Sustainability Handbook

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FUTURE LIVING Sustainable technologies that can save our future | educational kit

Introduction Dear Reader, probably, you also meet the concept of sustainable development on a daily basis which is often mentioned as the key for our survival, our future, in which future generations will have a crucial role. But the term sustainability, the steps we and the world can do are often unclear even for us, for adults. The aim of the Chemgeneration Educational Materials issued by the BASF is to comprehensively introduce methods of sustainability in the language of young people, especially the scientific developments that may change future cities, the energy consumption and our alimentation, generally to speak: the everyday life of people. Students of today will surely meet these developments in the future, as it will probably be inevitable for them to use electric cars, live in passive houses, or use solar and wind energy. We believe that schools and teachers can do the most for sustainable development, if they present sustainability as value for their students and raise their interest towards sciences, which, with the innovations, will have decisive role in the preservation of the environment and sustainable development. We hope that this young generation will be eager to choose scientific career and will be motivated to work for sustainability in their profession with the latest scientific tools. We wish you a successful work and a lot of interested students.

BASF for education and sustainability The purpose of BASF is “We create chemistry for a sustainable future�. But what does it mean? It means that, as an integral part of the society, our company operates and develops innovations while always keeping in mind the principles and guidelines of sustainable development. During the 150-year-old history of our company, we made a number of technological discoveries promoting sustainable development from innovative materials facilitating more efficient use of green energy to modern and environmentally friendly car parts. We believe that we can do a lot for sustainability with modern scientific methods. One of our objectives is to popularize the concept of sustainability and the sciences playing an important role in it, especially in younger generation, since the key to our future is in their hands. Several programs were developed for them in which they can get personal experience in the exciting world of science, and in the meantime, they can also learn about the importance of chemistry in the sustainable development of our world.

We create chemistry

BASF Kids’ Lab Interactive education program, specially offered to children from 6 to 12 years old. It provides children the opportunity to discover the world of chemistry through simple and safe chemical experiments, which may arouse their curiosity for science further, particularly in chemistry.


CHEMGENERATION.COM educational website The main aims of our website, which has been operating for four years now, are to draw interest to science and to introduce the role of chemistry in our world including its important tasks regarding humanity’s future and sustainable development. The content’s backbone is stories about major chemical discoveries, but latest scientific innovations can also be found on the website.

CHEMGENERATION Program Experiencing the success of the Chemgeneration website, we develop programs from year to year which motivate the 14-18 year-old high school students for scientific thinking and actions. In 2012, we introduced for them the scientific technologies that are essential components of a sustainable, modern city through an online game called Future City. In 2013, we invited high school students for a competition called Chain Reaction, which activated students’ knowledge

of physics and chemistry. Each teams built a self-operating Chain Reaction Machine that worked by a series of physical and chemical reactions. In the academic year of 2014/2015, we invite students to a scientific competition again. The Future Heroes Science Competition aims to find future young inventors, who are able to creatively apply scientific innovations to implement an environmentally friendly solution.

High school student teams have to make a scientific research and create an innovative, sustainable solution which can solve a problem in their local communities. This problem can be the waste of energy in the school or the excessive waste production – the point is that scientific methods have to be used to solve the problem. Best ideas may serve as good examples and may also inspire others to make changes and use sustainable solutions.

Parts of the Chemgeneration Educational Kit Sustainability handbook

Lesson plans

The handbooks, which introduce the three major future global trends, contain nine richly illustrated scientific articles which reveal the relationship of sustainability and science on global level that affects our world the most such as the use of energy or water. The texts present the latest research

Schools participating in the competition will get lesson plans for different lessons such as biology, chemistry, physics, visual education and social studies in order to provide a variety of possibilities for students to get to know the topic of sustainability from as many points of view as possible.

results and innovations to the students, and provide a lot of interesting data to attract students’ interest. Scientific articles also help teachers’ works as they can read about the latest scientific findings, which they have probably not even heard of.


Rapid population growth and growing cities challenge researchers. The structure of cities change and their construction methods also become more and more environmentally friendly. It is also important to have clean air and sustainable water management, to which some exciting scientific answers have already been given. Read about the newest eco-cities, the fantastic future construction methods, the biological water purification and the possibilities of sea water desalination. Get familiar with the consequences of air pollution and how to fight against it with the latest scientific technologies.




Future of water - how can science quench our thirst? Humans and all living creatures need water to survive. Due to world’s population growth and climate change, water resources of our Planet are continuously decreasing, while the remaining part is becoming more and more contaminated. This article reveals what science does in order to preserve clean water.

Every drop is precious

Water is one of the most common substances on Earth. It is so common that almost three-quarters of the Planet,


Oceans, seas, lakes and rivers are huge water resources, although the North and South Pole as well as glaciers of mountains also contain water, locked up in the ice.



? How is it possible that in spite of huge water resources, people suffer from water shortage in many parts of the world


The answer is that only a tiny


part, merely of Earth’s water resources is potable only that is freshwater. Moreover, most of freshwater is mostly frozen as permanent layer of snow and ice in glaciers or encased deep under the Earth’s surface between rocks, which is hard to reach.

However, human demand for water is increasing. Nowadays, water needs to be provided for

7 billion people every day: for drinking, eating and washing. But in a few decades,

10 billion people will need to share much less water.


Water as property Wealthy and arid Middle East countries import drinking water from lakes of Canada and Siberia, meaning that this water practically goes around the world until it arrives to the one who drinks it. Similarly in America, large cities of million people receive water from hundreds of kilometers far from them. Business men buying water resources on a large scale in Russia, Canada and Alaska are the new millionaires.

Latest research shows that nowadays

1 billion people suffer from thirst


T. Boone Pickens, largest water owner of America, has invested

$100 million


in buying wells and water springs. He plans to sell the drinking water to Texas in the future, for

2050 water on the planet will be enough only for half of mankind.

But why available water resources are depleting?

$165 million.

On one hand, because of the climate change, since Earth’s increasing temperature results extreme weather, more frequent droughts, shrinking lakes, and dry catchment areas. On the other hand, water consumption of people, especially those living in big cities, has been increasing dramatically. In many places, water consumption is already growing faster than the available resources can supply. It is striking that in spite of the frightening facts, luxurious water consumption is not decreasing. For example, irrigation of golf courses requires as much water per day as half of Earth’s population would consume a day.

Total water footprint (m3/yr/cap) Water consumption is measured with water footprint. The water footprint of national consumption is defined as the total amount of fresh water that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the nation. 7


TIP Save water like this: Biomimetics:

• Take a shower instead of having a bath! A shower lasting for a few minutes requires half the amount of water that you would need to fill the bath tub. Close the tap while brushing your teeth, prevent unnecessary water loss! • Collect rainwater for watering houseplants, don’t use tap water! • Equip water-saving shower and tap heads at home! • In households, majority of water is wasted by flushing toilets. Use efficient, multi-stage flush toilet tanks! • Do not wash the dishes in running water, but rather soak them, it is also easier to clean them this way!

imitating wildlife Animals living in arid habitats adapted to the circumstances. For example, there is a unique bug living in Africa that uses its back’s tiny micro-fibers to collect water into their body from vapors of the air in the morning. This smart solution inspired the scientists, who are already working on a selffilling water bottle, which operates on the similar principle: the bottle is covered with a special nanotechnology material which directs humidity of air inside the bottle.

Water is the key of modern life Due to fast urbanization, ensuring water in megacities is becoming increasingly challenging. Without water, there would be no local business or industry. Fire fighting, municipal parks, and public swimming pools all need lots of water. An array of pipes, canals, and pumping stations managed by our public water systems are needed to bring a reliable supply of water to our taps each day. Demand pressures include population growth and an increase in water-intensive diets as a portion of the population moves into increasingly higher waterconsumption behaviors. Since the population is growing, more and more people need to be fed. Few people know that crop and livestock production are responsible for the majority of mankind’s water consumption: agriculture is responsible for the 80% of global water consumption, which means that this is the area where significant water use reductions are needed.

How much water is used to produce your favorite food? 1 slice of bread = 48 liters of water 1 apple = 82 liters of water 1 slice of cheese = 152 liters of water 1 slice of pizza = 1216 liters of water 1 hamburger = 2393 liters of water 1 cup of coffee = 132 liters of water 1 slab of chocolate = 1720 liters of water 1 kg beef = 15,415 liters of water

For this reason, a number of research and forward-looking experiments look for the answer how to produce sufficient food while using less water. In our article “More food from less water”, you can find more details about this topic. 8

Seawater is mankind's savior? Seas and oceans are the biggest water reservoirs on Earth, hence mankind has long been trying to make saltwater potable, which can be achieved through desalination. Simple distillation has already been applied in the 4th Century B.C., but the complex process of boiling water many times as well as cooling and condensing the vapor produced this way requires a lot of energy.

Multibore® Ultrafiltration membranes being developed by a subsidiary of the German BASF has already proven effective in many desalination plants. The membrane provides a secure barrier against suspended solids, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms and supplies a consistently high level of filtrate quality, even in cases where the composition of the original water varies.

More economical form of desalination is based on reverse osmosis, in which the seawater is squeezed through a semipermeable membrane under high pressure, and as a result, the water looses salt. Chemistry plays a crucial role in helping to make this operation more efficient.

According to forecasts by the industry specialist Global Water


Intelligence (GWI), of the world’s population will be meeting its water needs through seawater desalination in

2025. Today this figure is only 1%. Currently, 17,000 desalination plants exist in

120 countries of the world, but the number of plants is expected to grow significantly.

Blessing from heaven Developers of future megacities agree that a modern megalopolis needs to recycle rainwater in various ways. Perhaps South East Asia has the longest tradition in the use of rainwater. Japan’s famous skyscraper, the Tokyo Skytree – which is 634 meters high and is the second tallest building of the world – contains huge cisterns in lower basement levels, which can hold around 2,600 cubic meters of rainwater. This smart solution means free water to cool the huge building and to flush toilet tanks. Besides this, green roofs established on buildings of cities are not only for aesthetic purpose. Most of them are innovative rainwater management solutions that simultaneously improve the building’s energy balance, air quality and urban ecology. Green roofs are able to absorb and recycle rainwater while some of the pollutants accumulate in the planting medium. An intensive green roof is able to retain up to 75% of the precipitation and in this way it also reduces the runoff and the amount of rainwater that ends up in the sewer.

? •

Did you know Currently, most of the rainwater is used in China and Brazil. In these countries, the rooftop rainwater harvesting is being practiced for providing drinking water, domestic water, water for livestock, water for small irrigation and a way to replenish ground water level.


Innovative water treatment Not only low quantity but low quality of water also causes serious problems.



2,5 billion


people suffer from consuming contaminated water and having problem with daily supply of clean water.

The situation is particularly dramatic in the cities in emerging and developing countries. In Buenos Aires, for example, the rivers are very polluted; in Kolkata, India, the population is struggling with fecal contamination and an elevated concentration of arsenic in the groundwater. The situation in China is also alarming: 90% of the groundwater in cities is contaminated. A great challenge to developers is to develop procedures that on one hand assure that less pollution reaches the water, but on the other hand, the already polluted water can be cleaned effectively. The German chemical company, the BASF, offers a variety of solutions for


water treatment in several fields. The Zetag® Cationic Emulsion can be used to treat industrial waste water and for a wide range of solid-liquid separation situations. Its high molecular weight gives excellent technical performance leading to lower effluent treatment costs. The fast-acting liquid is mostly used for industrial waste water purification in the paper, textile and leather industries, as well as in food industry and breweries. The Multibore® membrane, which is a development of one of the BASF’s subsidiaries, is suitable for wastewater purification, especially for its filtration. Water is squeezed through very tiny 20-nanometer

Did you know •

of urban wastewater is released directly into rivers, lakes or the sea without being treated.

The so-called living machines are also used for wastewater purification. In these systems, the breakdown of pollutants are not only carried out by bacteria, but also an ecological community of 2-3000 species including algae, snails, bivalves, crabs, plants and fishes. These organisms consume pollutants as food and built them into their body.


pores, which are three thousand times smaller than the thickness of human hair. This is a method that promotes health and purity in a world of truly microscopic dimensions. After such filtration, homogenous liquid is formed. BASF also built its revolutionary ultra filtration membrane in a portable water purification system, the LifeStraw Family, which is able to purify contaminated water filtering out viruses and bacteria. In this way, even water of dirty puddles, ponds or rivers can also be cleaned. The system has been used on natural disaster areas several times since 2008 providing drinking water for people in need.

TIP Washing car without water •

For a single car wash 200 liters of water is wasted. However, water-free car washing, when mild chemicals or steam are used to clean the cars, already exists. Look for these water-saving solutions in the everyday life!


Water chemistry Water is a very versatile material Water is a very versatile material: it is an excellent solvent, most of the important processes from the aspect of life take place in aqueous solution, and it is also a frequent reactant. In many respects, water behaves differently: for example the maximum density of water is around 4 degrees Celsius, that’s why the icebergs float on the surface of water and that’s why living water freezes from the top down. Its other special feature is the viscosity, or internal friction, which doesn’t change linearly with the pressure: first it decreases and then increases. The viscosity of water is relatively large, and it significantly reduces when the temperature increases.


Did you know • Where is it easier to swim? The cold water is more viscous so it is more difficult to move in it, however, it is easier to float on its surface due to the higher density. It is also a unique feature of water that due to its high surface tension water droplets are spherical. Water is able to absorb, store and release large amounts of heat. This property is also used in the industry, but it is

also important in nature due to its role regarding climate compensation. In a chemical context, distilled water is the pure form of water, which doesn’t contain solutes or trace elements that natural components of mineral waters do. Consumption of deionized water (or water having low ion content) in large quantities is not healthy, because essential ions are being “washed out” of the body.


Clean Air – with Scientific Methods One of the gravest consequences of increased urbanisation is air pollution, which has become truly worrying in recent decades. Researchers are working on a variety of methods to make air clean enough for people living in urban areas, and thus support the sustainable development of continuously sprawling metropolises.

