Prep for the Week Summer Term Week 8

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Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1928 – 21 June 2019

That was the week that was...

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1928 21 June 2019


Prep for the Week

Issue Number 1927 – 21 June 2019

It has been a Trip-tastic week at The Prep, check out the reports inside this issue!

Included in this week’s issue… • Kingfishers Update • Lower School News • Trip, trips and more trips! • Common Entrance update • Birthday Announcements • Activity Camp Info Prep for The Week Issue Number 1928 21 June 2019

And finally... Mr O’Sullivan muses on the fantastic pace of Prep life in his blog this week. It can be found at the back of this week’s edition.


Kingfishers Update

Keep up to date Make sure you’re following Kingfishers on twitter (@Cheltpreprep) to keep up to date with all of the latest activities we’re getting up to!

Moving up and joining in! ‘I was so excited I couldn’t sleep last night’, said a little boy from Year 1 today. The last two Fridays have seen Kingfishers enjoying their moving up and joining in afternoons where everyone moved up to their new year group and we welcomed our new boys and girls. The children loved exploring their new classrooms and meeting the staff who may be teaching them next year.

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Kingfishers Update Space Adventure! Nursery and Reception were out of this world on Wednesday when they performed their play ‘Space Adventure’. The children were brilliant and certainly tried hard to reach the stars.

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Lower School News A very busy week!

Keep up to date Make sure you’re following Lower School on twitter (@CheltPrepLower) to keep up to date with all of the latest activities we’re getting up to!

Year 3 did an amazing job of taking three books: The Yeti in the Playground, George’s Marvellous Medicine and The Thieves of Ostia and turning them into playscripts. They worked incredibly hard and performed their plays to a hugely appreciative audience. On Wednesday, the Middle Room was reminiscent of Heathrow Airport Departures Lounge as Year 4 took off on their long awaited Bushcraft expedition. Luggage got piled up, camping equipment was tightly strapped to backpacks and the occasional teddy bear helped wave goodbye to mums and dads. Leaving Lower School dressed ready to explore, Year 3 got their chance to start their activities with a scavenger hunt at Pilley Bridge Nature Reserve. Excitement mounted as they created their camps inside their classrooms, everyone couldn’t wait for the sleepover!

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Trips - Year 5 History Trip On Monday 17 June, Year 5 visited the Imperial War Museum. The Museum, founded during the First World War, gives voice to the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people forced to live in a world torn apart by conflict. Pupils spent their time exploring the six floors, particularly the excellent First World War and Second World War exhibitions on the first two levels, that perfectly accompanied their studies over the course of this academic year. There was much eagerness and interest displayed by the children, especially for the famous recreated trench, as well as the many tanks and planes. My thanks to the accompanying staff and the children for their historical curiosity.

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Trips - Year 6 History Trip On 14 June, Year 6 visited Bosworth Battlefield. Bosworth is the famous site on which the Wars of the Roses ended, Richard III was killed and the Tudor Period began. The day was split into two parts; exploring the award-winning exhibition and a walking tour of the battlefield. The weather just about held out and all were able to enjoy visualising what they had learned during lessons. Pupils diligently trawled through the various artefacts and interactive displays, they asked intelligent questions and demonstrated a keen knowledge of the topic. Thank you very much to the staff involved and to the pupils, who showed some real enthusiasm, as well as a clear interest in the fate of the various characters involved in the Battle.

