Twentieth Century Movements In Architecture And Design arc2026 Chelsea Rose Seward
Contents: Page 3: Task 1- arts and crafts movement poster Pages 4-5: Seminar Sketches Pages 6-7: Task 2 - Collection of 3 images and my own in association with Bauhaus Page 8: Task 3/4 - Unite D’Habitation Slide Pages 9-13: Task 5 - Avant Garde inspired Manifesto Page 14: Task 6- Essay Worksheets Page 15: Task 7- Healthy body CULTURE POSTER ( altering the body) Page 16-18: Task 8- Essay support tasks Page 19: Task 9 - Poster/ essay outline Page 20: Bibliography and illustrations
Task 1: arts and crafts poster
Seminar Sketches
( Lecture 4) Adolf Loos. Moller House, Vienna, 1927-28 (not to be confused with MĂźller House, Prague)
(Lecture 2) Hendrik Petrus Berlage, Amsterdam Stock Exchange, completed 1903
(Lecture 6) Aeroplane Hanger, Orbetello. Pier Liugi Nervi (1938)
(Lecture 1)HĂŠctor Guimard, Maison Coilliot, Lille, 1897 Debt to Viollet Le Duc
(Lecture 3) Le Corbusier, La Roche-Jeanneret House, 1923, Paris
Seminar Sketches
(Lecture 7) Sigurdlewerentz: St. Mark’s, Biorkhaven, 1956-60 ( Lecture 5) Bruno Taut: The Glass Pavilion, Cologne Werkbund Exhibition. 1914
(Lecture 10) Kaufmann Residence, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1935, rural southwestern Pennsylvania
(Lecture 8) British Council, Delhi, 1987-92
(Lecture 9) Salk Institute of Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, 1959 - 1965
Task 2
Artist: Marcel Breuer Name of Piece: Club chair (Model B3)( The Wassily Chair) 1925 BSOA Archizone The reason why I like this chair is because it reminds me of my childhood. I remember a chair similar to this shape, it had the look of plastic ropes laid neatly next to each other to create the support for sitting and resting your back. The familiarity is what made me choose this piece. Even with this similarity we can see that it has shaped the future or had some influence among the years after it has been made. The shape of the design is a very clear indicator of Bauhaus inspiration, the simplified shape that has modernity mixed in with it really adds.
Artist: Gerrit Rietveld Name of Piece: Red and Blue chair -1919
The colours really stand out here due to the primary blocks, as well as this it is believed to be one of the first modern chairs. surprisingly there were similar works about that imitated. The pieces themselves don’t seem very comfortable but upon reviews people have said different, the chair is not only comfortable but it is a work of art due to its elementary elements. The De Stilj movement was massive and he and was part of the Bauhaus exhibition. De Stilj was the very first to catalyst this movement and get it off the ground running.
Artist: Charles and Ray Eames Name of Piece: Storage unit 1949 A mix and match of storage is how I see this piece. Instead of having consistent colour, materials, and space, the makers have mixed it up and really created an inconsistent form which is what I love. No objects in storage is going to be completely the same unless in a warehouse, and they certainly wont be all made of the same materials, why not have a piece of furniture to reflect this idea as we.. This piece came out a little later on, and I believe this helped to really capture the idea of the movement, a mix of shapes to create a more simplified look. The piece may seem complicated from the extensive use of materials, but look deeper and we can see a consistency in some areas. There is method to the madness.
THese chairs are seen in many places, usually retail or industrial. Dentist offices, doctors, hospitals, waiting areas. It tends to be places where people are waiting and won’t be no more than 30 minutes on this seat., The chair was made in mind of a short period to sit. Sometimes you may even see more similar versions the original Marcel Breuer chair.
