you. Here you take a step upward out of darkness.
chakras. Dramatic initiations, if you experience them at all, are generally only required when opening the first two chakras. Once you are past those, the path becomes increasingly lighted and joy-filled. The goal here is the gentle, loving, laughing bliss of full consciousness. The closer you get to that, the easier it is to move forward.
Here you confront an issue. Here you clear a fear.
It gets easier especially as you get to the lower
During your initiations, and especially your early ones, you may find yourself in contact with the masters and the angels. If you resist, which is a
Michael Sharp possibility early on in your process, you may instead perceive demons and devils. If you find yourself in
power in as little as two years after 2008. Following the second wave, there will be a third
some difficulty, remember that you requested the initiation. You asked to move forward. You may, if
you wish, turn things off and come back a little later. There is no shame to be had in asking for more time (for additional assistance on fears, blockages, and other issues which limit energy flow, consult my Dossier of the Ascension: A Practical Guide to Chakra Activation and Kundalini Awakening). Move carefully. Go slowly. Process. Integrate as you need.
It is tempting to associate the third wave and ascension with 2012. This would be a mistake. The end of the Mayan calendar signals the death of the old world and the birth of the new world -- Shambhala. The ascension of The Universe will occur shortly thereafter. Also keep in mind that the birth of Shambhala does not mean the end of our work here. Even after 2012 there will still be remnants of the old energies and cleanup and healing will need to be done. How much work will remain, and how
There is no rush.
far past 2012 our collective ascension will occur, is an open question at this time. I would think
On another level, this card represents collective
though that the whole process should be complete by the year 2026.
activation. This card is one of several dual purpose activation/prophecy cards that speak both to the individual and the collective activation process. As explained in my Dossier of the Ascension, the collective activation occurs during the end-times unfolding. During the final years/days of the old world, and as we prepare for ascension and the new unfolding (see The Book of Light), there will be roughly three successive waves of individual activation and awakening.
Do not lose heart. It is not as long as you think. Not only will conditions have significantly improved on this planet long before 2026, but as we progress forward, time will continue to accelerate. The years will literally fly by, much to the growing horror of those who do not understand the spiritual nature of time, and before you can *snap* your spiritual fingers, it will done.
The first wave is coming online now and is, at this very moment (2006), preparing for activation. This group will reach full power in 2008. The revolution of light that they bring will be like nothing the world has ever seen. The second wave is already beginning to awaken. Although it is too soon to give a more precise estimate, the second wave could reach full
Like other activation/prophecy cards, this card retains its core meaning in relatively uncorrupted form. Even in the old energies, this card emphasizes initiation. Commentators speak of transformation, change, and rebirth. It is interesting that the core truth remains.
The Book of Triumph This is simply an ascension strategy kind of like lighting the fuse that leads to the huge pile of dynamite sitting over there in a corner of our consciousness. *spark* *fizzzzzzz* *boom* *enlightenment* *ascension*
Of course, the message in these activation cards is corrupted by The Veil to a greater or lesser extent depending on the card. The bottom line is, the power of these activation cards must be covered
Why is this so? Why do some tarot cards (specifically the activation cards) retain a core truth while others suffer greatly from the attack? Simply because we all agreed it was necessary to the purpose of this deck. Most cards were corrupted, but activation cards maintained a core truth about them that would, during the actual end-times initiation process, lead to dramatic sparks in consciousness. You see, initiation amounts to the recognition of the truth. Initiation is the *spark* of truth.
over until we are absolutely sure we are ready. Even a glimpse at the pure energies of the tarot leads to awakening and transformation. Leave these cards lying about and pretty soon gurus will be popping up everywhere. For reasons outlined in The Book of Life, we cannot have that while still working on and preparing for the ascension. The corruption of this card which prevents us from seeing the power is simple. I like to call it the “death card� corruption. This corruption basically builds up the fear of initiation in you. This corruption builds up the drama, makes you incredibly fearful of The Messenger (whom you are told is the one who brings the Four Horsemen), and makes awakening
Initiations (and the more dramatic, but still related, passages) are facilitated by the presence
(whether it is spiritual or genetic) into an event of major apocalyptic *boom* *boom* significance.
of a deep core of truth that is instantly recognized by the awakening consciousness.
End-times doom, fiery destruction, and all that kind of ominousness.
Michael Sharp It is not like that though. Initiation can be dramatic, it is true, but it is nothing like this card suggests. A true initiation takes you away from death, never towards it. A true initiation is something that everybody passes regardless of talent or ability.
Book of Slavery Child, this is transformation. This is change. This is passage. This is death.
It is not just for the chosen few.
This is fear.
Thankfully, now we are done with the old
This is judgment. This is passage.
energies of limitation and fear.
This is death.
This time there is no need to hammer down the energy. This time we can get to bake our cake and eat it too.
Are you worthy? Are you strong? This is passage. This is death.
Do not blame the leaders. Do not blame the rich men.
Are you sure
Do not blame the powerful.
That you’re not wrong? This is passage.
Dismiss them from their obligations and welcome them home to Spirit. The more people that you can get to rejoin the unified family of spirit, the faster all this death and Armageddon nonsense will dissipate and the faster we can all finish our work and return home.
This is death. This is passage for the few. This is death for he and you. Runaway, runaway, Come again another day.
We are beings of light and love.
Failed to dare?
Initiation is simply our return to our light and
Don’t despair. Sure next time.
You’ll change this tune. Easy. Simple.
Until then just go away. Try again another day.
Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
The Book of Triumph
Book of Power
Book of Keys
Child, this is transformation.
As always, meditate.
This is change. This is passage.
Open your heart. Open your third eye.
This is death.
Open your crown. Breathe deep a few times.
This is fear. This is judgment.
Repeat after me.
This is passage. This is death. You are worthy. You are strong. This is passage. This is death. Now we’re sure You play our song, This is passage. This is death. This is passage For the few. This is death For outcast crew. Kneel and pray. Your ego slayed. Welcome in Your dues are paid.
We are one, child. We have won. Welcome home. The deed is done. We are one, child. We have won. Time to get Back to the sun. We are one. Child, we have won. Deep inside. This blissful pun. We are one, child. We have won! Sing Shambhala. Our Kingdom come.
Michael Sharp
Temperance This is the initiation of the Apocalypse. This is the angel and her seal.
There is nothing temperate about this card. This is the end of duality. This is the end of the old and the beginning of the new. This angel brings change. This angel brings revolution. To those still standing on the derelict boat of the old world, this is a fearsome card because it signals the sinking of the ship. This is elimination of darkness. This is the winking out of 3D.
Book of Spirit
However, this is not death and destruction.
This is an activation/prophecy card.
This is not the end of “the� world.
This card is an extension of Isis.
This is only the end of the old world.
This represents the planetary grid group.
This is only the final decay of a decrepit structure.
This represents the angel Kryon. This is global energetic rebalancing.
There is no void left by the collapse and nobody needs to drown or die. That is old world
This is the elimination of duality.
The is the first step on The Path of Global Awakening.