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Trips - Year 6 Chedworth Villa Trip The rain held off for our arrival at Chedworth, a Roman villa constructed in the 1st century AD nestled in beautiful countryside near Cirencester (although the Romans would have called their local town Corinium). The Year 6 pupils listened very attentively to the volunteer who allowed them to handle actual Roman items: everything from a deer’s antler to oyster shells, pieces of pottery, tesserae (ask them what this means) and roof tiles. Many of them could use their detective skills to work out what these items would have been used for and in which rooms they might have been found in the ruins. Here are some of our pupils’ favourite facts from the day: Today I learnt that the word ‘plumber’ comes from the Latin word ‘plumbum’ (which means lead) because the Romans made their pipes out of lead. (Sarah A) The villa was discovered in 1864 by a local gamekeeper Thomas Margetts, who lost his ferret and his hunting dog down a rabbit hole. He got a spade and began digging for them and came upon several coloured stones. After a while he found a whole mosaic with his animals stuck under it. Sadly, they did not survive but he had uncovered a Roman villa. (Emily G) It was really interesting to find out about the underwater lake that kept the spring running all the time – it was still running when we visited! (Daniel R)

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Year 6 Challenge Week - STEM What a week it has been for our Year 6. After Monday’s trip to We The Curious in Bristol they have been spending time in Biology, Chemistry, DT and IT undertaking all sorts of space-inspired tasks. From experimenting with insulating materials for space travel to building and programming their own space rovers, it has been an out of this world experience!

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Year 8 College Induction Morning As part of our post CE programme, Mrs Cutts, Mr Penny and Mrs Checketts came across from College to talk with us about the transition into senior school. The best bit was that they brought along some Third Form pupils and two prefects. We could ask them questions and they gave us helpful advice on College life and Houses. We wanted to know: How much prep will we get? How can we meet up with our friends? How do sports afternoons work? And lots of other information!

Year 8 Cotswold Way Walk Year 8 completed part of the Cotswold Way on Tuesday. They had a lot of fun and worked hard to complete the challenge. Thank you to all the staff who arranged the trip and supported us!

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Sport Update Team of the Week - The Athletics Squad Despite everyone being delighted to get out on the tennis courts and cricket wickets now the rain had finally stopped, the team of the week has to go to our Year 5 and Year 6 Athletics squad. The children took on Dean Close in a track-based meet on our track. It was a superb event with the lead swinging between each school and the scores very close going into the relays. A superb win by the Year 6 boys and Year 6 girls in the final event saw us home with a four point win.

Cricket Results Boys’ 1st XI vs OBH Won by 10 wickets Girls’ U13A vs OBH Lost by 11 runs Boys’ 2nd XI vs OBH Won by 10 wickets Boys’ 1st XI vs Cardiff & Vale XI Lost by 4 wickets Boys’ 2nd XI Friendly (Cricket was the winner!) Girls’ U13C vs Dragon School Won by 6 runs Boys’ U11A vs King’s Gloucester Won by 8 wickets Boys’ U11B vs King’s Gloucester Won by 20 runs Boys’ Wanderers XI vs King’s Gloucester Lost by 18 runs Boys’ U10A vs Dean Close Lost by run Boys’ U10B vs Dean Close Lost by 2 runs Boys’ U8A vs King’s Gloucester

Tennis Results

Swimming Success!

Girls’ 1st VIII vs Bromsgrove School Won 12 - 4 Girls’ 2nd VIII vs Bromsgrove School Draw 2 - 2 Girls’ U11A vs Cricklade Manor Prep Won 9 - 0 Girls’ U11B vs Cricklade Manor Prep Won 9 - 0

Saturday 8 June saw three swimmers from The Prep compete in the National Finals of the IAPS swimming championships. These finals bring together all the top qualifying swimmers from all over the country and were held at the Aquatic Pool in London, home of the 2012 Olympic Games. Our Prep qualifiers this year were: Olivia G (25m Butterfly), Jude R (50m Backstroke) and Felix D (50m Breaststroke). All three swimmers competed outstandingly. Olivia swam over a half a second faster than her lifetime best. On a 25m swim, this is a considerable amount. Jude swam over a second faster than his lifetime best, and Felix almost two seconds faster. All three swimmers were inspired by their surroundings, not overawed. All three swimmers improved on their rankings also. They should all be congratulated on outstanding achievements.

