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Appendix D: Awards & Promotions
by CHeBA

Dr Vibeke Catts
Appointed as the CHeBA Research Manager in 2021
Dr Sophie Xi Chen
2021 Winner for Best PhD, UNSW Medicine and Health
Professor Lynn Chenoweth
Australian Association of Gerontology Research Trust ($30,000) Consumer and clinician led priority setting for the NNIDR MEDicines and DEMentia (MEDDEM) National Research Action Plan (Reeve E, ..., Chenoweth L, et al.) Health@Business and UNSW Collaboration Seed Fund Grant ($18,000) The structure and predictive value of intrinsic capacity in a longitudinal study of ageing (Hanewald K, Chenoweth L, et al.) Health@Business and UNSW Collaboration Seed Fund Grant ($15,000) Exploring Adoption and Functional Outcomes of Technology in Persons 60 years and above (Land L, Chenoweth L) Montefiore at Residential Funding. Evaluating Maybo training to improve staff response to aggression in people living with dementia (Chenoweth L, et al.) NSW Government Technology ($40,000) Developing a Competency for Aged and Dementia Healthcare Leaders (Traynor V, …, Chenoweth L, et al.) UNDA seed research grant ($25,000) and St. Vincent’s Heath Network ($20,000 in-kind) Person centred care Intervention for People with dementia in hospital settings: a feasibility pilot study (The PiP Study) (Chenoweth L, et al.) Dementia Australia World Class Dementia Grant ($536,000) Improving health outcomes, well-being and care for people living with dementia in the hospital setting (Chenoweth L, Brodaty H, et al.) NHMRC targeted palliative care grant scheme ($3,000,000) CELPI: A randomised trial of a Carer End of Life Planning Intervention in people with dementia (Arends G, Chenoweth L, et al.) UNSW ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) ($24,311) Age-Period-Cohort Patterns in Intrinsic Capacity (Hanewald K, Chenoweth L, et al.)
Dr Nicole Kochan
UNSW Interlude Grant (RG210805) ($100,000) Cross-comparison, validation and performance of computerised neuropsychological assessment devices in the evaluation of mild cognitive impairment and dementia. UNSW Medicine and Health Research Stopgap Scheme (RG163145) ($12,468). CogSCAN: Cross-comparison, validation and performance of computerised neuropsychological assessment devices in the evaluation of mild cognitive impairment and dementia
Dr Ben Lam
Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) Conference Scholarship 2021
Dr Adith Mohan
Grant Funding as Chief Investigator ($149,913). The Mindgardens Functional Neurological Symptom Disorders (FND) Clinic – Evaluation of feasibility and effectiveness of a multidisciplinary tertiary FND clinic with a nested brief psycho-behavioural intervention study
Dr Alice Powell
NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship (2021/GNT2014262) ($123793.50) Exceptional cognition in old age and interactions with other aspects of successful ageing
Dr Simone Reppermund
UNSW Scientia fellowship renewal 2021
Dr Suraj Samtani
DCRC-DARF 2021 Pilot Study Grant ($75,000). A novel social cognition intervention for older adults with cognitive impairment: co-design and pilot study
Dr Annette Spooner
The Norman Foo Memorial Best Research Paper Prize (for the best PhD research paper). Awarded by the UNSW Faculty of Engineering, 24 Mar 2021 UNSW Faculty of Engineering “Outstanding HDR Student Award”, 6 Dec 2021 2021 PhD Pitch. Celebrating Students in Ageing Research Competition “Towards achieving culture-fair neuropsychological assessment for MCI and dementia in CALD older Australians”. Submitted recorded 90sec pitch presentation, awarded 2nd place prize ($500) UNSW Development and Research Training Grant (DRTG) Scheme 2021 ($500) Awarded $100 school funds (via CogSCAN) to attend R Course