Prep for the Week Issue | 1787

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015

In this week’s issue… Headmaster’s Welcome Notices Kingfishers News Lower School News Middle School News Upper School News Bakery and Craft Club

Boys’ and Girls’ Sport House Cross Country Corinth House Dinner Get to know our Gappies Birthday announcements Lunch Menu for the week The Week Ahead

Boarders’ Trip to Cadbury World Sunday, 25 January saw the Boarders embark on an exciting (and yummy!) trip to Cadbury World. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed walking around the centre and learning a little about the history of the Bourneville village, which was built for Cadbury workers in 1879. The highlight for everyone was the delicious chocolate that they were given to try!



Headmaster’s Welcome Dear Parents

“It is not the critic who counts, nor the person who points out how the strong one stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood....who knows great enthusiasm, great devotion and the triumph of achievement and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

This quote comes from Theodore Roosevelt. Although I would not have been aware of it as I desperately tried to win the 440yds at sports day at my prep school, it would have made a lot of sense as I trailed in behind the school superstar yet again. I had failed. This failure had no long lasting effect, instead it taught me lessons about pacing a race and accepting that my strengths were elsewhere. It was a visit to a Year 2 class this week, which prompted me to write about failure. In this lesson, I observed six year old children agonising over the fact that they had made a mistake. Some were phlegmatic about their mistakes but, worryingly, others were unable to accept that one learns from mistakes and move on to the next question. And if a child is unable to accept failure as part of the learning curve then he or she will be unwilling to enter ‘the arena’ as quoted by Roosevelt. New opportunities and challenges will be shunned for fear of failure. Do not misunderstand me. I enjoy achievement and winning as much as the next and schools are all about allowing children to enjoy success. However, vacuous praise and ‘prizes for just turning up’ undermine children, schools, other institutions and countries as much as ‘dog eats dog’ approach will. Therefore, to enjoy success, one must inevitably experience failure somewhere along the line. Are you practising this at home? Do you, as a parent, always win the race back to the car, the game of Monopoly or FIFA 2014 on the X-Box? Or do you contrive to lose so that your child is not upset? As always, I would advocate balance. Children need to be aware of how to cope with competition, not least to be able to become aware of one’s self-esteem and what builds it. Please encourage your children not to be scared of failure, not to readily accept it and, instead, to see it as an essential part of learning. Mr J F Whybrow

Kingfisher is alive and well! This little chap was seen fishing this morning, both near Lower School and on the island.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Notices Monday 9 February: g (Surnames A-K) Year 5 parents’ evenin Tuesday 10 February : ing (Surnames L-Z) Year 5 Parents’ Even ous ng th e school day. Vari ri Tuesday 10 February : du ’ ay D ic us M ge a ‘Colle tly at College is hosting 250 pupils are curren nd ou ar d an d el afi Th e music department r area and furthe vited from th e local schools ha ve been in due to attend Friday 13 February: Hall at 16.00 RF RF outside Assembly TU of d ai in op D vd collection for TU sh & ck CD Tu , ok bo e th to ntributions l at to parents for th eir co u yo k an th g bi ddle and Upper Sch oo ry Mi ve d a an 0 .0 16 at ol Lower scho Kingfishers at 15.30, Half Term begins for a) care, activities or te ol ho sc r te af o (n 0 16.3

Troy and Persia Houses Remember to sign up: for the Easter Baking and Decorating Event Tuesday 10 March 2015 Read the Clarion to find out how

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Kingfishers Kingfishers are pleased to announce that we raised the grand total of £362 for TURF (Team Up Reach Forward) last week. We would like to give a massive thank you to all those who helped to make cakes and came along to support us on the day. This week, Year 1 children were delighted to present their assembly to parents and other children in Kingfishers. Over the last couple of weeks, they have worked really hard to think of ideas and devise their own lines and dances for a toy themed extravaganza! Our two ‘toymakers’ took great pleasure in introducing the audience to Barbie dolls, teddy bears, cars, Lego people, puppets and ‘hula-hoopers’. It was impressive to see how confidently the children performed and how much fun they were having. The audience appeared to have a great time too! Miss J Jones, Kingfishers Class Tutor

