Epidemiology The Epidemiology Group is interested in studying the patterns, causes, risks, protective factors and effects of neurocognitive disorders, in particular dementia, in older populations in Australia and internationally. The group analyses longitudinal cohorts from CHeBA’s own studies – the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study, the Older Australian Twins Study, the Sydney Centenarian Study and the Sydney Stroke Study – as well as from international studies grouped into consortia, including the CHeBA-led COSMIC, STROKOG and ICC-Dementia. Another important aspect of this work is genetic epidemiology, which uses various approaches including genome-wide association studies and Mendelian randomisation methods to examine risk factors for dementia and other neurocognitive disorders. Group Leaders: Professor Perminder Sachdev, Professor Henry Brodaty Staff: Emeritus Professor Gavin Andrews, Dr Nicole Kochan, Dr Karen Mather, Dr John Crawford, Dr Anbu Thalamuthu, Dr Darren Lipnicki, Dr Yvonne Leung, Dr Vibeke Catts, Dr Ben Lam, Dr Louise Mewton, Dr Katya Numbers, Dr Catherine Browning, Jess Lo, Suzi Artiss
Professor Henry Brodaty, Dr Ben Lam, Dr Vibeke Catts, Dr Nicole Kochan, Dr Katya Numbers, Dr Karen Mather, Jess Lo, Dr Louise Mewton, Dr Anbu Thalamuthu, Professor Perminder Sachdev
Proteomics The Proteomics Group is a collaborative group composed of staff and students from CHeBA, the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) and the MW Analytical Centre Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facility (BMSF) at UNSW. The group was formed to apply state-of-the-art analytical techniques to the advancement of biomarker and pathophysiology research in the areas of normal ageing, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related neurodegenerative conditions. While proteomics is a major focus area, the group utilises a broad spectrum of technologies and scientific approaches, including NMR, electron microscopy, confocal and fluorescence microscopy, FTIR spectroscopic imaging, LA-ICPMS mass spectrometric imaging as well as lipidomics and metabolomics techniques. Group Leader: Dr Anne Poljak Staff: Dr Tharusha Jayasena, Scientia Professor Perminder Sachdev, Maboobeh Hossieni, Dr Fei Song PhD Students: Gurjeet Virk (Scientia PhD candidate), Fatemeh Khorshidi (UPA PhD candidate), Rene Jezewski (Scientia PhD candidate), Toyin Abdulsalam (Scientia PhD candidate), Dr Matthew Wong (BSc Hons, PhD)
Gurjeet Virk, Maboobeh Hossieni, Matthew Wong, Rene Jezewski, Dr Anne Poljak, Fatemeh Khorshidi, Professor Perminder Sachdev, Rhiagh Cleary, Dr Fei Song, Toyin Abdulsalam, Dr Tharusha Jayasena