Task 3/4:Unite D’Habitation 1952
Task 5:Avant Garde Inspired Manifesto- Monarchy
What is a manifesto? A manifesto is a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are. What is Avant Garde? noun 1. new and experimental ideas and methods in art, music, or literature. "he has been called a promoter of the avant-garde” When looking at politics of today, and my generation together, humour is carried throughout to communicate with each other. Especially on the internet and social media, memes are used as a form of communication. In recent events Henry Charles Albert David , AKA prince harry has announced his engagement to Meghan Markle. For the past few years, it seems that more attention has been brought upon the amount of tax payers money that goes to fund the royal family. With social media being more open and free, quick to put out thoughts, collective ideas become more open. Looking into sources from The Independent, BT and the Insider. The queens income is only becoming larger. Private property has allowed her to increase her income annually, but her adventures across the world including her families is expensive to fund, as well as this, many other factors such has security, housing upkeep, bills, relations etc. Many argue and are starting to realise that we’re not needing a monarchy as much as we used to. The sovereign grant is what is swaying people on their decisions. As society moves forward, being told we can’t afford to help our own government out but fund an upgrade to Buckingham palace and big ben really rile up the public; the NHS is dying, education needs more funding, homelessness is becoming an increasing problem and inflation in correlation with income is becoming steeper and harder to stay afloat. The UK want more back from what they are actually paying with their tax rather than funding the royal family. Even some politics mock the royal family, it’s almost as if they're a bit of a joke in some peoples eyes. “The cost of the monarchy to the taxpayer rose by nearly six per cent last year” - (Milmo, 2014) From Diana’s sons, the way the monarchy is going, hopefully it will change, they will be more for the people rather than their elders. Diana challenged these ways, and wasn’t particularly favoured by the rest of the royal family. So what I want to create is a manifesto that uses the tax payers money towards the royal family to create something better. What can we do to help others arguments.
Humour Vs Monarchy Vs Taxpayers
Royal Wedding announcement replaced mental health awareness segment the privilege of the royals is far to superior, I realised this on the day I SAW THIS tweet. the news would have been announced elsewhere for the royal engagement daytime television is a huge step to show people to not be too scared. The chair was made in mind of a short
period to sit. and it isn’t being funded enough. Waiting lists are months and years long, it is an issue, the tax payers money could really have more into. Creating spaces, creating programmes, creating a sense of help to really help battle this. This story that was supposed to be aired was about a Dad who tried to commit suicide, he was mentally ill, he quit his job and got back on his feet and now is helping others who were in a similar situation to himself. From this I think I would like to base my Manifesto. • Decrease the waiting times for appointments. • Have a 24/7 hour anonymous hotline for times of crisis. • All NHS staff should include training for mental health. • Create more buildings and spaces that will help for just mental health issues. • Simple back to work scheme to help regain normality • Offer more personalised job seeking support for people with Mental health problems • Therapists can be accessed within a maximum of 14 days. • Mental Health on school curriculum
Inspiration for manifesto
For the manifesto I simply took the most influence from labour’s manifesto, I thought the idea of speech bubbles surrounded by the people as they were speaking out was a brilliant way to put it across. The simple two colour design really added effect with them all for the manifestos. With the last campaign, I supported the labour party so I was very familiar with the look of it, but with closer inspection I got to notice the details and it was really touching how the portrayed the layout to be written by the public, indicating that this book was of their ideas and heavily influenced by the public. I took the boxes to show the main ideas I wanted and spreaded them out with a calming blue for flow to create continuity across the board. I didn’t add the people in as I thought it Would be too much since I wanted to add symbols in of some sort into the manifesto. The ideas from the manifesto came from many of the influencers of the parties, as some of their ideas had brilliant factors to them, and also ideas of my own that I asked family and friends about. Politics defiantly has an influence on art, architecture and life itself, it can be seen many places, in comics, tv shows, the way we build to help support ideas for the future such as policies for parties and much more, art imitates life, and life imitates art. Art and interior design should definitely respond to politics as it gets passed around and encourages people to talk more freely about their thoughts and ideas, this then furthers better filtering of the bad and good ideas and creates a really solid concept, almost a polished answer and understanding of topics and influences, if we were to take this away, we are demanding people to stop a way of free speech.