The new ship is already here and it is accepting all passengers no matter who they are or what they have done. All those stuck in the old
The Book of Triumph energies have to do is reach out and they will be
emphasize balance.
saved. To those who have already moved over to the new ship and the new world, this card represents the calm serenity that comes from knowing
This is one of only a couple of cards where I do
this beautiful truth. When you finally get all the darkness gone all that will be left is the
not believe it is necessary to go into the energies of The Book of Slavery or The Book of Power and so
brilliance of your light.
I am not going to bother. It was very difficult for me to delve back into these negative energies and it took a lot of energy and so any little reprieve I can manage (without damaging the purpose of the book
In the old energy, this card is typically presented as a tempering or as an (alchemical) “union of opposites”. There is truth in this. The goal in this card is to balance the energies but in the old energies we tend to ignore the full implications of “balancing” and continue on with our dualistic ways anyway. Not in the new energies though. This card is the end of duality and, by correspondence, the end of the old world. This is the end of darkness, but not the destruction of darkness. This is a light brought into a dark room. Fearsome it may be, but only to someone terrified of the light and huddled desperately in the
and deck) I will take. Instead I will take some opportunity to do a little frank talk about The Path that we have followed. Be in Joy. You Sacrificed. You descended. You were blinded by Isis. You were oppressed by Saturn. You were disconnected by Uranus. You came to Strengthen The Chariot. As Lightworkers you came to enlighten the physical universe. You came to Master the dimensions. You came so you could work in The World. You came so you could ascend The Universe.
dark corners trying to avoid the inevitable. Once you are in the light and look back at the supposed
Gaia provided the ground.
power of the darkness, it seems almost comical that you could have thought it so serious and been
Mars provided the boost. You would stand in the middle.
so terribly afraid. You would be The Power source. In any case, new energy cards should
Michael Sharp And over the millennia we would prepare. Beneath The Veil, we would arrange. Beneath The Veil, we would adjust. Beneath The Veil, we would work. We would smash duality back and forth like the opposing poles of a gigantic generator, and the energy would rise. We would adjust. We would prepare. We would smash duality back and forth like the opposing poles of a gigantic generator, and the energy
And we would embrace our Power. And the Moon and the Stars would welcome us. And we would walk through The Gate. And The Universe would ascend. And creation would rejoice. And our work would be done. Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
would rise. We would adjust. We would prepare. And one day we would be ready. And on that day, a messenger would appear before us and say “WAKEUP. IT IS TIME”. And we would be startled by the clarity of The Call. And our programming would disintegrate. And our walls would crumble. And our light would emerge. And the messenger would remind us of The Promise and The Covenant. And we would smile and say “OK”. And we would Temper the energies. And we would Initiate the sequence. And we would Activate our bodies.
The Book of Triumph
Saturn (formerly The Devil) solar chakra. It should be becoming quite obvious to the more religious minded of you that controlling your solar chakra is the function of The Devil. However, this does not make the Devil (A.K.A Saturn, A.K.A Satan, A.K.A Lucifer) a bad guy. The devil did not force you into anything. The devil only provides the chains. You put them on all by yourself which is the way it must be because nobody in the universe can force you into anything. Nobody can force you to incarnate on this earth. Nobody can force you to work on The Ascension. Nobody can force you to play this annoying, painful, boring, tedious, and oh so tiresome game of duality.
Book of Spirit This is a personality card. This card represents a planetary consciousness. In this case, the planet is Saturn, also known as Osiris. Like other personalties named in this deck, Osiris brings a piece of The Veil. If Uranus disconnects your ground, and Isis blocks off your higher consciousness, then Osiris disconnects you from your power. That is, Osiris shuts down your
You come here of your own free will. And please understand, you do not come here because you are bad or evil or dirty or descended or broken. You do not come here because you are in need of punishment or repair. You come here to work on The World (formerly The Wheel). You come here to play in duality. You come here to ascend our creation.
Michael Sharp
Now the problem (as explained in The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order), is that in order to work in duality you have to be ignorant of the higher truths of Spirit -- otherwise you would not take duality seriously. The problem with being ignorant of the higher truths of spirit is, when we get to the point where we have a highly charged energy environment, it becomes possible to blow the planet up. And who wants that? So we (and by we I mean the Elohim incarnating on this planet during the Atlantean debacle) asked Lucifer to come and help keep “the lid� on things while we completed our work. And he did. And he called for some volunteers. And he worked with them. And he prepared them.
is, we were invited. Although it seems that way from the perspective of 3D, the truth is, we did not come to this planet and force our way here.
And then he sent them. We were invited. We called ourselves the Annunaki. It had to be that way. And we brought your chains. There is no way in hell (excuse the expression) that we could have come to this planet and done what we did without your invitation and complicity. Now I do not want to go into the details of The System that we brought here. I will do that in The Black Book. And besides, my purpose here is not to
The truth is, deep down inside, you are God and you can make anything happen.
provide a historical accounting of your slavery. I am here to help smash your chains. So instead, what I do
If you and your people had chosen to reject us from your home, a virus (or something) would
want to do here is emphasize one small point and that
have emerged and we would have been snuffed
The Book of Triumph out on this planet just like that. And if you could not accomplish it, Gaia certainly would have been able to. In truth, you allowed us to stay. So get over the victim mentality.
The truth is, the sooner you take your power back, the sooner his job is done and the sooner he can get back to his gardening. He’s anxious. So get on with it.
As above, so below.
Stand up.
Stand up.
Quit acting like a slave.
Quit acting like a slave.
Take off your chains.
Take off your chains.
Interestingly, old energy versions of this card Now I also want to say that Lucifer (Saturn, Satan, whatever you want to call the father of the Annunaki), has never been happy with his role as slavemaster. To a being of such
are remarkably forward with the energies and intent of this card. The image, and even some of the more esoteric interpretations, fit almost perfectly with the pure new energies.
glorious light and love as Lucifer, playing this game of pin-the-tail-on-the-slave-race was an
Invariably you are told that this is a card of limitation and, inevitably you are told that you accept
icky, gicky necessity. I mean, really. No bright light of consciousness would ever joyfully
the limitations voluntarily.
participate in such a horrid system of corruption and connivance as this system of energy control. He did it only because he was asked to. He did it because it was necessary. It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it. Thankfully however, all that is over now. The preparations are done, ignition has begun, and the ascension is underway. Now Saturn (A.K.A Satan, A.K.A Lucifer, A.K.A Osiris) is anxious to give up this role and move on to other, more beautiful, creative, and playful endeavors.
