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Conference diary
European Oil Storage Conference JANUARY 24-25, AMSTERDAM Platts’ 12th annual conference on oil markets for terminal owners, ports, oil traders, financiers and analysts www.spglobal.com/platts/en/events/emea/ european-oil-storage/summary
COHMED JANUARY 28-FEB 1, SAN ANTONIO Annual conference of the Cooperative Hazardous Materials Enforcement Development (COHMED) programme https://cvsa.org/eventpage/events/ cohmed-conference/
Argus Americas LPG Summit JANUARY 29-31, HOUSTON Conference on market trends in regional LPG supply and demand www.argusmedia.com/en/conferences-eventslisting/americas-lpg
Digital Transformation in Chemicals FEBRUARY 6-7, FRANKFURT Inaugural event focusing on digitisation in the chemical industry www.argusmedia.com/en/conferences-eventslisting/digital-transformation-in-chemicals
Annual LNG Conference FEBRUARY 12-13, HOUSTON 18th annual S&P Global Platts conference on the international LNG market www.spglobal.com/platts/en/events/americas/lngconference/summary
Storck Symposium 2019 FEBRUARY 17-19, HAMBURG 35th annual conference on dangerous goods transport (German language) www.ecomed-storck.de/Veranstaltungen/35Internationale-Gefahrgut-Tage-HamburgVeranstaltung-Hamburg-17-19-02-2019.html
Crisis & Risk Management Summit FEBRUARY 18-21, KUWAIT Seventh annual meeting on crisis resilience in the Middle East https://crisisandriskmanagement.iqpc.ae/ International Petroleum Week (IP Week) FEBRUARY 26-28, LONDON Annual week of meetings, lunches, conferences and seminars in London www.ipweek.co.uk/_nocache
Hazardex 2019 FEBRUARY 27-28, RUNCORN Conference and exhibition on hazardous area operations www.hazardexonthenet.net/event.aspx?EventID=4783
PPC Spring Meeting MARCH 3-5, SCOTTSDALE Bi-annual meeting and tradeshow of the Petroleum Packaging Council www.ppcouncil.org/upcoming-meetings.php
Chemical & Product Tankers MARCH 5-6, LONDON Tenth annual conference, co-hosted by the International Parcel Tankers Association http://cpt-conference.com/
IATA World Cargo Symposium MARCH 12-14, SINGAPORE 13th global conference on air cargo www.iata.org/events/wcs/pages/index.aspx
BADGP MARCH 14, COVENTRY Annual AGM and seminar of the British Association of Dangerous Goods Professionals www.badgp.org/event-3120064
SCHC Spring Meeting MARCH 16-20, LAS VEGAS Biannual meeting of the Society of Chemical Hazard Communication www.schc.org/meetings
AFPM Annual Meeting MARCH 17-19, SAN ANTONIO American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers’ annual meeting for refiners and marketers www.afpm.org/Conferences/
Dangerous Goods ANZ 2019 MARCH 18-19, MELBOURNE Workshop on hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods compliance www.marcusevans-conferences-australian.com/ marcusevans-conferences-event-details Tanks and Terminals 2019 MARCH 18-19, DUBAI Conference and workshop on integrity management of aboveground storage tanks www.marcusevans-conferences-middleeastern. com/marcusevans-conferences-event-details. asp?EventID=24765&SectorID=7
Intermodal South America MARCH 19-21, SÃO PAULO International exhibition on intermodal logistics, cargo transport and international trade www.intermodal.com.br/en
LogiChem MARCH 19-21, AMSTERDAM Chemical supply chain and logistics conference http://logichem.wbresearch.com/
AFPM IPC MARCH 24-26, SAN ANTONIO AFPM’s annual International Petrochemical Conference www.afpm.org/Conferences/
StocExpo 2019 MARCH 26-28, ROTTERDAM The main annual exhibition and conference for the European tank terminal industry www.easyfairs.com/stocexpo-europe-2019/ stocexpo-europe-2019/
NACD Responsible Distribution Workshop MARCH 27-28, ATLANTA Meeting for code coordinators and others subject to Responsible Distribution www.nacd.com/meetings/workshops/
COSTHA 2019 APRIL 7-11, LONG BEACH Annual forum and expo of the Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles www.costha.com
Gefahrgut & Gefahrstoff APRIL 9-11, LEIPZIG Trade fair for all those involved in the transport and internal logistics of dangerous goods and materials www.ggs-tradefair.com/?language=en