Food Waste Analysis

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Food Waste

Chen Taihong, Jie Mi | IXD - 230 | Erin Malone

40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten.

By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times, 2018.

Improper Planning Inappropriate Storage “Ugly� Food

Annual estimated cost of $218 billion. That is on average 400 pounds of food per person every year.

By JoAnne Berkenkamp, 2017

Primary Research

Daly City Farmers' Market

Alemany Farmer's Market SF-Marin Food Bank

Annie Green Almond/Plum

Mao Sheng Vegetable

Ravie Kiwi

Alex Strawberry

Lauren Carrot/Vegetable

Mark Seelig - Food Bank Public Relations Manager

Annie - Green Almond/Plum People are wired in us. people think the food have to be perfect. perfection. purity of food. brazil have more than 20 shapes of banana. each food has their own taste. I would love to try they all. but sometimes is hard for us. I feel bad for wasting food too. America are spoiled and they are scared to try new things.

Mao Sheng - Vegetable give to other vender. Most of extra food is feed to goat, chicken. Animals. Not much to waste because we are small farm. Eat, give to neighbor. Pull it to soil and make new plants.

Elizabeth - Orange American like things is a certain way. For the color, shape have to be perfect. The “defect” orange is may keep rubbing by other branch during growing. Branch get mix, it’s like scar as human. Inside is perfect fine, but nobody like how it is look like. Taste still good too. The imperfect fruit may go to grocery store, restaurant, juice bar. We do donate to homeless shelter. Food program named “food runner”. They get donate from us in the end of day and give to someone who really need it. Or with lower price. We pay for growing product. We can’t waste it. We are not like grocery store. They have ability to take what they lost. Our is doesn’t matter the food is ugly or not, they are all same price. These are all growing from trees.

Lauren - Carrot/Vegetable Looks dierent throughout year. Same price all year around. But people still buy them. $2 around per bunch. Around a pound. Sale whatever they grow. If past harvest time, they may going bad in the ďŹ eld. South of San Jose. Close to the coast. If not sell out, the foods go to market, There have few market in the town everyday. There is always have opportunity to sale it. Pretty much everytime will sell out.

Alex - Strawberry Lots of waste can be sustainable. Lots of food does not look aesthetic as an other. Even some strawberry has blemish, but they still taste good as others. They can be donated, recycle… For us if we don’t sell them all, we feed it to pig, horses, sheep or other animals. And animals will take poo, going to dirt. It is going to nature compost. It’s may take time, but it’s the best way instead of throw it away. We try to be very cautions for what we do. Jusco sell strawberry to Costco. But they may throw things away. We need to educated they how to to sustainable about foods. We already know how much we gonna sale. We will bring enough for the market. Today we borrow extra bc we will give it for free. Some of strawberry is already rotten/old. Need to sale/ give is away right now. I been come here for years. I know how much I will sale. I plant it every week. We have strawberry every week. 4-6 month to grow a strawberry. There is ten people in the farm. Each person take care of their part. Everything is well organized in the farm. We already know how to do everything. Make sure they have enough enough watering. One week to finish one portion, take other four months to grow. Use 8 months non-stop to plants. The main boss already knows everything, then he give us, supervisor to take care of each part. Food runners. They come every market to gather foods. Then they give it to homeless. “Would you guys want to donate something?”

Mark Seelig Public Relations Manager Donator: Farmer, grower, packer through Cali. Sometimes in other state, or Mexico. People give us tons of food every day. Financial donation. Some money from federal government. Majority: Community. Fundraiser. Corporation (Target, sale sports, Wells Fargo, Facebook). Donation. Prepare: We pay for the packing and transportation if they give us food. Get donated money/funds and buy food that we don’t get donated. Buy grain, meat, protein, eggs in bulk. Big space. Volunteer to help. Record: How many pound. How many foods in order to give enough for next time Location: Churches, community centers, school (pick-up drop-o kids). They can just walk down to the street to grab food and leave. Audience: 15% homeless. 85% Family with children are mainly need help. & Senior. Duration: Once a week. During Pick-up: People can pick up whatever food by themselves. (Give people respect)

