Work Sample of Vika (Chen) Li, MAUD 19' GSD

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A N O THER R EALI TY [2011-2017]

Chen Li Candidate of Master of Architecture in Urban Design Gradudate School of Design Harvard University Bachelor of Architecture Tongji University

Prologue Architecture exists in another reality from our everyday life and pursuits. They seduce our imagination to wander away from the world of everyday realities. The quality of architecture does not lie in the sense of reality that it expresses, but quite reverse, in its capacity for awakening out imagination for another reality.


01 ELEVATED REALM ——Innovative typology for buiding everyday existance

02 CEMETERY AND TREE ——Memorization of spiritual reality from another world pg13

03 CAMPUS FLUX ——Towards a new sustainable campus model

04 PHANTOM URBANISM ——Deconstruct the reality of 50 ghost cities samples


05 COMMUNITY FOR BAZZAR ——Stimulation of another living reality pg27

06 CONJUNCTION OF 2 FACTS ——Juxtaposition of 2 contrary reality pg35

Model Picture

“Remembrance of Things Past, weaves everything together in its description of the nexus of circumstance, emotion, and place—the sheer poetry of everyday existence. ---Michael Manfredi


0 1 E L E VAT E D R E A L M S Comprehensive Urban Project Harvard GSD 2017 Fall Urban Design Core Studio Instructor: Felipe Correa Site: PS 192 Jacob H Schiff, New York Building Area: 7.14 Acres (28895 m2) Group Work Collaborator: Eileen Xie Contribution: Conceptual Design: 50%; Model: 50%; Presentation: 50%

Located in the Hamiltion Heights neighbourhood of northern Manhattan, the project seeks to maximize open space and create a corrdor that connects the Hudson River waterfront, through the site, with the City College and the park beyond. The original Hamiltion School is replaced with an updated 21st century structure that is combined with high density houdsing on site.

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Site’s Original Condition

Site’s Original Condition

Canteen Facility

Classroom Classroom


Begin with an investgation of the open space in the surrounding nerghbourhood, we seek to create a connection between them. As shown in the site analysis, we locate important open spaces in this area. Our first strategy is to maintain the connection between open spaces from riverside to the public park beyond. Lab


Original school on the site


Edges As Barriers

Original Program

Program Reorganiza

Breaking Barriers Introducing Urban Life

Separation between school and


Site’s Original Condition

Site’s Original Condition

Reorganize Original Program



Site’s Original Condition

Site’s Original Condition



Through studying the bigger programmatic gesture, we propose to separate the existing school program on both side and accommondate a central landscape walkway.


Lab Library

Original Program

Original school on the site

Program Reorganization

Site’s Original Condition

Site’s Original Condition Classroom





Lab Library


Original school on the site


Original Program


Program Reorganization

School Playground



Urban Space Classroom

Lab Library

Edges As Barriers Original school on the site

Breaking Barriers Introducing Urban Life Original Program

Separation between school and urban level


Program Reorganization Classroom School Playground

Urban Space

Edges As Barriers

Breaking Barriers Introducing Urban Life

Separation between school and urban level

School classrooms are elevated to provide a separate place to ensure its safety and privacy, while introducing the public into the site.

Classroom School Playground

Urban Space

Indirect Connection Open Space EdgesofAs Barriers

Connection With Landscape Breaking Barriers Introducing Urban Life

Infrastructure &Separation Residence on both side and urban level between school

Landscape Connection Indirect Connection of Open Space

Indirect Connection of Open Space

Connection With Landscape

Connection With Landscape

Infrastructure & Residence on both side

Through connection, we locate 3 residential towers on the corner of the site to minimize the shadows on neighborhoods and introducing an project for potential development.

Infrastructure & Residence on both side

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Residential Market Grade Towers


3D Printing Model

Academic Institutions

Residential Affordable Housing for School Affiliate

Public Open Space & Facility

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School bar is elevated above the ground. The narrower floor plates of the school bar are reserved for classrooms, while the thicker floor plates on the lower level creates opportunities to host larger institutional programs such as auditoriums and exhibition areas.


Connected Ground Plan and Elevated School Bar The elevated structure with buildings on both side maximize the accessibility of the open space in the middle and provide the public with a continuous spacial experience along the walking path with landscape around.

Library is placed beneath so that it gains a public street front facing Broadway on the north side. This enables the library to serve both the school and the neighbourhood, which also redefines the urban edge.

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Sunset from Hudson River

This prject propose a strategy to bridge together the public, institutional, and private residential, through use of layering. On the bottom, a landscape surface serves as the most public realm, then in the middle, institutional, finally, towers with residential are above. Intentionally, such functional layering tries to generate layers of private and public lives, providing scenarios from both ground nad elevated realms.


Elevated Scenarios

From left to right, top to bottom: Rooftop of the classroom with school’s agriculture land; Inside the school bar;Adademic Institutions; Urban realms beneath. Through this sequence, this project seeks the possibility to combine both academic activity and urban lives into the site.

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Elevated & Ground Realm


Detail of Ground Realm

Urban Street Front

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Model Picture

Architecture is a metaphysical instrument, a mythical tool with which we try to introduce a reflection of eternity into our momentary existence. ---The Geometery of feeling, Juhani Pallasmaa


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02 CEMETERY AND TREE Islamic Culture Center Tongji 2016 Spring Architecture Advanced Studio (Redesigned in 2017 Fall) Instructor: Prof. Cao QinsSan Site: Yan Zhou, Jiang Su Province,China Building Area: 4000m2 Individual Work

The story begins with a person, PuHaDing, 17th grandson of Mohammed, who brought Islam to YangZhou, China, in Tang Dynasty through Channel and finally buried in PuHaDing Garden. Now Yangzhou is an important city for Islamic culture in China. After that, generations of Imams and Muslims in Yangzhou felt it an honor to be buried near him. Thus, historical cemeteries were left as honorable relics underground. On the site grow many trees. The canopy is very thick with light going through in a subtle way and leaves a honorable atmosphere down. The relationship between trees and cemeteries is very smart. Roots of trees exactly avoid the ancient stone tombs underground seems to memorize the spirit. Void is naturally refined between the trees and cemeteries. To build an Islamic Culture Center, this project attempts to seek a suitable strategy to response to two imortant phenomas: cemeteries and trees, under and on the ground, to show respect and provide possibility for cultural communication. Inspired by atmosphere and the relationship between phenomenon, unique structure is generated from the simplest islamic arches to pursue rich interpretations.

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Site Overview Site Located adjacent to Imam PuHaDing Garden, a Chinese garden built in Tang Dynasty to memorize him. Respectable imams and people in the history felt it an honor to be buried adjacent to Imam PuHaDing, which left many cemeteries in the site. Recently, Islamic Culture Center is recently suggested by Islam association in Yangzhou to provide space for Islamic cultural activities such as exhibitions, attempting to attract know about PuHaDing Garden and provide a public space for the cultural communication.

Site sketch

Sketch made at the first visit of the site. " ...The relationship between the cemetery underground and the tree rooted deep down is subtle. Trees smartly avoid the cemeteries to show respect of lives and light went through the thick canopy seems to honor the spirit down the earth and the light is just..."

EXISTING CEMETERIES AND TREES Cemeteries and trees as two most important elements from site, give special challenge to structure while forming natural and honorable spirit of place.


Space of Honor

Islamic Arch Study



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3 Centered Arch


3 centered Arch


Elliptical Arch

2 Centered Pointed Arch

4 Centered Pointed Arch


Equilateral Pointed Arch

Arch to Column A general view of the interior of the Mosque at Cordova from the book “Arabian Antiquities of Spain� by Murphy, James Cavanah, 1760-1814



Arch to Column

STRUCTURE UNIT | FROM ARCH TO COLUMN Place of honor, such as mosque, can be defined through order of arches of, the forest of columns in Islamic Culture. In this case columns with pointed top is appropriate to mitigate the negative effect cause by construction. Arch is transformed into columns while meaning of arches is preserved to form honorable space.



Type1: Column 6000

900 0

Type2: Loading Column 9000




Type3: Skylight



Type4: Yard Light well 9000

UNIT TYPES Developed from an integration of two classic types of Islamic arch, a new column form is created, based on which, four different types of column are generated accordingly.

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Formal Grid Intervened By Cemeteries

mapping | tomb location

Random Distribution of Cemeteries Formal Grid

Informal Grid

Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty



Modern Times


Generation Process Cemeteries

Location of cemeteries is mapped.


Voids in the plan helps to locate the cemeteries.

Formal as Base

9*9 Formal Grid with proper scale is inserted as a base.


Structure of grid starts to shift when touches the yard of cemeteries.

Honorable Yards

Yards of cemeteries slightly move to adapt to the grid.


Grid after transformation is then sub-divided so other 3 types of unit can fill in the grid of whole structure.

GRID ADAPTING TO CEMETERIES Formal grid starts to shift and transform to avoid touching the cemeteries underground. Shifting is designed to be in control with help of 4 different scale of modular units. So the whole grid of structure is both flexible to suit the underground cemeteries and practical to construct.


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UNITS ORGANIZED IN INFORMAL GRID Structure composed of units in informal grid, as reflection of cemeteries underground, provides big space under and allows various activities to happen. Space inside Islamic culture center is shaped by the cemeteries underground, resulting in informal grid and changeable spatial experience.

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Roof made up of flexible organization of units leads to free center, allowing for various possibility of cultural and socia response to surrounding nature elements: trees, interacting get close touch


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section Mecca

1.Entrance & Information 2.Lecture Hall 3. ChattingRoom 4. Tea House

5.Exhibition 6.Public Lecture Hall 7.Libruary


e plan under the roof which provide open space in culture al activities. East Boundary Eastern boundary scrapped to g with canopy and creating several semi-outdoor space to h to the nature

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Logic Of Unit Aggregation

Layer1: Emergent Layer


Type1: Courtyard 9m*9m

Logic Of Forest Generation



Layer2: Canopy Layer


Type2: Enlarged unit 9m*9m



Layer4: The Forest Floor


Type4: skylighting unit 3m*3m


Layer3: The Understory


Type3: Basic unit 6m*6m

AGGREGATION LOGIC OF UNITS Logic behind unit aggregation resembles how forest structure is formed. Forest is usually consisted of 4 different layer of lives: the highest emergent layer consisting of grand, tall trees occupies the main space, the second canopy layer, then understory, finally the forest floor of little moss occupies the leftover space. Four layers of canopies consist the whole complexity and vitalization of forest, from highest emergent layer to forest floor. Resembling how different layers of canopy occupy space and develop a system naturally, 4 types of structure units grow into an architecture canopy in similar nature way and create complex, changeable spatial experience.


portfolio of work



Transparent chatting space

Scrapped eastern boundary

RESPONSE TO NATURE TRANSPARENCY: The trees grow wildly in the preserved eastern area from the site. Transparency of space under the big roof structure allows natural view form eastern and western side to come inside. SCRAPPED BOUNDARY: The eastern facade facing old trees, seems to be scrapped by power of nature, creates several intimate gardens along the broken boundary, which provides people with space to sit and enjoy the view. Meanwhile, citizens from outside can have a clear view of what is happening inside the activity center, attracting them to participate in.

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ACTIVITIES UNDER COLUMNS Composition of roof units leads to an unique organization of columns, and shapes the free space under. Free plan stimulates chances for cultural and social communication and provides space for them the enjoy nature. ABOVE UNDERGROUND





Tea House Chatting Space

Information Lecture Hall



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Sacred light from yard unit

Entrance view: changeable spacial experience

CHANGEABLE SPACIAL EXPERIENCE Columns naturally grow into roof and organized in an informal pattern to provide visitors with changeable space experience when moving in the space. Different type of units has different effects on space. For example, the yard unit, serving as light well, provides nature sunlight and creates specific scene to honor the cemetery.

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Units of Yards response located the cemetery while serves as interruption. Floor and construction details are designed to mi grass to breath. . It seems like the light can penetrate ground spirits


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s light well, open to Mecca. Natural lives grow inside without itigate the negative effect on nature ground, leaving space for floor and reach right into the underground world to honor the there.

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System Transformation

Architecture is a metaphysical instrument, a mythical tool with which we try to introduce a reflection of eternity into our momentary existence. ---The Geometery of feeling, Juhani Pallasmaa


03 Campus Flux Harvard Allston Campus Planning GSD 2018 Fall Urban Planning Option Studio Instructor: Shaun Donovan / David Gamble Site: Allston, Boston Campus Area: 358 acre /1.45 km2 Individual Work

As Harvard expanding into Allston, it provides an opportunity to think speculatively about what could be a new campus structure for Harvard to accomondate a new campus life style and staying responsive to the social, academic and environmental shifts over the next 50 years. The fragile location risky being flooded in the future and the university's goal for hosting a hostile campus for promoting interdisciplinary collaboration are the two starting point of the master plan. How to build up its resilient capacity as well as creating a collaborative environment are two major focues. This plan is is a bold attempt to reimagine the campus structure through marrying two streams of flux, the flow of people and the flow of water to break the boundaries between different schools through reshaping the campus landscape, and to create a collaborative and dynamic platform across Harvard as well as a resilient campus for future challenges. Starting with the study of the traditional campus plan where institutional architecture and landscape was organized through courtyard as a typical typology and landscape as a residual space. This plan adopt a strategy to shape the campus structure through landscape as well as reorganize the hydrology system to activate the public realm.

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Site Overview

Landscape System

The site is located at the west of Charles River surrounded with close connection to the surround key places.

The expansive landscape structure with a north-south spine plays an important role to bridge together the university, the city, the community and Charles river.



the structure is attempting to enhance the connection between the north Harvard campus and the Boston University on the south, as well as to engaging the turnpike into the site to increase its connectivity to the rest of the city, especially to the downtown Boston.

The central landsscape spine is introducing water to engage the programs, activate the landscape as well as stay resilient to the future climate challenges.


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The flux of landscape is to engaging the programs to enhance the chance people will meet and stay resilient to the climate challenges.

Sketches to show some initial exploration of the possible integration of landscape and architecture.


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The intergration of landscape and program, outdoor and inddor to create a fluid platform for future interdiscipliary collaboration.

A new campus system in responding to the existing one.

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Kilamba, Angola


04 Phantom Urbanism Deconstruct The Reality Of 50 Ghost Cities Samples GSD 2018 Spring Urban Planning Option Studio Instructor: Reinier de Graaf Site: Angola / Worldwide Group Research Work

The Phantom Urbanism phenomenon is being defined as a high-speed urbanization process through large-scale development projects which struggle to find residents to inhabit these physical platforms. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze a selection of projects that meet the criteria of a phantom urbanism development to further explore broad trends of population growth, employment growth, expenditure growth, commodity prices in relation to public policies to try to identify meaningful patterns and associations that could induce Phantom Urbanism. In that sense, the criteria set to create a database of the projects that present this phenomenon was the following: A) Settlements of size above one square kilometer, B) reported with vacancy rates above 50%, and C) for a minimum period of time of one year. For the purpose of this research, we have selected fifty projects that met the criteria, based on data availability. The spectrum of the collection is worldwide, the projects selected are located throughout five continents and twenty-three countries.

