Chenxiaoyue Fu Portfolio 傅晨小玥 作品集 Master of Architecture Design Works from Nov. 2015 - June. 2021
Content 目录
01. 02. 03. 04.
An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略 Location: Dubai, the UAE Time: Sep.2020 - Jan. 2021 Type: Academic design studio
A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部 Location: Dubai, the UAE Time: March 2021 - May 2021 Type: Academic design studio
A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼 Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China Time: March.2020 - June 2020 Type: Academic design studio
A reserch and office design: Linkong Zoom - Oasis 临空科研及办公项目建筑概念方案 Location: Shanghai, China Time: July 2020 - Aug. 2020 Type: Intership Practice
05. 06. 07. 08.
A farm market renewal design 农贸市场环境综合改造工程设计 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Dec. 2017 - Feb. 2018 Type: Full-time Job Practice
Other full-time practice projects 其他实践性项目 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China Time: June 2017 - March 2018 Type: Full-time Job Practice
Other academic design studio projects 其他研究性项目 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Nov. 2015 - June. 2017 Type: Academic design studio
Others 其他探索 Location: Dubai, the UAE Time: Sep.2020 - May 2021 Type: Surveying, printing, photograph
A lot of super centers and blocks in Dubai that separate Dubai to several ‘cities’ 迪拜有很多超级街区像是迪拜城市中的‘城中城’
Introduce water into city and develop green land 将海水引入城市,发展绿洲吸收海水
Develop centers on the boundaries of 'cities' 在每个‘城中城’的交汇处建设中心
Connect centers 将各个中心相连
01. An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略 Location: Dubai, the UAE 01/ Time: Sep.2020 - Jan. 2021 Type: Academic design studio
Challenge: sea level rise & hot weather Strategy: introduce water into city, develop oasis, built shelter
挑战: 海平面上升和炎热的气候 策略:将海水引入城市,发展绿洲吸收海水,建设遮蔽物
03/ An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略 2/
Dubai River, man-made river, can be used as a tool to regulate the impact of rising sea levels on Dubai
A series of green spaces along the artificial river will soak up water through infiltration
Water is introduced into the city along the existing main road network to reduce the impact of the water
Block scale-60-120m * 200-300m
Connect centers and provide new green land in block forming oasis system
海水通过沿着人工河流的一系列绿地被渗透 吸收 02/ An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略
沿着现有的主要道路网络将水引入城市,以 减少海水侵袭对城市的影响
连接各个中心, 在每个地块内提供新的绿地,形 成绿洲网络
Masterplan 总平面图 0
Tower Hotel, office, studio
Block center Shopping mall, traffic center
Transportation 交通
Block center 街区枢纽
1 Living space living room, kitchen, garden, study room
Shared public space Theater, restaurant, gallery, museum
Functional space 功能空间
Perspective 效果图
Section 1-1 剖面图 1-1
03/ An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略
Concept diagram 概念图示
City transportation subway, car, bicycle
Shared oasis Park, plaza, exhibition, playground
Community transportation car, bicycle
04/ An urban planning strategy for future sea level rise 应对未来海平面上升的城市规划策略
Master plan of the art center 艺术中心总平面
Tourist Industry Residential Commercial Educational
The site is in a region of tourists. 场地周边多为游客活动的区域 Mix- use tower
Artist club B
The rising sea level will make many of the arts centers around the site where Dubai's art festivals take place every year disappear. Therefore, it was necessary to build a future arts centre on the site. 迪拜每年有很多艺术节在场地周边的多个艺术中心举办,而 海平面上升将会让这些艺术中心消失。因此,有必要在场地 内建造未来的艺术中心。
Artist club A
Build future Shoreline Art Center on artificial island 在人造岛上建造未来海岸艺术中心 Concept of the master plan of the art center 艺术中心总平面概念
Generation of the master plan of the art center 艺术中心总平面生成 Circle pattern Texture Extract 肌理 提取 Circulation of the master plan of the art center 艺术中心总平面流线
Mix pattern Radial pattern
Break 打碎
Follow 跟随
Shape 塑造
One branch
02. A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部 Location: Dubai, the UAE 05/ Time: March 2021 - May 2021 Type: Academic design studio