Identity check: They just straight reach us out. Identify neighborhood. Looking data. But the most time people just raise hands up and said “I am hungry”. We don’t do background check. No report to government. Make sure they can still alive. Safety Check: Every food picks by hands. Mob the floor every day. Clean it very consistently. The cleanest food bank nearby. Target: Recording to us that We have to be efficient, very clean, to be very honest, to hard every day. 96% goes right to the program. Charity navigator give people full stars for us. Always top of list. Not give them bad food to feed them, but health food keeps them strong. Facts: The reason that not sale: bruise, too big, too small. 15% for homeless 85% for people don’t have enough money even though they already work for two/three jobs. People can’t cut half of rent or Electricity fee, so they have to cut the food off. They may be skipping lunch or dinner to avoid the cost. 40,000 volunteer 2017. Need more people volunteer.

Solve problem: We create a menu for them to do nutrition & cooking. Distribute food and send out to the community. (260 Pantry) Doctor give advice patient to see a clinic and eat certain things. Hypertension or obesity. Teach them how to eat well. nutrition. Cook. Restriction for pick-up food: Sometime have a sign. Or told by volunteer. Certain number of food depends on inventory Propagandize: Word of mouth. Go to elementary school to teach them how to cook food. Right in the quad in university and give fresh products. (College Hunger) Pain points: People have to cut meal to survival in the town. Biggest issue/problem is you should be embarrassed to come and pick-up food. We are don’t have a great system and we don’t ask a lot of question. We believe there is way more people that really need our support. Not enough place to set pantry.

Secondary Research

In 2012, NRDC published a groundbreaking report that revealed that up to 40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten. That is on average 400 pounds of food per person every year. Not only is that irresponsible—it’s expensive. Growing, processing, transporting, and disposing that uneaten food has an annual estimated cost of $218 billion, costing a household of four an average of $1,800 annually. How does food waste affect other industries. In the United States, about 30 to 40 percent of all food is not eaten. About 95 percent of that wasted food, 38 million tons in 2014, ends up in landfills or incinerators, where it produces methane, a gas that is one of the most potent contributors to climate change. National Call to Action! 10 Strategies for Achieving U.S. Food Waste Reduction Goals An estimated 43 billion pounds of food were wasted in US retail stores in 2008.29 This is particularly disconcerting given that in 2013, 14.3 percent of American households were food insecure.30 Most of the loss in retail operations is in perishables including baked goods, produce, meat, seafood and prepared meals.31 The USDA estimates that supermarkets lose $15 billion annually in unsold fruit and vegetables alone.32 Unfortunately, wasteful practices in the retail industry are often viewed as good business strategies. Some of the main drivers for food loss at retail stores include: overstocked product displays, expectation of cosmetic perfection, oversized packages, the availability of prepared food until closing, expired "sell by" dates, damaged goods, outdated seasonal items, over purchasing of unpopular foods and low staffing.33 Currently, only 10 percent of edible wasted food is recovered each year in the US.34 Barriers to recovering food are liability concerns, distribution and storage logistics, and funds needed for gleaning, collecting, packaging and distribution. The Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, signed into law in 1996, provides legal liability protection for food donors and recipients and tax benefits for participating businesses. However, awareness about this law and trust in the protections it offers remains low.35 the defination of the food waste problem Generally, food loss or food waste is food that is pooduring any of the four stages of the food supply chain: (1) growers, (2) processors, (3) retailers, and (4) consumers.

