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COOKBOOK Cooking connected with nature


Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.



We know that nature and food are very important for our health and people loves dining “Al Fresco” so our idea is to look for a cottage in the countryside with some space to grow our own herbs and vegetables. Then gather some chefs that want to live a new experience that allows them to cook fresh and organic food without the pressure of the kitchen and connect with nature.

What is “Maestranza”?

“Maestranza” in Spanish and Italian means: guild of art or craft. Looks like a romantic word but represents perfectly our project. Maestranza is: - a group of independent chefs; - working with local farms and using fresh and organic products; - lighting a fire for a great barbecue; - living in contact with nature; - having a break from everyday’s stress; - having parties where we serve food to our guests, and under the stars! Maestranza isn’t: - a restaurant or B&B; - a culinary school; - a trade union association. Maestranza welcomes everyone without any discrimination, such as race, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin.

1. BEEF BURGER Ingredienti 1 cipolla piccola 500g di carne tritata di manzo 1 uovo 1 cucchiaio Olio vegetale 4 panini hamburger Tutti o uno qualsiasi dei seguenti per servire: fette di pomodoro, salsa di rafano, maionese, ketchup, latuga iceberg, rucola, cetriolini, crescione, cheddar.

Tagliare la cipolla

a dadini ed aggiungerla in una ciotola, alla carne macinata e al uovo. Dividete il composto in quattro, bagnandovi leggermente le mani. Rotolare delicatamente il composto in palline, ognuna delle dimensioni di una palla da tennis. Premere delicatamente verso il basso per appiattire in tortini di circa 3 cm di spessore. Assicurarsi che tutti gli hamburger siano dello stesso spessore in modo da cuocere in modo uniforme. Mettete su un piatto, coprite con pellicola e lasciare in frigo a rassodare per almeno 30 minuti.

Riscaldare il barbecue.

Spennellate 1 lato di ogni hamburger con l'olio. Posizionare il hamburger, sul lato oliato sul barbecue. Cuocere per 5 minuti fino a quando la carne è leggermente carbonizzata. Non spostarli perchÊ possono attaccarsi. Girateli e cuoceteli per altri 5 minuti. (1 minuto in meno per lato se li volete a media cottura)

Una volta cotti

lasciare riposare su una piatto in modo che tutti i succhi possono depositarsi all'interno. Tagliate ogni panino a metĂ . e tostarli sulla griglia per 1 minuto. Posizionare un hamburger all'interno di ogni panino, con la vostra scelta di accompagnamento.

2. PAELLA VALENCIANA Ingredients 6 chicken thighs

500 g rabbit

1 onion 4 cloves garlic 2 litres chicken stock 2 large pinches saffron 500 g rice 1 small bunch flat-leaf parsley 2 handfuls fresh peas 8 king prawns 500 g mussels 2 small squid Sea salt Freshly ground black Pepper Paprika Olive oil

Heat a paella pan

over medium-high heat, and coat with olive oil. Add the chicken, rabbit and garlic; cook and stir until nicely browned. Move the browned meat to the sides of the pan, and add the tomato, butter beans, peas, and green beans. Season with paprika, and mix well.

Fill the paella pan

almost to the top with water, measuring the water as you put it in. This is to help you to determine how much rice to add, as paella pans come in different sizes. Bring to a boil. Simmer for about 1 hour to make a nice broth.

Season with a generous

amount of salt, and just enough saffron to make a nice yellow color. Season with thyme and rosemary if desired. The goal is to make a rich tasting broth that will soak into the rice to make it delicious. Stir in half as much rice as the amount of water in the pan. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer until all of the liquid has been absorbed, about 20 minutes.

3. JACKET POTATOES Ingredientes 3 patatas medianas Queso rallado Virutas pollo Pimientos Pimienta molida Aceite de oliva y sal

Lavamos y cortamos

las patatas por la mitad. Le hacemos unos cortes oblicua y retorcido. Echamos a cada patata un poco de aceite de oliva, pimienta molida y sal.

Damos la vuelta

a las patatas, calentamos el horno a 220 grados y horneamos durante 20 minutos. Pasados los veinte minutos las sacamos del horno y le volvemos a dar la vuelta.

Agregamos a cada patata

un poco de pimientos el pollo ya cocido y el queso. Las volvemos a meter en el horno unos 5 minutos mรกs o hasta que il queso se derria.



On a work surface

10g fresh yeast or 7g sachet dried ½ tsp sugar 375g Italian '00' flour, plus extra for dusting 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for greasing salt

Cover with a plastic bowl

For the top 3 x 125g balls bufalo mozzarella, tor Fresh basil, to serve 3 tbsp olive oil 2 x 400g cans goodquality Italian chopped tomatoes Cherry tomatoes

shape the flour into a well. Place the yeast, salt and warm water in the center. Knead the dough vigorously with your hands for 15-20 minutes, or in a mixer, until the dough is soft and smooth. Once you have the right consistency, adding a bit of water or flour if necessary, shape the dough into a ball. so that the dough is protected from the air. Let rise for 3 or 4 hours at room temperature. Once the dough will be doubled in volume, make 6 spherical shapes, cover and let them rise at room temperature for a couple of hours. As soon as the loaves have doubled in volume, prepare the tomato sauce and place it in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and the olive oil.

