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Conference diary
The global Covid-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation or postponement of many events planned for the next few months. A number of events have also been transformed into ‘virtual’ meetings. HCB has been trying to keep on top of developments but readers should check the dates and locations shown below as things are still changing rapidly.
ChemEdge September 1-3, virtual Conference for the North American chemical distribution sector www.nacd.com/education-meetings/meetings/2020chemedge/
LogiChem September 8-10, virtual Chemical supply chain and logistics conference http://logichem.wbresearch.com/
Labelmaster DG Symposium September 9 onwards, virtual 15th annual Dangerous Goods Symposium hosted by Labelmaster’s DG Exchange www.labelmaster.com/symposium
Labeline Biennial Dangerous Goods Roadshow September 15/22/29, virtual Biennial conference to provide a regulatory update to industry www.labeline.com/dangerous-goods-webshow/
Virginia Hazmat Conference September 15-18, Norfolk 37th annual networking and training meeting sponsored by the Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists www.virginiahazmat.org/annual-hazmatconference/
Pumps & Valves Asia September 23-26, Bangkok Exhibition for the ASEAN pumps, valves and fittings sector www.pumpsandvalves-asia.com
European Bulk Liquid Storage Summit September 30-Oct 1, Cartagena Eighth annual conference on the European market for bulk liquids storage www.wplgroup.com/aci/event/european-bulkliquid-storage/
EPCA Annual Meeting October 4-7, virtual 54th annual meeting of the European Petrochemical Association www.epca.eu IPANA Annual Conference October 6-8, virtual Annual meeting of the Industrial Packaging Alliance of North America www.industrialpackaging.org/#events
Tank Truck Week October 6-8, Dallas NTTC’s Annual Tank Truck Show & Maintenance Seminar https://tanktruck.org/Public/Events/Tank-TruckWeek/Public/Events/Tank-Truck-Week.aspx
Flame October 12-13, virtual 26th annual conference on natural gas and LNG in Europe https://energy.knect365.com/flame-conference/
LNGgc October 12-14, virtual 10th annual conference on LNG shipping and trade https://energy.knect365.com/lnggc-london/
Hazmat 2020 October 13-14, Stratford-upon-Avon 13th annual conference for hazmat specialists https://the-ncec.com/en/events-en/hazmat-2020
Dangerous Goods Operations & Hazardous Substances 2020 October 14-16, Melbourne Workshop on chemical safety and dangerous goods compliance http://www.marcusevans-conferences-australian.com
Oil & Non Oil October 21-23, Verona Trade show on fuel and non-oil storage and distribution in Italy and Europe www.oilnonoil.it
Cryogenic Storage Tanks October 22-23, Munich Second technical conference on liquefied gas storage www.tuvsud.com/de-de/store/academy/ conference-management/tank-storage-systems/ cryogenic-tanks
ChemCon Europe October 26-30, London Conference on global chemicals regulation https://chemcon.net/upcoming.shtml DGAC Members Conference October 28-29, virtual Annual conference of the Dangerous Goods Advisory Council www.dgac.org/dgac-meetings-0
NACD Annual Meeting November 9-12, La Quinta, CA 49th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Chemical Distributors www.nacd.com/education-meetings/meetings/ annual-meeting/nacd-annual-meeting-2020/
Chemspec Europe November 11-12, Köln International exhibition for fine and speciality chemicals www.chemspeceurope.com/2020/english/press/ downloads/
LogiPharma November 11-13, virtual Conference on the end-to-end pharmaceutical supply chain logipharmaeu.wbresearch.com
ILTA November 16-18, Houston 40th annual operating conference and trade show of the International Liquid Terminals Association www.ilta.org
Argus LPG Moscow November 19-20, Moscow 15th annual event for the regional LPG sector www.argusmedia.com/en/conferences-eventslisting/lpg-2020
Med Hub Day 2020 November 19-21, virtual Fourth annual workshop on regional tank storage issues www.hubdaytarragona.com
all4pack November 23-26, Paris Biennial trade fair for the packaging and packaging machinery industries, incorporating Emballage www.all4pack.fr