5 minute read
test of taste
from Chef Magazine 45


By Regis Crepy and David

Cofee today is part of our culture and to be enjoyed on so many diferent occasions – whether it’s having a social chat, or at work, during a business meeting, whilst having a rest, reading the morning paper, grabbing a cup whilst travelling and certainly to linger over on holiday – whenever, a cup of cofee seems to suit the occasion. One thing is certain though – a bad cup of cofee makes a bad occasion!
I was asked to take part in a cofee tasting in London recently and thought it appropriate to ask a very old friend of mine, David Thompson, a barista to join me. David owns the best cofee shop in East Anglia – in Sudbury to be precise and he always goes on about the fact that it is the roasting that makes the cofee acquire its wonderful taste as the roasting stimulates the oil in the beans. We were welcomes by Xavi Mas, National Account Manager and qualifed barista trainer for Novell at their London ofce and training centre in Mayfair. Cafes Novell have been seducing peoples senses through the perfect cup of cofee since 1958 when founded by Ramon Novell who is still very much involved in the company on a day to day basis. Novell now has subsidiaries all over the world and in 2015 launched in the UK with ofces in London, Leeds, Shefeld, Manchester and Newcastle upon Tyne. Alongside the range of cofee beans they supply into the HORECA market they are just about to launch the same high quality cofee in
Nespresso Compatible Capsules for the home market.
So let’s see if Novell can seduce our senses with their range of cofee. Tasting is very personal and it is important decision to make as a restauranteur or cofee shop owner as to what you ofer your clientele. It is also an opportunity to educate customers with the many varieties of blends now available. As more and more people become cofee enthusiasts, so restaurants are having to be more discerning about the cofee they ofer. Personally, I have no interest in supplying all the diferent types of cofee you fnd in most high street cofee shops, i.e. the latte, cappuccino, ristretto, macchiato, cafetiere, instant etc.. Ridiculous – and then there are all the diferent sizes too! We only serve espresso to our guests at The Great House in Lavenham. However, we do serve the best. For Discerning independent coffee shop owners it is important to find the finest coffee to compete with the brands. Quality is everything and it never goes out of fashion. You will never be forgiven for cheap coffee. A good cofee gives you the edge – it is remembered and loved by the afcionados.

and David Thompson

Beware though changing your mainstream cofee blend and alienating those who enjoy it. Ideally ofer a small choice of diferent cofees to increase your customer base; it also helps if serving staf are well informed to answer questions from those more savvy customers wanting to know more about what they are drinking, such as the provenance of the beans and how they have been roasted. Back in the relaxed tasting room at novell we tasted fve blends of their cofee and Xavi played his espresso machine a little like Messi plays for Barcelona! With precision and expertise – he weighed the 7 grams of cofee required for one shot of espresso on a set of scales. First: ‘Especial Cafeteria’ 100% natural – this is a blend of Arabica beans with a small percentage of Robusta. Intense creamy cup with hints of liquorice and caramel, good body not too bitter. Second: ‘Gourmet responsible’ 100% UTZ Certifed – This is a blend of Premium Arabic beans along with Guatemalan Robusta. Slightly acidic with hints of chocolate, vanilla and foral aroma. Recommended for Cappuccinos Third: ‘Organic’ 100% Triple Certifed Arabic Cofee – This is a blend of four diferent Ethiopian organic cofees. This cofee has an amazing foral aroma and delicate taste of cocoa and butter. Forth: ‘Excelsior Plus 100% Arabic Cofee. This is a blend from four diferent continents. Fantastic body! With lots of personality, hints of citrus and honey, a great all-rounder. Fifth: ‘Gourmet Mocca’ 100% UTZ Certifed Arabic Cofee. This is a premium blend of washed and natural Arabic cofees. High in acidity and powerful foral aroma, tastes of bitter chocolate and roasted nuts. Once David and I had come down from the ceiling! – We had time to refect in a very informative and enjoyable afternoon. For us, the frst cofee, ‘Especial cafeteria’ suited our palette best and we considered this to be a good all-rounder. I know David will put this on the counter of his wonderful cofee shop ion Sudbury as his guest cofee for the month of May. Thank you to Novell for taking the time to allow us to experience their cofee excellence and discover some amazing cofees. I wish you the best of luck here in the UK. To contact Novell to establish how they can help in your business please contact either Phil White – Managing Director for the UK or Xavi Mas – National Account Manager. 01937 845584 or visit