SMOG BECOMING PERMANENT OVER CITIES Most human activities entail energy use and, consequently, air pollution: power plants, industrial production, agriculture, the heating of homes, and transportation all emit harmful materials into the air, which impact not only the health of humans but also the atmosphere of our planet. The so-called greenhouse effect gases like carbon-dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) create a kind of cover around the Earth, which entraps heat: the heat from reflected sunlight cannot fully leave the atmosphere, which leads to warming and a global climate change. Carbon dioxide is present at the Earth’s atmosphere at a constant concentration. The amount of carbon-dioxide in the air is maintained through a balance for a long time now, although fluctuations always occurred. Due to human activity, this balance has been shifted since the beginning of the last century, and researchers say that now the amount of carbon dioxide is very close to the border, from where it would be no return. Processing the carbon-dioxide found in the air is the responsibility of plants: they use it as nutriment and transform it into oxygen gas, which is of vital importance for the survival of other living creatures, including humans. However, the problem is that the Earth’s plant cover is also continuously shrinking: 7 million hectares are deforested due to the growth of cities and for wood production purposes. This also contributes to the imbalance.


Did you know • Though rainforests are referred to as the lungs of the Earth, the majority of oxygen is produced by the planktons and water algae living in oceans. Thus, the pollution of waters also significantly impacts the condition of the air.

Besides the environmental burden, air pollution is extremely harmful also to human health. A number of other hazardous materials also get into the air, from, for example, cars’ exhaust smoke, which cause illnesses. If, for instance, there is a high concentration of nitrogen oxides in the air (nitrogen-monoxide (NO) and nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) in the air), as a result of sunlight, ozone is produced, which, altogether with hydrocarbons and particulate matter, leads to the formation of Los Angeles smog over cities. According to an estimate by the WHO, the Word Health Organisation, 700 thousand people die annually due to these air pollution impacts.


Did you know • Cattle are also responsible for global warming: methane is generated in large quantities in the bowels of ruminating animals as well as decomposition of crop residues and animal droppings. The production of one kilogram of beef adds 36 kg of carbondioxide to the total volume of greenhouse effect gases – the same quantity as the air pollution by an average European car over a distance of 250 km. 12

The world’s ecological footprint map clearly shows that air pollution is the heaviest over densely populated areas. Source: environment/energy/great-energy-challenge/globalfootprints/

Facts & Figures 50% - half of humankind is exposed to a dangerous level of air pollution every day.

The biggest challenge seems to be to redue the amount of carbon-dioxide, which is possible in two ways. On one hand, we can significantly reduce the emission. For the time being, this does not seem viable: even though major measures have been taken to decrease the use of fossil energies and to disseminate the use of alternative energies, they do not suffice to bring a significant change in air pollution levels within a few years. The other solution is to find a way to use the carbon-dioxide for a purpose extracting it from the air. Thousands of scientists are already working on these solutions – now with promising results.


Taming the enemy There are different attempts to utilise carbon-dioxide, from small-scale processes to large industrial solutions. Few people are aware that the chemical industry already processes a significant amount of CO2. This means that the carbon-dioxide produced in industrial production, mainly through burning or chemical reactions, is not released into the air but used for a variety of purposes, after cleaning. Carbon-dioxide produced in such processes is used to make sparkling mineral water but also in modified atmosphere packaging, plastic manufacturing, as a base material of artificial fertilisers – and even in medicine.

Facts & Figures More than 30 billion metric tons of CO2 are produced by humans worldwide each year.

Carbon-dioxide as the saviour of green energy Strange though it may sound at first, CO2, which is considered as harmful, may also play a role in improving the efficiency of renewable energies. These days, renewable sources sometimes produce more electricity than can be fed into the grid at a given moment. Storing the surplus energy so generated is extremely costly and, sometimes, impossible. A novel chemical process called “power-to-gas� (P2G) system, one of whose key ele-

CO2 + 4H2

ments is greenhouse effect carbon-dioxide itself, may solve this problem. Through physical and chemical processes, the surplus energy could be transformed into natural gas (methane) in a two-step process, using CO2 as a reactant. In a first step, the excess green electricity is used as an energy input to turn water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). The hydrogen then reacts with CO2 to form methane gas (CH4).

CH4 + 2H2O

As is widely known, methane (main component of coal gas) is a good energy store which can be easily fed into the existing natural gas network and can be used when needed. This method is thus an economical way of storing green energy. 14

110 million - Of the global CO2 emissions, another approximately 110 million metric tons are currently being used as chemical feedstock. Source: Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA)

According to most recent scientific research results, carbon recycling would not only mitigate the level of air pollution but could even solve the energy source crisis – in three potential ways.

Good business: using carbondioxide to make fuel Carbon-dioxide can be used to produce methanol, which can be used as a fuel, through the so-called carbon-neutral method. An Icelandic company has opened its first plant where they produce methanol from CO2 using the geothermal energy from hot springs as a natural source of energy. The company plans one day to produce as much as 50 million liters of this alcohol annually from carbon dioxide. It can be used, for example, to create energy in fuel cells or it can be blended as an admixture into gasoline.

Carbon-dioxide as a synthetic gas (syngas) raw material Other solutions also exist for the utilisation of carbondioxide as fuel. Three German companies, the BASF, the Linde and the ThyssenKrupp, have recently started a project to produce syngas from carbon dioxide and hydrogen in an innovative two-step process. In the first step, a new high-temperature technology will process natural gas to obtain hydrogen and carbon. Compared to other processes, this technology produces very little CO2. The hydrogen is then reacted with large volumes of CO2 (coming from other industrial processes) to create syngas. This gas is a key raw material for the chemical industry and is also suitable for producing fuels.

Imitating nature: artificial leaf A young scientist called Julian Melchiorri came up with a sensational invention for the neutralisation of carbon-dioxide this year: using silk, a special protein and a substance available in algae, he created the artificial leaf, which photosynthesises in the same way as real plants. With only light needed, the invention begins to transform the carbondioxide found in air into oxygen. The artificial leaf looks truly fancy and can thus be used to cover exterior and interior walls of buildings, which would, therefore, continuously reude carbon-dioxide emission of cities. Suited to

long-term life in space, the artificial leaf may also play an important role in space research because scientists don’t know if organic plants would survive and flourish outside our atmosphere the way humans would need them to, and if mankind is to colonize space, those living on another planet would need to produce their own O2 gas. For this reason, even NASA shows interest in the invention.


Air cleaning in large volumes Unique technical solutions have been created for the targeted cleaning of air over large cities. These solutions can free us from the impacts of not only carbon-dioxide but also poisonous gases. A German inventor, Götz Hüsken, for example, came up with the idea that road surfaces should be covered with titan-dioxide, which, in a photocatalytic reaction – as an effect of the UVrays in sunlight – would break down the air-polluting nitrogendioxide. With this solution in place, the nitrogen oxide level in the air could be reduced by as much as 45%. The invention of a Dutch innovator, Daan Roosegaarde, would almost literally „vacuum clean” the sky over cities. He plans to roll out a series of parks that will hide arrays of copper coils,

which, like air purifiers, use statically charged positive surfaces to vacuum carbon particles from the atmosphere. When the pilot project becomes operational later this year, it is expected to create a 40-metre-wide hole of clean air with roughly 75 percent less pollution. He even has plans for the carbon soot collected: processing a portion of it into artificial diamonds, an alchemical trick almost as impressive as sucking up smog. If the plan succeeds, Beijing just might reach its goal of becoming smog-free by 2017.


Modern vehicles = cleaner air Several innovative car parts have been created to this end, including the environmentally friendly catalytic converters developed by BASF and now successfully used in hundreds of thousands of cars. The filter installed in vehicles’ exhaust system features a multistep chemical reaction while in operation. During this process, the three key compounds in the emission system (hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide) are almost completely converted into carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water.

The well-known chemical industry company is developing catalytic converters also for diesel vehicles and motorcycles, which can also help achieve very low emission levels. Their most recent air pollution reducing solution is the PremAir® patented catalyst coating that transforms ground level ozone, the main component of smog, into oxygen. As air flows over a vehicle’s coated radiator, PremAir® catalyses the reaction that converts ozone into oxygen. This process capitalizes on the large volume of air that passes through a vehicle’s radiator.

Air pollution by vehicles also gets significantly reduced if we change from fuels of fossil origin to alternative fuels. For the time being, electric and hybrid cars are the leading alternatives to traditional motor vehicles – but researchers have also built cars powered by water (more precisely: hydrogen from the decomposition of water) or compressed air. For more about the future of transportation, read our article entitled „New Prospects in Transport”.

As transportation is responsible for 30 percent of air pollution, the quality of air could also be improved by reducing cars’ emission.


“AIR-CHEMISTRY� The air is a much more complicated system than you think: its main components are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), but it also contains several fixed and variable concentrations of gas components from a variety of natural and artificial sources. For example, the sulfur dioxide (SO2) can come from volcanic activity, exhaust fume and coal combustion as well. The latter always causes higher sulfur dioxide concentrations in the winter, which results in the increased number of asthma attacks. The air always contains water vapor and water droplets, in which the above-mentioned gases dissolve, which causes




acidic deposition, but a variety of other reactions is also possible for soluble gases. In colder regions, small ice crystals are also present in the air. The surface of ice crystals are excellent catalysts which favors the decomposition of ozone as well. Among other solid matters, it is the (non-settling) particulate matter that is the most dangerous to health, especially the PM2,5 i.e. particles having less than 2.5 micron diameter. They enter the lungs and transmit metal and organic contaminants bound on their surface to the body.




SO 2



Future modern cities Sharp increase of world’s population has resulted in growing number and area of cities. Calculations show that by 2050, 75% of humanity will live in huge megalopolises. This predictable process launched discussions among scientists on livable cities. Researchers are developing new technologies that help us living in an innovative and sustainable urban environment in the future, which also satisfy social needs as well.

Cities from a new approach We tend to believe that factories and industrial plants are responsible for environmental pollution and growing energy needs, but they are not: big cities are. Maybe, it is unbelievable but big cities require two-thirds of the world’s total energy consumption. Currently, the most populous city in the world is Tokyo, where nearly 13 million people live, which is 10% of the Japanese population. You are not surprised about the previous fact any more, aren’t you? Researchers main questions are what developments would help us reduce energy use in these huge cities and what method could be used in order to make these crowded places more livable. Many solutions lie in the buildings. Enormous skyscrapers have

solely been architectural spectacles until now and they were only admired because of their heights, but new generation buildings are different. For example, the giant skyscraper in London called the Shard is not only a commercial and office block which operates merely during the day, but a “vertical village”: there are apartments, restaurants and also a hotel inside. The world’s tallest building, the 828-meter-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai offers even more: there are apartments, squares, parks, restaurants, hotels and shops, everything in the same building. All forms of socialization are in one building, so if you want to drink a cup of coffee, you don’t need to walk to the next street to the coffee shop: you just get into the elevator and go to another floor.

Currently, the most populous city in the world is Tokyo, where nearly

13 million people live, which is


of the Japanese population.


One World Trade Center One of America’s and also the world’s highest skyscraper is

541 meters

tall and was finished in

2013 in New York. Using BASF’s green technology, a strong and durable structure was created. The Green Sense Concrete has delivered environmental

more than 113,500 liters savings of

of fresh water, which would be enough to fill tubs.

6000 bath

With this new technology, eight million kilowatt-hours of energy can be spared, which is nearly 340,000

kilograms of fossil fuels, and also well over 5 million kilograms of CO2 emissions can be prevented.

Designers not only plan innovative buildings but also city-sized projects. In South-Korea, the Songdo International Business Zone is being built on 610 acres, which is planned to be the world’s most advanced hightech and environmentally friendly city with residential houses, schools, hospitals, office buildings and cultural facilities. This is the world’s first fully IT- networked city, where everything from grocery orders to medical check-ups can be done remotely, on a computer network. The city will have 40% of green belt and pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be given high importance. Besides aesthetic aspects, parks will prevent the formation of urban heat islands: when temperature is elevated due to buildings and lead to deterioration of air quality. The entire city is being built on eco-friendly design principles that include vegetated green roofs to prevent stormwater runoff and promote biodiversity, energy efficient LED traffic lights, even an underground waste collector system that will eliminate the need for garbage trucks. Intelligent town planning ensures that distances are kept short, and a sophisticated recycling system and environmentally friendly local transport system are being developed. Desalinated seawater and recycled water are fed into the water supply chain, covering half of the city’s water needs. Similar eco-cities are already under construction in China and India.

Masdar City The world’s most environmentally conscious eco-city is being built in the Arab Emirates. It will consume a quarter of the energy and water than a similar-sized city would use. 2 billion tons of crude oil will be spared in 25 years. How do they do that? According to the plans, there will be a huge umbrella-like solar panel above the city which will produce energy during the day and will close for the night. The plant will help save approximately 175.000 metric tons of CO2 every year. Besides solar power projects, Masdar is also developing one of the world’s largest planned offshore wind farms. Of course, they put extra emphasis on buildings’ materials, in which BASF’s innovative construction solutions help them. For example the phase-change materials integrated in plasters and plasterboards, or the polystyrene and polyurethane used for insulation foams can offer an alternative for air-conditioning. Besides this, black pigments used for roof coatings absorb only a small amount of infrared rays, thus they prevent dark surfaces to become warm. Besides saving energy, waste is sorted and recycled, and organic waste will be used for compost. The City is also implementing environmentally friendly transportation concepts. By the time it is completely built by 2025, the city will have been expected to have 40.000 residents, and welcome 50.000 commuters.

Besides luxurious neighborhoods, designers also think about slums without electricity and clean water which are highly exposed to the effects of natural forces. Innovations make quick and cheap constructions possible, while stable and flexible structures allow creating safe homes for people. For example, in Mexico city, 10,000 new homes were built using BASF concrete additives, which greatly reduced the time needed for the concrete to solidify, making the construction much cheaper.