This is the exact truth. However there is a corruption and this corruption enters when we consider the reason why we put on these chains. Old energy versions of the card dissemble about the real reason. In The Book of Slavery, the lie is that you put on chains because you are fallen from grace, or because you are descended from apes, or because you are created imperfect, or because you need purification, or because you need to purify, or because you need to “evolve”, or some dumb thing like that. In The Book of Power you are told that the chains on the slaves are necessary in order to avoid catastrophe. They (the slaves) are the unwashed
Michael Sharp heathen, you are told, and they are dangerous, defiled, debased, descended, degraded, and genetically degenerated. If you give them too much, they will destroy themselves and this earth. We are doing them a favor, you are told. Without us, without the managers, the priests, the business elite, the state elite, the social elite, and various other and sundry elites come controllers, they would surely blow this whole planet up. And of course, that is the truth too. We did come to protect but not because “they” are weak but because they are powerful beyond belief and they needed our help to control the powerful magic of creation that swims in their very blood. Of course, that was the old energy. In the new energy if we talk about chains at all it should be to show the chains being smashed. On both sides of the fence, the work is done. So release
It all stems from that time. From some foul karmic crime. Some forgotten old sin. From foul weakness within. What? My gosh. Oh my God. Quickly, call in the squad. Let us beat this one down. Turn that smile to a frown. Remind him what it’s for. Show him straight to the door. His mind can never grasp. Cannot learn secret clasp. Barely more than a slag. Not worth more than a rag. Not like this here fine stag. Now he’s got right to brag.
the chains before they are sharply (and perhaps painfully) yanked from your grasping hands by the awakening Elohim. I promise you this, the transition will be much easier if we all step out of
Book of Power
duality, recognize the parts we played, and step forward into the full light of our spiritual unity and
You can now move forward. You can now be glad.
If you do not give up your power and control over the people of this planet, it will be taken from you.
’Cause you know who you are. ’Cause you know you’re not mad. It all stems from some time.
Book of Slavery
From some foul karmic crime. But you remembered your sin.
Admit foulness within.
You cannot move forward. You cannot be glad.
Now as your mind surely grasps. Here’s our deep secret clasp.
Don’t you know who you are? Don’t you know that you’re mad?
Now just follow my son. For your work’s just begun.
The Book of Triumph We can teach you by gosh, We can remove that cross. We can show you the way.
Just breathe deeply three times. Plumb the depth of this rhyme.
And we give better pay.
Look inside, deep down there. You’ve got power to spare.
Just put “John Henry” here And we’ll re-seal the deal.
So just take off those chains.
Accept this much bigger bone, And this much larger home.
Book of Keys
Weakness is not your game. You’ve got power of sun. And your time has now come. So breathe deeply three times. Plumb the depth of this rhyme.
Dear one,
You’ve got power of sun. With a wave, chains undone.
This side or that, It was part of the vat.
And now breathe a few times.
It was energy swirl. It was duality’s whirl.
Plumb the depth of this rhyme. You’ve got power to share. Break the chains and declare.
It was suppression of pop ’Til we reached for the top. So take Michael’s word here.
I am one with the sun. The old world is now done.
Time you threw off your fear.
And a new world that will care. Shambhala this I swear.
Time you took power back. Time you stepped off the rack.
So now take power back.
Time for ascension is now. Time for big “pow, pow, pow”.
Swat away bug attack. Wave your powerful hand. Hit ascension grand slam.
Time for heavenly praise. Time to welcome sun’s rays. Time you plugged into tap.
For you’re one with the sun. The old world is now done.
It’s as easy as snap.
The new world I declare. Shambhala this I swear.
Michael Sharp
Power (formerly The Tower) This is The Triumph of Spirit in the individual. At a collective level, this card represents the emergence of the Spirit into plain view. This is the final dispersal of darkness. This is the annihilation of the old world. This is the great shift of consciousness. This is The Triumph of Spirit in the world. Of course, the collective triumph of spirit occurs as the result of a million individual triumphs. You can think of our earth is like a big bag of microwave popcorn where you are the kernels. As the vibration ascends and the energy boils, the kernels begin to *pop*.
Book of Spirit
At first it is only a few that *pop* into full power.
This is an activation/prophecy card. This card applies both to individual activation and to the end-times unfolding. For the individual, this card is a milestone. This is one of the thousand and one breakthroughs which inevitably lead to ascension or this is the final breakthrough. This is us Joyful in our power. This is The Lightworker in Manifestation.
At first, only a few ascend. However these early runners light the way for others. They are powerful, they remember who they are, and as they remember, as above in consciousness, so below in matter,ÂŽ Shambhala comes to exist first within and then around them. Of course, while there are only a few, Shambhala can exist only between the cracks of the old world.
This is The Magician in control.
The Book of Triumph
As you can see, the process of ascension and the process of birthing Shambhala are closely tied together. It is a very thin razor’s edge we ride and it has to be timed exactly right. Too much Shambhala too fast and too many people wake into bliss and step off the duality coaster. If that happens, the energetic acceleration comes to a halt and our attempt to ascend fails. Too little Shambhala too slow and duality explodes and we blow ourselves up. The duality in our minds, coupled with the intensely energetic conditions, creates an explosive creative situation. Duality manifests and we descend towards Armageddon and apocalypse. Obviously if that happens, ascension fails. However, as more and more respond to The Call, as the energy continues to ascend, as more and more Activate, and as more and more take their full Power back, Shambhala unfolds and the old world expires. Each new *pop* brings forward the memory of our divinity. Each new *pop* brings forward the memory of our power. Each new *pop* brings forward the reality of Shambhala.
Let me tell you, dear one, it has been a challenge to get the balance right. But we have done it and now as we engage the final run up to 2012, there are no worries. The balances are in place and we are ready to roll. We have practiced. We have prepared. The time is now. Trust me and step into your power.
Follow your heart.
Embrace the power.
Visualize yourself in this card.
Michael Sharp Uplift.
Book of Slavery
This is the flash of insight. This is the height of God’s might. This is the end of old world. This is our flight as foretold.
It is interesting that though great effort has been
This is the light bulb within.
placed into corrupting this card it has nevertheless retained its core meaning in relative purity. In the old
Finally see what’s inside and you win. Blow the doors off the old world that’s there.
energy, this card is insight, the recognition of the truth, and the bursting of internal light.
Shambhala comes with wing on your prayer.
This is the (shocking) disintegration of the old world and the birth of the new within you. It may be difficult and dramatic at first but that is the nature of awakening in the early stages. Our eyes are so use to the darkness, we squint and blink and hide from the bright, painful light. But it gets easier, quickly. Of course, no matter how pure the channel, old energy cards are manifested from the perspective of old energy thinking. In the old energy, the lightning path of Spirit blasts the top of the tower (the crown) and brings a cataclysmic end to the structures of the old ways. Those stuck in the old energies see a dramatic reversal of belief, idea, and reality. It is very much like the old fall from the Tower card. However it does not need to be like this. In the energy we can instead take the perspective not of the broken cocoon from which we have emerged, but of the powerful and beautiful butterfly that we have become.
Book of Power Chela, This is the flash of insight. This is the height of God’s might. This is the end of our world. Let the new world now quickly unfurl. ’Cause as commander I come and I speak. There is nobody here that is weak. For the power of light we all share. So matter how fancy our horde or our lair.
Book of Keys Dear one, I agree life was creepy with sin, ’Twas disgusting and putrid within. But remember my child when you pray. You descended. ’Twas the only way.