Ground floor plan 一层平面
Subway floor plan 地铁站平面
Connection 连接
Perspective of mix-used tower & Subway 综合大楼及地铁效果图
Perspective of shoreline arts center 海岸艺术中心效果图
Tourist circulation 游客流线 Perspective of gallary and green roof 美术馆及屋顶花园效果图
Bird's-eye view of shoreline arts center 海岸艺术中心鸟瞰
Artists and workers circulation 艺术家及工作人员流线
06/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
Mix-used tower lighting 综合大楼采光
Mix-used tower interaction 综合大楼互动
Generation of the artists club 艺术家俱乐部生成
Masterplan 总平面图
Perspective 效果图
Section 2-2 剖面图 2-2
07/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
21M Floor
18M Floor
12M Floor
Ground Floor
Entrance hall & pool 门厅和水池
08/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
Living space 生活区
Entertainment 休闲区
21M Floor
18M Floor
12M Floor
Ground Floor
Exhibition & Lecture & Reading 展览 & 演讲 & 阅读
09/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
Workshop & Studio 事务所 & 工作坊
Structure 结构
Tectonic of facade 立面构造
Rotating Louvers with Solar Pane 太阳能板发电的旋转遮阳叶片 Steel Roller 钢轴 Steel Frame 钢框架
Wallboard Frame 墙板框架 Steel Joint 钢连接件
Steel Furring for Façade Wall 支撑墙板的钢条
Glass 玻璃 Steel Frame 钢框架
Façade Wall 外墙板
Steel Joint 钢连接件 Glass 玻璃 Steel Furring for Façade 支撑钢条 Steel Stud Curtain Wall 幕墙钢龙骨 Folding Shutter 折叠遮阳 Steel Roller 钢轴 Wood Floor 木地板
Steel Column 钢柱
Wood Floor Furring 木地板龙骨
Steel Beam 钢梁
Concrete Slab 混凝土楼板 Welded Wire Reinforcing Mesh 焊接钢丝网 Steel Profiled Sheeting 折型钢板
Steel Frame 钢框架 Steel Roller 钢轴
Wallboard Frame 墙板框架 Steel Beam Concrete Column
10/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
Rotating Louvers with Water Electro Generating 可以用水力发电的旋转叶片
Photots of physical model 实体模型照片
Interior space 室内空间
Tectonic 构造大样
11/ A shoreline artist club design for future sea level rise 未来海平面上升情景下的海岸艺术家俱乐部
Tectonic of facade 外立面构造
Tectonic of facade 外立面构造
03. A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼 Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China 12/ Time: March.2020 - June 2020 Type: Academic design studio
Site analysis
Generation of masterplan GYM 2*3.5M EQUIPMENT & REFUGE FLOOR 2*3.5M
HOTEL 20*3.5M
main road guide line
interior road
RESIDENTIAL AREA 20*3.5M plaza podium
OFFICE 20*3.5M
STUDIO 20*3.5M
Generation of tower shape 13/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Site plan ground floor plan
master plan
underground square entrance
underground square entrance
podium entrance
podium entrance
underground square entrance podium entrance
parking entrance
parking entrance
parking entrance
parking entrance
hotel entrance
podium entrance podium entrance
residential entrance
residential entrance
studio entrance
podium studio entrance lobby hotel entrance lobby
office entrance
hotel entrance lobby
office entrance
office entrance lobby core area 0
14/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
3D section of podium and tower
15/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Plan public
public reception
fitness room
fitness room
50-69F residential
72-88F hotel
total area 2039m2
total area 2137m2
core area 295m2
core area 295m2
usable area 1167m2
usable area 1263m2
public area 102m2
public area 102m2
space efficiency 62%
space efficiency 64%
office A
office B
swimming pool
pingpang room
billiard parlor
office C
fitness room public
Yoga room
office D
coffee shop
96-98F gym
28-47F office 2
16/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
total area 2257m
total area 2257m2
core area 295m2
core area 138m2
usable area 1579m2
usable area 1679m2
public area 180m2
space efficiency 74%
space efficiency 78%
Structure of the podium
wall system
floor system
beam system
column system
Structure of the tower
column system
exoskeleton system
beam system
17/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
floor system
interior wall system
exterior wall system
void facade system
Facade Construction
exterior glass
exterior glass
