Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
So you’ve graduated. You’ve finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re ready to branch off into the career world. Congratulations!
Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
You now hold a PhD. And as such, you might think the only job prospects you have are what you’ve seen other successful PhDs doing. You know, academia.
Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
But if you’d rather jump out a window than jump into a postdoc, don’t worry! There are an endless number of opportunities out there for you!
Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
Here are just ten of the many graduate science jobs available to you now that you’ve joined the ranks of the PhD club. (◄ read the full article here)
Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
It might be scary making the transition from academia to industry, but once you do you’ll find there are many PhD careers outside of academia. It’s only a matter of learning how to do networking! READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Top 10 List Of Alternative Careers For PhD Science Graduates
ABOUT CHEEKY SCIENTIST Cheeky Scientist’s mission is to help academics receive the industry training they need to transition successfully into the industry position of their choice while helping to provide them with a positive academic environment to work in until they transition. We have three main goals: 1) Place 100,000 academics into industry positions. 2) Support all advanced degree programs in providing industry training to their students, members, and researchers. 3) Enact change that requires all government-funded principle investigators and academics to receive management and financial training. CONNECT WITH CHEEKY SCIENTIST