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PORTfolio Yu-cheng


| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Content About Me

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Product Design

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Coin Reminder Green Thumb H-Ring

Sketch | Photography |

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Chenyu Chen 陳昱丞 1984.5.31 +886-919-216-291


National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan MS of Bioengineering, 2008 BA of Biology and Technology 2006

Interest Reading / Swimming / Badmintom Photography

Software skills Photoshop / Illustrator Lightroom / RHINO 3D

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Why do I want to be a designer? When I was pursuing my master degree in Biotechnology in National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), I viewed myself not only a scientist, but also a designer. While planning special requirement of experiments, I made and modified some tools and devices to obtain better data, and those creation and modification did bring up satisfactory results. I was proud that these tools I made bring good results and it also raised my passion to design in which I have always been keen. As a laboratory staff, I see the potential and the need of the development of more effective tools. I strongly believe that with my laboratory experiences and scientific background, I can design much useful experimental tools for laboratory use. This is the reason why I want to be a designer. Design brings easy to life.

| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Experience President of Volunteer Group of Counseling Center, NCTU, 2005-2006 Director of Art Design Department of Volunteer Group of Counseling Center,NCTU, 2004-2005 Director of Art Design Department of Yi-Lan Schoolmates Association,NCTU, 2003-2004 illustration of Student Annual Calendar in NCTU, published by Counseling Center, 2003, 2004 Poster, Logo and Flag of Sports Game, NCTU, 2005, 2007, 2008 illustration of Counseling Publication, published by Counseling Center, 2007 Alumni Sports Game of NCTU, 2007, 2008 Greating Card and New Year’s Card of Principal's Office, NCTU, 2008 Club T-shirt of Yi-Lan Schoolmates Association, NCTU, 2003 Sports Game of NCTU, 2005, 2007, 2008 Alumni Sports Game of NCTU, 2005, 2007, 2008 Website of Department of Student Association, Department of Biology and Technology, 2003 Website of Dr. Kuang-wen Liao’s Lab, NCTU, 2005-2008

Publication Tseng FJ, Chen YC, Lin YL, Tsai NM, Lee RP, Chung YS, Chen CH, Liu YK, Huang YS, Hwang CH, Lai YK, Liao KW. Cancer Biol Ther. (2010 Nov) “A fusion protein with the receptor-binding domain of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is an antagonist of angiogenesis in cancer treatment: Simultaneous blocking of VEGF receptor-1 and 2”.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Product Design Coin Reminder Green Thumb H-Ring

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| Yu-cheng Chen

No one forgets his coin inserted in the coin lock of cart.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Coin Reminder According to a statistics in Taiwan, about 12.5 percent of the energy is wasted on idle lights and plugs of unused devices. People need a simpler and easier way to remind ourselves turning off lights and pulling idle plugs away when leaving the space. So that "protect environment and save Earth" is no longer just a slogan.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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Concept Coin Reminder use the concept of coin-lock of cart in shopping mall. In order to take the coin back, Users usually remember to put the cart back to where it should be. Combination of plug and the idea of coin lock could remind people turning off lights when leaving the space, thus, we can achieve the purpose of saving more energy.   

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Idea Sketch

It is the first model of coin reminder which has a simple but fashionable shape. However, after making a small clay model, I found that it is hard to insert and eject the coin, so I did some modification and add a power-buttom symbol in the product.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Coin Reminder can be installed for the desk lamps in the library and for devices and lights in conference rooms, thus people will be reminded to turn the power and lights off when they leave.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

How does it work?

ithout coins in oin e inder, the power is turned off.

hen putting a coin into oin e inder, the switch will glow and the power will be turned on.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Have you ever had these experiences? You had followed the protocol from the text book to grow a potted plant; however, it was died three months later. You had just bought a potted plant to decorate your office desk, but it withered because you were too busy to water and fertilize it. Actually, growing a potted plant is not very difficult. All you need is a little assistance from nowadays technology.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Green Thumb Some people think that it is very easy to grow potted plants and all they need to do is watering and put the pot under sun shine, but their plants are always died in a few months. Actually, growing potted plants has a lot of knowledge that we don't know, for example, nitrogenous fertilizer helps stem and leaf of plants grow better and different plants need totally different formula of nutrients. In order to solve this small but bothering problem, I tried to combine existing technology and developed a product called "green fingers" to help people grow potted plants simpler and more easily.