Terraforming – let’s move to another planet! Mankind is aware of the fact that we are “outgrowing” the earth, thus we started looking for other places to live on other celestial bodies. Up till now, the term terraforming has mostly occurred in science fiction movies, but it is possible that mankind will be able to alter the atmosphere, the temperature and the topography of planets in the future by using inventions of science and technology in order to make them habitable for humans. Among currently known planets, it is the Mars which seems to be the most appropriate from this point of view, in

spite of the fact that the average temperature is -60 degrees and the light is also less. Determined research groups have already developed multi-step plans for implementation. First, the temperature should be increased, which would result in the melting of the ice and the releasing of the carbon dioxide bound in the soil. Mirrors set into orbit around the Mars could even further enhance the greenhouse effect. After this, plants would be planted that would produce oxygen.

Future construction Due to environmental and energy consciousness, innovative architectural solutions become more and more important, as the main reason for air pollution in large cities with millions of inhabitants is the emission of pollutants from energy use of households. Resolving this issue, the so-called passive houses appeared which become more common. These buildings are special because they were built from environmentally friendly materials using environmentally friendly technologies that contribute to save significant amount of energy while reducing environmental pollution as well. This process is best achieved by reducing or totally eliminating the heating system, for which modern insulating materials are used. The BASF Neopor insulating foam is one of these materials: it is different from other materials similarly made for insulating, because

graphite particles are mixed and foamed to the polystyrene raw material which reflects heat radiation. It is important that it doesn’t contain halogenated hydrocarbons, thus it is more environmentally friendly too. Insulators made from this material are 20% more efficient than other insulators. Against heat escaping through windows, a triple glazed special plastic window system was developed which offers 20% better insulating performance, if BASF’s foil coating with special pigments are placed on the glass. Besides thermal insulation, the method of using the heat is also important. If you have ever seen such a building, you probably noticed the solar panels placed on the roofs; but besides the use of solar energy, soil heat is also used in heating systems.


Thermal storage wall It sounds unbelievable, but the BASF has found the solution for this too! There is a phase change material inside the gypsum wallboard that absorbs heat during the day and uses it up during the night. How is that possible? The microencapsulated paraffin takes up the heat that later it releases. The material melts at 23-26 degrees and due to the phase change it absorbs a significant amount of heat from the environment, in this way the room temperature stays the same. Later on, during the night, - due to the decreasing temperature - the paraffin solidifies and delivers the stored thermal energy to the environment.

Developments never stop: according to the latest research, the ultramodern insulating materials will be able to transform even sound waves to heat. Besides innovative building materials, developers also thought about the outlook of houses. Using nanotechnology, developers have invented a special protective layer that prevents particles from sticking on the surface, so no contaminants are deposited on the outside of the buildings. BASF wall paint has hydrophilic properties meaning that it attracts water. As a result, if there is a heavy rain, droplets spread out on

the wall surface and wash adhering dirt immediately. After raining, the adhering thin water film evaporates quickly preventing the formation of mold and algae. Thanks to nanotechnology, we won’t need shutters in the future either, since more and more intelligent glasses are invented that transmits light but not heat. In an experiment, a special gel was put between two glasses or various compounds were mixed to the glass material such as silver halides which become dark depending on the intensity of light, but in this case the heat

is transmitted through the glass. Research is in such an advanced phase that niobium oxide enriched glass structure was developed in which indium -tin-oxide nano-crystals were put. This combination is able to separate and regulate the dissipation of visible light and infrared heat. So in summer, it inhibits infrared heat rays from entering the room through the glass, but in winter rays can enter. This can significantly reduce the energy consumption. So far, the production of this technology is very expensive, but it is possible that it will become feasible in the future.



Did you know • Biomimetics is a merge of biology and engineering. Its main objective is to copy inventions of nature by observing structures and mechanisms of organisms. Architects eagerly research building strategy of termites, as these tiny creatures manage to build mounds with opening and closing cooling and heating chimneys, in which they can grow their main food, a fungus, which is extremely sensitive to the temperature. By copying this concept, building’s energy costs could be significantly reduced.

When planning a new building, designers increasingly take into account the increased number of earthquakes and developed various technologies against them. Making walls resistant to vibration is crucial, which can be achieved by installing flexible wooden and steel beams and columns. Besides this, a structure made of steel built into the base of the house ensures the absorption of earth’s vibration. Lightweight houses and houses made from steel do not collapse like hard brick houses do.


Smart concrete After the water, the concrete is the most commonly used material in the world, thus it was important to develop it by the BASF. Admixtures and concrete repair materials made it easier to produce concrete, which also became more resilient, thereby resource and energy consumption can be reduced. They also increased the life of buildings, as well as shortened the construction period.


New dimension furniture We can already find books, papers and even toilet papers made from recycled paper. The idea was reconsidered by designers, and furniture made from paper appeared on the shelves. Maybe, it sounds incredible, but they are more durable than you think. Not to mention, that the transportation of these lightweight furniture requires less energy and they can be reused after they are thrown away. Since furniture parts can be fixed together with gluing and folding, anyone can easily assemble them at home. BASF developers reconsidered wooden furniture from the aspect

of environmental protection. They developed the Kaurit @Light wood-based material, which makes furniture boards be 30% lighter, while their load capacity remains the same. Manufacturers prefer new panels made from ply, foamed polymer and Kaurit@ adhesive, since they’re more lightweight, hence shipping and handling costs are also less and they require less packaging as well. In future homes, plastics will have an increasing role. The human-made material surrounds us in all fields of our lives. Furniture manufacturers also like this material, since due to technology, it has also undergone innovative

developments. BASF has developed an “ultra” liquid plastic, which, due to specific nanoparticles, becomes twice more dilute at 230 degrees than other similar products. In this way, energy can be saved when they are produced. Furthermore, when molding, the new plastic solidifies quickly, thus manufacturing process is also shorter. The award-winning design MYTO chair is made of this material, and what’s more, it was molded from a single piece of plastic, which means that it doesn’t contain metal screws. Thus, designers created a truly eco-friendly, easily recyclable strong furniture with an unusual shape.

Paper recycling is evident all over the world, just think about the fact that in order to produce

1 ton

300 tons of water is needed!

of paper


Self-healing materials Two new types of polymers were formed by scientists within the department of synthetic polymers. These are super strong, have self-healing properties, and can even be recycled. The light, rigid material called Titan is formed from the condensation of the paraformaldehyde and the oxydianiline at 250 degrees. The other type, the Hydro, is a highly elastic gel, which is produced at low temperature. Both are recyclable and solvent-proof, but in acidic medium they become plastic and can be re-formed. They don’t crack, therefore they can revolutionize plane and car production as well as the entire electronics industry. By re-forming these materials, new polymer structures can be created, which are 50% stronger and lighter as well.


Don’t waste the waste! With innovative urban development initiatives, scientists try to do everything to create a more sustainable world, but their efforts are pointless if humanity is not able to change the lifestyle. People, especially inhabitants of big cities live a wasteful lifestyle: they use too much energy and water, they produce a lot of unnecessary goods which results in oversupply, and in this way they also produce a lot of waste. Fortunately, there is hope, because “by-products”, actually the waste that we produce can be recycled in quite surprising ways, we just need to be decided and creative. High-tech developments also appeared in the field of waste management and central waste treatment plants, as well as modernization of tools used for transporting and processing have already begun. In the European Union, 1.3 billion tons of waste is produced annually. By knowing this, it is essential to develop and

introduce new and innovative technologies in order to produce less waste as well as to recycle which means that these materials are transformed into new products or raw materials or energy again. The process aims to save earth’s resources and to use less wood, water and energy. In order to achieve this, a waste management strategy was developed, to which 3 main principles is associated. Let’s see what this means! The first task is to reduce the amount of waste and possibly avoid producing it. The next one is the material reuse in the original form or in a modified way. The third one is the recycling, meaning that the material is used again in another form. These are all beneficial and green options, and if people will focus on them, we can make a big step forward in order to prevent the problem. You can also contribute this on a daily basis! Separate collection is already prevalent in households, but unfortunately not everyone takes the job seriously.

? In the European Union,

1.3 billion tons of waste is produced

Did you know • By compressing PET bottles: shipping cost – 75% amount of released CO2 - 50-90% can be reduced due to less need for transportation. A part of them is reused by the textile industry as raw materials for clothes (for example as fleece).


Separate collection is much more efficient than traditional waste collection, since further treatment, recycling and recovery of raw materials from the waste becomes possible.


The solution lies in the compounds of the material

It also reduces the amount of waste going to dumps, hence dumps’ life span are prolonged. The following materials are collected separately: plastic, glass, metal and paper. We have to keep in mind that used electronic devices may contain harmful substances (lead, mercury, chromium) that can pollute the water or the air and can cause further problems. Environmentally friendly waste management also includes composting, disposal and the less preferred method, the incineration of the waste. Organic vegetable waste breaks down in the environment by itself, but we can also use it as compost. To make this process easier, BASF has created a compostable trash bag. But how does the plastic bag break down? The solution lies in the compounds of the material. One of the components is the partially petroleum-based compostable plastic developed by BASF, the other one is the polylactic acid, which is extracted

from corn starch. This combination forms such a flexible plastic from which trash bags can be produced. Under controlled conditions such as elevated temperature and humidity as well as certain acid value of industrial composting plants microorganisms, fungi and bacteria transfer the material to biowaste, water, carbon dioxide and biomass i.e. to valuable compost. This plastic not only serves as compost, but it is also good to produce biogas. Biogas is formed when organic materials are broken down by anaerobic bacteria that don’t require air for metabolism and reproduction. The gas mixture produced this way contains about 45-70% of methane, which can be used due to its high energy content. Therefore, in many livestock farms bioreactors are set up to produce energy for the farm in the spirit of self-sustainability.


Trash house A Hungarian invention produce plastic boards from waste. It is called SYLROCK, which is a homogeneous material that is acid-, alkali- and water-resistant, and its degradation time is 400 years which means that it is very durable. For the production, not only domestic waste but also industrial waste is used. Its application possibilities are endless, for example garden and street furniture can be made from it. For the production of one board, 340 kg of rubbish is needed, which is a lot, but fortunately, or actually unfortunately, there is plenty of waste everywhere: exclusively in the European Union, 1

million kilotons of waste is waiting to be managed.

Plastic Chemistry From a chemical point of view, plastics are an extremely diverse group with macromolecular structure, as a common property. Macromolecules are compounds having high molecular weight and containing one or several building units. There can be thousands of these units which are linked together. Of course, plastic molecules are never the same in size, but there is an average molecular weight that is used to describe the molecules.

According to shape:

1. Linear Plastics are grouped according to origin:

2. Branched 3. Cross-linked

1. Converted from natural

macromolecules (vegetable - cellulose, starch; animal - protein)

2. Artificial (step growth or chain polymers)

According to processability:

1. Thermoplastic 2. Thermoset


In the last 15 years, biopolymers use increases more than 10%, annually Properties of the basic plastic can be modified by several additives such as plasticizers, catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, flame retardants, fillers / builders, lubricants, aging inhibitors, etc. Nowadays, biodegradable polymers, briefly biopolymers, become more and more significant, of which the most common raw materials are starch and (poly) lactic acid. In the last 15 years, biopolymers use increases more than 10%, annually. The polylactic acid is a promising raw material, which can be widely used. Under appropriate conditions, it decomposes (hydrolyzes) to lactic acid units relatively quickly, and the final products of natural degradation are water and carbon dioxide. Plastic additives and pigments


Growing population of people requires growing demand for energy, which challenge researchers. Science has developed lots of methods how to innovatively use energy and how to exploit renewable energies in a more efficient way. Read about the revolution in lighting, the light sources that require less and less power, the almost endless possibilities of alternative energies, and the energy saving and environmentally friendly methods concerning transportation.




Reconsidered energy sources Science can offer tremendous help in the innovative use of energy. One of the primary goals of researchers is to develop alternative methods for using already existing energy sources in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way in the future, to ensure sustainable development on Earth.

From where energy comes and where it goes? For thousands of years, people could only rely on themselves. Later, they used animal-powered machines. However, nowadays you can hardly find a tool around you that works without modern fuel. Kitchen appliances, TVs, computers, and lighting need electricity; and our vehicles also need synthetic fuels, which are produced on an industrial scale. The only problem with this is that humanity uses fossil fuels to produce them: we gain energy from burning mined coal and oil. Due to population growth and increasing number of modern cities, our energy consumption increased a lot as well: homes need heating and cooling, public

buildings and industrial plants require more and more energy, public transport has to be ensured, and last but not least, public lighting, which consume half of the energy that a city needs, is also necessary. Due to the increasing use of energy, energy reserves of Earth have been slowly depleting, and we can soon run out of fossil fuels, which don’t regenerate easily, since thousands of years are needed for the decomposition of plants and animals deep down in the earth to transform into energy-rich materials, mineral oil and coal. Not to mention the fact that excessive energy consumption

is a serious pollution factor: smoke of factories and exhaust fumes of cars contain large amounts of carbon dioxide and a variety of other pollutants as well as greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere, which have serious impact on our planet’s future. Scientists have recognized this several decades ago, and that is why they call everyone’s attention of energysaving consumption. They also develop innovative and visionary energy concepts for the future. Their aims are to find ways to use existing energy sources more efficiently and to improve the viability of alternative sources of power.

huge amount of fossil fuels that we burnt in the last century


Our only perspective: use of renewable energy sources Wind energy The so-called renewable energy resulting from the interaction of natural phenomena have been used for centuries on a smaller scale: energy of the wind and water are used by mills, while solar and geothermic energy are used to heat water. It’s time to rediscover these solutions, since they have much more potential and science can help us to better exploit them, so that we can generate electricity in a more environmentally friendly way.

The so-called renewable energy resulting from the interaction of natural phenomena have been used for centuries on a smaller scale: energy of the wind and water are used by mills, while solar and geothermic energy are used to heat water. It’s time to rediscover these solutions, since they have much more potential and science can help us to better exploit them, so that we can generate electricity in a more environmentally friendly way.