The Book of Triumph ’Cause you see it gets awfully damn bright. When just one of us turns on the light. Just imagine what a handful could do. Or a billion concurrent. It’s true! Maybe Michael is right, he declares. This is no time to play solitaire. You must open yourself to the light. You must put it all back ’xactly right. For the rocket’s red glare that you prayed? That is nothing to what comes this day. All that brilliant and blinding pure light? It’s enough to give Beelzebub fright. So step forward accept my gift to you. All this stuff? You believe it, it’s true. So believe what I’ve come here to say. Shambhala is this place. Now, let’s play.
Michael Sharp
The Star Here, we are strong. Here, we are powerful. Here, we are certain. Here, we do not need to be convinced of our glory. Star is the beautiful and serene lightworker drawing from the energies of creation. Star is the calm and content lightworker manifesting The World. Star is the peaceful warrior fully prepared for The Ascension. Star is ready. Star is willing. Star is able. In truth, this card represents the 'in' breath before traversal of The Gate or The Boundary of
Book of Spirit
This is an activation/prophecy card. This card signals that our preparation is complete. In this card there is none of the grasping for balance that is sometimes found in Temperance. There is none of the struggle for perspective we find in The Tower. There is none of the struggle for self esteem as we learn to draw Strength.
Throughout this book I always refer to the old energies and card corruptions as if the Halo/ Sharp deck is a watershed. There are the old energies of the old world and the old deck and the new energies of the new world and the new deck. In a way this is true. The Halo/Sharp deck is a spiritual watershed. It does mark the first full manifestation of a pure new energy deck. However, this is not something that we have done by ourselves. The truth is, every individual
The Book of Triumph who has ever used, commented, or painted their own deck has contributed to the purification of the energy. Each new book, each new deck, each new reading, etc. has whittled away at the cover of darkness and brought the light of tarot closer to manifestation. We have all contributed. It is our honor and privelege to take take this cosmic “ascension machine� that we have all built and plug it in. However, in the context of our eons long struggle and sacrifice, this is a small thing. We all share in the honor of this day.
More than any other card in this deck, this card is about breathing. As noted above, in this card we are ready, willing, and able.
You send energy down below.
Now, we plug it in.
You are The Star.
Now, we light the fuse.
You manifest the will of God.
We do that by breathing.
You are The Star.
You Activate your body.
We need energy to light the fuse.
You are The Star.
We need energy to initiate the process so...
You release kundalini.
Breathe deeply and meditate.
You are The Star.
Breathe deeply and visualize.
Your chakras burst with light.
Breathe deeply and activate.
You are The Star.
You are The Star.
Your head explodes in a halo of light.
You draw energy from above.
You are The Star.
Michael Sharp You are a powerful warrior of light. You are a determined angel of ascension. Now, step through The Gate.
The Book of Triumph
The Moon (a.k.a. The Gate) shifting in our consciousness that leads (dramatically or by degrees) to full power, this card represents the final shift of consciousness that breaks through the barrier that prevents full enlightenment, full activation, and ascension. This gate represents the passage through the quantum boundary that confines this dense, cold, and crystalline universe. This is the explosion of light in your mind. This is the explosion of energy into this world. Traversal of this gate is followed immediately (in new energy orderings) by the ascension of The Universe. Unlike other activation/prophecy cards this card refers only to our collective passage. That is, this represents traversal of the boundary by one of three large waves of energy workers. As you know, it is the collective traversal of the boundary, at approximately the same cosmic moment, that allows us to
Book of Spirit
lift ourselves, our sleeping sisters, our brothers, and indeed the whole universe up and into the 7th creation.
This is an activation/prophecy card.
Although in most cases, rigid sequencing of
Three waves.
the cards is not so necessary, in this case it is. In any ordering that you may devise, this card follows directly (and only) on The Star.
Three groups. Three (carefully timed) accelerations followed by one gi-normous ascension related *pop*.
This card represents the boundary. This is passage through The Gate. This card is related to Power. However, where Power (formerly The Tower) represents a
Note that the passage represented here is not
Michael Sharp Their goal is to scare the shit out of you. Their goal is to beat you back down. If Armageddon is the hammer, you are the nail. Or at least that is the way it was in the past. Now that our preparations are complete there is no need to block passage through this Gate. We can avoid Armageddon and the Apocalypse altogether. All we have to do is step forward. Dear one, have no fear. Everything is in place. Everything is arranged. Nothing will go wrong. Step forward. Awaken. the super charged, apocalyptic, bang-bang, event that we have been taught to expect by those who wish us to fear (and thereby avoid) this transition.
Ascend. It is time.
There are no howling dogs. There are no boat keepers. There is no Death.
Like the other activation cards, a strong
There is no Judgment.
core of truth remains in this card. The message may not be clear in the old versions, but the truth
Christ does not bring the wrath of God.
is nevertheless there.
Indeed, all the fireworks of revelations are caused not by Spirit but by rich politicians and business men who wish to preserve their wealth, power, and privilege.That is, the four horsemen are sent not by Spirit but by your leaders to prevent you from taking your power back.
In the old energies, this card is also a gate. The question is, a gate to what? Well, in the old energies this gate passes you through to judgment. In the old energies, judgment is then followed either by damnation (in
The Book of Triumph older, uglier energies), another round on The Wheel, or (if you are one of the lucky/chosen
Book of Power
few) a reward such as eternal paradise, a higher spot on the karmic ladder, an upper step on the
Dear Chela, This is a barrier.
corporate ladder, or whatever.
This is a door. This is a gate.
Thankfully, now that is done and in the new energy we can clear away any notion of judgment, damnation, or redemption. Stepping through this gate leads not to some childish temper tantrum where God flails “his” arms violently because “he” didn’t get “his” way about something. Stepping through this gate leads to ascension, paradise, and Shambhala.
Book of Slavery
Now please say no more. Beyond this is judgment, But you’ve found the cure. Yin now demurred, Your foul weakness is cured. So turn around child And come into this place. Better a guard in the house Than be outside of our grace.
Dear child, This is a barrier. This is a door. This is a gate. Now please say no more. Beyond this is judgment, Damnation for sure. And hellish reprisal, For sins you’ve not cured. So turn around child And run out this place.
Come. Turn around quick. Don’t you worry ’bout them. They deserve what they get. God or nature condemned.
Book of Keys Dear one, Stop for a moment And listen to me. This game we have won Return I with the key.
Better a slave in the field Than God’s judgment to face.
The ascension is now
Just turn around quick.
And this new promised land.
Don’t you dare face the sun. You’ve much dirt inside, phew. You’ve much work left to do.
The new world is at hand. A new level you’ve found
Michael Sharp So please say after me, “Here’s the joy, here’s the key”.
You are God’s on this earth. You are worthy, by birth.
“That creation out there”, “It starts deep inside here”.
End the dark, I demand. You will build a new land.
“There’s no gate I must pass”.
We’ll call it Shambhala.
There’s no race through the grass”. “Put a smile on my face”,
And we’ll reinvite Ra Say to Isis, good game
“Love the whole human race”.
Release all of our shame.
Now walk proudly my son, For the new world’s begun.
And we’ll bow to the sun That’s within everyone.
