Prep for the Week Issue | 1795

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1795– 1st May 2015

In this week’s issue…

Headmaster’s Welcome Girls' and Boys' Sport Notices Individual Achievements Kingfishers News What have our Boarders been up to? Lower School News Clubs Middle School News Birthday Celebrations Musical Magic The School Week Ahead Art Department News

What have the Cottage been up to?

Miss S E Ramsay, Head of PE, Swimming and Girls' Sport

This week in the Cottage our children have been practicing hard in preparation for their performance to the rest of the kingfishers next week. We have been having a great deal of fun! TO KEEP UP TO DATE ON ALL THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE PREP PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITE Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Headmaster's Welcome In a busy school, children often have to make choices as to how they prioritise. We are always advising and cajoling so that academic matters remain at the centre of a child's career here. However, when dealing with co-curricular activities, a child will have to make choices. Even with the spectacular facilities that we enjoy, clashes between activities is inevitable. My guideline in such instances focuses on balance and ensuring that children have more than 'one string to their bow'. Dealing with the busy nature of their lives, maintaining balance and prioritising appropriately must put a deal of pressure on them and in recognition of this, I too was faced with a dilemma last Tuesday. As someone who enjoys music and who is extremely proud of what is achieved at The Prep, I was frustrated to have missed the concert in order to attend a conference on mental health issues in prep schools. However, the challenge of dealing with these problems is recognised as an increasing one, and I am determined to ensure that The Prep is best equipped to do this proactively and successfully.


We are not starting from scratch. Already, the pastoral team, led by Mr. Jenkins and Mrs Wells and supported by the School Counsellors, has woven a safety net that is working effectively. But we must NOT rest on our laurels in this critical area of school life. All the evidence points to mental health increasing in importance.

As Year 8 enjoy the final three weeks in the run up to their Common Entrance examinations at the beginning of June, I repeat my recommendation that they flexi-board on one or two nights a week. In this way, they receive dedicated supervision designed to assist them with revision.

If the weather remains clement, please do park on the grass in the morning if you intend to accompany your child(ren) to the classroom. So that this is possible, please do not block the access to the field. Year 8 flexi-boarding

Valuables 24 Hours at Cheltenham College – Sunday 14 June – Monday 15 June 2015 As you may be aware, the College’s annual ’24 Hours’ event is being held on 14 and 15 June 2015 and we have invited all those pupils in Year 7 who have accepted, or are considering, a place at Cheltenham College in 2016. It is an incredibly popular event, packed with a diverse range of academic and co-curricular activities and will give pupils from Cheltenham College Preparatory School a flavour of College life in advance of the real thing, as well as giving pupils the chance to meet and make friends ahead of next year. We all very much hope that pupils from the Prep will be able to attend this year, and College would be grateful if parents of those Year 7s who are considering College could return their consent forms to the College registry by Friday 15 May at the very latest. We understand that some parents may still be uncertain about their plans for senior school for their son or daughter, but if you believe that College may be an option for your child, we urge you to attend.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015

It is not necessary for children to bring anything of significant value into school. Although, on the whole, ‘borrowing’ remains a minor problem, placing temptation in the way of children should be avoided. Whilst mentioning valuables, please can I inform all parents that the iPhone watch is valuable and a phone and should not be brought to school. If the phone is required for safety reasons, then it should be handed in to Reception and collected at the end of the school day. Saturday reminders From September 2015, the School will continue to open at 8.00am, Monday – Saturday. Saturday school is not compulsory in Lower School or Kingfishers (Cottage – Year 4) Saturday school is compulsory in Middle and Upper School (Year 5 to Year 8)


School Hours Reminder From September: The official start of the teaching day for the Cottage is 09.00. The official start of the teaching day for Kingfishers (Reception – Year 2) is 08.40. The official start of the teaching day for Lower, Middle and Upper School (Years 3-8) is 08.20. This time will vary for children in Middle School on Saturdays. There will be no change to the end of the school day in Kingfishers and Lower School. The arrangements for the end of the school day in Middle and Upper Schools will be as follows: In Middle School 16.15 17.00 18.00