Analysis ■ why I want to let growing potted plants easier ■ where Home, school, office. ■ when Anytime. ■ what A specific ■ who People who want to grow potted plants without many experiences. ■ how Combine present technologies for teaching people how to grow plants.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Concept Green thumb is combination of the solar panel, wireless network (WIFI), a microcomputer, and a sensor which can detect nutrient in soil. The sensor can detect the quantities of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and water and report to microcomputer. After comparing with the data which is downloaded through WIFI, Green thumb can notify you to add different fertilizer in different time. Thus, you can grow your plants better.

Idea Sketch

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Model 1

Model 2

streamline form 5 4 3





model 2 model 1 Manufacturing Process

Control clarity

Functional analysis I made two models by 3D modeling software, Rhinoceros 3D, and assayed these models with a survey from 20 people. According to this survey, model 1 got 19 points from total 25 point (5 points as the highest score of each part), whereas model 2 got only 15 points. Due to model 1's high score, I chose model 1 as final shape of product.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Function & Scale 13 cm


Solar panels: The main power source of green finger. Touchscreen: Show the informations and control pannel of the green finger.

Sensor: Detect the elements content, like water, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, of the soil, and send the data to microcomputer. Just insert Greenthumb into the soil and select the plant which you want on the touchscreen, the microcomputer will download all the necessary information by WIFI.

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Microcomputer: With WIFI inside, can download the grow informations you need from the Internet and alert you to offer water and nutrients.

| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Color Plan

Which color do you like?

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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With the help of Green thumb, you will never worry that your potted plants would wither.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

We even know more outside gossips than inside bodys.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

H-Ring According to a statistics of Department of Health in Taiwan, cancer has been the first of cause of death (COD) for almost thirty years. Although it could be discovered by present medical technology, it is difficult for some busy people to spare a day for physical examination in the hospital. When they discover something unusual in their body, the situation is usually so terrible and serious that it is hard to cure. Over past decade, biotechnology has advanced rapidly, especially in biochip which is combined with semiconductor. Having a significant enhancement of manufacture and sensitivity, the biochip has become an indispensible tool in medicine examines. With the assistance of the biochip, simple and quick checkup is no longer a dream. No matter where you are, you can clearly realize the status of the body in short time by a simple operation.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Concept The advantages of biochip are small volume, short reaction time, and high sensitivity, so that it is a faster way to know the status of our body. With detection of specific molecules in blood, diseases, such as cancer, can be easily detected and monitored.

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Idea Sketch Concept 1 Concept 1 is like a blood sugar monitor. It looks simple for use, but people need to draw blood from fingertips first by themselves.

Concept 2

Concept 2 is like an arm belt. The machine can be set on people’s arm and automatically draw blood from capillary under the skin. But it is hard for some old people to operate if the machine was tied on their arm.

Concept 3

Concept 3 was designed as a bangle. Like concept 2, it can also draw blood automatically from the capillary under the skin. Wearing on wrist, it is easy to operate the machine and read the result. Therefore, I consider that concept 3 is the best of the three, and set up its 3D model.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

| Portfoilo

With the H-ring, it is easier to take a basic physical exam.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

How does it work?

3. Touch the screen to begin testing by the other hand.

2. Make your forearm flat and be little lower than your heart.

1. Set the H-ring under the edge of wrist.

By the assistance of H-ring, the painless needle on the biochip can quickly draw a small amount of blood from the inside of your wrist for checkup. After the examination, the data can be stored in the H-ring and you can look it up in the H-ring whenever you want. If you want to have an advanced physical examination, you can bring these data to hospital. According to these data the doctor can easily realize your health information, and provide a more suitable examination for you.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen


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| Yu-cheng Chen

It all starts from a pencil...

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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| Yu-cheng Chen


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| Yu-cheng Chen

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Tumor Never disappear even I die.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Stock I can go to futher place , but can NOT across this fence.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thailand

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thailand

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Sunset Zakim Bridge, Boston, US

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

Sunrise Green Island, Taiwan

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Lotus, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

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| Portfoilo

| Yu-cheng Chen

The Central Library of Rochester, Rochester, New York, US

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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Runway I usually stay on the runway, through I never use it to run away.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Spider and its delicacy, Backyard , Yilan, Taiwan

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| Yu-cheng Chen

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Lanyang Museum , Yilan, Taiwan

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Unite units We are not only small circles, after falling in circle line.

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| Yu-cheng Chen

Acknowledgement Deepest thanls to the professors, teachers, and colleagues who provided bountiful guidance and collaborative energy for the work presented in the portfolio. 這本作品集的完成,要感謝提供意見與解惑的前輩們,授予 知識、技法的老師們,以及互相鼓勵的朋友,給予支持的家 人。更謝謝看完這本作品集的您,請不吝指教,讓我能學到 更多,往更上層樓邁進。

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To Be Continuted // 2012

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