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TOTAL POPULATION 1,400,000,000



Rapid Rapi d ac acce ccele lera rati tion on off g gro rowt wth th d du due e tto larg la rge e flow wo off fo fore reig ign n inve in vest stme ment n nt

10% 8% f d g allo al lowe wed d & up up tto o 70 yyea ears e rs


Urban Urba n Re Real eal E Est stat ate e Mana Ma nage geme gem ment m ent L Law aw; aw; End En d of W Wel elfa fare re Hous Ho usin ing g Sy Syst System em;;


Land ssal Land ales ess requ re quir ired ed tto o go to p pub ubli ub licc au auct a ctio ion n syst sy stem em

Urban Urba n Re Real eal E Est stat ate e Mana Ma nage geme ment m nt L Law aw



1988 1990


New Ne w re regu gula ulati tion on:: any in any indi divi vidu v dual al home ho me o own wner w er is ssub ubje ject ctt tto o busi bu sine ness ss ttax ax on ssel elli ling ng g tthe heir ir hous ho uses es w wit ithi hin n tw two o year ye arss of p pur urch chas ase e



Rela Re laxi xing ng hou ousi sing ng p pol o olic icie ies: s: lowest lowe st d do o own ow n pa paym ymen ent e t ra rati tio o

2011 2012


1,200,000,000 1,150,000,000 1,100,000,000

2017 2018





China Chin ina’ a’ss Ne a Neww-ty type pe u urb rban rb aniz izat atio ion; on; h he e goal go al iiss to ob bal alan ance ce tthe he sspa pati tial all llay ayou out, t, opti op timi mize ze e tthe he ssca cale le o off ci citi ties es a and nd town to wns, s, a and nd ccoo oord rdin inat nate e de deve velo lopm opmen entt of ssma mall ll,, mi midd-si size ze,, a and an d la larg rge e cci citi ties es,, as well we ll a ass sm smal alll to town wns. wns ss.

Chin Ch Chi iina a en ente ttere red d a pe peri rriod iod do off spir sp iral alin ing g in infl i flat atio ion. n. C Chi hina na impl im p plem emen ente nted d ma macr crooo cont co ntro roll to op pre reve vent nt tthe h he rrea eall esta es tate te ffro rom m ov over erhe heat a atin ing g

4 tr triiiili lion on R RMB MB stimul stim ulus us p pac acka kage ge to rrea eall es esta sttate te mark ma rket et;; 9 900 00 mil milli lion on n RMB RM B to a add ddre dd d ress ss affo af ford rdab able le h hou ousi sing ng;;

2007 2008



Penalt Pena ltyy fo for o orr La Land nd b ban ba anki nking kin ng;; Emin Em inen entt D Doma Do main in;; P PrePr Pre re-sa e sale sale bann ba nned ed

Urban District





Kang Bashi District Urban District












Urban District









Urban District


Chenggong New District





Tianducheng (Amusement Park)





Meixi Lake City Urban District







Hallstatt Tourism Town






Yujiapu Financial District Urban District

(Amusement Park)




Riyue Bay Hospitality Complex

RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES/HOTEL The National Slum Development Program (NSDP)


The National Housing Policy Aimi Ai ming ng tto o re redu duce ce tthe he number numb ber o off h home ho mele lless ss peop pe ople le.. It ffoc o ocus uses es


prim pr p imar aril ilyy on h hou ousi sing ng g acti ac tivi viti ties es..


For up For upgr grad a adin ing g sl slum ums, ms, w whi hich ch w was as fund fu nded ed by by st stat ate e an and d ce cent ntra rall fu fund nds. ndss. s T The he prog pr ogra ram m en enco cour urag aged ed e tthe he inv invol olve o veme ment nt of n non on-g -gov go over ernm nmen entt or orga g gani niza zati tion tions, s, comm co mmun unit ityi y-ba base sed d or orga o gani niza zati tion ons, s, a and nd priv pr ivat ate e en enti ntiti ties es..

8% 6% 4% 2%




In JJun une e 20 015 15,, RA RAY Y wa was w s re repl plac aced e ed b byy a ne new w pr pro o ogra og ram m ca call lled e ed H Hou ousi ou sing ng ffor or Alll (U Al (Urb rban an n) Mi Miss ssio ion. n. T Thi hiss mi miss ssio ion on wi will ll prov pr ovid ide e cent ntra rall as assi sist sstan ance ce tto oU ULBs UL Bs and an d ot othe herr im impl plem emen enti nting ng a age genc ncie iess thro th roug ugh h stat ates es

A ma majo jor or pr prog p ogr ogra rram m fo for or sl slum um d dwe well eller erss and th and the e ur urba u ban b n po poor or, r, Ra Raji R jiv jiv Aw Awas A as a Yoja Yo jana na ((RA RAY) AY),, wa wass la laun aunch ched ed iin n 20 2011 11,, with wi th tthe he p pre repa para p rato tory ryy p pha hase se d dur urin u ing g 2011 20 11–2 –201 013 13 an and d th the e im impl plem emen enta ntati tion on phas ph ase e in 2 201 013– 3– 2 202 022. 2. 2

A ma majo jorr u ur urba bann-fo focu cuse used d capita capi tall in inve vvest stme ment nt a and nd urba ur ban n re refo form ffo rm p pro rog ro rogr g gram ram call ca lled ed JJaw awah w waharla ahar arla lall N Nehr Ne hru u Nati Na tion onal nal al U Urb rban an R Ren en enew newal al Miss Mi ssio sio sion ion ((J (JNN JNNUR URM) M) w was as lau laun aunch ched ed d iin n 20 2002 02..

1,300,000,000 1,250,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,150,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,050,000,000 1,000,000,000

2001 2002

1997 1998

Phantom urbanism is the result of rapid and careless urbanization in China, which is not the end of the new cities in suburb area, but a way to accommodate more urban population through top-down implementation.


a ce cent ntra rall lly ly sp spon onso sore red ed pr prog ogra ram, m m, Valm Va lmik ikii A Ambe Am bedk dkar ar A Awa wass Yo wa Yoja ja jana an na (VAM (V AMBA BAY) Y), Y , wa wass la laun unch nched ed w whi hich ch c enta en tail iled ed tthe he ccon onst stru ruct uctio ion n an and d upgr up grad adin ing ng of h hou ouse ses es fo forr BP BPL L hous ho useh ehol olds ds..

T e Na The Th Nati tion onal al S Slu lum m Deve De velo lopm pmen mentt Pr Prog ogra ram m (NSD (N SDP) P) ffor or u upg pg pgra radi ding din ng n g slum sl ums, ms, s, w whi hich ich w was as ffun unde nded d byy ssta tate te and and n ccen entr tral al ffun unds ds.. The Th e pr prog ogra ram r m en enco cour urag uraged ed the th e in invo volv lvem emen e entt of o nong no ngov over ernm rnmen entt orga or gani niza zati tion ions, ons, c com ommu muni mun nity ty-base ba sed d or o orga gani g niza zati tion ons, s,, a and nd priv pr ivat ate e en enti ntiti ties es..

Phantom Urbanism In China?


1990s: Privitization of Economy


Phantom Urbanism In India?


2000s: Economic Globalization

The “phantom urbansim“ in India equals to the ignorance of housing in active government involvement at the policy and program formulation levels. They are also due to the problems that unplanned urbanization, income disparity, poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment brought. 9%


TATA Value Homes Residential Blocks

Additi Addi tion onal al N Not ote: e: The Th e ho hous usin ing g pr prob oble lem m in IInd ndia ia iiss se seve vere re,, ca caus usin ing g a ho hous usin ing g shor sh orta tage ge o off 51 mil milli lion on iin n 20 2011 11.. Th Thou ough gh IInd ndia ia h has as a llon ong g hi hist stor oryy of e est stab abli lish shin ing g po poli lici cies es,, pr prog ogra rams ms,, an and d in inst stit itut utio ions ns tto o ca cate terr to hous ho usin ing, g, w wit itho hout ut a all lloc ocat atin ing g ad adeq equa uate te rres esou ourc rces es,, th thei eirr im impa pact ct in a ame meli lior orat atin ing g th the e sh shor orta tage ge h has as b bee een n ma marg rgin inal al..





Residential Blocks



Perumbakkam Tenements


In IInd ndia ia,, re resi side dent ntia iall ho hous usin ing g ac acco coun unts ts ffor or alm almos ostt 80 per per ccen entt of tthe he rrea eall es esta tate te m mar arke kett in tter erms ms o off vo volu lume mess an and d ha hass be been en grow gr owin ing g at 3 30 0 to 3 35 5 pe perr ce cent nt a ann nnua uall lly. y. ((20 2006 06))




In e ear arly ly 2 200 000s 0s,, ho hous u usin ing g ma mark rket e et iin n Kaza Ka K zaks ksta k ttan an fa fface ced d an ne eco cono nomi mic ic b bo boom om..


In 2 200 001, 00 1, K Kaz azak az akhs hsta ta tan an wa wass re reco rec cogn cogn gniz ized ed as a ccou ount n ntry ry w wit ith h ma mark m rket et e eco cono nomy n my b byy EU.. EU Introd Intr oduc ucti tion t on o off mo mort ortga gage ge ssti timu mula m late ted d high hi gh rea reall estate es esta tate te demand dem d eman and d an and d deve de velo lope lop pers pe pers d dro rove ro ve u up p ho hous usin in ing g pr pric ices es es..

12% 10%

Depend Depe nden e ence ce ffro rom m So Sovi S viet et Uni Union on o iin n 1991 19 91 F om 1 From Fr 199 99199 991 91 1-20 2001 2001, 01, th the he go gove vern rnme ment m ntt impl im plem emen ente nted d a se seri ries ies o off bo boar ardrd-ba base sed d refo re form rmss tth that hat b bro roug ught ht h Kaz Kazak akhs akhs hsta stan tan fr fro from o om plan pl anne ned d tto mar marke kett ec econ e onom omyy in i tten en year ye arss

8% 6%

Since Sinc e 20 2001 001 01,, ra rapi pid dg grow grrowth th o off popu po pula lati tion on o iin n la larg rge e an and d me medi dium ium-size si ze ccit itie iess ha hass le led d to o a ssho hort rtag age ge of affo af ffford rdab dable ble l h hou ousi sing ng g ffor or res resid iden de ents ts.. Afte Af terr ma mass assiv ive e pr priv ivat atiz a izat atio ion n off hous ho usin ing g in 1 199 990s 990s 0s,, o owne ow wne nerr-oc occu oc occ ccupa cu cupanc ncy ncy is tthe he d dom omin o inan antt te tenu nure n re iin n Ka Kaza zzakh khst stan an..

4% 2% 1990 1991



Housin Hous ing g Prog Pr ogra ramm mmes mes o on n hous ho usin ing g cco cons nstr truc ucti tion o on deve de velo lopm pmen men iin n 20 2005 0 05


“Affor “Aff orda dabl able e Ho Hous usin ingng-20 2020 20 inti in tiat ativ ive” e”” The Th he go gove vvern rnme ment nt o off Kaza Ka zaks ksta tan an ha has as im impl ple p plem e emen ente ted d some so me a aff ffor ff ffo orda o dabl ble e ho hous usin ing g iniitia init in i iati tive ves es an and d ac acce cele elera rate ted d hous ho usin ing g co cons nstr truc ucti tion ion..

Housin Hous ing g Prog Pr ogra ramm mmes mes on h hou ousi sing n ng cons co nstr truc ucti tion ion deve de velo lopm pmen mentt in 2008 20 08

17,500,000 17,000,000 16,500,000 16,000,000 15,500,000 15,000,000





Economic Reform directed by government from Planned market to market economy


After independence, the cities played a key role in the country’s transition to market economy. The city Astana Central District is the government to reflected the ambitions of central government.




The “phantom urbanism” in Kazakhstan is the gap between the governments’ greate ambition and its relatively moderate urbanzation rate in reality within the context of central-shaped urban system.

Astana Central District City

In 2 200 002, 2, A Aun ung g Sa San nS Suu Su u Ky Kyii wass re wa rele leas a ased ed.. In 2 200 003, 3, K Khi hin n Ny Nyut ut b bec ecam ame e the th e pr prim ime e mi mini nist ster er w wit ith h th the e inte iin tent ntio iion n off d dra raft fftin iing g a ne new w cons co construc nstr truc ucti tion t on a ass pa part rtt o off ro road ad d map ma p to d dem emoc emocra racy cy. cy.

GDP GROWTH 14% 12%

6% 4%

The or The orig igin inal nal ccap apit ital al Y Yan ango gon n wass re wa repl plac a aced ed b byy th the e ne newl wlyy bu buil iltt admi ad dmini inist istra rrati tive ive ccap apit iital tall o off N Nayy P Na Pyii T Py Taw Ta w

In 1 198 989, 9, tthe h he mil milit itar aryy go gove g vern rnme ment m nt n offi of fici cial ally lyy cha chang h nged ged tthe he e nam name e of o tthe he coun co untr tryy in into to Mya Myanm nmar ar. a. 1989 19 89,, th the eo oppo op posi siti tion on N Nat atio iona onall Le Leag L ague ue forr De fo Demo mocr crac c acyy (N (NLD LD)) le lead ader der A Aun ung un u g San Sa n Su Suu u Ky Kyi yi wa wass pu putt un unde u der er ho hous use se re rest st..




55,000,000 52,500,000

In 2 201 010, 010 01 0, a 0 an n el elec ecti tion on nw was as a ann nn nnou o ounc nced ed b byy tth the e go gove vern ver rrnme nme ment nt nt,, ho how weve we w ver, ver rr, A series seri se ries es o off ende en ded d wi with ith ssha ham. m. T The he jjun unta ta d dec ecla lare red d th the e el elec ecti tion on m mar arke ked d th he tr tran ansi siti tion on n bomb bo mbss bl blas lasts ts from fr fro om m mil ilit itar taryy ru rule le tto o ci civi vili lian an d dem e emoc ocra racy cy. y. hitt th hi the e co coun u untr try. yy. The Th e go gove vern rnme ment nt In 2 201 011, 1, T The Thein hein in S Sei Sein ein n was was sworn swor sw orn n in as as a a p pres pr esid iden entt o of a n new ew,, prop pr opos osed ed dan new ew nomi no mina ina nall llyy ci civi vili lian an g gov o over ernm nmen entt an and d me mett A Aung Au ung ng gS San an Suu K Kyi yyi iin n cons co nsti tit ti titu ttuti ttion ion o a and nd d Nay Py Nay Pyii Ta Taw. aw. allo al loca cate ted d 1/ 1/4 4 seat seatss In 2 201 012, 2, tthe he h U U.S .S sus suspe p pend nded ed 2015 20 15 H Hou ou usi sing ng b ben enefi e efit tto o re reli liev eve ve re rent nt b bur urde rden n to tthe he m mil ilit itar aryy sanc sa ncti tion onss on M Mya yanm nmar mar and an d en ensu sure tthe he m min inim iimum um h hou ousi sing ng ssta tand ndar ard d be whil wh ile e ba bann n nned ed and an d al allo lowe w wed d tr trad ade ea and an d met. me t. the th e NL NLD DA Aung Au ng inve in nvest vestme ment ment n b bet etwe etween wee en en ttwo wo San Sa S nS Suu Su uK Kyii ffr Ky from om coun co untr trie ies. s.. hold ho ldin ing go of offi fice ce..