A special basket structure was adopted to solve the problem of force conversion. In addition, the diagonal column system of the podium forms an interesting public space. 采用特殊的篮子结构 , 解决了力转换问题。 此外 , 裙房斜柱系统形成了一个有趣的公共 空间。
hole glass
basket structure
interior wall
Environmental Strategy Ventilation - Circulate air
Ventilation -Circulate air
Ventilation - Circulate air - Humidifier
Water curtain - Cool the building - Humidifier
Floor Heating System - Heat the room air
Water Circulation Cooling System -Cool the room air Double Vacuum Glass - Reduce the heat dissipation Air-conditioning System -Refresh the indoor air -Cool the room air
Air-conditioning System - Refresh the indoor air - Humidifier
Air-conditioning System - Refresh the indoor air - Use pressure to get rid of cold air
18/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Spring and Fall
Perspective of podium and tower
Perspective on the top of podium 19/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Perspective of bar in the tower hall
Perspective on the ground floor of podium
Perspective of swimming pool in top floor of the tower
Perspective of the tower hall
20/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Soft Landscape
Camphor tree
Mulerry tree
Hard Landscape
green square warm-grey rough brick with grass
activity space dark wood floor
outdoor floor square warm-grey rough brick
Ginkgo tree
hotel plaza bluestone stone cutting surface
siderwalk square grey matte brick
Dishlia 21/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
entrance floor long bluestone brick
Material of the Interior Design
wall rough dark marble tile
bar counter smooth dark marble tile
wall textured timber
floor square white-grey marble tiles indoor floor square warm-grey matte brick
elevator hall patterned carpet
foyer floor square white-grey marble tiles
outdoor floor long bluestone brick
22/ A performative skyscraper design: Sky Break 在空中呼吸的摩天大楼
Generation of massing 体量生成
主车行入口 Main Car Entrance
Main Pedestrian Entrance
捷径 Shortcuts
响应城市以穿过场地的主要城市捷径划分建筑体量,主要出入口依附于重要 响应周边建筑回应周边建筑环境,对项目体量进行消减,为场地北侧的现 设置空中花园连接个建筑单体,使屋顶公共空间和城市界面得到延续。 的城市道路设立,并结合贯穿场地的数条捷径,形成四通八达的城市交通网络。 有建筑创造充足的光照环境和开阔的视野。 Responding to the surrounding building context, reduce building volume, and Set up a sky garden to connect a single building unit, so that the roof public space Raise the building volume along the periphery of the site to maximize the central Divide the building volume by the main city shortcut that crosses the site. Main and urban interface can be continued. city park. entrances are placed near main urban streets. and combined with several shorcuts create sufficient lighting environment and wide view for the existing buildings on the north side of the site. that run through the site to form an extensive road network.
Function 功能
五人制 足球场 Futsal
Food street 商业美食街
室内 篮球场 Indoor Buscketball Court
网球场 Tennis Court
地下室内 运动中心 Indoor Sports
室外活动场 Playground
篮球场 Basketball Court
Sport park 社区体育活动中心
环形跑道 Running Track
Events plaza 活动广场
Balcony 阳台
在穿越公园的快捷通道的两侧我们提供了餐饮和其他便利服务,不论是在上 依附于景观绿化带上的活力运动公园,不仅为园区内的办公者提供了锻炼、 中心广场位于公园正中,由一个巨型玻璃屋顶覆盖,可以举行表演,露天 每层楼都会被提供至少 1 个户外空间,有些是屋顶花园,有些是户外阳台。 班通勤,中午用餐,或周末休息时间,都可以提供完整的社区服务。 休憩的场所,其功能的辐射范围还覆盖了周边社区。 电影,现场宣讲等各种活动。 每层楼的员工都被保证拥有户外休闲的空间。 On either side of the shortcut through the park, we provide catering and other The vitality sports park attached to the landscape green belt not only provides a The central plaza, in the middle of the park, is covered by a huge glass roof and Offices in all floors are equally offered with access to outdoor green spaces, roofconvenience services, whether it is during commute to work, lunch break , or place for the office workers to exercise and relax, but also covers the surrounding can host performances, open-air movies, live presentations and other activities. top or balconies. weekend, we can provide full community service. communities with its functional radiation range.
