Prep for the Week - Autumn term week 13

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Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1939 – 29 November 2019

That was the week that was...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1939 – 29 November 2019

Cheltenham Prep has joined the world of Instagram! Make sure you are following us ( to keep up to date with all of the fun things going on...

Included in this week’s issue… • Kingfishers Update • Lower School News • Sports News • Saturday Fixtures and Sports Training Week 14 Calendar

WEDNESDAY GAMES On Wednesdays, Year 3 should come in PE kit, bringing their school uniform in their sports bags plus games kit if they have a match. Years 4-8 should come in games kit, bringing their school uniform in their sports bags.

And finally... Don’t miss Mr O’Sullivan’s take on this week. His Week 13 blog can be found at the back of this week’s edition.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Kingfishers Update Nursery News This week is boat week and the children have been thinking about travelling on the water. The children made boats and decided to see if they would float. We discussed floating and sinking and tested materials to see which would make the best and worst boats.

Christmas Tree Decorations Reception loved helping Mrs Parsley hang their decorations on the Christmas trees in the dining room.

Model Making Reception have been busy raiding the junk modelling resources this week creating their own transport models.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Kingfishers Update

Nativity News Lines have been learnt, costumes are ready and rehearsals are well under way. The children are looking forward to performing for you.

Amazing Africa Year 1 have sorted photographs of Africa and the United Kingdom and talked about their similarities and differences. We learnt lots of interesting facts about Africa. Did you know there are over 1,000 languages spoken there?

Mad Scientists Year 2 wanted to find out which material would be the best insulator to keep a drink the coldest during the hot Australian summer. We popped on our white coats and glasses to help us think more scientifically and to carry out our first proper experiment for this topic!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Lower School News Walk like an Egyptian Year 3 travelled back to the time of Pyramids and Pharaohs. Last week our children got to experience Egyptian Day in Year 3. It was a delight to see them arrive in a variety of amazing costumes ready to participate in activities such as making a model sarcophagus, decorative collars and Egyptian death masks. One of the highlights of the day was the opportunity to make and sample some typical foods that the Egyptians may have eaten. These included Tabbouleh, yoghurt cucumber dip, hummus and date balls. It was a real feast and tasted fantastic. It was evident that the children thoroughly enjoyed the whole day and hopefully went home with a little bit more of an idea about how the Egyptians lived and died.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


In other News Movember update: Week 4 The Prep staff team of ‘Mo Bros’ have enjoyed great support during the last four weeks and we are delighted to announce that we have now raised over £2,000 from generous donations! The staff team is also in the top 10 of school teams nationwide, a fantastic achievement! If you would like to make any last minute contributions to this very worthwhile cause then please do via the link below: Many thanks, The Prep ‘Mo Bros’

Congratulations to Addison S who has earned a Grade 9 in his German GCSE exam that he took in September. A fantastic achievement!

Tennis - Two courts have been booked from 0815-1100 on a Friday for Prep parents to play tennis. Please visit the Sports Hall Reception for the code to enter the courts. Availability will be on a first come first served (pardon the pun!) basis.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


2019 - Our Year of Reading

Congratulations to Olive A who has been named this week’s reader of the week. Great work Olive, keep it up! Congratulations to Taylor S, our first AR Gold Award winner with over 750 points on her book quizzes!

Congratulations to Sam A who wins this week’s Caught You Reading award!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Sports News Girls’ Hockey Results 1st VII vs Bromsgrove Lost 4 - 5 2nd VII vs Bromsgrove Lost 1 - 3 3rd VII vs Bromsgrove Lost 0 - 6 4th VII vs Bromsgrove Won 4 - 0 5th VII vs Bromsgrove Lost 2 - 5 6th VII vs Bromsgrove Lost 1 - 2 U11 Cheetahs vs Bromsgrove Lost 0 - 3 U11 Pumas vs Bromsgrove Lost 0 - 2 U11 Jaguars vs Bromsgrove Drew 0 - 0 U10 Leopards vs Bromsgrove Lost 0 - 7 U10 Cougars vs Bromsgrove Lost 1 - 4 U9 Lions vs Bromsgrove Lost 0 - 2 U9 Tigers vs Bromsgrove Won 3 - 0

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019

Girls’ team of the week - 4th VII During a tough block of fixtures against a very strong Bromsgrove, the 4th VII’s 4 - 0 win was certainly the result of the day. A fantastic team effort girls well done!