2% 1989 1990


A wa wave ve o off pu publ blic ic d dis isse ssent nt w was as sspa park rked ed b byy fu fuel el p pri rice ce e hike hik hi kess an k and d a se seri ries ies o off an anti ti ti-g -gov over e ernm nmen entt pr prot rotes tests tts ttoo ook ok place. plac e.

IIn n 20 2004 04,, th the he consti cons titu tuti tut ttion io onal nal conv co nven enti tion on o b beg egun egun whil wh ile e th the e lle lead ader er of N NLD LD rem rem emai aine ned d unde un derr ho hous use e ar arre rest st.. The Th e co conv nven e enti ti tion on adjo ad jour urne ned d as K Kni nin n Nyut Ny yut w was as rrep epla place ced d and an d pl plac aced ed u und nder er hous ho use e ar arre re rest st..

10% 8%

2003 2004

2010 2011 2012

2007 2008

From 2000-2002, the conflict between the ruling council and the NLD was relieved

GDP GROWTH From Fr om 2 200 001, 01, H Hou ousi sing ng gp pri rice ce a and nd d rental rent al ssky ky-r y-roc ocke kete ted d be beyo yond nd most mo st p peo eopl ople’ le’s ’s af affo fford f rdab dabil bilit iliity. il i y. Gove Go vern rnme ment m nt iiss ssue ued d pu publ blic ic hous ho usin ing g fu fund f nd tto o su subs bsid bsidiz ize e

10% 8%

Govern Gove rnme ment ent a ann nnou no ounc nced n ed the th e firs rstt se set et of ““ne new w to town t wns” s” in 1 198 989, 9, p pla lan l n of fivve e ne new n w town to wnss to pro provi rovide de 3 300 00,0 0,000 00 unit un its its fo for f r 1, 1,17 1,17 170 170, 0 0,00 000 00 0p pe peop ople le. l .

6% 4% 2%

1989 1990 -2%

Excess Exce cessiv ive e co cons nstr truc ucti ti tion on b boo oom m caus ca used ed m maj ajor jor eco econo nomi omic mic st stra rain in. n. Gove Go vern vernme ment ent p pla la lann nned ed e ““Ca Cap” p” poli po licy cy to to co cool c ol dow down n th the e ov over er-heat he h ated ted d con const o stru truct ctio tion i n ma mark rket ket, t, whic wh ich h re resu sult lted ed iin n st stre retc r tche hed d cons co nstr truc ucti tion ion m mar arke ar kett an and d se seri riou ous o s fina nanc ncia iall ma mark m rket et

1992 1993

Financ Fina ncia iall rece re cess ssio ion n


Housin Hous ing g ma mark m rket ket plun pl unge ged d in into i to a down do wntu turn tur rrn na aft fter fter the th e fina nanc ncia ciall cr cris riisis is in 2 200 008. 8.

52,500,000 50,000,000 2015 H 2015 Hou ou u efi v rent re nt b bur urde de en an and d en ensu ssure re tthe he mini mi nimu mum m ho hous usin ing g st stan tanda dard rd b be e met. me t.



Phantom Urbanism In Korea? The housing policy in the Republic of Korea was integrated with urban planning as new supplies of housing and stimulation of regional economy. The



Urban District


HH S She heik ikh kh Mo Moha hamm mmed m ed Bin Bi n Ra Rash shid hid A All Ma Makt ktou toum m anno an noun unce cced d in M May ayy 2002 20 02 ttha hat at re real al e est stat ate te iin d des esig igna i nate n ted d ar area eas as off Duba Du baii wo woul w uld d be beco come ome avai av aila labl ble e fo forr ow owne ners rshi r hip p by ffor orei eign g gner erss on a free fr eeho hold ld db bas asis is.. Be Befo fore f re that th at tthe here re r w wer ere e vi virt rtua rttuall llyy no sspe peci cial ializ ized zed ed llaw aws ws an and a d regu re gula gu lati tion io ons ons in p pla lace lace tto o acco ac comm mmod mm modat ate e Du Duba bai’ b i’ss burg bu rgeo geoni e n ning ng g rrea eall es esta state te mark ma rket rket

12% 10% 8% 6%

“Phantom Urbanism” in Korea is the early stage of such state-led urban development, invested by the state-owned developers.


In 2 200 005, 5, tthe he A Abu bu D Dha habi h bi P Pro rope pert ertyy La Law w wa was as ap appr prov oved ed, e , to g gra rant ntt n na nat a atio iona nals lss a and nd iin n so some me m inve in vest stme ment ent a are rea, a,, tthe he e rrig ight ght tto o ow own o n an and d tr tran ransf a sfer er p pro rop rope ro op pert rtyy in A Abu b bu D Dha habi bi.. Th This T is a all llow owed e ed prop pr oper erty ty o own wner ersh ship ip p iin n th the e Em Emir mirat ate e fo forr th the he firs rstt tti time me.. Du Duba bai’i’ss E Exec Ex ecut utiv ive eC Co Coun unci cill appr ap prov oved ed d rreg egio ion’ n’ss la larg l rges estt pr prop oper o erty ty d dev evel velo e elop el o oper er tto o co cons c nstr truc uctt Dh D 1 10 0 bi bill llio ion on wo wort rth h off hous ho h usin iing gu un unit iits. s. U Und nder de er tthe h he p pro roje jject ect,, 10 10,0 ,000 ,0 000 00 hig highi h-qu h qual a alit lity i y ho hous h usin ing ing un unit its i s wi will ill ll b be e bu buil b ilt. ilt.

8,000,000 7,000,000

The Th e ffo form rmat matio tiion n off D Dub ubai ubai’s i’’s R Rea eall Es Esta E tate t te t R Reg egul gulat lator toryy Au Auth A thor thorit ity ity (“ (“RE RERA R RA”) ”) iin n 2007,, wh 2007 whic hich h pl play ayss a an iinc ncre reas asin ingl nglyy pu publ blic ic ca and nd ccru ruci cial ial rrol ole e in d dev evel elop opin ing g and an d su supe sup perv p ervis rvisin ing g Du Duba Dubai’ baii’s ba i s re real al e est stat state e re regu gula gu ula lato tory ry ffra ra ram rame mewo me m work rk a and n nd deve de velo lopm pmen ment. t.

6,000,000 5,000,000

In n2 200 008 00 008, 8 8, a ffra rame ra mewo wo work orrk k ffor or rreg egis eg istr strat atio ion n of llen ende en ders rs rs’’ pr preremort mo rtga gage ge em mec echa hani nism smss fo forr sa sale le l o off pr prop oper erty e ty b byy pu publ blic b ic auct au ctio ion) n) w was as iint ntro rodu duce uced. d. The Th e av aver erag a age e tr tran ansa sact cctio ion n va valu lue ue e off real rrea eall es esta ttate te m mar arke ket et peak pe aked ed a att AE AED D 5.6 5.6 mi mill llio ion. n. T The hen n it d dro ropp pped p ped ed..


4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000

Enactm Enac tmen entt of La Law L aw N No o 9 of 2 200 009 09 es esta tabl abl blis ishe h hed d a pr proc oces esss fo forr a de deve velo elope perr to tter ermi e mina nate te an o off ff ff-p -pla llan an sa sale lless co cont n ntra ract ct ffor or p pur urch chas haser er defa de faul ulte ted d of o iits ts p pay ayme m ment nt o obl blig igat gatio ions ns..


United Arab Emirates





2007 2008 2009





High-tech Campus


12% 10% 8% 6% 4%

Housin Hous ing g de defi fici citt is a iiss ssue ue g giv iven en e ttha hatt af afte terr th the e wa warr th ther here e have have e bee been n an o ove verc rcro rowd wdin ing i g oc occu cupa pati ation on iin n ho hous usin u ing g un unit itss and an d la lack ck o off so sour urce cess of ffun undi ding ng tto o in inve vest st iin n th the e pr prov ovis visio ion n of rrea eal e l es esta tate te.. On a ave vera rage ge g tthe here re w wer ere e e on only ly 4 m m2 2 pe perr capi ca pita ta w wit ith h 40 40,0 ,000 00 h hou ouse seho hold lds ds ha havi ving ng lles ess e s th than an 2 m m2 2 pe perr ca capi apita ta.. Crit Cr itic ical al h hou ousi sing ng ssit itua uati tion on p per er cap capit ita a li livi ving ng n rrat atio io 4 4sq sqm s m pe perr pe pers erson on.. Th This is,, le led d to the the e pro provi visi sion on no off large larg e flat atss in tthe he sub subur u urb b ar area eass of c cit itie ies. s. IInt ntro rodu duct ctio ion on of e eco cono nomi n micc re reno nova ovati tion on p pol olic licie iess ca call lled ed dD Doi oi Moi. Mo i. T The he rref efor orms ms a aim imed ed tto o cr crea reate e te a h hyb ybri brid d th thir ird d wa way, w y, a an n ec econ onom o omyy in in-b -bet betwe ween en a ccom omma mand nd-b -bas - ased ed syssy s- tem tem a and nd ccap apit ital talis ism, m, w whe here re r rres esou ourc rce e al allo loca cati tion on o iiss de dete term rmin mined ed by by a mi mixx of o m mar arke a kett me mech chan hanis isms ms and an d st stat ate e co cont ntro roll ro The Th e go gove g vern vernme ment nt h has as a iint ntro rodu duce uced ced cced a ra rang nge e of o p pol olic icie iess to t enc encou cou oura rage age indi in divi vidu dual als, s, o org rgan anis isat satio ions on ns a and nd d comp co mpan anie nies i s to t e eng ngag age age ge in i h hou ousi sing sing prod pr oduc ucti tion ion. on. Th This is h has as a rres esul ulte ted d in a boom bo om iin n ho hous usin ing gc cons co onstr ns nst struc ttruct ucti ttion tio on on iin n Hano Ha noi. i.

Risi Ri Rising sing ng gh hou ousi using ng gp pri rice ce e in in ce cent ntra rall-ci l city tyy loc locat cati atio ions i ns

1960 1975 1986 1987 1990

Issue Issu e of h hou ousi sing ng a aff ffor forda dabi bili lity ty:: th the e Ho Hous usin in ing g La Law w em emph mphas asis ised ed tthe he n nee eed d to d dev evel elop op o ‘‘so soci cial al h hou ousi sing ng’.’. H How owev o ever er,, iitt wa wass sp spec ecifi ifi ficcal ally ly ttar arge gete eted d at ‘‘st stat st ate ee empl em ploy oyee ees, ees ss,, o offi fficccia ffi ials ia ls,, g ls gove go vern rnme ment me en ntt ssta taff ta ffs ffs, ss, m mil il ilit itar aryy of offi ficce cers rs rs,, propr o- ffes essi sion onal alss in tthe h he d def efen ence ce ffor orce ces’ s’ a and nd ‘‘wo work rker erss wo work rkin ing g in n tthe he ecoec o- nom nomic mic zzon ones es,, in indu ndust stri rial al a are reas as,, p prod pr oduc ducti u tion on a are reas eas, as a , hi high gh g ttec ech ch ar area eas’ s’ (Art (A rtic icle le 5 53, 3 3, 2 200 006 6 Ho Hous ousin ing ng La Law) w w).. As w wel elll a as ccon onti tinu nues e es tto o su supp ppor ort o t th the e prev pr evio ious usly lyy p pri rivvile ri rivi v lege ged ed gr grou oup po of cciv ivil il sser erva vant nts, s, e esp spec ecia ciall llyy se seni nior o or o one nes, s, and an d ex excl clud lu udes des o oth ther herss iin n nee eed d ssu such ch ha ass llo low w pa paid id w wor orke k kers rs iin n th the he pr priv iivat ate e sect se ctor or,, pe peop eople le w who ho e eng ngag age e in n ssma mall ll ffam amil milyy bu busi sine ness ssses es,, th thos ose e wh who o do nott ha no have ve rreg egul egular ar w wor ork or o ork, k k, a and nd tthe h he eu une nemp ne mplo loye yed yed. d d.

1993 1994



90,000,000 85,000,000 80,000,000

70,000,000 65,000,000 2000

Phantom Urbanism In Vietnam?


Rising Housing Demand










Lideco Urban Area Villas

With rapid economic growth, the relatively immature real estate market lacking strong legislative protections for investors causes the incontinuity of property development and the following operation part, which leads to the “ghost cities” in UAE.



State held monopoly of city planning, housing design and production.

Hig High gh-r -ris ise e ap apar partm tmen ent nt bl bloc ocks ks a and nd n m mul ulti ti-s -sto tore oreyy town to wn h hou ouse usess ar are e be bein eing g bu buil ilt, t, ssom ome e as g gat a ated ed comm co mmun unit itie i iess . Be Betw twee ween n 19 1998 98 a and nd 2 200 005, 5, m mor ore e than th han 4 m mil iilli lllion on m m2 2 off h hou ousi sing ng w was as ccon onst on stru rruct cted ed d in H Han anoi oi o off wh whic ich ch 60 60% 0% wa wass bu buil uiltt by p pri riva vate ate compan comp co mpa a iies anie ani es

ProPr o-pr pram amme mme m tto o pr priv ivat vatis a ise e ex exis isti ting ng g statestat e-ow owne wned ne n d ho hous usin ing ng sst stoc ock. k. 68% 68 % st stat atee e-ow owne ned d hous ho usin ing g in Hano Ha H noii pr priv ivat iivatis ised i ed. d. Tran Tr ansa sact ctio ion on of ‘use ‘u use se-r -rig ight hts hts’ tss’



Introd Intr oduc ucti tion t on of d dir irec ecti tive ves v s to enco en cour urag age ge la larg rgeescal sc ale le ho hous h usin u ing g inve in vest stme ment nt b byy majo ma jorr de deve velo velope lopers rs.. rs

Phantom Urbanism In U.A.E.? The Phantom Urbanism in U.A.E is the mis-reflection of “Boom and Bust“ within Dubai.




Masdar City



Jumeirah Park








2007 2008

South Korea




Deregulation and easing of taxation to stimulate housing market





Market Cooling Down No more large scale government-led project

Construction Boom

Gove Go vern rnme ment m nt iint ntro rodu duce uced da twotw two o-ti o tier ti ered ere ed e d ssup up uppl plyy sst stra trate rategy gy to d des esig igna nate n te d dev evel elop opme o ment ntss for ne for new w “t “tow townn-in in-t -tow own” wn” a and nd prom pr omot ote e re rede deve velo lopm p pmen entt proj pr ojec ects ts.. The Th e iin incu cumb m mben bentt go gove vvern rnme ment nt took to ok o offi fficce e in 2 201 013 3 tto enco en cour urag age ge ne new w ho hous u usin ing g supp su pply ly a and n nd ffac acil ilit itat ate e ho home me purc pu rcha hase se..

Housin Hous ing g pr pric p ices es peak pe aked ed iin n 20 2007 07

From Fr om 1 199 999, 99, 9 govern gove rnme ment ent appr ap prop opri riat ated ed more mo re c con onst on nstru struct ctio ion n fund fu nd tto o pr prom romot ote e hous ho usin ing g cons co nstr truc ucti tion io on..



