Free ebook sneak preview

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Free Preview Inside, you’ll find: -select recipes -a sneak peek at my meal prep and core tips

Introduction Hi there! My name is Cheri and I really appreciate you investing time in my (free) e-­‐book. First thing that I want you to know is that I am NOT a certified nutritionist or personal trainer yet. I’m currently studying nutritional science at UC Berkeley. I’m aiming to get a DPT (doctorate of physical therapy) and eventually get my PhD in sports nutrition. This e-­‐book is to help you get started with making healthier choices and to provide tips in case you need some help getting started. My main focus will be simplicity and how to make smart choices while being busy (since I’m a college student athlete) this is to help those in college, those who are athletes, or those who work long days. Please don’t feel obligated to do everything or anything that I suggest. These are merely suggestions. Again, I’m not certified yet, but I hope this e-­‐book will be useful.

If you’re already following me on Instagram (cherie_amour05) you

have a pretty good grasp on what I like to post and what I’m interested in. Many of you probably wonder why I am so interested in health, fitness, and nutrition. All of this goes back to the experiences I have been through that dealt with illnesses and deaths and occasionally injuries. I wrote a memoir that reflected on the past decade, but that’s a different story. Anyways, without a healthy body, how can you achieve or do what you want or what you love? In this free version of my ebook, you will find select recipes and a sneak at meal prep and core tips that I’ve elaborated on in the full version!

Meal Prep Tips For those who are just starting to meal prep, there are so many different combinations you can do. It takes some time, but wouldn’t you rather get a couple hours of cooking in on a Sunday afternoon than come home to no food and you are just too exhausted to cook? Why not just order pizza or eat take-­‐out? Because you will be spending unnecessary money that will just end up hurting your body in the long run. If you prepare ahead of time, it’ll save you time and money. Once you get home from a long day, just open the fridge and eat that salad you made or just re-­‐heat that delicious juicy steak. If you’re just starting out, it helps to take 5-­‐10 minutes aside to write down a grocery list of everything you plan to make or want to eat in that week or 2 weeks. For ideas of a grocery list, see the next section.

I personally make enough meals

for 3-­‐3.5 days so that my food stays fresh; you can definitely make more meals and just freeze them so the food won’t go bad.

If you don’t have access to a

kitchen where you can cook, salads are your best bet!

Busy with School?

If you’re not a student, skip ahead! As a student myself, I understand the struggles when it comes to eating on or off campus—especially with the busy class schedules, extra-­‐curricular activities, and having a social life. If you’re living in the dorms, it’ll be harder than if you’re living in an apartment or a house where you can actually cook. For all the tips on how you can avoid “the freshman 15” and how to avoid those late night instant noodles or pizzas, please see the full version of my ebook. I explain ways to stay on the healthy track in the dorms, apartments, or off campus.

Busy with Children?

Obviously, I’m not a parent (not until a few years), but I see that it’s a

similar approach as those who are busy with school or work. Although, I know children are a lot to handle, but if your kids are under 16, I think meal prepping will work in your favor. Especially if you work long full days; I remember watching my own mother come home from a long day of work then having to cook dinner for us. She just looked exhausted and that was probably the last thing on her mind. I know she would appreciate a dinner already made that she could come home to and just eat and relax.

Now, I’m not saying to meal prep for the entire family because I’m sure

kids won’t want to have a ready-­‐to-­‐go chicken salad. They want their pasta or burger. I think that if you’re working full-­‐time, spend the time on the weekend to make them something more elaborate. Keep it simple during the week! A veggie chicken stir-­‐fry with some sweet potatoes will do justice and

will be fine! Assuming your kids eat pretty well too. If you want to make something more interesting than a stir-­‐fry (which takes like 15min), prepare the ingredients you need the night before. I remember some nights my mother would cut up the vegetables she was going to use and she would also marinate the meat. She would also wash the rice in the morning so when she came home, she could just press “cook” and throw the pre-­‐cut veggies and meat onto a pan. It really saves a lot of time.

Busy with Work?

I think being busy with school is similar to being busy with work.