Farm Getting the crop out of the field is the expensive part Agricultural value chain

Errors in industrial processing and keeping up with food safety policies biggest driving factor for food wastage is the protocol on food safety.The food safety protocols give no room for error in industrial processing or any other compromise that diminish quality of the final food products. As such, the confusions and errors during industrial processing of food mean that all food items that don’t meet the set standards are wasted. Food processing companies have to comply with high food safety regulations and must thus establish no error margins. In complying with the food safety policies, the companies in the sector end up creating waste as any small error means the food will be rejected even if it’s simply due to imperfection in appearance or shape. Overcooking, c, packaging defects, trial runs, and wrong sizes and weights are some of the aspects resulting in imperfection and the eventual rejection of the foods.

Managerial, financial and technical constrain The wastage takes place because of the constraints to do with lack proper management, inadequate finances, and technical difficulties in the lines of harvesting methods, storage and cooling problems in adverse weather conditions, processing, packaging, infrastructure, and marketing systems.

Supermarket/Wholesale “Sell By” Date Labels Confuse Customers, Increase Food Waste An estimated 43 billion pounds of food were wasted in US retail stores in 2008.29 This is particularly disconcerting given that in 2013, 14.3 percent of American households were food insecure.30 Most of the loss in retail operations is in perishables including baked goods, produce, meat, seafood and prepared meals.31 The USDA estimates that supermarkets lose $15 billion annually in unsold fruit and vegetables alone.32 Unfortunately, wasteful practices in the retail industry are often viewed as good business strategies. Some of the main drivers for food loss at retail stores include: overstocked product displays, expectation of cosmetic perfection, oversized packages, the availability of prepared food until closing, expired "sell by" dates, damaged goods, outdated seasonal items, over purchasing of unpopular foods and low staffing.33 Currently, only 10 percent of edible wasted food is recovered each year in the US.34 Barriers to recovering food are liability concerns, distribution and storage logistics, and funds needed for gleaning, collecting, packaging and distribution. The Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, signed into law in 1996, provides legal liability protection for food donors and recipients and tax benefits for participating businesses. However, awareness about this law and trust in the protections it offers remains low.35 Details of the food waste

Topic : Farm and supermarket food waste ( production process)

Aftereffect and the attribution for the wasted food. The bill also includes $1 million for food banks to expand their refrigerated storage and transport capacity. Meanwhile, New York lawmakers already have approved a food waste measure long sought by farmers and anti-hunger activists: a tax credit for farmers who donate unharvested food to food banks. The credit will reimburse farmers for a quarter of the wholesale cost of their contributions, up to $5,000 a year. Vermont, the least populous of the five, began phasing in its organic waste ban in 2014, applying it to businesses that produced more than 104 tons of organic waste a year. In 2020, when the law will apply to all Vermont businesses and residents, it will be illegal to send any organic waste to landfills. ( How did government intervene the food waste issue).

Cost can be a big factor in donation practices. Getting the crop out of the field is the expensive part. If something reaches the packinghouse that doesn’t have an immediate market destination, many growers are happy to donate highly perishable produce. However, they cannot afford to harvest a crop for the purpose of donation. Additionally, transporting a donation off the farm is often not feasible. ( the disconnection between the farm to donation) Here’s how states are working to curb food waste

Government part: Hunger harvest (organization) US Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Department of Agriculture

Transportation: Imports by airplane have a substantial impact on global warming pollution. In 2005, the import of fruits, nuts, and vegetables into California by airplane released more than 70,000 tons of CO2, which is equivalent to more than 12,000 cars on the road.

There have been countless reports on the amount of food lost and wasted during the food production cycle, including reports by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). However, there is no certainty behind how much is actually lost at each stage of the food supply chain.

Transportation also lends a hand in contributing to the waste produced in the food supply chain. The main culprit behind food loss in this area is through improper storage whilst transporting goods. Grace Communications Foundation state that perishable foods are particularly vulnerable to food loss due to the need for refrigeration and transportation, particularly in developing countries. To add to this, pest infestations in shipping containers as well as food spoilage from sitting too long at loading docks leads to the occurrence of food loss. It is also believed that the main culprit behind food waste during transportation is through the rejection of perishable foods. If another buyer can’t be found, large amounts of food can be thrown out.

