ANNUAL REPORT Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR The 21st Century library exist right here in our community. Since moving into our new facility and reconnecting with our downtown roots, the Chelsea District Library has achieved a remarkable record as a respected, visionary, resourceful, and model public library—one of the most successful in the United States. Here are just a few of the highlights from last year. – William Harmer Library Director
“I really enjoyed working with
our millage committee. It was an amazing group of people dedicated to the library! We all worked quite hard to make sure the millage passed, and were very pleased that the voters supported it. The library is a huge part of the City of Chelsea and we were happy that all its wonderful programs for the entire community will be continued.” -Anne Merkel Millage Committee Chair
SUCCESSFUL PASSAGE OF MILLAGE INCREASE The financial future of the library brightened when voters approved a millage increase of .32 mills on August 4, 2014. The millage increase passed by a 60-40 margin. During a transitional period as the economy rebounds, the passage of this proposal reinforced the importance our community places on education. The support and appreciation of our friends, neighbors, and families mean a great deal to the staff and volunteers of the library and will be recognized through continued hard work and ongoing customer friendly service. Many of you read the brochure mailed to each residence, attended public presentations, watched the information presentation at the City Council meeting on cable television or read the articles in the Chelsea Standard and Chelsea Update. You took the time to listen, weigh the options and understand the millage request; you heard us. We have also heard you. Whether it was a chance meeting at Polly’s, the Chelsea Senior Center, a township hall, bank, service club, or restaurant, we received so much input and feedback from you, the voters. You told us what the library is doing right and what we can do better. We thank you for your support and trust while we, in turn, promise to continue to deliver innovative programs and services and continue to provide classes, materials, and technology for all ages.
Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
CHELSEA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HONORS CHELSEA DISTRICT LIBRARY ! The Library was the recipient of the 2014 Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce Large Business Leadership Award! This award is given annually by the Chamber to a business that demonstrates exemplary vision to advance commerce and establish and maintain Chelsea as a premier community in which to live, work, and recreate.
“Our library is one of the most important businesses in Chelsea. What they contribute to our economy is measured in many ways, some traditional and some not so traditional but their very presence is crucial to the success of Chelsea.” -Bob Pierce, Executive Director, Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce
“Providing equal access to information and resources is fundamental to the mission of the Chelsea District Library. Access to information empowers the community to learn new skills, explore new ideas, find employment, discover new business opportunities, and contribute to the community. With the rural areas of our service district poorly served by high-speed broadband, the library faces a considerable challenge in providing service to our patrons there.”” -Bill Harmer Director, Chelsea District Library
Winning the award is validation and unquestionable recognition of how 21st Century libraries are providing an anchor and focal point for economic activity and development. It demonstrates the currency the library has gained in Chelsea as a key player in economic development, whether it’s through information services and support to business, assistance in finding jobs, introduction of new technology to the community, assisting students in achieving academic excellence, providing materials for patrons to free up personal discretionary income that may be spent on local business, or simply increasing the attractiveness of the community because of the library’s cultural and educational assets. The Library has clearly made a broad impact on the community. All of the credit goes to our staff members whose creativity, professionalism, expertise, and skill make all of the magic happen, and to our Board of Trustees as well as our Friends of the Library who give us the resources and the space to do it in. BROADBAND HERO AWARD Melanie Bell, CDL Network Administrator, was awarded the 2014 Connect Michigan Broadband Hero Award. This award recognizes individuals, organizations, and companies working diligently to expand broadband and technology access, adoption, and use throughout the Great Lakes States. Melanie was instrumental in leading an effort with local township supervisors, libraries, schools, and other key representatives of townships in Western Washtenaw County to launch a common initiative to improve the availability of broadband (high speed Internet) service throughout the community.
Melanie Bell with Eric Frederick, Connect Michigan Vice President of Community Affairs at the 2014 Broadband Conference in Lansing, Michigan.
FY 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW TECHNICAL ADVANCES 2014 2014 saw an incredible amount of changes to the library’s technology. Our online presence was updated with a new website, catalog, and calendaring system providing more reliable searching, compatibility with mobile devices, and a fresh look. The website homepage content was completely updated to reflect the information you told us was most important to you. We participated in the Washtenaw Broadband Initiative and processed over 2700 broadband survey responses. The survey showed that a number of our rural communities are disadvantaged when it comes to broadband access. To help address this issue, we launched a pilot program with Lyndon Township offering a Wifi Hotspot at the Lyndon Township Hall for the public to use without charge.
New website homepage.
