Prep for the Week Issue 1834

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1834 – 1 July 2016

In this week’s issue… Headmaster's Blog Triathlon 2016 Kingfishers News Year 4 Bushcraft Year 3 Sleepover Imperial War Museum Wows Year 5 History Club and House History Competition Letter from the Library Sports News Birthdays

ys! a d i l o h er m m u S Happy ils, p u p p e l Pr l a g n i a Wish f f a t s and s d n e i r f le family, b a y o j n de n a l u f st very re eak! r b r e summ

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Headmaster's Blog Dear Parents A furiously busy week brings this academic year to a close and I wish to thank the whole school community for their efforts throughout the year. It has been a fantastic team effort! At this time of the year it is always sad to say our farewells to some of our colleagues. There are a number of staff who leave The Prep this term and so I would like to say farewell, thanks and good luck to: Antonia Rankine Clare Edgington Emma Collings Jane Plant Jennifer Smith Kerry Brown Mandy Thomas Robyn Willis-Stovold Sheila Ely Kelly Stovold Sarah Dawson Olivia Sheldon

Julie Harris Rubeeya Masood Terri Batty Deborah Bond Benedicte Mateus Fiona Hanson Rachel Linton Claire Beale Kate Skeet Anita Ellwood Anthony McNaught

I thank them for all that they have done for The Prep and wish them well for the future. It is also essential that I say, on behalf of the Junior School (as it was), and The Prep now, a special thank you to John Horan, who recently stepped down as the President of Council. It is not an understatement to say that during his tenure the whole College has been reinvigorated academically and financially. The Prep community thank you, John, for your many years service as a member of Council and as President. It is also necessary for me to thank Alex Young for her efforts as leader of the Friends of the Prep over the past two years. This is a herculean task as we

work to create a parent community and Alex hands over a vibrant group who are determined to move things forward under the leadership of Dan Bingham. I am extremely grateful to the following who have volunteered to support Dan. Year Reps are as follows: Cottage: Hillary Fielding Reception: Kat Skilleter Year 1: Kam Harrar Year 2: Amy D’Orazi and Fatima Emirali Year 3: Victoria Cyphus and Sally Otis Year 4: Lex Walker Year 5: Heidi Callon Hine Year 6: Alison Campbell Black, Victoria Aylott and Caroline Feinson Year 7: Ali O’Sullivan Year 8: Dan Bingham During the holiday we will be compiling Prep News, a record of some of the many events which took place in the Summer Term. This will be sent home to families in August. My best wishes go to you all for a restful Summer break and I look forward to seeing you on our return. Jon Whybrow

Well done to all The Prep's staff members who took part in the Triathlon this week you were all great! Here's a great shot of just a few of them, during the warm-up time before the race. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016


Triathlon 2016 Warming up together in the marquee

Ready, set, gooooo!

The staff team pose for a photograph!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016

Mr Whybrow masters the cycling element!


Dear Kingfishers Well done Kingfishers on another fantastic year! It has been full of fun, from alien visits and beach parties in the Cottage, to our big trips out to SS Great Britain, @Bristol and the seaside. Thanks to all the parents and grandparents who have supported us along the way at our many events; we look forward to starting again with Grandparents’ Day in September. It has been a year of hard work boys and girls, so have a great summer, get busy and have lots of fun!

Have you got happy teeth? Dentist Dr Hammersley visited the children in Year 1 to explain how we care for our teeth and why good food choices are important. She brought in an array of food and the children had to decide those that would be better for them between meals. They learnt that bread sticks, cheese and water would be better to eat and drink than dried fruit and orange juice. Year 1 also learnt how they should be cleaning their teeth: did you know that you should spend four seconds brushing every tooth? Thank you Dr Hammersley for an informative and fun session!

Love from Mrs Buttress

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016


Year 4 Bushcraft Experience! During the penultimate week of the Year, Year 4 pupils and staff ventured in to the wilderness to experience life in the wild! The children camped in the middle of the woods and made their own shelters to sleep under, rather than the more comfortable tent option. Working in tribes throughout the week, the group formed dances, chants, flags and a base to sleep in. The weather was pretty awful, so the tribes were wet and muddy from the minute they arrived, but it only added to the camping experience! The food on offer was fantastic and all children needed to be able to start a fire and cook their own food to survive the week. Luckily, everyone managed this. For many, the highlight of the week was the pizza making and using the outdoor pizza ovens to cook them. The salmon panasse was also a favourite. One important survival skill the group learnt was to camouflage themselves, which aided them in their favourite game, Predator. This required the young tribesmen and women to make their way from one tree to another without being spotted. Many other games were played in the woods, which were great fun. Swimming in the fresh water lake proved to be an early morning wake-up call and, once recovered, the children managed to catch some crayfish, take part in a wilderness walk and much more throughout the week. After a final lunch of bush-crafted fajitas, it was time to say goodbye. The Year 4 pupils had the most amazing experience at Bushcraft and were now prepared to live in the wild – almost! A huge thanks goes to the staff involved in organising the trip and for making it such a great success. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016