Storing Meat: Red meat: Refrigerat: 2-3 days. Freezer: 1-12 monthes. Store meat in the coldest part of the refrigerator. For a longer time: Preferably in vacuum. For a shorter time: Preferably kept ‘aired’ under a piece of cloth. SHORT TIME –AIRY LONG TIME – VACUUM Buyers : Suppliers

Consumer On an average day, an average American wasted a little less than a pound of food (422 grams, to be exact). That represented a dietary loss of more than 800 calories per person per day. we Americans wasted just over 25 percent of our food between 2007 and 2014. Although we did a decent job of finishing up our nuts and seeds (only 12 percent wasted) and potatoes (about 16 percent wasted), we were not as careful with seafood (nearly 35 percent wasted), whole fruit (almost 33 percent wasted) and soups (30 percent wasted). Americans even wasted 23 percent of our bacon, 26 percent of our grain-based desserts (think cookies, cakes and brownies), and 29 percent of our salty snacks. Each year, just short of 4.2 trillion gallons of water were used to produce all this uneaten food. That includes nearly 1.3 trillion gallons of water to grow uneaten fruits and 1 trillion gallons of water to grow uneaten vegetables. In addition, farmers used 1.8 billion pounds of nitrogen fertilizer (which affects marine and terrestrial ecosystems), 1.5 billion pounds of phosphorus fertilizer (which can feed algal blooms that are dangerous to fish) and 2.3 billion pounds of potassium-containing potash fertilizer annually to grow these wasted crops. They also applied nearly 780 million pounds of pesticide to protect food that never passed our lips. One way to reduce food waste is to buy fewer perishable goods and choose canned or packaged foods that have a longer shelf life. But these items often contain more sodium, saturated fat and added sugar. Label about “sell by,” “use by” and “best before” . 21 percent of the food each person buys goes to waste, with the average American family of four spending $1,800 per year on food that they don’t eat and each individual toss about 20 pounds of food per month, adding up to 238 pounds of wasted food a year.

Concept Map

Concept Map


send to

inappropriate delivery service by



deliver to




Food Wasting






inappropriate safety protocols




Biodiversity loss Acceleration ofclimate change Wastage of the 1/3 of the world fertile land areas

Resident packaging defects

Economic consequences

inappropriate storage

Waste water

lack of appropriate planning Taste bad Forget to eat

not cooking properly Over-preparing

Over-stocking inappropriate storage unwilling to consume leftovers consumer level, retail, wasted water, energy, fertilizers, cropland, and production costs.

Jie Mi

Acceleration of climate change Wastage 1/3 land “ugly” food

Waste water

improper storage not appropriate planning

Poverty conflicts for



Food wasted


Economic consequences


Farmer grower


Grocery Store



donate food to

CalFreshh Government

Teach them to how to eat well

Food Bank support

corporation Word to mouth Different institution

advertise by

Schools Religious Community Local Government Local Health Clinic Local Resident

contact with

Set up booth in public space

Local Community distribute by by

Volunteer Info about: CalFresh Outreach pick up

deliver Food and Vegetable to


Students Residents Workers

Journey Map

Journey Map - donate food

Delighted He finds few his He finds few his favorite fruits in favorite fruits in the grocery. the grocery.





He goes to market and start shopping. Lots of food in the shelves run of food

Plan what to buy lots of people in the grocery store.

George just back home and wants cook something, he wants to eat something, but nothing in refrig

He check his refrig out to make sure what kind of food he needs to buy

finish shopping and back home. He starts enjoy his favorite Even though the

follow the instrution, he all his alomst-rotten foods inside of the kiosk, he feels less guilty to buy good amount foods.

fruits looks very tasty, he start miss he starts go to his father plants work, and most lots of mango in time he eat outside the backyrad he relized lots of food he bought that he haven’t get chance to eat, but some of it start have black spot.

suddenly, he remember there is a kiosk few blocks away from his house. The ads said “Donate your food, bright our future.�

he is trying to finish it, but some parts of fruits are start rotten, he has to throw some fruits away.

he saw some people stop by and put some vege. inside. So he decided to try it.