Facts & Figures

Wind energy is captured and processed on wind farms, where many wind power plants can be found next to each other. Their operation is very simple: wind blades, which capture the wind, are connected to turbines, which produce electricity. Clean energy can be provided not only for residential buildings, but for whole cities. Romania’s wind power production is outstanding among Central and Eastern European Countries. The country increased its wind power capacity by 1,5 times in a year, thus in 2013, its wind power plants already produced 2599 MW of energy.

9% - Wind energy is expected to provide more than 9% of global power supply by 2020. The current figure is around 2.3%. 50% - Denmark is already a world leader in wind energy, nearly one-third of its energy need is generated by wind turbines. This ratio will be soon increased to 50%. 35

innovative materials are used in wind turbines

90 meter

Materials and the durability of wind blades greatly affect the efficiency of wind turbines, as at 90-meter height, wind mills can be exposed to a wind speed of 300 km/ hour. That’s why engineers of BASF, German chemical industry, have developed a high-tech coating, which is flexible, resistant and repels the sun’s UV rays. The Relest® protective coating remains stable even under the most extreme weather conditions and doesn’t break off from the blades, thus it prolongs wind blades’ lifetime, which result in cheaper production of environmentally friendly energies. Besides this, series of innovative BASF materials are used in wind turbines, such as the two-component system, which consists of epoxy resin and hardeners for rotor blade production, and special grouting materials for towers and bases. These improvements make construction of colossal wind turbines possible: the current recorder is a wind turbine with 127 meters in diameter, which has 60-meterlong wind turbine blades.

wind speed of 300 km/hour

Wind energy harvesting above the clouds

The wind energy industry is rapidly developing: ideas are already under development to harness the power of wind above the clouds. In the future, kites, light aircraft and balloons might be used for energy generation. The Wind Turbine Airborne innovation is one of these future power plants. It is a ten feet

high, cylindrical turbine filled with helium, which has a propeller in the middle. The helium powered device is able to rise up to 300 meters, where winds blow stronger, thus more energy can be harvested. The electric energy produced by the propeller reaches the generator unit on the ground through a cable.


Solar energy The other clean energy is the solar energy, which can be used due to special equipments. One is the solar panels, which transforms solar energy to heat, and the other one is the solar cell which generates electricity from the sun’s energy. Nowadays, it is not a surprise that we can see such glass wonders on the top of the houses, since their installation has become more economic and they can be easily connected to the electricity supply system of houses as well. The use of solar panels in our homes is a good deal: not only because we save money on electricity bills, but we can also earn money with them. The excess energy, which people produce but don’t use, can be bought by electricity suppliers. The use of solar energy on an industrial scale is even more beneficial. Therefore, in countries where the Sun shines a lot, huge solar farms are built, where even 120,000 solar cells can be established which are able to produce 2,000 MW of energy annually.

This amount is enough to supply 700 thousand homes with electricity. But how electricity is exactly produced from sunlight? A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that directly converts energy of light to electricity by the photovoltaic effect. The process of conversion first requires a material which absorbs the solar energy (photon), then raises an electron to a higher energy state, and then the flow of this high-energy electron to an external circuit. Solar cells contain two types of materials: p-type and n-type semiconductors. Certain wavelengths of light can excite electrons in the semiconductor, resulting that electrons get to the n-band leaving “holes”, positive charge carriers in the “p-band”. However, the two oppositely charged layers attract each other, they are only able to recombine through an external circuit, because of the potential step between them.“

The photovoltaic technology has not been either efficient or cost-effective enough to compete with other energy sources. Therefore, it’s science’s task to develop solutions that help solar power compete with conventional energy sources. Since efficiency of solar cells largely depends on the quality of materials involved in the process, the BASF chemical industry develops solutions that help energy production like silicon wafer and thin film technologies, and solar energy products such as panels and cells. They produce for example chemical additives that make production of silicon wafers more precise and cheaper, and they also developed unique UV-stable plastic materials which can replace the aluminum framework of solar panels, thus solar cells can better withstand the weather. Besides this, a variety of special adhesive and insulation materials of the German company ensure the durability of solar cells.



Did you know • There is an incredible amount of energy in the Sun: humanity’s total annual energy consumption would be completely covered by the energy produced by the Sun in an hour, if we would be able to use that energy entirely.

Facts & Figures 1248 gigawatt-hours - In 2013, the world produced this amount of electricity in solar power plants.

There are also solar farms, where solar energy is directed with movable mirrors called heliostats, with which they directly produce heat. These are called Solar Thermal Farms. The world’s largest solar thermal farm, which is 1500 acres big, is in the Majove Desert on the border of California and Nevada. The 300.000 mirrors capacity is 392 MW, which can supply energy for 140.000 households. Europe’s largest solar thermal farm is the Planta Solar 10, which is located in Sevilla, Spain.

Sun enclosed in the chimney The solar wind tower, also known as solar chimney, is a new alternative in the field of renewable energy sources. The invention is based on a thousand-year-old fact that warm air goes up. It works like this: the air is heated by solar energy which generates vertical air flow inside the tower that makes wind turbines of the tower move, which produce energy. Currently, China has such a tower, but many other countries plan to set up similar towers, just like in the Australian desert, where the air near the ground is very hot. According to the plans, this tower will be one of the tallest building in the world, its height will be between 750 and 1000 meters.


Hydropower Hydropower is different from other forms of renewable energy sources, because it is permanently available; the wind doesn’t always blow, and we can expect sun only during the days, but the water never stops, hence it is a much more stable source of energy. It is no coincidence that this green energy is the most widespread: nearly 20% of the world’s electricity is produced from the power of water, which is approximately 2030 TWh. This

is hundred times more than the capacity of currently working wind farms. It is estimated that capacity of the world’s total available hydropower is tenfold, thus there are still unexploited fields. Because of fast-flowing mountain rivers, the largest users of hydropower are Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden and Finland. Also because of this, Norway is a world leader in the use of renewable energies.

Hydropower is exploited in hydroelectric power stations, where usually dams block the way of the river, and the energy of the river water is converted into electric energy with water turbines and electric generators. Besides this, there are wave power plants, which utilize the energy of the continuous surge of the sea. Although this field is still underutilized, according to energy experts, 15% of the world’s electricity could be produced from

waves of the seas and oceans, which is a huge amount, exactly twice as much as it is currently produced by nuclear power plants all over the world. All this shows that task of today’s and tomorrow’s engineers is to rediscover these nature-given technologies, and to set up more efficient green power plants using modern materials and advanced computer systems.


Facts & Figures Did you know • Water’s inexhaustible power can also be used for energy production in slow flowing rivers. This method is quite forgotten, however, it was already used in the 1200s in tidal power plants. The point is that the energy of water movement between low and high tide is used by small water turbines. This environmentally friendly solution is less used since the 1800s, from the industrialization period, as they were not as effective as mineral oil and coal.

20% of the world’s annual energy is derived from hydropower. 39

Energy from waste Biogas is an increasingly important factor in energy-producing. It can be produced from regionally available raw materials such as recycled waste. It is also a renewable energy source and in many cases exerts a very small carbon footprint. Biogas is produced

by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic bacteria or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material, and crops. The gases methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with

Energy is everywhere, we just need to know how to use it Besides the increasingly diverse use of renewable energy sources, creative researchers are able to produce energy in quite amazing ways. For example, for the use of kinetic or mechanical energy only a little imagination and some innovative scientific solutions are

oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel, it can be used for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.


needed. In several cities, sensors are placed in the asphalt or the pavement, which utilize the energy from the footsteps of passengers. The most successful initiative was introduced at the London Olympic Games. Since then, similar energy pavement works in

Israel, in Toulouse, France, and in Tokyo. What’s more, a creative disco owner implemented the world’s first sustainable dance floor in the Netherlands, which gathers kinetic energy from the movements of dancers, and produce electricity from it with generators.


Kinetic football field Recently, the first kinetic football field has been opened in Brazil. Under the lawn, there are about 200 energycapturing tiles which harness players’ movements to produce electricity. Solar panels are also installed around the field. 80% of the energy used at the field during the day is produced by solar panels, while kinetic tiles ensure 100% of the energy during the night.

Facts & Figures 53% - this is the extra amount of energy that mankind will need by 2030, if we don’t save energy. 16% - this is the extra amount of energy that mankind will need by 2030, if we save energy.

Don’t waste! Future researchers agree that the coming energy crisis is only partially solved by the use of renewable energies and smart solutions mentioned above: saving energy and decreasing world’s energy need are also at least as important. According to calculations, if we continue wasting, energy needs of mankind will double by 2030, which means that the emission of carbon dioxide would also double. However, if we start saving energy, the energy demand will increase only by 16%. Inhabitants of cities have a big responsibility in saving energy, since major part of the energy is used by big cities. Industrial establishments also need to change, since they use much more energy than households. It is their task to develop their own technologies and optimize their processes to reduce their energy demand. This process has already begun, a number of large industrial plants has undergone modernization to save energy.

if we start saving energy the energy demand will increase only by



TIPs for saving energy: • • • • •

Turn down the heating: Lowering the temperature in your home by just 1.8oF (1oC) reduces energy costs by 6%. Replace conventional bulbs to eco-friendly LED light sources in your home. They consume 90% less energy and last for years! When boiling water, consider how much water you exactly need, and boil only the amount that you will use, because in this way you not only save energy but also water. Forget about the stand-by mode! Machines in stand-by mode also spin the electric meter, so you’d better always pull out the plug after you used the electric devices. Modernize your home insulation! In households, the largest energy waste is caused by the loss of heat, so it is very important that all windows and doors are well insulated.



Solar cell chemistry Solar cells contain two types of material, which are often called p-type and n-type semiconductors. Light of a certain wavelength is able to ionize atoms of the semiconductor, thereby incident photons generate excess charge carriers. The majority of positive charge carriers (holes) can be found in the p-layer while negative charge carriers (electrons) in the n-layer. Although, charge carriers of the two oppositely charged layers attract each other, they can only recombine by flowing through an external circuit because of the potential steps between the two.


Future light sources Innovative developments affect illuminating engeneering too. Tungsten lamps and halogen bulbs have been slowly replaced by energy-saving and intelligent LED and OLED lights. Researchers work on having natural light indoor even in closed rooms without putting bulbs in future lamps.

And there was light It is evident that Thomas Alva Edison’s 19th century invention, the incandescent lamp completely reorganized the world. In the past, activities were done during the day at daylight: people went to bed early in the evening, and woke up at dawn. Modern people use the light instead of adapting to it, since we need light even late in the evening as well. In fact, we also need lighting during the day, since we don’t spend most of our days outside any more, but inside, where generally there’s no natural light. The only problem is that lighting requires 19% of Earth’s total electricity production. Humanity needs more and more light for the development of technology and changes in lifestyle, that’s why energy efficient lighting is so important. By reducing energy used for lighting, harmful carbon dioxide emission could be seriously reduced as well. Therefore, engineers and researchers develop new, never-before-seen lighting solutions with the help of science.


Did you know • Winter and summer time was introduced in order to save energy used for lighting. This action saves energy equal to approximately 300,000 tons of crude oil.


Theory of light Before reviewing science’s innovative lighting solutions, let’s consider light sources that are available on Earth:

Light sources or devices that are used to produce visible light can be divided into two groups. 1.

Primary light sources emit light themselves.


Secondary light sources only reflect or scatter light of other light sources. Primary GROUPS ARE ALSO DISTINGUISHED ACCORDING TO THE OPERATING PRINCIPLE:

1. 2.

natural: light-emitting orbs, lightning, northern lights, bioluminescence emission of light by a living organism combustion: torch, candle, gas lamp, fire, magma


4. 5.

electric: incandescent lamp tungsten lamps and halogen bulbs electroluminescence LED low-pressure gas discharge lamp (compact) fluorescent lamp, induction lamp high-pressure gas discharge lamp mercury arc lamp, xenon arc lamp chemical: chemiluminescence this phenomena accompanies chemical reactions in which a product is created in excited state, and when this state ends, a quantum of light is formed secondary: thermal radiation, laser 45

Light revolution Compared to other fields of science, it is surprising how slow the evolution of lighting was. We had to wait more than 100 years to have the first energyefficient light bulb: believe it or not, bulbs operating on the same principle that Edison invented in the 19th century are used even today in many places. But why development was necessary? The incandescent lamp is not effective, since 90% of the energy is lost as heat, and only 10% is used to produce light. This is an extraordinary waste, considering that our energy resources are finite (about this topic, see more in our “Energy� article.) Waste must be

stopped as soon as possible, therefore the European Commission adopted a Green Book and launched a consultation on future environmentally friendly and energy-saving illuminating engineering. The goal by 2020 is to reduce energy consumption related to lighting by 20% in European countries. Distribution of incandescent light bulbs will gradually disappear within the European Union in the next few years, and as a consequence, bulbs in households, offices and public areas need to be replaced to energy-efficient light sources. In the last decade, energy-saving halogen lamps, in which a halogen (iodine or bromine) is placed, also started

The incandescent lamp is not effective, since 90% of the energy is lost as heat, and only 10% IS USED to produce light.

to spread. This filament has a higher temperature than the tungsten filament, thus the bulb is made of hard glass or quartz. Economical fluorescent lamps are also quite popular, in which visible light is created by the discharge of a mercuryargon gas mixture between the filaments, which result in UV radiation that put the phosphors inside the fluorescent lamp in an excited state, which radiates visible light. The most promising alternative is the LED (Light Emitting Diode) or its organic version, the OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode), which is also known as solid-state light source (SSL).


Did you know • Believe it or not, bulbs operating on the same principle that Edison invented in the 19th century are used even today in many places.


