Prep for the Week - Week 11

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Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1937 – 15 November 2019

That was the week that was...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1937 – 15 November 2019

Cheltenham Prep has joined the world of Instagram! Make sure you are following us ( to keep up to date with all of the fun things going on...

Included in this week’s issue… • Kingfishers Update • Charity News • History Trip • Sports News • Saturday Fixtures and Sports Training Week 12 Calendar

WEDNESDAY GAMES On Wednesdays, Year 3 should come in PE kit, bringing their school uniform in their sports bags plus games kit if they have a match. Years 4-8 should come in games kit, bringing their school uniform in their sports bags.

And finally... Don’t miss Mr O’Sullivan’s take on this week. His Week 11 blog can be found at the back of this week’s edition.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Kingfishers Update Nursery News The Nursery children have been weaving some baskets for their hot air balloons. It was very tricky but it did make a pretty pattern.

Forest School Fun To finish off our theme of Bonfire night we thought what better way to put our fire safety skills to use than to have our own fire at Forest School. The children were extremely sensible and enjoyed toasting our brioche buns on the fire.

Kind Kingfishers This week pupils in Kingfihsers enjoyed taking part in World Kindness Day. We are so proud of all of them and their infinite kindness to others.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Kingfishers Update Tick Tock Year 1 enjoyed exploring intervals of time by using stopwatches to time eachother doing different activities!

Aboriginal Art

Super Saturday Board Games Bonanza

In Year 2 our topic is Australia. This week we have been exploring ‘Aboriginal Art’. First, we learnt about what the symbols mean and then we watched a clip of a native Australian using natural resources to paint with. Next, we went outside to collect things we could paint with such as stick and leaves. In the classroom we used turmeric, paprika and ash mixed with water to make natural paints. We were really happy with the outcome!

Lots of fun was had by all and everyone learnt to play a new game. Mrs Davis really enjoyed learning how to play the game Labyrinth.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


A Flying Start Year 8s get a Flying Start in STEM A group of Year 8 pupils were visited by two Graduate Engineers from Safran Landing Systems today as part of a regional competition to plan, design and build a glider to compete against other schools. The pupils learnt all about the principles of flight and how to work well in a team and solve problems. By the end of the day they had designed and built four fantastic gliders and are now ready to ‘fly off’ against a group of local schools in February. Watch this space to see how they do!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Charity News Movember update: week 2! The Prep staff team of ‘Mo Bros’ have been doing some excellent growing this week and the team has now raised over £800 from generous donations! If you would like to contribute to this very worthwhile cause and help us reach our next target of £1,000 then please do via the link below: Many thanks, The Prep ‘Mo Bros’ Well done to William B and Peter C-H who have managed to raise £625.50 for the Royal British Legion by selling a range of products. “We had a lot of fun and also learned a lot whilst doing something to support a great cause”.

Bring and Buy Sale Next Monday, 18 November there will be a “Bring and Buy Sale” in aid of Children in Need, organised by Edward D in 5C and a happy gang of helpers. The sale will be at Day End, 4.20pm if it is good weather. Location to be advised on the day if poor weather. Please bring and buy cakes, toys, books, DVDs and CDs. There will also be a raffle for a huge Pudsey Bear! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


2019 - Our Year of Reading Congratulations to Verity C who has been named this week’s reader of the week. Great work Verity, keep it up!

Congratulations to Peter C-H who wins this week’s Caught You Reading award!

Finally, well done to Isabel C who has now earned her Accelerated Reading Silver Award!

Book Fair Don’t forget, the Scholastic Book Fair has come to The Prep! Please respond to last Friday’s Clarion in order for their children to be able to purchase their next great read...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Year 6 History Trip to Bosworth Battlefield Just before Half Term, on Thursday 17 October, Year 6 visited Bosworth Battlefield. Bosworth is the famous site on which the War of the Roses ended, Richard III was killed and the Tudor Period began. The day was split into two parts; exploring the award-winning exhibition and a walking tour of the Battlefield. We were very lucky with the weather just about holding out and we were all able to enjoy visualising what we had learned during lessons. Pupils diligently trawled through the various artefacts and interactive displays, they asked intelligent questions and demonstrated a keen knowledge of the topic. Thank you very much to the staff involved and to the pupils, who showed some real moments of enthusiasm, as well as a clear interest in the fate of the various characters involved in the Battle.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