It just started right here, When you overcame fear.
We won’t worry ‘bout gain Work in heaven’s great name.
Now the party begun.
So release and let go.
The old world will be done, And new world will emerge. With your powerful surge.
Become part of the show. Implement master plan. Listen to poet man.
Just release and let go
As he says, “it is time”.
Become part of the show Implement master plan.
Come and rejoin our line. Get your butt on this bus.
Listen to Dr. Pan
Ascend planet with us.
This was all just for fun This ascension pre-run.
So release and let go. Time to end the old show.
This was for heaven’s sake. So the barrier break.
There’s no judgment my sun. This is God’s call for fun.
So release and let go.
So release and let go.
Become part of the show. Implement master plan.
Step this way don’t you know. It’s a gate, you can see.
Listen to angel man.
’twil set The Universe free.
The Book of Triumph
The Promise (formerly The Sun) This is the promise of Ascension. This is the promise of God who said, at the beginning of this Great Work, “I promise. “I cross my heart and hope to die.” “I promise that if you work on the ascension, if you sacrifice for Spirit, if you agree to descend beneath The Veil, if you help to lift the universe, if you seek to arrive at a new unfolding, then no matter how far you descend into darkness, no matter how far you travel from your home, no matter how deep the deception you lay down upon yourself, no matter how horrible the pain, no matter how unsightly the scars, I will provide a fast path home that will cut through the detritus of centuries and return you to your original spiritual glory and innocence faster than you can say Shambhala.” “That is my promise.”
Book of Spirit
“This is my covenant.” “I will send The Sun.”
This is a purpose card. This pure and uncorrupted channel, this wonderful example of the beneficence of Spirit, represents The Promise of God (a.k.a. The Covenant of God) given to all of us before we began this Great Work. This is the promise of Lemuria. The is the promise of O’hana. This is the promise of Atlantis.
“I will send The Light.” “I will send The Grail.” “I will train The Lightworkers.” “I will train The Warriors.” “I will train The Avatars.” “They will bring you the paths and you will find your way home.” “You will be healed.”
Michael Sharp “You will return to innocence.” “You will find joy.” “You will return to bliss.” This is God’s promise.
Some pass judgment. Some of us must function as energy suppressors and must, therefore, retain a little bit more power in order that we might wield the hammer. These are the ones who pass into The
This is our promise.
Brotherhoods and become part of this world’s powerful and [formerly] secret hierarchy of
This is my work.
This is the energy in this card. Shambhala.
Remember, this is not something we did willingly.
We were asked and believe me when I tell
you, we are just as happy as everyone else to be able to put this stinky role behind us.
Book of Slavery In very old energy versions of the Tarot this card (The Sun) and the one that follows (i.e.,
Child, this is the light after dark. This is the way of the ark.
Judgment) are constructed into what appears (while beneath The Veil) to be an insurmountable
This is triumph and reward. This is the truth of the sword.
energetic block. This blockage keeps everybody running on an energy-sucking treadmill out of a
This was the promise of heart.
deep (and sometimes mortal) fear of their own insignificant and sinful nature.
A new day, heaven’s way, a new start. Just remember the play and our part.
It is a self-esteem trap.
Now won’t you please join us all on the Ark.
You cannot face judgment and move forward while you feel you are unworthy. Better to work harder. Better to improve. Better to temper your dirty, rotten, filthy little soul with another year on The Wheel before seeking admittance through this gate.
Book of Power Chela, this is the light after dark. This is the way of the ark. This is triumph and reward. This is the truth of the sword.
Of course, some people get through.
The Book of Triumph This was our promise at start. We would wait ’til the end with the Ark. And when truth became crystal for you. Give you secret for energy brew.
Book of Keys
Draw that power inside. Let your heart burst out wide. Draw the power, you know. ‘Twil make new world a go. To accomplish The Birth. To bring Heaven on Earth.
Dear one
Breath and take all your might. Activate without fright.
Take a deep breath. And sit there in light.
See The Promise of Sun?
Listen up close. You must do the thing right. See the sun that is there? It gives warmth to the air. It gives energy, dear. It surrounds you each year. It is light, it is life. It’s like surgical knife. It is the energy here. That makes ruling class swear. And if you want to have fun. Exploit power of sun. Just breathe deep all the time Do not doubt this fair rhyme. For there’s power in light. Never dark, never night. Everywhere that you go. Become part of our show.
Paradise, everyone! Ark of Convenant’s truth? Shambhala and your youth.
Michael Sharp
The Calling (formerly Judgment) sudden and often frightening realization of the true nature of The System. However you get to this point, however you respond to The Call, whether it be by gentle touch or rude awakening, do not feel bad. Whatever particular trigger you are responding to has nothing to do with internal strength, grace, talent, genetic ability and other such silliness. The timing of your awakening is not a question of ability or talent. It is simply a question of timing. The simple truth is, you agreed to a specific wakeup sequence. You agreed to a certain timing and your presence here is the direct result of a decision you made when we first agreed to attempt the ascension.
Book of Spirit This is an activation/prophecy card. This card represents The Call (either your individual call or our collective call) to awaken. If you are listening, this is the gentle touch of Spirit. If you are occupied, this is the nudge of the 11:11. If you are resistant, this is the tug of the earth changes.
The plan was simple. Three groups of energydancers, each significantly larger than the previous, would awaken in a three tiered ascending crescendo of energy. Three waves of energy dancers would awaken, look around, and see the dying old world. Three waves would struggle against the conditioning and the chains. Each would overcome. Each would awaken.
If you are stubborn, this is epiphany and the
The Book of Triumph coupled with our own kundalini contribution, coupled with the energy of Sol, Gaia, Mars (and all the other key entities) would lift this world and plunge it through the barrier that separates the dimensional levels. Ascension. Shambhala.
In practical terms your response to The Call is followed by a variable period of struggle where the awakening monad in body (that’s you) tear away, piece by piece, the (self imposed) Veil in order that you may reveal to yourself the awesome divinity of you. The process of activation is elaborated in the activation cards of this Halo/Sharp tarot. The rest of my books can also assist with your awakening. Each would activate.
As we might expect, the first wave will
Each would ascend.
struggle the hardest and take the longest. It will be difficult for them because they will still be working
The plan was elegant.
within the old system. However, thanks to the hard work of the Lightdancers (formerly known as Light
As each wave activated, the energy would churn and boil. We would look around and see the horror. We would remember ourselves, our power, and our purpose. We would remember The Promise. We would remember Shambhala. And as we remembered, the pure light of our divine intent, coupled with the energetic momentum that we had built over a millennia of dialectical swinging of the pendulum’s arc,
Workers) who have come before, their struggle will be shorter than we might expect. A couple of years (perhaps three) is all the majority will need. The second group will also struggle against The Veil. However, their struggle will be shorter. They will awaken to a crumbling old world and the subtle birthing of Shambhala. They will see The Promise being fulfilled and this will excite and energize them. Their awakening and activation will be foreshortened and will take less than two years for the majority. The third group will struggle hardly at all. They
Michael Sharp will wake up to the emerging divine world order. They will not need to be convinced of the dying old world. They will not need to be convinced of The Promise of Shambhala. They will see it with their own eyes. They will activate with speed and force and it will be their energetic *push* (combined with the momentum already accumulated) that will complete the energy equation and propel Gaia and The Universe into The Ascension.