LED and OLED The spread of LED lights and OLED technology is indisputable, they have several advantages compared to incandescent bulbs. First, they are much more energy-efficient; second, their service life can be 40-60 years. In LED light sources, light is generated by a diode connected to the electric current that excites electrons of atoms in the material of the diode, making them move to a higher energy-level (electron orbit); and when they return to their original

energy level they emit photons, actually light. The difference between LEDs and OLEDs is the “o,” which stands for “organic.” While LEDs use tiny crystals based, for example, on gallium nitride, OLEDs are made from pigment-like organic compounds that are normally used to coat a base material by means of vapor deposition. Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) create a world in which

illuminated wallpaper and windowpanes that turn into a source of light at night are possible. Experts are convinced that in the next few years, these promising energy savers could revolutionize the lighting sector. The expectations placed on OLEDs are high; they are expected to become more efficient than all existing light sources and, some day, to be able to convert nearly 100% of their energy supply into light.

Marketplace of Innovations Asia Pacific

The difference between LEDs and OLEDs is the “o,” which stands for “organic.”


Smart light source The LIFX smart light source won gold medal at the Edison Lighting Award in 2014. It is an energy-saving LED with variable color which has WIFI, thus it can be controlled with a smart phone using a free application. This offers incredible experience for users: 16 million colors, programmable lighting and effects, but lighting can also be harmonized even with our favorite music. The luminous flux of the maximum 1000 lumens can be used for up to 25 years.

The luminous flux of the maximum 1000 lumens can be used for up to 25 years.


Reconsidering lighting OLED’s extraordinary advantage can be effectively and creatively applied in consumer electronics by developers. Imagine a flexible, rollable TV! The implementation is possible, if the OLED display is embedded in a thin plastic layer. The range of possibilities is almost endless. BASF developers have already

developed a light source, which is thin and placed on the top of the car it works as a solar panel, but otherwise it functions as a lighting source, and if it is turned off it is completely transparent. Such a “glass roofed” car collects electricity during the day, and it illuminates the interior of the vehicle in the evening.


How OLEDs work?

A oo t

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LED light can be effectively used in other areas as well, for example in indoor plant cultivation it can perfectly imitate the sun. At the experimental station of the American Green Sense Farms lettuce, kale, basil and chives are grown in rooms with air-condition and artificial LED light. They grow 22 hours a day, 365 days a year in 25-foot towers, untouched by pests and bathed in an alien pink light. This light, of course, is not the same that the normal LED radiates, but a beam wavelength that is necessary for plant growth. This solution is particularly good for small, leafy crops, but science will probably develop artificial and nutritious light for cereal crops as well, which are produced in large quantities, such as the corn and the wheat.

of the sandwich and coalesce. In so doing, they cause the embedded molecules to glow. Because the organic layers are very sensitive to water and oxygen, they must be encapsulated for their protection.


OLEDs are built like a sandwich, with a filling made up of wafer-thin layers of organic material. These layers are placed between a positively charged anode and a negatively charged cathode. When an electrical current is passed through them, electrons and positive charges flow into the middle


Facts & Figures With electric light bulbs, halogen lamps, and energy-saving lamps, a large proportion of the energy is converted into heat instead of light – the surface of a 100-watt electric bulb, for example, reaches a temperature of more than 200°C (392°F) when lit. By contrast, the OLEDs being developed in Dresden remain at around 30°C (86°F), so they’re always safely cooler than body temperature.


An OLED lasts 5-10 times longer than an incandescent bulb.


The number of hours that an LED lasts for.


The number of hours that an OLED currently lasts for.


Smart home, smart lighting Automation, of course, reached illuminating engineering as well. In a smart home, which is equipped with an intelligent control system, we can not only turn the light on and off, or control the light intensity, but personal settings can be stored too. Favorite settings can be recalled at any time, and all the lamps of the house can be set with a single touch according to our mood, the time of day or the activities we do.

However, potential of OLED technology goes far beyond simple lamps and lighting programs. Their light is more flattering, softer and more forgiving than any other light source, which is why inventors call it the ‘light for wellbeing’. The secret to their ‘feel-good’ factor lies in the way they emanate light. In contrast to all other past and present artificial light sources, OLEDs do not emit light from a point; they are a flat light source. With

OLEDs, it is also possible to regulate the color temperature and adapt the light to the time of day. So, it is possible to have a warm white light for the morning and evening hours and a cool white for daytime.

Their light is more flattering, softer and more forgiving than any other light source, which is why inventors call it the ‘light for wellbeing’.


The blue question Only the right mixture of red, green, and blue light produces the white light of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED). But until now, manufacturers have had to make do with a blue dye that is relatively inefficient. The fluorescent emitters currently on the market convert no more than a quarter of the energy into light, with the rest being converted into heat. BASF chemists therefore started looking for a solution to the ‘blue problem’ a few years ago. They

Another property of OLEDs is inspiring lighting designers as well. They are made of wafer-thin organic materials, and in the foreseeable future it may be possible to place them like a second skin over wallpaper, ceilings, or windows. This would enable a ceiling to create the perfect illusion of a summer sky, or a wall to become a virtual spring meadow.

When switched off, OLEDs are white, relective, or transparent – so they could be used to help create windowpanes that let in sunlight during the day, then transform into flat lamps in the dark. Low-power diodes can inspire not only designers, but they can also be used in fashion, in furniture and jewelry design or in fine arts. The natural ‘feel-good’

discovered molecules that shine blue and are able to convert the energy almost entirely into light. These molecules belong to the highly efficient phosphorescent emitters used in OLEDs. There was just one snag, however: they only lasted a few minutes. By 2016, the BASF’s blue technology should have the necessary depth of color for the display industry.

light could also be used in hospitals and doctors’ surgeries in the future. Enquiries are also coming from museums interested in a gentle light source without UV rays and strong heat emission. Japan is already a step ahead; the first exhibition halls here have already been equipped with OLEDs.


Glowing plants – light producing plants as lamps It may sound unbelievable, but it is possible that we won’t need street lamps in the future. Instead, lights can be ensured by plants growing next to the road. A research team in San Francisco works on producing glowing plants using synthetic biology. According to the plans, synthetic DNA segments based on DNA from fireflies and luminous marine bacteria will be implanted in plants.

Laser as a light source For most of us, laser is a colorful mixture of flashing lights, but it’s not the same with everyone. Steven DenBaars, a research scientist at UC Santa Barbara, thinks that the laser light could perfectly replace traditional lamps, for example, the entire ceiling of a room can light up as if it was one big skylight. Or picture hotel ballrooms in which dozens or hundreds of bulbs are replaced by just a handful of ultra-bright light sources. At first blush, it seems like there’s nothing in common between the warm glow of an incandescent light bulb, which creates

light by heating a filament until it’s whitehot, and a laser, which generates light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation and created light in a single wavelength and shoots a focused beam at a minuscule target. The common ground is LED technology— it turns out that the kind of lasers DenBaars is working on are based on existing light emitting diodes, and are called “laser diodes.”

on either side of the LED and it breaks into a laser. Once you get reflection back and forth, you get an amplification effect, and it goes from regular emission to stimulated emission—it’s like an avalanche. The best laser diodes are about as effective at turning electricity into light as a store-bought LED, but with one major difference: you can pump more than 2,000 times as much electricity into a laser diode. In theory, it means a laser diode can produce 2,000 times more light per square centimeter.

It’s very similar to a LED light. It’s the same materials, but you put two mirrors


Natural light matters! The most economical light source is clearly the Sun, of which modern architecture try to take advantage by using glass atriums and roofs. A very simple solution which becomes more and more common is the introduction of direct sunlight into apartments. This is not a new thing, and this creative solution is often used in technically underdeveloped areas: a used PET bottle is filled with water and a small quantity of bleach is added to sterilize

the liquid and keep it clear. The bottle is then vertically wedged into a hole cut in the roof, secured to stop it from falling down and sealed with a bit of rubber. The makeshift bulb is ready. When the sun outside shines on the bottle, the water inside will refracts the light and illuminates the interior of the hut without the use of electricity. A more modern approach is when the sunlight is introduced into the room with

a solar tube, which works as an active prism. It is directly built into the roof structure. In the outer side, there is a light collector, from where light travels to the other side of the pipe, which is already inside the room, with mirrors. The most advanced structures can forward the light even 6 meters far without loss. Thus, a room without windows up to a 25 square meters can be easily illuminated with sunlight.

Nobel Prize-winning LED In 2014, the Nobel Prize was awarded in Physics to two Japanese and one American researchers – Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura – “for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources” The award-winning researchers made the epochal discovery in the early nineties. The first light-emitting diodes, i.e. LEDs, were made in the sixties. These were only able to produce infrared light: up till now you can find them in remote

controls. Researchers made brighter and brighter LEDs, and red then green LEDs also appeared on the wavelength scale. But the blue light resisted and it was not possible to produce blue light-emitting diode, and without the blue component it is not possible to produce white light either. The gallium nitride-based blue LEDs produced twenty years ago were the first ones that were able to produce high-brightness, so finally the way opened for the combined (red + green + blue), white light LED production.


New Prospects in Transport Transport has become an important part of our everyday life – yet it consumes a huge amount of energy and results in heavy emission of pollutants; the exhaust smoke of hundreds of millions of cars pollute the air day by day. Obviously, sustainable development must comprise the revolution of transport, with which science can come to our help.

Our everyday companions: cars Cars became part of our everyday lives only in the past one hundred years – but so much so that we cannot imagine what we would do if they were not here for us. The increasing number of motor vehicles, however, contributes to a great extent to the depletion of mineral oil and coal reserves, that is, the Earth’s fossil energy sources, as the majority of our cars run on petrol or diesel, both produced from mineral oil. Moreover, their exhaust

smoke contains polluting gases like carbon-dioxide, carbonmonoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons. According to estimates, there will be around 1.2 billion cars on the road worldwide by 2021, with an increase of nearly 300 million compared to today. As of today, transport is responsible for 50% of the total air pollution, which makes it one of the biggest challenges to achieve a drastic decrease.


Facts & Figures Every day, 95.500 new vehicles are added to the world’s roads. By 2021, there will be approximately 1.2 billion cars on the world’s roads. Motor vehicles are responsible for 40% of air pollution in Europe. More than 80% of car trips in Europe are less than 20 kilometres.

The bicycle in its renaissance Many change from four to two wheels – some to protect the environment, others for practical reasons, to travel from home to school or their workplace by bike. As an interesting fact, twice as many bicycles are manufactured a year as cars, and in the past decade, far more bikes have been sold than before. There are nations which have a fancy for bicycles as a tradition, like the Dutch: in Holland the number of bikes exceeds the population. The situation is similar in China and the South-East-Asian countries, though electric bikes are also commonly used there, due to the larger distances. The growing popularity of cycling is indicated by the increasing number of unique materials and modern designs, to make bicycles even more comfortable, safe and unique. One of the recent novelties is the launch of bicycle frames made of wood or bamboo, which are extremely flexible and heavy-duty. BASF, which is involved in the development of innovative materials, also created its own concept bike, which amalgamates the memory of the past and the promise of the future. The “Concept 1865” bicycle looks like bikes made 150 years ago but contain 24 high-performance engineering plastics, special foams, and epoxy resin and polyurethane materials, which make bicycles unique not only in their outer appearance but also in the user experience.


Electric cars – the vehicles of the future? Automobile manufacturers and suppliers are trying to figure out how to reduce overall fuel consumption and emissions despite the sharp growth in vehicle use. The first solution offered by developers was the development of electric vehicles, which are driven by an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery. On public roads, hybrid vehicles were the first to appear in large numbers, which combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor, in order to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Their advantage is that they make efficient use of the electric drive in city transport, where distances are short, and switch to the traditional engine for longer distances and higher speeds. The key part of an electric car is the


battery, which stores the energy. The real breakthrough was achieved with the introduction of lithium batteries, which are far more powerful than their predecessors. They can cover about 150-200 kilometres with one charge, which is more than enough for average in-city distances – and the car can be connected to a charger in the evening, just like our mobile phones. However, the dream of researchers is to find a solution that makes one charge sufficient for longer distances. The engineers of chemical industry firm BASF are working on the next generations of batteries. The combination of lithium with sulphur or air could give batteries a higher energy density, meaning a car could potentially travel to 400 kilometres on a single charge.

Did you know • It is not true that electric cars are slow. One of the world’s fastest electric cars is the Rimac Concept One, developed by young Croatian inventor Mate Rimac, which can travel at a speed of 300 km/h with its 1088 HP engine.

Another solution to improve charging efficiency could be the new-type plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). These cars have a more powerful battery and can be recharged with an electrical plug. PHEV’s also have a combustion engine, which can help both charge the electrical battery and act as a range extender, but its use is greatly minimised by the enhanced capability of the battery. Energy-storing body panels can also be a promising innovation. Some European companies are currently researching and testing body panels that can store energy and charge faster than conventional batteries of today. The body panels being tested are made of polymer fibre and carbon resin that are strong enough to be used in vehicles and pliable enough to be moulded into panels.

Facts & Figures 500,000 – the number of electric cars worldwide +100% – the projected increase in the number of electric cars by the year 2022 2040 – every second new car will be a hybrid. 58

A hydrogen power plant in the car A promising opportunity for the birth of environment friendly and one hundred percent pollution-free cars is the fuel cell, which creates electrical energy on board the car through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. The chemical energy from the reaction of these two materials transform into electricity, heat and water – the exhaust pipe emitting only steam. Cars equipped with fuel cells have a driving range comparable to today’s vehicles with gasoline engines. They

offer the same performance and driving ranges as traditional vehicles – though developers must still overcome a number of challenges. They have to find the place to install a large hydrogen tank in the car and to reduce the weight of the fuel cell. Last but not least, a hydrogen filling station chain must be built, where fuel cell cars can be filled with hydrogen instead of petrol.


Hydrogen propelled aircraft – now also reality A few years ago the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and Lange Aviation built the first ever purely hydrogenpowered aircraft, Antares DLR-H2. The small-motor glider is nearly noiseless and emits no smoke, only steam. The gist of the fuel cell system, installed under the wings, is a membrane electrode assembly developed by BASF, whose revolutionary novelty is that it allows an operating temperature of as high as 180°C, thus rendering a number of costly parts, including a cooling system, unnecessary. The German Aerospace Centre plans to install this innovative fuel cell also in Airbus A320 passenger aircraft to improve the efficiency of the onboard power supply of these large-body aircraft.