Knead the dough

then flattening them using your fingers. Use a ladle or a spoon to spread a good amount of tomato sauce on the pizza. Then, cover with bufalo mozzarella and cherry tomatoes, torn into pieces. Bake in a 260° C oven for 5 or 6 minutes. Once ready garnish with basil and a drizzle of oil. Serve immediately.


Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.

5. FRIED CHICKEN Ingredientes

Lavar el pollo

1 pollo cortado en 8 trozos 500 ml suero de mantequilla 1 manojo tomillo limonero 2 dientes ajo 2 cucharadita pimentón 1 cucharadita copos de guindilla 1 cucharadita cebolla en polvo Aceite de oliva Pimienta negra Sal Arina para rebozar

Aderezar la harina

con agua fría y secarlo muy bien; salpimentarlo y colocarlo en un recipiente con tapa que se pueda guardar en la nevera. Deshojar el tomillo limonero y añadirlo al pollo, picar los ajos finamente y añadirlos también, cubrir con el suero de mantequilla y mezclar bien para que el pollo se impregne con todos los ingredientes. Tapar y llevar al frigorífico un mínimo de 12 horas. para rebozar con un poco de sal, pimentón, guindilla y ajo en polvo, mezclar bien y disponer en un plato. Rebozar los trozos de pollo en esta mezcla.

Sacudir el exceso de harina

del pollo y freír en abundante aceite a 180 ºC durante 25 minutos. El truco para que no se queme y quede un dorado uniforme es ir moviendo el pollo constantemente. Al retirar el pollo de la sartén, dejarlo un par de minutos sobre una rejilla para que escurra el aceite o bien, sobre papel absorbente.

6. MAGRET DE PATO CON SALSA DE NARANJA Ingredients 2 duck breasts 4 red oranges 50 g butter 50g sugar 3 dl demi-glace sauce 1 dl orange liqueur 1 dl vinegar Potatoes Ground cumin Salt Pepper

Cut into thin strips

a rind of 2 orange whiten and cool in ice water. Put the butter into the fire, add sugar, letting candy is made and when golden.

Add the juice

of 2 oranges and move with a wooden spoon until dissolved. Then add the liquor and let reduce. Finally take the demi-glace sauce and julienne orange, give a boil and remove from heat.

Clean the duck breasts

removing some fat if I had too, season it and put it skin side down in a frying pan. Flip, drain the fat and put it in the oven to be finished. Serve the chicken breasts cut, spread over orange segments, salsearlo and accompanied by potato with cumin.

7. PASTRY CHICKEN PIE Ingredienti 400 g Farina 200 g Burro 120 ml Aacqua fredda 1 bel pizzico Sale Ripieno 1 kg di petto Pollo 300 gr Funghi 2 Porri 400 ml Brodo di pollo 100 ml Vino bianco 100 ml Panna fresca liquida 1 ciuffo Prezzemolo 30 g Farina 3 cucchiai Olio extravergine di oliva 1 Uovo Sale e pepe q.b 40 g Burro

Iniziate con la preparazione

della pasta brisé, utilizzate le dosi sopra indicate. Per il ripieno della pie: tagliate il petto di pollo a cubetti, i porri affettateli piuttosto finemente, pulite bene i funghi e tagliateli. In una padella scaldate l’olio extravergine di oliva, aggiungete i porri a fettine e fateli appassire. Poi aggiungete il pollo, facendolo ben rosolare a fuoco vivo su tutti i lati; infine unite i funghi. Sfumate con il vino bianco e salate. Portate quindi il pollo a cottura.

Sciogliete il burro

aggiungete la farina, mescolando, poi aggiungete il brodo di pollo. Fate addensare a fuoco basso e aggiungete poi questo composto al pollo.Aggiungete anche il prezzemolo tritato e la panna fresca e mescolate per fare addensare la crema. Aggiustate di sale e di pepe. Stendete quindi i panetti di pasta brisé in due sfoglie spesse circa 2 mm. Imburrate e infarinate bene una tortiera.

Ponete la sfoglia

più grande sulla tortiera, fate aderire bene il fondo e i bordi. Prendete il composto di pollo ormai freddo a versatelo nella tortiera. Rivestite poi con l’altra sfoglia di impasto.Praticate dei fori al centro della torta e spennellatela con 1 uovo sbattuto Infornate a 190°C per circa 50 minuti, fino a che la superficie della torta sarà ben dorata.

8. TIRAMISU' Ingredients

Put the cream

568ml pot double cream 250g tub mascarpone 75ml marsala 5 tbsp golden caster sugar 300ml strong coff 175g pack sponge finger 25g chunk dark chocolate 2 tsp cocoa powder

Put the coffee

mascarpone, marsala and sugar in a large bowl. Blend until the mascarpone cream and were completely united and have the consistency of whipped cream thickly. in a shallow dish and tuffateci few biscuits at a time, stirring for a few seconds until they are well soaked, but not soaked. Create of alternating layers of ladyfingers soaked in coffee and cream, crossed and interspersed with bitter chocolate powder and grated chocolate.

Cover and put in the fridge

for a few hours or overnight. This can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.

Many thanks to: Francesca Pixabay FrankWinkler sharonang Senlay stevepb innitech mars87 gholem Larisa-K Gesztenyes ubik123 stones Cookpad Lub

Thanks to all our followers. W Chef Maestranza - 2015

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