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Date Location Vehicle Type Substance Details Source

7/9/17 nr Marysville, road tanker gasoline, Tank truck with 8,500 gal (32 m3) fuel overturned on Highway 20; tanker ruptured in several places, spilling Sacramento California, US diesel “significant” amount of gasoline to irrigation ditch; road closed; driver suffered major injuries Bee

8/9/17 nr Holmes Chapel, road tanker waste Road tanker carrying chemical waste was in collision with another commercial vehicle on M6, causing spill; BBC Cheshire, UK motorway was closed, stranded vehicles were evacuated; two injured in crash, two others decontaminated

14/9/17 Kingston, Oklahoma, US road tanker fuel Lucky Oil & Gas tank truck ran off Highway 70, overturned in ditch; tank with 8,000 gal (30.3 m3) unspecified fuel exploded; driver killed in blast; road was closed overnight for cleanup KTEN

17/9/17 Kot Addu, Punjab, Pakistan

17/9/17 Savannah, Georgia, US road tanker crude oil Road tanker with crude oil exploded during welding; one person killed, two suffered serious burns; driver had Dawn brought vehicle in for repairs to small leak on tank; driver fled scene; two shops, several vehicles destroyed

road tanker sulphuric Tidewater Transit tank truck leaked part of 4,000-lb (1,800-kg) sulphuric acid load, possibly due to over- acid pressure in tank; nearby residents ordered to shelter-in-place while spill was neutralised, cleaned up WTOC

19/9/17 nr Old Tavern, road tanker propane Professional Transportation tank truck with 9,980 gal (37.8 m3) propane rolled over on Route 17, causing Fauquier

Virginia, US 8-mile road closure; driver hurt in wreck; tanker had to be turned upright to access valves to transfer load Now

27/9/17 Huntington Beach, road tanker fuel California, US Spill of 1,040 gal (3,940 litres) unspecified fuel during loading of tank truck at Chevron depot; tanker said to Orange Cy have ruptured; depot’s fire suppression system blanketed spill with foam before fire department arrived Register

28/9/17 Portage, Indiana, US truck corrosives Truck driver pulled over on I-94 after noticing something wrong, found fire in rear axles; fire spread to box Suntrailer with corrosive materials, which was fully engulfed in flame; highway closed; brake fire suspected Times

3/10/17 Ghorizai, Khyber, Pakistan road tanker crude oil Road tanker was in collision with dumper truck on Kohat-Rawalpindi road after brake failure; tanker rolled The Int’l over, caught fire; truck driver killed in blaze, tanker driver escaped with injuries; fire burned for three hours News


Date Location Vessel Substance Details Source

9/9/17 of Atalanti, Greece Agia Zoni II fuel oil, Coastal tanker (3,200 dwt, 1972), with 2,570 t oil, sank after taking on water; substantial pollution of nearby Ekathigasoil coastline; reports suggest tanker was not seaworthy and had only two crew; oversight to be strengthened merini

13/9/17 nr Düsseldorf, Regina W II diesel Tank barge with 2,000 t diesel ran aground on Rhine; fire boat attended; initial attempt to refloat barge failed; Shipwreck Germany 600 t diesel lightered, allowing barge to refloat; no reports of pollution; barge escorted to Neuss for inspection Log

13/9/17 Singapore Straits Kartika Segara — Product tanker (30,750 dwt, 1998) collided with hopper dredger south-west of Sister Islands; dredger capsized, Splash tanker suffered bow damage and was brought to anchor; five crew of dredger missing; no pollution reported 24/7

14/9/17 East China Sea Dong Fang Fu nitric acid Containership en route Shanghai for Taichung was caught in rough weather; six tank containers with nitric FleetMon acid shifted; ship arrived Keelung, where acid smell was detected; spill contained onboard; no injuries

16/9/17 Santos, Brazil NS Stella diesel Unknown volume of diesel spilt to harbour waters during discharge from tanker (47,200 dwt, 2005) at Ilha FleetMon Barnabe oil terminal; faulty valve suspected but leak went unnoticed for 10 minutes; operator facing fine