Chemistry finding its way into cars Without a doubt, one of the key requirements towards the cars of the future is a careful selection of materials: developers must make sure that the body panels are safe, comfortable, and as light as possible. This latter challenge is one which the Formula-1 design engineers are also facing with: they wish to reduce the weight of cars due to high speeds, while in everyday transport the advantage of „featherweight” is that the car will have a lower consumption. Innovative plastics, developed by the chemical industry, are used ever more often to achieve lighter weights.

Facts & Figures Modern cars already contain about 15% plastic. In a few years this could rise to up to 25%.



We are already used to finding plastics in car interiors but an increasing number of other parts, including the covers and parts of the motor unit, are made of technical plastics. BASF’s car industry unit has developed a number of plastics with special features which are extremely heat resistant, like the stabile parts of the oil circulation system, or are very flexible and can thus be used as the motor’s mechanical parts. Another revolutionary innovation of the German chemical industry company is the wheel rim made of high-performance plastics, which enables a significant, three-kilo reduction of the weight of each wheel. In

contrast to traditional, polyamide composite materials, this new plastic contains long, reinforcing glass fibres, which offer major strain-tolerance. The plastic car wheels have been prepared for the smart forvision electric car, jointly developed with Daimler. This small four-wheeler features doors and other chassis elements made of a high-performance composite material, carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy resin, which make the car weigh half of a car made of traditional materials. This car features the latest innovations in vehicle manufacturing, namely:

Infrared-reflective film A new infrared-reflective film is applied in the windshield and side windows, protecting the car interior from heating up.

High-performance composite frame The passenger cell and other components such as the doors are made of carbonfibre-reinforced epoxy resin – a highperformance composite material. Such materials enable weight savings of more than 50% compared to steel.

High-performance insulation foams High-performance foams from BASF are fitted in the body panels. They help create a pleasant climate inside the car.


Transparent solar roof Even in poor light conditions, the hexagonal transparent organic photovoltaic cells (OPV) generate enough energy to power the multimedia components and the fans that assist with climate management. Transparent OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes) illuminate the interior when the door is opened or a button is pressed. When switched off, they allow for a clear view outside.

Infrared-reflective coatings The infrared-reflective and scratch resistant coating system supports the temperature management system. Thanks to the special pigments by BASF, dark interior elements are also protected from heating up.

All-plastic wheel rim The world’s first all-plastic wheel rim from a new high-performance material, saves three kilograms of weight per wheel. The new plastic has improved properties: excellent thermal and chemical stability, dynamic strength, toughness and good continuous operating characteristics.


E-textiles E-textiles are thin fabrics with customtailored conductive coatings. They replace conventional seat heating. With direct heating close to the body in the seatbacks, they provide a pleasant feeling of warmth.

Multifunctional comfort seat The seats offer a unique combination of temperature management and lightweight design. A new self-supporting plastic seat shell forms the basis of the seat. The seat foam provides for both comfort and weight savings. The fleece fabric contains super absorbents which further enhance comfort by absorbing humidity.


Something new to replace petrol Scientists have long been working on creating a car that runs on fuel other than petrol or diesel. For the time being, bioethanol and biodiesel are the most common alternative fuels, which are made from plants produced specifically for this purpose, rather than from fossil energy sources coming from the depth of the Earth. To make bioethanol, so-called energy crops are used, like beetroot or corn, while biodiesel is produced from plants with a high oil content, in most cases rape or sunflower. These fuels, however, need huge quantities of plants to make: to produce 100 litres of bioethanol, more corn is needed than

what one human being could eat in one year. For this reason, biofuels cannot really be considered environmentally friendly – even though a car emits somewhat less pollutants if powered by plant fuel. The most promising fuel is nothing else but air. Peugeot and Citroën jointly developed a hybrid car that is powered by a hydraulic system operated by compressed air. The car also features a petrol engine, which takes over at times of high loads – like driving on a rise or at a high speed. The car called Hybrid Air will be commercially available from 2016.

New perspectives for the transport of the future The developers of the cities of the future are of the opinion that our attitude towards passenger cars will unavoidably change. People will lose their attitude of looking at their car as a personal property, and car sharing will become more common. The forerunners of this approach are the networks for picking up passengers with the same destination as the owner of the car. One of the most popular such communities is Uber, which is now available is several Middle-European countries. Its essence is that a mobile application displays the available Uber drivers in our vicinity, whom we can call just like a taxi – but for a lower fare, and sometimes sharing the car with other passengers. New car usage habits require new car

types: the car of the future will be much lighter than previous models, will require very little energy, and will have less of an impact on the environment. For sure, travelling inside metropolises will be by means of cars travelling without a driver, on pre-defined routes, under GPS control. These automatic PRT (personal rapid transit) vehicles travel on rails or magnetic routes, and carry a maximum of 3-6 passengers, who can select their destination along a pre-defined route. Though this may sound futuristic, more than ten such PRT systems are already operational worldwide. The world’s oldest and most extensive PRT system is in West Virginia University, that moves student and visitors alike to a number of popular destinations throughout the city. Besides, such small automated vehicles are also used at London Heathrow Airport and Masdar City, the eco-city currently under construction in the United Arab Emirates. Normal passenger cars without a driver are no longer sci-fi clichés: Being around for years, Google’s automatic Toyota Prius cars not only record images of the road but their computerized maps view road signs, find alternative routes, and see traffic lights before they’re even visible to a person. By using lasers, radars and cameras, the cars can

analyse and process information about their surroundings faster than a human can. Google engineers have already tested their self-driving car on more than 300,000 kilometres of public highways and roads. Public transport is no exception to the introduction of innovations. In this area, magnetic trains, also called maglevs, are the most promising. These vehicles are fully environmentally friendly, as they are kept on track and propelled by magnetic fields. By using this technology, trains can travel at a speed of more than 400 km/h, securely and almost noiselessly. As of today, maglev trains are used in Germany, Japan and China, the fastest of them doing a 30-kilometre distance in 7 minutes. With a traditional train, this would take at least three times as much time. Electric buses are also becoming common, and developers are also making continuous efforts to improve their features. In Holland, for example, experiments are carried out for a super bus, powered by a lithium-polymer battery, which resembles a giant sports car to a great extent, and is capable of carrying 23 passengers at a speed of 250 km/h.


Facts & Figures 90% of people in major cities use public transit on a regular basis.

Flying car The first flying car has gone through the first test flights, and will soon be put into serial production. Terrafugia’s Transition 30 seconds to convert from a normal car into a twoseat light aircraft. Taking off with a full tank, the vehicle has a flight range of 644km and a cruising flight speed of 185km/h.

Now we also have the sky The continuously increasing air traffic also poses challenges on scientists: how the operation of aircraft can be made less polluting. Approximately 90 thousand air flights carry passengers throughout the world every day, which emit huge volumes of greenhouse carbon-dioxide and consume a vast amount of fuel, kerosene, which is produced from mineral oil. These aircraft burn app. 30 thousand litres of fuel during a two-hour flight. This amount of fuel would suffice to fill the tank of an average car six hundred times. The replacement of kerosene with an alternative fuel would be a major step towards making air traffic sustainable. Biofuels for aircraft are produced in several locations: in Holland, for example, they plan to double the capacity of Rotterdam Bio Port by year 2020, with an eye to reducing the CO2 emission of aircraft by 80% through the use of their sustainable fuel. Another ongoing project is called „GreenSky London”, the purpose of which is to use some 500,000 tons of waste per year to produce 50,000 tons of aircraft fuel and the same amount of biodiesel. Air traffic cannot stay out of the use of renewable energies, of which the most self-evident one is the use of solar energy. Solar panel powering is already reality with small aircraft. The world’s first such vehicle, Solar Impulse, carries 17,200 solar panels on its wings to collect energy and transfer it to the engine. This aircraft has already flown across the oceans and will fly around the Earth in 2015. Propelling large passenger aircraft with solar panels is still a dream. Quite likely, researchers will develop a hybrid solution that will be capable of keeping a larger aircraft in the air by utilising different types of renewable and environmentally friendly energies.


Science in the engine compartment Galvanic cell, battery, fuel cell – They are all similar from their operational point of view, namely that they all include electron transfer i.e. redox reactions. The essence of power production is that the electron uptake and release are separated in space, so electrons have to flow from the anode (oxidation) to the cathode (reduction). If the galvanic cell runs out of a reactant, it is not suitable to produce more electricity, which means that the power generation process is only a one way process.

In batteries, a similar process produce power, but this process is electrically reversible, i.e., the battery can be charged. For example in lithium batteries, lithium ions migrate (Li +) to the carbonbased negative electrode while charging and flow to the positive metal oxide based electrode while discharging. In the latest lithium-polymer batteries, the liquid electrode is replaced by a special plastic, thus very small and flexible power sources can be made.

refilled. This fuel is mostly hydrogen, but there are variations that operate with methane and methanol. The chemical process is practically the burning of the fuel, but not in the conventional way: the reactants are not in contact with each other, the electron transfer goes through a membrane. From hydrogen, water is formed during the reaction, while from carbon compounds carbon dioxide is also formed.

The biggest advantage of fuel cells is that they operate as long as they are


Science is also responsible for producing proper quantity and quality food for the planet’s growing population, and all this should be done with the lowest possible environmental impact throughout the whole supply chain. Read about innovative scientific solutions used in the crop production, the next generation of food packaging, and take a look behind the scenes of a future kitchen.




How to feed future generations? Science might have never faced such a difficult task as nowadays. It has to lay the basis for the development of Earth’s population that grows rapidly and unevenly. One of the key challenges is to provide enough food for mankind in the most possible sustainable way.

Famine and overconsumption Mankind’s demand for food significantly increases from year to year. Demand for animal proteins increases by 2 million tons per year, while mankind’s need for cereals requires an additional 26 million tons of grains per year. The main reason is the population growth: every year and additional 80 million mouths need to be fed. The fact that over-consumption is significant in developed countries and a lot of people buy unnecessary amounts of food which ends up in the trash also contributes to the increasing

demands of food. On the other hand, there is famine in developing countries, where agricultural production can’t keep the pace with the growth of the population, thus shortage of food is permanent. And we shouldn’t forget about the people either, who suffer not because of the quantity, but the quality of food meaning that they are malnourished because of the lack of proteins, vitamins and micronutrients they get.

Facts & Figures Annual consumption of mankind 7 billion tons of grains - which require 746 million hectares of arable land 210 million tons of sugar, 259 million tons of fat.


Mother Earth giving food and life Land is in connection with our food in a way: vegetables, fruits and even meats, since animals consume forage produced on lands. But there are less and less arable lands since growing cities and their agglomeration as well as rapidly growing road networks require more and more land. Arable lands face another serious problem, the soil erosion, which means that the nutrient content of the soil is reduced.

Cultivation of plants results nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium loss of soils. Centuries ago, people simply let the field lie and nothing was planted on newly harvested areas. Nowadays, a producer no longer can afford this, since the production has to keep the pace with the growing demands. Thus, in addition to traditional organic fertilizers, chemical fertilizers, which are specifically good for supplying the loss of soil nutrients, play a prominent role in fertilization.


Innovative soil protection against global warming 78% of Earth’s atmosphere is atmospheric nitrogen, which can’t be directly used by higher plants. For growing, they use the nitrate of the soil. But it is also harmful if the soil contains more nitrates than plants can take up. In this case, soil bacteria transform the nitrate to a greenhouse gas called dinitrogen monoxide (N2O), which has three hundred stronger effects than carbon dioxide. BASF research

engineers have recently turned their attention to this problem and developed a nitrification inhibitor, which, mixed with fertilizer, optimize the nitrification process in order to make it possible that soil nitrate concentration doesn’t exceed plants’ needs. This makes the use of fertilizers be more efficient, and significantly reduces the production of greenhouse gases.

Facts & Figures 80% of soils are damaged in the world Degradation of soils are 17 times faster than their restoration 75 billion tons of fertile soils disappear annually from Earth. 72

Global challenge: making agriculture more sustainable Sustainable agriculture means that we manage areas of available lands using the possibly lowest amount of water and energy while minimizing waste production and producing sufficient amount of food for the society. Agricultural industry has already developed a number of ideas which can make crop production more sustainable. Some major initiatives:

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On dry areas with low rainfall, crops are often cultivated on circular plots. This method is called center pivot irrigation. Its advantage is that it uses less water than conventional irrigation techniques.

Agricultural engineers and developers of future cities realized that food supply of citizens would be the most economical, if some crops were cultivated within the cities, because in this way fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be delivered from long distance to cities. Since cities are crowded, plants can be grown only vertically, thus they are cultivated in greenhouse-skyscrapers set up for this purpose. Besides this, more and more ornamental gardens can also be seen on walls of houses. In addition to their aesthetic function, they also play a role in cleaning the air of the city.


Vertical garden

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Aquaponics Aquaponics, which is a food production system that combines intensive fish farming in tanks (aquaculture) with crop cultivation in water (hidroponics), plays an important role in agricultural revolution. A water circulator runs the closed system which pumps the water of the fish tank containing organic excretions of animals to the roots of the plants, which take up the nutrients from this water. Crops are cultivated on trays filled with gravel or clay balls, through which water flows slowly, and the cleaned water is returned to the fish tank, where the process begins again. Aquaponics biggest advantage is that it is almost entirely self-regulating; its efficiency can only be improved with added bacteria and the replacement of evaporated water.

Underground Greenhouse In colder regions, greenhouses are often built into the ground. These greenhouses combine the benefits of passive solar heating and Earthships: the insulation capacity of the earth is very good, thus these houses keep the solar heat entering the house through the glasses. In this way, warm, light and stable environment is created for plant growth, which is available throughout the whole year.