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Boarding House Update Over the weekend there were a variety of activities going on in the Boarding House and, as ever, we are grateful to all the staff that have helped out. The Year 8 Boarders chose to go to Thorpe Park for their end of year treat with Mr Baird. They had a fantastic day out, making it on to a record number of rides! It was quoted to be ‘the best day of my life!’ by one enthusiastic participant, though that could well have been Mr Kernot!

Keep up to date Make sure you’re following the Boarding House on twitter (@CheltPrepBoard) to keep up to date with all of the latest activities we’re getting up to!

The Year 7s headed off to their 24 Hours Experience at their College Boarding Houses on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a sleepover and a variety of fun activities. The rest of the Boarders enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at Pottery Painting where a variety of creations were decorated; football card boxes, vases, mugs and puffins to name a few items! As a treat for being so calm and creative, we headed back via Shakes 2 Go and (almost) avoided getting caught in the rain on the way home. We are looking forward to our Boarders’ Family BBQ next weekend, fingers crossed for some sunshine.

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Archery After previously winning our preliminary round we were put forward to the Archery County finals at Hartpury College. Hartpury proved to be an exciting venue with hundreds of children involved in a number of finals in different sports. Our team shot very well in the first round which led us to qualification in the afternoon. Five teams made the final and we shot a team personal best 891 points. Unfortunately, this was not quite enough to take us beyond 5th position, but certainly something to be proud of as we had improved our county ranking to 5th overall. This was a super event and the children thoroughly enjoyed the day, Hartpury put on a number of other activities to keep us occupied including, cycle smoothie making, skipping and football and we ended the day with an ice cream.

Common Entrance congratulations

Congratulations to all of our Year 8 pupils who worked so hard towards their recent Common Entrance examinations. Common Entrance forms part of the entrance process to most senior schools with a two year programme of study which culminates in exams taken just after May Half Term.

We were absolutely thrilled with the commitment, dedication and determination seen from pupils who worked with drive and ambition to achieve their own targets. They should be extremely proud of their achievements... we certainly are! Special congratulations to the following pupils who were awarded prestigious prizes by College for best performance in a particular paper. These prizes take into account all candidates, from The Prep and external prep schools, applying for entry to College: Chemistry - Fred B English - Alice W French - Charlie W History - Jack T Latin - Jay W Spanish - Poppy W Overall Science - Tom H

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Returning books Please could all library books be returned by the end of Term to allow us to ensure the library is ready for the start of the new year in September.

Reader of the Week

Each week, staff in the English department, together with Miss Richardson, our Librarian, nominate one pupil who has made particular progress with, or shown genuine commitment to, their private reading.

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Congratulations to Tom H-C who has been named this week’s Reader of the Week!



Happy birthday to the following pupils who have their birthdays this week:

• William T (12) • Lawrence Y (10) • Flo W (10) • Alvin S (13) • Bella C (9) • George P (6) • Clara N (7)

The Scoobies! Congratulations to everyone who has reached 25 and 50 pluses this week!

25 Pluses

50 Pluses

Seraphina D

Almo P

Martha K Max M

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And finally... Dear Parents I love being a teacher, but with so many exciting things going on at The Prep this week, I have begun to wish I was seven years old again! Our children have had so many fantastic trips, visits and experiences. I really am quite envious of them. Internationally, Year 7 are in France and Spain. Nationally, Years 5 and 6 have been on History trips to the Imperial War Museum and the Bosworth battlefield. Regionally, our Year 3 are out on a Bushcraft experience. And all of that is before we even get to the Pre-Prep where pupils have been out of this world and into space this week! There is still more to come with Challenge Week taking place and the Year 5 production tonight where I hope to see many of you in person for a tour through the wonderful world of Roald Dahl.

