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Conference diary

The global Covid-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation or postponement of many events planned for the next few months. The following list is correct as of late April but readers should check dates carefully as some of the events may also have been rearranged and some dates for postponed events may also have changed.


IAFC Hazmat Conference June 4-7, Baltimore Annual international event for response teams www.iafc.org/events/hazmat-conf

Petrochemical Supply Chain and Logistics June 10-11, Houston Conference on optimising polymer and liquid petrochemical supply chains www.petchem-update.com/petrochemicalsupplychain/

Transport Logistic China June 16-18, Shanghai Ninth international exhibition for logistics, telematics and transport www.transportlogistic-china.com

International Transport & Logistics Week (SITL) June 23-26, Paris Annual transport event, including Dangerous Goods Logistics Pavilion www.sitl.eu/en-gb.html


Intermodal Asia July 14-16, Shanghai Seventh annual exhibition for the Asian intermodal sector www.intermodal-asia.com

NISTM July 27-29, Orlando National Institute for Storage Tank Management’s 22nd annual international aboveground storage tank conference and trade show www.nistm.org


Expo Logisti-K August 11-14, Buenos Aires 14th international exhibition for logistics technology and equipment www.expologisti-k.com.ar/en/

Oil & Gas Africa 2020 August 13-15, Nairobi Ninth annual exhibition for the upstream and processing sectors in east Africa www.expogr.com/kenyaoil/

ChemEdge August 16-19, Indianapolis Conference for the North American chemical distribution sector www.nacd.com/education-meetings/meetings/ chemedge/2020-chemedge/

UKIFDA Expo 2020 August 18-19, Liverpool Annual exhibition for the fuel distribution sector in the UK and Ireland (formerly FPS Expo) https://ukifda.org/ukifda-expo/

Chemspec India August 19-20, Mumbai Exhibition for the fine and speciality chemicals sectors, incorporating ChemLogistics India www.chemspecindia.com

PPC Fall Meeting August 30-Sept 1, Nashville Semi-annual meeting of the Petroleum Packaging Council www.ppcouncil.org/upcoming-meetings.php

AHMP National Conference August 30-Sept 2, Omaha Annual conference of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals www.ahmpnet.org/page/National_Conference


LogiPharma September 1-3, Nice Conference on the end-to-end pharmaceutical supply chain logipharmaeu.wbresearch.com

PGLC 2020 September 3-4, Barcelona Second annual Petrochemical Global Logistics Convention www.pglc.biz/

LogiChem US September 7-9, Houston Supply chain meeting for senior-level executives in North America logichemus.wbresearch.com/

Gastech 2020 September 8-10, Singapore International conference and trade show for the LNG and LPG industries www.gastechevent.com

LogiChem September 8-10, Rotterdam Chemical supply chain and logistics conference logichem.wbresearch.com/

SMM September 8-11, Hamburg 29th biennial exhibition and conference for the global shipping industry smm-hamburg.com/en

Labelmaster DG Symposium September 9-11, Chicago 15th annual Dangerous Goods Symposium hosted by Labelmaster www.labelmaster.com/symposium

Labeline Biennial Dangerous Goods Roadshow September 15, Heathrow September 17, East Midlands Biennial conference to provide a regulatory update to industry www.labeline.com/events/dangerous-goodsroadshow/

SIL Barcelona September 15-17, Barcelona Annual international logistics expo and congress www.silbcn.com/en/index.html

Virginia Hazmat Conference September 15-18, Norfolk 37th annual networking and training meeting sponsored by the Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists www.virginiahazmat.org/annual-hazmatconference/

ChemUK 2020 September 16-17, Manchester Supply chain expo and conference for the UK chemical industry www.chemicalukexpo.com/

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