Children can be collected Children can be collected having completed a 30 minute prep Children can be collected on completion of their activity

Between 17.00 and 18.00, if a child is not in a formal activity (prep or activity), there will be a supervision room where they can read whilst waiting to be collected. In Upper School 16.15 17.00 18.00

Children can be collected Children can be collected having completed a 30 minute prep Children can be collected on completion of their activity and/or their second prep

Between 17.00 and 18.00, if a child is not in a formal activity (prep or activity), there will be a supervision room where they can read whilst waiting to be collected. Mr J F Whybrow

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Notices Monday 4 May: Boarders return between 19.00 and 20.00 Friday 8 May: 08.15 Coach House and EAL Parents Coffee Morning in the Coach House Sparta Barbecue between 18:00 and 19:30. Saturday 9 May: 10.00 Kingfishers Cottage and Reception Classes: Bring your family to Forest School

Coffee Morning Coach House & EAL

Coach House Friday 8 May from 08:15 to 09:00

A chance to meet and chat with other parents – do join us!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Notices We welcome the addition of 'College Coffee' to the Prep, situated in the parking area outside the Sports Hall.

Please do come along and sample their locally sourced products!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015



invite you to join in the fun at the

HEADMASTER’S XI CRICKET MATCH, DOUBLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT & BBQ TEA Sunday 7 June. Last year was such a huge success that we have decided to do it all over again, so please join us! If you would like to enter the Headmaster’s Doubles Tennis Tournament, please call Emma Graveney on (mobile) 07956 517486. Not to worry if you don’t have a doubles partner, we can pair you up once the entrants' list is complete. If you are a cricketer and wish to participate, then Tim Buttress is your man ( or 07891 358062). A delicious barbecue tea will be served at 15.30 Thank you and we really hope you can come, the event will be a lot of fun!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Kingfishers A busy week! It has been a very busy week in Kingfishers. Our boys and girls have very much enjoyed having their parents in for lunch and showing off just how much fun they have on the patio and on the field afterwards. They even managed to line up beautifully at the end of play time, despite the distraction of watching Mums and Dads! Year 2 are beginning to think, with a little more focus, about moving into Year 3. Following their English Speaking Board last week, Mrs Isaachsen, Head of Lower School, took assembly this week and our children are now taking on some positions of responsibility. As our leaders in Kingfishers, Year 2 recognise the need to set a good example and a number of them have volunteered to be part of the Circle of Friends on the patio.

The children not only model our values on including everyone in games, but are always available to play with. They uphold our motto on the playground which is ‘Never Say No’ when someone wants to join our games. We also have our Playground Helpers who show us how to look after the playground toys. It is my aim that all Year 2 children will be able to have a go at holding these responsibilities. Mrs R L Buttress, Head of Kingfishers

On Friday 1 May, we say goodbye to Mrs Gemma Dunning, as she begins her maternity leave. We will see her again in February when she returns to work in Reception. On Tuesday 5 May we welcome Mrs Deborah Moore, who will cover Mrs Dunning's maternity leave. Mrs Moore is a qualified teacher of 16 years' experience. She has worked at a range of schools in Gloucestershire where she has always taught in the Pre-Prep age range. She loves musical theatre and walking her dog!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Lower School Art plays an important part in Lower School, from maps in Geography to sketching habitats in Science. In art lessons, we have been completing our printing project; with Y3 doing a cityscape and Y4 an illuminated letter, plus some observational drawings. Detail and design play an important role in the finished pieces. In Art Club we have been making the most of the good weather and have been sketching in the fresh outdoors. We have focused on the fields and lake, as well as the main Prep building. We hope you enjoy looking at our gallery. Miss D M M Anderes

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Middle School Year 6 enjoyed a Geography trip to Weston-superMare this week. We took this opportunity to develop our fieldwork skills and practised our basic mapping skills in particular. We also had the chance to walk the new flood defence system, taking time to understand the power of the sea and examine the damage water can do; coastal developments may be pretty but they also ideally need to be high above sea level!