04. A reserch and office design: Linkong Zoom - Oasis 临空科研及办公项目建筑概念方案 Location: Shanghai, China 23/ Time: July 2020 - Aug. 2020 Type: Intership Practice
Masterplan 总平面
24/ A reserch and office design: Linkong Zoom - Oasis 在临空科研及办公项目建筑概念方案
Ground floor 首层平面
25/ A reserch and office design: Linkong Zoom - Oasis 在临空科研及办公项目建筑概念方案
First floor 一层平面
26/ A reserch and office design: Linkong Zoom - Oasis 在临空科研及办公项目建筑概念方案
-maintain and cost-effective materials as well as egies are used to maximize the improvement of of residents in the old community. Materials
"Baishui Lake" Indoor Market Renovation "Baishui Lake" Indoor Market Renovation Environmental Renovation
Environmental Renovation Strategies
厚芝麻灰花岗岩盲道板铺装 Sesame-gray Sesame- gray Tactile Paving Granite Curbstone Granite Tactile Paving Environmental Renovation
Sesame-gray Granite Tactile Paving Materials
机切面细花芝麻灰花岗岩侧石 Sesame-gray Sesame- gray Granite Curbstone
Project Result
Project Result Project Result Details
"Baishui Lake" Indoor Market Renovation
Sesame-gray Granite Curbstone
Sesame-gray Granite Curbstone
Sesame-gray Granite Tactile Paving
B Project Result
3.0 3.0 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design 方案三 方案三 方案三 · 人视图 · 人视图 · 人视图 After "Baishui Lake" Indoor 建筑材料 建筑材料 建筑材料 AfterMarket Renovation After
"Baishui "Baishui Lake" Lake" Lake" Indoor Indoor Indoor Market Market Market Renovation Renovation Renovation idential"Baishui Standard floor Ground floor farmers market
Thick Tellow Bibulou Brick
Sesame-white Granite Walkway Paving
Before 厚细花芝麻白花岗岩火烧面铺装 厚黄色吸水砖 ·Ocher coatings for Sesame-white ·Warm grey stone coating for Thickstone-like Tellow Bibulou Brick Sesame-white Thick Tellow Bibulou Brick Sesame- white Granite Walkway Paving Thick Yellow Permeable Brick Environmental Renovation Sesame-gray Sesame-gray Granite Walkway Paving Facade Facade Renovation Renovation Renovation exterior wall painting (solid exterior wall Granite Walkway Paving n paintFacade for Granite Curbstone Granite Tactile Paving Before Before color) ·Black horizontal and vertical e and cornice Red Concrete Sesame-black Before Strategies Project Result Intersecting Grass Brick Granite Walkway Paving REAL PROJECTS ·The width of coffee horizontal Materials line (faux brick), with the brick cornice is 100mm, and the is 600mm wide, 300mm high, he balcony is 3.0 3.0 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design After "Baishui Lake" Indoor Market Renovation Red Concrete Sesame-black distance from windowsill is with the line width is 10mm REAL PROJECTS 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design Intersecting厚黄色吸水砖 Grass Brick 厚芝麻黑花岗岩荔枝面铺装 Granite Walkway Paving 方案三 · 人视图 建筑材料 建筑材料 建筑材料 800mm lower ·Coffee stone coatingThick for Tellow Bibulou Brick Sesame-white Red Concrete Sesame-black e coatings for Red Concrete Permeable Grass Brick Sesame- black Granite Walkway Paving Granite Walkway Paving Environmental Renovation 建筑材料 Lake" Indoor Market Renovation original cornice on"Baishui wallSesame-gray Intersecting Grass Brick Granite Walkway Paving ting (solid Sesame-gray Before Granite Curbstone Granite Tactile Paving Before After After
Facade Renovation
Red Concrete Intersecting Grass Brick Sesame-white Granite Walkway Paving
Sesame-black After 3.0 3.0 改造设计 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design Granite Walkway Paving
3.0 3.0 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design REAL PROJECTS 建筑材料 建筑材料 建筑材料 "Baishui Lake" Indoor Market Renovation
3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design