As part of our dedication to supply the latest technology to our public, we replaced all adult public computers with new machines and sold our old ones to the general public at the Friends book sale. Youth Services’ early literacy AWE game machines were replaced with the newest early literacy software available. Additionally, some of our network and server equipment was updated to improve the technology experience in the library. MAKERCHELSEA The library received a generous donation of a 3D printer, 3D scanner and startup money for our new makerspace program, makerChelesa. An open house showcased our new 3D equipment and gave us the opportunity to begin collaborating with partners to offer a popup makerspace. HISTORIC NEWSPAPER PROJECT November 2014 marked the launch of the Historic Newspaper Database on Containing digitized, text searchable issues of 134 years of Chelsea newspapers, the Historic Newspaper Database brings Chelsea’s history to the community’s fingertips. Largely funded by community donations, the Historic Newspaper Database takes information that was previously only available on microfilm and moves it to the more accessible and user-friendly internet. Newspapers are available to browse, search by year, or search by keyword and provide a great way to connect with Chelsea’s history.
“It is nice to feel informed of how to best support my child and his reading over the summer. Thank you for your hard work to bring this [Leveled Readers] to our library and children!” -Chelsea District Library patron
YOUTH & TEEN DEPARTMENT ADDS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR PRE-K THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL The Leveled Reader collection, provides new and struggling readers with sets of books at "just right" levels to help them learn and succeed with reading skills. The HelpNow database by Brainfuse offers students at all grade levels live online tutoring, subject and test review resources, as well as a writing lab with a 24 hour turnaround time on paper editing and evaluation. College Bound is a program series aimed at helping students prepare for college with practice tests, presentations by college advisers and experts, and hands on workshops for essays, scholarships, college applications and more. YOUTH DEPARTMENT AWARDED GRANTS FROM WORTHINGTON FAMILY FOUNDATION AND MIS CARES The Library’s Youth Department used grants from two generous foundations to further the reading education of Chelsea students. The Authors in Chelsea program received a $12,500 grant from the Worthington Family Foundation, allowing the Youth Department to expand the author visits to include more than 900 Chelsea students in grades 1, 2, 4-6 and purchase hundreds of books for classroom use. The $5,000 grant from MIS Cares was instrumental in the Youth Department's ability to provide the Leveled Readers collection outlined above.
CrossBow, a Celtic fiddle group, performs at a Sonic Sunday performance held at the Chelsea Alehouse.
Beach Middle School Principal Nick Angell joins in during a student writer’s workshop led by New York Times bestselling children’s author Jennifer Holm. Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
SONIC SUNDAYS This annual winter music series made possible by the Friends of Chelsea District Library highlights a diverse group of musicians in select venues around the Chelsea community. In its third year, performers included Celtic fiddle group CrossBow, the Chelsea High School Percussions Ensembles, world renowned Didgeridoo/harmonica performer Peter Harper and Australian singer Bobbi Llewellyn, and jazz band RJ Spangler Trio with Larry Smith. AUTHORS IN CHELSEA This year, Authors in Chelsea expanded to a two-day program celebrating authors and writing. The Chelsea District Library hosted three nationally-known authors during its 5th annual Authors in Chelsea program in March. The 2014 line-up included Michigan author Sue Stauffacher, author of a young readers series Animal Rescue Team; David Lubar, author of more than 25 books, including his Weenies series, well loved by elementary school students nationwide; and Jennifer L. Holm, a New York Times bestselling children’s author and the recipient of three Newbery Honor awards for her novels Our Only May Amelia, Penny from Heaven, and Turtle in Paradise. This event gave Chelsea students in 1st-2nd, 4th-6th grades a chance to attend writing workshops in the schools.
Garret Potter enjoys a laugh with a guest after his performance. Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
Kids learned about the force of nature at the Tornado Tube Station. Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
A Giant Scrabble game was set up in the lobby giving patrons a chance to connect during the 5H Community Read.