The children thoroughly enjoyed completing questionnaires, measured the speed of the wind and temperature and ended the day with an icecream on the beach. Our official Year 6 weather forecast for the summer is that it is going to be glorious and flood-free, at least in Weston-superMare! Mrs D Bond, Director of Middle School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Musical Magic Tuesday evening saw an event take place in the Assembly Hall entitled a 'Summer Celebration of Music & Dance'. This was a chance for the winners of last term's House Music Competition to perform in front of a large and appreciative audience. In addition, many of the musical ensembles performed (such as Jazz Band, Wind Band, String Orchestra, Brass Group and Percussion Ensemble) as well as some of our smaller chamber groups (such as the Cello Group, String Trio and String Quartet). The performance was finished off by the Street Dance Club dancing a routine to a medley of songs, including 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. A great night was had by all, and lots of complimentary feedback from the audience included "Many thanks for this evening's performance. It was excellent to see so many performing and I was genuinely amazed by the standard." Mr K Perona Wright, Director of Music

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Art Department News Prep parents and friends are warmly welcomed to the following event in June. Places are limited, so please do contact us soon if you would like to attend.

Portrait Master Class with Jacob Sutton Thursday 18 June 2015 6.30pm - 9.30pm

ÂŁ20 per person To include materials, wine and nibbles Limited spaces available All proceeds to TURF Charity

Register now Tel. 01242 522697

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Lower Girls' School Sport Tennis Scores

Team of the Week – 1sts (A) Tennis






1sts (A) 3 pairs


29 April

W6, L3 matches


2nds (A) 4 pairs Beaudesert

29 April

W1, L15 matches


1sts (B) 3 pairs

Pate's Grammar School

29 April

W3, L6 matches


Pate's Grammar School

29 April

2nds (B) 3 pairs

W4, L4, D1 matches


Rounders Scores Team







29 April

8.5 – 19




29 April

12.5 – 25.5




29 April

27 – 12.5




29 April

12.5 – 17.5




29 April

6 – 23


Keep following us on twitter for more photos and updates!! CheltPrep_GirlsSport @cheltprepgirls

Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls' Sport

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015

Our Upper School teams took on a slightly different format this week to accommodate two different fixtures back to back. Beaudesert and Pate's Grammar could only field 7 and 6 pairs respectively so we had some choices to make. We could either play our top pairs twice or not accept one of the fixtures. Both of these options would have meant a significant number of girls not playing at all this week. So we went for option three – splitting up our pairs between the two fixtures. It could be argued that this weakened our teams, and this may be true, but sometimes winning isn’t everything. Inclusion is everything at Cheltenham Prep and we are very proud that once again every single girl in Middle and Upper School was involved in a competitive match of some kind this week. All of the games in the Pate's fixture were very close and there was not much to choose between the two teams, we saw some very good and well-matched competitive tennis. However a special mention must go to our 1st team playing against Beaudesert. They played full sets and fought very hard to come away with a convincing win over Beaudesert’s 3 strongest pairs. Our first pair, in particular, are setting the standard very high and are yet to be beaten in a match. Well done girls! Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls' Sport


