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Source: www.fatfast.net/Article/1/11 www.fatfast.net

Planting Seeds of Action Recently, I was driving past a local nursery and saw a sign that said, "Fall Is For Planting." As I drove, the idea on the sign was gnawing away at me. I asked myself, "what am I planting for fall?" What actions will I take now that will, with some love and nurturing, bring me a splendid and bountiful winter harvest? What about you? What are you going to plant this fall? Will you lovingly plant exciting new seeds of action that will sprout into a new and more interesting lifestyle or will you, as James Allen says in As A Man Thinketh, let weeds grow by themselves? As we enter this beautiful time of year, why not devote some time and energy to planning what you want to harvest in the winter months ahead. What can you do now, that will result in a bountiful harvest for you and your loved one's? The actions you take today will create the kind of life you will have tomorrow. Remember the simple idea that, if you continue to take the same actions, you will continue to produce the same results. If you want new and different results, you must take new and different actions. Are you facing health challenges? Maybe now is the ideal time to begin a healthier food program and exercise regimen. If you start now, by Christmas, you will look and feel great. Imagine entering the new year without having to make a resolution to go on a diet! Imagine sitting at a Thanksgiving dinner table and not feeling guilty about overeating because you've already taken good care of your health. You may even decide to allow yourself a guilt free feast because you've earned it. Maybe it's time to start that business you've been thinking about. Begin now! Start taking the actions that will bring you toward your goals. Are you, like millions of others, interested in network marketing? Do your homework now. Investigate the companies that appeal to your tastes. Be sure to check your facts. There is a lot of hype in that industry. Investigate the company thoroughly before you sign. Then, go out and make it happen. Is this the time to begin planting new seeds of love in your relationships? What can you do now that will strengthen your bond with your soul mate in the months to come? What can you do now, that will blossom into a closer relationship with your children? Take some time now to think about what seeds of action you can plant this fall to insure a beautiful, bountiful and exciting winter harvest. Š 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826 Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com If you had all the information and tools you needed to live your dream life, would you use them? Yes? Click here ==> http://www.jimdonovan.com/ebookoffer.html

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