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Task 8
Task 8
Social/* Economic/* Hisotrical/* Cultural* factors*around*1950's*to*mid*1970/s?*The* war* had* just* happened.* The* world* was* trying* to* recover* from* what* has* just* happened* to* everyone* and* everything.* Before* the* war* a* group* of* architects* c a l l e d* C I A M ,* w e r e* l o o k i n g* i n t o* modernism* and* architecture,* a-er* the* war*this*then*changed*to*what*the*subject* maLer* was* about* now.* Space,* trying* to* get* everyone* out* of* the* slums* and* not* have* expensive* housing.* The* country* wanted* to* be* more* united,* together* and* as* one,* this* is* a* family* reasonable* idea/* response* in* what* had* just* happened,* families* separated* for* years.* Homes* demolished* and* a* lack* of* brick.* This* meant*that*innova)on*would*have*to*take* a* role* and* the* country* had* to* be* innova)ve* with* how* they* made* housing.* The* idea* of* brutalism* was* to* strip* the* fancy*decora)ons*out*of*architecture*and* show*the*raw*materials,*it*also*helped*to* save*money,*and*was*fairly*easy*to*make* in*the*right*hands.*
The* books* I* will* be* including* in* this* essay* vary,* also* the* variety* of* media* will* variety.* As* I* am* collec)ng* more* informa)on,* notes* are* being*wriLen*in*case*I*forget*what*I*have*watched*or*read.* So*far*I*have*more*that*20*sources*that*I*have*used*to*go*forward*in* my* thinking* and* learning,* Harvard* referencing* as* I* go* along* to* save* )me*in*the*future.*
Introduc)on*Dra-:* In* this* essay* I* will* be* discussing* how* Brutalism* formed* a* more* humanist* approach*as*the*movement*matured*and* came* to* an* unpopular* end* due* to* post* modernism.*We*will*also*be*looking*at*the* main* architects* and* building* schesm* associated*with*the*movement.*Brutalism* is* derived* from* many* places.* The* French* used* the* term* Béton* Brut,* meaning* raw* concrete,* and* Swedish* architect* Le* Corbusier* took* and* added* his* own* spin* onto* it* with* his* close* friends* and* architects* such* as* CIAM.* From* this* popular*architects*from*the*UK*Alison*and* Peter*Smithson*coined*Brutalism.* Brutalism* not* only* helped* to* shape* our* society* today* and* make* us* realise* what* we* want* in* architecture,* but* it* got* our* families* out* slums,* more* room,* and* a* beLer* chance* of* surviving* a-er* the* war.* Brutalism* helped* shape* our* society* we* have*today,*
Paragraph* 1:* How* did* Brutalism* first* emerge?* Brutalism* didn't* appear* out* of* nowhere,* in* fact* there* where* already* brutalist* buildings* before* it* was* recognised* as* a* movement*of*modernism.*It*was*just*that* it*hadn't*been*categorised.* Paragraph*2:*Iconic*structures*with*iconic* architects.*What*made*these*buildings*so* memorable* to* the* public,* and* what* grabbed*their*aLen)on?* paragraph* 3:* How* did* brutalism* develop* into* a* more* humanist* design* as* the* movement*went*on?*
Task 9
Introduc)on* • Explain*Humanism.* • Explain*Brutalism.* • Where*did*the*word*come*from?** • What*will*I*be*wri)ng*about*in* terms*of*broken*down*ques)ons?*
illustra)on*based*on*an*Ultra*splash*photo*of*the*new*snow*hill*as*it*has* been*reused*for*new*apartments,*student*apartments,*and*homes.*
Paragraph* 4:* How* did* brutalism* die* down?* Is* it* s)ll* around* today?* Why* are* people*trying*to*save*these*buildings*if*so* many*of*us*think*they*are*ugly?*
Conclusion:*Reflect*on*the*ques)on*and*my*main*points*made*in*the*main*body,*as*well*as*this*refer*back*to*the* introduc)on.* Make* it* feel* like* the* reader* can* ask* no* more* ques)ons* as* they* know* enough* about* humanism* in* brutalist*architecture.*Dont*make*any*new*points*and*refer*back*to*points*and*evidence.*
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