Thick Tellow After After After aa long long a long period period period of of use, of use, use, the the old the old city old city has city has has gradually gradually gradually lost lost lost its its its Bibulou Brick 建筑设计 建筑设计 建筑设计 Before Before Before 建筑材料 former former former glory, glory, glory, and and and the thesurrounding the surrounding surrounding of ofmany of many many functional functional functional areas areas areas Sesame-gray Sesame-gray Before 3.0 3.0 改造设计 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design has has has become become become old, old, old, dirty dirty dirty and and and messy. messy. messy. In In order In order order to to respond to respond respond to to the to thethe Granite Curbstone Granite Tactile Paving 3.0 3.0 改造设计 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design After 建筑设计 建筑设计 建筑设计 3.0 3.0 改造设计 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design government's government's government's call call for call for the for the renovation the renovation renovation of of theof the old the old city, old city, the city, the key the key areas key areas areas 建筑设计 建筑设计 建筑设计 机动车停放 Materials of of residential of residential residential lifelife inlife in this in this district this district district were were were reconstructed, reconstructed, reconstructed, including including including 坐凳 & 花圃 路边绿化 自行车停放 停车绿化 建筑设计 建筑设计 建筑设计 Chair & parterre Greening Bicycle parking Park greening Car parking buildings, buildings, buildings, sidewalk sidewalk sidewalk greening greening greening and and and facilities. facilities. facilities. With With With limited limited limited funds, funds, funds, 3.0 3.0 改造设计 3.0 改造设计 改造设计 Transformation Transformation Transformation Design Design Design durable, durable, durable, easy-to-maintain easy-to-maintain easy-to-maintain and and cost-effective and cost-effective cost-effective materials materials materials asas well as well as well as asRed Concrete Sesame-black After 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 建筑设计 建筑设计 Intersecting Granite Walkway Paving sustainable sustainable sustainable strategies strategies strategies are are used are used used to to maximize to maximize maximize thethe improvement the improvement improvement of of of Grass Brick 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design Facade Renovation After After After After a long period of use, the old city has gradually lost its 建筑设计 Before Sesame-white Thick Tellow Bibulou Brick living living living conditions conditions conditions of of residents residents of residents in in thethe inold the old community. old community. community. former glory, and the surrounding of many functional areas has become old, dirty and messy. In order to respond to the government's call for the renovation of the old city, the key areas of residential life in this district were reconstructed, including buildings, sidewalk greening and facilities. With limited funds, durable, easy-to-maintain and cost-effective materials as well as sustainable strategies are used to maximize the improvement of Red Concrete living conditions of residents in the old community.
Intersecting Grass Brick
3.0 改造设计 Transformation Desig 方案三 · 人视图 建筑材料
Granite Walkway Paving Sesame-gray Granite Curbstone
Sesame-gray Project Project Project Result Result Result Granite Tactile Paving
3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 3.0 Before 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 建筑设计 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计
Details Details Details 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design After Sesame-black 建筑材料 Granite Walkway Paving Thick Tellow Bibulou Brick
Project Result
Sesame-white Granite Walkway Paving
Top Top floor Top floor floor ofof residential of residential residential Standard Standard Standard floor floor floor Ground Ground Ground floor floor floor farmers farmers farmers market market market Masterplan - 仿木纹涂料(咖啡色) - 外墙面粉刷土黄色仿石涂料(纯 - 外墙面粉刷暖灰色真石漆(纯色) - 顶层构件及线脚粉刷仿木纹涂料, ·Ocher 色) - 通长黑色水平线及竖向线条(仿砖 ·Ocher ·Ocher stone-like stone-like stone-like coatings coatings coatings forforfor·Warm ·Warm ·Warm grey grey grey stone stone stone coating coating coating forforfor building building building 阳台边缘线脚宽100 - 横向咖啡色水平线脚,距离台低800 缝网格),网格宽600,高300 exterior exterior wall wall painting wall painting painting (solid (solid (solid exterior