19/9/17 Al Zour, Kuwait pipeline crude oil Second spill of crude oil in waters off Al Zour power station in two months; oil suspected of coming from KNA disused pipeline from offshore field, though KPC refused to confirm this

20/9/17 Bath, Zeeland, Seatrout — Netherlands Product tanker (40,600 dwt, 2006) collided with bulker Usolie in Western Scheldt; tanker grounded after collision; reports suggest third vessel, likely sailboat, was involved; no pollution reported FleetMon

21/9/17 Valdez, Alaska, US terminal crude oil Workers at Valdez Marine Terminal reported sheen on water; Alyeska Pipeline said less than 50 gal (190 litres) Alaska crude oil residue spilt; no vessels were docked at time of spill; check valve thought to have failed during test Dispatch

21/9/17 Hai Phong, Vietnam Hai An 16 gasoline Product tanker (5,000 dwt, 2012) suffered explosion in pump room during discharge of gasoline; three crew FleetMon injured; tanker was moved to anchorage while authorities worked on plan to offload 4,000 t gasoline cargo

22/9/17 off Samcheok, Bum Kang — South Korea Product tanker (2,840 dwt, 2016) suffered explosion on deck, reportedly during degassing of cargo tanks while FleetMon under way off Gangwon province; one crewman killed, one badly injured; tanker returned to Samcheok

25/9/17 nr Kurdyug, Balt Flot 3 fuel oil River tanker with 5,200 t heavy fuel oil, passing oncoming cargoship at night, struck unlit barge on fairway in FleetMon Leningrad, Russia Volga-Baltic sea canal; tanker suffered bow damage, water ingress but no spill reported


Date Location Plant type Substance Details Source

1/9/17 nr Carlsbad, tank battery crude oil Three people, thought to be workers, were killed by explosion in tank at Caza Petroleum battery; fire crews KOB New Mexico, US arrived at site to find one tank engulfed in flames; county sheriff investigating cause

6/9/17 Drysdale, Victoria, Australia fuel station gas cylinders Fire broke out in shed containing gas cylinders behind filling station; blaze spread to six fuel tankers, which ABC were destroyed; nearby homes evacuated; series of explosions from cylinders; leaks of fuel from tankers

7/9/17 Aabenraa, Denmark oil terminal diesel Substantial leak of diesel from tank at Dan-Balt terminal, some of which reached nearby harbour and sea; AP several seabirds died after being covered in diesel; authorities planned to allow spill to evaporate

13/9/17 Lee’s Summit, detergent chemicals Fire crews were called to CK Enterprises where fire had broken out in outdoor bulk storage area with various KCTV Missouri, US plant small tanks with chemicals; employees reported fire had started during transfer of spirit-based diesel additive

14/9/17 Hyderabad, LPG bottling gas cylinders At least 40 gas cylinders exploded during fire in HPCL godown in Cherlapally district, reportedly during Telangana, India plant refilling of cylinders; plant was immediately closed down, evacuated; local residents fled; no casualties The Hindu

14/9/17 Auckland, New Zealand pipeline jet fuel Farm digger struck only pipeline supplying fuel to Auckland airport, reducing jet fuel supplies to 30% of capacity; gasoline, diesel supplies to city also affected; up to 80 m3 jet fuel spilled Petrol Plaza

15/9/17 Bolangir,

ordnance ammunition Three people badly injured by explosion during proofing of ammunition at Badmal ordnance factory; no Odisha, India factory further details provided Odisha Sun-Times

18/9/17 Baltimore, chemical chlorosul- Undetermined amount of chlorosulphonic acid leaked through valve during transfer from tanker to trailer at Baltimore Maryland, US plant phonic acid Solvay plant; leak was stopped after 90 minutes; nearby workers, residents warned to shelter in place Sun

19/9/17 Hull, East Yorkshire, UK port hydrochloric Fire crews dealt with “major” leak from tank with 580 tonnes hydrochloric acid at King George Dock; acid site is remote from homes but those in the area were advised to keep windows closed BBC