The Phantom Capital in Myanmar equals to the political issues of turbulent political environment and unstable government authority. The city reflects the new government’s ambition, however, the unstability of governmental body resulted in the incontinuity and stagnancy of urban development.





Phantom Urbanism In Myanmar? G.T






Phantom Urbanism In Kazakhstan?

After the war, the housing policies address the allocation of housing units as rewards to war veterans and staterelated works. Providing unequitable access to housing for free, where benefited HH profit from sells, while nonstate-related HH affordability issues to access residential units, given the monopoly of social housing, as well as not having access to local credit or loans. Phantom Urbanism happened because of the lacking of financing vehicles that will give mortgage loans to low income and non-related state workers.



Econ Ec onom omic ic g gro rowt wth h ov over er 3 3%; %; N Nom omin inal al intere inte rest st rat rate e be belo low w 10 10% 0%


Re-reg Re-r egul ulat atio tion i n of Downtu Down turn rn no off th the e priv pr ivat ate e re rent ntss on hous ho usin ing g ma mark m rket et;; exis ex isti ting ng c con ontr o trac acts ts Enla En larg rgem emen entt (new (n ew c con ontr trac rra acts acts fre free) e) of p per erso sona nall allo al lowa wanc nce e

4% 2%




Fin F inan anci cial al rref efor orms ms


1988 1989 1990 1991

Housin Hous ing g ma mark m rket et econ ec onom omic icc rece re cess ssio ion n fo forr th the e firs rstt ti time me ssin ince ce 1945 19 45,, in 45 infl fl fla atio ation n rate ra te low lower ower e ttha han n in G Ger Ge erma many any..


SRU S RU Ac Actt (S (Sol ( olid idar arit ityy an and a d Ur Urba ban n Re Rene newa wal) l),, impl im plem emen enti nting ng ssoc ocia ial al mi mixx

End of p End pub ubli u lic c su subs bsid idiz dized ed mort mo rtga gage ge, e, re repl plac aced ed db byy ze z ro zero inte in tere rest st loa loans o ns;; Most Mo st g gen ener nerou ouss fisc scal cal ca al iinc ince ncen enti tive ves es for fo orr b buybuy bu yy-to to-l to o-let let inv inv nves nve esto tors t rs rs.. End En d of iint nter teres estt de dedu duct ctib ibil ilit ityy fo for or home ho mebu buye yers y rs


S bpri Subp Su prime me e ccri risi siss Fi Fisc scal a al p pac acka kage g ge e ((ta taxx cut) cu t) Glob Gl obal al fin nan anci cial al ccri risi sis is in 2 200 008. 8. Stimul Stim ulus us p pac acka kage ge;; F Fall Fa ll o off Dexi De xia a ba bank n nk Fastt reco F Fast rrec ecov over veryy off the th e ma mark rket e et..

From Fr om 2 200 001, 01, H Hou ousi sing ng gp pri rice ce a and nd d rren enta tall sk skyr yroc ocke kete ted d beyyond beyo nd m mos ostt pe peop p ople ple’s l ’s a aff ffor orda rdability dabi abili lity ty. y. Go Gove vern vernme ment nt issu is issued sued ed p pub ubli u licc ho hous usin ing ng fu fund und nd tto o su subs bsid idiz dize ize e


2000 2001 2002

2007 2008 2009 2010

Intere Inte rest st rrat a ates es belo be low w 3. 3.5% 5%. 5 . Ince In cent ntiv ive e fo forr bu buyyto-l to -let let iinv nves esto e tors rs rein re intr trod oduc uced ced..


Econom Econ omic iic ssta tagn g gnat atio io on. N New ew hist hi stor oric ical al llow ow ffor or mor ortg tgag age e in inte ntere rest st rate ra te ((2. 2.95 95% 5%

62,500,000 60,000,000

ALUR AL UR Act Act ((Ho Hous usin ing g Af Affo ford rdab abil ilit ityy and Re and Rene newe ewed d Ur Urba ba an Pl Plan anni ning nin ng), n g), incl in clud udin ing g pr priv ivat ate e re ent ntss re regu gula lati ation on..




Strong Economy Recovery Real Estate Boom & Urban planning Reform

Phantom Urbanism in France? ~26%




Paris 1-4 Arrondissements Urban District

The intrusion and preoccupation of global capitalism into the central location in the top-tier city, Paris. Phantom Urbanism is the result of property controlled by capitalism as investment vehicles rather than living space.

Assett Co Asse Cove vere v red d Se Secu curi uriti ties es A Act ctss cr crea eati ting ng ffra rame mewo work rk k for for cove co vere red db bond bo ndss an and d se secu curi riti tiza zati ation t on Global Glob al fin nan anci cial al ccri risi sis sis in 2 200 008. 8. Coll Co llap apse se o off ba bank nkin ing g sy syst stem em a and n nd S Sta tate te g gua u uara rant ntee ee o off al alll ba bank nk llia iabi bili liti ties es;; Rece Re cess ssio ion n as ccon onst stru ruct ructio ion n an and d re rela late ted d in indu ndust dustri ries es ccol olla o laps psed ed;;

Assett Co Asse Cove vere v red d Se Secu curi uriti ties es A Act ctss cr crea eati ting ng ffra rame r mewo work rk k forr co fo cove vere red ed bo bond ndss an and a d se secu curi riti tiza t zati tion on


Euro iint Euro nto o circ ci rcul ulat atio ion n acco ac comp mpan mpa anie an a ied d by low lo w EC ECB B in inte i tere rest st rate ra tess

10% 8%

Fin F inan anci cial al rref efor orms ms


Hous Ho use e pr pric rice e bu bubb bble le e and ma and mass ssiv sive e gr grow owth th in m mor ortg tgag a age e le lend ndin ing ng

Sing Si ngle le E Eur urop opea ean n Ac Actt 19 1986 86 8

Legisl Legi slat atio ion on in inco corp rpor orat o atin ing g co cons n nsum umer er llaw aw w iint nto o mo mort rtga g gage ge law law ffor o or ““ho hous usin ing g lo loan a ans” s” a an n nd fors ffo rstt C Code Co de o d off C Cond Co nduc ductt on M Mor ortg o tgag t age e Ar Arre A reas r as(C (CCM (CCMA) CMA); A); A) Esta Es tabl blis ishm hmen h entt of N Nat atio iona nall As Asse ssett Ma Mana nage geme ement nt A Age genc ency( ncyy(NA NAMA MA MA)) Inte In terv rven enti ent ttion ion o off th the e Tr Troi T oika ka a and nd d€6 67. 7 7.5b 5bn 5b 5bn. n n.. Cent Ce ntra rall B Bank Ba nk R Ref efor orm m Ac Actt es esta tabl blis ishe hess th the he e Ce Cent ntra rall Ba Bank nk o off Ir Irel elan a and d as th tthe he e ssin ingl gle e un unit it itar aryy bo body dy resp re spon onsi sibl b ble e fo forr bo both tth ccen entr tral al b ban anki king ng a abd b bd fin nan anci cial all rreg egua ualt ltio ion n

Enlarg Enla rgem emen mentt of tthe he e Euro Eu rope pean an nU Uni nion on;; Majo Ma jorr e expa ex xp pan pans pa an nsio nsi nsion i n in nb ban ank ank borr bo rro rrow o ing owin g fr from om a abr broa oad; d; Redefi Rede fini niti ttion on o off affo af ford rdab abil ilit i ityy of m mor ortg rtgag ages es

Mort Mo rtga rtgage ge eA Arr rrea rr ears rs R Res esol es e olut utio ion n Ta Targ T rget etss fo forr mo mort rtga gage ge e llen en ende ders rs ECB EC B Si Sing ngle gle S Sup uper ervi viso isory ry M Mec ech hani ha h nism sm rreg egul gu ulat ates es m mai ain n mo mort rtga gage g ge le lend ender nderss in IIre rela reland nd..



4,500,000 4,250,000 4,000,000

Fina Fi nanc nce eA Actt - en Ac endi ding n ng a all ll m mor ortg tg tgag age e ta taxx re rell ellie iefs fs b byy 2 2017 20 17

Irel Ir rel elan and d jo join oiined ned the Eu the Euro ro zzon one e



3,750,000 3,500,000




1980s: Onward Economic Growth



1997 1998 1999

2001 2002


2012 2013 2014

2007 2008 2009 2010

Strong Economy Recovery Real Estate Boom & Urban planning Reform

Financial deregulation Building Society demutualization

Construction boost by tax-relief scheme




Urban District



Castlemoyne Urban District


Urban District




Phantom Urbanism in Ireland?


The sudden stop of 1998-2007 economic boom and housing price bubble after Ireland’s joining Euro Zone due to 2007 financial crisis led to the collapse of economy and the downturn of real estate market, which creates the “phantom urbanism” in Ireland.











Law La w 9/ 9/20 2007 007 is is th the ed deve de velo lopm pmen me entt of a n new e ew h hou ousi sing ng gp pol olic icyy fo forr vu vuln lner erab able le ep pop opul ulat atio io ion n ca cate tego gor gori ries es..

8% Urba Ur U ban b n re rene enewa wall and an d re rege gene enera rati tion on prog pr ogra ramm mmes m es wer w we ere e intr in trod oduc uced ced b byy La Law w 179/ 17 179/1 9/19 1992 9 92 2

6% 4% 2%



Th The he e It Ital alia ian an go gove vern rnme ment m nt ((le led d by b the th e Pr Prim ime e Mi Mini nist ster er,M ,Mr. Mr. B Ber erlu lusc scon coni) i) defi de fine ned d sso some me m mea easu sure ress to ssup u uppo port rt youn yo ung g co coup ouple les l s an and d ffa fami mili llies es tto o achi ac hiev eve eh home ho me o own wner e ersh ship ip

“F “Fon Fondo ondo S Soc ocia o ociale le per per l’A l’Affi Affi ffitttto to”, to”,, soci so cial al ffun und d fo forr th the e re rent ental al mark ma rket et (in (in n1 199 998 8 La Law w 43 431 1 abol ab olis ishe hed d th the e Re Rent nt A Act ct))







Law (2 Law (222 22/2 2/200 007) 7),, wh whic w ich h fo focu cuse sed sed on the th e di dist stri ribu r buti tion on o off fina nanc ncia iall re reso sour urce cess fo for or p publ pu blic ic h hou ousi sing ng. g. €5 €550 550 mil milli lion io on nw wer ere e as assi sign g gned ed tto o subs su bsid idis ised sed h hou ousi sing ng g tto o re reco cove ver er em empt ptyy d dwel dw elli ling ngs, s, b buy uy a and nd rren e entt ne new w on ones e es,, an and d bu buil uiild d ne new w hous ho usin ing. g.

Law La w 21 in in 20 2001 01 pro promo mote m ted d ne new w no norm rmss to od dea eall wi with th housin hous ing ng gn needs need ne eed edss and and to iinc increase ncre nc reas rea ase as a e th the he nu numb mber berr of of re rent nted e ed d dwe well elli llin ings g gs..

Real Re R all E Est stat tate te Bo Boom B om

4,000,000 3,750,000

Glob Gl obal al fin nan anci cial al ccri risi isis s s in 2 200 008. 8. 8 increa incr easi sing n ng p pri rice cess of d dwe well llin lings ings gs (t ((to to b buy uy a and nd tto o re rent nt)) an and nd ho hous usin sing g tr trad ade e un unti till th the e fina nanc ncia iiall cr cris iisis iis 2 200 00 007 007– 07 7–20 200 2008 20 08 08,, wh when hen n th tthe h he rrea eal al es esta tate te m mar ar arke k kett en ente tere ered d a ph phas hase se off ccri risi isis. is..


2007 2008

Real Estate Boom With housing price increased by 51%







Turin Olympic Village Residential Blocks



TOTAL POPULATION 148,000,000 148,000,000

12% Assett Co Asse Cove Covere red d Se Secu S curi uriti ties es Acts Ac ts ccre reat atin a ing g fr fram amew e ewor ork k forr co fo cove vere ve red rred bo bond ndss an and d secu se curi riti tiza zati ation on Euro Eu E ro iint nto o circ ci cir rcul ulat atio ion on acco ac co comp mpan a anie ied d by low lo w EC ECB B in inte tere errest st rate ra tess

10% 8%

Housin Hous ing g Priv Pr ivit itiz izat atio ion on Mass Ma ss-s -sca cale le e priv pr ivit itis isat atio ion io on of hous ho usin ingb gby gb byy si sitt sitttin ing g tena te ena nant ntss

6% 4%

Laws e Laws ena nabl blin ing ing th the e deve de velo lopm pmen m me entt of m mor ortg o tgag age e fina nanc ncin ing ng g ad adop opte ted. d. Incr In crea ease ease iin n pr prov ovat ate e cons co on nstr truc ucti tion t on

Financ Fina ncia iall Cr Cris isis sis ((19 1997 979 1998 19 98)) Gove Go vern rnme ment m nt ssup uppo port ort curt cu rtai aile led d du due e to bud budge ud u geta tary ry sque sq ueez eze e

Housin Hous ing gC Co Code d de adop ad opte ted d in i 2004 20 04

148,000,000 Global Glob al fin nan anci cial al ccri risi sis s s in 2 200 008. 8.. Anti An ti-c -cri risi ris ssis is me meas asur ures es iin n ho hous usin ing in ng and an d mo mort rtga tgage ge m mar arke rk kett ARHM AR HML L es esta e tabl blis ishe hed d “S “Soc ocia ial“ l“ Mort Mo rtga gage ge e

Securi Secu riti tiza zati ation on o off mo mort ortga gage gess Nati Na Nat tion onal al H Hou ousi ousing ng P Pro roje roject ctss laun la unch ched he ed d iin n 20 2005 05


Declin Decl ine e in nm mor ortg tgag ga age ge lend le ndin ing g ffo foll llow owed ed b byy reco re cove very ry

146,000,000 145,000,000

Decl De clin ine e in nm mor ortg rtgage tgag age ge





1990 1991

1997 1998

2001 2002

2004 2005

Financial Crisis

Housing and mortgage market growing



2007 2008 2009 Housing market followed by recovery



Yuzhnoye Domodedovo Residential Blocks



Phantom Urbanism In Russia? The housing and mortgage sectors started to recover in 2010 after 2008 financial crisis due to series of anticrisis housing measures through adjustments from national banks. The “phantom urbanism” in Russia is a sign of the recovery of housing market in Russia through, however, the lag of recovery of citizen’s purchase power and the unachievable mortgage makes those housing unaffordable to the general public.