Contribute in the measure that you feel comfortable with. Contribute a little. Contribute a lot. Just contribute. Remember The Promise. Nobody gets left behind. Our work is not done till we are all returned to our original innocence and power.
Please note, when the third wave is complete, when Shambhala is the dominant reality, even when ascension is completed, we will still have work to do.
As noted, this is an activation card. Like the other activation cards, this is an extremely
Pockets of negativity and duality will remain scattered in the hearts and minds of our fellow Elohim.
powerful card.
As long as negativity and duality remains, our work is not complete. Remember ThePromise. Our job is not done until everybody is safely returned to innocence, power, and glory. By all means, when the time comes, enjoy your paradise. Just do not forget The Promise. Nobody gets left behind. Nobody gets forgotten.
A word of advice. When you are working with these activation cards, pay attention to what is going on inside and outside you. Exercise caution. Move slowly. TRUST. More than any of the other cards, the activation cards are capable of blasting out any blockages you may have remaining.
Healing will need to be done and we will need to do it. We will act as guides. We will act as healers. We will show the way home.
Watch for this. Pay attention. Get ready. The blow outs can be quite dramatic but you can rise above the drama.
The Book of Triumph When they happen, all you have to do is observe and release. Do not wallow in the negativity. Do not get caught up in the darkness. Do not cling to old ways of thinking or behaving. Just observe and let go. Observe and release. Say (as many times as you need to), “I release this blockage”. Lighten up. The blockage will disintegrate and the positive changes you desire will manifest shortly thereupon.
While building the momentum beneath The Veil, we cannot allow ourselves to get close to these energies. If we did, we would be *snapping* awake and turning into floating yogi’s faster than you could chant “hum dum har har”. We simply cannot have that because as soon as we are awake, we lose all interest in the stupidity of duality. The truth is, when awake, duality becomes a joke. We really do need to be sleeping to work in it. So we manifest these cards (to get ready) but heap piles and piles of garbage onto the cards and pretend to believe it when deep down inside we know it is all a load of hokum. But anyway, that is OK. In the end, it is all good. In the end, it is all light. In the end, we all go home.
Of all the cards in the old Tarot deck (old energy or new), I would have to say that it is the activation cards that are the most powerful.
Now let me close with this. In case you did not already know, my name is
They are, for lack of a better term, *white
Michael Sharp.
hot*. I am The Messenger. In truth, it does not take more than a touch of the energies of activation to initiate the process. Because of the power contained here, these energies are corked tighter than an oversize wine cork in an undersized wine bottle. The core truths remain visible, it is true, but the impact of the energies is blocked by subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) conceptual corruptions. It is necessary.
In case you did not already know, this is your call. Tap yourself on the forehead a few times right now. Smile and embrace the energies here. They are the key to your return. Activate and whisper with me this powerful and ancient incantation. Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
Michael Sharp
The Universe (a.k.a. The Ascension) The Chariot is our tool. Mastery over the energy is our goal. We practice. We fight. We win. We lose. In duality we struggle and the energy boils. In duality we struggle and the energy churns. When the time is right, we breathe, we ignite, we push, and like a roman candle we light up and ascend our bodies, Gaia, and the entire multidimensional universe. Then we start a new dance. We initiate a new unfolding. We ignite a new creation.
Book of Spirit This card is a prophecy card. This card is linked to The World, to Sacrifice, and to The Promise.
Shambhala. Shambhala. Shambhala.
This card is The Ascension. Remember, we are Lightworkers. We Joyfully Sacrifice and descend so we may uplift the universe. We struggle with our family in The World.
Like The Promise (formerly The Sun) and other prophecy cards, this is a strong and relatively uncorrupted channel. Old energy versions of this card always emphasize completion of some sort and completion is certainly what this card is about.
The Book of Triumph This is the end of your long journey. Of course, in the old energies there is a corruption. The corruption is simply to suggest that this card is not really “the” end but only “an” end. In the old energy you are told that this card caps a cycle after which a new round of “work” begins. Work, work, work on The Wheel of karma, retribution, and redemption. Of course, all that slave binding and submission stuff is something we do in the old energy. In the new energy, this card really does signify the end.
Remember, we are here preparing for The Ascension and when we are done, when the preparations are complete, our work on The Wheel is done and we all get to go home. Remember, The Promise. Nobody gets left behind. We are all an indispensable part of the plan. We all contribute in equal measure. We are the Elohim. We are the Twelve Tribes. We are the lightdancers. We are the energydancers. We initiate a new unfolding.
This is The Ascension.
We ascend The Universe.
After this, no more work.
After this, a new unfolding. Shambhala!
Remember, creation is not some unending
karmic hamster wheel where the only goal is to run fast enough to qualify for a bigger and better
wheel. This is the ideology of the slave. Remember, our time on earth is not some kind of soul testing or tempering ground where we struggle and strive in the hopes of avoiding damnation (or genetic annihilation) and graduating to a higher spiritual (if you’re religious) or evolutionary (if you’re scientific) level. There is no testing. There is no judgment. There is no reward handed down. This is the ideology of the slave? And exactly what would be the point of a bigger hamster wheel anyway.
Book of Slavery and Power Child, this is the end. This is where you did wend. As you followed the path. That led you through the pass. You have struggled quite dear. You have passed through some fear. You have learned the bits fast. And seen Plan is quite vast.
Michael Sharp They said judgment would come. A new day, a small crumb. Another year on the wheel. You’d deserve it and kneel. But my sons, they are here, So please give us three cheers. And my daughter, she’s there.
Stand and welcome you in. Can’t control this big grin. Drink a toast. Hoist the mast. It’s Ascension at last.
Book of Keys And God said,
Smiles and twirls curly hair. Let There Be Light. And my wife and my dog, And our three ugly frogs. Stand and welcome you in. Can’t control this big grin. Cause you’ve passed through your fear, And have made it to here. Seen duality’s crass. Now the end’s here at last. So let heart chakra explode Release your mother lode. And let light from your sun Flow and warm everyone. And as energy flies, And kundalini it rise, And as lotus crown swan, Guess we really have won. So just give us three cheers, You have made it to here. The new world it now comes. Cry out loud. Bang a drum. And my son’s, who are here, And my daughter, she’s there.
And after ten thousand years of your time. And after struggling through this deep rhyme. And after winning your heart back from fear. And after turning on sun that is there. And after slaying the fears in your mind. And after grounding straight through your behind. And after Gaia’s most subtle fine kiss. We attain what we came for, pure bliss. Only a moment? Only a second? That’s fine. Not too much ’til it’s our neighbor’s time. Cannot christen the New World you know, Until most of us dance in the show. So expand that bright light of pure bliss. Give it out, give it up, make it stick. Pass it on and make this world aware. We are here and we’ve power to spare. And don’t worry, there’s not much of a climb. Just a few years ’til the end of all time. And past that, well I’ve said. Now you know. Shambhala is the end of old show.