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Kingfishers Assembly

Kingfishers are collecting the Sainsburys Active Kids vouchers! Last Year we managed to collect enough for many activity toys for the playground, just think what we could do this time! We really appreciate your support. Please bring in all your Sainsburys vouchers and place them in the collection box situated in the Yard Hall.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Lower School Following the Year 4 trip to Gloucester Catherdral, the children have used Comic Life and the internet to research a typical day in the life of a monk. Read about the jobs some of these monks carried out.... Mr A Theedom, Lower School Class Tutor

All Lower School pupils need a boiler suit in school. They are used every day at playtime and also in Art lessons. They are available to buy, new or secondhand, at the uniform shop. Opening times are: Tuesday 13.30-15.30pm and Wednesday 15.30-17.00pm Mrs D Isaachsen, Head of Lower School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Middle School The Equestrian Club is a wonderful and fun experience for both children who don’t know how to ride as well as those who have riding skills.

If you are worried or nervous, Pam, our riding instructor, will increase your confidence, whilst making sure you are on a pony suitable for you. She instructs you in the details that are needed to get the best out of your horse, for example, heels down, sit back etc. She is very encouraging. We have a great sense of achievement, particularly if you didn’t think you could do a jump and then you manage to do it.

We have been learning how to trot, canter and jump. “It feels like you are flying through the air. In front of the jump you think ‘here we go’ and then you are soaring through the air.”

In addition, we learn all sorts of aspects of stable management, grooming, feeding, tacking and un-tacking the horses. In general, how to look after them.

Equestrian Club, what, where and when?

Maria can now canter without stirrups and has become much more confident in her jumping. Kiera has been working on her canter position and now sits smoothly, providing a much better ride for her and her horse. Time flies when you are at riding club, riding feels different to walking. Helaina rejoined the club this term because it is such fun. We love the way that you do something that you think will be really scary and then it is such fun. Mrs A Grieves, Middle School Class Tutor

Upper School This week we have been focusing on our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and PALs (Pupil Achievement and Learning skills). In PSHE, Years 7 and 8 have been discussing what to do when friendships and relationships don’t go to plan. We have also talked about working through issues with staff and other adults, and who we can go to when we need to talk. It was really enlightening to hear all the different opinions of the Upper School boys and girls, and it has certainly given us all a lot to think about and to take forward.

Our PALs sessions for Year 8 in particular have looked at our revision skills and preparation for Mock Common Entrance examinations after Half Term. We decided that a schedule, coupled with some down time and plenty of treats, was the best way forward to success! I was also really proud to see so much determination and effort from all Upper School pupils who took part in the House Cross Country competition; they were all encouraged by the pupils and staff on a very cold morning Mrs S Reid, Director of Upper School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


CRAFT CLUB The girls all finished their elephant cushions this week. Care had been taken to ensure the cushions were sewn firmly shut to retain the stuffing. Individual designs were created, with beautiful results. We have just started our next project – DECOPATCH! This is a really fun papercraft technique of decoratating objects with special, clourful paper and glue varnish. The first step is to tear up the paper, ready for sticking. It is addictive – once you start – you can’t stop! Mrs G Barrett & Mrs J Buxton.


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Bakery club Club! Mrs G Barrett & Mrs B Williams

We made some delicious butterfly cakes today. We baked vanilla cupcakes and sliced the top off once they were cooked. We added some purple buttercream and a trickle of jam in the middle, then added the sliced top to give the effect of butterfly wings!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Girls’ Sporting Achievements Netball scores - Wednesday 4 February TEAM





1st VII

Prior Park Tournament


Won 3, Lost 2

3rd in group

U12 A

St Hugh’s Tournament


3rd in group

U12 B

St Hugh’s Tournament


Finished 5th

U11 A

St Hugh’s


10 – 8


U11 B

St Hugh’s




Team of the Week – U11A Another closely fought match and another well-earned victory for the U11s. During the first quarter ,we played at St Hugh’s fast and furious pace, but matched them with every goal. After slowing things down, the centre passes worked well and passing in order was really effective in our attacking half . WA who was player of the match read the game well and fed some superb early balls into the shooters. Hard, fast passing is the key to our good play, now we just need to be consistent with this. Excellent work girls and a big thank you to Miss Willey for umpiring and controlling the game.