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I would love to write more, but there really is so much going on at The Prep that there is hardly a minute to pause for breath. It is a wonderful school to be a part of (even if I can’t be seven years old again and right in the mix with all of the fun!) and I am so glad you, our parents, are able to be a part of it. I look forward to seeing you tonight, this weekend and during our final week of Term,


Summer Term Week 10 Calendar Week 10 24/6/19 - 30/6/19 Mon - 24/6/19 Week 10 (37) 24 - 30 June Prep School Sports Day 09:00 Upper School House Cricket - Cancelled due to rescheduled Sports Day 11:00 Middle and Lower School House Tennis - Cancelled due to rescheduled Sports Day 16:20 Years 2-7 Meet Your Tutor Tea: All pupils to meet their new Tutor 17:45 Lower School Pupils' and Parents' End of Year BBQ* 18:00 LAMDA Showcase (Lake House)* Tue - 25/6/19 08:30 Year 8 Information Event for Parents and Children: Facts and Dangers of Drugs (Assembly Hall)* 08:30 Summer Concert and House Singing Rehearsals (Chapel) 09:30 Drugs Information Event for Year 8 Parents (Assembly Hall)* 14:20 Year 8 Maths Challenge (College Lower Gym) 14:45 Kingfishers Prize Giving (Assembly Hall)* 18:00 Summer Concert and House Singing Competition (Chapel)* Wed - 26/6/19 08:30 Transition and Progress Information Meeting for parents of children in Reception moving to Year 1 (Library)* 10:30 All School, Leavers' and Boarders' photographs 13:50 House Charity Aquathlon: Years 3-8* LS races begin 13:50, MS races begin 14:30, US races begin 15:15 14:00 Nursery Topic Landing Day: Beach Party Thu - 27/6/19 Reception Topic Landing Day: Down by the Pier Years 1 and 2 Topic Landing Day: Jolly Holidays! ABRSM Music Examinations (Lake House)

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Summer Term Week 10 Calendar

08:30 13:00 14:30

Years 5-8 House History Competition Kingfishers Sports Day Departure for Cricket v St Hugh's (A): U8s. Start 15:45. Pick up 18:00 16:00 Staff v Year 8 Leavers Football Match. Pick up 17:00 18:30 Drinks Reception for parents of Leavers (Head's Lawn)* Fri - 28/6/19 15:30 Term ends for pupils in Kingfishers 18:30 Year 8 Leavers' Dinner (Dining Hall). Pick up 21:30 Sat - 29/6/19 09:30 Parents' Day after which Term ends*

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1928 21 June 2019



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15/05/2019 08:00 19

NEW! Hockey Camps for 2019


Set in the Cheltenham College Sports Centre and run by outstanding, highly qualified and experienced staff, Cheltenham Activity Camps provide a fun filled environment for children to develop their interest, understanding and enjoyment of a huge variety of games and sports including arts and crafts. The children that attend our camps are central to everything that we do, each child will take part in at least 6 activities a day (including swimming everyday if we can) - that’s over 30 if they come for a full week. All staff are fully reference and DBS checked. We know how important it is to ensure that you feel secure in leaving your child in our care. It can be daunting for new children we ensure that everyone is made to feel welcome and part of our team

SOME OF OUR ACTIVITIES: Quizzes, Dance, Tag Rugby, Danish Longball, Obstacle Courses, Tri-Golf, Rounders, Team Building, Football, Face-Painting, Ultimate Frisbie, Team Challenges, Treasure Hunt, Benchball, New-Age Kurling, Swimming, Fancy Dress, Mini Olympics, Hockey, Netball, Laser-Shooting, Tennis, And much more….

EARLY BIRD PRICES 1 Morning only – £18.50 1 day standard – £35.00 1 day extended – £40.00 3 Days Extended – £111.00 5 days extended – £170.00

East Gloucestershire Tennis & Hockey Club UPPER REEVES LOWER REEVES





Cheltenham College Sports Centre Off Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AA

Exit Only


01242 705551 • CAC050 Summer Camp Flyer V2.indd 2 Prep for The Week Issue Number 1928 21 June 2019


15/05/2019 08:00 20

Prep for The Week Issue Number 1928 21 June 2019


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