Lawrence Yishi Cheng Portfolio - Full

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程 艺石 Lawrence Yishi Cheng 186 1108 4737

architecture portfolio

建筑 作品集


architecture portfolio

Lawrence Yishi Cheng 程艺石 186 1108 4737 No. 2121, Apt. 35, 68 Yuquanlu, Haidian District, Beijing, China 北京市海淀区玉泉路 68 号 35 楼 2121 号

professional experience 职业经历 University of Toronto Canada 多伦多大学 加拿大多伦多 Researcher in the DET (Designing Ecological Tourism), led by Aziza Chaouni (Professor in Architecture), 2013 2013 - DET 团队研究员,由多伦多大学建筑学教授 Aziza Chaouni 领队 education 学历 University of Toronto Canada 多伦多大学 加拿大多伦多 BA in Architecture, 2013 2013 - 建筑学学士 languages 语言 English 英语 Mandarin 普通话 skills 掌握技巧 Trumble Sketchup, Rhino High proficiency 精通 Vray, Lumion 3D High proficiency 精通 Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, PreminerPro High proficiency 精通 Autodesk AutoCad High proficiency 精通 3ds Max, Autodesk Revit Basic knowledge, fast learner 基本操作,快速学习

Born and raised in Beijing, Lawrence Yishi Cheng immigrated to Canada during his teenage year but remains interested in architectural discourses in contemporary China. Yishi graduated from John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design in the University of Toronto, where he majored in Architectural Design. In addition to his coursework, Yishi worked on research project examining peri-urban parks and their relations with the cities in collaboration with architecture faculty members at the University of Toronto. Yishi returned to his hometown in late 2013 to look for opportunities in the architecture discipline. In his spare time, Yishi manages a personal studio CLAS where he produces works in photography, animation, and digital rendering. 程艺石生于中国北京,中学时移民加拿大,但一直对中国建筑话语保持高度兴趣。曾就读于 加拿大多伦多大学 John. H. Daniels 建筑设计学院并获建筑学学士学位。毕业后,程艺石留 校参加与该学院教授合作的调研项目,研究近郊公园与都市关系。2013 年底,程艺石返回故 乡并谋求于建筑业发展。业余生活中,程艺石管理个人工作室 CLAS,着力创作摄影,动画 与渲染等方面的作品。

Lawrence Yishi Cheng


architecture portfolio 程艺石 建筑作品集

Table of Contents 目录


Urban Ecology Centre & Greenline Revitalization 城市生态馆与绿线复兴


The Breaking Chrysalis 黑色蜕变

Urban Nature Unity 城市自然协奏曲


Philosopher's Walk & Source House 哲人小径与源馆


Ecological Roof Design 生态屋顶设计


Photohouse 像屋 Cultural Dialactics 文化辩证法


Spring House 泉屋 Monument of Simplicity 简约丰碑

Modeling Hogwatrs 再现霍格沃茨 Let the Magic begin 魔法开始

The Green Immersion 绿色洗礼


Touching City 触感都市 Urban Rhythm 城市韵律

The Wise Man Loves Water 智者乐水


Cocoon 茧


Other Works 其它作品 Photography & Design 摄影与设计

Urban Ecology Centre & Greenline Revitalization 城市生态馆与绿线复兴 SPRING 2013 - 11 WEEKS - INDEPENDENT A city bisecting hydro-corridor, a set of decaying railway tracks, a piece of deteriorated, vacant land, a hardly functional underpass -- on the site of this project, transformations and constructions will evolve around these elements. The revitalized Greenline with its meandering landscape would provide the public with a safe, green ground of intimacy. The reformed rapid transit trains head toward the newly designed Urban Ecology Centre, where they and their passengers testify a new schedule for urban-nature unity. Utilizing “bridge” as a thematic concept, this community hall will not only provide with its users regional connectivity, but will also become a crossover mediator between city and nature, welcoming the two in a shared space-time.