MIDWEST LITERARY WALK The 2014 Midwest Literary Walk’s lineup included mystery writer Harry Dolan, Michigan Notable Book winners Mardi Jo Link, Matt Bell, and Bonnie Jo Campbell, Juniper Prize winning poet Diane Seuss, and award-winning slam poet Mona Jean Cedar. Additionally, 2014 featured the up-and-coming performance poet (and audience favorite) Garret Potter; and ML Liebler and the Coyote Monk Poetry Band, featuring award-winning musicians and writers, closed out the day, showcasing an art form that many forget can be literary. This program was a partnership between CDL, River Gallery, Nicola’s Books, and Chelsea’s Writers Workshop, and was supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the National Endowment for the Arts. SUMMER READING PROGRAM COMBATS SUMMER LEARNING LOSS Experts agree that children who read during the summer months improve their reading skills, while those who don’t often slide backward. The library’s Summer Reading Program is essential to improving the reading achievement of children. Nearly 1400 children participated in our 2014 Summer Reading Program and enjoyed programs that emphasized learning, such as Read to the Library Buddy, and our weekly Math and Science Stations. Through this program, the Library helps to foster a life-long love of reading and offers parents, educators, and especially children, the tools they need to guarantee yearlong learning. Our Summer Reading Program puts books in the hands of children of all ages. By providing access to reading materials and educational programs over the summer, the Library met its goal to improve reading skills and help prepare children to return to school in the fall. 5H COMMUNITY READ The partnership between Chelsea District Library and Chelsea Wellness Foundation continued, including the towns of Stockbridge, Dexter, Manchester and Grass Lake. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green was chosen as the one book to celebrate the annual event. Nearly 1500 people attended the ten programs that were facilitated for Chelsea residents, twice the figure from the previous year. 550 copies of The Fault in Our Stars were distributed in Chelsea, and another 1500 copies in the communities of Grass Lake, Stockbridge, Manchester, and Dexter. We estimated that each book was read by or passed on to at least three people, and project that about 6000 read the book in all five communities. During the three months of the program, the library received 1000 “unique” hits on our Community Read website (
OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS We wish to thank all of our community partners for their dedication and generosity. You have helped us advance our goal of developing inventive approaches to connect citizens and bridge differences. Partnerships are an essential channel through which the Chelsea District Library delivers innovative and quality service to our broad customer base. By establishing relationships with groups and organizations throughout the district, we have the potential to enhance our customers’ experience with new program and service offerings that draw upon the collective strengths of partner organizations and the Library. 4H Clubs of Washtenaw County Adult Learners Institute American Legion Herbert J. McKune Post #31 Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase Art Meets Business Ballet Chelsea Bellairs Fiber Farm Burrill Strong Photography Capital Area District Library in Stockbridge Chelsea Alehouse Chelsea Area Garden Club Chelsea Area Wellness Foundation Chelsea Center for the Arts Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce Chelsea Community Kitchen Chelsea Downtown Development Authority Chelsea Festivals CHS Robotics Club Chelsea Lions Club Chelsea Masons Olive Lodge #156 Chelsea Retirement Community Chelsea Rotary Club Chelsea School District Chelsea Senior Center ChelseaMich Dexter District Library
Eddy Discovery Center Faith in Action Friends of Chelsea District Library Garden Mill Gigi's Flowers Global Marketplace Jackson District Library in Grass Lake Jet's Pizza Just Imagine Bookstore Kaplan Manchester District Library Manpower of Ann Arbor Michigan Small Business and Technology Center Nicola's Books Ozone House ProQuest Purple Rose Theatre Company Red Cross River Gallery SCORE Shanahan Farms Silver Maples SRSLY Susan Jacobs, CPA The Pines University of Michigan Museum of Natural History
The Library welcomes inquiries regarding partnerships that can positively impact the mission of each participating organization. Please contact Patty Roberts, Marketing Coordinator, at for more information.
“When we opened Chelsea Alehouse Brewery, part of our planning process was working closely with library staff to make sure they knew our doors were open for creative programming ideas. We couldn’t be happier with our partnership with the library - we have been running Smarty Pants Trivia Smackdown and Reading Glasses Book Club for nearly three years and look forward to many more years of partnership. Chelsea District Library is a special organization willing to program outside the walls of the library - it’s a distinction that should be celebrated!” -Chris & Aubrey Martinson Owners, Chelsea Alehouse
GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND $1,254,394 $615,813 $8,847 -
Penal Fines Fines and Fees Interest Income Donations and Other Income Total Revenue
$21,417 $37,360 $77,715 $51,208 $1,450,941
$134 $615,947
EXPENDITURES Personnel Collections of Books & Media Board Expenses Capital Outlay Maintenance Service Contracts Continuing Education Professional Fees Programming Volunteer Services Promotion Supplies Telecommunications Automation Utilities Bond Interest and Principal Advance Refunding Escrow Total Expenditures Change In Net Position
$864,476 $152,842 $1,911 $46,949 $84,625 $8,250 $59,310 $55,853 $1,361 $27,903 $17,520 $18,216 $44,209 $58,298 $1,441,723 $9,218
$415,000 $189,150 $604,150 $11,797
FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 2014 – DECEMBER 31, 2014 Letter from the Director
Debt service
Capital Improvement restricted
Capital Improvement committed
Capital Reserve Fund committed
Other donor - restricted
Unassigned Total Revenue
$150,270 $1,158,414
Investment Earnings
Balance - December 31, 2014
“The Chelsea District Library helped me turn my lifelong goal into a reality! During the summer of 2014,
I participated in the Chelsea District Library program Job Seekers Skills Workshop, which was presented in partnership with Manpower, Inc of Ann Arbor. One thing that stood out to me that evening was the encouragement to “go and get education” if that was what was needed to accomplish my career goals. I have worked in the legal industry off and on and have always wanted to become an attorney. After receiving encouragement through this program to further my education, I continued to use the library’s resources to help me prepare for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). I also spent many hours studying for the exam at the library. I will begin pursuing my law degree at MSU College of Law in the fall of 2015 and look forward to spending many more hours at the library studying for my classes and tests. After graduation I plan to work in Washtenaw County offering legal representation to families in their time of need. Thank you Chelsea Library, I couldn’t have done it without you!” -Lauren Rogers Chelsea District Library Patron
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7 out of 10 members of our service area are library card holders compared with the national average of 4 out of 10.