Fir F irst st app appro rova vall of M Mor ortg tgag age e Market Mark et Law Law Incr IIn crea easi sing ing llen endi ding di ng comp co mpet etit itio ion n an and d avai av aila labi bill llit ityy of c cre redi re ditt

6% 4%

Asse As sett Co Cove vere vvered d Se Secu Sec curi curiti rities es A Act ctss cr ct crea eati atin ting tin ng framew fram ewor ork rk fo forr co cove vere red r d bo bond nds nds a an and d secu se curi riti tiza zati tion t on

Law La w on rrea e eall es ea esta tate te iinv nves nvestm tmen entt an and d mortga mort gage ge e Intr In trod oduc ucti ttion on o off RE iinv nves estm tmen entt fu fund ndss Law La w on ssub ubog ogat atio ion n of modi mo difi fica cati tion tion o off mo mort rtga r gage ge loan llo anss Law La w on u urb rban r an llea easi sing ng n Redu Re duce cess te tena tenats ts’s ts’ss rrig ight ig ght


Euro Eu ro iint nto o circul circ ulat atio ion n acco ac comp mpan anie nied d by llow ow E ECB CB C inte in tere rest st rrat a ates at es

Laws La ws o on n securi secu riti tiza zati ation on Irreland Irel elan and d jo join oined ed the th he Eu Euro ro zzon one e

Refo Re form rm o off 19 1981 81 m mor ortg ortgag age e ma mark rket et llaw aw. aw. More ffav More avor o orab able le rreg egul ulat atio ions ns ffor o or m mor ortg tgag age e



1986 1990

Enla En larg rgem emen entt of tthe he Europe Euro pean an nU Uni nion on;; Majo Ma jorr ex expa p pans nsio ion n in b ban ank k borr bo rrow owin ing g fr from om a abr broa road; d; Rede Re defi finit niti ni tion tti on no off af affo ford orrdab rdab abil ilit ityy of m mor ortg tgag a ages es

Crea Cr eati tion on o off FO FORB RB Dramat Dram atic ic rred educ ed ucti tion on iin n numb nu mber er o off fina nanc ncia iall inst in stit itut utio ions ns, ns, ma main inly ly S Sav avin ings gs Bank Ba nks. s. Regu Re gula lati tion ons ns on R Ren enta ttall Mark Ma rket et


2001 2002

1998 1999


2007 2008 2009

42,000,000 41,000,000 40,000,000 39,000,000

2012 2013

liberalization of mortgage market with more lenders entering the market 10%



El Canaveral


Mortga Mort gage gee, g e, d deb ebtt rest re stru ruct ctur u urin ing g an and d sso soci cial al rren ents tss Redu Re duct ctio ion on in tthe he n num umbe u berr of fore fo recl clus uste ters t rs a and nd de evi vvict ctio ion n in i 201 013 3


Emergence of mortgage market in 1981

Regu Re gula lati tion ti ons ons on F o Fin inan ina anci an cial al M Mar arke ar ket k t Assist Assi stan ance cce o off 10 100b 0bn bn Reca Re capi p pita tali liza zati tion on o off fina nanc ncia iall in inst nstit itut utio ions ns to rest re stor ore e cco confi nfid den ence ce iin n fina nanc ncia ial al sy syst stem em and flow o off cr cred redit its. s.

Glob Gl obal al fin nan anci an cial al ccri ri risi ris ssis is in 2 200 008. 008 00 8. 8



Phantom Urbanism In Italy? The abrupt financial crisis led to the end of the project when housing demand is shrinking during the downturn of economy.


Urban District






City of Culture of Gallacia Amusement


Residential Blocks




Phantom Urbanism In Spain?



Urban District



El Quino







Ciudad Valdeluz Residential Blocks

The favorable mortgage laws and process to get mortgage loans expand the Spain market, which led to a boom in housing market. When the outstanding growth of housing market supported by vigorous mortgage market ended abruptly in 2008 due to financial crisis, and the credits dried up. The funding constrains resulted in the corruption of some housing projects, which led to “phantom urbanism” in Spain.




10% 8% 6% 4%

End of d End dua uall mo mort rtga gage ge tax tax rrel elie ieff fo forr un unre nrela late ted d 1988 19 88 H Hou ousi sing ng A Act ct iint ntro rodu duc duce cces ces pr priv ivat ate e fina nanc nce e fo for or soci so cial al h hou ousi sing ng Hous Ho use e pr pric ice e bu bubb bble le l and and m mas assi asssive ve grow gr owth th iin n mo mort rtga gage gage g lle len e endi ding ng

Intr In trod oduc ucti ction on of ““Bu BuyBuy Bu yy-to to-L tto o-Let Let” et” mort mo rtga gage g gess

Global Glob al fin nan anci cial al cris cr isis isis iin n 2008 2 20 008 08.. Nati Na tion onal aliz izat i atio ion n of Nort No rthe hern rn nR Roc ock k

Regula Regu lato tors rs addr ad dres esse sess endo en dowm wmen e entt mort mo rtga gage ge e mis mis-s -sel elli ling ng Mort Mo rtga gage ge e tax tax rrel elie ieff en ende ded d

Coalit Coal alitio ion n gove go vern rnme m ment nt cuts cu ts ccap apti ttial al inve in vest stme ment ent ffor or soci so cial al h hou o ousi sing ng and an d in intr trod o oduc uces es the th e af affo ffford rdab dable ble l rent re ntss re regi g gime me..


Fundin Fund ing g ffo forr le lend ndin ing g sche sc heme me iint ntro nt rodu duce ced d


Help He lp tto o Bu Buy B y an and d Guaran Guar ante tees ees iint ntro rodu duce ced d The Mo The Mort rtga tgage ge M Mar ark kett ke Revi Re view ew ccom omes o es iint nto o ef effe fffect ct


United Kindom

60,000,000 57,500,000 55,000,000


19881989 1990

1999 2000



2012 2013 2014


Deregulation and Expension

Post-crisis and recovery



Urban District

Phantom Urbanism In U.K.?



Bishop’s Avenue





The intrusion and preoccupation of global capitalism into the central location in the top-tier city London. Phantom Urbanism is the result of property controlled by capitalism as investment vehicles rather than living space.

Urban District 95%



10% 8% 6%

Housin Hous ing ing a an and d mo mort ortga g gage ge mark ma rket et g gro rowi wing ng

Mass Ma ss-s -sca cale le p pri rivi viti tiza zati ation on Laws La ws e ena nabl blin b ing g th the e de deve d velo lopm pmen ent e t of m mor ortg tgag age a e fina nanc ncin ing i g ad adop opte ted ed Incr In ncrea crease se iin n pr priv ivat ate e co cons nstr truc ucti tion tio on o

4% 2%



Finaci Fina cial al d der ereg e egul ulat atio ion n Buil Bu ildi ding ng S Soc ocie ociety ty dem demut em mutua utuali liza zati tion ion


1990 1991


Lull Lu ll in in co cons nstr n truc ucti tion on,, de decl clin ine e in h hou ouse se p pri rice cess an and d ba bank nk k lend le end ndin ing g

1997 1998

Constr Cons truc ucti cttion on o b boo oost stt b byy ta taxxreli re lief ef ssch chem he e eme e

Global Glob al fin nan anci cial al ccri risi sis s s in 2 200 008. 8. Anti An ti-c -cri risi siss me meas asur ures es iin n housing ho hous usin ing ng g and an d mo mort rtga tg gage ge m mar arke k ket; tt; Decl De clin ine e in nm mor ortg tgag age ge an and d ho hous usin sing g mark ma rket etss fo foll llow owed ed b byy re reco cove very ry

ARHML ARHM L es esta e tabl blis ishe hess “Soc “S ocia ial” l” M Mor ortg tgag age e D clin Decl De liine e iin m mor ortg ttga tgag age a ge lend le ndin ing g fo foll llow owed ed b byy reco re cove very ry

47,500,000 45,000,000 42,500,000


2014 2015


Financial Crisis


-4% -6%

Phantom Urbanism In Ukraine?





New in New init itia iati tive t vess ad adde ded d to enc encou oura rage ge hom home e owne ow ners rshi hip p

Hous Ho usin ing g Re Rest stru ruct ctur urin ring g Ac Actt

4% 2%

New Zealand

The abrupt financial crisis led to the end of the project when housing demand is shrinking during the downturn of economy.





1988 1990


The Ac The Acco comm mmod odat atio ion on Su Supp pple leme m ment nt w was as b bas ased ed o on n in inco ncome me Govern Gove rnme m ment nt ccom ompe pens ensat ate e th the e HC HCNZ NZ ffor or llos osss of and an d as asse sets ts tes tests ts and and d ccou ould ld b be e ut util iliz ized ed ffor or a ass ssis ista tanc nce ce in inco in come me ccre reat ated ed tthr hrou o ough gh tthe he n new ew iinc ncom ome e re rela late ted d meet me etin iing g tth the he cost cost of of st stat ate e or p pri rriva ivate te ssec ecto tor or re rent ntal all o orr to towa ward rds ds re rent ntss po poli llicy icy.. F Furt Fu rthe h her, rr, tthe h he ssto tock ck ko off pu publ bli bl blic iic h hou ousi sing ing home ho me o own wner ersh ship ip.. wass on wa once ce ea aga gain in tto o rri rise se w wit ith h th the e go gove vern rnme m ment nt putt pu ttin ing g in np pla la lace ce a ssch chem cch eme e to p pur urch ur chas ase, e, llea ease ea se A in inte terv rven enti ntion onis istt so soci cial c al d dem emoc ocra crati ticc st styl yle e ho hous usin ing g an and d bu buil ild ld fu furt rthe herr pu publ ublic ic h hou ousi sing ing.. Th The e me meas easu asur u ure e wass is wa issu sued e ed wass a ta wa targ rget geted ed o one ne a and nd ttoo ook k iin into to a acc ccou ount n nt b bot oth h The Th e Hou Hous Ho H usin ing i g Ne New N w Ze Zeal Zealan land d Co Corp C rpor rporat orat atio ion n th the e in inco come m me o off pa part rtne n ners rs a and nd a any n ny iinc ncom ome e fr from om (HNZ (H NZC) C) ffor orme o med d to rrep epla e lace ce tthe he H Hou ousi sing ng saving savi sa ving ngs. s. B Bud udge gett al also so o iint ntro rodu duce ced ced th the e Ki Kiwi wi w B Ban ank k New Ne w Ze Zeal Zea alan a and and (H a (HNZ NZ) NZ) an and d th the e re rema remain mainss of es esta tabl blis ishm ish hmen h ment. entt. en t the th e ol old d Ho Hous ousin ing g Co Corp rrpor orat atio ion. n.

1999 2000 2001



Increa Incr ease se iin n th the e ma maxi ximu imum m ho hous usin sing g lo loan anss adva ad vanc nced ed db byy th the e St Stat ate a e Ad Adva vanc nces ces C Cor orpo pora rati r tion on,, lowllo w-in iinte tere rest est lloa oans ns ffor o or llow ow iinc ncom o ome e ffa fami mili ili lies e es,, an and d esta es tabl blis ishm hmen mentt of a aho h home me ssav avin ings ngs ssch chem eme e th thro roug ugh h the th e Po Post ost O Offi ffi ffic cce e Sa Savi avi ving vin ngs ngs Ba Bank nk..

5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000

Phantom Urbanism In New Zealand?


Urban District





Changes in housing policy where state shift responsibilities to the private and semi public entities jeopardize a continuity to provide housing units to meet demand. Phantom Urbanism happens in the middle of political reforms happening that did not consider households income levels and affordability.

portfolio of work

43 44

2018 A te terr rrit itor oria rial i l pl plan anni ning ng ng llaw aw ((La Law w 3/ 3/04 04 of of 20 2004 04)) ca call llss ffo forr th the e cr crea ea eati tion on o off na nati ation onal al,, pr prov ovin o inci cial al a and nd dm mun unic icip ipal al a deve de velo lopm pmen entt pl plan pla anss to a all llow ow ffor o or m mor ore e or orde rderl rlyy pl plan anni nning ngth thre ree e ye year ars. s.



New Ne w la land nd d llaw aw ((La Law La w 9/ 9/04 04 o off 20 2004 004) 04), 4))), w whi hich hi ch he est st stab abli lish shes es e tthe he d dif iffe if fere erent nt ttyp yp ypes ess o off la land nd rrig ight ig ghtss th that at ccan an a b be e gr gran ante nted d by the st the stat ate ate an and d st stip ipul ulat a ates es ttha hatt in info nform rmal rmally ly o occ ccup upie ied d la land and n nee eeds dss tto o be rreg egul ular u aris ised ed w wit ithi thin n th thre ree e yye year ars. s.


Form Fo F For rmat atio tiion n off M Min iinis iistr try t y off U Urb rban banis a ism i m an and a d Ho Hous H usin ing, i g, a N Nat atio tiona i nall Ho Hous H usin ing i g In Inst Instit tit itut ute te (I (IN (INH N NH) H)











usin us ing g

Fram Fr amew ewor ew e ork ork la o law w fo forr ho hous usin ing g (L (Law (Law 3 3/0 /07 /07 of of 2 200 007) 007) d defi efi efin nin ing ing th the e di diff ffer eren rent en nt iin inst nst stru rume ment nt nts ts th that at a are re tto o be u use sed sed to t g gua uara uarant ntee ee tthi his his ri righ rig ght, ght gh ght, t ssuc uch uch as tthe he ccre reat eatio ion n of a ssys yste tem m off ccre redi ditt fo forr ho hous usin ing. g. T Thi hiss la law w re repr pres pres p esen ents ts tthe he h ssta tatu tuto tory ryy b bas asis is ffor or the H Hou ousi sing n ng D Dev evel elop opme pment nt F Fun und nd (F (FFH FH). ).


Housin Hous ing g De Deve velo elopm lopm pmen mentt Fu Fund nd ((FF FFH) H) ((De Decr cree c ee 5 54/ 4/09 09 o off 20 2009 09)) to ssup uppo port rt the fin nan anci cing ng o off so soci cial al a h hou ousi sing ng ffor or llow ow inco in come me h hou ous ouse ou sseho hold lds. s. s In 2 201 010, 0, a an n el elec ecti tion on nw was as a ann nnou ounc nced ed b byy tth the e go gove vern rnme nment nt,, ho how weve we w ver, r, e end nded ed e w wit ith h sh sham am. a . Th The e ju junt nta a decl de d clar lared ed d tthe he e h ele llect ctio tiion on ma mark rked ked d tthe he ttra h rans nsit itio iti it tiion n fr ffrom om m mil ilit il itar itaryy ru rule lle e tto o ci civi ivili ili lian an nd dem emoc ocra racy ccy..

14% 12%

Refo Re form rm tthe he h a adm dmin inis istr strat ativ ive e pr proc oces o esse sess fo forr regist regi ster erin ing in ng an and d tr tra tran a ansf nsf sfer erri ring ng p pro rope ro pert rtyy thro th roug ugh h tth the e cr crea eati tion on o off a Gu Guic iché ché Ú Úni nico co A ne new w ur urb ban ba b n re rent ntal al llaw aw ((La Law w (Pre (P resi side dent n ntia iall De Decr cree ee e5 52/ 2/11 11 o off 20 2011 11)) 26/15 26/1 5 of 201 015) 5), ), ap appr pprov p oved ed iin n Octo Oc tobe berr 2 2015 20 15,, wh whic ich ch re requ quir ires ess New Ne w la laws wss o on n no nota tari ries es e a and nd rrea ealt ltor orss that th at rren enta ta al pa paym ymen ents tss b be e in (Law (L aw 8 8/1 /11 /1 1 off 2 201 2011 011 011 an and and d La Law w 14 14/1 14/12 /12 of the th e co coun untttr try’ y’s ’s cu curr rren ency ncy iins nste ttead ad d 2012 20 12), ), llib iber beral aliz izin ing g th the he pr prop oper erty ty t m mar arke ket, t, of U US S do dolllar arss an and d th that hat d dow own n allo al llow lowi wing ng g ffor or tthe he p pri riva vate v te a act ctiv ivit ivity ity. ty. y paym pa ymen ents tss ssho houl uld db be e llim imit ited ed tto o a ma maxi ximu mu um of 6 m mon o onth thss A ne new w la law w on u urb rban an np pro rope pert rtyy ta taxx (L (Law aw 18/1 18 /11 1 off 2 201 011) 01 1) rred educ ducei u eing ing tthe h he ccos ostt off tran tr ansf sfer erri ring n ng p pro rope pert rty. ty.