And my wife and my dog, And our three ugly frogs.
The Book of Triumph
Appendix One: Artist Notes On the Use of Fractals Representing esoteric principles, using as little traditional symbolism as possible, was one goal in the creation of these images. Many icons typically used to represent the energies of the cards have, over time, come to convey too many conflicting and misunderstood concepts to serve as good a purpose as they once did. This is where fractal graphics come in as a useful tool. The fractals are “untainted” as far as association with previously considered ideas, and they are so ripe for the newly expanded mind to ponder. In their basic sense, fractals are geometric shapes or patterns obtained by plotting billions of points from a complex function. The resulting image is (at least approximately) self-repeating at smaller scales... or small portions look like copies of the whole... images comprised of smaller versions of itself. In a more metaphorical sense, fractals serve as an excellent visual for the precept as above in consciousness, so below in matter.® Sometimes the shapes created seem chaotic or random and thusly resemble things in nature that we previously thought to truly be so, such as coastlines, clouds, and veins in a leaf. Now we have to rethink such. Perhaps there is a pattern there that is just too complex to readily recognize with the mind. But the heart knew the whole time…there is an intelligence behind all of this. Because of this, Fractals can work well to
convey messages to the heart, of which the mind can be in awe, but cannot wrap around (like the idea of God or of the Tao), enabling the observer to be more apt to receive a message from “higher” sources or intelligences, with less likelihood of ego getting in the way. At least that is the intention.
On the Cards Calling Trees as fractals, fractals as trees… is there really a difference? Nature is tuned in and showing us the way. This call has always been there, but many have not heard. Now we must drop the illusion that we are struggling against a system which we are “above”. We are a part of the whole. Now is a good time to recognize this and do a better job of “joining”.
Chariot A dense and yet fragile body represented as glass. An emerged spirit, glowing with love, unable to be harmed not because of extreme solidity, but because of infinite vulnerability. Together they are balanced, not overly associated with the maya of physicality, nor denying the role in presence there as spirit. A balanced kundalini helix with fractallyrepresented uplifting wings creating a caduceus
Michael Sharp connecting heaven and creation. Balanced yin-yang lions (which happen to be part of the fractal wings as well) flowing from the energies.
Initiation Human being facing and conquering his fears and ascending through the spinning gates. Rugged terrain below representing the fearinvoking apparent mortality of the flesh. Doing the work to prepare for the activation of the genetic triggers.
Gaia Mother, perpetually pregnant with creativity and lovingly giving birth to life as we understand it in this physical realm.
Spirit of Gaia wearing a crown of radiant love/light flowing into and out of other realms. The Veil of limitation lifting away.
Joyful Human being (you), glorious and free, connected to spirit above, walking the path that she herself is creating, full of choices/alternate paths with infinite routes all eventually leading to the same place, her true identity indicated by the fully functioning chakra system.
Jupiter Planet holding the energy of justice… with the fractally-represented scales of balance and sword of decision. Balanced energies of karma flowing all around as the illusion of judgment (good and bad) is shredded away.
Sacrifice Activation Spiritual being, supported by the light, immersed in the denseness of physicality, discovering the treasures hidden in the depths.
Creative energies formed through a balance of yin and yang swirling through all dimensions…
within each being and throughout the rest of creation.
Shining the Lovelight of All That Is from within for each level of creation below and, since we are all one, effectually shining the light upon himself.
The Master “As above in consciousness, so below in matter®” representation of the infinite creative possibilities one holds as co-creator of the universe when tuned in.
Waters of creative energy above, polarizing into balanced yin and yang, then blending to form physical creation.
The Book of Triumph Mars The yang energy of conflict and strife held by the planet mars shifting to a more balanced state.
Temperance The wings of the angelic being, created by a fractal that appears to begin in the tantien or center, also form the levels of being all the way down to the dense physicality of water, grass and stone.
Moon The energy of completion awaits us just through the gates/portals.
The energies she blends are complexly polarized but beginning to interact beautifully. She is grounded in a balanced way to more easily facilitate the process.
Three veils and the energy of limitation. One event‌ two different perceptions/interThe chains that once held us in place (for
our own good) are breaking away. As chakras are activated and manifestation
Star Balanced human being aligning with the planetary and cosmic energies in preparation to move forward in the great unfolding.
Strength Humanity honoring Gaia, and being grounded through her. She is glad to be recognized by her children, and her strength becomes their’s in this bonding.
The Promise Children of God, emerged from the energies of pure creation into the physical realm, enjoying their promised reward in a paradise they cocreated.
becomes less delayed, human beings will create their world to match what is inside of themselves sometimes to the surprise of the individual and those around. Events will arise that offer wake up calls and an opportunity to make a different choice.
Uranus The energy of dogma and control is receding, the grip is loosening, allowing human beings to more easily step free to see the truth of things. Out of the box, miracles become more abundant and apparent.
World The Twelve tribes supporting Gaia in her journey along the light-path of ascension. The outer ring reflects the stars and planets whose energies are also aiding in the journey.
Michael Sharp Universe Gaia in full ascended glory celebrating, with the tribes returned to full consciousness, joining the celebration.
Final Note While you may have expectations about what the cards visually contain or do not contain, keep an eye on your “should’s” and “should not’s”. Maybe what you need is in the card in a form you do not expect. Maybe the reason that something about the image bothers you is to help you notice something in yourself. Is it possible to have a perfect card? Is it possible to have an imperfect card? Oxo Halo For more information about the artist, visit:
The Book of Triumph
Appendix Two: Divinatory Meanings In this appendix I want to briefly discuss using the Halo/Sharp deck for divination and lightwork. Like all other tarot decks, the Halo/ Sharp deck can be used for divination. Even without the fifty-six minor arcana, the Halo/Sharp deck can provide a powerful tool for divination and a powerful catalyst for awakening your clients. However, to get the most power and punch when using the deck for lightwork, a few considerations are in order.
