1 minute read
0-12 weeks
Newly pregnant? The Bump Class authors
Marina Fogle and
Chiara Hunt offer insight into the first stage of your mum ourney As baby’s development begins, you may e perience nausea, mood swings, di iness and everything in between
This trimester is when most of your baby’s development is happening, so do be aware of what you’re eating and drinking. For a lot of women, the first trimester is the worst: you tend to feel awful and you’re reluctant to tell anyone. Most people start to feel tired and sick from weeks six to nine. This is made worse by the fact a lot people want to keep their pregnancy a secret until they reach 12 weeks, so there’s no sympathy either.
Most women only find out they’re pregnant after the first month, when they’re into their fifth or sixth week and have missed a period. However, some women find that the moment they conceive something changes, and they may well suspect they’re pregnant.
Between week one and week four, you may have tender breasts that are probably already growing. You’ll be surprised by how much more tired you are than usual, and will su er mood swings, need to pee a lot, feel nauseated – with or without vomiting – and your appetite will change (this can mean anything from hunger to an aversion to certain foods or even early cravings).
In weeks five to eight, some additional nausea, flatulence, constipation, headaches and increased vaginal discharge may come your way, and morning sickness usually hits hardest between weeks four and 12 – the time when the crucial development is happening in the fetus. No one really knows why morning sickness occurs.
As you approach week 12, you’ll likely have your first antenatal appointment (or booking appointment). This will probably be the longest appointment in your pregnancy.
Having a proper bump is still a way o , although you’ll notice