Year 3 Adventure & Sleepover Last week Year 3 enjoyed two jam-packed days of activities! The boys and girls enjoyed two super days of fun to celebrate the end of the year. They walked to Pilley Bridge Nature Reserve, where children were challenged to build a raft to carry a malteser down stream! There was a treasure hunt, games of rounders, created Nature in Art and a movie to enjoy! The group even camped out in Lower School, then all took a trip to Cattle Country the following day. "I loved Cattle Country because I got to hold guinea pigs and go on the bouncy pillow. I hadn’t done either of these things before!" - Charlie "It was fabulous because I was with my friends all the time." - Magdalen "The BBQ was excellent. I ate two sausages and a burger - I was so full!" - Freddie "I got to spend a night with my friends and it was my first ever sleepover." - Isabelle "It was my first time going down the death slide at Cattle Country!" - Hunter "The nature walk was very interesting because there were all different sorts of animal habitats." - Flo "It was fantastic, I enjoyed every single second of it!" - Monty "I liked getting snug and cosy in my sleeping bag to watch a movie." - Raif "Savannah and I went on the slide together." - Maya "I liked Nature in Art, using things in the environment around me to create a sculpture." - Gwener

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016


The Prep Historians

Imperial War Museum Wows Year 5 Historians Year 5 spent a day at the Imperial War Museum this week. Everyone was thrilled to see so many exciting artefacts from WWII, to touch objects such as Little Boy, an atomic bomb (decommissioned of course) and walk beneath a Spitfire plane. Hiding in an Anderson Shelter with surrounding sound of sirens and The Blitz was an experience they will never forget, and some even met a man who had actually lived through WWII and was keen to tell us how terrifying night-bombing was. The Secret War exhibitions were also fascinating: the pupils decoded messages on a reproduction of the Enigma machine and saw spy equipment that the resistance used, such as pens that detected bugs and pipes that could be turned into guns. There was also a motorbike that could be folded into a backpack as well as Top Secret SAS plans and photographs.

This term History Club pupils have completed their research on famous engineers, explorers and inventors, as well as starting work on the '50 Greatest Battles'. They have used a variety of sources to create a fact-file and PowerPoint slide on each individual or event. They all had to provide a ‘bibliography’ to show where their information came from. Over the Summer the research will be put together to create a Engineers, Explorers and Inventors booklet (available upon request from Mr Baird!). All this fantastic work was celebrated with a well-deserved End of Term History Club party!

WWI relics were also on display, so pupils were able to examine WWI weaponry, kits and transport, wander through trenches and imagine how sad it was to live through such hostile times. How the lives of women in WWI and WWII changed was also explained and many items from The Home Front were on show. Year 5 had an amazing time at The Imperial War Museum. The group all left with much more than enriched knowledge: they all also learnt how devastating war was, and how heart-breaking it was to lose loved ones in WWI and WWII. Feeling inspired by their visit, Year 5 urges everyone to go to this particular museum and share this memorable experience.

There are now over 20 members of History Club and it has been a great deal of fun meeting up to research and quiz on a Thursday. History Club will be returning in September to continue with our current project; all new (and old!) recruits from next Years 7 and 8 are most welcome! Preparation will also begin for the 2017 Townsend-Warner History Prize, and any interested pupils in Upper School should contact Mr Baird. A huge thanks goes to our leaving Year 8 Historians. They have been incredibly loyal and dedicated to the subject and Club. It was as a result of their initial enthusiasm that History Club started this time last year, but also their interest has made events like the House History Competition possible, as well as the school’s success in the Townsend-Warner History Prize. I hope that they continue with their History; the Department will certainly miss them. Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016