一组横断都市的高压线带,一条即将废弃的铁路干线,一片无人使用的闲置土 地,一座难以跨越的下沉路桥;本案的基地上,改造与建设将围绕这些元素展开。 高低绵延的新绿线将提供人们亲近绿色的安全空间。改造后的轻轨列车通向全 新设计的城市生态馆,在那里人们能见证城市与自然合作共行的时刻表。这座 以“桥”为源概念的社区展览馆不仅会向使用者提供地域上的贯连,它更是一 个跨越城市与自然的协调者,使两者充斥于一个共享时空。

本案基地位于多伦多市的一条高压线带。长期以来,这条被称作“绿线”的狭长土地与 周边地区十分萧条。不仅很少有人愿意踏入这片矗立零散电塔的闲置土地,它也严重阻 断了城市肌理。与绿线并行的一条几近废弃的铁路线更加剧了事态。虽然铁路线下的几 座下沉式铁路桥对这种区域隔离有所缓解,但这些陈旧节点也充斥着不便利与安全隐患。 萧条,乏味,对电塔的厌恶,对安全的考量,以及周边的闭塞与隔离;我们的任务便是 对此类问题提出初步解决方案。

Problem I and Solution 问题 1 与解决方式

Transforming the flat land into a meandering landscape; planting native vegetation; adding hiking trails and bicycle lanes to the land; constructing ecological bridges or underpasses where the Greenline is punctuated by streets to keep its continuity. 将原本平淡无奇的绿线地貌改造成绵延起伏状,种植土生植物,增建行人道和自行车 道,吸引人们的使用。在绿线被街道阻隔的地带架设生态天桥或地下通道以保持绿线 的连续性。


The site of this project is located along a hydro-corridor in the City of Toronto. There has been long-time decay on and around this long strip of land, known as the “Greenline”. The land of scattered hydrotowers not only attract few visitors, but also severely damages the surround urban fabric. A nearly abandoned railway line that ran adjacent to the land further exacerbated the problem. Several underpasses joining two sides of the strip could somewhat alleviate the segregation issue, but such connection points are still full of inconvenience and safety concerns. Urban decay, aversion towards the hydro-corridor, safety concerns surrounds the hydro-towers, regional segregation; these are some of the major problems that our reformation of the Greenline needs to take into account.


Problem II and Solution 问题 2 与解决方式

Designing creative Electromagnetic Wave Protection Towers at populous locations along the Greenline, converting people’s aversion into affection towards the hydro-corridor while ensuring the safety of its users. 在使用者聚集地建设具有设创意性的电磁波防护塔,在确保使用者安全的同时将人们对电塔 的厌恶转换成对电塔的欣赏。

Problem III and Solution 问题 3 与解决方式

Transform the abandoned railway tracks, they are to be utilized for new rapid transit trains to alleviate local traffic pressure. Construct RT stations above the underpasses that are located at major intersections and ensure their conectivity with localities. 改造废弃铁路,使其受用于新轻轨列车以缓解交通压力;在绿线与重要街道交会 的下沉路桥上建设轻轨站台,保证其与周边地区连接。


The above map shows a preliminary development plan for Greenline revitalization. Being a vision, the plan nonetheless depicts suggested locations for important facilities such as required ecological bridges and underpasses, the Urban Ecology Centre, rapid transit stations and interchange point with existing subway lines.


上图展示了复兴绿线的发展计划。虽 为远景提案,本平面图指出了重要设 施的规划位置,如连接绿线的生态天 桥和通道,城市生态馆的基地方位, 轻轨站位置以及与多伦多现有地铁站 连接节点。 The Urban Ecology Centre (UEC) is an integrated facility; It is a community centre that exhibits studies on urban ecology, but also a transportation hub that coordinates local traffic flow. Using “bridge” as a basic concept, the UEC connects up city and nature by showing live exhibitions on sustainability and biodiversity in the city. It plays a more literal role on connecting up regional communications such as the rapid transit line, the Greenline, and local communities, alleviating traffic problems along the hydro-corridor and the railway tracks.

城市生态馆是一个综合建筑。它既是一座向人们展示城市生态文化的 社区展览馆,又是一个跨越绿线与铁路线的区域性交通枢纽。以“桥” 作为源概念,城市生态馆不仅以实物生态展示等方法为公众搭起城市 与自然对话的桥梁,它本身更扮演一个直观的连接者角色,将自身的 轻轨站、绿线与周边社区紧密连接成一个整体,有效缓解绿线周边交 通混乱和不便的问题。

作为城市生态馆的流线中枢的中心区位于的建筑的 心脏地带。中心区由位于一层的轻轨站和位于二层 的露天列车月台与中心生态展区以及中央回廊构 成。中央回廊与馆内的大部分功能分区皆有连通。 中心区的巨大的倾斜玻璃墙使其成为城市生态馆的 一颗明珠。


A hub for the building’s circulation, the Central Hub is located at the heart of the Urban Ecology Centre (UEC). The first floor is composed of a rapid transit station, while the second floor contains a train platform, a outdoor live exhibition hall, and a central cloister. The central cloister is connected with most programs of the building. The giant, slanted glass walls of the Central Hub make it a jewel of the UEC.




Philosopher's Walk & Source House 哲人小径与源馆 FALL 2012 - 6 WEEKS - INDEPENDENT Water is clear, moving, nurturing to all, and a symbol for wisdom. Water is a heavenly gift for this cross-campus trail at the University of Toronto. Water is also the thematic element of this project. Two major transformations are proposed for this picturesque trail named Philosopher’s Walk. First, an aquatic network is to be constructed at appropriate locations along the trail, such that visitors may step on guided streams or become intimate with water bodies, evoking even more insights and inspirations over this poetic trail. Second, also taking water as the central measure, small scale student centre named “Source House” is to be developed, inviting people to learn and internalize water’s wisdom and virtue while providing study and meeting space for students from nearby faculties. “The wise man loves water”, said the Chinese philosopher Confucius 2,500 years ago.

水灵动,透明,孕育万物,是智慧的象征。水是大自然赋予这条 穿越多伦多大学的林荫小径的财富,也是贯穿本案的主题。两项 改造将被实施于这条被称作哲人小径的道路上。其一是在合适地 段建造一条水路网,让过客健步水上或涉足水中,为这个富有诗 意的小径增添更多的灵感与智慧。其二,同样以水为本,建造一 座名为“源馆”的小型学生中心,为周边院系学生提供自习用地 的同时让人们体会水的智慧与美德。智者乐水。这是两千五百年 前孔夫子的名言。

本案基地位于多伦多大学东北部一条长约 300 米的小径。 这条名为哲人小径的步行路植被茂密,种类繁多,主要 得益于地下不远处流淌的丰富水资源。上世纪前页,多 伦多市填埋了哲人小径上的河流,使其只能纵横于地下。 本案第一项任务就是把部分地下水源重新引上路面形成 水路网,并在合适路段将其与现有小径结合起来形成一 条河面上的玻璃晶路,让小径重现原生面貌。


The site of this project is on a 300m trail located at east side of University of Toronto campus. This pedestrian path, called the Philosopher’s Walk, is covered with dense vegetation of numerous species. The plethora of plants benefit from the abundant ground water source located not far from the surface. The city of Toronto buried a river running on the trail during the industrial age, so that it can only flow underground ever since. The first measure of the proposal is to unleash a part of the ground water and construct a glass walk over the new stream network at certain locations, returning the trail to a more authentic identity.


Superposition of Favorable Conditions and Site Selection 优势条件叠加与基地选取

Various factors must be taken into account while selecting appropriate locations for the aquatic network (see diagrams on the left side). After finding the related data, We superimposed the geographical locations on the trail where the condition for each factor is favorable. From the map of superposition below, we then exact a geographical range that is most appropriate for construction of the network (see last diagram below). 我们选取水路网的具体位置时必须考虑多种影响因素(见左侧分析图)。收集 到相关资料后,以叠加的方式集合各个因素影响下的优势地理方位。接下来, 从下方的优势方位叠加图中进一步提取出水路网建设的最优位置(见最下方图)。

水路网的设计分为两部分。南 部晶路段的主题是 " 感受水 ", 使用者可随水流行走寻求灵 感。北部湖泊段的主题是 " 亲 近水 ",使用者可踏入水塘分 享欢乐。

Crystal Way on Water (South Part) 水上晶路(南部)

Crystal Way over Rocks (South Part) 石上晶路(南部)

Music Pond (North Part) 音乐池(北部)

Varsity Pond (North Part) 多英池(北部)


Two parts in the design of the aquatic network: the crystal way in the south has the theme of “feeling water”, where users can walk over the glass covered streams for inspirations; the ponds in the north has the theme of “embracing water”, where the users may step into the ponds for enjoyment.


The Source House is at the focal point of local students travel route. Dodecagonal based, this glassy student centre possesses a larger bottom and smaller top. A trumpet-shaped water well is located at the centre of the building across all three levels. Numerous water pipes pump ground water to the top. The water is then released to free fall along the glass wall of the water well. The first two levels of the building consist a conference room and a study room. If one wishes to reach the balcony on the third level, he needs to climb up by using the spiral staircase inside the water well. During this moment, he would be completely surrounded by water vapor and can limitlessly feel, touch, see, breath, and hear the falling water around him. Only after this experience, should he stand on the balcony of Source House, he could then truly understand this beautiful trail before him, which is nourished by the same pool of water. Only now, water transcends from a mere symbol of wisdom into the virtue and guardian of this rich land. 源馆位于水路网的南段,地处周边学生行进路线的交汇点。这座为学生服 务的三层玻璃建筑呈十二边形,上小下大。源馆中部设有贯穿整个建筑的 落水井。若干输水管抽取地下水并送到建筑顶部后沿玻璃墙自由洒落。源 馆首层和二层分别是小组讨论区和自习室。如愿前往顶层露台,人们必须 使用落水井内部的旋转楼梯攀爬而上。在此过程中,人们会被水气包围, 可无限地感受,触摸,观看,呼吸和聆听它的飞流直下。只有经历这般洗礼, 当人们再站上源馆顶层露台时,才会真正理解这条被同一泊水滋养灌溉的 美丽小径。此刻,水超越了它所代表的智慧而成为这片沃土的德行与守护者。



Green Roof Design 生态屋顶设计 SPRING 2013 - 8 WEEKS - WITH KEVIN HE AND ANDREA LAU Greenness is less about technology and Environmental Performance Indexes than it is about an attitude and a way of thinking. Green roof is not only about planting rooftop vegetation, attracting fluttering butterflies, or the energy saved per se, it is also a medium to enhance people’s faith in sustainability. This is exactly what this project promotes – as opposed to passively accepting and faintly compensating people’s destruction to the environment, why can’t we actively affect them with greenness? When people step onto this nature-surrounded intensive green roof, they will feel such green immersion.

绿色不仅是指某种环保技术、环境绩效指数,它也是一种态度、一种观念。生 态屋顶不仅是指房顶植被、吸引蝴蝶的方法、亦或因它而节约的能源本身,更 是一种增强人们对自然的信仰的载体。这正是本案倡导的理念-与其被动接受、 有限弥补人们对环境的破坏,为何不试图主动引导人们对绿色的感染?当人们 身处这被自然围绕的深度生态屋顶时,将感受为他们呈现的绿色洗礼。

本案基地位于多伦多大学芒克国际关系学院大楼顶层露 台。这个约 70 平米的长方形地块将被改造成一个深度 生态屋顶。 如下图所示,本案的核心概念是营造一个略 带倾斜角度的下沉式生态地块,让参观者被绿色元素倾 倒式环抱。犹如置身于土壤中的种子发芽生长,参观者 能够充分感受自然的美与力量,因此加尊重和珍视自然 环境。


The site is at the roof terrace of Munk School for International Studies. This 70 m. sq. of rectangle land is transformed into an intensive green roof garden. As shown in the diagrams below, the central concept of this construction is to create a slightly slanted, sunken garden, so that the visitors are embraced by various green elements. Sprouting like seeds in soil, vistors will feel the beauty and power of nature, and thus better cherish and respect the environment.


The selected vegetation on the green roof garden are mostly native and drought resistant. At certain seasons the vegetation may also attract various insects for pollination. Moreover, visitors may observe soil organisms through the glass walls below the vegetation. 生态屋顶上的植被选用多伦多土生抗旱植物,并能在特定时节有效吸引 昆虫前来授粉。此外,游览者亦可从植被下方的透明玻璃墙中观测土壤 中的生物。

当雨水降下,多余的水分会渗透至生长介质层下方的蓄水池中。同时, 蓄水池也连通大楼内供水与排水渠道。当生态屋顶的植被需要供水时, 蓄水池中的水分会被水泵送上输水柱向植被洒水。这样的水循环设施 大幅提升用水效率。


During a storm event, any excessive amount of rainwater will reach a reservoir located below the growing medium. The reservoir is at the same time joined to the building’s water source and drainage. When irrigation is needed, water in the reservoir will be pumped up through the column pipes to irrigate the green roof vegetation. Such recycling facility of stormwater largely increases water efficiency.


Photohouse 像屋 SPRING 2012 - 11 WEEKS - INDEPENDENT How does one define multiculturalism? Historicism, Modernism, Post-modernism – which architectural style better depicts cultural diversity? Here at Kensington Market in the heart of Toronto, a hypothetical photographer in global culture enjoys the objectivity and practicability that the Photohouse has brought to him and to this culturally diversified community. The functionalism and internationalism associated with the design of the Photohouse do not inject regionalism into this building. it is exactly because of such a detached viewpoint that the Photohouse enjoys the legibility and convenience to depict cultural diversity from its heart.

我们如何定义多元文化?历史主义,现代主义,后现代主义-哪种建筑风格更 适合对文化多元性的阐述?在多伦多市金士顿市场区,一位环球文化摄影师享 受着像屋为他和这座被称作地球村的社区所带来的客观角度和实用性。像屋所 运用的实用主义和国际风格主义并没有赋予这所住宅特定的区域文化,但正是 这样的超然冷静的视角为像屋内的多元文化展现带来了便利与合理性。

地处多伦多市中心,人口稠密的金士顿市场社区以拥有 众多历史建筑和多元文化元素所著称,近年来士绅化稳 健行进。作为环球摄影师的假想委托人看中这样的氛围, 希望在这片炙手可得的文化艺术社区中新建住宅,并设 家庭影廊以展示其作品。本身作为多元文化展体的像馆 并不能在地域性建筑风格上崭露头角,以保证它的客观 性。


Located at the heart of Toronto, the populous Kensington Market possesses a large number of historical buildings and multicultural elements that lead to intensified gentrification in recent years. As a photographer in global culture, the hypothetical client wishes a new home in this competitive cultural hub for living as well as for displaying his photographs. As a carrier of multiculturalism, the Photohouse must not go any further in regionalism in its design to keep in an objective stance.


The site of this project is on a decaying parking lot in the community. The Photohouse values functionalism. It does not imitate any existing building – formally or structurally – in the region. It is like a neutral, a judge, or an objective displayer. vix, eu sit gubergren cu, eirmod deleniti ad 本案基地在一个即将废弃的停车场上。像屋注重实用主义。不管从形式上还是内部结构上都没有拘 泥于本区存在的建筑风格。它像一个中立者、判别者,也是展示者。

Program 功能分区

Circulation 流线

Structure 结构

Viewport 视景



Spring House 泉屋 SUMMER 2012 - 3 WEEKS - INDEPENDENT Monuments are sensational and symbolic memorials. Simplicity is an architectural concept that has flourished since the time of the modernists. The Spring House arises when the concept of simplicity encounters the form of monument. It advocates its minimalist concept by utilizing its monumental and ceremonial appearance. It is symbolic while functional, geometrical while experiential, contradictory while united. The Spring House is a monument of simplicity in housing design.

丰碑是大气磅礴、有象征意义的纪念物。简约是一种建筑学理念,在现代主义 建筑中大放光彩。当简约的理念遇到丰碑的载体,就塑造了泉屋。泉屋以一种 纪念碑式的、仪式性的的形式来宣传其至简的理念。它是符号性的,也是实用的; 它是几何性的,也是体验性的;它是矛盾的,也是统一的。泉屋是住宅设计中 的简约丰碑。

本案基地临近于堪培拉东南方的澳洲山 地小镇马铃薯角,气候多风。一片 14X14 平方米的开阔土地被用于本案建设。这 片山脚土地遥望一条横贯视野的公路和 山崖下的大西洋。


The site is near the windy and mountainous Village of Potato Point, a small Australian settlement South East of Canberra. An open land of 14x14m sq. at the foot of mountain was purchased for the construction. It oversees a crossover freeway and the Atlantic Ocean over a cliff.


The massing of the Spring House is composed of two parts: its exterior frame and the main living space. Its exterior frame is derived from the highly monumental Primitive Hut concept and faces to the ocean, while its main body massing is composed of the superposition of a simple cuboid and a pyramid. To maximize body sunlight and minimize wind effect to the building, the main body is inscribed into the exterior frame at an angle of 45 degrees. Such massing combination grants this remote housing, submerged in natural sublimity, a shade of humanistic and ceremonial magnificence. 泉屋的体块由两部分形成:外部架构和住宅主体。外部架构由极具纪念碑性的“原始屋架” 演变而来,正面大海。住宅主体块则是由十分简洁的长方体和金字塔体所组成,出于对日 光最大化和顺应风向的考虑,主体块以扭转 45 度角的方式嵌入外部框架中。这样的体块组 合赋予这座身处崇高自然中的住宅建筑以人文的仪式性的光辉。

泉屋的外部框架结构既在形式上赋予住宅对简约丰碑理念的追 求,也协助框选出花园的领域,同时置于室外的架构又保证了 室内空间的开放性,使其布局能够更加有效和致用。 泉屋以私密性为尺度将住宅的纵向空间划分为公共领域,集体 领域,个人领域和精神领域,分别对应于住宅不可缺少的花园、 客厅及工作间、卧室和露台。这些领域规划出人们对环境最基 本的需求,代表人们的社会性、集体性、个人性、和对精神层 面的追求。泉屋将楼梯环绕于房屋四周,紧靠玻璃幕墙,使居 者在攀升的过程中全角体验周边环境,也减少了对空间的浪费。 整个房屋被安置于一方静潭之上,更加凸显出其对简约理念近 乎仪式性的追求。


While the exterior frame of the Spring House exposes its formal and conceptual pursuit after monument of simplicity, it also imposes a boundary to the garden, at the same time, it grants a free plan to the living area, leading to an increasingly effective and functional interior layout. Using privacy as the rubric, the Spring House divides its vertical space into public realm, collective realm, personal realm, and the spiritual realm. Respectively, the realms correspond to the following inseparable parts of a house – the garden, the living room and the study, the bedroom, and the balcony. These realms fulfill people’s four fundamental needs to the living environment on social, collective, personal, and spiritual levels. As per circulation, the Spring House arranges the staircases around its glass façade, allowing a panoramic experience to the vista when climbing up the house, while at the same time increasing efficiency of interior space. The spring house is settled on a square pool of calm water, again depicts its nearly ceremonial pursuit after simplicity.


Cocoon 茧 WINTER 2013 - 1 WEEK - INDEPENDENT Housing protects its dwellers like cocoons, especially when its dwellers are exposed to the wild. The Cocoons are made into individual units, with their base columns fixed into any mountainous ground, the main living spaces elevated, and their tops hanged and supported by large tree branches. The wooden framed ellipsoid with three levels in height grants its users a warm and complete living experience, and its vitsa design gives its dwellers an imagination of the moment of chrysalis. The Cocoons are sanctuary in the wild and source of inspiration.

住宅像茧保护人们,尤其当人们置身于野外。茧屋被制作成独立单元,底部由 基柱固定在山林地面,主体结构挑高,而顶部由大树的枝杈给予辅助支撑。三 层高度的椭圆体木结构居所给予使用者温暖而完整的居住体验,而它对视景的 设计则赋予人们破茧成蝶的想象空间。茧屋是人们在度假时的庇护所和灵感的 源泉。

随着居住者沿旋转楼梯不断攀升,他所能从网结构缝隙中看到的景色越 来越少。当他转入封闭的设备与储藏空间,他的视野几乎完全消失了, 但他仍需要在静默中不断攀爬,直到推开首层居住层的弧形玻璃门,与 藏在大型玻璃窗后的崭新的全景风光画面不期而遇。这是对他不断攀升 的灰暗历程的回报,是破茧成蝶的光辉时刻。


As one climbs up along the spiral staircase to the Cocoon, his view outside of the supportive net gets narrower. His sight barely exists as he reaches the closed mechanical and storage level; he persists to climb up in silence, until he pushes open the glass door on the main living level. Here he encounters a new and panoramic vista beyond the giant windows. This is a reward for his dim climbing experience -- this is the glorious time for breaking the chrysalis.


Touching City 触感都市 FALL 2012 - 3 WEEKS - WITH LILY YUE HOU While we often tend to understand the city and its architecture from the visual dimension, it is sometimes neglected that one of our most intimate interaction with the surrounding environment is done through physical contact. The aim of this project is to present a dense city block at downtown Toronto by merely showing the distinctive textures of building materials. The urban textures, shown in the 65 box matrix to the right, are collected by rubbing against the buildings next to the sidewalk at an average shoulder height of 1.4m above ground. When the city of colors and noises dissolve into the rubbing paper, what these pencil marks reminds us are our utterly pure and intimate memories with our surrounding living environment.

人们常常试图以视觉维度来理解城市空间及其建筑,而 忽略我们对城市的重要理解亦来自对周边环境的亲密接 触。本项目希望可以仅凭借对建材质感的记录来表现一 个位于多伦多市中心的繁华路段。页面右侧展示的 65 个城市质感图块由铅笔拓取人行道旁建筑距离地面 1.4 米高的材质印记组成。此高度由人们最容易触碰到的高 度决定。当城市的色彩与喧嚣消失在拓印纸上,这些印 记留住的是人们对周边生存空间更为纯粹与亲密的记 忆。



Hogwarts Modeling 再现霍格沃茨 2012/2013 - 1 YEAR - INDEPENDENT Remodeling the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been one of the larger projects that required sophisticated investigation into the Harry Potter film series and other source documents. It is aimed to precisely recreate this magical space and its surrounding environment from bold massing as well as in considerable details. The model is then used as the central stage of two amateur animations made for the fans of Harry Potter.

霍格沃茨魔法学校的建模项目要求对哈利波特系列电影和其它源资料进行较复 杂的研习,旨在同时运用粗犷体块和微小细部以精准地表现此魔法空间与其周 边环境。本模型后成为两部为哈利波特粉丝自创动画短片的核心场景。



Hibridized texture / 2012 杂交质感 Tranquility / 2011 心境

Other Works in Photography and Design 摄影与设计其它作品

Rhythm / 2012 韵律

2010/2014 - 4 YEARS - INDEPENDENT Scene recording by means of photograph may also depict design narratives and mindset. Composition, colour, light, and subject of the image become agents that speaking of underlying ideas and thought directions. On this page are selected photographs throughout the past four years; while the opposite page displays some of the other design and rendering works done in the recent years.

Time / 2011 时间

Design / 2012 设计

Organism / 2013 有机主义

摄影中的场景刻录同样能够阐述设计思路和理念。图像的构成,色调,光线和 主题均可成为表达设计理念的中介元素。本页列举了若干过去四年中的摄影小 品。对页展示了近年来其它一些设计和渲染作品。



Wave City - Green Units Building | Spring 2014 | Independent 波浪城-生态单元大楼 | 2014 年第一季度 | 独立设计

Alternative UEC Design | Spring 2013 | With Lily Hou Yue 城市生态馆另案 | 2013 年第一季度 | 与侯岳合作

The Ring | Winter 2013 | Independent 环馆 | 2013 年第四季度 | 独立设计

Origami Museum | Summer 2013 | Independent 折纸展示馆 | 2013 年第一季度 | 独立设计

Lawrence Yishi Cheng


architecture portfolio

architecture portfolio 程艺石 建筑作品集

© CL Art Studio, 2014

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