Journey Map - pick up food


The staff greeting him ardently


stress from work


he decidec to try it out




He has two jobs in order to feed his family, but he don’t have enough money His kids said he wants to to buy health/good foods eat mango, but it’s too expensive for them. He is busy with work and family, he can only get two meals a day.

His kids said school have a booth that give people free foods in food bank

There is several kinds of vege and fruits, grain, even dairy and meat.

He is so happy about it because his kids and family will able to filling their stomachs.

Tell the news to his friends and family.

Journey Map - donate food


(Cheerful) He find mango is on sale which is his son’s favoraite fruit. So he purchase a big box of mango.





run of food (unhappy) George just back home and wants to eat something, but there is nothing left except a big bag with rotten apple and moldy tomato in refrig.

Throw food away

(upset) He throw the foods to trash can, and start to think what he wants to eat.

Plan what to buy

(exhaust) He write a list to make sure he will purchase everything he needs when he get of second job.

Food on sale

(Delighted) He feels very satisfied because he use his EBT card to purchase the food. He just needs to pay little bit money for it.

Purchase with EBT

(Questionable) George remember there is a big machine named “Food ATM”, and always have some people around it. Because of name, he want to check it what is Food ATM about it. Struggle about food (Regret) After a week, half of box mango haven’t eat and the peel start turn to black. George regrets that he bought big amount fruits.

Food ATM

(Disburden) He bring his mango and, follows the instructions of the “Food ATM”. Finally, he is able to “save” the food inside of the kiosk. He feels released that he is not waste food this time.


Log in/Sign up

Donate Food Donate Food


For Fruit/Vegetables




Donate Food

Donate Food

What kind of foods you want to donate ?

Level of the freshness

Please enter the number below the food Keep Cooling

Fruits Notes

I am not sure

How do we work?

Press the button then the door will be open ! A


Good condition

B Normal condition



Take your food out then do not forget to close the door.

Eatable condition

keep in normal temperature

Pick up Food


About us


Log in/Sign up

The facts of food waste Donate Food

Relieve hunger How do we work?

Just feel hungry Need energy

Pick up Food

40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten.

5 6





Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , .


What bring you to here today

2 3 4

leave some feedbacks Would you like to fill out the survey

Donation process ow Join us Log in/Sign up

Find Food

Ways to Give

Join us

Take Action


Donate Food Donate Food Donate Food What kind of foods you want to donate ? Fruits

Donate Food

Join us

Join us



Choose the Level of Freshness


Enter the number

Please enter the number below the food

A Good condition



B Normal condition


Press the button then the door will be opened ! Take your food out then do not forget to close the door.

Pick up Food


C Accrptable condition

Join us

About us

Target audience define Page




3 4






Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , . 123

Choose the type of food donors want to donate

The donors can choose the freshness of the food they want to donate


Enter the number showed under the door

Donation process flow Join us

Join us

Join us

Join us Learn more


What did your put in ? Amount


1 3






Describe Your Food you are almost there!

Iteamʼs name


Back Back

Back Back


Describe Your Food All Set! Thank you for helping us with relive hunger

In 2012, NRDC published a groundbreaking report that revealed that up to 40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten. That is on average 400 pounds of food per person every year. Not only is that irresponsible—itʼs expensive. Growing, processing, transporting, and disposing that uneaten food has an annual estimated cost of $218 billion, costing a household of four an average of $1,800 annually.

You will receive 10 credit from our webiste

I bought these these food on Thursday, they are still fresh !

Would you like an email receipt? Notes: Please write down a few words to describe the food you put in !