Boys' Sport Cricket Results Team




Beaudesert U9B



Beaudesert U9A



Beaudesert U9C



Beaudesert U9D


Colts A

Beaudesert Colts A

Won by 47 runs

Colts B

Beaudesert Colts B

Won by 3 runs

Colts C

Beaudesert Colts C

Won by 76 runs

1st XI

Beaudesert 1st XI

Won by 78 runs

2nd XI

Beaudesert 2nd XI

Lost by 6 wicket

3rd XI

Beaudesert 3rd XI

Lost by 5 wickets

4th XI

Beaudesert 4th XI

Won by 12 runs


St John’s U9A



St John’s U9B



St John’s U9C


Colts A

St John’s Colts A

Won by 161 runs

Colts B

St John’s Colts B

Won by 121 runs

1st XI

St John’s Colts 1st XI

Won by 72 runs

3rd XI

St John’s Colts 2nd XI

Lost by 10 runs

All he wanted to do was to be able to phone home on the Saturday night and be able to tell his mother that he hadn’t got a duck. Scoring the run for that child was his Everest, and to disregard his achievement to recognise an elite batsman scoring 50 runs would not be fair or in line with the ethos of the Prep. Yesterday was another day of heroics on every pitch; from a Year 3 boy taking 3 wickets in a Year 4 match, to some great stumpings from some superb bowling in the Colts team. There was also a tremendous catch in an Upper School game. The list is endless, which is why we choose to avoid recognising certain individual achievements at the expense of others within the school day. Having spoken with Mr Whybrow, I now have to make an exception and mention the achievements of one boy. The school’s current 1st XI Cricket Captain is Seb in Year 8. As a current sports scholar, county cricketer, county hockey player and Gloucester Academy rugby player he can turn his hand to many different sports. It is Seb's cricketing exploits that have forced me to break our “no-name” rule, by managing to score back-to-back centuries in his last two matches for the school, he was caught out for 106 against Beaudesert retired on 104 against St John’s.

As you can see from above, the cricket season is in full swing and the boys are responding with some outstanding results.

With a county cup match against Newent tonight, we will see if Seb can make it three in three.

Amongst the great team results, there have been some wonderful individual performances, which raises the question of why we don't mention names in the sports reports and blogs that have taken place within the Prep school day.

Enjoy the Exeat and drag your parents out into the garden for some bowling practice! Mr D E Simpson, Head of Boys' Sport

The simple reason is that there are tremendous performances, throughout the school, every Wednesday and Saturday. There are not enough pages in Prep for the Week to accommodate them all in detail, and I have no wish to pick certain achievements over others. Let me give you an example: On Saturday, in the 1st XI match against Beaudesert, one of our opening batsmen hit an outstanding 50. This was a great achievement and our batsmen deserved the recognition he received from his own team and the opposition. At the same time, on the next pitch, a lower ability team played Beaudesert and one of our batsman was bowled out, having scored 1 run. On paper, there is no contest – the 1st XI player deserves recognition. However once the wider picture is revealed, it creates a different story. The boy in the lower team was playing in his first ever cricket match, he had been incredibly nervous all week and especially worried about playing against a hard ball.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Individual Achievements Joseph, Isaac, Henry and Finn in Year 5 joined forces to help Cheltenham Hockey Club (CHC) under 10’s go unbeaten in winning both the County Cup and the Rover Oxford Tournament.

Magnus in Year 3 received the Painswick Rugby Football Club award for 'most improved player' last weekend! Mrs G Hall

The end of Joseph’s first season with CHC culminated in him receiving the highest level “Gold Stix” and the “Player of the Year” Awards for his consistently excellent and understated defensive play. Ollie, Jamie, Joseph, Isaac and Ed in Year 5 represented Bredon Rugby Club under 10’s during another excellent season. Joseph and Isaac were presented with the “Coach’s Player of the Year” Award. Mr M Tagg

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


What have our Boarders been up to? Mountain Boarding This weekend, the Boarders were lucky enough to experience the exhilaration of mountain boarding. With over two hours spent on the obstacle filled track, many came home sore, grazed and exhausted, but all wore enormous smiles! Our children were able to partake in mountain boarding, scootering and sledging. Many are already asking Mr Wells when they could return again.

Come and enjoy the Fun: Last week, we had tennis with Mr Larkin, languages with Mlle Quicray and music with Mr Thynne! This week we have squash with Miss Harris!!

