HYBRID ASSEMBLIES: Design-to-Robotic-Production and Operation (D2RP&O)
Chee Chung, Leong Tian Jing, Lim Mei Zhen, Wan
HYBRID ASSEMBLIES: Design-to-Robotic-Production and Operation (D2RP&O)
Chee Chung, Leong Tian Jing, Lim Mei Zhen, Wan
Herientte Bier Assistant Sina Mostafavi
by Herientte Bier
Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Operation (D2RP&O) employs customized design to production processes that incorporate material properties in design, control all aspects of the design to production process numerically, and utilize parametric design principles that can be linked to the robotic production. In this context, virtual modeling and simulation interface the production and real time operation of physically built space establishing thereby an unprecedented design to production and operation feedback loop. The focus is on developing and employing D2RP&O methods for exploring hybrid assemblies at various scales, ranging from micro levels, as material systems, to macro levels as spatial and architectural configurations
MACRO Spatial and Architectural Configurations MESO Componentiality MICRO Materiality PROTOTYPE Robotic Production
MACRO Spatial and Architectural Configurations
Architecture space configurations are based on user-specific requirement such as culture, spatial priority, body movement memory and etc.
MESO Componentiality
Extracted Wall
A part of a wall was extracted to further comply with technical configurations. This part of the wall was chosen due to its full coverage of all design parameters.
Stress Line Analysis
Structural Volume
Componential Volume
Structural Component
Non-Structural Component
Porosity was manipulated through design parameter. For instant, high level porosity provides view, ventilation, and sunlight. Low level porosity provides privacy, protections towards weather conditions. Components angled towards specific side in responds to specific architecture configuration requirements.
MICRO Materiality
Size To Ratio 3:1
Twisting Angle Versus Length
Componential Logic And Joinery
PROTOTYPE Robotic Production
System Study includes buildability of structure, and feasibility of tools. In term of buildability, each member requires a minimum of 2-point contact to avoid failure of structure. In term of feasibility of tools, (in this case the 6-Axis Kuka Robot) is the reachability of tools, the tendency of collision between tool and structure and between member and member.
Rob ot i c Production Method
Chee Chung's Portfolio © 2018