U13 Girls IAPS Finals The U13 team travelled to Repton school to take part in the 2019 IAPS National Hockey Finals on Friday 15 November. The team were frustrated not to have secured a win during the day. They had some very close games with some narrow defeats. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience and half of the team are hoping to go again next year and compete in IAPS National Hockey finals.

Boys’ Rugby Results U12A vs Monmouth Lost 10 - 25 U12B vs Monmouth Lost 5 - 45 The U11s, U10s, U9s and U8s all played in festivals. No scores were kept but some fantastic Rugby was played.

Boys’ team of the week U11C After a tough week at their previous festival the boys really lifted their performance for their Dean Close Festival, not only winning all their matches, but scoring some superb tries and showing ferocity at the breakdown. Well done boys!


Scooby Awards Congratulations to the following pupils who have reached the 25 plus mark this term and have earned a Scooby Award.

• Sophia G

• Beatrix T

• Thomas W-G

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 50 plus mark and have earned their second Scooby Award of the term.

• Oliver B • Bella C

• Lily E • Emily G

• Herbie H • Martha K

• Lulu P • Alvin S

• Sienna W

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 75 plus mark and have earned their third Scooby Award of the term.

• Nell A • Keisha B-B • Kyron B-B

• Ava B • Jack E • Oliver E

• Lulu H • Sofia J • Hattie L

• William M • Aoife M • Sophia W

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 100 plus mark and have earned their fourth Scooby Award of the term.

• Verity C

• Emily F

• Matilda G

• Rory S

Congratulations to the following pupils who have now reached the 125 plus mark and have earned their fourth Scooby Award of the term.

• Georgia B

• Max F

• Star J

Congratulations to William B who has now reached 150 pluses, great work! A big well done to Seraphina D who has now earned her 175th plus of the term! And finally, well done to Annabelle B and Jasper S who become the first pupils of the year to reach 200 pluses, an incredible achievement!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Birthdays and Notices Happy birthday to all of our pupils who have had their birthday in the last week: • William T (4) • Alia T (7) • William D (13) • Freddie Y (13) • Sophia M (11) • Spencer M (13)

• Amelia M (11) • Kyron B-B (9) • Alice A (6) • Siena F (5) • Richard M (5)

Christmas Card Competition 2019 I am delighted to announce that the winners of the Christmas card competition are as follows each of whom received a £10 Amazon voucher which was presented at Assembly on Monday, 25 November: Kingfishers - Rafe M Year 3 - Benj Z Year 4 - Nell L Year 5 - Daisy dQA Year 6 - Jemima P Year 7 - Emily G Year 8 - Xanthe H The winners will all have their painting included in the last Prep for The Week of the term. Rafe’s design will be printed and sent to all Kingfisher and Years 3-8 parents. Well done to all who took part and congratulations to the winners. Mr O’Sullivan

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Week 14 Calendar Week 14

2/12/19 - 8/12/19 Mon - 2/12/19 Week 14 (14) 2 - 8 December Assembly to introduce the House D&T Competition Team Photos in Games Lessons 09:30 Kingfishers Experience for Prospective Parents 10:00 Years 1 and 2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 14:00 Nursery and Reception Nativity Dress Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 17:00 LAMDA showcase (Lake House)* Pick up 18:00 18:15 Parents' Evening for Parents of Year 7 (Assembly Hall)* Tue - 3/12/19 14:30 Years 1 and 2 Nativity Performance 1 (Assembly Hall)* 18:00 Middle School’s Merry Little Christmas Party (Dining Hall) Pick up 20:00 19:30 Y8 Academic Scholars Enrichment - Ian Redmond OBE Lecture Wed - 4/12/19 11:00 Chapel* 13:00 Lower School Hockey Training (H) 13:00 Departure for Hockey v Hatherop Castle (A): U10B. Start 14:15. Pick up 16:20 13:00 Lower School Netball Training (H) 13:45 Departure for Hockey v Hatherop Castle (A): U11C. Start 15:00. Pick up 17:00 14:00 Middle School Multi Sport Afternoon (H). Pick up 16:20 14:00 Upper School Football and Hockey Training (H). Pick up 16:20 14:15 Departure for Hockey v Pinewood (A): U11B, U10A. Start 15:15. Pick up 17:15 14:15 Hockey v Hatherop Castle (H): 2nd VII, 3rd VII. Pick up 16:20