1st XI Football Vs The New Beacon On Saturday 2 November, the 1st XI Football team travelled south to Sevenoaks for the annual match against The New Beacon School. After being selected during trials, which almost 40 Upper School pupils took part in, the Football squad have been diligently training each Tuesday in preparation for the fixture. We met the opposition for bowling and pizza on the Saturday evening and had a great time socialising with their staff and pupils. The Cheltenham Prep boys then played some five-aside at The New Beacon Sports Hall and relaxed in their Boarding House before bed. The next morning, after some breakfast, a tactics meeting and warm up, the boys took to the field. After a slightly nervous start, the team grew into the game and were unfortunate to be 1-0 down at half time, having put some serious pressure on The New Beacon boys. However, a few errors at the back and a loss of confidence saw five goals slip in the second half. It was great to see ‘the beautiful game’ played properly; the opposition were ruthless in their pursuit of the win and were extremely organised. There were plenty of learning opportunities and we will be putting these into practice over the coming months before our next set of matches. My thanks to The New Beacon staff and pupils for their excellent hosting, as always. We were extremely grateful to The Prep parents who made the journey to support the team. I am also indebted to Mr Dawson, Mr Yiend and Mr Kernot who gave up the end of their Half Term break to help the trip go ahead. My last thanks must go to The Prep boys who gave their all on the pitch and were outstanding ambassadors for the school. My favourite quote came straight after the game: ‘We may have lost, but I just enjoyed being able to play Football!’

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Sports News Girls’ Hockey Results 2nd VII vs The Downs Wraxall Won 8 - 0 U11A vs The Downs Wraxall Won 5 - 0 U10 Leopards vs The Downs Wraxall Won 2 - 0 U9 Lions vs The Downs Wraxall Won 5 - 0 U9 Tigers vs The Downs Wraxall Won 2 - 0

Girls’ team of the week - 2nd VII The 2nd VII put on a fine performance on Saturday 9 November. The girls demonstrated great discipline as a team, keeping good shape and attacking with flair and creativity. A special mention must go to Bella O who scored 4 goals in total. Well done to the whole of the team, a great team effort.

Boys’ team of the week U10A A superb performance from the U10A in very muddy conditions down at Abberley Hall. They scored some great tries on top of some punishing defence

Boys’ Rugby Results U13A vs Abberley Hall 1st XIII Lost 15 - 25 U12A vs Abberley Hall 2nd XIII ? U12B vs Abberley Hall 3rd XIII Won 50 - 10 U11A vs Abberley Hall Won 35 - 15 U11B vs St Hugh’s Won 40 - 15 U11C vs St Hugh’s Lost 0 - 45 U10A vs Abberley Hall Won 35 - 5 U10B vs St Hugh’s Lost 5 - 20 U10C vs St Hugh’s Lost 10 - 15

Swimming News

In our first Year 3 to Year 6 gala of the year, Cheltenham Prep beat St Edward’s 250-237 in a superb event. Well done especially to the Year 3s in their first ever gala!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Scooby Awards Congratulations to the following pupils who have reached the 25 plus mark this term and have earned a Scooby Award.

• Harry B • Alfie C • Ben G

• Jaeseung K • Frederick H • Craig S

• William D • Jack F • Ben M

• Oscar M • Spencer M

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 50 plus mark and have earned their second Scooby Award of the term.

• Olive A • William B • Agatha C • Octavia D • Oscar L

• Ella M • Sebastian

M-T Reuben M Kate U

• •

• Freddie Y • Ava B • Finlay M-K • Jayke N • Sam P

• Preston S • Tiger S • Ludo C • Makari D • Tobias E

• Scarlett G • Resul N • William T

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 75 plus mark and have earned their third Scooby Award of the term.

• Freddie A • Jocasta A • Beatrice C • Theo A

• Samuel D • Emily F • Max M • Oscar P

• Matthew S • Theodora W • Peter C-W • Lily F

• Olivia L • Sam P • Charlie P • Ronan T

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 100 plus mark and have earned their fourth Scooby Award of the term.

• Freya B • Helena B

• Star J • Chloe W

• Robyn B • Georgia B

• Thomas C • Edward D

Congratulations to Verity C and William B who have now reached 125 pluses, great work! And finally, well done to Ted M and Jasper S who become the latest pupils of the year to reach 150 pluses, an incredible achievement!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Birthdays and Notices Happy birthday to all of our pupils who have had their birthday in the last week: • Tulliah S (13) • Matthew D (4) • Anna S (6) • Monty C-B (11) • Reyan M-J (5) • Andika S (11)

• Rufus C-B (6) • Ivy C (6) • Carys B (13) • Isabel C (12)

Potential New Bus Route We are considering putting on a morning bus pick-up from Gotherington if there is enough interest from Prep families. Please email for more information.

Tennis - Two courts have been booked from 0815-1100 on a Friday for Prep parents to play tennis. Please visit the Sports Hall Reception for the code to enter the courts. Availability will be on a first come first served (pardon the pun!) basis.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Week 12 Calendar Week 12