Did you know • In recent years, community gardens were established on housing estates of several big cities of Europe, where residents grow vegetables, herbs and fruits for their own consumption. There are also places where poultries and beekeeping is allowed.

How biotechnology can help? Development engineers, who are doing research in order to maintain high yields at lower water use or under extreme weather conditions, are also actively involved in the fight for sustainability. BASF’s Crop Protection Division is at the forefront of this research. They developed stress-tolerant plants, which are, for example, more resistant to drought. Researchers examined cactuses and mosses living in hot and dry regions, and identified more than 100 genes that are responsible for the extent of plants’ stress tolerance. Studies have shown that plants with such genes can survive without water for two weeks, while “normal plants” dry out. Recently, developers have been working on hybrid plants, which would help to achieve this drought-tolerance in agricultural crops

as well. In addition, BASF engineers also developed pesticide products which help plants be more resistant to diseases and environmental effects, thus better yield can be achieved. Science can also contribute to achieve high nutritional value of foods, which is particularly important in developing countries where malnutrition is very frequent. BASF nutritional research group produces several ingredients that can be used for food fortification. These functional ingredients include vitamins and carotenoids, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These ingredients can be used in either liquid or solid form in foodstuffs such as staple-enriched cereals, dairy products like yogurt drinks, infant and child nutrition products.

The German developer company is so committed to sustainability that they developed a method for holistically assessing sustainability in agriculture called AgBalance™. It evaluates 69 indicators from the three dimensions – environment, society and economy. AgBalance considers, for example, the nutrient balance of soil, the biodiversity of species inhabiting farmland, plus residues in food and feed as well as fixed and variable costs. The first AgBalance study has analyzed the production of colza in Germany between 1998 and 2008; results show that the overall sustainability performance has improved by 40%.


Drones and nano clouds over the fields Precision agriculture is a long-desired goal. It means that fertilization, spraying, watering and harvesting can be done as precisely as possible. Thus, the amount of pesticides as well as fuel used by combine harvesters can be reduced; moreover combines will pollute the environment less, if they follow accurate tracks. That’s why GPS-based management of agricultural vehicles is so widely used, since parcels can be more precisely explored by them. This area offers many exciting opportunities. Combining many technologies and research fields may end up in extremely interesting solutions, such as the application of nano clouds. They are, in fact, tiny sensors that can detect environmental factors affecting crop production, such as wind, humidity, temperature, and soil moisture content, up to 30 acres of fields. Such high-tech, wireless sensors have already been successfully used in California vineyards. Another device is the more and more widely used drone, which is a remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicle that helps farmers to “go around” their land in the air to have a better overview of their crops. The low-flying, lightweight scout-planes can take detailed photos, which show farmers on time where and how much herbicide they need to use, and where to irrigate. The most advanced drones take high-resolution infrared photographs of plants’ leaves, which show whether the plant got sufficient amount of water and nutrients or not. What’s more, drones are also used for spraying in Japan; in this way, those plants are given pesticide to, which really need it.


Meat without meat It is evident that livestock farming is extremely inefficient regarding the forage consumed and the amount of land used; and it is even cruel to animals. Besides this, animal husbandry is the major cause of global warming; moreover, its by-products pollute the drinking water. It seems that the situation can’t be solved only by cutting back the production, but more radical solutions are needed, in which science can help. Researchers have been experimenting with animal meat production in laboratory since 2008. They get tissue samples from two average live cattle, and they start growing muscle tissue from this jelly cell culture. For example, a hamburger meat contains 20 thousand muscle fibers. The meat produced this way is not modified genetically; cells are just the same as they were “evolved� in the conventional way, as a part of a live animal. The process is very efficient, since 20 thousand tons of beef can be produced from a single sample. This method would decrease the land and water use of livestock farming by 90% and the energy consumed by 70%. Although, still a lot of research is needed in order to successfully produce meat for human consumption in labs, the motivation is given: an animal protection organization, the PETA, has set up a million-dollar prize to the first research team that successfully produces edible chicken meat.

Facts & Figures 70% - Lands are mostly used by livestock 50% - Half of the drinking water is consumed by the livestock 50% - Livestock is responsible for the half of the greenhouse gases.


Would you eat bugs? The UN has recently published a detailed report on edible insects, counting on the fact that more and more people will be forced to consume protein-rich insects due to the coming food crisis. For many people, even the idea is disgusting, but we should keep in mind that insects are eaten for thousands of years by certain cultures; and insects are still on the menu of two billion people worldwide.

Future food: microalgae Alga is one of the most promising plants that could save the world from hunger. Since algae are aquatic plants, they grow much faster. Due to this fact, one hectare of algae is able to produce the same amount of protein than 21 acres of soybeans or 49 acres of corn. Besides this, the biodiversity of algae is huge: more than 800 thousand algae species exist. There are single celled and multi cellular algae as well, such as the 60-meter-long giant kelp. Algae produce carbohydrates, oils, proteins, vitamins, colorants and organic materials. This allows extensive use of algae in various industries such as food, feed, cosmetic, pharmaceutical industries and in the production of biofuels as well. They also have other importance: 90 percent of the planet’s oxygen is produced by algae through photosynthesis, thus materials derived from them are suitable for absorption of carbon dioxide as well.

Photobioreactor Propagation of microalgae on an industrial scale is only possible artificially in our climate. Therefore, algae are produced in closed systems, where the production is optimized with the mixture of artificial and natural light, and the temperature. These equipments are called photobioreactors.

The algae cultivated in photobioreactors can be used to produce very important agents, since changing the optimum conditions cause stress reaction, which often results in a production of a new matter, or a suddenly increased production of an already produced matter. Such systems are, for example, the bioreactors that are able to produce hydrogen. Some green algae have long been known to be able to produce hydrogen: under certain circumstances, they consume the nutrients they produced during photosynthesis, which is called biophotolysis. The deprivation of sulfur and oxygen generates such an increased production of hydrogen that makes energy generation possible. (Sulfur deficiency “turns the photosynthesis off”, thus the energy generating process, in which the hydrogen is also produced, becomes more important for the algae.) Many patents were created for the production of active substances (such as drug ingredients, nutritional supplements), of which one of the most significant one is the algal oil, which is very healthy: it contains a lot of unsaturated components, but as a result of certain stress, the omega-3 fatty acid ratio also increases significantly. The intake of the omega-3 fatty acids is extremely important, however, many people don’t consume enough of them, and the omega-3 / omega-6 ratio is also shifted.


Tomorrow’s Smart Food Packaging These days, nearly as much research and development goes into how we package our food as goes into the food itself. Innovations and high-tech solutions mean that the cartons, films and bottles ensure that food is kept fresh and safe. Besides the safety of food, however, environment protection must also be a priority – which motivates researchers to develop new technologies.

A new era in packaging There are several reasons for the growing quantity of food packaging worldwide. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities, where there are few options for growing food independently. The planet’s 3.5 billion city-dwellers thus buy their products outside of the home – and they usually come packaged. In addition, the rising number of single-person households, which prefer smaller portion sizes, and the growing trend of eating on the move between appointments are giving rise to an increasing amount of packaged food. Regrettably, however, food packaging ends up in the bin almost immediately after opening and a significant percentage of it, like plastics,

PET bottles or metal soft drink cans, for example, take long decades to degrade. Besides, not only the quantity of packaging materials but also that of leftover food is astonishing, especially in developed countries. We discard food leftovers gathering during the preparation of meals as well as food that we do not eat. The saddest thing, however, is that we put most of the food into the bin together with its packaging: what is not eaten in time will go off without even being opened.

Facts & Figures 1.3 billion - The number of metric tons of food production – around one-third of the total – lost or wasted every year worldwide. 95–115 kg - The amount of edible food per person that is lost or wasted each year in industrialized countries. 78

Researchers address this complex problem through the introduction of a number of innovative packaging solutions. One of their main aims is to significantly reduce the quantity of wasted food by extending the time for which food stays fresh in its packaging. This can be achieved by blocking food from oxygen, which prevents decomposing bacteria from multiplying. The German BASF’s Plastic Division has also developed special composite materials, which are primarily used for the tray packaging of sliced meats, baloneys and cheeses. The tray, which is in contact with the food, is a polyamide that is simultaneously tough and flexible and what is more important: they retain oxygen and carbon dioxide. The upper

film is BOPA-based (Biaxially Oriented Polyamide) which is extremely flexible, tear-resistant and the inner layer serves as a barrier against the air. Another freshness preserving packaging technology is Modified Atmosphere Packaging or MAP. With this technology, the air surrounding an edible product is replaced with a protective atmosphere specially tailored to the food. One example is a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These slow-reacting gases replace oxygen, and slow the growth of germs, all without using any preservatives.

researchers is to make packaging materials environmentally sound. It is this goal that biodegradable plastic serves: a material that one will more and more often encounter as many carrier bags and litter bags are made of it. Chemical industry company BASF is a leader also in the development of degradable plastics. Its Ecoflex® polyester, produced using bacteria and funguses, water, carbon-monoxide and bio mass, decomposes within a few weeks without leaving any residues. Ecoflex® is used as a coating of paper cups, for the shrinkfoiling of food and also to make bags that can be used in composting at home.

Besides ensuring hygiene, another significant goal of food industry


How does composting work? Composting is a biological process, in whose course organic wastes (like leftover food, tea, garden waste) transforms into a humus-like substance as a result of natural decomposition. This substance is called compost, which can be used, for instance, to improve the soil’s fertility.


Did you know • Additives can also help make packaging materials recyclable. Increasing recycling rates, reducing material requirements BASF products that contribute to reaching the goals of reducing material requirements and increasing recycling rates include additives, which make plastics more elastic and resistant to ageing and tearing. They are used in processes such as recycling PET beverage bottles. Additives belonging to BASF’s Joncryl® family ensure that the recycled material obtains the quality of new PET. Moreover, paper chemicals from BASF enable the production of new paper and board from recycled fibres.

Packaging: the intelligent food inspector It is difficult to determine the exact expiration date of a perishable food product, because it highly depends on the storage temperature. A food product can go off then times faster at 8-10˚C in a refrigerator than at 0˚C. That’s why intelligent indicators are being developed for the food industry which immediately detects if a food is not edible anymore. Swiss scientists are building “olfactory systems” into food packages to monitor foods’ quality. The system measures the temperature, the humidity and the changes of some other compounds. The ethylene content changes when the fruit ripens, while the appearance of hexanol indicates, if it goes off. But sensors detect presence of other pathogens and effects of UV radiation as well as

leakage, drying and other damages of the package. Discolorations of packages means bad values, and packages may become unopenable. Dilemma of the expiration date doesn’t avoid frozen foods either, since we can’t be sure about that the food was properly deep-frozen. The time temperature indicator developed by BASF helps us to monitor the food on its way from the manufacturer to the retailer, so customers can tell at a glance by looking at the label whether the product was kept constantly deep-frozen and properly stored until it arrived to the customer’s deep-freezer. A temperature-sensitive ink is used to print the OnVu™ ICE labels; the darker its colour is, the better

the cold chain has been maintained for chilled and frozen foods. Another technology that can help one check the actual condition of food is radio frequency identification (RFID). The electronic chips placed on the packaging and replacing the traditional barcode store all the important information about food, including its ingredients, the allergenic substances contained by them and, of course, expiration dates. RFID chips are quick and simple to read and can also be used to find out when the given food was exactly produced and through what route it finally reached the shop of its sale.

Discolorations of packages means bad values, and packages may become unopenable. 80

World Sensation: The First Ever Self-Chilling Can The self-chilling can can reduces a drink’s temperature by 1˚C in three minutes. The ChillCan contains a cylindrical chamber of high-pressure CO2 gas, which ends in a valve that extends through the base of the can and is capped by a button. When the user pushes the button, the valve opens and the CO2 rushes out of the bottom of the can and into the air. As the gas expands, it absorbs heat from the surrounding liquid, lowering the temperature. The special drink can – containing an energy drink – is already commercially available in the United States.

Eat the packaging as well


According to some, the new generation of packaging will be different even in its functions: not only will it store food but will also be edible itself. At the forefront of edible food packaging is Harvard’s Dr. David Edwards, professor of the Practice in Biomedical Engineering. Edwards, along with his team of scientists have created an edible membrane made from biodegradable polymer and food particles which would stand in the place of traditional packaging such as cellophane or cardboard. The edible membrane, or “Wikicell,” acts as a naturally-found “bottle” similar to a way the rind or skin of a fruit protects the flesh underneath. Edwards’ believes that it is possible to store any flavours inside a Wikicell. So far his team has created a tomato membrane containing gazpacho, a grape membrane with wine inside, and others. Edwards has also developed a prototype bottle with a coating similar to an eggshell that can either be peeled off or eaten whole along with the membrane underneath. This membrane-like substance resembles the currently fashionable detergent capsules, in which liquid detergent is held by a transparent, foil-like material, which dissolves in the washing machine in the course of washing, as a result of its contact with waste. Though it now seems really unimaginable to bite into a sandwich together with its packaging, edible coverings will definitely have a significant role in the future. A number of research teams are working on the development of edible packaging materials in different parts of the world – which can be used to package soft drinks, sweets and even fresh meats.


Design in the service of sustainable packaging As the paragraphs above show, the time has gone when the sole function of food packaging was to store food and, perhaps, call customers’ attention with its appealing appearance. The latter, of course, is still important – yet, today, the main consideration of designers is to become second to none by making packaging that is extremely functional and natural at the same time. Owing to efforts to this end, the quantity of food packaging made from recycled paper is increasing, which is favoured to package bio products. Researchers have warned, however, that these recycled materials may contain ink residues and, thus, harmful mineral oils as well. For this reason, due to food safety considerations, a thin protective layer must be placed between the recycled paper and the food it contains. The „Smart Bottle” can also look impressive on shop shelves, which offers the transition from traditional rigid containers to flexible


packaging pouches. It is manufactured from flexible films. It uses flat, sturdy seals on the corners to provide rigidity, which maintains the shape of the container. This configuration offers packaging that ships flat before filling and reduces the disposal footprint when its contents are depleted. The art of packaging design also entails labelling and printing. Harmful, oil-based paints are increasingly replaced with waterbased, environmentally sound paints. In label design, the real breakthrough will be achieved with the appearance of the first moving pictures on packaging. Does it sound futuristic? Well, several groups of scientists are working on such a solution and moving picture packaging has already been implemented in test projects. The reason why you do not see these in shops is that no manufacturer uses them as they are still very expensive.