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Week 14 Calendar 14:15 Indoor Hockey Training (H): 4th VII, 5thVII. Pick up 16:20 14:30 Nursery and Reception Nativity Performance (Assembly Hall)* 14:30 Hockey v St John's on the Hill (H): 6th VII. Pick up 16:20 Thu - 5/12/19 LAMDA Examinations (Drama Studio) ABRSM Music Examinations (Lake House) Departure for West of England Hockey Finals at Millfield (if qualified): 1st VII 09:00 Lower School Christmas Performance Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 14:30 Years 1 and 2 Nativity Performance 2 (Assembly Hall)* 16:45 Swimming v Beaudesert (H): Years 4-6. Pick up 18:00 18:30 Year 5 Theatre Trip to the Everyman Theatre: Under the Greenwood Tree. Pick up 21:00 from The Everyman Theatre Fri - 6/12/19 Boys switch to Hockey, Girls to Netball in Games 09:00 Fun Friday Pre-3s Stay and Play (Nursery) 09:00 Lower School Christmas Performance Dress Rehearsal (Assembly Hall) 15:30 Christingle Service for Reception-Year 8 (Chapel)* Sat - 7/12/19 10:00 Rugby and Netball v Dean Close (H): Year 2 Boys and Girls. Pick up 11:00 10:00 Middle School Football Morning (H). Pick up 12:00 10:00 Middle School Indoor Hockey Festival (H). Pick up 12:00 10:00 Upper School House 11-a-side Mixed Hockey (H). Pick up 12:30 10:30 Lower School Christmas Performance 1 (Assembly Hall)* 18:00 Boarders' Christmas Feast Sun - 8/12/19 13:00 Boarders' Trip to the Cinema

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


Saturday Fixtures and Sports Training Match Information Team Sheets, which include comprehensive information including, meet times, match starts, return/pick-up times and match locations can be found through our sports webpage via the following link:

Important Notice Drop-off Times - Please do not drop off children before the allotted meet time as they will be unsupervised until the member of staff comes on duty. With such a busy car park, we must ensure the children are safe and therefore ask that if a family arrives early, parents remain with their children until the meet time. Pick-up Times - Please ensure your child is picked up at the appropriate time and are signed out.

Uniform Pupils to arrive in their games kit, wearing their full tracksuit and have their games bag with them. After sport all children must sign out with their team coach.

Absences A reminder to parents that if your child needs to miss a Saturday event, permission must be obtained from Mr O’Sullivan with a week’s notice. If your child is unwell and therefore unavailable for a Saturday event, please email Mr Simpson or Mrs McNulty the night before, or telephone the school on 01242 522 697 between 08:15 and 08:45.

Siblings If you have a child in Year 7 or 8 and others in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 there will be an option to drop your younger child at “Sibling Club”. Children should be dropped at The Prep School Reception at 08.15. They will be registered by the Reception staff and directed to the club where they will be supervised until their meet time. There is no post-match childcare available for siblings.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019


And finally... Dear Parents At the start of the week two of our School Council members from Year 8 stood up in Assembly to talk about Cheltenham Open Door, one of the charities the children have chosen to support this year. They had one very simple message, and request. There are hundreds of children across our town who won’t be enjoying the kind of Christmas that we will all be enjoying, and whilst it might seem like a small thing, they asked for donations of advent calendars that could be distributed to some of these families. That small amount of excitement each morning as a child gets to open their advent calendar door is something we all probably take for granted and don’t think about very much, but it gives a real sense of something to look forward to for a child who otherwise won’t enjoy all the Christmas pleasures.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1939 29 November 2019

I’m delighted to say that within just three or four days the children have brought in 207 calendars. It says much about the children that they have led this themselves and that so many have made the effort to donate. They will make a real difference to hundreds of children throughout advent. Thank you.


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