House History

The Prep’s inaugural House History Competition recognised the talent of our many keen historians. Similar to a University Challenge format, each House submitted four participants: two each from Middle and Upper School, to make up their House History panel. There were three semi-finals, on topics studied in each of the four years (Round 1 – WWII, Round 2 – Tudors and Stuarts, Round 3 – The Norman Invasion, Round 4 – The Hundred Years War), and then a Grand Final, with more obscure questions, where the two highest scoring teams went head-to-head to be crowned House History Champions 2016! Each House Team faced 16 questions. Four of the 16 were Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016

directed at each individual team member, with 3 points for the correct answer. If incorrect, the question was opened up to the rest of the team, with the House History Captain submitting the final answer, after discussion, for 2 points. If still incorrect, then the question was offered to the rest of the House and the ‘Question-Master’ would choose a member of the House audience to give an answer for 1 point. If the House gave the wrong answer, the question was closed and the answer was announced. The semi-finals were excellent, with all Houses scoring over 20 points. The panels performed very well under pressure, but there were also some memorable contributions from those within the House audience! Athens qualified first and Troy were their opposition to battle out the Final, in front of the school. Round 1 was 'Record Breaking Monarchs'. Round 2 focused on the suffragette movement. Round 3 moved to an important anniversary event, the Battle of Agincourt. The competition finished with a Round on the Year 1916, during the First World War. The teams did extremely

well in the face of some very challenging questions. However, Troy, the pre-tournament favourites, scored very highly and were crowned worthy champions! Following the Grand Final, the school were treated to the Scholars’ History Film Production on Henry II and Archbishop Thomas Becket, called Mean Priests. This was a part of their Post-Scholarship Programme and they had put together a script, as well as directed, filmed and edited their own work. It was a huge success and they worked very hard to produce such a masterpiece, which the crowds clearly enjoyed! Mr Baird would like to offer his thanks to the staff who very graciously gave up their time during a busy part of Term to help the event run smoothly. “I am also very grateful to the pupils for their superb participation and knowledge,” said Mr Baird. “Finally, the Scholars have been fantastic, a really great group to work with, always enthusiastic and fun: their dedication towards the subject and the film has been consistently outstanding.” 8

Letter from the Library Remember to keep up your reading over the summer: read anything! Newspaper reports of the Euro Football, a travel guidebook on your holiday or perhaps something on your Kindle? Or why not try out these recommendations: For Upper School New Guard by Robert Muchamore Once by Sarah Crossnan

Thanks to Mrs Hewer who sent us these pictures of the U10A cricket team. They really capture all the players personalities brilliantly! They won, and were delighted and super proud!

For Middle School Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens The Trials of the Apollo by Rick Riordan

For Lower School The World's Worst Children by David Walliams The Famour Five by Enid Blyton

Touring team Thomas More College from South Africa came to play a friendly against The Prep's 1st Netball team. We won 18-11 and it was a super match! Well done girls!

For Kingfishers The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson The Queen's Handbag by Steve Anthony

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016

Congrats to Matilda Barter and Lois Jeveons, who entered a muddy and hilly Sherborne 3km fun run! They came joint 2nd in the 8s and under category.

Well done Oscar Mann, who was nominated by his cricket club, Hatherley and Reddings, to be a Guard of Honour at the England v Sri Lanka International cricket match. 9

Happy Birthday to the pupils celebrating during the summer holiday! JULY

Elizabeth Clarkin


Lily Evans


Montgomery Whitelocks George Mills Sam Albutt Sam Attwood

5 7

8 8

Thomas Hillman-Cooper 8 Ruby Stevenson


Alice Dawson


Oliver Watkins Mia Evans

Jack Bulley

Noah Campbell Black Eva Colbourne

Toby Krauer

8 9

10 10 10 10

Martha Llewellen Palmer 10 Oscar Mann


Lilly Poulain


Vasco Palmer Evie Poulain

Poppy Watkins Cody Watts Ed Carter Ruby Coull Tillie Dessalles

Thomas Hesketh Jamie Reid

Izabella Sneyd George Trafford Amelia Weale

Lumai Hickey Freya Coull Arabella Finch

George Gardner Phina Wilson

Imogen Creed

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1834 1 July 2016

10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11


Samuel Lucas 4 Isla Griffiths


Emma Critchley


Scarlett Griffin Aydin Emirali Lily Griffiths

Huw Richards Delilah Brown

Harry Checketts Silas Clarke Freddie Hall

Frederick Hill Hunter Schmidt Pavneet Harrar Noah Marsh Robyn Parks Florence Walker

Magnus Hall Charlie Whitney

Ben Barltrop William Dutton Dylan Schmidt Laura Bingham Harry Garbutt

Isabella England James French Poppy Treasure Tunku Omaan Khyra Sivert Pedersen




Gennaro Bifulco

11 13 13 13 13


6 7 7 7

8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9

10 10 11 11 11 12 12

13 13 13

14 14

Archie Boyd


Georgina Boyce


Ethan Winters Pablo Benedit

Isabella Reid Rebecca Cook



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