Our staff provided information ranging from computer help to book recommendations to how to download e-books and more.
DONORS Endowment Carl Bach Friends of CDL Judith Parker C. Don Paulsell
General Aberdeen Bike & Outdoors Arctic Coliseum Mary Blaske Cakes by Zuzana Chelsea Area Wellness Foundation Chelsea Education Foundation Chelsea Lions Club Chelsea Milling Company Michele Balaka Collected Treasures Farm /Tonja Landis Cottage Inn Crooked Lake Association Karin Culver Sally & Fred Dickinson John Donnell Steve Eberle Friends of CDL Bob & Margie German Daphne Hodder George Hunt Jeanette Jedele Kinder Klub/Nadine Koch Kiwanis Club of Chelsea Larry Ledebur Audra & Dan Lungo Chelsea Masons –Olive Lodge #156 State of MI - MCACA Sandra McClear David Miller Jo Ann & Gary Munce Nicola’s Books Dr. Pandya, D.D.S. Brent & Pamela Parkinson
THANK YOU Dale Peake Mack Ruffin & Kathy Carter Mary & James Schardein Thomas & Claudette Snyder Adon & Laura Staebler Carol Strahler Julie Strimer Rick Taylor Real Estate Nichole Warriner Wendy’s
Historic Newspaper Project Linda Allen Dennis & Susan Bauer John Budinger Melissa Burkel Janice Carr Chelsea Lions Club Chelsea Area Historical Society Pat Sinn-Clemens & Ralph Clemens Bill & Pat Coelius Barbara Corbusier Jane & Mark Creswell Susan D. Cunningham Carl & Sharon Curtis Bob & Sue Dancer Kathleen & William Deboer Mort & Rita Dunlop Stephen & Kathleen Eberle Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hamann Gerard Hammerschmidt Kathleen Hart & Elizabeth Saunders Edward & Margaret Heft Tom & Mandy Higgins Patricia Higgins Diane Honeycutt Dave & Marilyn Jachalke Matthew & Amy Jachalke
Carol Judge Janet Kaiser Kilwins Chocolates Franchise, Inc. Bill & Amy Lamb Terri & Dan Lancaster & Family Larry Ledebur David & Janet Longworth Christopher & Kristi Luntz Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McConkey Michael & Susan McKee D. Patrick Merkel & Sandra Merkel Deborah Hacker Oakley Betty Oesterle Joanne Oesterle Jane Pacheco Ralph & Christine Pasola Bill & Shawn Personke Sharon & Frank Pignanelli Robert Prieskorn Linda Prieskorn Mary & Jim Randolph Elizabeth Sensoli Susan Shandorf Harvey Somers Bill & Sherry Sorensen Rick Taylor Gary Zenz
�� The Chelsea District Library acknowledges the great importance of private gifts and donations to the library’s future development and growth. For more information regarding donations, please visit and click on the Support Us tab.
CHELSEA DISTRICT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City of Chelsea | Dexter Township | Lima Township | Lyndon Township | Sylvan Township | At Large | At Large |
Susan Brown Janis Miller Elizabeth Sensoli Jerry Wilczynski Jan Carr Robin Wagner Gary Zenz
Photo: Burrill Strong Photography
221 South Main St. | Chelsea, MI 48118 (734) 475–8732 | Serving Dexter, Lima, Lyndon, and Sylvan Townships and the City of Chelsea