your presence is requested at
Michelle Erin Gleason & Salem Sanders Tierce joy f ul l y in v it e y ou to ce le b rate
their wedding sa t u rda y , ma y se ve nte e nth t wo t hou sa n d fourte e n ha l f pa st six o' cl ock i n the e ve ni ng chesa pea k e ba y b e ach club st ev en sv il l e, maryland dinner & dancing to follow
Michelle Erin Gleason &Salem Sanders Tierce may sevent ay, ee d nt ur t h a s
two thousand and fourteen CHESAPEAKE BAY BEACH CLUB
at half past six in the evening stevensville, maryland
dinner and dancing to follow
Michelle Erin Gleason Salem Sanders Tierce and
together with their parents request the pleasure of your company
at their marriage saturday, the seventeenth of may two thousand fourteen half after six in the evening
chesapeake bay beach club stevensville, maryland