Cheltenham Prep Local Schools Netball Festival – Friday 30 January On the Friday of Exeat, we included something a bit different in our netball programme: We ran a fun mixed festival for a group of schools which we do not usually compete against. It was aimed at players aged under 11 and schools were invited to bring boys as well as girls, if it helped them put a team together. We included local primary schools and local Prep Schools as well as some smaller feeder Prep Schools. Although some of these schools perhaps did not play netball to the competitive standard we are used to, our girls were perfect hosts. They adapted well and had a very enjoyable time meeting boys and girls from different schools. The festival format meant there was no pressure and everyone got to play lots of netball and try out different positions. Every player left with a medal after a hearty match tea and there were lots of smiling faces. Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls Sport

Mrs J Upton, Games Tutor

Some feedback from schools who attended – “I wanted to write saying how much our Year 6 Team enjoyed the Netball Festival which you so kindly organised on Friday. Everyone had a lovely experience and they came back to school with very happy memories of a great day, especially the very tasty pasta and cupcakes!!!” (Airthrie School) “Thank you so much for Friday, we really enjoyed it. The girls haven’t stopped talking about how brilliant it was”. (Hardwicke Prep)

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


House Cross Country Congratulations to Athens who won the House Cross Country Relays this week. We had some excellent running on display for the many spectators who turned out to watch and, as usual, the pupils approached this House event enthusiastically and with friendly competition. One boy and one girl in each year was selected to run for each House. Well done to the runners and supporters! Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Sport

Results 1st - ATHENS 2nd - TROY 3rd - ROME 4th eq - PERSIA and CORINTH 6th - SPARTA

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Boys’ Sporting Achievements Hockey

Team of the Week – U11B Hockey VII





1st VII

Dean Close 1st VII



2nd VII

Dean Close 2nd VII Lost


3rd XI

Dean Close 3rd XI



4th XI

Dean Close 4th XI



5th XI

Dean Close 5th XI



5th XI

Dean Close 6th XI




Clifton U11A




Clifton U11B




Clifton U11C




Clifton U10A




Clifton U10B




Clifton U10C




Clifton U9A




Clifton U9B




Clifton U9C



Coming off the back of last week’s tournament which had yielded four 0 – 0 draws, there was clearly the need to develop more of a cutting edge, both in attack and midfield. Having worked on a faster game in Monday’s session, it was pleasing to see that we made a purposeful start to the match, despite the freezing conditions. From the outset, whenever Clifton were in possession we applied pressure in all areas of the pitch and the first goal was a direct result of the opposition being caught in possession in their own D. Slick interplay in the middle of the pitch led to ourextending our lead, as the team looked to move the ball wide early, creating holes in Clifton’s defence. The visitors enjoyed more possession in the second half but we were resolute in defence, backed up by some admirable saves. Well done to our team for playing the game with increasing pace, determination and intelligence. Mr N Jenkins, Deputy Head (Pastoral)

So what happened next? This is a story from a Prep school student who began her journey here and has now gone on to follow her dreams of becoming a doctor. “My daughter loved her time at The Prep and Cheltenham College. She left last year and after an unsuccessful attempt to go to Oxford, decided to take a gap year and reapply. She has now gained an unconditional place to study Medicine at St Andrew’s, as she has four A’s in the bag.”

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Corinth House Dinner Corinth enjoyed their bi-annual House Dinner on Thursday this week. The theme was all about France so our menu consisted of snails and frogs legs for starters, coq au vin or chicken chasseur with dauphinoise potatoes and French beans for the main, and profiteroles with cream and chocolate sauce or crème brûlée for desert. There were French quizzes on the tables as well as colour in and dot to dot competitions, and we had the film Asterix playing on a big screen in the background. After the meal, Tabby Barnes gave an excellent speech and we retired to the Assembly Hall for an Eiffel Tower building competition and a few fun games. Mr R Woodbridge, House Master Corinth

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Get to know our Gappies Each week we will look at the answers one of our Gappies gave to our list of ‘Get to know our Gappies’ questions. Our Gappies are Jack Larkin, Patrick Thynne, Jessica Old, Amelia Harris and Emily Holding...this week it’s Millie’s turn! (Millie is in the middle of the picture below) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Where did you go to school? Barker College What made you interested in working in a school? The location, making my travels more convenient and working in the school with kids and a community Do you have sisters/brothers? Yes, an older brother and a younger sister Do you have pets? Yes, my puppy, Nugget What was your best holiday – favourite place? Africa, climbing Kilimanjaro What is/are your ambition/s? To succeed in something that makes me happy What are your hobbies? Sewing and running What makes you laugh or cry? The boy gappies Best meal you have had? Anything chocolate Favourite book/s? Judy Moody, been my favourite since I was eight What you like most about the Prep? The kindness of the children, staff and community What are you looking forward to next year? Being home with family and beginning something new

next week! s il p u p g in w to the follo y a d h t ir B y p Hap ....... 4 years ....................... ny n Pe er sp Ja ..... 6 years ........................ Ted Mann...... ...... 7 years ngar............... Zhangir Aldo years ................... 7 ... r. he rc A en Magdal 8 years ..................... ... ... ... ey hl tc Ed Cri 13 years ....................... ... t. an rr Ta y Henr

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015


Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 - 05 February 2015

French stick

Old Spot Sausages Potato Waffles Spaghetti hoops Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast

Focaccia sandwich rolls

Smoked Mackerel Poached Eggs


Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh Fruit

Puddings Blackberry ‘n’ Apple Pie & Custard Jelly Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh Fruit


Flapjack & Chocolate sauce Tiramisu

Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh Fruit SUPPER

Toad in the Hole Fish Gougons Butternut Squash and Roasted Peppers Stew Roast potatoes & Carrots Jacket potatoes Yoghurt & Fruit crumble


Peach ‘n’ Apricot Crumble & Custard Chocolate Roulade

Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh fruit

BBQ Spare Ribs Vegetable Risotto Minty lamb burgers Wedges & Peas Salad Bar Jacket potatoes Fresh fruit

Steaklettes & Onion rings Veggie Burgers Spicy spirals Coleslaw Salad Bar Jacket potatoes Fresh fruit


Steamed treacle sponge & Cream Etton Mess

Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes

Baked potatoes



Homemade soup of the day Salad Bar

Homemade soup of the day Salad Bar

Homemade soup of the day Salad Bar


Kingfisher lunch

Beef lasagne Garlic dough balls Veggie Hotpot Chicken pasty Salad Bar Jacket potatoes Sliced Pineapple


Baked potatoes

Roast potatoes Fresh cabbage* Gravy Homemade soup of the day Salad Bar

New Potatoes Peas & Baby Onions*

Garlic Oval Flatbread Steamed broccoli*

Baked Beef fajitas Savoury baked rice Pork & Pepper Stir-fry Prawn crackers Salad Bar Jacket Potatoes Yoghurts


Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh Fruit

Spotty Dick with Custard Choc fudge cake


Baked potatoes

Homemade soup of the day Salad Bar

Chips Baked beans

Potato & Chickpea Cakes

Broccoli Au gratin

Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast

Fried eggs Mini sausages

American pancakes

LUNCH Home fried battered fish Marinated Chicken kebabs Mini fish cakes

Saffron rice French Beans*



Grilled bacon Potato Rostis

Toasted Bagels



Homemade Chicken Kiev Vegetable Kiev Chips Baked beans Salad Bar Jacket potatoes Selection of cakes


Cheese & biscuits Yoghurts Fresh Fruit

Semolina & Toffee Sauce

Jam tarts

Pasta bakes Salad Garlic Bread


Fresh fruit

Steamed & Sticky Chocolate pudding & Cream

Puddings Puddings Fruit Salad

******* ******* Baked potatoes

Salad Bar

Lime Infused Rice Onion Bhaji Poppadoms

Roast potatoes Fresh vegetables Gravy


Breaded Monkfish with Lemon & Pepper Vegetable Curry


Fried Egg Tomatoes Sausages & Bacon Mushroom Hash Brown Black Pudding Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast


LUNCH Lamb Korma

Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast


LUNCH “Roast of the day”

LUNCH Chicken & Chorizo Casserole Cod Mornay Chilli Bean Mousaka

Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast

Grilled bacon Scrambled egg

Fruit lattice


LUNCH Cheese Topped Tomato & Bacon Penne Turkey & Vegetable Hotpot Med Vegetable Tarts

Chelsea Buns Sliced cheese & Ham Boiled eggs Natural yoghurt & Fruits of the forest Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast



LUNCH Cajun Chicken with Roasted Vegetables Sea Bass, Ginger & Lime Fishcakes Ricotta & Spinach Cannelloni

Fruit platter Grapefruit Yoghurt Cereals Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Hot Chocolate Toast






Sunday, February 8, 2015 - Sunday, February 15, 2015 Sunday, 8 February 2015 12:30

Athens House trip to Warehouse Climbing Centre. Meet at Gloucester. Session ends 14:30


Boarders' Trip to Cineworld (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

Monday, 9 February 2015 Week 5 (20) 9 - 15 February 08:30

Assembly taken by the Headmaster of College


House Swimming Gala (Years 3-8). Pick up 16:30


Year 5 Parents' Evening (Surnames A-K)

Tuesday, 10 February 2015 06:15

Departure for IAPS Hockey Qualification at Millfield (A): 1st VII. Start 10:00. Pick up dependent on progress


College Music Day (Year 5-7 current and potential music award holders)


Year 5 Parents' Evening (Surnames L-Z)

Wednesday, 11 February 2015 12:45

Departure for Football v St Hugh's (A): U11A IX. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:00


Departure for Hockey v Clifton (A): 3rd VII, 4th VII, 5th VII, 6th VII. Start 14:30. Pick up 17:15


Departure for Netball v Berkhampstead (A): U9A Vll, U9B Vll, U8A Vll, U8B Vll. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:15


Netball v Berkhampstead (H): U11B Vll, U10B Vll. Pick up 16:30


Hockey v Clifton (H): 1st VII, 2nd VII. Pick up 16:30


Football v St Hugh's (H): U11B IX, U10A VII, U10B VII, U10C VII. Pick up 16:30


Departure for Netball v Denmark Road (A): 1st Vll, 2nd Vll, 3rd Vll, 4th Vll. Start 15:45. Pick 17:45


Netball v Berkhampstead (H): U11A Vll, U10A Vll. Pick up 17:00

Thursday, 12 February 2015 08:30

Safer Internet Day Talk (Years 5-8)


The Kingfishers Experience: Pre-Prep Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Friday, 13 February 2015 Half Term begins: Boarders can depart by prior arrangement at any time during the day 00:00

House Chef Launch including Kingfishers (entries to be in on 23 February)


Chapel Service (parents welcome)


Half Term begins for children in Kingfishers (no after school care, activities or tea)


Boarder and Flexi-Boarder Parents' Tea


Half Term begins for children in Lower School (no after school care, activities or tea)


Tuck Shop in aid of TURF (outside Assembly Hall)


Half Term begins for children in Middle and Upper Schools (no after school care, activities or tea)

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


Sunday, February 1, 2015 - Sunday, February 8, 2015 19:00

Boarders' Trip to see 'Joseph' at The Everyman Theatre (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

Sunday, 8 February 2015 11:50

Athens House trip to Warehouse Climbing Centre, Gloucester. Depart 11:50. Pick Up 14:30


Boarders' Trip to Cineworld (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1787 – 05 February 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


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