Did you know • Japan is the citadel of food packaging: it is the source of many design-award winner packaging types. In Japan, they often apply bamboo and other materials of plant origin in packaging and even their plates and eating sticks are also made of bamboo fibre in most cases. They take the lead not only in the use of materials but also in technology. One of their key breakthroughs is the Ultra-Freshness Preservation Freezing System, which is used to package raw fish. This rapid-freezing system uses both alternating and direct current, high “electric potential,” at the same time to rapidly cool the product without oxidization, reducing the size of ice crystals that form in food cells.


The science of freezing The size of ice crystals, being formed during the freezing process, greatly determines the quality of the frozen food, because large crystals damage the cell wall/membrane, so after the defrosting, the food does not regain its original shape. Small crystals have less damaging effect. The size of the crystals which form during the freezing – or when they precipitate from the solution – depend on the speed of two processes: the formation of nuclei and the crystal growth speed. If the former process is quick, and the latter is slow, lots of small or even microscopic-sized crystals are born, conversely a few large crystals form – in the nature there are crystal giants weighing several tons. Fast cooling increases the nucleation rate, that’s why rapid cooling is favored in the food technology. To do this, liquid nitrogen is the most suitable, which can cool down the food till -196°C. Increasing amount of biogenic amines may also indicate deterioration of protein rich food. Biogenic amines form from amino acids (protein hydrolysis products) through decarboxylation during the fermentation and deterioration process. Fermented products (like cheese and wine) always contain substances that are toxic in large quantities. The total amount of the four major biogenic amines – the histamine, the tyramine, the putrescine and the cadaverine (the latter is the “toxic waste”) – indicate the spoilage of meats. Such intelligent packaging or small adhesive sticker already exists that indicate the increased amount of these amines with a color change, which means that the meat is spoiled.

Fermented products (like cheese and wine) always contain substances that are toxic in large quantities.


Science in the kitchen Innovations make our everyday lives easier in lots of ways. It’s the same with our food that development also reaches like it does every field of our lives. Nourishment and cuisine will undergo such a change in the coming decades that we will not even know what is on our plate. However, it will recognize us...

Smart kitchen, intelligent devices Development of household appliances, like any other area is determined by the changing needs of people. We want to spend less and less time with food preparation, but we also want to eat healthy and nutritious meals, which are delicious and look good. Besides this, we also would like to enjoy high-tech tools in the kitchen because we already got used to them in other fields. Equipments of future kitchen will try to reach these aims, which perhaps we will find fascinating just like our grandmothers were amazed when they met the refrigerator or the microwave oven for the first time. Future kitchen will remember us for wellequipped labs, where smart devices are in fact various sensors, which for example will recognize our voice, when we enter

the kitchen, and the light will automatically turns on. Our kitchen will know our dietary habits and will recommend foods, drinks and altogether a healthy diet that perhaps our holographic chef will tell us. With a touch screen, we will select the area that we want to warm on the hob, and we will produce our own vegetables in hydroponics, which is a soil-free “kitchen garden”. Tools will be able to communicate with each other, so if we pick a recipe of a roast beef in the digital cookbook, the smart fridge will immediately start the meat defrost program. Speaking of fridges, engineers already plan fridges, of which we would think about a lot of things at the first glance, except for that the device should be in the

kitchen. Such a unique idea is the Bio Robot Refrigerator concept, which utilizes a special gel-like substance that suspends and cools food once inserted. Not only the appearance, but also the functioning of the design awarded fridge is unusual, since it does not have a motor or other traditional technology like most refrigerators have, but a special biopolymer gel makes the chemical cooling. To use the fridge, you basically shove food into its gel, which has no odor and is not sticky, and it is suspended and cooled until you need it again. The cooling agents are the “bio robots” inherent in the gel that use luminescence - light generated in cold temperatures - to preserve food. The machine uses zero energy for cooling, it just needs energy for it’s little control pad.


Sit on the fridge! BASF plastics engineers also created the future fridge, which is based on almost exclusively special plastics. Due to good formability of materials, the shape of the Coolpure 1.0 concept refrigerator is not the usual cube: it is a design object, which can also be used to sit on in the kitchen. Plastics have good insulation capacity, thus these fridges are energy-saving devices.

Cooking and chemistry lessons in one A pinch of salt, a handful of rice – we will certainly not hear these expressions in the future kitchen, where temperature will be exactly determined at half Celsius degrees and cooking time will be measured in seconds. This, of course, does not mean that we have to give up the joy of creativity and experimentation in the kitchen, which makes cooking an art, but very different cooking procedures will help future chefs, which will require almost scientific precision. Physical and chemical processes used in molecular gastronomy were developed by enterprising chefs and scientists. Soon, we will be able to copy these processes. The basis of this new preparation of meals is that special flavor and texture of food wonders are made from ingredients, which are chemically broken down into small pieces, with special techniques and high-tech devices. The main concept is that cooking considered from a scientific point of view, but as an everyday activity. The result is a new and innovative dining experience. As a result of this, extreme dishes may develop such as the apple pudding with blueberry spaghetti, explosive peaballs, or the molecular raspberry air. 85

Gastronomic reforms The term of molecular gastronomy was created when the physicist Nicholas Kurti and the physical chemist Hervé This met. The specialty of the Hungarian-born Nicholas Kurti was the thermodynamics, and he did lots of experiments with materials at extremely low temperatures. He was sorry for the fact that people know more about the internal temperature of the stars, than the internal temperature of a rice

But how and from what are these specialties made? Besides normal everyday ingredients, such as vegetables and fruits, you also need materials that change the usual shape and texture of ingredients. These materials and basic processes of molecular gastronomy are regularly used by the food industry, although their appearance is less important there. In molecular cuisine, the point is that dishes should be unexpected meaning that their appearance and taste don’t really match for the first sight. Would you taste a bowl of spaghetti if you knew in advance that it tastes like red currant? Or would you eat caviar, if you knew that it has vanilla flavor instead of the expected fishlike flavor?

Emulsification A frequently used additive is the emulsifier paste that is produced from animal and vegetable fats. With this material, components, which are not miscible, can be combined on colloidal level, thus amazing flavor and texture of foods can be reached.

pudding, so he decided to get the general public familiar with the scientific side of culinary art. It was him, who created the term of molecular gastronomy, and it was also him who organized the first Conference on Molecular Gastronomy. He deeply believed that chemistry and physics can’t be separated from processes in the kitchen. Therefore, he urged that chefs should take part in high level scientific education.

Now, you can also get familiar with some of the texture modifying processes of molecular gastronomy:

Aerification At this method, lecithin is extracted from natural ingredients such as eggs or soya and used for foaming and aerification not only in the molecular gastronomy, but also in the food industry.

Spherification The spherification is a technique when liquid becomes gel. Two kinds of results can be achieved: with slow gelification the whole material becomes gelatin, or beads can be created, which remains liquid inside. (The latter refers to the name: spherification.) Alginate extracted from algae and calcium-chloride have spherification properties, because these materials form a water insoluble compound, which forms a coating on the droplet’s surface (the flavored, colored alginate solution is dropped into the calcium chloride solution).


Warm foaming The metilgel, a material produced from cellulose, is used for warm foaming of ingredients. Its main feature is that above 60 Celsius degrees, it gelatinizes well, and it will be softer during cooling. Hence, it is widely used in the food industry to prepare some pre-cooked foods, while in cook art it is used as an adhesive.

Liquid nitrogen Undeniably, the most visible element of molecular cooking is the liquid nitrogen bath. At -196 Celsius degrees a variety of foods can be frozen in liquid nitrogen, which, moreover, are accompanied by spectacular steaming. For example, it is enough to mix the ingredients of an ice cream, and it is going to be frozen immediately if we pour liquid nitrogen on it. We can also quick-freeze meats for preservation.

Ultrasonic homogenization For blending raw materials with different polarity, such as for smooth mixing of oil and vinegar, ultrasonic homogenization is more efficiently used than mechanical mixing. Sound wave oscillation between 20kHz and 10MHz makes the material move on a molecular level, thus more components, such as oil and vinegar can be mixed and perfect emulsions can be created.



Did you know


• The sense of touching can also affect taste perception. Try it! Try a scoop of ice cream with eyes closed, while you touch a piece of velvet: you will feel that the ice cream is creamier. Then rub a piece of sandpaper to your hands while tasting. Do you feel that the ice cream’s texture is more lumpy?

World champion of molecular cuisine

TIP • If you want to try molecular gastronomy, you can get some basic tools with which you can create strange dishes. For example with the “Spaghetti kit”, you can make spaghetti-shaped meals from any liquid material. With the “Caviar Box”, you can create small colorful balls from any liquid as well.


Nowadays, more and more famous chefs use procedures of molecular gastronomy, but it is Heston Blumenthal, who won the “World’s Best Chef” title. In his restaurant in England, guests can enjoy special dishes such as the crispy green tea and lime palate cleanser, the marinated salmon Mignon with Japanese seaweed and vanilla mayonnaise, or the snail porridge with green parsley.


Let’s cook in vacuum! Most of the culinary process starts “on a big scale” meaning that they are first applied in big kitchens and restaurants, and will be available for hobby chefs only later on. It was the same with the more and more fashionable sous-vide or vacuum cooking, which initially was used by only Michelin star chefs, but it was so practical that it started spreading widely. With this procedure, tasty and healthy meals can be prepared that can be kept for several weeks. The method is that ingredients - meat, offal or vegetables – are vacuum packed and cooked in water for a relatively long period of time, up to 72 hours at a low, constant temperature of around 60°C. The vacuum is important because the absence of air prevents

oxidation of food, thus it will not discolor and aerobic bacteria responsible for the degradation can’t proliferate in the food either. The advantage of cooking in water at low and constant temperature is that water is able to transfer heat to the food slowly but constantly, since it transports heat ten times more efficiently than air. The meat becomes tastier, since at 50 to 60 degrees components’ thermal degradation is less, and fat also remains in the food. Last but not least, nutrients, minerals, salt and vitamins also remain in the food. The temperature and the cooking time, of course, differ at each ingredient; they mainly depend on the

melting point of fats in meats and protein properties. For example, the chuck needs 24 hours at 54,5 Celsius degree to cook, but drumsticks require 4-8 hours at 71 degrees. Some sous-vide foods, such as vegetables, can be consumed immediately, meats just need to be fried with a few drops of oil. However, if you want to eat the food later, you have to cool it with shock cooling after you take it out from the water, which means that the food suddenly has to be cooled below 3 degrees. Then, the food can be stored for 21-40 days safely.

Facts & Figures 50% - kitchens using sousvide technique regularly save 50% energy. 89

Print my lunch 3D printing is a new technology that can affect multiple areas of our lives, and it doesn’t avoid our kitchen either. The convenient and rapid method was originally invented to produce prototype parts, which were designed on PCs, for industrial production, but later on food industry discovered the method as well. Although many people don’t even think about to eat steaks made by a 3D printer, the food printer can soon become a basic device in the kitchen.

How 3D food printer works? 3D printing machines build special materials stored in the cassettes layer by layer, which solidify to each other, and thus 3D objects can be created. A 3D food printer works on the same principle, the only difference is that materials of cassettes are replaced with edible materials such as carbohydrates, protein powders and vitamins. The printer put these components on the top of each other until the edible food is ready. Printing chocolate or biscuits is no longer a problem for companies engaged in food printing. Recently, the wellknown cocoa biscuits producer, the American Oreo, introduced the 3D printed version of its product. Now, developers work on creating more complicated food such as pizza, where the dough needs to be baked while printing, and tomatoes and other toppings can be put on the dough only after this procedure. 90

But why is it such a revolutionary device?


On one hand, food waste can be stopped since materials in the printer’s cassettes can’t go bad. In such “food cassettes”, there are carbohydrates, proteins, macro and micro nutrients and vitamins in powder form; their shelf life can be up to 30 years. Another major advantage of food printing is that it makes healthy, personalized and diverse nutrition possible. The recipe can be immediately changed with a single button depending on the consumer, who can be an elderly person, a pregnant woman, a child or a person on a special diet. So the focus of this new kitchen tech is not only on the comfort, but on a more important factor: alimentation can be personalized and people on special diet can be more easily satisfied.

Did you know • 3D food printing technology is supported by the NASA, which entered into a contract with one of the printer manufacturing company, because the NASA faced difficulties in providing the right amount of food to astronauts on the space station.

You are what you eat The saying is true for thousands of years. Most contaminants get into our body through what we consume, while food is also a source of important (essential) nutrients; therefore it is very important what we eat. A varied diet is crucial. An important part of healthy diet is that nutriments, which are necessary to the functioning of our body, have to be introduced in sufficient quantities, no matter that they are macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein) or micronutrients (trace elements, vitamins, anti-

oxidants). Health-enhancing foods - or functional foods – are also innovative foods. One of the first and still the most widely sold functional food is the iodized salt. (Iodine is an essential element for the thyroid gland to function well.) Innovative cooking techniques have high nutritional value, since they preserve the active healthy ingredients of the food and they create new opportunities for the integration of health protection substances to our food.

The saying is true for thousands of years.


CONTENT Introduction 2,3 Urban living Future of water - how can science quench our thirst?

4,5 6-11

Clean Air – with Scientific Methods


Future modern cities


Smart energy


Reconsidered energy sources


Future light sources


New Prospects in Transport


Sustainable food chain


How to feed future generations?


Tomorrow’s Smart Food Packaging


Science in the kitchen






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