Although the breaks may be different, it’s definitely easy to bring some prepped meals and keep it in the fridge. And better yet, stash some nuts and fruit in your drawer so when your stomach is calling, you can munch on something. I know sometimes the office will have bagels or pastries for you but do you want to start your day off with a high sugar food that will just be used up within an hour or so leaving you more groggy than before? Set your alarm 5-­‐10min earlier than usual, throw pre-­‐cut veggies on a pan and crack some eggs and egg whites onto it. If you’re short on time, take the coffee or tea to go in the car! In the full version of the ebook, I have provided a sample grocery list for you that I use. Definitely modify it to your goals and needs! I’ve also added a section about “When Eating Out” and how to not feel obligated to indulge on those delicious unhealthy foods just because your friends are doing it.

Please do modify the recipes to your needs!

RECIPES: breakfast Avocado Pancakes Ingredients: -1/2 avocado diced -1/8c water or nut milk -1/2 scoop protein powder (optional) -1/2 of 1/3c coconut flour…(couldn’t find my other measuring cups) OR just use 1/4c blanched almond flour/meal -1 egg -2 egg whites -Cinnamon -Pinch of baking powder -Pinch of salt (optional)

Directions: -Blend all ingredients and cook on a heated skillet (may need to add more water b/c this batter is pretty thick) -Slather with fruit, chocolate, honey, syrup, or whatever you want

Morning Kick Booster

Ingredients: 1-2 eggs 4-6 egg whites Handful or two of spinach or kale 1/2 avocado Coconut oil or olive oil Salt, pepper, to taste Any other seasonings wanted

I say this is a kick booster because eggs are a great way to start the morning to kick off your metabolism and has some great protein

Eggs also protect your eyesight (2 antioxidants in eggs) and help with memory and brain development (choline in eggs). The avocado adds some healthy fats to help you feel fuller.

Directions: On a heated pan, cook the eggs (whisked or not) in hot oil Once the eggs start to cook, add the spinach/kale After the eggs cook, place them on the plate and top with avocado.

RECIPES: Â Lunch/Dinner Â


Salmon Salad

Ingredients: 1 fillet salmon 1/2 cucumber, peeled and sliced/diced Bell peppers, chopped and diced Lemon juice, olive oil, basil & oregano to season salmon

Directions: Bake the salmon at 350 for about 15min Meanwhile, stir-fry the vegetables on a heated pan and with oil Once the salmon and veggies are done, place on a plate and enjoy (The lemon was just to top off the salad for the picture :D)

Who doesn’t love sushi? Why not try a healthier version!

Smoked Salmon Sushi Roll

Ingredients: 4oz-smoked salmon

I substituted white rice with brown rice. *NOTE* brown rice takes longer to cook

Sheets of nori seaweed (depending on how many you want) Directions: 1/2 avocado Chopped bell peppers and carrots

Cook the brown rice; once cooked, place it on the nori sheet and add what you want in your sushi

1/4-1/2c brown rice Bamboo sheet (to roll up the sushi)

Roll up the sushi with the help of the bamboo sheet then cut!

Shrimp Quinoa Power Bowl

Ingredients: 4oz shrimp 1/2 avocado, peeled, pitted, and sliced Bell peppers, chopped Any other veggies you want 1/4c dry quinoa

This bowl may look pretty and delicious, but it’s simple to make!! It’s packed with great protein, healthy fats, and carbs from the shrimp, avocado, and quinoa to keep you satiated!

Directions: Cook the quinoa as instructed Cook the shrimp on a heated pan; once the shrimp start to turn pink, throw in the chopped veggies Once the shrimp veggie mix is done, mix with the cooked quinoa in a bowl and add the avocado!