3 4







Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , . 123

Chose the amount of the food you donated

The facts about food waste



3 4







Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , . 123

Write down the desciption of the food which you donated So that the receiver will feel safer



3 4







Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Succeed! Z X C V B N M , . 123

Receiver process ow Volunteer




Please swipe your EBT card


Enter the number


Please enter the number of the food you want to pick up

You received the food for Mr.Chen Are you prefered to send a thank-you-note to him? Yes




or Enter your EBT card number

Notes Please make sure the door is closed after you take the food out

Would you like to leave some feedbacks



3 4







Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , . 123



3 4

5 6





Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M , . 123


Receiver process ow Volunteer


Donate Food


Receiver’s experiene survey

What kind of foods you want to donate ?

1)Is this your first time useing our machine today?

Yes No 2)Could you eat up the food you picked up?

See you next time and enjoy your food


I can eat up the food what I got I am not sure about I can eat up them I cannot eat up the food what I got

Vegetables 3)How satisied are you today ? Fruits


rescue station

Food runner Food bank






Wholesale Chain Wholesale Chain Young Adult

Retail store Copia

Grocery shop

Food waste

Delivery Chain


Old Adult


Distributor Manufacture

Supply Chain Overcooking

Ambigious label betwen “sell by” and “use by”

fats vitamins

Farmer proteins. carbohydrates

Pollination may fail


Agriture Water

safety regulations Packaging defects


Green house effect


Soil Seed







Usful way to send Production trails the food


Air Pollution

Disease set in

International trade Hunger

Relieve the hunger Ship



Important for health

Packing Truck

Damaged Environment

Airplane Vitemans Neigborhood




growing size of refridge

human emotion

Supermarket Grocery chain Charity

human emotion

rescue station


Vietnams Vitemans Malnutrition

rescue station

big size of plate A Balanced Diet



Supply Chain

Delivery Chain

Wholesale Chain



Ground transportation Farmers Manufactures Distributer

Overcooking Production trails Packaging defects Disease set in Pollination may fail

harvesting methods weather conditions processing infrastructure marketing system


Airplane Packing Ship Packing Truck

cooling methods storage Transpot capacity Sort out

transport safety regulations lacks of technology supports

supermarket Grocery shop Retail store

Ambigious label betwen “sell by” and “use by” Ove-purchsed safety regulations

transport safety regulations Seeking for more money

Young adult Adult Old adult

Donors staff employee employer Food bank

dump the foods the missed relationship between cant finish imperfection in pick up the extra foods from appearance or shape. farmermarket or house

cant eat up the foods foods offcolor ugly looking

low quality of food relieve hunger More job opptunity Business effeciency

relieve hunger

global warming pollution 70,000 tons of CO2 People green house gases People dont like to see empty space when comes to food the size of dinner plate is growing the size of refrigerator is growing

Food waste during the Agricultural value chain Production




Consumer level

Rescue station

farm-level food waste

Biologist Who

Landowner Government

Lack of scientific support What

waste land Low effeciency of farming

farming restrciton Why


No attention to the farming restrciton

No attention to the farming restrciton

Farmers Manufactures Distributer

Overcooking Production trails Packaging defects Disease set in Pollination may fail

harvesting methods weather conditions processing infrastructure marketing system


Airplane Packing Ship Packing Truck Ground transportation

cooling methods storage Transpot capacity Sort out

transport safety regulations lacks of technology supports

global warming pollution 70,000 tons of CO2


Young adult

Grocery shop


Retail store

Old adult

Ambigious label betwen “sell by” and “use by” Ove-purchsed safety regulations

transport safety regulations Seeking for more money

green house gases

Donors staff employee employer Food bank

dump the foods the missed relationship between cant finish imperfection in pick up the extra foods from appearance or shape. farmermarket or house

cant eat up the foods foods offcolor ugly looking

low quality of food relieve hunger More job opptunity Business effeciency

the size of dinner plate is growing

Market dont like to see empty space the size of refrigerator is growing

relieve hunger

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