exterior exterior wall wall wall ·Faux ·Faux ·Faux Wood Wood Wood grain grain grain paint paint paint forforfor exterior - 外墙面粉刷土黄色仿石涂料(纯 ,线脚宽100 - 墙面原有凸起线脚粉刷咖啡色真 color) color) color) ·Black ·Black ·Black horizontal horizontal horizontal and and vertical and vertical vertical toptop floor top floor floor structure structure structure and and cornice and cornice cornice 色) 石漆 Top floor of residential Standard floor ·The ·The ·The width width width of of coffee coffee of coffee horizontal horizontal horizontal line line (faux line (faux (faux brick), brick), brick), with with the with the brick the brick (brown) (brown) (brown) After a long period of use, the old city has gradually lost its brick building Before ·Ocher stone-like coatings for cornice cornice cornice is is 100mm, 100mm, is 100mm, and and the and thethe is is 600mm 600mm is 600mm wide, wide, wide, 300mm 300mm 300mm high, high, high, ·The ·The ·The cornice cornice cornice of of thethe offormer balcony the balcony balcony is is is glory, and the surrounding of many functional exterior wall painting (solid ·Faux areas Wood grain paint for distance distance from from from windowsill windowsill windowsill is is is with with the with the line the line width line width width is is 10mm 10mm is 10mm 100mm 100mm 100mm wide wide wide has become distance color) top floor structure and cornice old, dirty and messy. In order to·Coffee respond tocoating the 800mm 800mm lower lower lower ·Coffee ·Coffee stone stone stone coating coating forforfor ·The width of coffee horizontal ·Ocher ·Ocher ·Ocher stone-like stone-like stone-like coatings coatings coatings forforfor800mm (brown) government's call for the renovation of the old city, the keycornice areas cornice is 100mm, and the original original original cornice cornice cornice on wall on wall wall ·Theon of the balcony is exterior exterior exterior wall wall painting wall painting painting (solid (solid (solid distance from windowsill is of residential life in this district were reconstructed,100mm including wide color) color) color) Before Before Before A farm market renewal design 800mm lower
·Ocherfunds, stone-like coatings for buildings, sidewalk greening and facilities. With limited exterior wall painting (solid 农贸市场环境综合改造工程设计 durable, easy-to-maintain and cost-effective materials color) as well as sustainable strategies Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, Chinaare used to maximize the improvement of - Feb.conditions 2018 living of residents in the old community. 27/ Time: Dec. 2017
Type: Full-time Job Practice
Project Re
Red Concrete Sesame-black 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Intersecting Grass Brick Granite Walkway Paving
Design 建筑设计
Ground floor farmers market 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design ·Warm grey stone coating for exterior wall ·Black horizontal and vertical 建筑材料 line (faux brick), with the brick is 600mm wide, 300mm high, with the line width is 10mm After After After ·Coffee stone coating for original cornice on wall
3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 建筑设计 3.0 改造设计 Transformation Design 建筑设计 Project Result
A office tower design 中恒建设集团总部大楼设计 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China 28/ Time: Apr. 2017 - Oct. 2017 Type: Full-time Job Practice
A middle school design 中等学校设计 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Oct. 2017 - Jan. 2018 Type: Full-time Job Practice
A residential area design 居住小区设计 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China 29/ Time: Sep. 2017 - Nov. 2017 Type: Full-time Job Practice
A renewal urban design: Forest 老厂区地段更新性城市设计:森林 Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China 30/ Time: Mar. 2016 - Apr. 2016 Type: Academic design studio
A bus station design: Ferry 客运站设计:渡口
A city business hotel design: Silk 城市高层商务酒店设计:丝途
A residential area design 居住小区设计
Location:Yudu, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Apr. 2016 - June 2016 Type: Academic design studio
Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Nov. 2015 - Dec. 2015 Type: Academic design studio
Location: Jinxian, Jiangxi Province, China Time: Jan. 2017 - June 2017 Type: Academic design studio
Surveying of an ancient dwelling: Jiexiao Hall 古建测绘:渼陂节孝祠
Painting 绘画
Photograph 摄影
Education Background 学术背景 Sep.2019- June 2021
Xi'an Jiaotong- Liverpool University (RIBA Part 2)
Architecture( 2- years Program)
Sep.2012- June 2017
East China Jiaotong University
Architecture( 5- years Program)
Academic Research 学术研究 2021 Research on the Life and Spatial Transformations of the Courtyard in the Old Town of Suzhou 苏州老城区庭院的生活 与空间转换研究 Numerous still-work traditional courtyard housings are still active within the Old Town of Suzhou, which used to accommodate one extended family. However, nowadays, several families normally share one house and adapt the house and courtyard for their use. This research primarily investigates the life and spatial transformation of the traditional courtyard housing in the changing societal and historical background: How and why have these changes happened in people’s lives and these houses? The purpose of this research is to rethink the relationship between changes of the occupants’ life and the spatial transformation in the Suzhou courtyard housing. By studying changes of the occupant group and their lifestyle as well as comparing the traditional and current characteristics, such as layout and facilities, in two Suzhou courtyard housings, Wangzhai in Donghuaqiao Lane and No.50 in Shizijie, reasons of spatial transformation resulting from lifestyle changes can be summarized. First, the increasing residents forced people to expand into the courtyard which strengthens the sense of enclosure of the courtyard. Second, the change of residents made rooms re-divided because of changed function, and the circulation also be transformed. Third, the contradiction between modern living facilities and the traditional structure and materials was transformed into the functional complexity of courtyards and passage. 在苏州古城区的许多传统院落中仍然有人居住。这些院落曾经用来容纳一个大家族生活在其中。现如今,一个院落中 住着几个或者十几个家庭。新的居民根据他们的需求把房子和院子潜移默化地改造这些院落。本研究主要研究了在不 断变化的社会历史背景下,传统院落民居的生活和空间转型:人们生活发生了什么变化?这些空间转型是如何以及为 什么会发生这些院落中?本研究的目的是重新思考苏州院落民居中居住者生活变化与空间转型之间的关系。以东花桥 巷的汪宅和十梓街的 50 号这两个苏州古城区中的传统院落为案例,通过分析居住人群和他们的生活方式的变化以及 比较传统和当前的建筑空间特征,如布局和设施,概括了因生活方式改变带来的空间转型。首先,不断增加的居民数 量迫使建筑向庭院延伸,从而加强了庭院的围合感。第二,不同居民群体对建筑功能的需求不同导致建筑内部空间重 新划分,内部交通流线也发生了变化。第三,为解决现代生活设施与传统结构和材料之间的矛盾,庭院和通道的功能 变得更加复合。 2020 The ‘way of nature’ realized through modernist architecture- Based on Chinese traditional philosophy 以中国传统哲学 为基础实现现代主义建筑的“自然之道” With the erosion of Chinese architecture by western architectural ideas, people begin to pay attention to and reflect on the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional architecture. Wang Shu came to public attention with the Pritzker Prize. As a humanistic architect adhering to the "way of nature", he not only has a profound study of Chinese traditional architecture, but also has a unique understanding of modernist architecture. In many of his works, he can be seen using modernist architecture to express traditional Chinese philosophy. 随着西方建筑思想对中国建筑的侵蚀,人们开始关注和反思中国传统建筑的继承和发展。王澍因获得普利兹克奖而引 起公众的注意。作为一位坚持“自然之道”的人文主义建筑师,他不仅对中国传统建筑有着深刻的研究,而且对现代 主义建筑有着独特的理解。在他的许多作品中,可以看到他用现代主义建筑来表达中国传统哲学。 2020 The architects worked with the government to encourage public participation in the renewal of community spaces in the old town 建筑师与政府合作,鼓励公众参与旧城社区空间的更新 With the development of Chinese cities, the community public space in old cities gradually fails to meet the needs of modern people, and the renewal of community space is urgent.However, there are many obstacles in the process of space renovation, and the architects need the support of the government to encourage the public to participate in space renovation through multi-party cooperation.Maintain community atmosphere and enhance neighborhood relations while participating in the renewal of space configuration for community space. 随着中国城市的发展,老城区的社区公共空间逐渐不能满足现代人的需求,社区空间的更新迫在眉睫。但是在空间改 造的过程中存在许多障碍,建筑师需要政府的支持,通过多方合作来鼓励公众参与空间改造。在参与社区空间空间配 置更新的同时,维护社区氛围,增进邻里关系。