19/9/17 Port Arthur, oil refinery fuel oil Fire broke out in heavy fuel oil tank at Valero refinery; no injuries reported; nearby residents advised to Texas, US shelter in place; refinery had restarted a week earlier after being shuttered during Hurricane Harvey CNBC

20/9/17 Mubarek, Uzbekistan gas processing natural gas At least three workers killed by explosion, another hospitalised after gas inhalation at gas processing plant in Akipress plant Kashkadarya region; workers were engaged in repairs at the time of the blast; government to investigate

23/9/17 Shangli,

fireworks fireworks Seven workers were killed by powerful explosion at fireworks factory; facility had been ordered to cease Jiangxi, China factory production the previous day due to poor safety, but plant continued production PTI

25/9/17 Tulsa, metal processing sodium 14,000 gal (53 m3) sodium hydroxide spilt to storm drain when tank was overfilled at AZZ Galvanizing plant; KTUL Oklahoma, US plant hydroxide spill had been diluted by the time hazmat crew arrived but fire department monitoring conditions

26/9/17 nr Vinnytsya, warehouse armaments Series of explosions in artillery warehouses in Kalynivka were heard 260 km away; no injuries reported but RFE Ukraine town was evacuated; government departments divided as to whether it was an accident or Russian sabotage

27/9/17 Augusta, chemical chemicals One contractor killed, two badly injured by explosion in tank (not clear if storage or process) during welding Augusta Georgia, US plant at DSM plant; tank contained wastewater and possibly chemicals, said to be “heat-sensitive” Chronicle

27/9/17 Charlotte, chemical divinyl Fire broke out in storage area at Dow Chemical plant after drum of divinylbenzene self-reacted, overheated; Charlotte N Carolina, US plant benzene fire crews faced dense smoke but safety systems worked to contain incident with no off-site impact Observer

28/9/17 Glenville,

asphalt asphalt Explosion in tank at Mohawk Asphalt Emulsions plant blew roof off tank, alarming guests at new hotel New York, US plant nearby; no injuries reported; same facility had tank truck explode in 2016, when two workers died AP

3/10/17 Philadelphia, chemical phthalic Ashland experienced leak of phthalic anhydride from storage tank; spill was contained by dyke but vapours The Pennsylvania, US plant anhydride condensed in cold air, causing flakes of material to settle around plant; shelter-in-place advised Inquirer

5/10/17 Nizhny Novgorod, oil refinery gasoline At least four people died when fire broke out at Lukoil’s Norsi oil refinery in Kstovsky region; fire started Russia during repair work on gasoline tank; not clear if those who died were contract personnel Fire Direct

6/10/17 Dover, Ohio, US chemical sodium Spill of caustic soda from Dover Chemical plant caused fish kill along two miles of Sugar Creek; operator Timesplant hydroxide said pipe failed in plant, external pump also failed, preventing containment from functioning properly Reporter

10/10/17 Santo Antônio, fireworks fireworks One person killed by explosion in São Jorge fireworks factory in Santo Antônio do Monte, a centre of Minas, Brazil factory fireworks production; no indication as to how accident happened Em.com.br

10/10/17 Jones county, oil refinery asphalt Fire broke out in storage tank at Hunt Southland Refining during “routine” transfer of asphalt; fire crews Mississippi, US had situation under control within 30 minutes but stayed on site to cool the area, monitor situation WDAM

10/10/17 nr Cushing, pipeline crude oil Bulldozer ruptured pipeline, causing crude oil spill; soft ground after heavy rain blamed; nearby creek had to WDTN Oklahoma, US be protected against run-off; size of spill not known

11/10/17 Kolkata, chemical chemicals Fire broke out in godown of chemical plant in Taratala area with 18 t aluminium dust, 6 t chemicals; mayor Times of W Bengal, India plant suspected illegal activity at the site; fire crews hampered by narrow streets; several small explosions heard India

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