RECIPES: SNACKS & DESSERTS Dark Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Ingredients: 1 frozen banana 1/4ishc almond milk (eyeballed it; sorry) Small pieces of dark chocolate

Directions: Blend a frozen banana with the milk until smooth Add in the dark chocolate and blend again If your mixture isn’t thick or creamy enough, freeze it for a while Top with cinnamon or gummi bears ;)

Cookies n’ Crème Protein Pancakes

Ingredients: 2tbsp coconut flour 1/2 scoop Dymatize Elite Gourmet Cookies & Crème flavor 2 egg whites (per pancake); I made 3 so 6 egg whites (optional) <1/8c water to make the batter less thick

Directions: Whip all ingredients until smooth On a heated pan, cook the batter (any size pancakes you want) Layer or top with greek yogurt, nut butter, fruit, etc

Pre-Workout1 You should try to eat a meal 2-3 hours before working out with quality protein and low glycemic carbs such as oatmeal. 30min to an hour before a workout, you can eat another snack (simple carbs) to help fuel your workout may give you that extra push and stimulate insulin to counteract cortisol (the hormone that can break down muscle).

Post-workout You should try to hit the “window of opportunity” after a workout, which is 45-60min following a workout. This is called the “window of opportunity” because after a workout, within an hour, your body is most vulnerable to absorbing nutrients that you put in.

In fact, some studies have showed that participants who consumed protein immediately after their workout versus a placebo gained “significantly” more muscle size and strength than those who consumed it two hours removed from their workout.

In the full version of this ebook, there are examples of what you could eat pre and post workout along with some other tips regarding pre and post workout! 1

Workout Tips Note: I’m not a certified trainer yet; just here to help anyone to live a healthier lifestyle and provide some tips and examples of workouts. Please do modify it to your needs!

Cardio So many people think, “if I run for an hour straight, I will burn fat and I’ll be able to eat whatever I want later!” Wrong. Well, yes cardio burns fat but high intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat than if you were to run for a long period of time. If you’re just beginning or don’t like sprints much…try this first and slowly work your way to increasing the times of bursts and rests and repeats. Treadmills do work but you burn more calories if you were to run on a track because treadmills are at a constant speed and you are not able to push yourself like you would at a track.

In the full version of this ebook, I have provided sample HIIT workouts along with other workouts you could do on the beach or at home!

Core Work Please don’t sit in the gym or at home and do 200 crunches. It won’t help you get abs or a more toned stomach. It can help a little, but you have to do more than crunch to get a defined stomach. First of all, diet plays a bigger role than doing crunches. And the abdominal is just

like any other muscle; it needs rest. I suggest doing abs 2-3x a week, giving it a day between to rest and develop! In the full version of this ebook, I’ve provided exercises for upper abs, lower abs, obliques, core stabilization, swiss ball exercises, plank circuits, and the follow TRX circuit! My TRX ab circuit: 3x10 of each move w/no rest between exercises; 45sec-1min rest between sets -Plank 30sec -Plank (side to side sway) 10x ea side -Plank on palms (knees to chest) 10x -Plank on palms (alt. knee to chest) 10x -Plank on palms into pikes (hips/butt high) 10x REST 30sec -Side plank 15sec into oblique crunches (knees to chest) 10x ea side -Side plank w/rotation (top arm under across body and reach) 10x ea PICTURE REFERENCE FOR MY TRX AB CIRCUIT

Stretching Stretching is vital for muscle recovery and growth. You should always stretch (and foam roll if accessible) after a workout. Just take at least 15min a day, whether it’s after a workout or before bed to stretch out those muscles you’ve used. Stretching allows you to have a better range of motion, more energy, a more relaxed state of mind, and to help ease the pain and soreness after a tough workout. If you plan to stretch before a workout, make sure it’s dynamic not static because you want your blood flowing before a strenuous activity. Static stretching (to improve mobility, range of movement, and strength) should be done only post-workout. If you haven’t tried it yet, yoga is a great way to get quality stretching in. It also works other parts of your body such as your arms and core.

Conclusion and Contact Info Once again, I want to thank you for taking time to invest in this free ebook. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email (; twitter (cherie_amour05); Instagram (cherie_amour05); or KIK (cherayy). I am really open to any suggestions or comments you have about this ebook. It’s my first one and I’m hoping to update it eventually once I get certified or when I have new recipes! Please feel free to download the full version if you liked this one!

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