2019 Design Intention and User Activities 设计意图和用户活动 Due to the complexity of socio-economic, political and cultural backgrounds, in the process of urban public spaces use, some users or groups creative their own space by changing or destroying the original designed environment. This motivation is mainly to meet people’s practical needs, such as shade, shelter from the rain, observation, communication and safety, in urban public spaces which do not only belong to them. Norberg-schulz (1984) asserted that the daily life of users is the thing that urban designers real should concern. Design is the organization of space (Rapoport, 1977), utilizing and optimizing existing conditions (Simon, 1969). Every user can be the designer, creator or innovator of urban space. For example, two kids doing their homework on a stone table in a sidewalk park near their elementary school, an elderly man sitting on a chair across the street waiting for kids to leave school, or a teenager practicing skateboarding on the slope of a flower bed. The social natural redefinition and physical interference on these spaces from daily users make each urban space unique. Therefore, in dealing with this ever-changing space, designers cannot avoid the mobility of users and the diversity of activities. 因为社会经济、政治和文化背景的复杂性,在城市居民共享的城市公共空间的过程中,部分使用者和使用团体通过改 变或破坏原有设计空间环境来找到适合自己的空间解决方案。人们的种种动机主要是为了满足他们在这不单单属于自 己的城市公共空间的实际需求,比如遮阳、避雨、观察、交流和安全。Norberg-Schulz(1984) 断言使用者的日常生 活才是城市设计师的真正应该关心的问题。设计即是对空间的组织 (Rapoport, 1977),利用并优化现有条件 (Simon, 1969)。每个使用者都是应该是城市空间的设计者、创造者或变革者。例如,趴在小学附近的街边公园的石桌上写作 业的两个孩子,坐在街对面椅子上、等孩子下课的老人,或是利用花坛坡面练习滑滑板的少年。这些日常使用者对这 些空间的物理干扰和社会属性的重新定义将每一个城市空间都变为独一无二。所以处理这种永远处于变化中的空间, 设计者不能避开使用者的流动性和活动的多样性。 2017 Inheritance and Renewal 传承与更新 Utilizing literature review, case study and questionaires, this research is intended to redevelop the old shanty towns in Jinxian County, thereby providing a useful guide for future similar urban designs. The approaches and strategies inplemented are based on data on the actual situation and existing resources from field research. 本研究以晋县旧棚户区改造为研究对象,运用文献资料法、案例分析法和问卷调查法,对晋县旧棚户区改造进行研究, 为今后类似的城市设计提供参考。实施的方法和策略是基于实际情况的数据和现有的资源从实地研究。 2016 Location and Function of Pocket Park 口袋公园位置与功能 People's living environment and quality of life are gradually declining, and urban space is filled with densely packed buildings. No one can shelter themselves outside the building . People can only shuttle between the office building and the home, making it difficult for people to breathe.This study attempts to emphasize the importance of urban pocket parks to the urban environment and people's psychology by analyzing a number of classic cases, and to study the impact of different park locations on the behavior of people. 人们的生活环境和生活质量逐渐下降,城市空间中充斥着密集的建筑。没有人能在大楼外躲避。人们只能在办公楼和 家之间来回穿梭,呼吸困难。本研究试图通过分析一些经典案例,强调城市袖珍公园对城市环境和人们心理的重要性, 并研究不同的公园位置对人们行为的影响。 2015 Research on Jiangxi Guild Hall of Nanchang 南昌江西会馆调研 The Guild Hall is a unique type of building due to the large-scale migration of the population during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is different from the official buildings and also from ordinary residential buildings. It is an institution established by people of the same origin or in the same industry in various cities, and is used by all walks of life in the same town for assembly and residency purposes. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the halls with different functions and the relationship between the halls and the city traffic, the relationship between the halls and the cities is analyzed and the foundation for the future use of the halls is laid. 会馆是明清时期由于人口的大规模迁移而形成的一种独特的建筑类型。它既不同于官方建筑,也不同于普通的住宅建 筑。它是由不同城市的同一出身或同一行业的人们建立的机构,并被同一城镇的各行各业用作集会和居住的目的。通 过对不同功能厅的特点以及厅与城市交通的关系的分析,分析厅与城市的关系,为厅的未来使用奠定基础。