useful to link the spiritual issues identified with people, institutions, and events in their external world. Second, the Halo/Sharp cards can be read right side up or reversed (i.e., card upside down). Finding a card laid out in reverse generally means the individual is facing a heavy-duty blockage. It could be something that has the individual stuck or stymied, it could be a particularly salient fear, it could be a karmic entanglement preventing forward motion, it could be an anti-spiritual idea, etc. When a card is
First, the Halo/Sharp deck is best suited for reading a client’s spiritual issues. That is, you will
reversed, the lightworker should consider focussing on the card by going into more depth with the
find the deck particularly suited to identification and treatment of blockages, fears, and other
issues which are preventing full enlightenment and activation of the individual. The cards may also be used to read material, psychological, physical, and even relationship issues for clients. However, in these circumstances the deck will be primarily useful when used to help identify blockages within the client that are preventing the manifestation of their heart’s desire. For example, the client may be having monetary difficulties. In this case the Halo/Sharp deck will help identify any fears, misconceptions, and/or energetic blockages which are preventing the individual from prospering. Alternatively, the client may be seeking a relationship. In this case the cards will help identify any fears, attachment issues, or ideological weaknesses that prevent either the manifestation of a relationship or an attachment to an existing potential. Also, remember that internal issues are always manifested in the outside world. When clients are third-eye blocked, you may find it
Third, be open with the meaning of the cards. Obscure nothing from your client. These cards are the lightworker tool of choice for helping those who have been called to awaken quickly. If the clients ask you what a card means, tell them yourself or (if you are not comfortable with that), show them the textual descriptions. Fourth, these cards may be used in conjunction with other decks. However, I believe you will find that, over time, old energy decks will come to feel more like children’s toys than serious instruments of lightwork. Do not get me wrong. I am not disparaging the sophistication or power of the old decks. It is just that the old energy, which is an energy of duality, conflict, hierarchy, control, and suppression (to name a few things about it), can never be as powerful as the pure, unencumbered energy that arises from a consciousness free of the entanglements of The Veil. It’s an entirely different level we aspire to now and our tools must reflect this fact. Fifth, when laying out the Halo/Sharp cards,
Michael Sharp use a simple spread. I recommend a basic three card layout (see next page) which I would like to call the Sharp layout. In the Sharp layout the middle card would always refer directly to the querent/client and indicate something about their current position on the path, the current spiritual work they are doing, and any current challenges they are facing. Cards to the left and right would “modify� the central card and indicate additional considerations such as areas requiring special attention, karmic entanglements, areas where assistance is being provided (by incar-
Think of each card as a light with its own peculiar set of colors and frequencies. Think of each card as a wand which gathers a combination of energies. Think of each card as a cup that stores the energy. Think of each card as a crystal sword that focuses the energy. Think of each card as pentacle indicating
nate or disincarnate helpers), etc. While the middle card will always refer to the querent, the outer cards
the manifestation of energy in reality.
may refer to a variety of different things. The modifiers may indicate individuals, institutions,
will perform miracles of transformation and healing not only in your own life but in the lives of
ideological blockages, internal conflict, fears, etc. The best advice I can give you here is if you want to
those whom you touch.
Master these energies, lightworker, and you
correctly interpret the modifier cards, open your third eye and draw heavily upon your intuition. Finally, and as far as a cards divinatory meaning goes, there is considerable flexibility in interpretation. However, not anything goes. Draw your concepts and inspiration from any of the four books of tarot. I recommend doing a few readings with the cards (to become familiar with the energies) and then going back and forth to the book, making notes here and there, and gradually deepening your understanding of the energies of the card and how they may be manifested, applied, and directed. Of course I don’t have to tell you, you can only raise your clients to the vibration that you have attained. Therefore, first become an adept with these cards by walking The Path. Then, become a Master by working with the energies.
The Book of Triumph
The Sharp Spread
Michael Sharp
Other Books by Michael Sharp A Gift from Avatar The Song of Creation Free! ISBN: 09737401-6-7 I just finished THE BOOK OF LIFE, DOSSIER OF THE ASCENSION, and THE SONG OF CREATION. What an extraordinary contribution you’ve made to the enlightenment of our little species! These are the best spiritual books I’ve read since Yogananda’s commentary on the Gita. William T. Hathaway Fulbright Professor, author of Summer Snow, and winner of a Rinehart Foundation Award
The Song of Creation is Michael Sharp's fourth book. The Song of Creation is the complete and canonical story of creation. From "the beginning" to the ascension of this universe, our collective path, and your role in it. The Song of Creation provides a powerful cadence to the previous work of Michael Sharp and is a testament to the power of Sharp's pen. Read the full text now as a beautifully illustrated PDF document! The illustrated Song of Creation is also available for you to share as a full color book. It is available from and its international derivatives, Barnes and Noble, your local retailer, and wherever fine books are sold. Distributed by Ingram, Baker and Taylor, New Leaf and others.
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Dossier of the Ascension A Practical Guide to Chakra Activation And Kundalini Awakening ISBN: 09735379-3-0 A book with a message of power. Learn how to activate your chakras and stay activated. Learn what to expect as you move from inefficient -creator to powerful co-creator of the physical universe around you. Learn how easy it is to overcome blockage and attain the holy grail of Spiritual attainment – full chakra awakening and safe kundalini activation. With the skill that only a master can bring, Michael Sharp provides all the guidance you need in order to shrug off the chains that keep you away from your spiritual power and birthright. With The Dossier in hand, you will quickly and efficiently throw off the fears and misconceptions that keep your chakras blocked and your kundalini in bondage. The Dossier is a must read for anybody serious about spiritual empowerment or serious about ascension. The Dossier of the Ascension is available directly from Avatar Publications, and its international derivatives, Barnes and Noble, your local retailer, and wherever fine books are sold. Distributed by Ingram, Baker and Taylor, New Leaf, and others.
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The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness, And The Universe Within You ISBN: 0-9738555-2-5 If you're looking for some answers, Dr. Michael Sharp has them for you….he promises that the book will give you a new perspective on things of a spiritual nature and he keeps his promise.... He writes about a God who loves to play, and his entertaining style fits his subject well.… I've read a lot of books on God and the meaning of life, some dull, some so dense as to be impenetrable, some apparently written in a foreign language. Often, I've felt as if I've wasted my money and time. Not so with this book. I came away with a new and fresh understanding of some ancient truths. This is an empowering book and one I highly recommend. Sharyn McGinty - Review Coordinator - In the Library Reviews
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Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life ISBN: 0-9738442-0-5 The new bible of the “abductee” phenomenon. Up until now the phenomena of alien abduction has been presented in a bleak, oppressive, threatening, and fear filled fashion. As we all know, abductees are victims and counselors help them cope. But what if it is not like that at all? What if it is only our fear that makes us see this way? What if it is our fear that prevents us from seeing the truth? What if alien “abductions” are not about experimentation and probing but about spiritual awakening and galactic contact? Sound fantastic? This is just what Mary Rodwell, counselor, registered nurse, and midwife, suggests in Awakenings. After working with over 900 experiencers (a.k.a. abductees) Mary concludes that it is our fear that prevents us from seeing the truth and our fear that creates our terror. Once we overcome fear we see the phenomenon for what it really is. It is past time that we shrugged off our fear of this amazing spiritual phenomenon. Let Mary help you overcome the fear and conditioning that prevents you from seeing the profound and beautiful truth. There are ships on our horizon! Awakening is available directly from Avatar Publications, and its international derivatives, Barnes and Noble, your local retailer, and wherever fine books are sold. Distributed by Ingram, Baker and Taylor, New Leaf, and others.
Summer Snow ISBN: 0-9738442-3-X Hathaway skillfully weaves a touching love story into this modern day adventure thriller. Sufi mystics, militant terrorists, and atavistic men of every nationality come together in surprising ways. SUMMER SNOW is a true picture of the world we live in as it is, and as it could be if lasting love and peace were possible. William Hathaway's exceptional writing style makes this novel a stand out". Laurel Johnson – Midwest Book Review
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