10% 8% 6% 4% 2% -2%



2006 2007

2009 2010 2011

26,000,000 24,000,000 22,000,000 20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000








Urban District



Nova Cidale de Kilamba




G.T 0%

Urbanizacao Praia Amelia


Villas 100%


Urban District



Zango 8000











Urbanizacao Baia Farta Villas



Urban District




Centralidade Do Lobito



Centralidade Da Quilemba Urban District


INFRA 100%


12% 10% 8%

100,000,000 90,000,000

In 2 201 012, 2,, tthe he m min inis istr try ry of H Hou ousi sing ng ga ann nnou oun nced nc n ed tthe he constr cons truc ucti tion t on o off 27 27,1 ,100 100 a apa part rtme ment m ntss of 7 70 0 m2 ssur urfa face cce area ar ea e eac ach h in ssev even en n new ew ttow owns nss a aro roun und d Eg gyp ypt. t.


The Th he go gove vern ernme ment nt’s ’s iint nten enti tion on of re revi vita tali lliza zati ation on tthe he h p pri riva r vate te rrea eall-es l esta e tate te sector sect or a ass a ke keyy to e eco ccono nomi micc re eco cove very ry and an nd tto o re repl plac ace e co cont ntro rols lss w wit ith h “inc “i incen ncenti tive tivve-b vve e-bas based ased rreg egul egulat atio ions ns” ns””, tto o at attr trac actt in inve vest stme ment men nts n nts an and d a mo more more busi bu sine ness ss-f --fri rien endl dlyy en envi viro ronm nmen en nt.


A ne new w urba ban n re rent ntal a al llaw aw ((La Law w 26 26/1 /15 5 of 2 201 015) 5),, approv appr ove e ed iin n Oc Octo tobe ber b r 20 2015 15,, wh whic ich h re requ quir uires es ttha hatt rent re ntal al p pa a ayme ay ment ntss be be iin n th the e co coun ou untr un try try’ yy’ss cu curr rrren rency cy inst in stea ead do of U US S do doll llar a arss an and d th that a at d dow own n pa paym aymen ents ts shou sh ould ld be li limi mite ted d to t am max axim imum um o off 6 m mont months hs

4% 2% 1982 1983




2011 20 11,, ap appe pear p aran ance ce o off on onee-mi mill llio iionn-un unit it S Soc o ocia iall Ho Hous usin ing ng Progra Prog ram, m, a ann nnou ounc nced ed b byy th the em mi mini nist ster er o off ho hous usin ing, g, w wit ith ha sche sc h heme me tto o re rele lleas ase e 10 100 1 100, 0 0,00 00 p plo llots ts t o off lla land nd d iin n ne new w to town own w ffor or affo af ford rdab able le eh hou ousi sing ng.. N tion Nati Na tional all S Soc ocia iiall H Ho Hous u usin ing i g Pr Prog P ogra rram m

In 2 200 000, 0, ssev even en ““th thir ird rd ge gene nera rati tion ion”” citi ci ties es w wer ere re la laun unch ched ed e a and nd a als lso o cons co nsis iste ted d en enti tire rely ly o off pr prov ovin inci cial al a sist si ster er ttow owns wns.5 .5 In In to tota tal, t l, tthe here re are ar e cu curr rren entl e tlyy 23 N New ew e U Urb rban an Comm Co mmun unit nitie iess (N (NUC UCs) Cs) a acr cros osss E Eg Egyp ypt, t, and an d an anot othe therr five a are re eu und nder erwa way, ay, brin br ingi ging ng tthe hem m to a ttot otal al o off 28 8 NUCs NU Cs.. Cs


Seven “First Generation“ new cities, consisting of free-standing cities with independent economic bases.




Nine “Secod Generation“ new cities, consisting of satellite cities with “twin towns“, as sister towns of provincial cities.



5-year Plan


2011 2012 2013

70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000


5-year Plan





New Cairo Urban District



Urban District

Phantom Urbanism In Egypt? The Phantom Urbanism in Egypt is a serious negative effect of the large allocation of scare government funds to the new town programs and its urban expension as well as its neglect of investments in existing cities and towns, which makes Egyptians in deteriorating urban conditions less and less able to afford the housing in new towns.



TOTAL POPULATION 14 you young ng gm men en ffro rom m th the e sl slum umss se sett of offf bombss in bomb n tthe he ccen ente ter er of C Cas asab abla blanc nca a in Mayy 20 Ma M 2003 03,, ki 03 kill llin lli iing g 45 p peo eopl ple le in iincl clud ludin diing g them th emse selv lves ves.. The Th e “c “cit citie ties es wi w thou with t out out sl slum s ums” u s” s w was as as llau la aunc aunche ched ed afte af ter. r. In 2 200 004, 4, K Kin ing g Mo Moha hamm ammed ed V VII ttold h told his iis g gov ov over ernm nmen ent nt tto rrem emov mo ove ve alll th al the e co coun ountr try’ y’ss sl slum ums ms wi with thin in eigh ei ghtt ye year ars. ars.

10% 8% 6% Cons Co nsti sttitu tuttti tuti tu tion on o off 19 199 1996 1 9 96: 6: Guaran Guar ante a tees ees p pri riva rivate te prop pr oper erty rty rrig ight hts. hts.

4% 2% 1990


2003 2004


Stra St rate tegi tegie e Na Nati tion onal ale e de Develo Deve lopp ppem pemen entt Ur Urba bain b in:: Emph Em E phas hasis iiss o on n th the e cr crea eati e ti tion on of rreg egio iona nal al gr grow owth th p pol oles es and an a d co comp mpet petit etitiv tive e ci citi c ties t es w whi hile le e prom pr ompt ptin ing g so soci cial al ccoh o ohes esio ion n and th and the e ef effi ffici cien entt us use e of reso re sour urc urce ces. ss.

Slum Sl um R Rem emov moval al w was as h hal alff down.. down Abou Ab boutt 43 3 per perce cent ntt o off th the e near ne arly ly 3 300 0 00,0 ,000 00 ffam amil milie i iess tall ta llie ied ed ass lliv ivin ing g in u urb rrban ba an shan sh anti ties es h hav ave e be been en reho re ehous hous used ed. d.

2007 2008


2014 20 14 F Fin inan na ance ce llaw aw:: T The Th e sa sale le p pri rrice ce p per er ssqu q quar are e meterr off h mete hou ousi sing ng ffo or tthe o he m mid iddl d dle e cl clas asss wa wass li limi mite ted d tto M MAD AD60 AD 6000 00 all all ttax axxes iinc nclu lude l ded ded in i tthe he h 2 201 013 013 Fina Fi nanc nce e lla law. w. T The he 2 20 014 01 0 4 Fi Fina nanc nce ce la law w in incr crea e ease sed d th this is maxi ma axim mp pr pric ice ce to M MA AD60 AD A 6000 6000 e exc xclu cludi uding d ng g ttax axes axes. es. 2015 F 2015 Fin inan ance ce llaw aw:: Rent Re ntal al h ho o ousi ou sing ng ttar arge arg ar gete ge g ted d at tthe h he e llow ow a and nd lowe lo ow werr midd ddle le-c -cla lass sses e es b ben enefi efitted ed ffro rom m taxx exem ta exem mpt ptio ions ns w wit ith h th the e co cond ndit ditio ion n to resp re spec ectt a ce ceil ilin ing g re rent ental al p pri rice ce

35,000,000 32,500,000 30,000,000 27,500,000 25,000,000

2014 2015

30 towns have been cleared of slums 300,000 families are rehoused

Phantom Urbanism In Morocco? Within the context of slum clearance directed by the government and royal family, the failure to address the affordability of rehoused citizens, in an overestimated way, led to the phantom urbanism in Morocco.



New City of Tamesna City


GDP GROWTH Popu Po pula larr Ho Hous usin ing g Fo Foun unda dati tion on ((FC FCP) P) create crea ted d to pro provi vide de m mor ore e ho hous usin sing g un unit itss and an d IA IAPs Ps.. Ps Nati Na tion onal al H Hou ousi sing ng A Act ct Susp Su spen pend d re rent nt c con ontr trol t ols, s, m mak akin ing ng al alll rent re ntss ma mark rket et rat rate. e.

10% 8% 6%

The Th e ho hous usin using g po poli lici cies ies w wer ere e produc prod uced ed e b byy th the e IA IAPs APs ((Re Reti tire reme ement nt and an d Pe Pens nsio ions ns IIns nsti titu tute t tes) s),, wh whic ich ch we were re allo al lowe lo wed ed to b buy uy llan an and nd an and d pr prod pro oduc o od duce ce hous ho usin ing g as p par artt of a sstr trat ateg egyy of inve in vest stin ing g th the e as asse sets ts t obt obtai aine ned d by the th e Br Braz azil ziilia ian n ne new w pe pens p nsio ion n sy syst stem s em,, cons co nsid ider erin ering g th the e we weak eakne ness ss o off th the e Braz Br azil ilia ian n fina nanc ncia iall sy syst s stem em a att th the t e ti time me

Cens Ce nsus us - 3 35 5M reside resi denc nces es e ((80 80% % hous ho use e un unit nits, s, 2 20% 0% apar ap artm tmen ents nts ts,, 10 10% % rura ru rall dw dwel elli e ling ngs) s)

Nati Na N tion ional all H Hou ousi sing ing B Ban ank k (B (BNH NH) NH) establ esta blis ishe hed d to sti stimu mula ulate te sav savin ings gs tto o fina nanc nce e ho home h me c con onst on nstr stru sttrruct ructio ion n th thro roug r ugh h lead le adin ing g in inst instit stitut ut utio ions ns..

4% 2%


1945 1964 1965 1990



The Th e Fe Fede dera erall go gove vern rnme nment nt,, turn u turn urb rban an a p pol olic icie iess th that at cons co nsid ider ered ed e pla plann nnin ing, ng, regu reg re gula g lati la tion tio on a o and nd d dir irec ire ir ect e ct fina nanc ncin ing g an and d in inve vest stme s ment ntss in h hou ousi sing ng. n . At tthe he ssam ame a e time ti me,, be besi side s dess fe fede dera rali r lizi zing ng this th is n new ew pol polic icyy ag agen enda e da,, the th e re rece cen cent ent n p per erio eriod iod empo em powe were red r d pr priv ivat ate e comp co mpan panie ies es in tthe he d del eliv iver eryy of h hou ousi sing ng n a and nd u urb rban ban poli po olic lici cies es..


“Cre “C reat atio ion n of the Mi the Mini nist stry s ry o off Citi Ci ties es,, cr crea reate ted d to p pro romo rom ro mote m mo ote a and nd exte ex tend nd m mun unic icip ipal al capa ca paci citi ties es, e , in grea gr eatt part pa rt a ass a resp re spon onse ons se se tto o fede fe dera rall p poli po lici cies es,, fina nanc ncin cin ing g and and ince in cent en ntiv ives es” e ”


Crea Cr eati tion on no off th the e Na Nati tion t onal al S Sys yste tem em of S Soc ocia iall Ho Hous usin ing g ((S (SNH NHIS IS)) ga gain ainin ing g nati na tion onal al p pla lans ns – h hou ousi o sing ng iin n 20 2007 007 (Pla (P lanH nHab nHa ab), a b), ) ssol olid olid w was aste aste iin a n 20 2011 201 11 11 (PNR (P NRS) S),, u urba ur ban n mo mobi b bili lity ty iin n 20 2012 1 12 (PNM (P NMU) U) and and ssan anit itat at atio ion n in 2 201 013 13 (Pla (P Pla lanS nSab ab). b). T Tog oget ethe her er th they ey ffor orme m med da syst sy stem em o off fe fede dera rall re regu gula lati tion onss ov over er poli po lici cies es ttra radi raditi tion onal ona ally alllyy ffor ormu ormula late lated ted and an d im impl plem emen ente nte ted d byy lloc lo ocal al gove go g vern rnme m ment ents nts, s, p pro romo moti m ting ng g tthe he e urba ur urban ban n po poli o olicy licy cy a age agenda gend nda da , enhanc enha en hanc an ncin cing g cohe co hesi sion on nb bet etwe ween en p pol olic icie iess an and nd redu re d duci cing ing g tter erri rito ittori rial iall iine nequ qual alit lit iti itie iies. es.


A ne new w sc sche cheme me,, th the e fe fede dera rall bank ((CE bank CEF) EF) h hir ired ed d dir irec ectl tlyy th the e comp co mpan anie iess in tto o di diff iffer eren entt form fo rmat at

Poli Po liti tica call a an and d fisc scal al ccri risi siss

TOTAL POPULATION 210,000,000 195,000,000 180,000,000 165,000,000 150,000,000



Phantom Urbanism In Morocco?




Rio Olympic Village

Phantom urbanism happened because stated issued policies that abolished rent-restrictions based on income levels replacing them by market-rate rents which werent affordable by HHs.


Residential Blocks


INFONA INFO NAVI VIT, T, a ass it iiss is c cal alle led d by iits tss acr acron onym ym in S Spa pani nish sh,, is ffed eder eral al o org rgan aniz izat atio ion n th that at w was as esta es tabl blis ishe hed d in 1 197 972 2 to op pro rovi vide de w wor orke kerr ho hous usin sing g cred cr edit it iin n Me Mexi xico co tto o ma maqu aquil ilad ador ora a em empl ploy oyee ees, s, s and an d ot othe herr in indi divi vidu dual alss em empl e ploy oyed ed iin n th the e fo form rmal mal sect se ctor or o off th the e co coun untr try’ try yy’ss ec econ onom omyy


The Th e Co Comi misi sión ón nN Nac acio iona nall pa para ra e ell Fo Fome ment nto oa la V Viv ivie viend nda a (C (CON ONAF O AFOV OVI) I) was was c cre reat ated ed e in in Ju July ly 2001 20 2 01.. It was was a o ori rigi gina nall llyy ch char arge ged d wi with w th ““th the e desi de sign gn,, co coor ordi dina nati tion ion,, pr prom omot otio o ion n an and d impl im plem emen menta tati tion on of tthe he F Fed eder ed e eral al G Gov ov over vernm nmen ent’ ent tt’ss ho hous usin ing g poli po lici icies es a and nd p pro rogr gram amss


The pr The prod oduc ucti u tion on o off ho hous h usin ing g an and d es espe peci cial ally lly l p pub ubli licc hous ho usin ing gh hass in ha incr crea ease ssed d no nota tabl blyy si sinc nce e 20 2001 0 01,, The Th e Go Gove vern ernme ment nt’s ’s e eff ffor orts ts h had ad a an n op oper erat atio tiiona nall over ov erha haul ul a att IN INFO FONA NAVI AVIT, T, tthe he llar a arge gest st p pub ubli llicc mort mo rtga gage ge eb ban ank; k; the the ed dev evel elop opme ment m nt o off co co-fina nanc ncin ing g pr prod oduc ucts ts a and nd a ssec ec econ o onda dary ry ((mo mort mo rtga gage ge-back ba cked ed ssec e ecur urit itie ies) s) m mar arke ket; t; a and nd d tthe he ccre reat atio tiion n of a guar gu aran ante tee e pr prog ogra ram, m, o ope pera rate ted d by a s e eco cond ond nd-t -tie tie ierr deve de velo lopm pmen mentt ba bank nk..

tthe he ccou ount ntry try’s ’s 2 200 0077-20 2012 2 12 N Nat atio iona nall Deve De velo lopm pmen mentt Pl Plan an ((Go Gobi G bier erno no F Fed eder eral al,, 2007)) st 2007 stat ates tes ““pr prom omot otin o ing g th the e de deve evelo lopm pmen ent nt of tthe he h hou ousi using ng a and nd ccon onst stru ruct ctio ion on se sect ctor orss iis a ce cent ntra rall e elem el emen entt off tthe he A Adm dmin inis nistr trat atio ion’ n’ss stra st rate tegy gy.” gy .”







