Day M on da y
Teacher: Kohli, Tramel, Mordecai
Week: Sept. 30
Level/Course/Unit: Science
Content Objectives/ Essential Questions 7.5A recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis;
Language Objectives
Instruction/ Activities [Differentiation Strategies] CBD Question: Does sunlight affect plants’ ability
5D, 5B
Grade: 7
Resources (Materials)
Evaluation/ Assessments
to perform photosynthesis? Explain Cornell Notes
As a class we come up with the definition of Photosynthesis. What is the purpose of Photosynthesis? Is it a cycle? What are the components of Photosynthesis? Discuss. Does Photosynthesis affect us? How so?
Tu e s da y
7.5A recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis;
5D, 5B
Elaborate Discuss the Photosynthesis Equation
Notebook Formative
6H2O + 6CO2→(light) C6H12O6 + 6O2 Students will work with partners to decipher the equation. They will construct a drawing and incorporate the equation to their drawing. Evaluate Page Keely
Cool Tunes Rap for Photosynthesis
Page Keely Photosynthesis
W ed ne sd ay
Th u r sd ay
7.5(C) diagram the flow of energy through living systems, including food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids.
7.5(C) diagram the flow of energy through living systems, including food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids.
5D, 5B
Dry Lab: Students collaborate in groups in an outside activity. Each student holds up an animal and as a group they explain how they logically put the animals in order. In their journals, students summarize their findings of their outside activity.
5D, 5B
-outside Formative
Explore/Explain Food Webs: Students rearrange different animal pictures in a card sort to make a food web.
-animal pictures
- Students also make a comparison between food chain and food webs by making a venn diagram.
Explain Living System Scenarios: Make a If and Then Foldable to illustrate what happens if a population is wiped out or if a new living species becomes part of the environment.
-color paper and Living system scenarios
F r i da y
7.5(C) diagram the flow of energy through living systems, including food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids.
5D, 5B
Continue from Thursday. Start composting if worms arrive.
Venn Diagram
Anaylzing Lab Info.
Think Pair share
Venn diagram
Critical Thinking
Academic Conversations
Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum