Prep for the Week | Issue 1789

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Prep for the Week Issue Number 1789 – 27 February 2015

In this week’s issue… Headmaster’s Welcome Notices Kingfishers News Lower School News Middle School News Upper School News Girls’ and Boys’ Sport

Music Day Year Five Print Workshop House Chef Marvllellous Maths Clubs Get to know our GAPPIES Birthday Announcements The School Week Ahead

Townsend-Warner History Prize 2015

Max’s Amazing Skiing Acheivement

The Townsend-Warner History Prize has been in existence for over 125 years and is one of the oldest institutions in the Preparatory School world. The Prize consists of two papers. The first has 100 questions demanding answers from World History, with a strong emphasis on British History. Some are straightforward, however many are more obscure. Two hundred candidates qualify from Paper 1 to sit Paper 2. This is in the form of essay questions, allowing candidates a very wide choice so that they can write on what they know, demonstrating analytical skill and historical imagination.

During half term, Max took part in the 2015 English Championships in Italy which saw him racing U14 Slalom, Giant Slalom and Super-G .In March, he will be repeating a similar race programme for the British championships in France. He is committed to his training , competing in local races throughout the winter in Austria and summer in Italy. Max’s goal is to qualify for the Great Britain Children’s Ski Team, leading on to represent Great Britain. Well done Max. Keep up the good work!! Miss S E Ramsay, Head of Girls’ Sport

This year, nine Cheltenham College Prep Year 8 pupils entered the competition, who met during break times to learn about different parts of History that the syllabus does not cover and practice their Historical general knowledge. After the ‘Townsend-Warner Christmas Party’ and a little revision over the holidays, the candidates sat Paper 1 in January. Seven of the candidates did extremely well and received certificates of participation; Allison, Beth, Charlotte, Maja, Megan, Sophie and Benjamin. Two candidates have qualified to sit Paper 2. Maximus was placed 149th nationally and Duncan was placed 15th nationally. It has been a lot of fun and the results are all fantastic achievements of which the pupils should be very proud. Mr R D W Baird



Headmaster’s Welcome Dear Parents Whilst we were on Half Term, the period of Lent began and this was the theme of this week’s assembly. Instead of simply concentrating on what people have given up for Lent, I tried to concentrate on the reason for doing so; introspection. At a time when we are working through a series of parents’ evenings, events at which children are judged from, it is important that they examine their own performances because self-motivation is the most effective. Once again, despite Half Term and the onset of lighter evenings, the school community is a tired one. I know that its resilience and determination will ensure that it remains effective in the final few weeks. Greater self-awareness will undoubtedly help. My congratulations to all children who took part in the House Chef competition. Pictures of some of the tasty and beautifully decorated entries are contained in this edition of ‘Prep for the Week’ and some small prizes will be distributed next week. My thanks to Mr Lee and his Catering team for being such impartial judges! Staffing update Mr Chris Murray has been appointed to the position of Deputy Head at Yardley Court in Kent with effect from September 2015. Consequently, Dr. Sandra Gilmour will relinquish her duties as the Acting Head of Science and take over the running of the Maths Department on Mr Murray’s departure. Mrs Rosamund Humphrey is now on maternity leave. Her teaching in Years 6 and 7 will be covered by Mrs Patterson, whilst Mr Dawson and Mrs Douglas will share the teaching of her Year 8 class. Mrs Humphrey has also announced that she will not return in September as she is relocating to Cambridge. We will be interviewing candidates for the position of Head of English on Monday. Mrs Jemma Miles is also on maternity leave. Her teaching duties will be covered by Mrs Baird (Biology) and Miss Willey (PE and Games). Interviews for the positions of Head of Science, Head of Design Technology and Head of Computing will take place before the end of term and I will inform you of the appointments either in my final letter of the term or at the beginning of next. Timetable arrangements for September 2015 It is my intention to include a weekly update/reminder of the new arrangements for September 2015. These ‘bitesize’ pieces of information are designed to ensure that all are fully appraised of these timings. From September 2015, the School will continue to open at 08.00, Monday – Saturday. The official start of the teaching day for the Cottage is 09.00 The official start of the teaching day for Kingfishers (Reception – Year 2) is 08.40 The official start of the teaching day for Lower, Middle and Upper School (Years 3-8) is 08.20. Mobile Phones All drivers entering the school grounds are asked to respect the law of the land which states that one should not use a mobile phone whilst driving. Kingfishers Swimming On account of some subtle internal staffing alterations, please direct all queries concerning Kingfishers swimming to Mr Simpson. Mr J F Whybrow

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Notices 0 s’ Evening until 18.3 Lower School Parent

0 s’ Evening until 18.3 Lower School Parent

rary Mufti Day World Book Day, Lite sembly Hall rents 08.15 in th e As Pa l al r fo ng ni or M Coffee

Coffee Morning

Lower, Middle and Upper School

Assembly Hall Friday 6 March from 08:15 to 09:30

A chance to meet and chat with other parents – do join us!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Kingfishers - It’s great fun in Kookaburra Club Our children enjoy such a broad range of activities from puzzles and board games to dancing along to music. They also thoroughly enjoy practising ICT skills using the iPads. Our girls and boys love playing with a huge variety of toys and take full advantage of participating in many different art activities, here you can see the lovely hearts they created. Kookaburra club encourages interaction between all the age groups within Kingfishers. Miss S Matthews, Teaching Assistant

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Kingfishers Ballet Club Kingfishers Ballet Club prepare to try out ‘The Tales of Beatrix Potter Ballet’ moves in the second half of the Spring Term. For a Half Term treat, watch the utterly charming youtube clip of the Royal Ballet soloist Michael Coleman as Jeremy Fisher. He has never jumped quite as high as Emma but he got pretty close. Well done Emma! Mrs K Mac Innes, Ballet Teacher

Lower School Maths Challenge On Thursday 5 February the Prep hosted over 30 primary schools with nearly 140 pupils to the Year 4 DCB Maths Challenge. As always the event was a huge success and throughly enjoyed by all.

The event was topped off with a win for the team and some fantastic Year 7 helpers who showed great initiative, maturity and were superb ambassadors for the school. Mr C D Murray, Head of Maths Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Lower School At the top of the tree, I saw Dreamland. When I walked into Dreamland I saw my friend Moonface. Moonface told me what I needed to do. We had to think of our favourite thing and then it would happen. I thought of Super Power Land. My power was shapeshifting and Moonface’s power was to be strong. They went around the new land and met all kinds of different people who had colourful powers. Accidently, I began to think about the Angry Pixie who lives in the Faraway Tree and we ended up in the pixies house… we were stuck!...


Miss K E Stovold, Lower School Class Tutor

Joe, Kate and I climbed the beautiful, old tree. We were also joined by Perfect Pixie. She wanted her friend to come too, Mrs Moonface. When we reached the top, we found Pillow Land. I was the first one to jump on to one of the pillows. I flew into the air. Then, everyone copied me… 2 hours later, all of us were so hungry. We found a pillow café. The people in the café served us little pillow cases-which tasted like marshmallows! Once we were full up, we had the biggest pillow fight!...Kitty

As Moonface and I reach the top of the tree we find Ski Land. In Ski Land there are magical skis. When you wear these skis down the slopes you come across holes in the ground which lead to new slopes. Accidently, Moonface and I fall down different holes in the ground…Tom

As Mr Watzisname, Annalise and I reached the top of the tree and looked above the clouds we saw Cuckoo Land. As we entered, suddenly, Mr Watzisname remembered his name! It was… Bod! Whilst Mr Watzisname was remembering his name everyone else went cuckoo!...Emily

We need your help… Year 4 are holding a scrumptious cake sale at the Bath Road Market on Saturday March 7 between 10.00 and 14.00 to raise money for our school charity TURF. We would be very grateful if you could make a cake or some biscuits and bring them to Lower School next Friday or Saturday morning, so we have lots of cakes to sell. From Ethan and all Year 4 pupils

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Middle School Some pupils in Year 6 have grouped together to write this year’s BOOK DAY QUIZ. So, get your thinking caps on as posters with literary clues will magically appear around The Prep on Thursday next week. Do not forget, if you are stuck for an answer, ask Year 6 children for extra help! Prizes will be given to everyone who takes part. Another huge thank you to all our supportive parents for the WWII artefacts Year 5 continue to bring in. Our History work becomes truly meaningful when we can link it to the experience of our own families,, for the next 2 or 3 weeks Year 5 are researching The Blitz, as shown by one of our drawings completed this week. Mrs D Bond, Director of Middle School

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Upper School Four Square Four Square is a game first enjoyed by the older children of The Prep then it spread to the younger ones. This has become a bit of a phenomen in The Prep and most days you can see lots of children playing. Year 8 have explained it a little more for those of us who need some help in understanding just why it is so popular.

Musical Challenge As you can see from the photo below, Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Wells and myself, along with several other members of staff, have taken up Mr Perona-Wright’s challenge to learn a musical instrument and take a Grade 1 exam in the Summer Term, in order to support both TURF and the school Music Tour. There is also a vicious rumour that staff will also be “asked” to perform in the summer concert. As you can imagine this has sparked some fierce competition amongst the staff, with tremendous efforts to fit in music lessons and practice sessions, and I am sure many of you have seen the Clarion sent out explaining who is learning what in each section of the school. We would be delighted if you would sponsor us (sponsorship forms are, I believe, in some cases pinned to office doors…) or simply contact staff or Mr Perona-Wright via email. I would like to thank all the music staff and the music department in general, who are giving up their time so kindly (and with superhuman amounts of patience) to support staff with this venture.

The rules of Four Square: You can use any part of your body to hit the ball

Mrs S Reid, Director of Upper School

You are not allowed to have closed fists to hit the ball You are allowed to volley it (although that rule can be changed). If the ball hits the middle or the line, a replay is called to avoid arguments. You are not allowed to carry the ball, otherwise you will be out. There is a King, who serves the ball to the Jack, to his left there is the Queen and the Peasant is diagonal to her Some pupils say they like it because: “I like four square because it is inclusive.” Henry “It gives you exercise during break.” Charles “It helps you with your reflexes.” Kene “It is good for all sports: Rugby, Football, Hockey, Netball and Rounders.” Mia “It’s an enjoyable game for all ages and shows competiveness in a fair way” Fergus

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Girls’ Sporting Achievements Netball Scores - Wednesday 25 February TEAM





U9 A

Richard Pate




U9 B

Richard Pate




U10 A

Richard Pate




U10 B

Richard Pate


15 – 1


U11 A

Richard Pate


11 – 3


U11 B

Richard Pate




1st VI



16 – 23


2nd VII



9 – 26


3rd VII



1 – 25


4th VII



0 – 29


Team of the Week – U9 A The U9A team had a thrilling match against The Richard Pate School. We began the game tentatively, with both teams finding their flow. However, a few minutes into the quarter we scored two goals in quick succession and this soon lifted our confidence. By the second quarter, the girls had found their attacking spirit, dominating the possession and defending superbly! The score at half time was 5-0. The Richard Pate School fought back in the third quarter, gaining more of the possession and scoring their first goal. In the final quarter, Cheltenham Prep edged even further ahead. After some outstanding shooting, tight man-to-man marking and excellent movement down the court, the final score was 8-1 to Cheltenham Prep. A fantastic team effort, well done! Mrs L M Theedom, Lower School Class Tutor

The Lower School girls had their House Netball competition on Monday. The results are as follows 1st - SPARTA 2nd eq - ATHENS and PERSIA 4th - ROME 5th - TROY 6th - CORINTH

POLITE NOTICE Please note that if a child is to be “Off Games” then this information must come from the parents or a medical professional. Children are not allowed to make this decision themselves. It would also be much appreciated if parents could inform the Sports Staff, as well as the Form Teacher. This communication can be in the form of a written note or an email to Miss Stacy Ramsay ( for Girls’ Games and Mr Duncan Simpson ( for Boys’ Games. Please also remember that if a child is ill or injured and therefore unable to take part in an activity we would expect them to be fully off PE, Swimming and Games. We appreciate that there are specific times when only one activity will be affected e.g. an ear infection would put a child off swimming but nothing else. However, in most cases if a child is just generally poorly or has a cold and a parent deems that they are too ill for swimming then our policy is that they are also too ill to be running around getting out of breath in PE or Games. Again, this must be communicated to the relevant staff by the parents and not the children. We thank you for your understanding and support in these matters.

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Boys’ Sporting Achievements Hockey Wednesday 25 February TEAM




Colts A VII


See below

1st VII

Prior Park 1st VII



2nd VII

Prior Park 2nd VII



Monday 23rd February

3rd VII

Prior Park 3rd VII




Middle School Hockey Results

4th VII

Prior Park 4th VII



5th VII

Prior Park 4th VII



Colts B VII

Dean Close Colts B



4th ROME

Colts C VII

Dean Close Colts C Won



Colts D VII

Dean Close Colts D Won


Colts E VII

Dean Close Colts E



1st VII

Clifton 1st VII



2nd VII

Clifton 2nd VII



3rd VII

Clifton 3rd VII



4th VII

Clifton 4th VII



5th VII

Clifton 5th VII



6th VII

Clifton 6th VII



3rd TROY


Colts A VII at the IAPS South West Championship After a slow start to the season, the Colts A have hit form at the right time and headed down to Clifton with confidence and structure, determined to show how strong they are. After a 1-1 draw with King’s Taunton, the boys beat Sandroyd 1-0 and Hazelgrove 2-0 which meant we won the group. We then played Port Regis and lost 2-1 in a very tight game. The boys quickly bounced back and beat Monkton Coombe 3-0, leaving us with a game against Millfield to win the pool. Despite an outstanding performance we went down 2-0 to Millfield. Although the boys did not qualify for the National Finals they demonstrated that they are a real threat on the circuit this year and we look forward to them returning to IAPS in two years time to take the next step. Mr C D Murray, Head of Maths

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Music Day On Tuesday 10 February , Cheltenham College hosted a successful Music Day for local preparatory and primary schools. In the morning, the children could participate in either an orchestral workshop led by Mr Perona-Wright or a choral workshop led by Mr McKee. With around 250 children in attendance the atmosphere was certainly electric.

In the afternoon, the children took part in a series of workshops focusing on African drumming, Samba and Gamelan music. After a well-deserved lunch, the choir and orchestra joined forces to rehearse and perform their pieces in a concert for parents. This included ‘Pomp and Circumstance’, ‘Sing’ by Gary Barlow and a gospel rendition of ‘Praise the Lord’ and both performed, ‘I Dreamed a Dream’.

Thank you to these pupils for taking part: Charlie, Alice, George, Lily, Jamie and Freya from Year 5, Thea, Celeste, Annie, William, Ella and Keira from Year 6, and finally Anna, George, Charles, Izzy, Grace and Jessica from Year 7. Not only did they lead by example, but also demonstrated that Cheltenham College Prep School has a great strength in music aplenty.

Finally, this day would not have been possible without the organisation and support of the music staff. Thank you to Mr McKee, Mr Perona-Wright, Mr McNaught, Mrs Mills, Mrs Smith and Mr Connor for such an exhilarating day enjoyed by all. Miss G M Jones, assistant Director of Music

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Year 5 Print Workshop 2015 Fifteen children from five different schools joined up with some of our own Year 5 pupils for a day of active learning about printing and having a go at various techniques. Mrs Bond led the lino workshop where the children learned about creating a design suitable for cutting out, using specific tools; this was then turned into a mono print on an Egyptian theme. Later the print was adapted using the enhancement technique of chine colle. (Adding coloured tissue to the print, after it is inked, but before it is printed) Mrs Parsley led an activity making collagraphs. Using mounting card the children were encouraged to cut into it with scalpels and peel off surface areas, add various tapes and stickers and then cover it with coloured ink and print it on to special damp paper using an etching press. Lots of busy fun was had, loads of new and exciting ideas were released in to the world. The whole room was buzzing with creative activity and the cheerful sound of an industrious working atmosphere. Mrs A V Parsley, Head of Art

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


House Chef - Well done everyone who entered!

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Keep calm, its only Marvellous Maths A huge thank you to Dr. Enright, Head of Maths at the College, who came into The Prep and gave a talk to the Y8 about expectations and common mistake made in the Common Entrance Exams. Mr C D Murray, Head of Maths

Dr. Enright’s top 5 tips for success.....

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Bakery Club This week we made a Carrot Cake which involved the hard task of grating lots of carrots! We combined them with currants into the cake mixture and baked it in either a loaf tin or muffin cases. The cakes were then decorated with a delicious cream cheese topping. The pupils are all very good at helping each other: with the measuring, following the recipe or with helping to tidy up – great teamwork!

Craft Club This week we got in the mood for Valentine’s Day and experimented with Puffy Paint! You make up a special mixture of flour, salt and food colouring, use it like paint and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds! The result is a paint finish which puffs up and is immediately set. The girls created some impressive results. We also continued with decopatching – the keepsake boxes are close to being finished. Mrs G Barrett & Mrs B Williams

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Get to know our Gappies Each week we will look at the answers one of our Gappies gave to our list of ‘Get to know our Gappies’ questions. Our Gappies are Jack Larkin, Patrick Thynne, Jessica Old, Amelia Harris and Emily Holding...this week it’s Patrick’s turn! (Patrick is second in from the right of the picture below) . 1. Where did you go to school? Cranbrook School 2. What made you interested in working in a school? The idea of travel, and helping the kids through a tough but fun experience 3. Do you have sisters/brothers? One older brother 4. Do you have pets? A dog called Sneaky 5. What was your best holiday – favourite place? India 6. What are your hobbies? Sport and guitar 7. What makes you laugh or cry? Mr. Larkin makes me laugh 8. Best meal you have had? My last family meal, before coming to England 9. Favourite book/s? Gone Girl 10. What you like most about the Prep? The staff and kind nature of the kids 11. What are you looking forward to next year? Seeing my family and friends in Australia and going to University

lowing l o f e h t o t y Happy Birthda s next week! il p u p .......Age 4

......... Henk Muller...

.....Age 4

............. Liana Muller

............... Ry an Navaei....

Age 6

e 7 rne............ Ag Maya Colbou e 7 in............... Ag Charles Mart

... Age 11

ss........... Eddie Buttre

..... Age 11

............ Molly Krauer

...... Age 13

......... Harry Ly le......

. Age 13

es............ Jago MacInn

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015


Sunday, March 1, 2015 - Sunday, March 8, 2015 Sunday, 1 March 2015 13:30

Boarders' Paintball at Combat Splat (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)

Monday, 2 March 2015 Week 8 (23) 2 - 8 March 00:00

Year 8 Academic Scholarship Examinations (College)


Lower School English Speaking Board examinations


Year 5 visit to a Synagogue


School Ski Competition (Gloucester)


Lower School Parents' Evening until 18:30

Tuesday, 3 March 2015 00:00

Year 8 Cheltenham College Academic Scholarship Examinations (College)


Lower School English Speaking Board examinations


Middle School Maths Competition


Lower School Parents' Evening until 18:30

Wednesday, 4 March 2015 00:00

Year 8 Cheltenham College Scholarships in Art, DT and Drama (College)


Departure for Hockey v Bromsgrove (A): Colts E VII, Colts F VII. Start 14:00. Pick up 16:30


Departure for Netball v St Edward's (A): U11A Vll, U11B Vll, U10A Vll, U10B Vll. Start 14:30. Pick up 16:30


Upper School House Netball. Pick up 16:30


Upper School House Hockey. Pick up 16:30


Hockey v Bromsgrove (H): Colts A VII, Colts C VII. Pick up 16:30


Hockey v Bromsgrove (H): Colts B VII, Colts D VII. Pick up 16:30


Departure for Netball v St Edward's (A): U9A Vll, U9B Vll. Start 16:00. Pick up 17:30 - Cancelled

Thursday, 5 March 2015 00:00

World Book Day: Author visits Years 5-8 (Literary Mufti)


Departure for IAPS Netball at Millfield (A): U11A Vll. Pick up 18:00


Cross Country League Race (H): Years 4, 5 and 6. Pick up 17:00


Corinth and Rome Year 8 Pupils' trip to Zizzi

Friday, 6 March 2015 05:00

Departure for Year 6 Mixed Hockey and Netball Tour to Guernsey


Departure for IAPS Netball at Millfield (A): 1st Vll. Pick up 18:00


Coffee Morning for all parents (Assembly Hall)


Congregational Practice


Netball v St Olave's School, York (H): U10A Vll, U10B Vll, U11 Mix Pick up 16:30


Rugby v St Olave's School, York (H): U10A IX, U10B IX. Pick up 16:30


Football v Berkhampstead (H): U9A VII, U9B VII and U9C VII. Pick up 16:30


Friends of The Prep "Call My Bluff" Wine Tasting evening

Saturday, 7 March 2015 08:30

Departure for Netball at Prior Park Tournament (A): U8A Vll. Start 10:00. Pick up 13:00


Departure for Hockey v Dean Close (A): Year 2 Boys and Girls. Start 10:00. Pick up 11:45


Departure for Richard Pate Netball Tournament (A): U10A Vll. Start 10:00. Pick up 12:30


Open Morning for Prospective Parents


Departure for Rugby at The Downs Wraxall 7s (A): 1st VII. Start 12:00. Pick up dependent on progress. All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow.

Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


Sunday, March 1, 2015 - Sunday, March 8, 2015 10:30

Lower School House Hockey. Pick up 12:30

Sunday, 8 March 2015 13:30

Boarders' Cooking Sunday at Foodworks (Full and Regular Flexi Boarders Only)


Year 6 Mixed Hockey and Netball Tour to Guernsey returns

All changes and additions to the School Calendar are highlighted in yellow. Cheltenham College Preparatory School Tel - 01242 522 697 Thirlestaine Road Fax - 01242 265 620 Cheltenham Email - Gloucestershire GL53 7AB Website -

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1789– 27 February 2015

Duty Mobiles: MS/US 07867 505721, LS 07789 938512, Kingfishers 07789 938514 Please email should you need to inform us of any absence from school


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