The cr The crea eati ttion on iin n 20 2013 13 of of a si sing ngle le m min inis istr tryy ta task sked ed with wi th h hou ousi sing s ng a and nd u urb rrban an p pol olic icyy (t (the he M Min inis istr stryy of Agra Ag grari rian an,, Te Terr rrit itor oria iall an and d Ur Urba ban n De Deve velo lopm pmen pment, t,, SEDA SE DATU TU)) si sign gnal alle led d an iimp mpor orta tant ant sste tep p to towa ward w rd a more mo re ccoo-or oo ordi dina nate ted d rre resp spon onse onse to th the e co coun untr ntry’ y’ss urba ur ban n ch chal a alle leng nges es

Deve De velo lopm pm pmen mentt Ba Bank nks ks we went nt ffro rom m granti gran ting ng a alm lmos lmostt no o lloa oans oans a att al all all to 55,5 55 ,537 37 loa lo oans ns iin n 20 2005 0 05;; 54 54,1 ,119 19 in in 2007 20 07;; an and d 88 88,6 ,671 71 in in 20 2008 2008. 08.. The Th e nu numb mber ber o off mo mort rrtga gage gess is issu ssued ed in tthe he ccou ount untry ry iinc ncre creas ased ed b byy 12 126 26 perc pe rcen entt ov over o er tthe he 2 200 0000 00-20 2008 08 peri pe riod od..

The firs The rstt M Mexi Me xica can n Mo Mort rtga g gage g ge Back Ba cked ed S Sec ecuritie ecur urit itie iess (M (MBS BS)) were we re iss issue ued u d in 2 200 003 03


2007 2008

Comprehensive policy package geared towards promoting housing finance, construction and ownership

Nation Nati onal al U Urb rban an D Dev evvel elop opme ment ntt Prog Pr ogra ram2 m201 20144-18 18,, th his rrep epor ortt id iden i enti tifi fies five sstr trat ateg e egie iess to h he elp el e p “g “get et ccit itie iiess ri righ ght” t” – th that at iis, ss, fivve e pr prio iori riti tiies ffor or u urb rban rb an a p pol olic ol icyy that th at ccou ould ld dh hav ave e a siign gnifi ificcan antt im impa mpact ct o on n the th e co comp mpet petit itiv iven enes esss an and d su sust stai a aina nabi bili lity ty of ccit itie iess

2012 2013 2014


Inclus Incl usio iona nary ary zzon onin ing g as a an n ov over erwh rwhel elmi ming ngly gly a ssub ubur urba b ban n phen ph enom omen enon on,, li limi mite ted ed mo most stly ly tto o af affl flue uent nt ssub ubur urbs bs w wit ith h vibr vi bran antt ho hous ousin ing g ma mark rket ets s

Sect Se ctio ion n 8 of tthe he Housin Hous ing g AC ACT T issu is sued ed.. Hous Ho usin ing g Ac Actt of 1949 1949 1965 19 65 1968 19 68 Crea Cr eati tion on o off Comm Co mmun unit ityy Deve De velo lopm pmen entt Bl Bloc ock k Gran Gr G antt P Prog Pr ogra ram m (CDB (C DBG) G)

8% 6% 4%

Census Cens us - H Hou ousi sing ng S Sup uppl plyy exce ex ceed edss de dema d mand nd b byy more mo re ttha han ha n 10 100% 0%. 0%. 66 66.2 66.2% 2% of a all ll u uni nits ts t wer were e ow owne wnerroccu oc cupi pied ed. d. Av Avg g HH ssiz ize e 2. 2.9 9 peop pe ople le..

Cong Co ngre ress sss c cre reat reated ed a ssec econ econd d block bloc k gr gran ant a t pr prog ogra ram, m, m the th e HO HOME ME Inv Inves estm tmen ent e t Part Pa rtne ners rshi h hip p pr prog ogra ram. m. m


1999 2000


United States

125,000,000 110,000,000 95,000,000 80,000,000

Phantom Urbanism In Mexico? Within the context of slum clearance directed by the government and royal family, the failure to address the affordability of rehoused citizens, in an overestimated way, led to the phantom urbanism in Morocco.


Inclus Incl usio iona nary ary p pro rogr gram ams a s ha have ve p pro rodu duce ced d 80 80,0 8 ,000 00 tto o 90 90,0 9 ,000 00 new ne w ho hous usin sing g un unit itss n nati na tion onal ally ly,, wi with th a abo bout utt 6 65, 5,00 000 0 lo loca ocate ted d in ssta ta tate tess tth that at m man anda an date te p pro rovi ro visi si sion on o o off af affo fo ford rdab rrd able le h hou ou ousi usi sing ng ng.. The Th e am amou ount unt o off af affo ford ordab r able le h hou ousi using ng p pro rodu d duce ced d th thro roug u ugh h incl in clus usio iona nary ary zzon onin ing g is d dir irec ectl tlyy ti tied ed tto o th the e vo volu lume me o off ma mark rket et-rate ra te rres esiden esid denti tial al ccon on onst struct stru ctio io,, an and nd wi with th tthe he ep pro rovi visi sion on no off addi ad diti tion onal al a ssou ourc rces es o off su subs bsid idy. y..

Congre Cong ress sss a and nd H HUD UD D iini niti tiat ated ed a n new ew p pro rogr gram g am call ca lled ed tthe he eR Ren enta tall As Assi ssist stan ance ce D Dem emon onst stra rati ttion on (RAD (R AD)) pr prog rogra og o ram. ram m. m U Und nder nder tthe he d dem emon emonst stra rati tion tio on o prog pr ogra ram ram, m, e m, eli li ligi gib gibl bep ble pu publ blic ic h hou ousi ssing ng p pro rope pe ert rtie iess are ar e re rede deve velo v lope ped d in n ccon onju junc ncti tion on o w wit ith h pr priiiv ivat ate e deve de velo lope pers ers a and nd iinv nves vesto tors rs..

2% 1937 1949 1974






National Urban Development Programme 2014-2018

National Urban Development Programme 2007-2012

Colinas de Santa Fe Residential Blocks


Phantom Urbanism In Angola? The Phantom Urbanism in Angola results from the explosive expansion of housing market in the country due to the influx of foreign investments. The lag of provision of infrastructure, property management, and more importantly, a legislative system to protect the tenants and investors has been lacking.




New Ta New Taxx La Law. w. IInt ntro rodu d duce cess th the e mort mo rtga gage g ge iint nter eres estt d dedu de duct ctio ion n in m mor ortg or tgag tg age ag a e de debt bt u use sed se d to purc pu rcha hase se eo orr im impr prov ove ve it a ass an iite temi mize zed d de dedu duct ctio tion. n. T Thi hiss cap ca p af affe fect ct ctss ho home me p pur urch chas ases es made ma de a aft fter ter e D Dec ecem embe ber b r 14 14,, 2017 20 17.A 17 .Als Als lso, so, o T Tax ax e exc xclu xclusi usion on ffor or capi ca pita tall ga gain ainss fr from om tthe he ssal ale e of ap prim pr imar aryy re resi side denc nce, e e, a ass we well ll as a all llow owin ing ng th the e de dedu d duct ctio ion n of repl re plac acem emen mentt re rese serv rve. ve.

350,000,000 325,000,000 300,000,000 275,000,000 250,000,000


The mortgage crisis and subsequent collapse of the housing market



Phantom Urbanism In United States? United States real estate market is dominated by financial reasons- the upturn of the market brings more construction, while downturn leads to undersold projects. Private developers are the driving force of this market.

NYC Unoccipied Units 100%

Residential Blocks



California City Urban District 100%





Tao Sawgrass Hospitality Complex


GDP GROWTH 10% 8% 6% 4%

Founda Foun dati tion on o off “W “Wor orke kers rs B Ban ank” k” - P Pub ubli lic c Agen Ag ency cy of of th the e Fe Fede dera rall Go Gove vern rnme ment nt Housin Hous ing g pr prog ogra ram m fo forr lo low w cost co st hou housi sing ng tto o pr prom omot ote e cons co nstr truc ucti tion on w wit ith ith lo long ng llas asti asting ng mate ma teri rial alss Gove Go vern rnme ment nt intr in trod oduc uced ed n new ew low low inte in tere rest st hou housi sing ng loan lo oan anss

Hous Ho usin ing g pr prov p ovis isio ion n of of 3M u uni nits ts thr throu ough ghou out ut th the e coun co untr tryy

Presid Pres iden entt Ch Chav avez ezz intr in trod oduc uces es e ““Ur Urba ban an Land La nd C Com ommi om mmitt ttee ees” ees ess”to tto redi re dist stri ribu bute ute a and nd d ffor orma rmali lize ze land la nd d dee eeds eds.. (F (For orma o mali aliza zati tion on of ssqu quat atti ting ing))

2% 1928 1958 1981 1982




Natu Na tura rall di disa d sast ster er o off ra rain r infa fall llss - im impa pact ct llow ow iinc ncom ome e hous ho usin ing g Foun Fo unda dati tion ion o off “F “Fun unda ndaca cara raca cas” ss” P Pub ubli licc Ag Agen gency cy forr Ur fo Urba ban an Pl Plan anni ning ng gb byy de demo mocr ccrat atiz izin ing g ur urba rban n spac sp ace. e. R Rev e evol olut utin iniz ize e ho hous usin ing ga allo al loca cati tion on iin n cent ce nter er o off th the e ccit it ity, y, p pro rovi ro vidi ding ng e equ quit qu ityy of u urb rban rb an spac sp ace e fo forr lo low w in inco come m me llev evel els. s. “Gra “G Gra ran n Mi Miss ssio sssion n Vi Vivi vien vie enda en enda Venezu Vene zuel ela” a a”St Stat ate e so soci ccial al p pro roje ject ct iiss foun fo unde ded d to t p pro rovi vide de eh hou ousi sing ng,, ma main m inly ly fund ffu un nded ded db byy St Stat S ate e re reve venu v nues es ((Oi Oil Oil reve re venu ven nues es). ). IImp mpro rove veme m ment nt a and nd ccre reat atio ion n of n new ew h hou ousi o using ng

2010 2011 2012

Priv Pr ivat atiz izat atio iion n of S Soc ocia iiall Housin Hous ing gP Poli Po licy cy.. Se Sell llin iing g so some me soci so cial al h hou ousi using ng p pro roje ject ectss to be ffun unde ded de d by C Chi hine nese ese B Ban anks ks loan lo ans, s, tto o ad addr a dres esss ch chro hroni nicc hous ho usin ing gd de defi fici cit, t, ffoc ocus us o on n priv pr ivat ate e se sect ector or and and d ttra rade r de d lled ed d grow gr owth th



TOTAL POPULATION 32,000,000 28,000,000 25,000,000 22,000,000 19,000,000

Phantom Urbanism In Venezuela? G.T

Ciudad Caribia

Within the context of slum clearance directed by the government and royal family, the failure to address the affordability of rehoused citizens, in an overestimated way, led to the phantom urbanism in Morocco.


Housing Slump General recession (Debt Crisis)

Residential Blocks

Phantom Urbanism In Mexico?


Social housing is provided as a physical space investment to redistribute the oil revenues by accumulating capital in real estate and commercial markets. Phantom urbanism occurs when householders cannot access housing due to recession or loan credits, while

PHANTOM URBANISM ECONOMETRIC PATTERNS Steady Growth Pattern _ Statistics support the investment and development based in positive patterns of growth. Phantom Urbanism because of exogenous factors such as: Obsolescence or Top down Policy



Interrupted Growth Pattern _ Statistics support the initial investment based in positive patterns but show negative trends that enforces the unsuccessful economic situation to access the project, given the restrictions in expenditures. Phantom Urbanism due to economic contraction and possibly financial crisis.


Induced Growth Pattern _ Statistics and growth patterns don’t support the investment based in economic-political situation. However, new developments induce faster demand growth rate for products and services produced by the local industries, fostering new economic forces that lead to a GDP growth improvement.




Negative Growth Pattern _ Statistics show contraction in the market and GDP growth, that don’t support the investment. Nonetheless, new developments are promoted by political incentives. Phantom Urbanism due to top down Policy implementation disregard market demand or Household affordability.

Rio Vista New York City Unoccupied Units Tao Sawgrass California City Rio 2016 Olympic Village Colinas de Santa Fe Vozdvizhenka








City of Culture of Galicia



El Cañaveral El Quiñón Ciruena Ensanche de Vallecas









Bishop's Avenue



Ciudad Valdeluz Yuzhnoye (Southern) Domodedovo Castlemoyne housing estate Keshcarrigan

E Adamstown Paris 1-4 Arrondissements Lideco Urban Area Jumeirah Park Songdo Tata Value Homes Zhengdong New Area Tianducheng Hallstatt Tourism Town Caofeidian Meixi Lake City Chenggong New Area Yujiapu Financial District Kang Bashi District New Cairo Westtown Shannon Valley housing estate Riyue Bay Ciudad Caribia Zango 8000 Centralidade Do Lobito Centralidade Da Quilemba





Urbanização Praia Amélia


Urbanização Baía Farta Tamesna Nova Cidale de Kilamba

PHANTOM URBANISM POLICY PATTERNS Top Down Urban Policy _Political Effective Demand_Householders’ Affordability Intent Rapid and induced urbanization, to accomondate more urba population through top-down mandates, without interaction to economic drivers. Incongruencies between the governments’ ambition and its relatively moderate urbanzation rate within the context of centralshaped urban system.

Explosive expansion of housing market in the country due to the influx of foreign investments. The lag of provision of infrastructure, property management, and more importantly, a legislative system to protect the tenants and investors to secure affordability

Turin athlete's village for Winter Olympics

Market Bubble_Weak regulation over rates

Inmature Policies_Financial Liability

Rising supply in of housing provision in the market lead by the government policy without overseing effective demand borrowing-capacity (debt-payment rates) given low interest rates, induced a market bubble.

Phantom Urbanism due to rapid Infrastructure Deficiencies economic growth but relatively Economic Crisis immature real estate market lacking Turbulent Political Events strong legislative protections for investors causes the incontinuity of property development and the following operation mechanisms.

Project Based _Exogenous Political Factors

Masdar City Astana Central District Perumbakkam Tenements Naypyidaw 0%









Public Equity Financing - Self-raised funds

Public Equity Financing - Local/Foreign capital

Public Equity Financing -Stock Financing

Public Debt Financing -Domestic Loans

Public Debt Financing -Foreign Loans

Public Debt Financing -Bond Financing

Private Equity Financing -Self-raised funds

Private Equity Financing -Local/Foreign capital

Public Equity Financing -Stock Financing

Private Debt Financing -Domestic Loans

Private Debt Financing -Foreign Loans

Fiscal Revenue

Local/Foreign capital

Domestic Loans

Bond Financing

Stock Financing



Self-raised funds



Foreign Loans

FUNDING SOURCES LEGENDPublic Equity Financing -Fiscal Revenue

Private Debt Financing -Bond Financing

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Burma
















South Korea





New Zealand























Projects fall within this category when the upfront cost or long-term maintenance of properties does not meet market expectations. These types of projects can often revive after the cost has been lowered if there is enough market demand. One of the most significant project in this category is Nova Cidade de Kilamba, where after the government introduced easier mortgage and lowered prices, Kilamba was quickly occupied.

Projects fall within this category when the developer wrongly determined the amount of demand in the market, leading to developers constructing much larger projects than what the market is capable of absorbing. This often leads to empty pockets within the project and lowered consumer confidence. This type of projects is the hardest to revive, as they present challenges with maintaining empty units and failed reputation.

Projects fall within this category when developers experience a lack of funding either to begin with or experienced disruptions in cashflow mid project. This often leads to a long project development cycle, sometimes leading to delayed delivery date, forcing developers to abandon the project before it is finished. This type of projects can be revived with enough funding and market upturn.

Projects fall within this category when a large amount of political scandals and corruptions leads to the project closing.

Projects fall within this category when the political environment for which the project is situated in experience major turbulence or change. These types of project generally fail due to them not being able to coup with the new regime/political structure, and many of them remain unfinished. Consumer confidence in these areas are also mostly low. If the market is to stabilize, these projects could be revived.

Projects fall within this category when political decisions impacted the development or construction of the project. These projects either violated regulations or experienced a lack of policy to support their on-going efforts. They can be revived by introducing new policies that promote development or solve existing issues. Many Angolan projects are revived due to the newly introduced housing policies.

Projects fall within this category when the location of the project is either too far, or too inconvenient for existing population to travel/relocate to. As land is cheap in more rural areas, many new urban centers are developed further away from city centers. These projects can be revived with time: as infrastructure is constructed to improve connectivity, and naturally be inhabited as long as they are well maintained.

Projects fall within this category when the constructed buildings are of poor quality, sometimes unsuitable for human living. Many government affordable housing projects suffers from this trait, where buildings are generally constructed prioritizing speed rather than quality. Many larger scale urban projects feature the same cookie-cutter buildings that looks and feels the same without any sort of personality.

Projects fall within this category when the surrounding infrastructure such as roads, water, sewage, electricity, schools, hospitals, and public amenities are severely lacking. This generally leads to dormitory towns that does not feature any activity in the nearby neighborhood. By constructing sufficient infrastructure around these projects, they can generally be revived into populated communities.





Public opinions on these projects varies, but are generally very hard to restore, resulting in the project sitting empty for long periods of time. With time, however, these projects can be restored if enough reconstruction has been done.
























portfolio of work

45 46

Extinction of Small Retails in Old Community


05 COMMUNITY FOR BAZAAR Proposal For Small Retail To Thrive In Modern Community Tongji 2016 Autumn Urban Design Studio Instructor: Prof. Lu Di Site: North Bund, Shanghai, Chian Group Work Collaborator: Shen Yibing Contribution: Concept 80%, Analysis 90%, Redering 100%

Current large shopping mall has endagered traditional small business. Meanwhile, the old community, which small retails rely on, is continously removed from the map due to urban development and soaring land price. In the past, when small retail takes the leading role in our daily lives, it is quite convenient to be to buy stuff from storage dwonstairs and chat with owner for a while. Small retails in old community contribute to the liveliness of community lives and hamonious relationship between neibourhood. Our goal is to find a way to help small retails thrive in modern community, where small retail can serve as a metaphor to encourage rich urban life, and seek a way to survive in modern economy. This may prove that small-retail can still exist in new modern Shanghai as an important part of urban life, in its unique way.

portfolio of work

47 48

Block Comparison


SITE OVERVIEW The site is located near in the North Bund area, one of three CBD in Shanghai. However, on contrary to the commercial thriving in CBD, old community in North Bund is inhibited from development. On the other side, this enables it to hold some memory of old Shanghai, such as small business.


DIVERSITY OF SMALL RETAIL Site Mapping of small retail and infrastructure

Photographic document of small-retail



Small-scale Retail Grocery Cigarrete Food and Snacks Daily-Consuming products Drinks

Medical Care

Anything needed in your daily life can be found here

Community Clinic Priviate Clinic Pharmacy

Florist’s Store

Education & Learn HongKou No.1 Primary School

Vegetable & Fruit

North Hong Kou Senior School



Fruit Butcher’s


Water Supply Station








Small-scale Service

7.500 上

Vehicle Fixing/Care


Lock Pick/Lock Fixing Noodles

Curtain/Interior Fixtures





Barber’s Shop

SiChuan cuisine restaurant

Express Delivery


Public Bathroom

Fried stick shop(only in the morning)

Small Hotel

local cuisine snacks

it is amazing to see such a rich diversity of small-scale in the site. However, under the pressure of modern shopping such as grand shopping mall and supermarket, the small-scale retail has lost

LongJiang Building

HongKou Commercial Chamber

North Bund 1926 Creative Center

Yangzi River Buidling



Chinese Chess Room




many customers and business is bad.

LIVE WITH SMALL RETAIL Small Retails In Old Community 01.Urban small retail

Study Of Small-Scale Form in Old Community

Study Of Small-Scale Form in Old Community

Study Of Small-Scale Form in Old Community

3.Self-Construction Retail in Dwelling Unit

03.Retail units

3.Self-Construction Retail in Dwelling Unit

3.Self-Construction Retail in Dwelling Unit

1.Retail Facing City 1.Retail Facing City

1.Retail Facing City

3.Self-Construction Retail in Dwelling Unit

Study Of Small-Scale Form in Old Community 1.1 3.1


1.Retail Facing City


1.1 Neat Facade



Neat Facade


Substition Substition

Neat Facade


1.1 3.1


1.2 1.2

Neat Facade

Frontyard(TianJing) Substition

Stores on the ground floor


Commodity Occuping

Commodity Occuping

Stores transformed from living unit




Commodity Occuping

Addtion Addtion

1.2 2.Retail in in Community 2.Retail Community


Commodity Occuping


2.Retail in Community

02. Retail in community

04. Temporary stalls Addtion

2.Retail in Community 2.1

2.1 Neat Street Facade

Neat Street Facade








Neat Street Facade












Neat Street Facade

Stores and stalls


2.3 Commodity External Expansion



External Expansion

Temporary stalls without a fixed store or place.




External Expansion

External Expansion



External Expansion

External Expansion

2.4 External Expansion

2.4 External Expansion

For those small-scale owners, community is not only where they make a living, but also a place to live. The liveliness and convenience of small retail contributes a lot to the vigor of urban and community life.

portfolio of work

49 50

LOGIC OF SPATIAL ORGANIZATION Four main communities is introduced into site to accommodate different basic functions needed and create public spaces on three level: City, Community and Building. Small retails are also distributed according to this. Public plaza for market and preserved church is organized within the system along the river side, take advantage of the water and open to the city. Open places in community are formed by building in each block for small retail in community. Roof is used as continuous platform easily approached by residence in the same building can be place for residence to open their own small business.

1. Preserved Building

2. Street Rearrangement


3. Block Division

4. Connection Of Public

5.Building And Void

6. First-floor Retail




Free Market Citizens nearby gather here, which stimulates urban liveness and cooperation.

Waterfront Taking advantage of water and view, small retail was organized along riverside. Riverside is designed with multi-functional purpose to meet different need with water, providing place for recreation and relaxation.

Church Square The church with more than a hundred year is preserved and serves as a landmark where people gather and remind them of the history of site. The Square closely connected with the market square on the east-south corner and is easily accessed.


Community Plaza Residents in the same community share it, providing chance to meet and socialize.

Community Market This provides places for community bazaar, stimulate community communication and collaboration.

Community Garden Retails like cafe, restaurant can have a garden now.


Transformated Lilong Unit Most residence in Lilong are local. They transform part of their living unit into store to make a living. Business on the boundary stimulates the vigor of church square.

Roof Store Some of the units on the top is transformed into storage to provide convenience for the residents.

Self-managed Roof Market Residence buy commodity sold on the roof, which brings more interaction and provides possibility for collaboration between neighborhood.

portfolio of work

51 52


Mechanism support small retail and stimulate community cooperation Current Situation

(-)Needs of Consumption

Community Reisdents

Small-scale Retail

Modern Retail (Shopping Mall,Online TaoBao)


New Balance ail






a oc


a er




Collaboration Urban Citizen

Community Reisdents

Small-scale Retail

(+)Needs of Consumption Se







There used to exist a balance between small-retail and community where it took toot. This balance is broken by intrusion of modern retail such as big-scale shopping malls where various pleasure could be found at one stop. Consumption from community, the most important market, shrunk. To reset the balance between them, here is three guidelines: 1. Multi-function 2. Aggregation and reorganization of local small-retail 3. Participation from general residence

portfolio of work

53 54

What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It's not what you see that is art; Art is the gap. ---Marcel Duchamp

Conjunction of modern art and everyday life


06Living Dichotomy LiLong MOMA A Rethinking of Paradox Between Chaotic Daily Life and Modern Art Tongji 2013 Spring Architecture Core Studio Instructor: Prof. Chen Hong Site Location: Shanghai, China Building Area: 2000m2 Individual Work

This project make attempts to rethink over the role the relationship between art and real life. As a modern art museum in Lilong community( an unique living community in Shanghai ). This special condition provides a chance. The void in the museum acts as Long makes a shortcut for Lilong residents, served with infrastructure and public space. The most daily events like sitting, chatting with friends, square dancing, shopping happen in Lilong now can take place here, as a unique background for modern art. On the same time, art is also accessible everyday on their daily path. Art and life as two contrary facts, take place at the same time. It is believed that art is generated from life. However, abstractness and profoundness of modern art alienate general public from understanding them. Nebulous boundary makes a sharp contrast between cool art and worldly life by directly putting them together.

portfolio of work

55 56


Site Plans of a Few Lilong Settlements Source: Sheng, Hua, Shanghai Lilong Housing,1987

"...what touches you most in Lilong is its most daily scene. Such king of affection is not magnificent, but tiny things, accumulating day by day. In rows by rows of lanes, something most ordinary and most unexpected happens, tiny issues, continuously. Those pieces of fragments can compose big images of Lilong. This is what Lilong impressed you deeply..." ---Wang AnYiďźŒShanghai Local Writer


Quilt Making Taji exercising


Home-made Food Stall

Hair Washing Math Teaching

Chatting(with portable toilet handled)

Sunshiine lying

Chess Playing Wandering

Shoe Repairing


Long - Stage For Daily lives The Lilong is a typical housing compound in Shanghai where traditional custom and life style in Shanghai has been preserved . The alley between rational-organized rows of housing is called Long. The architecture maps a gradation from the most public to the most private spheres, with nebulous boundaries rather than strict boundaries. As a consequence, residence treat Long as their communal sitting room, where you can find variety of lively scene of live put on the stage of Long. The Long space can be seen as a museum for local custom. The phenomenon that privatization of public alley phenomenon leads to the idea that daily scene of lives can makes the most special exhibition in Lilong MOMA. And the juxtaposition of worldly lives and aloof modern art would have a sharp contrast. The reaction of Modern Art and Life, which is supposed to be closely related in essence, is expected.


Inner City Of Shanghai


View from urban street 57 58

portfolio of work

Paper Model : Paper Structure Formed By Gravity



Different Curve (formed by different distance and cutting edge)

Path Generation

Downside Up ! Space formed

Several try on the organization of path and how path can form the space

Accessibility & Connection


Public Alley & Open Space

"Long" Path


Space Generation

2.5 1.5

Museum Program



Open Space Down

residence movement

Long Space is the allay where people walking through and scene of daily lives happen. Based on the observation and analysis of behavior, emotion and sense of Lilong residence, a "Long" space is created in museum. Flow of people is like a knife, cutting the surface of site. This strategy is trying to make the juxtaposition of daily chaos and modern art possible and produce sharp contrast by directly organize them together, also in an intersecting way.


Public Transportation

Vertical Connection

Urban Exhibition

Leisure Urban Exhibition & Modern Art




Stall & Market

Public Transportation

portfolio of work

59 60

-1.50 -3.50








0.00 -3.50

Ground Plan


Between Modern Art And Everyday Life The boundary is designed to be nebulous. Landscape stairs serve to combine museum space and inner alley together. Two spaces are separated by nebulous glass. Consequently, one space can be the background of the other. Everyday Life scene is the background of a piece of aloof art work.


Maman and Dama: Challenges To The Definition Of Art Defining art is difficult. Maman is regarded as a masterpiece of Louise Bourgeois, which generally regarded as art. Square dancing is a popular practice among middle-age ladies in China. This originates from their passionate concern and interest for their life with technical skills to perform dancing, may also be regarded as art.

Juxtaposition of Lilong Life and Modern Art Here is the question now. Who makes the exhibition of a modern museum? The marvelous but aloof art work? The lively scene of lives happening? Or the visitors? Art is abstracted from life in essence. Space in modern museum and Long area, though with indeed sharp contrast, on appearance, is actually of the same nature. They are both reflection of life itself.

portfolio of work

61 62

"Long" intervened in Museum

Appreciating Art Works

Grandma lying in the sun Public stairs for sitting

SPACIAL INTERSECTION Between Modern Art And Everyday Life Museum space and Lilong space intertwined with each other. Some times museum takes the leading role while sometimes the opposite. This stimulate an active dialogue between 2 spaces.



Temporary Stall Children playing



Walking through

Section of "Long"

View from Inside of Museum

portfolio of work

63 64



Jiangsu Tianquan Lake: Senior Living / 2015 Intern Project in Perkins Eastman, Shanghai Location: Tianquan Lake, Jiangsu Province Construction Area: 6500m2 Group Work Interior Design: Documents, Rendering, Diagram


Tianquan Lake Senior Living Chinese Treatment Interior Design

East Elevation

South Elevation

West Elevation

North Elevation

Rendering of Chinese Treatment

portfolio of work

65 66

Portfolio of Chen Li

9 Peabody Terrace Cambridge United States of America, MA +1(617)230-4541

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