Boarder profile of the week. Name: Nastya Zinoveva in Year 5 Favourite food: Pasta with heaps of cheese! Dream Job: Dancing teacher Hometown: Engels, Russia Pets: Dog, cat, rabbit, fish, turtle

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015

Save the date!!! On 10 May, there will be a lot happening in the Boarding House!! - Charity tennis and delicious BBQ - Fun in the Sun AND Boarders' Superstars (wacky races in the pool and on the field) 15

Clubs Farming Club "On Monday 27 April, farming and gardening club went to Swindon farm to collect four chickens. We saw relatives of an osterich, pigs, a turkey, geese, ducks and of course our chickens. Four chickens of different breeds were chosen and brought back on our laps! They are yet to be named, but are settling into their new coop" Rebecca, Year 7 Our chickens have been installed in the eglu and run next to the pigs. The Boarders will look after them in the week and the farming club will be cleaning them out on Mondays! Hopefully we should have some eggs in a couple of weeks! A fun evening for all! Mrs F E Wells, Boarding House Parent

Bakery Club To start this term we made some delicious cheese and chive scones! After trying some of the chives quite a few pupils were brave enough to add them in. Some pupils preferred to make plain scones with some sultanas in. We had to measure, sieve, mix, cut, wash with egg and bake! We had lots of positive comments back from parents and pupils saying how tasty their scones were. The team did a great job of tidying up too – well done! Mrs G Barrett & Mrs B Williams

Craft Club Our Craft Club is proving very popular this term, with the numbers attending having doubled! We started off the term by creating a design which was then painted or drawn onto ceramic mugs. We were impressed by the high standards and creativity of the designs. We have also started our second project which is decorating and constructing a birdhouse ornament. The packs were straightfoward to assemble and the pupils are busy adding their unique designs onto them


Mrs G Barrett & Mrs B Williams

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Happy Birthday to the following pupils next week!

Chloe Gifford Nash.........Age 4 Raif Nelson........................Age 7 Autumn Conner.................Age 9 Thomas Hill.. ......................Age 9 Lily Brown..........................Age 10 Caitlin Brister....................Age 12 Oliver Schallamach...........Age 12

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015


Sunday, May 3, 2015 - Sunday, May 10, 2015 Monday, 4 May 2015 Week 4 (29) 4 - 10 May 00:00

Bank Holiday - School closed


Boarders return by 20:00

Tuesday, 5 May 2015 00:00

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Examinations (for pupils)


Year 4 Trip to SS Great Britain


Daylight Theatre for Year 3

Wednesday, 6 May 2015 12:30

Departure for Cricket v Abberley Hall (A): Colts A XI, Colts B XI, Colts D XI. Start 14:30. Pick up 18:30


Departure for Tennis v Wycliffe (A): U11 5 pairs, U10 3 pairs. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00


Departure for Rounders v Wycliffe (A): U11 IX, U10 IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00


Cricket Training for Colts C, Colts E. Pick up 16:30


Tennis v Wycliffe (H): U13 4 pairs. Pick up 16:30


Rounders v Wycliffe (H): U13 IX. Pick up 16:30


Cricket v Abberley Hall (H): 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, 5th VIII. Pick up 18:00

Thursday, 7 May 2015 14:10

Departure for Bristol Cathedral Evensong, Chamber Choir. Service begins at 17:15. Pick up 19:00

Friday, 8 May 2015 08:15

Coach House and EAL parents' coffee morning (Coach House)


Chapel (Parents welcome)


Buddhist Talk for Year 6 (Library)


Sparta House Barbecue

Saturday, 9 May 2015 09:00

Year 2 Cricket Club. Pick up 10:00


Departure for Rounders v Dean Close (A): U9A IX, U9B XI, U8A IX. Start 10:00. Pick up 11:30


Cheltenham College Open Morning


Kingfishers Cottage and Reception Classes: Bring your family to Forest School


Departure for Cricket v St Hugh's (A): 1st XI. Start 14:15. Pick up 19:00


Departure for Tennis v Prior Park (A): U13 3 pairs. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:45


Tennis v Clifton (H): U13 15 pairs. Pick up 14:30


The Middle School Premier League Cricket Festival. Pick up 17:30


Cricket v St Hugh's (H): 2nd XI. Pick up 18:00

Sunday, 10 May 2015 09:00

Charity Tennis Tournament in aid of TURF. Years 3-8. (Linton Astro)


Boarders' Superstars (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1795– 1 May 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


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