18/11/19 - 24/11/19 Mon - 18/11/19 Week 12 (12) 18 - 24 November Scholastic Book Fair (Library)* 10:45 Cheltenham College Leadership Challenge Event for Selected Year 6 Pupils (College) 13:40 Year 3 Bath Road Geography Trip 16:30 Pupils' Informal Concert (Lake House)* Tue - 19/11/19 Scholastic Book Fair (Library)* Year 3 Egyptian Day (Lower School) Wed - 20/11/19 Kingfishers Beep Beep Day 10:30 Departure for Pinewood 7s (A): U13A VII. Start 12:00. Pick up 17:30 11:00 Chapel* 12:15 Departure for Hockey v Wycliffe (A): U11A, U10A. Start 13:30. Pick up 17:00. 12:30 Departure for The Downs Wraxall 7s (A): U12A VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 17:30 12:50 Departure for Severnside Hockey Festival at Dean Close (A): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Start 13:30. Pick up 17:00 13:00 Departure for Hatherop Castle Rugby Festival (A): U8s. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:45 13:20 Departure for Dean Close Rugby Festival (A): U10A VIII, U10B VIII. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:30 13:30 Departure for Rugby v Cricklade and Hatherop Castle at Cricklade Manor (A): U13B XIII, U12B XII. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:45 13:30 Departure for Rugby v Hatherop Castle and Cricklade Manor at Hatherop (A): U9A VII, U9B VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:15 14:00 Rugby Festival (H): U11A IX, U11B IX, U11C IX. Pick up 16:20

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Week 12 Calendar 14:00

Hockey v Dean Close (H): U11B, U10B, U9A, U9B. Pick up 16:00 15:00 Hockey v Dean Close (H): 3rd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII, U11C. Pick up 16:20 16:00 Hockey v Dean Close (H): 6th VII, U8s. Pick up 17:15 Thu - 21/11/19 07:00 Departure for IAPS Finals at Haileybury (if qualified) (A): U11A. Start 10:00. Pick up 17:00 18:30 Parents' Meetings for Parents of Year 8 pupils who sat mock scholarship examinations (Assembly Hall)* Fri - 22/11/19 House Maths Challenge 2 County Cup Hockey Tournament at Dean Close (A): U13A. 09:00 Fun Friday Pre-3s Stay and Play (Nursery) 15:30 Exeat begins for pupils in Kingfishers 16:00 Exeat begins for pupils in Lower School 16:20 Exeat begins for pupils in Middle and Upper School 16:30 IAPS Skiing Championships Information Meeting (Library)* Sun - 24/11/19 10:00 Cheltonian Society Christmas Fair 19:00 Boarders return, latest return 19:30

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


Saturday Fixtures and Sports Training Match Information Team Sheets, which include comprehensive information including, meet times, match starts, return/pick-up times and match locations can be found through our sports webpage via the following link:

Important Notice Drop-off Times - Please do not drop off children before the allotted meet time as they will be unsupervised until the member of staff comes on duty. With such a busy car park, we must ensure the children are safe and therefore ask that if a family arrives early, parents remain with their children until the meet time. Pick-up Times - Please ensure your child is picked up at the appropriate time and are signed out.

Uniform Pupils to arrive in their games kit, wearing their full tracksuit and have their games bag with them. After sport all children must sign out with their team coach.

Absences A reminder to parents that if your child needs to miss a Saturday event, permission must be obtained from Mr O’Sullivan with a week’s notice. If your child is unwell and therefore unavailable for a Saturday event, please email Mr Simpson or Mrs McNulty the night before, or telephone the school on 01242 522 697 between 08:15 and 08:45.

Siblings If you have a child in Year 7 or 8 and others in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 there will be an option to drop your younger child at “Sibling Club”. Children should be dropped at The Prep School Reception at 08.15. They will be registered by the Reception staff and directed to the club where they will be supervised until their meet time. There is no post-match childcare available for siblings.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


And finally... Dear Parents

Those of you strolling around the pitch in front of my office will now come across a new I had an extraordinary conversation yesterday, tree, planted on Wednesday during a short not with anyone associated with Cheltenham ceremony, in memory of John Hunt. John was College Prep or College I might add. They a teacher here for over 20 years in the 70s and asked me whether ‘my school’ was an academic 80s, rising to the position of Second Master. school or one of those ‘whole person’ schools He also coached the IXV rugby team for a that spends all its time on things like wellbeing! great many years and would, I am sure, thoroughly enjoy the position of the fine I found the insinuation that achieving well maple tree in his name, able to survey and academically and ensuring children were support current and future generations of happy and enjoying their schooling were mutually exclusive, very odd. A child who loves sportsmen and women at The Prep. going to school, who engages enthusiastically Have a good weekend. with their teachers and in their lessons, who feels settled and comfortable in their environment and in their own skin will, without any doubt at all, perform to his or her maximum potential academically. I do have some sympathy with the questioner, in that the language and ‘jargon’ around this area has greatly increased in recent years. Wellbeing, mindfulness and mental health were not terms used very much in schools during our childhood! Goods schools were, however, still doing a great deal to ensure that the children in their care were happy and fulfilled because they knew that was also the best route to academic success. The language we use now is important, because it highlights the importance of thinking of the child beyond academic results, and raises the profile of important issues facing children, but the concept is not new. The happier children are, the more secure they feel, the stronger their performance both in and out of the classroom. It has always been the case! Prep for The Week Issue Number 1937 15 November 2019


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